Mountain Shrine
Immortal Wishes is based on Dr. Ellen Schattschneider's
field research at Akakura Mountain Shrine (Akakurayama Jinja) on the
lower slope of Akakura Mountain,
at the southern end of the Tusgaru Plain, in Aomori Prefecture, northern
Tohoku, Japan.
The shrine emerged out of a series of revelatory dreams experienced
by a local rural woman kamisama spirit
medium in the 1920s. In time, this woman founded
the shrine on Akakura's slopes, and has come to be revered as a divinity
by shrine worshippers. To this day, the shrine is the site of healing
rituals performed by kamisama spirit mediums
and various other ceremonial performances. Many worshippers (most
of whom are women) undertake arduous period of ascetic discipline
(shugyo) on the mountain's rugged, volcanic
slopes. Here, they may behold visions of mountain divinities
and demons, often closely associated with joyous and traumatic features
of their own lives.
Spiritual beings venerated
at Akakura Mountain Shrine include: Akakura
Daigongen, Fudo Myoo, The Five Radiant
Lords (Godaimyoo) Ryujinsama (Dragon)
and the Dragon Princess, Kannonsama,
Kobo Daishi, and the shrine foundress,
sometimes referred to as the "Great Mother."
The shrine has a senior
(honke) branch, established by the original foundress, and a junior
(bunke) branch founded by another great kamisama spirit medium.
Resources on Shinto Shrines
Shrines (Jinja)
This helpful entry explains
the major compoments of a Shinto shrine. From the Glossary
of Shinto Names and Terms
A helpful on line dictionary of Shinto terms, prepared by the Institute
for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University
Shrines (CyberShrine)