Sophia A. Malamud

... you should say what you mean!    
I do. At least... at least I mean what I say.    


I am a theoretical linguist, specialising in the study of language meaning.
This includes research in formal semantics, formal pragmatics, discourse functions of syntax, and semantics-pragmatics interface.
I have worked on discourse coherence and word order in Russian, indexicality and reference de se, semantics of impersonal pronouns, influence of passives and impersonals on subsequent discourse, semantics of plurals, and pragmatics and semantics of speech acts and utterance modifiers. My mathematics masters thesis explores several basic notions in statistical decision theory.

In my current research, I am studying the semantics of clause types and pragmatics of utterance modifiers; and creation of annotated corpora for spoken languages (including the Russian of monolingual and bilingual native speakers, heritage speakers, and children in Russia, Germany, and the US). For more details, see MILa: Projects page.

NEWS! Our project "Parsed and Audio-aligned Corpus of Bilingual Russian Child and Child-directed Speech (BiRCh Corpus)" has been awarded an NSF grant. The funds will be used to create the 1-million word corpus, and to conduct research on passives, impersonals, and politeness markers in monolingual and bilingual Russian.

LSA 2012 Symposium in memory of Ellen Prince

Dissertation: Semantics and pragmatics of arbitrariness. [pdf] | [single-spaced version pdf]
M.A. thesis in math: Entropy as relevance: maximizing entropy and minimizing loss. [pdf]

Associate Professor
Language & Linguistics Program
Department of Computer Science
Laboratory for Linguistics and Computation
Meaning In Language Research Group (MILa)


Phone: 781-736-2225        
Office: Volen, 215
Mail: MS 018
         415 South Street
         Brandeis University
         Waltham, MA 02454

CV [pdf]


Sophia Malamud and Irina Dubinina received the Faculty Grant from the Mandel Foundation for Humanities for the BiRCh project.

Copyright 2013