Current (March 6, 2009)
- Sampling
- Stochastic
- QMC halton sequence
- Tracing
- Forward Path tracing
- Importance sampling
- Russian roulett
- Acceleration
- Primitive Type Octree
- Filters
- Box
- Sinc
- Mitchell
- Materials
- Glass
- Perfect specular
- Lambertan
- Ward Anistropic- EE corrected
- Blend
- Textures
- Grid
- Recursive
- Lighting
- Env Map- not currently importance sampled
- Area type primitive light
- Primitives
- Mesh
- Triangle
- Instance
- Accelerator
- Sphere
- File Format
- .tlr files - .obj based
- can read java code in the file
- can link to meshes in other .tlr files
- Misc
- Oversampling
All compiled using JDK 1.6
For higher performance, make sure to add -Xmx1500m to a shortcut, or, edit the batch file to point to the correct jre
Current release V0.012b (03/11/09): TLRcam binary and examples
Previous release V0.01b (03/7/09): TLRcam binary and examples
- Ompf forum
- Realtime raytracing forum.
- Sunflow
- Another photorealistic java raytracer. Very helpful if you program a renderer
- Indigo
- A free physically based renderer