Donald S. Shepard Schneider Institute for Health Policy

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Shepard DS. Lifetime Economic Impact of Financial Support to Families with Young Children. Presented at Virtual Congressional Briefing. Policy Strategies to Support Children's Development, Health, & Wellbeing, October 4, 2022.

Shepard DS, Wilastonegoro N, Kongsin S. Determining the potential payoff at city and district levels from up-front investments in new technologies for dengue prevention in two endemic countries (Thailand and Indonesia): combining surveillance, screening and interviewing (W9). Presented at Virtual ISPOR Asia Pacific Summit 2022. Sept. 20-21, 2022.

ANC-S3. Excel workbook to derive cost-effectiveness of antenatal care (ANC) panel. 2022

Cost-effectiveness of Wolbachia when deployed at scale in Indonesia. Presented by Donald S. Shepard at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, Oct 29, 2018, New Orleans, LA.

Shetler D, Shepard DS. Medical respite for persons experiencing homelessness. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2018; 29(2) 801-813.

Burden of Dengue in Malaysia. Report from a Collaboration between Universities and the Ministry of Health of Malaysia
Brandeis University, March 18, 2013

Economic cost of malaria: costing tools (beta version): Explanatory guide in Word
Brandeis University, June 29, 2011, Donald Shepard
Individual components follow as separate files

Costing tools for preventive activitites:
*Excel workbook for costing indoor residual spraying (IRS)
*Excel workbook for costing insecticide treated wall liner (durable lining)

Costing tools for treatment services:
*Services use questionnaire for inpatient visit and lab test for costing a malaria consultation
*Excel workbook for costing a malaria consultation
*Excel workbook for costing a malaria lab test
*Excel workbook for costing a specialized malaria medication (e.g. Coartem regimen, quinine injection)

Evaluation of the Medicare Lifestyle Modification Program Demonstration
Brandeis University, April 30, 2009, Donald Shepard (Principal Investigator), William Stason (Co-Principal Investigator), and colleagues, complete zip file (7.0 mb)

Individual components follow as separate files

Part A: Lifestyle evaluation

Executive Summary – Evaluation of Lifestyle Modification and Cardiac Rehabilitation in Medicare Beneficiaries
Donald Shepard and colleagues, Brandeis University, April 30, 2009 (52 pages)

Appendix A.1 – Impact and Cost Effectiveness of the Medicare Lifestyle Modification Program Demonstration
Donald Shepard and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (32 pages)

Appendix A.2 – Recruitment into Lifestyle Modification Programs: A Cross-Atlantic Perspective: Abstract
Sarita Bhalotra and Donald Shepard, April 30, 2009 (2 pages)

Appendix A.3 – Effects of the Medicare Lifestyle Modification Program Demonstration on Cardiac Risk and Quality of Life
William Stason and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (22 pages)

Appendix A.4 – Perspectives from a Beneficiary Survey: Enrollment into Lifestyle Modification Programs
Sarita Bhalotra and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (18 pages)

Appendix A.5 – Effectiveness of Lifestyle Modification Programs in Changing Behaviors of Elders
Moaven Razavi and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (25 pages)

Appendix A.6 – Costs of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Enhanced Lifestyle Modification Programs: Abstract
A James Lee and Donald Shepard, April 30, 2009 (2 pages)

Part B: Cardiac rehabilitation

Appendix B.1 – Use of Cardiac Rehabilitation by Medicare Beneficiaries after Myocardial Infarction or Coronary Bypass Surgery
Jose A. Suaya and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (20 pages)

Appendix B.2 – System Level Factors and Use of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Deborah Gurewich and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (12 pages)

Appendix B.3 – Cardiac Rehabilitation and Survival in Older Coronary Patients
Jose Suaya and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (24 pages)

Appendix B.4 – Cost-Effectiveness of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Older Coronary Patients
Donald Shepard and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (24 pages)

Part C: Literature Review

Appendix C.1 – The Economics of Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Review of Literature
A James Lee Gail Strickler, Donald Shepard, April 30, 2009 (16 pages)

Appendix C.2 – Disparities in Utilization of Cardiovascular Treatment by Gender, Race and Ethnicity: Opportunities for Prevention
Sarita Bhalotra and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (13 pages)

Appendix C.3 – Benefits of Stress Management in Coronary Heart Disease
William Stason and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (43 pages)

Appendix C.4 – Systematic Review of Multifactorial Lifestyle Modification for Coronary Heart Disease
John Orwat and colleagues, April 30, 2009 (27 pages)

Part D: Quality Monitoring Contractor Report

Go to web site of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Appendix D.1 – Quality Monitoring and Review
Medicare Lifestyle Modification Program Demonstration Final Report,Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care, April 30, 2009 (81 pages)

Implementating evidence-based practices forum, 2005.
Agenda, Presentations, Abstracts, Biographies - Sept. 28, 2005.

Zeng, W.; Cros, M.; Wright, K.D.; Shepard, D.S. Impact of performance-based financing on primary health care services in Haiti. Health Policy and Planning, in press (pre-print)

Shepard, D.S.; Rusatira, J.; Zeng, W. Performance-based financing: international experiences and planned monitoring and evaluation in Republic of Congo. Workshop on Performance-Based Financing, Ministry of Health and Population, Dec. 20, 2011, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

Shepard, D.S., Zeng, W. Design of health insurance in The Gambia. Prepared under an agreement with International Health Partners, UK, Feb. 2, 2011.

Zeng, W.; Shepard, D.S.; Chilingerian, J.; Avila-Figueroa, C. Global evidence of comparative efficiency: performance of national HIV/AIDS programs. Presented at UNAIDS and World Bank Economic Reference Group Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, March 7, 2011,
part 1 (13 mb)
part 2 (13 mb)

Rwiyereka, A.K., Shepard, D. S., Humuza, J., Zeng, W., Avila-Figueroa, C. Costing model of a national AIDS program: Application to Rwanda. Rwanda Medical Journal 67(1):26-31, 2009.

"Utilization of medical services and quality of life among dengue patients in eight countries--ASTMH 2007"

"Multi-country study of costs of dengue among ambulatory and hospitalized patients--ASTMH 2007"
ASTMH-Cost-Shepard-03.ppt ਍ഀഀ

Managed behavioral health care conference.
Proceedings and papers, Feb. 3, 2004.

Conference on harm reduction
Among IV drug users in Uzbekistan, Brandeis, Aug. 16-18, 2004.

Map to parking for Managed behavioral health care conference.
Agenda. Feb. 3, 2004, 1 page.

Cost-Effectiveness of USAID's Regional Support of Family Planning in West Africa: Final Report.
Commissioned by USAID/FHA-WCA, Abidjan. October 21, 2000, 46 pages.

Levels and Determinants of Expenditures on HIV/AIDS in five developing countries: overview.
By: Shepard, Donald S. In: Ainsworth M, Fransen L, Over M, eds. Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World. Brussels: European Commission, Chapter 12A, 1998, pp. 241-253. [Use authorized by European Commission provided source is acknowledged.]

Expenditures on AIDS in Côte d'Ivoire.
By: Koné, Tiékoura; Silué, Adèle; Agness-Soumahoro, Justine; Bail, Richard N.; Shepard, Donald S. In: Ainsworth M, Fransen L, Over M, eds. . Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World. Brussels: European Commission, Chapter 12B, 1998, pp. 255-262. [Use authorized by European Commission provided source is acknowledged.]

Levels and Expenditures on the Treatment and Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Mexico.
By: Izazola, Jose-Antonio; Saavedra, Jorge; Prottas, Jeffrey; Shepard, Donald S. In: Ainsworth M, Fransen L, Over M, eds. . Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World. Brussels: European Commission, Chapter 12C, 1998, pp. 263-272. [Use authorized by European Commission provided source is acknowledged.]

Expenditures on HIV/AIDS in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.
By: Iunes, Roberto; Campino, Antonio C. C.; Prottas, Jeffrey; Shepard, Donald S. In: Ainsworth M, Fransen L, Over M, eds. . Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World. Brussels: European Commission, Chapter 12D, 1998, pp. 273-287. [Use authorized by European Commission provided source is acknowledged.]

Expenditures on HIV/AIDS in Tanzania.
By: Tibandebage, Paula; Wangwe, Samuel; Mujinja, Phare; Bail, Richard N.; Shepard, Donald S. In: Ainsworth M, Fransen L, Over M, eds. . Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World. Brussels: European Commission, Chapter 12E, 1998, pp. 289-296. [Use authorized by European Commission provided source is acknowledged.]

Levels and Determinants of Expenditure on HIV/AIDS in Thailand.
By: Kongsin, Sukhontha; Cameron, Charles M.; Suebsaeng, Laksami; Shepard, Donald S. In: Ainsworth M, Fransen L, Over M, eds. Confronting AIDS: Evidence from the Developing World. Brussels: European Commission, Chapter 12F, 1998, pp. 297-305. [Use authorized by European Commission provided source is acknowledged.]

Analysis of hospital costs: a manual for managers
Published by the World Health Organization, 2000.
By Shepard DS, Hodgkin D, Anthony Y.
This 100-page book (4.1 mb) may be used for non-commercial purposes with acknowledgment. The paper version may be purchased from the World Health Organization.

Mandarin Chinese translation in Microsoft Word of "Analysis of hospital costs: a manual for managers"
Translated by Bian Ying, Shangdong Medical University, Jinan, Shandong Province, China, 2000.

Evaluation of Health Sector Initiatives Program
Prepared for the US Agency for International Development, Kingston, Jamaica. 1998.
By Shepard DS, Anthony Y, McNaught A, Davis KL
The 53-page document may be used for non-commercial purposes with acknowledgment.

First principles of cost-effectiveness analysis in health
By Donald S. Shepard and Mark S. Thompson - English publication in Public Health Reports 93:535-543, 1979.

Principes Premiers de l'Analyse de Rentabilité
This is the French translation of "First principles of cost-effectiveness analysis in health," by Donald S. Shepard and Mark S. Thompson - English publication in Public Health Reports 93:535-543, 1979.

Economic analysis of anti-viral therapy in Botswana
This is a report prepared for the Government of Botswana on anti-viral therapy for pregnant women and for adults generally.

"8-minute speed quiz on Excel skills"

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