Y Zhu, T Lin, Chaomei Wang, R Sekuler & A Gutchess. Culture's influence on spatial frequency processing. To be presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston MA

MB Villalonga & R Sekuler (2022) Wrong place, Right time: Temporal dynamics of conflict in Eriksen’s Flanker Task. To be presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston MA

MB Villalonga & R Sekuler (2021) The hand is quicker than the eye: Sensitivity to the timing of visual, vibrotactile, and bi-sensory stimulation. Presented at the meeting of the Visual Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

RF Sussman & R Sekuler (2021) Flanker task under (perceived) time pressure. Presented at the meeting of the Visual Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

MB Villalonga, RF Sussman & R Sekuler (2020) Sensitivity to empty intervals in multimodal stimulation: A vibrotactile study of time perception. Presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston. Poster

T Lin, X Zhang, EC Fields, R Sekuler & A Gutchess (2020) Culture and spatial frequency impact perceptual and attentional ERP components. Presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston. Poster

R Sekuler, MB Villalonga & RF Sussman (2019) Feeling the beat and seeing it, too. Presented at the meeting of the Visual Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

MB Villalonga, RF Sussman & R Sekuler (2019) Feeling (and seeing) the beat: Vibrotactile, visual, and bimodal rate perception. Presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montreal Quebec. Poster

RF Sussman, MB Villalonga & R Sekuler (2018) Multisensory integration and noise in decision-making. Presented at SciFest 2018, Brandeis University. Poster

R Sekuler, Y Sun & TJ Hickey (2018) Audiovisual combination with temporal correlation and time pressure. Presented at the meeting of the Visual Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL. Poster

X Qu, M Hall, Y Sun, R Sekuler & TJ Hickey (2018) A personalized reading coach using wearable EEG sensors. Presented at 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Madeira, Portugal.

S Maharjan & R Sekuler (2017) Repetition hinders computation of summary statistics. Presented at meeting of the American Psychological Society, Boston, MA.

Y Sun, TJ Hickey & R Sekuler (2017) Neural correlates of multisensory integration and multisensory decision under stress via a first-person fisherman game. Presented at meeting of Engaging Learning Network, New York Abstract

M Bushmakin & R Sekuler (2016) Perceived rate of visual pulsation is strongly affected by concurrent task-irrelevant vibrotactile pulsation. Presented at Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.

S Maharjan, JM Gold & R Sekuler (2016) Memory, learning and strategies for visual signals in time and space. Presented at Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.

Y Sun, TJ Hickey & R Sekuler (2016) Learning and multisensory interactions in a first-person fishing game. Presented to Conference on Sensorimotor, Perceptual Learning and Training, Boston, MA.

K Tong, C Dube & R Sekuler (2016) How many trials contribute to statistical representation over time? Presented to the Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL.

AS Keller, L Payne & R Sekuler (2016) Fronto-central theta oscillations as a marker of multisensory divided attention. Presented to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York.

C Rodgers, L Payne, S Maharjan, R Sekuler & A Wingfield (2015) Alpha power in young and older adults' attention at a cocktail party. Presented to the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Chicago IL.

S Maharjan, JM Gold & R Sekuler (2015) Memory for spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal sequences. Presented to the Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg, FL. Poster

S Berteau, D Bullock, R Sekuler & P Miller (2015) A mechanistic model of alpha-induced information suppression. Presented to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco. Abstract

L Payne, C Rogers, S Maharjan, A Wingfield & R Sekuler (2015) Older and younger adults can reduce the Cocktail Party effect by listening with the right ear. Presented to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco. Abstract

AS Keller, L Payne & R Sekuler (2015) When multiple modalities require attention, theta steps up to the plate. Presented to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco. Abstract

C Rodgers, L Payne, S Maharjan, R Sekuler & A Wingfield (2014) Dichotic listening is tough, and only gets tougher: Impact of attentional control on dichotic listening in young and older adults. Presented at the Auditory, Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM).

