Some slides from talks by Daniel Ruberman
Here are a few files with slides from talks I've given over the last few years.
Configurations of embedded spheres
, University of Wisconsin, Madison, November 2015.
Index theory for end-periodic operators
, PIMS Symposium on the Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Vancouver, June 2015.
Absolutely exotic 4-manifolds
Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, Hamilton, Ontario, December 2014.
Embeddings of non-orientable surfaces
Workshop on Geometry and Topology of smooth 4-manifolds, Max Planck Institute, Bonn, June 2013.
An index theorem for end-periodic operators
, University of Minnesota, November 2011.
Applications of Heegaard-Floer theory to link concordance
, University of Paris, March 2011.
Periodic-end Dirac operators and Seiberg-Witten theory
, Duke University, December 2009.
Slice knots and the Alexander polynomial
, Wesleyan University, November 2009.
Slice knots and the Alexander polynomial
, Miami University, November 2009.
Rohlin’s invariant and periodic-end Dirac operators
, Conference on Spectral Geometry, Potsdam, May 2008.
Periodic-end Dirac Operators
and Positive Scalar Curvature
, Texas Geometry & Topology Conference, Rice University, October 2006.
Rohlin's Invariant and
4-dimensional Gauge Theory
, AMS Special Section, Bloomington, April 2003.
Applications of 1-parameter
gauge theory
, Dartmouth Colloquium, March 2004.
Rohlin’s Invariant and 4-dimensional Gauge Theory
, Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Fields Institute, Hamilton, May 2004.
Isotopy of 4-manifolds and the Seiberg-Witten equations
, AMS Special Session, Charlotte, October 1999.
Last updated: June 3, 2016