Philosophy 19AGlobal Studies Social Justice & Social Policy and Peace, Conflict & Coexistence Studies Instructor:
Department of Philosophy
Office Hours:
T A.'s
What are human rights
and what reasons are there
for thinking that persons have rights?Are some rights more basic than others
and what compelling interests,
if any, justify their violation?The course will look closely
at international human rights policies
and the moral and political issues
to which they give rise
as they are embedded
in actual, concrete cases.
Discussion will include the role considerations of human rights
ought to play in the foreign policy of any country as well as
an examination of the role such considerations actually have played
most recently in Darfur and the Sudan., Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Rwanda, Nigeria, Burundi, China & Tibet, Haiti, Iraqi Kurdistan, Chechnya,
as well as
Cambodia, Northern Ireland,
Burma, Indonesia, East Timor, Somalia,
Afghanistan, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Guatamala ,
Colimbia , Chile , Peru, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Discussion will also include: territorial integrity and the
of humanitarian intervention,
state sovereignty and human rights violations, U. S. intervention in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq,
international terrorism and human rights,
the role of international peacekeeping forces,
significance and effectiveness of the United Nations Declaration of
Human Rights,
the responsibilities
of individuals and states to alleviate world hunger and famine,
the morality of torture and prisoner abuse, the moral and political issues
the plight of
refugees and homeless persons and the arguments for
international war crime tribunals v. truth and reconciliation commissions .
January |
Introduction and Organization |
January | What is a Human Right?
Minogue, "The History of the Idea of Human Rights" (ERES) Cranston, "What are Human Rights?" (ERES) Locke, Second Treatise on Government (CHAPTER II ONLINE), (ERES) Glover, HUMANITY, "Never Such Innocence Again," pp. 1-7 ONLINE Richard Wasserstrom, Rights, Human Rights, and Racial Discrimination (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Joel Feinberg, Wasserstrom on Human Rights (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Louis Pojman, Are Human Rights Based on Equal Human Worth? (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Mordecai Roshwald, The Concept of Human Rights (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Richard Gale, Natural Law and Human Rights (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Richard Lillich, The Constitution and International Human Rights (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) |
January |
The Moral Reality of War
Walzer, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp. 3-47 Walzer, "Naked Soldiers," JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp. 138- 144; Walzer, "The Theory of Aggression" JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp.51-85; 109-124. Glover, HUMANITY, "Ethics Without the Moral Law," pp. 11-44. |
January | Non-Combatant Immunity (1)
Walzer, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp.127-137; 144-174 Nagel, "War and Massacre" ONLINE (ERES) Richard Brandt, "Utilitarianism and the Rules of War" ONLINE (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Mavrodes, "Conventions and the Morality of War," INTERNATIONAL ETHICS, pp. 75-89 and ONLINE Richard Wasserstrom, "Three Arguments Concerning the Morality of War" ONLINE (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) |
January |
Non-Combatant Immunity (2)
Fullinwider, "War and Innocence," INTERNATIONAL ETHICS, pp. 90-7 Alexander, "Self-Defense and the Killing of Non-Combatants," Glover, HUMANITY, "Close Combat," pp. 47-57. Walzer, "Guerrilla War and Terrorism," JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp. 176-206. Glover, HUMANITY, "The Shift To Killing at a Distance," pp. 64-68. Walzer, "War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition" (ERES) |
January | ChurchillÌs Decision to Bomb the German Cities and
TrumanÌs Decision to Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki Walzer, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp. 251-62; pp. 263-68. Glover, HUMANITY, "Bombing," pp. 69-88. Glover, HUMANITY, "Hiroshima," pp. 89-112. Walzer, "World War II: Why Was This War Different?" ONLINE (A CHAPTER IN THE BOOK) |
February |
War Crimes: Nuremberg and
Wasserstom, "The Relevance of Nuremberg" ONLINE (ERES); Sanford Levinson, "Responsibility for Crimes of War" ONLINE (ERES) Walzer, JUST AND UNJUST WARS, pp. 287-327; Glover, HUMANITY, "The Case of Mylai." pp. 58-63. David Malament, "Selective Conscientious Objection & the Gillette Decision" ONLINE (ERES) Glover, HUMANITY, "War and the Moral Resources," pp. 113-116. |
February | TheDevelopment of
Human Rights
in International Law
J. Roland Pennock, "Rights, Natural Rights, and Human Rights Û A General View" (ERES) Moynihan, "The Poltics of Human Rights" (ERES) David Forsythe, Human Rights in U. S. Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect (ONLINE) (AN HR EXTRA: NOT REQUIRED) Driscoll, "The Development of Human Rights in Intl. Law," (ERES) Douglas Husak "Why There Are No Human Rights" (ERES) Louis Henkin, "International Human Rights as 'Rights'" (ERES) Louis Henkin, The United Nations and Human Rights (ONLINE) (A HUMAN RIGHTS EXTRA) James Nickel, Are Human Rights Utopian? (ONLINE) (A HUMAN RIGHTS EXTRA) Louis Henkin, U. S. Ratification of Human Rights Conventions(ONLINE) (A HUMAN RIGHTS EXTRA) U. N. Declaration and other International Agreements (WEBSITE) Paper topics for the first paper will be handed out on Thursday,
February |
Human Rights Discussion
The film GHOSTS OF RWANDA will be shown during the week. The bulk of class time will be devoted to discussing the issues raised during the first four weeks of the course as well as a discussion of strategies for answering the Paper Topics. |
Primary texts will be available at the University Book Store:
Michael Walzer, JUST AND UNJUST WARS Basic Books: SAMPLE CHAPTER (Brandeis Access Only)There will also be a specially prepared collection of readings available on WebCt. See Articles on Electronic Reserve below.. A limited number of these articles will also be available at the Reserve Desk in Goldfarb to use in the Library.