SE Saperstein, R Sekuler & JW Bohland (2014) Topography and temporal dynamics of resting state network signatures in high-density EEG. Presented at meeting of the Society for Neuroscience

S Saperstein, R Sekuler & JW Bohland (2014) Network signatures of resting state in high-density EEG. Submitted for presentation to the Fourth Biennial Conference of Resting State/Brain Connectivity Abstract

A Noyce & R Sekuler (2014) Individual differences in obligatory processing of unexpected, intentionally ignored events. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Petersburg FL. Poster

S Benussen, K Chow, LA Varghese, R Sekuler, DC Somers & B Shinn-Cunningham (2014) Bidirectional audiovisual interactions: Evidence frm a computerized fishing game. Presented at Acoustical Society of America Abstract

L Payne, C Dube & R Sekuler (2014) Alpha-band oscillations protect selective auditory and visual processing. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society

A Noyce, L Payne & R Sekuler (2014) Short-term memory requires stable modulation of EEG alpha oscillations. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society

Y Sun, B Shinn-Cunningham, D Somers & R Sekuler (2014) Multisensory learning and integration in a first-person fisherman game. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Abstract

C Dube, L Payne, R Sekuler & C Rotello (2013) Continuous recollection without unitization or familiarity. Presented at meeting of the Psychonomic Society.

S Berteau, R Sekuler & P Miller (2014) Coherence and communication between cortical oscillators: Suppression in the alpha band. Presented at Cosyne 2014.

A Noyce & R Sekuler (2013) Leaky ignoring and visual mismatch negativity in the Flanker Task. Presented at meeting of the Psychonomic Society

P Millar, B Arslan, A Gutchess, A Gutchess, A Boduroglu & R Sekuler (2013) Cultural Differences in Flanker Task Interference. Presented at meeting of the Psychonomic Society.

L Payne, C Dube & R Sekuler (2013) Attention-modulated alpha-band oscillations protect against memory encoding of irrelevant visual and auditory stimuli. Presented at meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

A Aizenman, J M Gold & R Sekuler (2013) Multisensory integration in visual pattern recognition: Music training matters. Presented at meeting of the Visual Sciences Society.

S Berteau, R Sekuler & P Miller (2012) Changes in mnemonic activity drive task-dependent alpha band oscillations: A network model for effective ignoring. Presented at meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.

T Zanto, R Sekuler, C Dube & A Gazzaley (2012) Age-related changes in expectation-based modulation of motion detectability. Presented at the meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing.

A Aizenman, S Bond, R Sekuler & J M Gold (2012) Implicit learning and memory for random visual noise. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL. Poster

C Dube & R Sekuler (2012) On the nature of prototype effects in visual working memory for motion. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL. Poster

A Noyce & R Sekuler (2012) Working memory resolution increases faster than capacity in visuomotor sequence learning. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL.

R Sekuler, E Roudaia, PJ Bennett, P Jalan & AB Sekuler (2012) Effects of aging on the integration of inter- and intra-modal motion cues. Presented at the annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples FL. Abstract

A Noyce & R Sekuler (2012) Source localization of EEG signals generated during sequence learning and expectation monitoring. Presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Chicago. Poster

S Gullory, L Payne & R Sekuler (2012) Alpha-band oscillations distinguish endogenous and exogenous attentional influences. Presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Chicago. Poster

L Payne, S Berteau & R Sekuler (2011) Network analysis in EEG source-space of the dynamics that support intentional ignoring of visual stimuli. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. Poster available on request.

J Huang, AB Sekuler, P J Bennett & R Sekuler (2011) Short-term visual recall is preserved in aging. Presented at the annual meeting of the Visual Sciences Society Naples FL Abstract

A Noyce & R Sekuler (2011) Surprises are mistakes: An EEG source localization study of prediction errors. Presented at the annual meeting of the Visual Sciences Society Naples FL PDF of Poster

J Huang & R Sekuler (2010) Alpha-oscillations and the fidelity of visual memory. Presented at the annual meeting of the Visual Sciences Society Naples FL

J Huang & R Sekuler (2009) Psychophysics of recall: What does memory look like? Presented at the Annual Workshop on Object Perception, Attention and Memory, Boston.

R Sekuler, J Huang & MJ Kahana (2009) Putting names to unfamiliar faces: Similarity in face-name associative learning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society Boston Abstract

A Fazl, E Mingolla & R Sekuler (2009) Attention cannot spare task-irrelevant locations on an attended object. Presented at the annual meeting of the Visual Sciences Society Naples FL Poster

J Huang & R Sekuler (2009) Psychophysics of visual memory: What does a memory look like? Presented at the annual meeting of the Visual Sciences Society Naples FL

N Matthews, B Gold, R Sekuler & S Park (2009) Interaction between working memory load and gesture imitation ability in schizophrenia. Presented at International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego

J Huang, S Viswanathan & R Sekuler (2008) Various unattended stimulus attributes leave footprints on visual short-term memory. Presented at European Conference on Visual Perception, Utrecht Poster

