Recent Publications
MB Villalonga, A Noyce & R Sekuler (submitted) Dynamics of spatial selection and decision-making under conflict.
MB Villalonga & R Sekuler (2023) Keep your finger on the pulse: Better rate perception and gap detection with vibrotactile compared to visual stimuli. Perception, Attention, & Psychophysics 85 2004-2017.
R Sekuler & AB Sekuler (2023) Perceptual attributes in memory research. The Oxford Handbook of Human Memory, MJ Kahana & AJ Wagner (eds.)
RF Sussman & R Sekuler (2022) Feeling rushed? Perceived time pressure impacts executive function and stress. Acta Psychologica 229 103702
L Yi & R Sekuler (2022) Audiovisual interaction with rate-varying signals. i-Perception 13 1–15.
J Tai, J Forrester & R Sekuler (2022) Costs and benefits from audiovisual combination. Perception 51 639-657.
T Lin, X Zhang, EC Fields, R Sekuler, & A Gutchess (2022)) Spatial frequency impacts perceptual and attentional ERP components across cultures. Brain and Cognition 157 105834
Y Sun & R Sekuler (2021) Decision-making and multisensory combination under time stress. Perception 50 627-645c
MB Villalonga, RF Sussman, & R Sekuler (2021) Perceptual timing precision with vibrotactile, auditory, and multisensory stimuli. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 83 2267-2280
A Gutchess, J Ksander, PR Millar, BA Uzundag, R Sekuler & A Boduroglu (2021) Cultural differences in performance on Eriksen's Flanker Task. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 83 882-898.
A Gutchess & R Sekuler (2019) Perceptual and mnemonic differences across cultures. Psychology of Learning and Motivation 71 131-174, KD Federmeier (editor), Elsevier.
MB Villalonga, RF Sussman & R Sekuler (2020) Feeling the beat (and seeing it, too): Vibrotactile, visual, and bimodal rate discrimination. Multisensory Research 33 31–59.
K Tong, C Dubé & R Sekuler (2019) What makes a prototype a prototype? Averaging visual features in a sequence. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 81 1962-1978.
CS Rogers, L Payne, S Maharjan, A Wingfield & R Sekuler (2018) Older adults show impaired modulation of attentional alpha oscillations: Evidence from dichotic listening. Psychology of Aging 33 246-258.
Y Sun, TJ Hickey, BG Shinn-Cunningham & R Sekuler (2017) Catching audiovisual interactions With a first-person fisherman video game. Perception 46 793-814.
L Varghese, SR Mathias, S Bensussen, K Chou, HR Goldberg, Y Sun, R Sekuler & BG Shinn-Cunningham (2017) Bi-directional audiovisual influences on temporal modulation discrimination. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 2474-.
AM Aizenman, JM Gold & R Sekuler (2018) Multisensory integration in short-term memory: Musicians do rock. Neuroscience 389 141-151.
AS Keller, L Payne & R Sekuler (2017) Characterizing the roles of alpha and theta oscillations in multisensory attention. Neuropsychologia 99 48-63.
S Maharjan, JM Gold & R Sekuler (2017) Memory and learning for visual signals in time and space. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 79 1107-1122.
L Payne, CS Rogers, A Wingfield & R Sekuler (2017) A right-ear bias of auditory selective attention is evident in alpha oscillations. Psychophysiology 54 528-535.
R Sekuler, J Huang, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett (2017) Online modulation of selective attention is preserved in healthy aging. Experimental Aging Research 43 217-232.
A S Keller & R Sekuler (2015) Memory and learning with rapid audiovisual sequences. Journal of Vision 15:7. doi: 10.1167/15.15.7.
C Dubé & R Sekuler (2015) Obligatory and adaptive averaging in visual short-term memory. Journal of Vision 15 13. doi: 10.1167/5.4.13.
H Goldberg, Y Sun, TJ Hickey, B Shinn-Cunningham & R Sekuler (2015) Policing fish at Boston's Museum of Science: Studying audiovisual interaction in the wild. i-Perception 6
A Noyce & R Sekuler (2014) Oddball distractors demand attention: Neural and behavioral effects of predictability in the flanker task. Neuropsychologia 65 18-24.