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionCharles Beitz et al. (eds.), INTERNATIONAL ETHICS Princeton University Press. SAMPLE CHAPTER
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionJonathan Glover, HUMANITY: A MORAL HISTORY OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Yale University Press. SAMPLE CHAPTER
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionHenry Shue, BASIC RIGHTS Princeton University Press. SAMPLE CHAPTER
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionRobert Rotberg and Dennis Thompson (Editors), TRUTH V. JUSTICE Princeton University Press. SAMPLE CHAPTER
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionSamantha Power, A PROBLEM FROM HELL: America in the Age of Genocide Basic Books. EXCERPT
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionJean Bethke Elshtain, JUST WAR AGAINST TERROR: The Burden of Amercican Power in a Violent World Basic Books, INTRODUCTION
Click Here to Buy New or Used Online at Barnes & Noble College Textbook DivisionMichael Ignatieff, THE LESSER EVIL: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror Princeton University Press, CHAPTER ONE
The following articles are available on WEBCT.
You may download any article for your own personal use.
Library has put these articles ONLINE as PDF Files.
To read the
articles, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you do not
have Adobe Acrobat, then click on
the icon below to download it for
(1) "War and Massacre" ONLINE
(29) "Human Rights: A Western Cultural Bias?"
(2) " "Utilitarianism and the Rules of War" ONLINE
(30) "Towards Democracy"
(3) "War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition"
(31) "Gorbachev Interview by the Washington Post &
(4) "The Relevance of Nuremberg" ONLINE
(32) "Speech to the U. N. General Assembly"
(5) "Responsibility for Crimes of War" ONLINE
(33) "Report on Iran"
(6) "Selective Conscientious Objection & the Gillette Decision" ONLINE
(34) "Iraqi Chemical weapons Use in Kurdistan"
(7) "The History of the Idea of Human Rights"
(35) "Speech on Salmon Rushdie Affair" (1989)
(8) "What are Human Rights?"
(36) "On Salmon Rushdie and Civil Liberties"
(9) "The Politics of Human Rights"
(37) "The United States and YugoslaviaÌs Wars"
(10) "The Development of Human Rights in Intl. Law,"
(38) "Collective Spinelessness: U. N. Actions
the Former Yugoslavia"
(11) Excerpt from "Second Treatise on Government" (ONLINE),
(39) "How Much Force in Humanitarian Intervention?"
(12) "Rights, Natural Rights, and Human Rights Û A
General View"
(40) "Humanitarian Intervention in the Former
(13) "Why There Are No Human Rights"
(41) "A Treatise on International Law (1912)"
(14) "International Human Rights as ÎRightsÌ"
(42) "Revision of Oppenheim (1955)"
(15) "Human Rights and Foreign Aid: Forging an
Unbreakable Link"
(43) "A Treatise on International Law (1895)"
(16) "Human Rights and Foreign Assistance Programs"
(44) "Intervention in International Law (1921)"
(17) "Human Rights and Social Justice"
(45) "Domestic Jurisdiction, Intervention & Human
(18) "Human Rights as a Neutral Concern"
(46) "The Ethics of Intervention"
(19) "Constraints, Goals, and Moralism in Foreign Policy"
(47) "Human Rights and Intervention"
(20) "Can A Human Rights Policy Be Consistent?"
(48) "Nationalism, Nation-State, and the United
(21) "Law Day Speech on Human Rights"
(49) "The Narcissism of Minor Difference"
(22) "Commencement Address at Notre Dame"
(50) "The Seductiveness of Moral Disgust"
(23) "Establishing a Viable Human Rights Policy"
(51) "Twelve Point Program for the Preventiuon of
(24) "ÎHuman RightsÌ: The Hidden Agenda"
(52) "The Case for Torture"
(25) "Human Rights in the Reagan Years: A Reply to Irving
by Richard Schifter |
(53) "Torture in the Eighties" (Excerpt)
(26) "Reform And Human Rights: The Gorbachev
(54) "On Not Feeding the Starving"
(27) "The Reagan AdminstrationÌs Human Rights Record"
(55) "Reconsidering the Famine Relief Argument"
(28) "Human Rights and U. S. Foreign Policy: A
for Leadership"
(56) "Poverty and Food: Why Charity is Not Enough"
October 28, 2004
Andreas Teuber's Home Page