J Maryott & R Sekuler (2008) Age-related changes in ability to imitate viewed actions. Presented at Cognitive Aging Society, Atlanta Poster

KM Visscher & R Sekuler (2008) Pre-stimulus neural activity predicts success in ignoring. Presented at Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2008, Salt Lake City Poster

J Huang & R Sekuler (2008) An unattended stimulus dimension leaves its footprint on short-term visual memory. Presented at Vision Sciences Society, Naples (FL) Pdf of poster

KM Visscher & R Sekuler (2007) EEG correlates of intentional ignoring. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego Pdf of poster

D Shell, S Viswanathan, Jing Huang, R Ghosh, Jie Huang, M Mataric, K Lerman & R Sekuler (2007) Spatial behavior of individuals and groups: Preliminary findings from a museum scenario. Presented in the IROS 2007 Workshop - From sensors to human spatial concepts, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego. Pdf of presentation

BJ Gold, M Pomplun, NJ Rice & R Sekuler (2007) A novel approach to studying human imitation. Presented at 11th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston MA

R Sekuler (2006) Learning to reproduce novel actions: Human see, human do. Presentation in the Science of Learning Series, The Center for Adaptive Systems, Department of Congitive and Neural Systems, and the Center of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science, and Technology (CELEST) Boston University. Pdf of presentation

R Sekuler, M Mataric, K Lerman & D Shell (2006) Modeling and analyzing human individual and collective spatial behavior. NSF Human Spatial Dynamics PI meeting, Washington. Web page of poster

KM Visscher, E Kaplan, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2006) Short-term memory in hearing and vision show similar properties when examined using comparable stimuli and identical tasks. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta Abstract

MK van Vugt, HR Wilson, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2006) Oscillatory correlates of proactive interference in a recognition memory task. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta

HG Sternshein, Y Agam & R Sekuler (2006) Alpha oscillations reflect the temporal dynamics of attention during multiple object tracking. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta Abstract Poster as webpage

Y Agam & R Sekuler (2006) Event-related potentials and EEG gamma-band power support a close link between attention and visuo-spatial working memory. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta

F Zhou, V Wong & R Sekuler (2006) Multi-sensory integration of visual and auditory inputs: One plus one does not always equal two. Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta Abstract

MK van Vugt, R Sekuler, HR Wilson & MJ Kahana (2006) EEG correlates of summed similarity during a working memory task. Society for Mathematical Psychology, Vancouver, B. C.

R Sekuler (2006) Imitating unfamiliar sequences. Presented in symposium at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco View presentation.

K Visscher, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2006) Short-term memory for spectrally and temporally complex sounds: Comparing apples to apples. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco Abstract

F Zhou & R Sekuler (2006) Selective attention in visual memory: An expanded biased competition model. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco Abstract

MKvan Vugt, G Hwang, R Sekuler, HR Wilson & MJ Kahana (2005) EEG correlate of summed similarity during a working memory task. Society for Neuroscience Washington, D.C.

Y Yotsumoto, GA Rousselet, PJ Bennett, AB Sekuler & R Sekuler (2005) Electrophysiological evidence of intentional suppression in human visual working memory. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Abstract

G Hwang-Grodzins, J Jacobs, A Geller, J Danker, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2005) EEG correlates of subvocal rehearsal in working memory. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Abstract

Y Agam, D Bullock, R Sekuler (2005) Error profiles and working memory representations of sequences during imitation. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Abstract

A Kuhlman, D Little, & R Sekuler (2005) Age and practice alter executive function in a variant of the Trial Making Test. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. Abstract

Y Yotsumoto, MJ Kahana, R Sekuler (2005) Vision leaves its fingerprints on memory: Recognition and identification memory for compound gratings. Visual Sciences Society Sarasota Abstract .pdf of talk

R Sekuler, Y Yotsumoto (2005) Voluntary amnesia: Putting sights out of mind. Visual Sciences Society Sarasota Abstract

G Hwang-Grodzins, J Jacobs, J Danker, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2005) Neural correlates of sub-vocal rehearsal in a modified Sternberg task. Cognitive Neuroscience Society New York Abstract

Y Yotsumoto, C McLaughlin, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2004) Signal detection analysis for recognition and identification of episodic visual memory. Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis MN .pdf of poster

Y Yotsumoto, MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (2004) Applying a noisy exemplar model to episodic recognition of realistic synthetic faces. Mathematical Psychology Society, Ann Arbor MI Abstract

R Sekuler & V Wong (2004) Integration of multimodal cues in temporal segmentation of visual motion. Visual Sciences Society, Sarasota FL. Abstract Download poster as .pdf

F Zhou, MJ Kahana, & R Sekuler (2003) Episodic short-term memory for spatial frequency: Is a series of stimuli remembered as a single prototype or as separate exemplars? Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, 13th Annual Meeting, Hamilton ON.