A Noyce & R Sekuler (2014) Violations of newly-learned predictions elicit two distinct P3 components. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8 374.
L Payne & R Sekuler (2014) On the importance of ignoring: Alpha oscillations protect selective processing. Current Directions in Psychological Science 23 171-177.
C Dubé, F Zhou, M J Kahana & R Sekuler (2014) Similarity-based distortion of visual short-term memory is due to perceptual averaging. Vision Research 96 8-16.
JR Manning, TF Lew, N Li, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2014) MAGELLAN: A cognitive map-based model of human wayfinding. Journal of experimental Psychology: General 143 1314-1330.
C Dubé, L Payne, R Sekuler & CM Rotello (2013) Paying attention to attention in recognition memory: Insights from models and electrophysiology. Psychological Science 24 2398-2408.
JM Gold, A Aizenman, SM Bond & R Sekuler (2013) Memory and incidental learning for visual frozen noise sequences. Vision Research 99 19-36.
TP Zanto, R Sekuler, C Dubé & A Gazzaley (2013) Age-related changes in expectation-based modulation of motion detectability. PLoS One 8 e69766. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069766 Full text
E Roudaia, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett & R Sekuler (2013) Aging and audio-visual and multi-cue integration in motion. Frontiers in Perception Science 4
L Payne, S Guillory & R Sekuler (2013) Attention-modulated alpha-band oscillations protect against intrusion of irrelevant information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 1463-1476.
M van Vugt, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2012) An electrophysiological signature of summed similarity in visual working memory. Journal of experimental Psychology: General
H Sternshein, Y Agam & R Sekuler (2011) EEG correlates of attentional tracking. PLoS ONE 6 e22660
N Matthews, BJ Gold, R Sekuler & S Park (2011) Gesture imitation in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 35
SNJ Watamaniuk, R Sekuler & S McKee (2011) Perceived global flow direction reveals local vector weighting by luminance. Vision Research 51 1129-1136.
J Maryott, A Noyce & R Sekuler (2011) Eye movements and imitation learning: Intentional disruption of expectation Journal of Vision 11 7.
J Huang & R Sekuler (2010) Attention protects the fidelity of visual memory: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Journal of Neuroscience 30 13461-13471.
NJ Cohen, M Pomplun, BJ Gold & R Sekuler (2010) Sex differences in the production and acquisition of complex skilled movements. Experimental Brain Research 205 183-193.
NJ Cohen and R Sekuler (2010) Chunking and compound cueing of movement sequences: Learning, retention and transfer. Perceptual and Motor Skills 110 736-750.
J Huang & R Sekuler (2010) Distortions in recall from visual memory: Two classes of attractors at work. Journal of Vision 10 24.1-27.
Y Agam, J Huang & R Sekuler (2010) Neural correlates of sequence encoding in visuomotor learning. Journal of Neurophysiology 103 1418-1424.
S Viswanathan, DR Perl, KM Visscher, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2010) Homogeneity computation: How inter-item similarity in visual short term memory alters recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17 59-65.
J Huang, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2009) A task-irrelevant stimulus attribute affects perception and short-term memory. Memory & Cognition 37 1088-1102.
M Galster, MJ Kahana, HR Wilson & R Sekuler (2009) Identity modulates short-term memory for facial emotion. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience 9 412-426.
M van Vugt, A Schulze-Bonhage, R Sekuler, B Litt, A Brandt, G Baltuch & MJ Kahana (2009) Intracranial electroencephalography reveals two distinct similarity effects during item recognition. Brain Research 1299 33-44.
J Maryott & R Sekuler (2009) Age-related changes in imitating sequences of observed movements. Psychology and Aging 24 476-486.
KM Visscher, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2009) Trial-to-trial carry-over in auditory short-term memory. Journal of experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 46-56.
Y Agam, J-S Hyun, JF Danker, F Zhou, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2009) Early neural signatures of visual short-term memory. NeuroImage 44 531-536.
PC Pantelis, MK van Vugt, R Sekuler, HR Wilson & MJ Kahana (2008) Why are some people's names easier to learn than others? The effects of similarity on memory for face-name associations. Memory & Cognition 36 1182-1195.
BJ Gold, M Pomplun, NJ Rice & R Sekuler (2008) A new way to quantify the fidelity of imitation: Preliminary results with gesture sequences. Experimental Brain Research 45 784-793.
R Sekuler, C McLaughlin & Y Yotsumoto (2008) Age-related changes in attentional tracking of multiple moving objects. Perception 37 867-876.
J Danker, G Hwang, L Gauthier, A Geller, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2008) Characterizing the ERP Old-New effect in a short-term memory task. Psychophysiology 45
Y Agam & R Sekuler (2008) Geometric structure and chunking in reproduction of motion sequences. Journal of Vision 8 1-12
Y Yotsumoto, MJ Kahana, C McLaughlin & R Sekuler (2008) Recognition and order information in working memory for visual textures. Memory & Cognition 36 282-294.
R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2007) A stimulus-oriented approach to memory. Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 305-310.
MJ Kahana, F Zhou, A Geller & R Sekuler (2007) Lure-similarity affects episodic recognition: Detailed tests of a noisy exemplar model. Memory & Cognition 35 1222-1232.
Y Yotsumoto, MJ Kahana, HR Wilson & R Sekuler (2007) Recognition memory for realistic synthetic faces. Memory & Cognition 35 1233-1244.
Y Agam & R Sekuler (2007) Interactions between working memory and visual perception: An ERP/EEG study. Neuroimage 36 933-942.
Y Agam, H Galperin, BJ Gold & R Sekuler (2007) Learning to imitate novel motion sequences. Journal of Vision 7 1-17.
PJ Bennett, R Sekuler & AB Sekuler (2007) The effects of aging on motion detection and discrimination identification. Vision Research 47 799-806.
F Zhou, V Wong & R Sekuler (2007) Multi-sensory integration of spatio-temporal segmentation cues: One plus one does not always equal two. Experimental Brain Research 180 641-654.
K Visscher, E Kaplan, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2007) Auditory short-term memory behaves like visual short-term memory. Public Library of Science, Biology. 5 Epub Great illustration for article
EL Newman, JB Caplan, MP Kirschen, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2007) Learning your way around town: How virtual taxicab drivers learn to use both layout and landmark information. Cognition 104 231-253.
Y Yotsumoto & R Sekuler (2006) Out of mind, but not out of sight: Intentional control of visual memory. Memory & Cognition 34 776-786.
R Sekuler, C McLaughlin, MJ Kahana, A Wingfield & Y Yotsumoto (2006) Short-term visual recognition and temporal order memory are both well-preserved in aging. Psychology and Aging 21 632-637.
A Kuhlman, D Little & R Sekuler (2006) An interactive test of serial behavior: Age and practice alter executive function. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 28 126-144.
G Hwang, J Jacobs, A Geller, J Danker, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2005) EEG correlates of subvocal rehearsal in working memory. Behavioral and Brain Function 1 20-
Y Agam, D Bullock & R Sekuler (2005) Imitating unfamiliar sequences of connected linear motions. Journal of Neurophysiology 94 2832-2843.
J Gold, RF Murray, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett & R Sekuler (2005) The decay of short-term visual memory is deterministic. Psychological Science 16 769-774.
R Blake & R Sekuler (2005) Perception (5th edition), New York: McGraw-Hill. For information
R Sekuler, MJ Kahana, C McLaughlin, J Golomb & A Wingfield (2005) Preservation of episodic visual memory in aging. Experimental Aging Research 31 1-13.
G Robles-de-la-Torre & R Sekuler (2004) Numerically estimating internal models of dynamic virtual objects. ACM Transactions in Applied Perception 1 102-117
F Zhou, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2004) Short-term episodic memory for visual textures: A roving probe gathers some memory. Psychological Science 15 112-118.
R Sekuler, A Siddiqui, N Goyal & R Rajan (2003) Reproduction of seen actions: stimulus-selective learning. Perception 32 839-854.
R Blake, R Sekuler & E Grossman (2003) Motion processing in human visual cortex. In J H Kaas and C E Collins (editors), The Primate Visual System. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2002) Recognizing spatial patterns: A noisy exemplar approach. Vision Research 42 2177-2192.
R Sekuler, SNJ Watamaniuk & R Blake (2002) Visual motion perception. In H. Pashler (Series Ed.) & S. Yantis (Vol. Ed.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology: Vol. 1. Sensation and perception (3rd edition). New York: Wiley.
R Sekuler (2001) Vision impairment and rehabilitation: Taking stock and looking ahead. The Gerontologist 41 556-559.
R Sekuler & R Blake (2001). Perception (4th edition), New York: McGraw-Hill.
V Della-Maggiore, AB Sekuler, CL Grady, PJ. Bennett, R Sekuler & AR McIntosh (2000) Corticolimbic interactions associated with performance on a short-term memory task are modified by age. The Journal of Neuroscience 20 8410-8416.
MP Kirschen MJ Kahana, R Sekuler & B Burack (2000) Optic flow helps humans learn to navigate through synthetic environments. Perception 29 801-818.
R Sekuler & AB Sekuler (2000) Vision and aging. In A Kazdin (editor) Encyclopedia of Psychology American Psychological Association and Cambridge University Press, volume 8, pages 180-183.
JB Caplan, MJ Kahana, R Sekuler, M Kirschen & JR Madsen (2000) Task dependence of human theta: the case for multiple cognitive functions. Neurocomputing 32 659-665. Abstract
R Sekuler & AB Sekuler (2000) Visual perception and cognition. In J G Evans,T F Williams, B L Beattie, J-P Michel & G K Wilcock (editors) Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine, 2nd Edition, 874-880. Oxford University Press.
G Naor-Raz & R Sekuler (2000) Perceptual dimorphism in visual motion from stationary patterns. Perception 29 325-335.
AR McIntosh, AB Sekuler, C Penpeci, MN Rajah, CL Grady, R Sekuler & PJ Bennett (1999) Recruitment of unique neural systems supporting visual memory in normal aging. Current Biology 9, 1275-1278. Abstract
MJ Kahana, JB Caplan, R Sekuler & JR Madsen (1999) Using intracranial recordings to study theta: Response to O'Keefe and Burgess. Trends in Cognitive Science 3 406-407
AB Sekuler & R Sekuler (1999) Collisions between moving visual targets: What controls alternative ways of seeing an ambiguous display? Perception 28 415-432.
MJ Kahana, R Sekuler, J Caplan, M Kirschen & JR Madsen (1999) Intracranial recordings reveal task-dependent changes in theta oscillations during virtual maze navigation by human subjects. Nature 399 781-784. Abstract
Selected Less-Recent Publications
R Sekuler & R Blake (1998) Star Trek on the Brain: Alien Minds, Human Minds WH Freeman Publishers.Paperback edition, 1999; Japanese edition, 1999, Fusosha Publisher.
R Sekuler, AB Sekuler & R Lau (1997) Sound alters visual motion perception. Nature 385 308.
RP O'Shea, DG Govan & R Sekuler (1997). Blur and contrast as pictorial depth cues. Perception 26 599-612.
R Sekuler (1996) Teaching Sensory Processes with multimedia: One of my teaching assistants is a mouse. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 28 282-285.
R Sekuler (1996) Motion perception: A modern view of Wertheimer's 1912 monograph. Perception 25 1243-1258.
R Sekuler (1995) Motion perception as a partnership: Exogenous and endogenous contributions. Current Directions in Psychological Science 4 43-47.
R Sekuler & R Blake (1994) Perception (3rd edition), New York: McGraw Hill.
AB Sekuler & R Sekuler (1993) Representational development of direction in motion perception: A fragile process. Perception 22 899-915.
EN Dzhafarov, R Sekuler & J Allik (1993) Detection of changes in speed and direction of motion: Reaction time analysis. Perception & Psychophysics 54 733-750.
DW Kline, TJB Kline, JL Fozard, W Kosnik, F Schieber & R Sekuler. (1992) Vision, aging and driving. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 47 P27-P34. Abstract
SNJ Watamaniuk & R Sekuler (1992) Temporal and spatial integration in dynamic random dot stimuli. Vision Research 32 2341-2348.
DW Williams, SD Tweten & R Sekuler (1991) Using metamers to explore motion perception. Vision Resarch 31 275-286.
AB Sekuler, R Sekuler & EB Sekuler (1990) How the visual system detects changes in the direction of moving targets. Perception 19 181-195.
M Nawrot & R Sekuler (1990) Assimilation and contrast in motion perception: Explorations in cooperativity. Vision Research 30 1439-1451.
W Kosnik, L Winslow, D Kline, K Rasinski & R Sekuler (1988) Visual changes in daily life throughout adulthood. Journal of Gerontology 43 P63–P70.
P Russell, R Sekuler &J Fikre (1987) A "hidden" deficit in central vision in diabetic pan-retinal photocoagulation patients. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics 7 249-253.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1987) Direction-specific improvement in motion discrimination. Vision Research 27 953-967.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1986) Improving visual perception in older observers. Journal of Gerontology 41 176-182.
R Sekuler & K Ball (1986) Visual localization: Age and practice. Journal of the Optical Society of America: A 3 864-867. (original UFOV publication)
D Williams, G Phillips & R Sekuler (1986) Hysteresis in the perception of motion direction as evidence of neural cooperativity. Nature 325 253-255.
W Kosnik, J Fikre & R Sekuler (1986) Fixation stability in older adults Investigative Ophthalmology 27 1720-1725.
PW Russell, R Sekuler & C Fetkenhour (1985) Visual function after pan-retinal photocoagulation: a survey. Diabetes Care 8 57-63.
CJ Owsley, T Gardner, R Sekuler & H Lieberman (1985) Role of the crystalline lens in the spatial vision loss of the elderly Investigative Ophthalmology 26 1165-1170.
DW Williams & R Sekuler (1984) Coherent global motion percepts from stochastic local motions. Vision Resarch 24 55-62.
R Sekuler, HR Wilson & CJ Owsley (1984) Structural modeling of spatial vision. Vision Research 24 689-700.
P Russell, R Sekuler, D Roxe, R Messersmith & P Mulvanny (1983) Contrast sensitivity of hemodialysis patients. Metabolic, Pediatric & Systematic Ophthalmology 7 201-206.
CJ Owsley, R Sekuler & D Siemsen (1983) Contrast sensitivity throughout adulthood. Vision Research 23 689-699.
R Sekuler, D Kline, K Dismukes & AJ Adams (1983) Some research needs in aging and visual perception. Vision Research 23 213-216.
R Sekuler, K Ball, P Tynan & J Machamer (1982) Psychophysics of motion perception. Tutorials on Motion Perception AH Wertheim, WA Wagenaar & HW Leibowitz (eds.) Plenum Press, New York. Pp. 81-100.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1982) A Specific and enduring improvement in visual motion discrimination Science 218 697-698.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1981) Cues reduce direction uncertainty and enhance motion detection Perception & Psychophysics 30 119-128.
CJ Owsley, R Sekuler & C Boldt (1981) Aging and low-contrast vision: Face perception Investigative Ophthalmology 21 362-364.
R Sekuler, PD Tynan & RS Kennedy (1981) Sourcebook of Temporal Factors Affecting Information Transfer from Displays. U.S. Army Research Institute for Behavioral Sciences. Alexandria, Virginia.
R Sekuler (1981) In praise of strong inference. On Scientific Thinking RD Tweney, ME Doherty, & CR Mynatt (eds.) Columbia University Press. Pp. 111-112.
RW Bowen, R Sekuler, CJ Owsley & KA Markell (19810 individual differences in pulse brightness perception. Perception & Psychophysics, 30 587-593.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1981) Adaptive processing of visual motion Journal of experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 7 780-794.
E Levinson & R Sekuler (1980) A two-dimensional analysis of direction-specific adaptation. Vision Research 20 103-107.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1980) Human vision favors centrifugal motion. Perception 9 317-325.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1980) Models of stimulus uncertainty in motion perception. Psychological Review 87 435-469.
R Sekuler & RD MacArthur (1979) Alcohol retards visual recovery by hampering target acquisition. Nature 270 428-429.
R Sekuler & R Armstrong (1978) Fourier analysis of polar coordinate data in visual physiology and psychophysics. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 10 8-14.
W Marshak & R Sekuler (1979) Mutual repulsion between moving visual targets. Science205 1399-1401.
K Ball & R Sekuler (1979) Masking of motion by broadband and filtered noise. Perception & Psychophysics 26 206-214.
R Sekuler & PD Tynan (1977) Rapid measurement of contrast-sensitivity functions. American Journal of Optometry and Physiological Optics 54 573-575
Sekuler & D Mierkiewicz (1977) Children's judgments of numerical inequality. Child Development 48 630-633 .
R Sekuler & E Levinson (1977) The perception of moving targets. Scientific American 236 60-4, 70-3.
R Sekuler & K Ball (1977) Mental set alters visibility of moving targets. Science 198 60-62
R Sekuler (1976) Seeing and the nick in time. Psychological Research: The Inside Story MH Siegel & HP Ziegler (eds.) Harper & Row. pp. 182-183.
E Levinson & R Sekuler (1975) The independence of channels in human vision selective for direction of movement. Journal of Physiology 250 347-366.
E Levinson & R Sekuler (1975) Inhibition and disinhibition of direction sensitive mechanisms in human vision. Nature 254 692-694.
R Sekuler & J Littlejohn (1974) Tilt aftereffect following very brief exposures. Vision Research 14 151-152.
R Sekuler, R Armstong & D Nash (1973) Sensitive, objective procedure for evaluating response to light touch. Neurology 23 1282-1291.
R Sekuler, P Tynan & E Levinson (1973) Visual temporal order: A new illusion. Science 180 210-212.
W Steinberg & R Sekuler (1973) Changes in visual spatial organization: Response frequency equalization versus adaptation level. Journal of experimental Psychology 98 246-251.
R Sekuler & D Nash (1972) Speed of size scaling in human vision. Psychonomic Science 27 93-94.
R Sekuler & A Erlebacher (1971) The invalidity of "invalid results from the method of constant stimuli": A common artifact in the methods of psychophysics. Perception & Psychophysics 9 309-311.
A Erlebacher & R Sekuler (1971) Response frequency equalization: A bias model for psychophysics. Perception & Psychophysics 9 315-320.
R Sekuler, E Rubin & R Armstrong (1971) Processing numerical information: A choice time analysis. Journal of experimental Psychology 90 75-80.
A Erlebacher & R Sekuler (1971) The two illusions of Müller-Lyer: confusion theory re-examined. American Journal of Psychology. 84/ 477-486.
A Pantle & R Sekuler (1969) Contrast response of human visual mechanisms sensitive to orientation and direction of motion. Vision Research 9 397-406.
J Hall, R Sekuler & W Cushman (1969) Effects of IAR occurrence during learning on response time during subsequent recognition. Journal of experimental Psychology 79 39-42.
R Sekuler & K Houlihan (1968) Discrimination of mirror-images: choice time analysis of human adult performance. Quarterly Journal of experimental Psychology 20 204-207.
AJ Pantle & R Sekuler (1968) Velocity-sensitive elements in human vision: Initial psychophysical evidence. Vision Research 8 445-450.
RW Sekuler & M Abrams (1968) Visual sameness: A choice time analysis of pattern recognition processes. Journal of experimental Psychology 77 232-238.
A Pantle & R Sekuler (1968) Size-detecting mechanisms in human vision. Science 162 1146-1148.
R Sekuler & A Pantle (1967) A model for after-effects of seen movement. Vision Research 7 427-439.
RW Sekuler (1965) Spatial and temporal determinants of visual backward masking. Journal of experimental Psychology 70 401-406.
RW Sekuler & L Ganz (1963) Aftereffect of seen motion with a stabilized retinal image. Science 139 419-420.