Y Yotsumoto, HR Wilson, MJ Kahana, & R Sekuler (2003) Episodic recognition memory for high-dimensional, human synthetic faces. Visual Sciences Society, Sarasota FL. Abstract

F Zhou, MJ Kahana, & R Sekuler (2003) Episodic short-term memory for spatial frequency: Is a series of stimuli remembered as a single prototype or as separate exemplars? Visual Sciences Society, Sarasota FL. Abstract

J Gold, R Sekuler, RF Murray, AB Sekuler & PB Bennett (2002) Signal and noise in visual memory decay Twenty-sixth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Jackson Hole, WY. Abstract

J Gold, R Sekuler, RF Murray, A B Sekuler & P J Bennett (2001) Decay of visual memory is due to decreased signal, not increased noise Psychonomic Society, Orlando FL. .pdf file. Abstract

R Sekuler & MJ Kahana (2001) Model-based analysis of short-term episodic recognition of 2-dimensional textures. Psychonomic Society, Orlando FL. QuickTime movie of images from presentation. Abstract

JM Gold, R Sekuler, A Baerveldt, RF Murray, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett (2001) Decay of visual memory is due to decreased signal, not increased noise. Association for Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale FL. Abstract

V Della-Maggiore, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett, CL Grady, R Sekuler & AR McIntosh (2000) Corticolimbic interactions associated with visual associated with perceptual memory are modified by age. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Antonio TX. Abstract

R Sekuler & A Siddiqui (2000) Learning to imitate synthetic 2D gestures. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale FL

JR Madsen, M Kirschen, JB Caplan, R Sekuler & MJ Kahana(1999) Task-related theta activity from intracranial recordings during virtual maze navigation. Congress of Neurological Surgeons 1999. Abstract

JB Caplan, M J Kahana, R Sekuler, M Kirschen & JR Madsen (1999) The role of theta oscillations in human spatial cognition: Evidence from intracranial recordings. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract

MJ Kahana & R Sekuler (1999) In visual recognition memory, interference reflects proximity in multidimensional stimulus space. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. .pdf file

R Sekuler, MJ Kahana and M Kirschen (1999) Optic flow helps humans navigate synthetic environments. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. .pdf file.

AR McIntosh, AB Sekuler, C Penpeci, MN Rajah, PJ Bennett, CL Grady, and R Sekuler (1998) Neural Systems of Visual Memory in Young and Old Observers. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Montreal

CA Dengis, A B Sekuler, P J Bennett & R Sekuler. 1998. Aging affects perceived direction of motion and detection of global flow in random dot cinematograms. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract

RF Murrray, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett & R Sekuler. 1998. Attending to component directions in random dot cinematograms.Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract

AR McIntosh, AB Sekuler, C Penpeci, MN Rajah, PJ Bennett, CL Grady & R Sekuler. 1998. Neural systems of visual memory in young and old observers. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract

L Boucher, R Sekuler, A Talwalkar & AB Sekuler. 1998. Motion perception is influenced by accompanying sound: 2- and 3-dimensional motion. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Abstract

M Kahana, R Sekuler, J Madsen, M Kirshen & J Caplan. 1998. Wayfinding in a virtual, 3D envionment: Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of optic flow and distinctive landmarks. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract

AB Sekuler, A R McIntosh, C Penpeci, M N Rajah, C L Grady & R Sekuler. 1997. Differential influence of occipital and prefrontal cortices on performance in a visual perceptual memory task Society for NeuroscienceAbstract

AR McIntosh, AB Sekuler, C Penpeci, MN Rajah, CL Grady & R Sekuler. 1997. Effects of aging on neural systems supporting visual perceptual memory Society for Neuroscience Abstract

B Kitts, S Cooke, R Sekuler & M Mataric. (1997). Improved pattern recognition by combining invariance methods. First International Conference on Vision, Recognition and Action. Boston University.

S Cooke, R Sekuler, B Kitts & M Mataric (1997). Delayed and Real-time imitation of complex visual gestures. First International Conference on Vision, Recognition and Action. Boston University.

AB Sekuler, R Sekuler & C Penpeci. 1996. Perceived direction of motion vs. detection of global flow in random dot cinematograms. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology