[page vi]




[page vii]

Contents VOLUME I


Note: In the following list, the accused's place of residence, when known, ap- pears in parentheses following the name. All towns are in Massachusetts unless otherwise indicated.

In some instances, no separate documentation exists for an accused witch, and hence no separate entry for that individual appears in the text. Such per- sons are, however, included in the list below, together with a notation as to the document or documents where they are mentioned.

Some documents deal with more than one accused person; where possible, such documents have been placed with the case to which they principally re- late . Note, too, that material relating to many of the accused will be found in the “Additional Documents” section of this work.

Arthur Abbott (Ipswich). See Martha Carrier -- Complaint; “Additional Documents” section, p. 872

Nehemiah Abbott, Jr. (Topsfield)... 49

John Alden (Boston)... 51

Daniel Andrew (Salem Village). See George Jacobs, Jr. -- Complaint, Warrant; Rebecca Jacobs -- Warrant

Abigail Barker (Andover)... 57

Mary Barker (Andover)... 59

William Barker, Sr. (Andover)... 63

William Barker, Jr. (Andover)... 71

[page viii]

Sarah Bassett (Lynn)... 77

Sarah Bibber (Wenham)... 79

Bridget Bishop (Salem Village). executed june 10, 1692... 83

Edward Bishop (Salem Village). See Sarah Wilds -- War- rant ; William Hobbs -- Mittimus; George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus Sarah Bishop (Salem Village)... 111

Mary Black (Salem Village)... 113

Mary Bradbury (Salisbury)... 115

Mary Bridges, Sr. (Andover)... 131

Mary Bridges, Jr. (Andover)... 133

Sarah Bridges (Andover). See “Additional Documents” section: Superior Court of Judicature -- Cases Heard (p. 928); “Account of Sarah Preston -- Case of Sarah Bridges” (p. 981)... 139

Hannah Bromage (Andover)... 143

Sarah Buckley (Salem Village)... 145

George Burroughs (Wells, Maine). executed august 19, 1692... 151

Candy (Salem Town)... 179

Andrew Carrier (Andover). See Richard Carrier -- Warrant; Mary Lacey, Jr. -- Examination Martha Carrier (Andover). executed august 19, 1692... 183

Richard Carrier (Andover)... 197

Sarah Carrier (Andover)... 201

Thomas Carrier, Jr. (Andover)... 203

Hannah Carroll (Salem Town). See Sarah Cole (of Salem) -- Warrant Bethia Carter, Sr. (Woburn)... 205

Bethia Carter, Jr. (Woburn). See Ann Sears -- Warrant; George Jacobs, Jr. -- Complaint Elizabeth Cary (Salem Town)... 207

Sarah Churchill (Charlestown)... 211

Mary Clarke (Haverhill)... 213

Rachel Clenton (Ipswich)... 215

Sarah Cloyce (Salem Village)... 221

Sarah Cole (Lynn)... 225

Sarah Cole (Salem Town)... 235

Elizabeth Colson (Reading)... 237

Mary Colson. See Jane Lilly -- Examination; Lydia Dustin -- Mittimus; “Additional Documents” section: Israel Cheever's Account (p. 957)

[page ix]

Giles Corey (Salem Village). pressed to death, september 16, 1692... 239

Martha Corey (Salem Village). executed september 22, 1692... 247

Deliverance Dane (Andover)... 267

Sarah Davis (Wenham). See “Additional Documents” section: William Baker's Account (p. 956) [] Day. See “Additional Documents” section: Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich (pp. 880-881) Mary DeRich (Salem Village)... 269

Elizabeth Dicer (Piscataqua, Maine). See Margaret Prince -- Warrant; “Additional Documents” section: Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich (pp. 880-881) Rebecca Dike (Gloucester). See Esther Elwell -- Warrant

Ann Dolliver (Gloucester)... 271

Mehitabel Dowing. See Case of George Burroughs -- Testimony of Abigail Hobbs and Mary Warren; “Additional Documents” section: Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich (pp. 880-881)

Joseph Draper (Andover). See Dorothy Faulkner -- Confession

Lydia Dustin (Reading). died in prison, march 10, 1693... 273

Sarah Dustin (Reading)... 277

Rebecca Eames (Andover)... 279

Mary Easty (Salem Village). executed september 22, 1692... 287

Esther Elwell (Gloucester)... 305

Martha Emerson (Haverhill)... 307

Joseph Emons (Manchester)... 311

Mary English (Salem Town). See Sarah Wilds -- Warrant; William Hobbs -- Mittimus; George Jacobs Sr. -- Mittimus

Phillip English (Salem Town)... 313

Thomas Farrer (Lynn)... 323

Edward Farrington (Andover)... 325

Abigail Faulkner, Sr. (Andover) Abigail Faulkner, Jr. (Andover). See Dorothy Faulkner -- Confession, Recognizance... 327

[page 01" id="p927-009]

[page 47]


[page 49" id="p927-055]

Nehemiah Abbott Jr.

(See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint; Sarah Wilds -- Warrant.)

(Examination of Nehemiah Abbott, Jr.)

The examination of Nehemiah Abbot, at a court at Salem village, by John Hawthorne and Jonathan Corwin Esqrs. 22nd April 1692 .

What say you, are you guilty of witchcraft, of which you are sus- pected , or not? No Sir, I say before God, before whom I stand, that I know nothing of witchcraft. Who is this man? Ann Putman named him. -- Mary Walcot said she had seen his shape. What do you say to this? I never did hurt them. Who hurt you Ann Putman? That man. I never hurt her. Ann Putman said, he is upon the beam. Just such a discovery of the person carried out, and she confessed; and if you would find mercy of God, you must confess. -- If I should confess this, I must confess what is false. Tell how far you have gone, who hurts you? I do not know, I am absolutely free. As you say, God knows. If you will confess the truth, we desire nothing else that you may not hide you guilt, if you are guilty, and therefore confess if so. I speak before God that I am clear from this accusation. What, in all respects? Yes in all respects. Doth this man hurt you? Their mouths were stopped. You hear several accuse you, though one cannot open her mouth. I am altogether free. Charge him not unless it be he. This is the man say some, and some say he is very like him. How did you know his name? He did not tell me himself, but other witches told me. Ann Putman said, it is the same man, and then she was taken with a fit. Mary Walcot, is this the man? He is like him, I cannot say it is he. Mercy Lewis said it is not the man. They all agreed, the man had a bunch on his eyes. Ann Putman, in a fit, said, be you the man? ay, do you say you be the man? did you put a mist before my eyes? Then he was sent forth till several others were examined. When he was brought in again, by reason of much people, and many in the win- dows so that the accusers could not have a clear view of him, he was

[page 50]

ordered to be abroad, and the accusers to go forth to him and view him in the light, which they did, and in the presence of the magis- trates and many others discoursed quietly with him, one and all acquitting him, but yet said he was like that man, but he had not the wen they saw in his apparition, Note, he was a hilly faced man and stood shaded by reason of his own hair, so that for a time he seemed to some by-standers and observers, to be considerably like the person the afflicted did describe.

Mr. Samuel Parris, being desired to take in writing the examina- tion of Nehemiah Abbot, hath delivered it as aforesaid, and upon hearing the same did see cause to dismiss him.

John Hawthorne, Jona. Corwin, { Assistants.(Thomas Hutchinson, The History of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, From the Char- ter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691, Until the Year 1750 [London, 1768; re- printed Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1936, 3 vols.], II, 35. Hereafter cited as Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay.)

[page 51" id="p927-057]

John Alden

(See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint.)

(Warrant for Arrest of John Alden)

To the Constable of Salem

Essex Ss Whereas Complaint hath been made unto us John Ha- thorne & Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs by severall persons of Salem Vil- lage that Cap't John Alden of Boston Marrin'r # [that he] is guilty of Witchcraft in cruelly tortureing & afflicting several of their Chil- dren & others these are therefore in their Maj'ties King William & Queen Maryes name to Authorize & Comand you forwith to Appre- hend the body of the said John Alden and imediately bring him before us to answer what shall be objected ag't him in that behalfe and this shall be yo'r sufficient warrant Given under our hands the 31st day of May 1692 And in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William & Mary now King and Queen over England &c

&Pbar; us * John Hathorne * Jonathan. Corwin { Assis'ts[page 52]

persons Complaining viz't


Mary Walcott


Mercy Lewis


Abigail Williams

Ann putnam

Elizabeth Booth

Mary Warren

(Reverse) In obediance to the within written warant I have Appre- hended the Body of Cap't John Alden accordeing to the tener of this warrant

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 2. p. 52)


# When this symbol precedes bracketed material in these documents, it signifies that in the original a line is drawn through the bracketed word or words. (Bracketed words not preceded by the “#” represent informed guesses by the compilers of the 1938 WPA typescript as to words that in the original are either illegible or, through the wear and tear of the centuries, obliterated entirely.)

* An asterisk preceding a name in these documents signifies that in the original it is an autograph signature.

(John Alden's Account of his Examination)

John Aldin Senior, of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, Mar- iner , on the 28th Day of May, 1692, was sent for by the Magi- strates of Salem, in the County of Essex, upon the Accusation of a company of poor distracted, or possessed Creatures or Witches; and being sent by Mr. Stoughton, arrived there the 31st of May, and appeared at Salem-Village, before Mr. Gidney, Mr. Hathorn, and Mr. Curwin.

Those Wenches being present, who plaid their jugling tricks, falling down, crying out, and staring in Peoples Faces; the Magi- strates demanded of them several times, who it was of all the People in the Room that hurt them? one of these Accusers pointed several times at one Captain Hill, there present, but spake nothing; the same Accuser had a Man standing at her back to hold her up; he stooped down to her Ear, then she cried out, Aldin, Aldin afflicted her; one of the Magistrates asked her if she had ever seen Aldin, she answered no, he asked her how she knew it was Aldin? She said, the Man told her so.

Then all were ordered to go down into the Street, where a Ring was made; and the same Accuser cried out, “there stands Aldin, a bold fellow with his Hat on before the Judges, he sells Powder and Shot to the Indians and French, and lies with the Indian Squaes, and has Indian Papooses.” Then was Aldin committed to the Marshal's Custody, and his Sword taken from him; for they said he afflicted them with his Sword. After some hours Aldin was sent for to the Meeting-house in the Village before the Magistrates; who required Aldin to stand upon a Chair, to the open view of all the People.

[page 53]

The Accusers cried out that Aldin did pinch them, then, when he stood upon the Chair, in the sight of all the People, a good way distant from them, one of the Magistrates bid the Marshal to hold open Aldin's hands, that he might not pinch those Creatures. Aldin asked them why they should think that he should come to that Village to afflict those persons that he never knew or saw before? Mr. Gidney bid Aldin confess, and give glory to God; Aldin said he hoped he should give glory to God, and hoped he should never gratifie the Devil; but appealed to all that ever knew him, if they ever suspected him to be such a person, and challenged any one, that could bring in any thing upon their own knowledge, that might give suspicion of his being such an one. Mr. Gidney said he had known Aldin many Years, and had been at Sea with him, and al- ways look'd upon him to be an honest Man, but now he did see cause to alter his judgment: Aldin answered, he was sorry for that, but he hoped God would clear up his Innocency, that he would recall that judgment again, and added that he hoped that he should with Job maintain his Integrity till he died. They bid Aldin look upon the Accusers, which he did, and then they fell down. Aldin asked Mr. Gidney, what Reason there could be given, why Aldin's looking upon him did not strike him down as well; but no reason was given that I heard. But the Accusers were brought to Aldin to touch them, and this touch they said made them well. Aldin began to speak of the Providence of God in suffering these Creatures to accuse Inno- cent persons. Mr. Noyes asked Aldin why he would offer to speak of the Providence of God. God by his Providence (said Mr. Noyes) governs the World, and keeps it in peace; and so went on with Dis- course , and stopt Aldin's mouth, as to that. Aldin told Mr. Gidney, that he could assure him that there was a lying Spirit in them, for I can assure you that there is not a word of truth in all these say of me. But Aldin was again committed to the Marshal, and his Mittimus written, which was as follows.

[Mittimus] To Mr. John Arnold, Keeper of the Prison in Boston, in the County of Suffolk.

Whereas Captain John Aldin of Boston, Marriner, and Sarah Rice, Wife of Nicholas Rice of Reding, Husbandman, have been this day brought before us, John Hathorn and Jonathan Curwin, Esquires;

[page 54]

being accused and suspected of perpetrating divers acts of Witchcraft, contrary to the form of the Statute, in that Case made and provided: These are therefore in Their Majesties, King William and Queen Marys Names, to Will and require you, to take into your Custody, the bodies of the said John Aldin, and Sarah Rice, and them safely keep, until they shall thence be delivered by due course of Law; as you will answer the contrary at your peril; and this shall be your sufficient Warrant. Given under our hands at Salem Village, the 31st of May, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady, William and Mary, now King and Queen over England, etc., Anno Dom. 1692.

John Hathorn, Jonathan Curwin, { Assistants.To Boston Aldin was carried by a Constable, no Bail would be taken for him; but was delivered to the Prison-keeper, where he re- mained Fifteen Weeks; and then observing the manner of Tryals, and Evidence then taken, was at length prevailed with to make his Escape, and being returned, was bound over to Answer at the Supe- rior Court at Boston, the last Tuesday in April, Anno 1693. And was there cleared by Proclamation, none appearing against him.

Per John Aldin.

(Robert Calef, More Wonders of The Invisible World [London, 1700], excerpted in George Lincoln Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 [N.Y., 1914; reissued, 1968], pp. 353-355.

(Recognizance for John Alden)

Suffolk Ss.

Memorandum, That on the Thirty First day of Decemb'r 1692 . In the Fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord & Lady William and Mary by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen &c formally came and appeared Before me John Richards Esq'r One of their Ma'ties Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature within the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, John Alden #[of] Marrin'r Nathanael Williams &

[page 55]

Samuel Checkley, shopkeepers all of Boston within the said County of Suffolk. -- and acknowledged themselves and each of them to be indebted unto our said Lord and Lady the King and Queen, and the Survivor of them, their heires and Successors in the Sum of Two hundred pounds To be levied on their or either of their Goods, Chattels, Lands or Tenements for the use of our said Lord & Lady the King and Queen or the Survivors of them, if default be made in the performance of the condition underwritten.

The Condition of the above Recogniscance is such that whereas the above bounded John Alden, being accused and Suspected of per- petrating divers Acts of Witchcrafts contrary to the forme of the Statute in that case made and provided, was taken up and committed for the same unto their Ma'ties Goal in Boston, from whence he made his Escape -- If Therefore the said John Alden shall personally appear before their Ma'ties Justices, at the next Superior Court of Judicature and Court of Assize to be held at Boston within the said County of Suffolk, to answer what shall be objected against him on their Maj'ties behalfe referring unto the premises, and shall do and receive that which by the said court shall then & there be Enjoyned him, then this abovewritten Recogniseance to be void and of no no [ sic] Effect; Or else to abide and remain in full force and virtue.

Recognit die predict. Cor. me. *John Richards( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [1939 acquisition])

[page 57" id="p927-062]

Abigail Barker

(See also: Mary Osgood -- Petition.)

(Indictment v. Abigail Barker)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts bay In New England Ss//

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e

\ Do&mbar; : 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r: lord and Lady the King and Queen present...

That Abigaill Barker Wife of Ebenezer Barker of Andivor In & upon the Eighth day of September last in the Yeare aforesaid & divers other days & Times as well before as after Certaine detes- table arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorcerys Wickedly Mallitously & felloniously hath used practised & Exersised at & in the Town of Andivor aforesaid in the County of Essex aforesaid upon & Against One Rose foster of Andivor by which Said Wicked Arts the Said Rose foster the day & year afo&rbar;s'd & divers others days & times both before & after, was & is Tortured Afflicted Consumed pined Wasted and Tormented Against the peace of o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignity & the laws & Acts in that Case made & provided

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 54)

[page 59" id="p927-063]

Mary Barker

(See also: William Barker, Sr. -- Warrant; William Barker, Jr. -- Recognizance.)

(Examination of Mary Barker)

1st Paper

29 August 1692 Before Maj'r Gidney Mr. Hauthorn and Mr. Cor- win The Examination and Confession of Mary Barker of Andover. After severall questions propounded and negative answ'rs Returned she at last acknowledged that Goody Johnson made her a witch, And sometime last sumer she made a red mark in the devils book with the fore finger of her Left hand, And the Devil would have her hurt Martha Sprague, Rose Foster and Abigail martin which she did upon saturday and sabath Day last, she said she was not above a quarter of an hour in comeing down from Andover to Salem: to afflict, she sayes she afflicted the above three persons by squeezing her hands. She confesses she was at the witch meeting at Salem Village with her unkle, there was a great many there, and of her company there was only her unkle, Wm. Barker and Mary Marston. Martha Sprague said that Mary Barkers apparition told that she was Baptisied at five myle pond.

said Mary Barker said there was such aload & weight at her stom- ach that hindered her from speaking. And is afrayd she has given up herself soul and body to the Devil. she sayes she promised to serve worship and believe in him and he promesed to perdone her sins, but finds he has [dowtbed] her, and that she was Lost of God and all good people, That Goody Johnson and Goody falkner appeared at the same tyme and threatened to teare her in peeces if she did not doo what she then did. she further Sayth that she has seen no appearance since but a fly which did speake to her, and bid her afflict these poor creatures. which she did by pinching with, and Clincheing of her hands for which she is sorry And further the Devil

[page 60]

told her it would be very brave and clever for her to come down here to Salem among these accused persones. And that she should never be brought out. She promises to confess what more she shall hereafter remember.

Mary Barker Signed and owned the above said Examination & Confession

THE MARKE of Mary Barker

/17 Sep't 1692 before me *John Higginson, Jus'e peace( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2678 Page 9)

(Examination of Mary Barker, Second Version)

29'th August 1692 -- Before Maj'r Gidny Mr Hathorne Mr Cor- win The Examination And Confession of Mary Barker of And- ivor -- after Several Questions Propounded & Neagative ans'rs Returned She at last acknowledged that Goody Johnson made her a witch & that Some time last Sumer She made a Red Mark in the Divels book w'th the fore finger of her left hand & the Divel would have her hurt Martha Sprage Rose foster & Abigall Martin w'ch She did on Satterday & Sabbath day last She Said She was not above a Quart'r of an hour a Coming Dwone from Andivor to Salem to afflict She S'd She afflicted the above S'd 3 persons by Squezing her hands She Confesses She was at the Witch Metting at Salem Village w'th her unkle, there was a grate many there & of her Company was only her unkle W'm Barker & Mary Marston -- Martha Sprage S'd that Mary Barkers apperition told that She was baptized at 5 Mile pond -- S'd Mary Barker S'd ther was Such a load & weight at her Stomack that Hindred her from Speaking & is afrayd She has Given up her Self Soul & body to the Divel She Says She promised to Serve worship & beleive in him & he promised to pardon her Sins but finds he has deceived her & that She was left of god & all good people & that Goody Johnson & Goody falkner apeared at the Same time & threatned to tear her in peices if she did not doe what She then did

[page 61]

She further Said that She had Seen no aperance Since but a fly w'ch did Speak to her & bid her afflict those poor Creaturs w'ch She did by pinching With Clinching of her hands for w'ch She is Sorry -- &further the Divel told her it would be very brave & Cliver for her to Come Dwone to Salem among those acused persons & that She Should Never be brought out She promised to Confese what more She Shall hearafter Rememb'r

Mary Barker Signed & owned the abovesaid Examination & confession before me

*Jno Higginson Justice of Peace17'th Sept. 1692

The Marke of Mary Barker

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem No. 8)

(Indictment v. Mary Barker)

2nd Paper

Essex in New England Ss

Annoq'e RR's & Reginae Guilielmi & Mariae &c quarto Anno Domini 1692//

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present that Mary Barker of Andover in the County of Essex aforesaid On or about the 29'th Day of August last In the Yeare 1692 and divers other Days and times both before and after. Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly felloniously & Mallitiously hath used practised and Exercised in & upon the Body of Abigaill Martin of Andivor at and within the Township of Andivor aforesaid And at Divers other Days and times as well as before as after was and is Tortured aflicted and Tormented consumed pined and wasted, Against the peace of our Sovraigne Lord and Lady King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the Statute of the first of King James the first in that Case made and provided


[page 62]

Billa vera *Robert Payne foreman ponet se Not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Files Case No. 2678 Page 9)

(Indictment v. Mary Barker)

3rd Paper

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Ss . . .

Anno R.R.'s & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &ca Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692//

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen doe &pbar; sent that Mary Barker of Andvor

In the County of Essex - - On or about the 29'th day of August last - - In the yeare aforesaid and Divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts Called Witchcraft and Sorce- ries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Andvor in the County of Essex - - aforesaid in upon and against one Rose foster of [- - - -] afore- said - - - by which said Wicked Acts the said Rose foster the Day & Yeare - - aforesaid & Divers other Days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tor- mented . Against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute In that case made & Provided.


Billa Vera foreman ponet se Not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Files Case No. 2678 Page 9)

[page 63" id="p927-067]

William Barker, Sr.

(Indictment v. William Barker, Sr.)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay Essex In New England Ss

Anno R R's & Regina Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae & Quarto Anoq'e \ Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen &pbar;&rbar;'sent

that William Barker Senior of Andivor In the County of Essex afo&rbar;sd

Husbandman About Three Years past in the Towneship of Andivo'r afores'd Wickedly, Mallitiously & felloniously a Covenant with the Devill did Make, And did Signe the Devills Booke with Blood, & gave himselfe Soule & body to the Devill, By Which Wicked & diabol- licall Covenant with the Devill made in maner & forme Aforesaid The Said William Barker is become A [A] detestable Witch Against the peace of o'r Sover' Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignity & the Laws in that Case made & provided,

(Reverse) William Barker Senior for Covenanting with Devill.

Billa vera *Robert Payne foreman

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 38)

(Warrant for Arrest of William Barker, Sr., Mary Marston and Mary Barker, Aug. 25, 1692)

Essex To the Constables of Andov'r:

Complaint being made to me this day, by Sam'l Martin of Andover & Moses Tyler sen'r of Boxford, against Will&abar;a Barker sen'r Mary Marstone the wife of John Marstone jun'r & Mary Barker the Daugh-

[page 64]

ter of Lef't John Barker, all of Andov'r in that the aboves'd William Barker Mary Marstone & Mary Barker, have woefully afflicted & Abused, Abigail Martin & Rose foster of Andov'r, & Martha Sprague of Boxford by witchcraft, Contrary to the peace of O'r Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary King & Queen of England &c: & to their Majes'ts Laws in that Case provided:

These therefore require you in their Majes'ts names upon sight

hereof, to apprehend & seize the bodies of William Barker sen'r Mary Marstone the wife of John Marstone jun'r & Mary Barker the Daughter of Lef't John Barker all of Andov'r & them safely Convey to Salem, before their Majes'ts justices of the Peace there, to be ex- amined & Proceeded with according to law, for which this shall be the warrant: given und'r my hand & seal this 25'th [25] day of August Anno Domini 1692: in the fourth year of their Majes'ts Reigne:/

*Dudley Bradstreet justice of Peacethe S'd Martin & Tyler have given sufficient bond to prosecute s'd persons to effect, which bond remains with me:

(Reverse) [torn]

persons and have brought them to Salem the 29'th of August 1692 Before their. honours mentined in the Rit:

&pbar;'r*Ephriam Foster Constable of Andover

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Indictment v. William Barker, Sr.)

Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England Essex

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto: Annoq'e d&mbar; : 1692

The Juror for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen Presents That William Barker Seinor of Adivor in the County of Essex afore- said Husband&mbar; Sometime in August last 1692 afors'd - - - - - And

[page 65]

Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceryes Wickedly Mallishously & fellon- iously hath Used Practised & Exercised at and in the Towne of An- divor -- in the County of Essex afores'd Upon & against one Abagaiele Martin of Andivor SingleWoman By which Wicked Arts the said Abagaile Martin -- the Day and year afores'd and Divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined & wasted ag't the Peace of Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity & the Lawes in that case made & Provided:

Wittnesses: Rose foster -- Matha Tyler(Reverse) William Barker Senior for afflicting Abigaill Martin Billa Vera

*Robert Payne foreman fled fled Persons fled

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 37)

(Examination of William Barker, Sr.)

29. agust. 92. Coram Maj'r Gidney Mr. hathorn Mr. Corwin Capt higginson

William Barker of Andovers examination & confession

He confesses he has been in the snare of the devil three years, that the devil first appeared to him lyke a black man and perceived he had a cloven foot, That the devil demanded of him to give up himself soul & Body unto him, which he promesed to doe. He said he had a great family, the world went hard with him and was willing to pay every man his own, And the devil told him he would pay all his debts and he should live comfortably -- He confesses he has afflicted Sprague foster and martin, his three accusers. That he did syne the devils book with blood brought to him in a thing lyke an Inkhorn that he dip't his fingers there in and made a blott in the book which was a confirmation of the Covenent with the devil.

[page 66]

He confesses he was at a meeting of witches at Salem Village where he judges there was about a hundred of them, that the meeting was upon a green peece of ground neare the ministers house, He said they mett there to destroy that place by reason of the peoples being divided & theire differing with their ministers

Satans design was to set up his own worship, abolish all the churches in the land, to fall next upon Salem and soe goe through the countrey, He sayth the devil promeised that all his people should live bravely that all persones should be equall; that their should be no day of resurection or of judgement, and neither punishment nor shame for sin -- He sayth there was a Sacrament at that meeting, there was also bread & wyne Mr. Burse was a ringleader in that meet- ing and name several persones that were there at the meeting, It was proposed at the meeting to make as many witches as they could, and they were all by Mr. Burse and the black man exhorted to pull down the Kingdome of christ and set up the kingdome of the devil, He said he knew Mr. Burroughs and Goody How to be such persones, And that he heard a trumpet sounded at the meeting and thinks it was Burse that did it, the sound is heard many myles off and then they all come one after another -- In the spring of the yeare the wit- ches came from Connecticut to afflict at Salem Village but now they have left it off And that he has been informed by some of the grandees that there is about 307 witches in the country, -- He sayth the witches are much disturbed with the afflicted persones because they are descovered by them, They curse the judges Because their Society is brought under, They wold have the afflicted persones count- ed as witches but he thinks the afflicted persones are Innocent & that they doe god good service And that he has not known or heard of one innocent persone taken up & put in prisone -- He saith he is heartily sorry for what he has done and for hurting the afflicted persones his accusers, prayes their forgiveness, desyres pray'rs for himself, promises to renounce the devil and all his works, And then he could take them all by the hand without any harme by his eye or any otherwise --

5. 7: 92 the aboveSaid is the Truth as wittnese my hand:

*William Barker[page 67]

(In left margin) he owned this in the Court of Oyre & Terminer as on the back Side

(Reverse) At a court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem Sep'r 16. 92: Owned in Court at Salem Sept'r 16. 1692

Attest * St Sewall *William Barker

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 39)

(Examination of William Barker, Sr., Second Version)

29 August 1692 . W'm Barker Sen'r of Andivers Examination & Confession

Before Maj'r Gidney Mr. Hathorne Mr. Corwin Jno Higginson Esq'r -- He Conffesses he has been in the Snare of the Divel [@'bt] Three Years that the first apeared to Him in the Shape of a black man & perceived he had a Cloven foott that the Divel deman'd of him to give up himself Soul & body to him w'ch he promised to doe he Said he had a greate family the world went hard w'th him & was willing to pay Every Man his owne & the Divel told him he would pay all his Debts & he Should live Comfortably -- He Conffesses he has afflicted Sprauge fostter & Martin his three akusers that he did Sign the Divel book w'th blood brought to him in a thing like an Inkhorn that he dipt his finger therein and made a bloot in the book w'ch was a Confermation of a Covenant made w'th the divel -- He Conffesses he was at a metting of the witches at Salem Village where he Judges there was about a hundred of them that the meet- ing was upon a green peice of ground Near the Ministers house he Says they Meet their to destroy that place by reason of the peoples being devided & their differing w'th there Ministers -- Satans desire was to Sett up his own worship, abolish all the Churches in the land to fall next upon Salem & Soe goe through the Country he Saith the Divel promised al his people should live Bravely that al persons Should be Equal that their Should be no day of resurection or Judgment And Nither Punishment nor Shame for Sin -- he Saith their was a Sacrement at the Metting there was also bread & wine Mr Burse was a Ring Leader in that Metting & named several persons that Ware there at the Metting It was proposed at the Metting to

[page 68]

make as Many witches as they Could & they were al by Mr. Burse & the black Man Exhorted to pull dwone ye Kingdom of Christ & Sett Up the Kingdome of the Divel, He S'd he knew Mr. Burroughs & Goody How to be such persons & that he heard a trumpet Sounded at the Metting & thinks it was Burse that did it the Sound is heard Many Miles of and then they all Come one after another -- In the Spring of the Year the witches Came from Connecticut to afflict at Salem Village butt now they have left it of, & that he has been In- formed by Some of the Grandees that there is @ 307 witches in the Country -- He Saith the witches are much disturbed w'th the afflicted persons because they are Discovered by th'm, they Curse the Judges because their Society is brought under they would have the afflicted persons Counted as witches but he thinks the afflicted persons are Inocent & that they doe god good Service & that he has not knowne or heard of one Inocent person taken up And putt in prison -- he Saith he is hartyly Sorry for W't he has done & for hurting the afflicted persons his accusers, prays there forgivenes, desire prayers for him Self promises to Renounce the Divel & al his works & then he could take them all by the hand w'thout any harme by his Eye or otherwise -- the above S'd is the truth as witt- nesse my hand --

*William Barker(In left margin) d mo 5” 7” 92”

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem No. 9)

(Confession from Prison of William Barker, Sr.)

God having called me to Confess my sin and Apostasy in that fall in giving the Devil advantage over me appearing to me like a Black, in the evening to set my hand to his Book, as I have owned to my shame. He told me that I should not want so doing. At Salem Village, there being a little off the Meeting-House, about an hundred five Blades, some with Rapiers by their side, which was called and might be more for ought I know by B and Bu[rroughs] and the Trumpet sounded, and Bread and Wine which they called the Sacrament, but I

[page 69]

had none; being carried all over on a Stick, never being at any other Meeting. I being at Cart a Saturday last, all the day, of Hay and English Corn, the Devil brought my Shape to Salem, and did afflict M[artha] S[prague] and R[ose] F[oster] by clitching my hand; and a Sab- bath day my Shape afflicted A[bigail] M[artin] and at night afflic- ted M[artha] S[prague] and A[bigail] M[artin]. E[lizabeth] J[ ohn- son ] and A[bigail] F[aulkner] have been my Enticers to this great abomination, as one have owned and charged her to her Sister with the same. And the design was to Destroy Salem Village, and to begin at the Ministers House, and to destroy the Church of God, and to set up Satans Kingdom, and then all will be well. And now I hope God in some measure has made me something sensible of my sin and apos- tasy , begging pardon of God, and of the Honourable Magistrates and all Gods people, hoping and promising by the help of God, to set to my heart and hand to do what in me lyeth to destroy such wicked worship, humbly begging the prayers of all Gods People for me, I may walk humbly under this great affliction and that I may procure to my self, the sure mercies of David, and the blessing of Abraham.

(John Hale, A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft [Boston, 1702], excerpted in George Lincoln Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 [N.Y., 1914; re- issued , 1968], pp. 419-420.)

[page 71" id="p927-074]

William Barker, Jr.

(Recognizance for William Barker, Jr., and Mary Barker)


That on the Thirteenth day of Jan'ry 1692 In the Fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England &c: King & Queen defenders of the faith &c: Personally appeared before W'm Stoughton Esq'r cheife Justice of their Maj'ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New England Jno Barker and Jno Osgood both of the Towne of Andiver in the County of Essex Husbandmen and acknowledged themselves to be Joyntly & Severally indebted unto our s'd: Sovereigne Lord & Lady and the survivor of them their Heires & Successors in the sum of one Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their lands & Tenni- ments goods & chattles for the use of our s'd: Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen or Survivor of them on Condition that W'm Barker Jun'r & Mary Barker haveing stood Committed for Suspition of Witchcraft shall make their personall appearance before the Jus- tices of our s'd: Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assizes and Generall Goale Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then & their to answer to all such matters and things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alledged against them and to doe & re- ceive that which by the s'd: Court shall be then & there Injoyned them and thence not to departe without licence --

Attest *Jo&nbar;'a Elatson Cle&rbar;(Reverse)

Recognizance of Jn'o Barker Jn'o Osgood{ W'm Barker Jun'r for & Mary Barker

May 10th Apeared

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 105)

[page 72]

(Indictment v. William Barker, Jr.)

1st Paper

Case of William Barker Witchcraft-Aug 1692-May 1693)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex Ss

An'o Rr's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord and Lady the King & Queen &pbar;r'sents

that William Barker Junior of Andver in the County of Essex aforsaid sometime in the month of August last in the yeare 1692 afors'd Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously a Covenant withe the Devill did make & Signed the Devills Booke and by the Devill was Baptized & before him Renownced his form'r Baptisme & Promised to be the Devills for ever and ever By which wicked & Diabollicall Covenant the Said William Barker is become A Detestable Witch Against the Peace of o'r So'r lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity And the laws in that Case made & provided.


Billa Vera *Robert Payne Foreman ponet se Not Guilty Court of Ispswich Ipswich 2 Tuesday May 1693

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2761 Page 102)

(Indictment v. William Barker, Jr.)

3rd Paper

Province of the Massathusetts Bay in New England Essex

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto annoq'e Do&mbar;: 1692

[page 73]

The Jurors for our Souvereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen Presents - - - That William Barker Junior of Andiver in the County of Essex aforesaid - - - Sometime in the Moneth of August in the Yeare 1692 aforesaid And Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries: Wickedly Mallishiously & fello- niously hath used Practised & Exercised at &: in the Towne of Salem -- in the County of Essex aforesaid upon and against one Martha Sprague Allias Martha Tyler -- by which wicked artes the Said Martha Sprague All&ibar; Tyler the Day and Year aforesaid and Divers -- other dayes & times as well before as after was & is Tour- tered Afflicted Tormented Pined & Wasted against the Peace of our Souvereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Lawes in that Case made & Provided./


Billa Vera *Robert Payne foreman ponet se Not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2761 Page 102)

(Examination of William Barker, Jr.)

1 Sep'r 92 Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hathorne Mr Corwin Jno Higgin- son Esq'r

The Exam & Confes'&obar;&nbar; of W&mbar; Barker Jun'r aged 14 Yeares or their about He is accused for Exercising acts of Witchcraft Upon the bodyes of Martha Sprauge Rosse fostter & abigall Martin w'ch he did not deny but Could Not Rememb'r It -- He Conffesses now that he hath not been in the Snare of the Divel above Six # [Years]

[page 74]

days, that as he was Goeing into the Woods one Evening to louk after Cows he Saw the Shape of a black dog w'ch looked Verry fercly Upon him & he was much disturbed in his Mind about it & Could not Sleep Well that Night & betimes Next Morning he Mett w'th a black Man(he Calls him a black man because he had black Cloaths & thinks he had a black Skin) Who bid him Sett his hand to his book & Serve him as long as he the s'd Barker lived w'ch he pro- mised And theirupon Sett His hand to this book by putting his fing'r Thereon he Saith the black man brought Red Stuf among w'th him in an Inkorn & he the S'd Barker dipt his finger into it and ther w'th Made a Red Mark on the paper He Conffesses he was to doe any Servis the black man appointed him # [to doe] & was to have Suite of Cloaths for it he S'd further the black man would have him bapt- ized but he Never was -- he Saith further that goode Parker went w'th him last Night to Afflict Martha Sprauge & that he afflicts by Clinching his hands together he Saith he Now is Sorry & hates the Divel but yett Struck dwon the afflicted w'th his Eyes -- and Martha Sprauge being Recovered out of a fitt S'd that barkers apperition & Goode Parker rod upon a pole & was baptized at 5 Mile pond -- He Now Says there was Such a load Upon his Stomach that he Could Not Speak a little affter he owned he was baptized by the black man at 5 Mile pond & Renounced his former baptizime he Knows Goode parker to be a witch & Says the Divel dipt his head into the Watter & Spook these words that he the S'd Barker was his for Ever & Ever He S'd he Could not think of his baptizime before & that the Load that was Up[on] his Stomach Is not Soe heavy as it was Just now He Stil afflicted Martha Sprauge & Shut her Mouth but by laying his hand Theron opened [it] again -- and after wards Confessed that there ware of his Compa' Goode parker Goode JohnSon Sam'll Wardwel his wife & two Daughters & then Could take the afflicted p'rsons by the Hand w'th out doeing them any harm

Wm Barker Jun'r Signed & owned the aboveS'd Exa&mbar; & Conffession before Me

*John Higginson Just'e peaceThe Marke of W&mbar;. Barker Ju&nbar;

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem No. 3)

[page 75]

(Examination of William Barker, Jr., Second Version)

2nd Paper

Sept. 12 Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hawthorn Mr Corwin & Cap't Higginsone

The Examination and Confession of W'm Barker aged 14 yeares or thereabout

He is accused for exerciseing acts of witchcraft upon the bodyes of Martha Sprague Rose foster and Abigail Martin, which he did not deny but could not remember it.

He confesses now that he hath not been in the snare of the Devil above six Dayes, That as he was goeing in the woods one evening to look after cowes he sene the shape of a black Dog which looked very fiercely upon him And he was much disturbed in his mynd about it and could not sleep well that night. And betymes next morneing he mett with a black man (he calls him a black man be- cause he had black cloaths and thinks he had a black skin) who bid him set his hand to a book and serve him as long as he the said Barker Lived, which he promised And thereupon set his hand to the book by putting his finger thereon, He saith the black man brought red stuff along with him in an Inkhorn And he the said Barker dipt his finger into it and therewith made a red mark on the paper He confesses he was to doe any Service the black man appoynted him and was to have a sute of cloaths for it, he said further the black man would have him baptised but he never was.

He saith further that Goody Parker went with him last night to afflict Martha Sprague, and that he afflicts by clinching his hands to- gether . He now saith he is sorry & hates the Devill but yet struck down the afflicted with his eyes, And Martha Sprague being re- covered out of a fitt said that Barkers apparition and Goody Parker rid upon a pole and was baptized at five myle pond He now sayes there was such aload upon his stomach that he could not speak,

a little after he owned he was baptised by the black man at five myle pond and did also renounce his former baptisme, he knowes Goody Parker to be a witch and sayes the Devil Dipt his head into the water and spoke these words that he the said Barker was his for ever and ever

[page 76]

He said he could not think of his baptisme before, And that the load that was upon his stomach is not so heavy as it was but just before

He still afflicted Martha Sprague & Shut her mouth but by layeing his hand thereon opened it again -- and afterwards confessed that there were of his Company Goody Parker Goody Johnson Samuel Wardwell & his wife and two Daughters. And then could take the af- flicted persons by the hand without Doeing them any harme. --

W'm Barker Jun'r Signed & owned the abovesaid Examination & Confession. -- before me

*John Higginson Just peace:The Marke of William Barker Jun'r

(Reverse) Confession of William Barker Jun'r acused Goody Parker Goody Johnson Sam'l Wardell his wife & 2 Daughters

afflicted Martha Sprague

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2761 Page 102)

[page 77" id="p927-080]

Sarah Bassett

(See also: Sarah Proctor -- Complaint.)

(Indictment v. Sarah Bassett)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex

\ An&obar; RR & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e \ Do&mbar;. 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent

The Sarah Bassett wife of William Bassett of Lyn in the County of Essex aforesaid Upon or about the 23'rd day of May last Anno: 1692 aforsaid

And Divers other Days & Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath used practised & Exercised at & in the Towne of Salem, in the County of Essex aforesaid Upon & Against One Mary Walcott of Salem Single Woman By Which Wicked Arts The Said Mary Walcott is Tortured aflicted Tormented Consumed Wasted & Pined the Day & yeare aforesaid & Divers other Days & times as well before as Contrary to the peace of o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity & the Laws in that Case made & provided

Wittness An Putnam Marcy lewis(Reverse)

Ignoramus *Robert Payne foreman Salem Court 3 January 169⅔

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2701 Page 24)

[page 79" id="p927-081]

Sarah Bibber

(John Porter and Lydia Porter v. Sarah Bibber)

The Testimony of John porter: And Lidia porter

The Testimony of John porter, who Testifieth & sayth that Goodwife Biber sometime living amongst us I did ovserve her to be a woman of An unruly turbulent spirit; And shee would often fall into strange fitts; when shee was crost of her humor: Likewise Lidia porter Testifieth, that Goodwife Bibber And her Husband would often quarrel & in their quarrels shee would call him, very bad names, And would have strange fitts when she was crost, and a woman of an unruly turbulent spirit, And double tongued

(Reverse) Jno Porters Evidence in behalfe of the p'rsones in Invali- dating -- Sarah vibber #[copy] copied

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 56)

(Joseph Fowler v. Sarah Bibber)

The Testimony of Joseph fowler, who Testifieth that Goodman Bibber & his wife, Lived at my house, and I did observe and take notice, that Goodwife Bibber was a woman, who was very idle in her calling And very much given to tatling & tale Bareing makeing mischeif amongst her neighbors, and very much given to speak bad words and would call her husband bad names & was a woman of a very turbulent unruly spirit

(Reverse) Joseph Fowler Against Bibber & Wife

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. Page 56)

[page 80]

(Thomas Jacobs and Mary Jacobs v. Sarah Bibber)

The testymony of Thomas Jacob and mary his wife doth testyfy and say that good bibbor#[and] now that is now counted aflicted parson she did for a time [surgin] in our hous and good bibber wood be very often spekeking against won and nother very obsa[n]ely and thos things that were very falls. and wichshing very bad wichchis and very often and she wichs that wen hor chill fell into the rever that she had never pull#[our] hor chilld out and good bibbor yous to wich ill wichches to horselfe and hor chilldren and allso to others: the nayborhud werr she liveued amonkes aftor she bered hor fust housbon hes tolld us that this John bibbor wife coud fall into fitts as often as she plesed

(Reverse) Tho. Jacobs goody[b]iver

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 57)

(Richard Walker v. Sarah Bibber)

(In left margin) The Testimony of Richard Walker : who Testifieth: that Goodwife Bibber somtimes Living neare to me, I did observe her to be a woman of an unruly turbulent spirit, And would often fall into strange fitts: when anything crost her humor

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 57)

(Sarah Nurse v. Sarah Bibber)

the Testimony of Sarah Nurs aged 28 years of th [Torn] a bouts who testifieth and saith that being in the Coun [Torn] this 29 of June 1692 I sawe goodwife bibber pull [Torn] pins out of her Close and held them betwene h [Torn] fingers and Claspt her hands round her knese and then she Cryed out and said goody Nurs prict

[page 81]

her this I can testifie if Calld as witness my mark

mark Sarah

Nurs her( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 83" id="p927-084]

Bridget Bishop Executed, June 10, 1692

(See also: Giles Corey -- Warrant;George Jacobs Sr. -- Mittimus)

(Examination of Bridget Bishop, First Version)

The Examination of Bridget Byshop at Salem Village 19. Apr. 1692 By John Hauthorn & Jonath: Corwin Esq'rs

As soon as she came near all fell into fits Bridget Byshop, You are now brought before Authority to Give acco. of what witchcrafts you are conversant in

I take all this people (turning her head & eyes about) to witness that I am clear.

Hath this woman hurt you speaking to the afflicted.

Eliz: Hubbard Ann Putman, Abigail Williams & Mercy Lewes affirmed she had hurt them.

You are here accused by 4.or.5. for hurting them, what do you say to it,

I never saw these persons before, nor I never was in this place before.

Mary Walcot said that her brother Jonathan stroke her appearance & she saw that he had tore her coat in striking, & she heard it tare.

Upon some search in the Court, a rent that seems to answere what was alledged was found.

They say you bewitcht your first husband to death.

If it please your worship I know nothing of it.

She shake her head & the afflicted were tortured.

The like again upon the motion of her head.

Sam: Braybrook affirmed that she told him to day that she had been accounted a Witch these 10 years, but she was no Witch, the Devil cannot hurt her.

[page 84]

I am no witch

Why if you have not wrote in the book, yet tell me how far you have gone? Have you not to do with familiar Spirits?

I have no familiarity with the devil.

How is it then, that your appearance doth hurt these?

I am innocent.

Why you seem to act witchcraft before us, by the motion of your body, which seems to have influence upon the afflicted.

I know nothing of it. I am innocent to a Witch. I know not what a Witch is

How do you know then that you are not a witch

I do not know what you say.

How can you know, you are no Witch, & yet not know what a Witch is.

I am clear: if I were any such person you should know it.

You may threaten, but you can do no more than you are per- mitted .

I am innocent of a witch.

What do you say of those murders you are charged with?

I hope, I am not guilty of Murder

Then she turned up her eyes, the eyes of the afflicted were turned up

It may be you do not know, that any have confessed to day, who have been examined before you, that they are Witches.

No. I know nothing of it.

John Hutchinson & John Lewis in open Court affirmed that they had told her

Why look you, you are taken now in a flat lye.

I did not hear them.

Note Sam: Gold saith that after this examination he askt s'd Bridget Byshop if she were not troubled to see the afflicted persons so tormented, said Byshop answered no, she was not Troubled for them: Then he ask't her whither she thought they were bewitcht, she said she could not tell what to think about them. Will Good, & John Buxton jun'r was by, & he supposeth they heard her also.

Salem Village Aprill the.19'th 1692 mr Sam'l parris being desired to take into wrighting the Examination of Bridget Bishop, hath delivered it as aforesaid. And upon hearing the same, and

[page 85]

seeing what wee did then see, togather with the Charge of the afflic- ted persons then present: Wee Committed said Bridget Olliver --

*John Hathorne.( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 34)

(Examination of Bridget Bishop, Second Version)

The examination of Bridget Bishop before the Worshipfull John Harthon and Jonathan Curren esq'rs

Bridget Bishop being now coming in to be examined relating to her accusation of Suspicon of sundry acts of witchcrafts the afflicted persons are now dreadfully afflicted by her as they doe say.

(Mr Harthon) Bishop what doe you say you here stand charged with sundry acts of witchcraft by you done or committed upon the bodyes of mercy Lews and An Putnam and others.

(Bishop) I am innocent I know nothing of it I have done no witchcraft

(Mr Har) Looke upon this woman and see if this be the woman that you have seen hurting you. Mercy Lewes and An Putnam and others doe [doe] now charge her to her face with hurting of them.

Mr Harthon What doe you say now you see they charge you to your face

(Bish) I never did hurt them in my life I did never see these persons before I am as innocent as the child unborn

(Mr Harth) is not your coate cut

(Bish) answers no but her garment being Looked upon they find it cut or toren two wayes Jonathan walcoate saith that the sword that he strucke at goode Bishup with was not naked but was within the scabbord so that the rent may very probablie be the very same that mary walcoate did tell that she had in her coate by Jonathans stricking at her apperance

The afflicted persons charge her, with having hurt them many wayes and by tempting them to sine to the devils Booke at which charge she seemed to be very angrie and shaking her head at them

[page 86]

saying it was false they are all greatly tormented (as I conceive) by the shaking of her head

(Mr Har) good Bishop what contract have you made with the devill

(Bish) I have made no contract with the devill I never saw him in my life. An Putnam sayeth that shee calls the devill her God

(Mr Har) what say you to all this that you are charged with can you not find in your heart to tell the truth

(Bish) I doe tell the truth I never hurt these persons in my life I never saw them before.

(Mercy Lewes) oh goode Bishop did you not come to our house the Last night and did you not tell me that your master made you tell more than you were willing to tell

(Mr Har) tell us the truth in this matter how comes these persons to be thus tormented and to charge you with doing

(Bish) I am not come here to say I am a witch to take away my life

(Mr H) who is it that doth it if you doe not they say it is your likenes that comes and torments them and tempts them to write in the booke what Booke is that you tempt them with.

(Bish) I know nothing of it I am innocent.

(Mr Harth) doe you not see how they are tormented you are acting witchcraft before us what doe you say to this why have you not an heart to confese the truth

(Bish) I am innocent I know nothing of it I am no witch I know not what a witch is.

(Mr H) have you not given consent that some evill spirit should doe this in your likenes.

(B) no I am innocent of being a witch I know no man woman or child here

(Marshall Herrik) how came you into my bed chamber one morning then and asked me whether I had any curtains to sell shee is by some of the afflicted persons charged with murder

(Mr Harth) what doe you say to these murders you are charged with

(B) I am innocent I know nothing of it

now shee lifts up her eyes and they are greatly tormented again

(Mr Har) what doe you say to these things here horrible acts of witch craft.

[page 87]

(Bish) I know nothing of it I doe not know whither be any witches or no

(Mr Har) no have you not heard that some have confessed.

(Bish) no I did not. two men told her to her face that they had told her here shee is taken in a plain lie now shee is going away they are dreadfully afflicted 5 afflicted persons doe charge this woman to be the very woman that hurts them

This is a true account of what I have taken down at her examina- tion according to best understanding and observation I have also in her examination taken notice that all her actions have great influence upon the afflicted persons and that have been tortored by her

*Ezekiel Cheever.(Reverse) Examination ag't Bishop

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 36)

(Indictment v. Bridget Bishop, No. 1)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae W[illm et] Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto:

Essex Ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & lady the King & Queen p'esents that Bridgett Bishop als Olliver the wife of Edward Bishop of Salem in the County of Essex Sawyer the Nyneteenth Day of April in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Deffenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times awell before as after. certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries.wickedly.and felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised, at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon.and ag't one: Mercy Lewis of Salem Village in the County afors'd singlewoman by which said wicked Arts the said Mercy Lewis -- the s'd Nyneteenth Day of April in the fourth Year aboves'd and divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, was & is hurt Tortured Afflicted Pined, Consumed, wasted: & tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord And Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made & provided

[page 88]

Wittnesses Mercy Lewis Nathan'll Ingersoll Mr Sam'll paris Thomas puttnam Jun'r Mary Walcott Ann puttnam Jun'r Elizabeth Hubbard Abigal Williams(Reverse) Billa vera

*John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest of the Grand Jurie

(Reverse) Bills ag't Bishop No (1)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p. 33)

(Indictment v. Bridget Bishop, No. 2)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto

Essex Ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent that Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s Olliver the wife of Edward Bishop of Salem in the County of Essex Sawyer -- the Nyneteenth day of April in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c and Divers other dayes & times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries. wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and ag't one Abigail Williams of Salem Village in the County of Essex afores'd singlewoman.. by which said wicked Arts the said Abigail Williams the Nyneteenth Day of April afores'd in the fourth Year aboves'd and divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, was, and is tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our Said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made and Provided

[page 89]

Wittnesses Abigail Williams Mr Sam'll paris sworne Nathan'll Ingersoll sworne Thomas puttnam sworne Mercy Lewis Ann Puttnam Jun'r Sworne Mary Walcott sworne Elizabeth Hubbard sworne Jno Bligh & Rebecka his wife sworn Samuel Shattock and Sarah his wife sworne William Bligh sworne William Stacey sworne John Loader sworne(Reverse) Billa vera *John Ruck foreman in the name of the Rest (2)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 33)

(Indictment v. Bridget Bishop, No. 3)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto

Essex Ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent that Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s Olliver the wife of Edward Bishop of Salem in the County of Essex Sawyer -- the Nyneteenth Day of April -- in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King and Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after, certaine De- testable Arts, called Witchcraft & Sorceries, Wickedly and felon- iously hath used Practised & Exercised, at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in an upon and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Village in the County afores'd single- woman -- by which said wicked arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the s'd Nyneteenth Day of April -- in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other dayes, and times as well before as after was & is hurt tortured Afflicted Pine Consumed, wasted, and tormented ag't the Peace of our s'd Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made and Provided.

Wittnesses Elizabeth Hubbard Mercy Lewis

[page 90]

Mr Sam'll paris Nathan'll Ingersoll Thomas puttnam Ann puttnam Jun'r Mary Walcott Abigail Williams,(Reverse) Billa vera *John Rucke formane in the name of the Rest (4)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 page 33)

(Indictment v. Bridget Bishop, No. 4)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto:

Essex Ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent that Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s Olliver the wife of Edward Bishop of Salem in the County of Essex Sawyer the Nyneteenth Day of April -- in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary By the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after.certaine Detestable Artes called Witchcraft & Sorceries, Wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised & Excercised at and within the Towneship of Salem, afores'd in upon ag't one Ann puttnam of Salem Village in the County afore- s'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Ann puttnam the s'd Nyneteenth Day of April in the fourth Year aboves'd and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after was & is hurt, tortured. Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen and against the forme of the Statute in that Case made & Provided

Wittnesses Ann Puttnam Jun'r Mr Sam'll paris Nathan'll Ingersoll Thomas puttnam

[page 91]

Mercy Lewis Mary Walcott Abigail Williams Elizabeth Hubbard(Reverse) Billa vera *John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest

(Reverse) (5) Bills ag't Brid't Bishop alias Olliver Found by the Grand Inquest Folio 966

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 33)

(Deliverance Hobbs v. Bridget Bishop et al.)

Deliverance-Hobbs . Exam'ed May. 3. 1692 . Salem prison

Q. w't have you done since whereby there is further trouble in your appearance?

An. nothing at all.

Q. but have you nott since bin tempted?

An. yes S'r, but I have nott done itt, nor will nott doe itt

Q. here is a great change since we last spake to you, for now you Afflict & torment againe; now tell us the truth whoe tempted you to sighne againe?

An. itt was Goody Olliver; shee would have mee to sett my hand to the book, butt I would nott neither have I. neither did consent to hurt them againe.

Q. was that true that Goody Wilds appeared to you & tempted you?

An. yes, that was true.

Q. have you been tempted since?

An. yes, about fryday or Saturday night last

Q. did they bid you that you should nott tell?

An. yes they tould me soe.

Q. but how farr did thay draw you or tempt you, & how farr did you yeild to the temptation? but doe not you acknowledge that [that] was true that you tould us formerly?

An. Yes.

Q. and you did sighne then att the first, did you Nott?

An. Yes, I did itt is true.

[page 92]

Q. did you promiss then to deny att last what you said before?

An.yes, I did & itt was Goody Oliver Alias Bishop that tempted me to deny all that I had confessed before.

Q. doe you nott know the man w'th the Wenne?

An.noe I doe nott know whoe itt is; all that I confessed before is true.

Q. Whoe were they you named formerly?

An.Osburne, Good, Burroughs, Olliver, Wiles, Cory & his Wife, Nurse, procter & his Wife.

Q. who were w'th you in the chamber? (itt being informed that some were talking w'th hir there.)

An.Wilds and Bushop or Olliver, Good & Osburne, & they had a feast both of Roast & Boyled meat & did eat & drink & would have had me to have eat and drunk w'th them but I would not; & they would have had me sighned, but I would nott then not when Goody.Olliver came to me.

Q. Nor did nott you con [torn] children in your likeness?

An.I doe nott know that I did.

Q. What is that you have to tell, w'ch you c&abar;&nbar;ott tell yett you say?

(Reverse) Delive' Hobs her Examination & testimony ag't procter & wife & others. Bridget Bishop

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 37)

(William Stacy v. Bridget Bishop)

William Stacy of the Towne of Salem aged, Thirty Six years or thereaboutes Deposeth and Saith: /

That about fourteene years agone this Deponant was visited with the Small Pox, then Bridget Bishop did give him a visitt, and withall Professed a great Love for this Deponant in his affliction. more than ordinary, at which this Deponant admired, some time after this Deponent was well, the said Bishop got him to do some work for her. for which she gave him three pense, which seemed to this Depo't as if it had been good money: but he had not gone out

[page 93]

above 3 or 4 Rods before he Looked in his Pockett where he put it, for it, but could not find any sometime after this deponent met the said [] Bishop in the Street a goeing to Mill; she askeing this De- ponant whether his father would grind her grist: he put it to the said Bishop why she Asked: she answered because folks counted her a witch this Depo't made answer: he did not Question but that his father would grind it: but being gone about 6 Rod from her the said Bishop; with a small Load in his Cart: suddenly the off Wheels Slum- ped or Sunk downe into a hole upon Plain ground, that this Depon't was forced to gett one to help him gett the wheele out afterwards this Depon't went Back to look for said hole where his wheele sunk in but could not find any hole some time after in the winter about midnight this Deponent felt something between his lips Pressing hard ag't his teeth: and withall was very Cold in somuch that it did awake him so that he gott up and sat upon his beed: he at the same time seeing the said Bridgett Bishop sitting at the foot of his bed: being to his seeming, it was then as light as if it had been day: or one in the said Bishops shape: she having then a black cap & a black hat, and a Red Coat with two [Eakes] of two Coulers: then she the said Bishop or her shape clapt her coate close to her Leggs & hopt upon the bed and about the Roome and then went out: and then it was Dark: againe: some time after the s'd Bishop went to this Depon't and asked him whither that which he had reported was true. that he had told to severall: he answered that was true & that it was she, and bid her denigh it if she dare, the said Bishop did not denigh it and went away very angry and said that this Dep't did her more Mischief: than any other body he asked Why: she answered because folks would believe him before any body Elce: some time after the said Bishop thretned this Deponent: and told him he was the occasion of bringing her out about the brass she stole: Some time after this Dep't in a dark night was goeing to the Barn who was suddenly taken or hoisted from the Ground & threw ag't a stone wall after that taken up againe a throwed Down a bank at the End of his house: some time after this Deponent mett the said Bishop by Issaac Sternes Brick Kill: after he had Passed buy her: this Deponents Horse stood still with a small load goeing up the hill so that the Horse striveing to draw all his Gears & tackeing flew in Peices and the Cart fell downe.

afterwward this Deponent went to lift a Bagg of Corne of about 2 bushells: but could not budge it with all his might:

[page 94]

This Deponent hath mett with severall other of her Pranks at severall times: which would take up a great time to tell of

This Deponent doth veryly beleive that the said Bridget Bishop was Instrumentall to his Daughter Prisillas Death: about two years agoe, the Child was alikely Thriveing Child. And suddenly Screaked out and soe continued in an unsuall Manner for about. a fortnight & soe dyed in that lamentable manner

Sworne Salem May the 30'th 1692 before us.

*John Hathorne) ) Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin)Jurat in Curia June. 2'd 1692

(Written on side of paper) William Stacey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 37)

(Samuel Gray v. Bridget Bishop)

Samuell Gray of Salem Aged aboute 42 yeares Testifieth and sayth that about fourteen years agoe he goeing to bed well one Lords Day at night, and after he had beene asleep some time, he awakened & looking up, saw the house light as if a candle or candles were lighted in it and the dore locked & that little fire there, was Raked up he did then see a woman standing between the Cradle in the Roome and the Bed side and seemed to look upon him soe he did Rise up in his bed and it vanished or disappeared then he went to the dore and found it locked.and unlocking and Opening the dore he went to the Entry dore and looked out, and then againe did see the same Woman he had a little before seene in the Rome, and in the same garbe she was in before, then he said to her in the name of God what doe you come for.then she vanished away soe he Locked the dore againe & went to bed and between sleepeing & wakeing he felt some thing Come to his mouth or lipes cold, & there upon started & looked up & againe did see the same woman with some thing betweene both her hands holding before his mouth upon which she moved.and the Child in the Cradle gave a great screech out as if it was greatly hurt and she disappeared and takeing the child up could not quiett it in some howres from which tyme, the child that before was a very likely thriveing Child did pine away and was never well, althow it Lived some moneths after, yet in a sad Condition and soe dyed,

[page 95]

some tyme after within a weeke or less he did see the same Woman in the same Garb and Cloaths, that appeared to him as aforesaid, and althow he knew not her, nor her name before, Yett both by her Countenance & garb doth testifie that it was the same Woman that thay now Call Bridget Bishop Alias Oliver of Salem

Sworne Salem May 30'th 1692 Before me *Samuell Gray *John Hathorne Assis't(Reverse) Sam'll Grays Evedence Bridgett Bishopp

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1. p. 38)

(The Rev. John Hale et al. v. Bridget Bishop)

John Hale of Beverly aged about 56 yeares [torn] & saith that about 5 or 6 years ago e Christian the wife of John Trask (living in Salem bounds bordering on the abovesaid Beverly) beeing in full comunion in o'r Church came to me to [de] sier that Goodwife Bish- op her Neighb'r wife of Edw: Bishop Jun'r might not be permitted to receive the Lords Supper in our church till she had given her the said Trask satisfaction for some offences that were against her.viz be- cause the said Bishop did entertaine people in her house at unseason- able houres in the night to keep drinking and playing at shovel-board whereby discord did arise in other families & young people were in danger to bee corrupted & that the s'd Trask knew these things & had once gon into the house & fynding some at shovel-board had taken the peices thay played with & thrown them into the fyre & had reprooved the said Bishop for promoting such disorders, But re- ceived no satisfaction from her about it.

I gave s'd Christian Trask direction how to proceed farther in this matter if it were clearly prooved And indeed by the information I have had otherwise I doe fear that if a stop had not been putt to those disorders s'd Edw. Bishop's house would have been a house of great prophainness & iniquity.

But as to Christian Trask the next news I heard of her was that she was distracted & asking her husband Trask when she was so taken [he told] mee shee was taken distracted that night after shee [came from] my house when shee complained against Goody Bishop.

[page 96]

She continueing some time Distracted wee sought the Lord by fasting & prayer & the Lord was pleased to restore the s'd [Trask] to the use of her reason agen. I was s'th her often in [her] distraction (& took it then to bee only distraction, yet fearing sometimes somw't worse) but since I have seen the fitts of those bewitched at Salem Village I call to mind some of hers to be much like some of theirs.

The said Trask when recovered as I understood it did manifest strong suspicion that shee had been bewitched by the s'd Bishop's wife & showed so much aversness from having any conversation that I was then troubled at it hopeing better of s'd Goody Bishop at that time for wee have since [torn] At length s'd Christian Trask [was] agen in a distracted fit on a Sabboth day in the forenoon at the pub- l [i]ck meeting to o'r public desturbance & so continued sometimes better sometimes worse unto her death, manifesting that shee under temptation to kill her selfe or somebody else.

I enquired of Marg'rt Ring who kept at or nigh the house, what shee had observed of s'd Trask before this last distraction shee told [mee.] Goody Trask was much given to reading & search the pro- phecys of scrip[ture].

The day before shee made that disturbance in the meeting [house she[e] came home & said shee had been w'th Goody Bishop & that they two were now friend or to that effect.

I was oft praying w'th & councelling of Goody Trask before her death and not many days before her end being there shee seemed more rationall & earnestly desired Edw: Bishop might be sent for that shee might make friends with him, I asked her if shee had wronged Edw. Bishop shee said not that shee knew of unless it were in taking his shovel-board pieces when people were at play w'th them & throwing them into the fyre & if she did evill in it she was very sorry for it & desiered he would be friends with her or forgive her. this was the very day before she dyed, or a few days before.

Her distraction (or bewitching) continued about a month and in those intervalls wherein shee was better shee earnestly desired prayers & the Sabboth befere she dyed I received a note for prayers on her behalf w'ch her husband said was written by her selfe & I judge was her owne hand writing beeing well acquainted with her hand.

As to the wounds she dyed of I observed 3 deadly ones; apeice of her wind pipe cutt out. & another wound above that threww the

[page 97]

windpipe & Gullet & the veine they call jugular. So that I then judge & still doe apprehend it impossible for her w'th so short a pair of cissars to mangle her selfe so without some extraordinary work of the devill or witchcraft

signed. 20. may 1692 by *John Hale.To severall parts of this testimony can wittness Maj'r Gidney. Mr Paris Joseph Hirrek Ju'r & his wife Thomas Raiment & his wife John Traske Marget King, Hanah wife of Cornell Baker, [] Miles & others.

As also about the s'd Goody Bishop Capt W'm Raiment, his son W'm Raiment about creatures strangely dying. James Kettle, & the abovs'd Jos: Hirreck & Tho: Raiment about sundry actions that [have] the apearance of witchcraft.

(Reverse) Deposition 16 John Hale

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 39)

(Samuel and Sarah Shattuck v. Bridget Bishop)

Sam'll Shattock aged 41 years testifieth that in the year 1680.

Bridged Oliver formerly wife to old Goodman Oliver: now wife to Edward Bishop did Come to my hous pretending to buy an old hh'd wc'h tho I asked verry little for: & for all her pretended want She went away w'th out it: & Sundry other tymes she came in a Smooth flattering maner in very Slighty Errants: we have thought Since on purpos to work mischief: at or very near this tyme o'r Eldest Child who promised as much health & understanding both by Countenance and actions as any other Children of his years: was taken in a very drooping Condition and as She Came oftener to the hous he grew wors & wors: as he would be standing at the door would fall out & bruis his face upon a great Step Stone as if he had been thrust out bye an invisible hand: often tymes falling & hitting his face in a very miserable maner: after this the abovesaid Oliver brought me apair of sleeves to dye & after that Sundry peeces of lace Some of w'ch were Soe Short that I could not judge them fit for any uce: she p'd me 2 d for dying them w'ch 2 d I gave to Henery Willms w'ch lived w'th me he told me put it in a purse among som other money

[page 98]

w'ch he locked up in a box & that the purs & money was gon out of the Box he Could not tell how: & never found it after just after the dying of these things this child taken in a terrible fit; his mouth & Eyes drawne aside and gasped in Such a maner as if he was upon the point of death; after this he grew wors in his fits; and out of them would be allmost allways crying that for many months he would be crying till natures strenght was spent & then would fall a sleep and then awake & fall to crying & moaning: that his very Countenance did bespeak Compassion; and at length wee p'rceived his understand- ing decayed Soe that wee feared (as it has Since proved) that he would be quite bereaft of his witts; for Ever Since he has bin Stupified and voide of reason his fitts still following of him; after he had bin in this kind of Sickness Som tyme he has gon into the garden & has got upon a board of an inch thick w'ch lay flat upon the ground & wee have Called him; he would Com to the Edge of the board & hold out his hand & make as if he would Com but Could not till he was helped of the board; other tymes when he has got upon a board as aforesaide my wife has Said She has ofered him a Cake & mony to Com to her and he has held out his hand & reach't after it but Could not Com till he has bin help't of the board; by w'ch I judge som inchantm't kept him on about 17 or 18 months after, the first of this Ilnes there Came a Stranger to my hous & pittyed this Child and Said among other words wee are all borne Some to one thing & Som to another; I asked him & w't doe you Say this Child is borne too he replyed he is born to be bewitched and is bewitched I told him he did not know; he said he did know & Said to me you have a neighbor that lives not far of that is a witch: I told him wee had noe neighb'r but w't was honest folke; he replyed you have a neighb'r that is a witch & She has had a falling out w'th yo'r wife & Said in her hart your wife is a proud woman & She would bring downe her pride in this Childe: I paused in my selfe & did remember that mye [mye] wife had told me that goodwife Oliver had bin at the hous & spoke to her to beat Henry Willms, that lived w'th us & that she went away muttering & She thought threatning: but little before o'r child was taken ill; I told the aforesaid Stranger that there was Such a woman as spoke of; he asked where she lived for he would goe & see her if he knew how: I gave him money & bid him ask her for a pot of Syd'r away he went & I Sent my boy w'th him who after a short tyme: both returned; the boys face bleeding & I asked w't the matter they told me the man

[page 99]

knock't at the door & goody Oliver Came to the door & asked the Stranger w't he would have he told her a pot of Cyd'r she saide he sheuld have none & bid him get out & took up a Spade & made him goe out She followed him & when She came w'th out the poarch She saw mye boy & ran to him & scratched his face & made it bleed: Saying to him thou roague w't dost thou bring this fellow here to plague me; now this man did say before he went: 't he would fetch blood of her And Ever Since this Child hath bin followed w'th grevious fitts as if he would never recover moor: his hed & Eyes drawne aside Soe as if they would never Come to rights moor lying as if he were in a maner dead falling any where Either into fier or water if he be not Constantly looked too, and generally in Such an uneasie and restles frame allmost allways runing too & fro acting soe Strange that I cannot judge otherwise but that he is bewitched and by these circumstances doe beleive that the aforesaid Bridged Oliver now Called Bishop is the Caus of it and it has bin the Judgem't of Docters Such as lived here & forreigners: that he is under an Evill hand of witchcraft

Sam'll Shattock & Sarah Shattockaffirmeth upon the oath they have taken to the truth of w't is above written Jurat in Curia June 2'd 92 Attest *Steph: Sewall Cler(Reverse) Eved. Against Bridget Bishop p Sam'l Shadock & wife

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p. 40)

(John Louder v. Bridget Bishop.)

John Louder of Salem Aged aboute thurtey two Yeares Testifieth and sayth that aboute seaven or Eight years since I then Liveing w'th Mr John Gedney in Salem and haveing had some Controversy with Bridgett Bushop the wife of Edw'd Bushop of Salem Sawyer aboate her fowles that used to Come into our orchard or garden. Some little tyme after which, I goeing well to bed; aboute the dead of the night felt a great weight upon my Breast and awakening looked and it

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being bright moon; light did clearely see s'd Bridget Bushop -- or her likeness sitting upon my stomake and puting my Armes of of the bed to free myselfe from that great oppression she presently layd hold of my throat and allmost Choked mee and I had noe strenth or power in my hands to resist or help my selfe; and in this Condition she held mee to almost day, some tyme after this, my Mistress Susannah Gedney was in our orchard and I was then with her. and said Bridget Bushop being then in her Orchard w'ch was next ad- joyneing to ours my Mistress told s'd Bridget that I said or afirmed that she came one night & satt upon my brest as afores'd which she denyed and I afirmed to her face to be true and that I did plainely see her. upon w'ch discourse with her she Threatened mee. And some tyme after that I being not very well stayed at home on a Lords day and on the afternoon of s'd day the dores being shutt I did see a black pig in the Roome Coming towards mee soe I went towards itt to kick it and it vanished away

Immediately after I satt down in an Narrow Bar and did see a black thing Jump into the window and came & stood Just before my face, upon the bar the body of itt looked like a Munky only the feete ware like a Cocks feete w'th Claws and the face somewhat more like a mans than a Munkiey and I being greatly affrighted not being able to speake or help my selfe by Reason of fear I suppose, soe the thing spake to mee and said I am a Messenger sent to you for I understand you are trobled in mind, and if you will be Ruled by mee you shall want for Nothing in this world upon which I endeavered to clap my hands upon itt, and sayd You devill I will Kill you. but could feale noe substance and itt Jumped out of the window againe.and Imediatly Came in by the porch althow the dores ware shutt. and sayd you had Better take my Councill, where upon I strook at it with a stick butt strook the Groundsill and broak the stick, but felt noe substance, and that arme with which I strook was presently disenabled, then it vanished away and I opened the back dore and Went out and goeing towards the house End I Espied s'd Bridget Bushop in her orchard goeing to wards her house, and seing her had no power to set one foot forward but returned in againe and goeing to shutt the dore. I Againe did see that or the like creture that I before did see within dores, in such a posture as it seemed to be agoeing to fly at mee, up- on which I cryed.out; the whole armor of god be between mee and you. soe itt sprang back and flew over the apple tree flinging the

[page 101]

dust w'th its feet against my stomake, upon which I was struck dumb and soe Continued for aboute three days tyme -- and also shook many of the apples of, from the tree w'ch it flu over:

(Reverse) John louder apearid before me this 2. dy of June 1692 and one the oath that he had taken did owen this testimony to be the truth before us the Jarris of Inquest

Jurat in Curia

On her tryall Bridget Bishop alias Oliver denied that she knew this deponent though the orchard of this depon't & the orchard of said Bishop Joined & they often had difference for some yeares together

(Reverse) Evidence ag't Br. Bishop. Jno Loader

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 41)

(John Bly, Sr., and William Bly v. Bridget Bishop.)

June 2'th 1692 Jno Blye Senior aged about 57 years & William Blye aged about 15 years both of Salem Testifieth and sayth that being Imployed by Bridgitt Bushup Alies Oliver of Salem to help take downe the Cellar wall of The owld house she formerly Lived in wee the s'd Deponants in holes of the s'd owld wall Belonging to the s'd sellar found Severall popitts made up of Raggs And hoggs Brusells w'th headles pins in Them. w'th the points out ward & this was about Seaven years Last past

Jurat Curia

(Reverse) papers ag't B: B: no. 16 John Bly and Wm Bly Court Oy'r & Term'r held at Salem 2'd June. 92 poppets OLiver

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 42)

(Richard Coman v. Bridget Bishop.)

Richard Coman aged aboute 32 years Testifieth that sometime aboute Eight yeares since: I then being in bed with my wife at Salem.

[page 102]

one fift day of the Weeke at night Either in the Latter end of May the Begining of June. and alight burning in our Roome I being awake, did then see Bridget Bishop of Salem Alias Olliver come into the Roome wee lay in and two Women more with her. w'ch two Women ware Strangers to mee I knew them not.but s'd Bishop came in her Red paragon Bodys and the rest of her cloathing that she then usually did ware, and I knowing of her well also the garb she did use to goe in.did clearely & plainely know her, and testifieth that as he locked the dore of the house when he went to bed soe he found it after wards w'n he did Rise; and quickly after they appeared the light was out, and the Curtaines at the foote of the bed opened where I did see her and presently came And lay upon my Brest or body and soe oppressed him that he could not speake nor stur noe not soe much as to awake his wife althow he Endeavered much soe to do itt; the next night thay all appeared againe in like manner and she s'd Bishop Alias Oliver tooke hold of him by the throate and al- most haled him out of the bed the Satterday night followeing; I haveing benne that day telling of what I had seene and how I suffered the two nights before, my Kinsman Wm Coman told mee he would stay with mee & Lodg with mee and see if thay would come againe and advised mee to lay my sword on thurt my body.quickly after Wee Went to bed that s'd night and both well awake and discoursing togather in came all the three women againe and s'd Bishop was the first as she had benne the Other two nights, soe I told him; Wm heer thay be all Come againe & he was Immediatly strook speechless & could not move hand or foote and Immediatly they gott hold of my sword & strived to take it from mee but I held soe fast as thay did not gett it away; and I had then Liberty of speech and called Wm also my wife & Sarah phillips that [lay with] my wife. who all told me [afterwards they heard] mee, but had not power to speak [or stur] afterwards An the first that spake was Sarah phillips and said in the name of god Good&mbar; Coman w't is the Matter with you, soe thay all vanished away

Sworne Salem June 2'd 1692. Jurat in Curia Before mee *John Hathorne( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p. 42)

[page 103]

(John Bly, Sr. and Rebecca Bly v. Bridget Bishop.)

John Bly sen'r and Rebecka Bly his wife of Salem, both Testifie and say that s'd Jno Bly Bought a Sow of Edw'd Bushop of Salem Sawyer and by agreement with s'd Bushop was to pay the price agreed upon, unto Lt Jeremiah Neale of Salem, and Bridgett the wife of Said Edward Bushop because she could not have the mony or vallue agreed for, payd unto her, she [came] to the house of the deponents in Salem and Quarrelled w'th them aboute it soon after which the sow haveing piged, she was taken with strange fitts Jump- ing up and knocking hir head against the fence and seemed blind and deafe and would not Eat neither Lett her pigs suck but foamed at the mouth, which goody hinderson heareing of sayd she beleived she was over-looked, and that thay had theire cattle ill in suck a manner at the Eastward when she lived there, and used to cure them by giveing of them Red Okar & Milk. which wee also gave the sow. Quickly after eating of which she grew Better.and then for the space of neere two howres togather she getting into the street did sett of Jumping & running betweene the house of s'd deponents and s'd Bushops as if she ware stark mad; and after that was well againe and wee did then Apprehend or Judge & doe still that s'd Bishop had bewitched s'd sow

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) John Bly and wife

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p. 43)

(Mary Warren v. Bridget Bishop and Nathaniel Cary [?])

Mary Warren aged 20: yeares or thereabouts testifyeth & saith That severall times after the Nyneteenth day of April last when Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s Olliver who was in the Gaol at Salem she did appear to this depon't tempting her to signe the book & oft times during her being there as afores'd the s'd Bridgett did torture & afflict this depon't & being in Chanies said tho: she could not do it, she would bring one that should doe it which now she knowes to be Mr [Cary] that then came & afflicted her,

[page 104]

Sworne before us the 1. day of June 1692 *John Hathorne *Jonathan Corwin { Assists( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 110)

(Susannah Sheldon v. Bridget Bishop)

The Deposistion of susannah shelldin aged about 18 years who testifieth and said that on this 2 June 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Bridgit Bishop.and Immediatly appeared to little children and said that they ware Thomas Greens two twins and tould Bridget Bishop to hir face that she had murthered them in setting them into fits wher of they dyed

(Reverse) Susanna Sheldon Evid ag't Bridgett Bishop

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p. 43)

(John Cook v. Bridget Bishop.)

John Cooke aged about 18 years Testifieth that about five or six yeares agoe One Morning about Sun rising as I was in bed before I rose I saw goodwife Bishop alias Oliver Stand in the Chamber by the window and she looked On me & Grinn'd on me & presently struck me on the Side of the head w'ch did very much hurt me & then I Saw her goe Out under the End window at a little Creviss about So bigg as I Could thrust my hand into I Saw her again the Same day w'ch was the Sabath Day about noon walke & Cross the roome & having at the time an apple in my hand it flew Out of my hand into my mothers lapp who State Six or Eight foot distance from me & then She disapeared & though my mother & Severall oth- ers were in the Same room yet they afirmed [they afirmed] they Saw her not

[page 105]

John Cooke apearid before us the Jarris of inqwest and did owne this to be his testimony one the oath that he hath taken: this 2: dy of June. 92

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) John Cooke Witnis

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 43)

(Susannah Sheldon v. Bridget Bishop, Mary English, Phillip English, Giles Corey, and Martha Corey)

on the foarth day at night Came goody olliver and mrs English and good man Core and ablak man with a hi crouned hatt with books in their hands goody olliver bad mee touch her booke i would not i did not know her name shee told mee her name was goody Ol- liver and bid me touch her booke now I bid her tel mee how long shee had been a witch shee told me #[shee told mee] S had been a witch above twenti years then their Came a streked snake creeping over her shoulder and crep into her bosom mrs. English had a yelo bird in her bosom and good man Core had two tircels hang to his Coat and he opened his bosom and put his turcls to his brest and gave them suck then good man Core and Goody oliver kneeled doune beefour the blak man and went to prayer and then the blak man told mee goody olliver had been a witch twenti years and an half then they all set to biteing mee and so went away the next day Came good man Core mrs english in the morning and told mee i should not eat no vittals i took a spoon and put on spoonful in my mouth and good man Core gave me a blow on the ear and all most choaked mee then he laughed at mee and told mee i would eat when he told mee I should not then he Clenched my hands that they could not be opened for more then a quarter of an our then cam phillip english and [and] told mee if i would touch his booke hee would not hit mee but i refused then he did bite mee and went away

the sixth day at night Came goody olliver and mrs english good man Core and his wife goodwy Core S profired mee a booke i re- fused it and asked her whear she lived shee told mee she lived in bos-

[page 106]

ton prisson then shee puled out her brest and the blak man gave her a thing like a blake pig it had no haire on it and shee put it to her brest and gave it suck and when it had sucked on brest shee put it the other and gave it suck their then she gave it to the blak man then went to praier to the blak man then goody olliver told mee that shee had kiled foar women two of them wear the fosters wifes and john trasks wife and did not name the other then they did all bitt mee and went away then the next day Came goody Core choaked mee and told mee i would not eat when my dame bid mee but now I should eat none

(Reverse) susanna sheldon ag't oliver English & his wife Core & his wife good -- bucklie & her daughter & boston woman

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p. 45)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Bridget Bishop and Mary Warren)

now whilest i was righting thes lines thar came in mary waring and another woman with hur whch woman mary waring shap said was goodey oliver and that woman came in hur sheft

(Reverse) Elizab Hubbard ag'st Mary Warrin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 44)

(Physical Examination of Bridget Bishop, Rebecca Nurse, Elizabeth Proctor, Alice Parker, Susannah Martin, and Sarah Good, No. 1.)

1692 Salem June 2'd aboute 10 in Morning

Wee whose names are under written being Comanded by Capt George Corwine Esq'r Sherriffe of the County of Essex this 2'd day of June 1692 for to vew the bodyes of Bridgett Bishop alias Oliver

Rebecah Nurse Elizabeth procter Alice parker

[page 107]

Susanna Martine Sara Good

The first three, Namely: Bishop: Nurse: procter, by dilligent search have discovered apreternathurall Excresence of flesh between the pudendum and Anus much like to Tetts & not usuall in women & much unlike to the other three that hath been searched by us & that they were in all the three women neer the same place

*J Barton Chyrurgen

Alice pickering her marke

Jane Woolings her marke

Marjery Williams her marke

Anna Stephens her marke

Elizabeth Hill her marke

Elanor Henderson her marke

Rebecah Sharpe her marke

Lydia Pickman

*Hannah Kezer

Sworne in Court June 2'd 1692 Attest * Step: Sewall


(Physical Examination, No. 2.)

(Reverse) Salem aboute 4 afternoon June 2'd 1692 .

We whose names are Subscribed to the w'th in mentioned, upon a second search about 3 or 4 houres distance, did find the said

[page 108]

Brigett Bishop alias Oliver, in a clear & free state from any p'eter- naturall Excresence, as formerly seen by us alsoe Rebecah Nurse in stead of that Excresence w'thin Mentioned it appears only as a dry skin without sense, & as for Elizabeth procter which Excresence like a tett red & fresh, not any thing appears, but only a proper [ pro- cedeulia Ani,] & as for Susanna Martine whose breast in the Morn- ing search appeared to us very full; the Nibbs fresh & starting, now at this searching all lancke & pendant which is all at pr'sent from the w'th in Memtioned subscribers and that that piece of flesh of Goodwife Nursess' formerly seen is gone & only a dry skin near- er to the anus in another place


Sharpe marke the marke of Eli

zabeth Hill Lidia

pickman Elanor

Henderson her marke *J Barton Chyrurgen Alice

pickring marke *Hannah Kezer Marjery

Williams marke Anna

Stephens Jane

Wollings markeSworne in Court June 2'd 1692

(Reverse) Jury of Womens Return

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 35)

(Death Warrant v. Bridget Bishop)

To George Corwin Gent'm high Sherriffe of the County of Essex Greeting

Whereas Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s Olliver the wife of Edward Bishop of [Salem] in the County of Essex Sawyer at a speciall Court of Oyer and Termin[er held at] Salem the second Day of this instant month of June for the Countyes of Esse[x] Middlesex and Suffolk before William Stoughton Esq'r and his Associates J[ustices] of the

[page 109]

said Court was Indicted and arraigned upon five severall [Seal]I[ndictments] for useing practiseing and exercisein[g] [on

the Nyneteenth day of April] last past and divers other dayes and times [before and after certain acts of] Witchcraft in and upon the bodyes of Abigial Williams, Ann puttnam J[un'r] Mercy Lewis, Mary Walcott and Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem village singlewomen, whereby their bodyes were hurt, afflicted pined, consu[med] Wasted and tormented contrary to the forme of the Statute in that Case [made and] provided To which Indictm'ts the said Bridgett Bishop pleaded no[t guilty] and for Tryall thereof put her selfe upon God and her Country, where[upon] she was found guilty of the felo- nyes and Witchcrafts whereof she stood Indicted and sentence of Death accordingly passed ag't her as the Law directs, Execution whereof yet remaines to be done These are theref[ore] in the Name of their Maj'ties William and Mary now King & Queen [over] Eng- land &c to will and Comand you That upon fryday next being the Tenth day of this instant month of June between the houres of Eight and twelve in the afternoon of the same day You safely con- duct the s'd Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s Olliver from their Maj'ties Gaol in Salem afores'd to the place of Execution and there cause her to be hanged by the neck untill she be de[ad] and of your doings here- in make returne to the Clerk of the s'd Court and pr'cept And here- of you are not to faile at your peril And this shall be [your] Suffi- cient Warrant Given under my hand & Seal at Boston. the Eig[hth day] of June in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and [Lady] William & mary now King & Queen over England &c Annoq'e D&mbar; : 1692;

*Wm StoughtonJune 10th -- 1692

According to the Within Written precept I have taken the body of the within named Brigett Bishop of their Majes'ts Goale in Salem and Safely Conveighd her to the place provided for her Execu- tion and Caused the s'd Brigett to be hanged by the neck untill Shee was dead # [an d buried in the pla] all which was according to the time within Required and So I make Returne by me

George Corwin Sheriff

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 p. 20)

[page 111" id="p927-111]

Sarah Bishop

(See also: Sarah Wilds -- Warrant; William Hobbs -- Mittimus.)

(James Kettle v. Sarah Bishop)

The deposition of James Kettle aged twenty seven years or there about testyfieth & saith that I was att Docter Grigs his hous on the tenth of this instant may & there saw Elizebeth Hubbard in severall Fitts: and after her fits ware over she told me that she saw my two Childdren Laying before her & that thay cry'd for vengance & that Sarah Bishop bid her Look on them & said that she kiled them & and thay were by her description much as they were when they ware put in to there Coffins [to] be buried & she told me that Sarah bishop told her that I was going to burn akiln of potts & that she would break them if she Could: & i took notice that while she was in her Fitts that she Cried & held her apron before her face saying that she would not se them Docter Grigs & his wife and John hues ware thare present

(Reverse) [----ah] Bishop

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 55)

(Elizabeth Balch and Abigail Waldon v. Sarah Bishop)

The Depotion of Elizabeth Balch of Beverly Aged aboute Eight & thirty years & wife unto Benjamin Balch ju'r This Deponant Testi- fieth hereby & saith that she being at Salem on the very Day that Cap't Georg Curwin was buried & in the evening of s'd Day Cominge from s'd Salem unto s'd Beverly on horse back with her sister then known by the name of Abigaile Woodburie now Abigaile Waldon Liv- ing in Wenham wife unto Nathaniell Waldon Rideing behinde her & as they were Rideing as befour & were Come soe far as Crane River

[page 112]

Common soe Called Edward Bishop & his wife over tooke us (on horse back) who are both now in prison under suspition of witch- craft & had some words of Difference it seemed unto us. s'd Bishop rideing in to the brooke pretty hastily she finding fault with his soe doing & said that he would throw her in to the water or words to that purpose s'd Bishop Answered her that it was noe matter if he Did or words to that Effect: & soe wee Rode along all together to- ward Beverly & she blamed her husband for Rideing soe fast & that he would Doe her a mischeife or words to that purpose & he An- swered her that it was noe matter what was Done unto her or words to that purpose: And then s'd Bishop Directed his speech unto us as we Rode along & s'd that she had ben a bad wife unto him ever since they were marryed & reckoned up many of her miscarriages to- wards him but now of Late she was worse then Ever she had ben unto him before (and that the Devill Did Come bodyly unto her & that she was familiar with the Devill & that she sate up all the night Long with the Devill) or words to that purpose & with such kinde of Discourse he filled up the time untill we Came to s'd Bishops Dwell- ing house & this Deponant Did reproove s'd Bishop for speaking in such a manner unto his wife s'd Bishop Answered it was nothing but what was truth & s'd Bishops wife made very Little reply to all her husbands Discourse Dureing all the time we wer with them & farther said not

the mark of

elezebeth Balch. the mark

of Abigail walden.her Answer if it be soe, you had neede pray, for mee

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. p 44)

[page 113" id="p927-113]

Mary Black

(See also: Sarah Wilds -- Warrant; William Hobbs -- Mittimus; George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus.)

(Examination of Mary Black)

The examination of Mary Black (a Negroe) at a Court held at Salem Village 22. 1692 By the Magistrates of Salem

Mary, you are accused of sundry acts of witchcraft: Tell me be you a Witch?

-- Silent.

How long have you been a witch?

I cannot tell.

But have you been a witch?

I cannot tell you.

Why do you hurt these folks

I hurt no body

Benja' Who doth?


I do not know.

Her Master saith a man sat down upon the farm with her about a twelve month agoe.

What did the man say to you?

He said nothing.

Doth this Negroe hurt you?

Severall of them said yes.

Why do you hurt them?

I did not hurt them.

Do you prick sticks?

No I pin my Neck cloth

Well take out a pin, & pin it again.

[page 114]

She did so, & severall of the afflicted cryed out they were prick't. Mary Walcott was prick't in the arm till the blood came, Abigail Williams was prick't in the stomach & Mercy Lewis was prick't in the foot.

mr Samuell parris being desired to take in wrighting the Examination of Mary Black a Negro Woman delivered itt as aforesaid And upon heareing the same and seeing what wee did then see togather with the Charge of the afflicted persons then present Wee Committed s'd Mary black.

&Pbar; us *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin { Assis'ts(Reverse)

The Examination of (9) Mary Black 22. Apr. 1692

Cleerd by proclama&cbar;on

Jan'ry. 11. 1692

Mr Nathaniell Putnam of Salem Village his negro

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 20)

[page 115" id="p927-115]

Mary Bradbury

(Indictment v. Mary Bradbury, No. 1.)

Essex in the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692/

Ss/ The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present That Mary Bradbury Wife of Capt Thomas Bradbury of Salisbury -- In the County of Essex Gent upon the Twenty=Sixth day of July

In the yeare aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practiced and Ex- ercised At and in the Township of Andivor in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon & against one Timothy Swann of Andivor In the County aforesaid Husbandman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said Timothy Swann upon the 26th day of July Aforesaid and divers other days & times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflic- ted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary Bardbury Comitted and done before and since that time against the peace of our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity And the forme Of the Statute In that case made and Provided.

Wittness Mary Walcott Ann: Puttnam(Reverse) Indictm't vs Bradbury for Bewitching Swan bila vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 34.)

[page 116]

(Indictment v. Mary Bradbury, No. 2)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692.

Ss The Juriors for our Sover' Lord & Lady the King and Queen doe present That Mary Bradbury Wife of Capt Thomas Bradbury of Salisbury In the County of Essex Gent'm upon the Second day of July In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Ex- ercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County aforesaid in up- on & against one Sarah Vibber Wife of John Vibber of Salem afore- said Husbandman by which said wicked acts the said Sarah Vibber the second day of July aforesaid & divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted & Tormented & also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary Bradbury Comitted Acted and done before and since that time against the peace of our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queene theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme Of the Stattute In that case made and Provided

Witness Mary Walcott Eliz. Hobard Eliz. Booth Mercy lewis(Reverse) Indictmt. Bradbury -- Vibber bil a vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 34)

(Answer of Mary Bradbury)

The Answer of Mary Bradbury in the charge of Witchcraft or familliarity with the Divell I doe plead not guilty.

I am wholly inocent of any such wickedness through the goodness of god that have kept mee hitherto) I am the servant of Jesus Christ & Have given my self up to him as my only lord & saviour: and to

[page 117]

the dilligent attendance upon him in all his holy ordinances, in utter contempt & defiance of the divell, and all his works as horid & detestible; and accordingly have endevo'red to frame my life; & conversation according to the rules of his holy word, & in that faith & practise resolve by the help and assistance of god to contineu to my lifes end:

for the truth of what I say as to matter of practiss I humbly refer my self, #[my selfe,] to my brethren & neighbors that know mee and unto the searcher of all hearts for the truth & upright- ness of my heart therein: (human frailties, & unavoydable infirmi- ties excepted) of which i bitterly complayne every day:/

Mary Bradbury( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 35)

(George Herrick v. Mary Bradbury, Sarah Rice, Wilmott Reed, and Elizabeth Fosdick)

May 26'th 1692 Beeing at Salem village w'th Constable Josp Neale the persons under written was afflicted much and Complain- ed ag'st viz Mary Walcott Ann Putnam upon Capt Bradberys wife of Salsbury & Mary Walcott Ann Putnam: mrs Marshall upon Goodwife Rice of Reding & Mary Walcott ann Puttnam Marcy Lewis upon Goodwife Read of Marblehead & Mary Walcott Marcy Lewis Ann Puttnam upon Goody Fosdick the same woemen tells them that shee afflicts mr Tufts Negro

attest *Geo Herrick Marshall( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. p. 35)

(Thomas Bradbury for Mary Bradbury)

July the 28: 1692

Concerning my beloved wife Mary Bradbury this is that I have to say: wee have been maried fifty five yeare: and shee hath bin a

[page 118]

loveing & faithfull wife to mee, unto this day shee hath been wonder- full laborious dilligent & Industryous in her place and imployment, about the bringing up o'r family (w'ch have bin eleven children of o'r owne, & fower grand-children: shee was both prudent, & provi- dent : of a cheerful Spiritt liberall Charitable: Shee being now very aged & weake, & greived under her affliction may not bee able to speake much for herselfe, not being so free of Speach as some others may bee: I hope her life and conversation hath been such amongst her neighbours, as gives a better & more reall Testimoney of her, then can bee exprest by words.

own'd by mee *Tho: Bradbury.(Reverse) Capt Bradberys testamony of his wif

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 2 p. 36)

(Summons for Witnesses)

Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &c. a

To Thomas Ring of Amesbury or Salsbury Timothy Swann of Andover Richard Carr & James Carr of Salsbury.

Greeting Wee Co&mbar;and you all Excuses Set apart to be and personaly appear at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer holden at Salem On Tuesday Next at Twelve of the Clock or as soon after as possible There to Testify the truth on Severall Indictments to be Exhibited against mrs Mary Bradbury & other prisoners to be Tried for the hor- rible Crime of Witchcraft, hereof Make return fail not dated in Salem Sep'r 5'th 1692 & in the fourth year of Our Reign

To the Sheriff of Essex or Constables of Andover Haverill Salsbury Amesbery, Bradford or Newbury.

*Stephen Sewall Cle&rbar;(Reverse) Zerub. Endecot Sam. Endecot James Carr

[page 119]

Rich'd Carr Timo: Swan Jos: Ringg

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 36)

(Deposition for Mary Bradbury)

July 22'd 1692

Concerning m's Bradburies life & conversation

Wee the Subscribers doe testifie; that it was such as became the gospel shee was a lover of the ministrie in all appearance & a dilligent, attender upon gods holy ordinances, being of a curteous, & peace- able disposition & cariag: neither did any of us (some of whom have lived in the town w'th her above fifty yeare) ever heare or know that shee ever had any difference or falling oute w'th any of her neigh- bors man woman or childe-but was allways, readie & willing to doe for them w't laye in her power night & day, though w'th hazard of her health: or other danger: more might be spoken in her co&mbar;&ebar;&nbar;da&cbar;on

but this for the &pbar;r'sent

Martha Pike

Sam'l Easman

William Buswell

Mary French his wyfe

Sarah Buswell

Abigayl French

Samuell Felloes sen'r

John Allin

Rodger Easman

Mary Allin

Sarah Easman

William Carr

Joseph Fletcher &

Elizabeth Carr

his wyfe

Sam'll Colby

Joseph French

Samuell French & his wyfe

John French sen'r

Henry Ambros & his wyfe

Nathanel Stevens & his

Philip Grele and his wyfe


Richard Hubbard

Ephraim Severans

Martha [?] Hubbard his wyfe

Lidia Severans

Daniell Moody

Sam'll Felloes jun'r

Elizabeth Moody

Abigail Felloes

Isaac Morrill

Phoeboe Morrill

John Clough & his wyfe

Elizabeth Easman

John Maxfeild

Joseph Eaton

Jarves Ring

Mary Eaton his wife

Hannah Ring

Robert Downer

Nathanel Whitter

Sarah Downer

Mary Whitther

Richard Long & his

Jacob Morrill


Susannah Morrill.

Richard Smith & his wyfe

Elizabeth Maxfeild

Joseph True, & his wyfe

Hanah Stevens widdow

Andrew Greley & his

John Stevens


Dorethie Stevens

William Hooke

Joanna Stevens

Elizabeth Hooke

Sarah Hacket

Benjamin Allin and Rachel

Marthe Carter

his wyfe

Elizabeth Gettchell

Benj Allin and Rachell

Benj: Eastmen

his wyfe

Ann Easman

Isaac Buswell, & his

Benony Tucker


Ebenezer Tucker

William Allin

Nathanel Brown

Ephraim Eaton

Hannah Brown

Ephraim Winsley

Tho: Evens

Mary Winsley his wyfe

Hannah Evens

Nathaniel Eastman

Abraham Brown & his wyfe

Elizabeth Easman

Tho. Clough & his wyfe

John Eastman &

Sarah Conner widow

Mary Eastman his wife

John Tomson

Sarah Shepherd

John Watson & his wyfe

Willi: Osgood

Steven Tongue & his wyfe

Abigayl osgood

John Connor & his wyfe

Susanah Severance

Joseph Page

Onesiphris Page & his

Meres Tucker & his wyfe


Henry Brown Sen'r &

Sam'll Bill & his wyfe

his wyfe

[page 120]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 40)

[page 121]

(James Allen, Robert Pike, and John Pike for Mary Bradbury)

Being desired to give my testimony concerning the life & conver- sation of mrs Bradbury of Salisbury amonst us: w'ch is as followeth. viz. I having lived nine years at Salisbury in the work of the min- istry -- & now four years in the office a Pastour; to my best notice & observation of mrs Bradbury she hath lived according to the rules of the gospell, amongst us. was a constant attender upon the ministry of the word; & all the ordinances of the gospell; full of works of char- ity & mercy to the sick & poor. neither have I seen or heard any thing of her unbecoming the profession of the gospell: --

*James Allin.mr James Allin made oathe to the truth of w't is above written Septem'r the 7'th: 1692: before me *Rob't Pike Asst

I do also aferm to the truth of w't is above testifyed upon up- ward of fifty years experience and shall so testify if opertunity do present w'ch I shall indever *Robt: Pike

Having lived many years in Salbury & been much Conversant there, according to my best notice & observation of Mrs Bradbury. must needs affirm to what is above written & add my oath to it if Called thereto

*John Pike

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. P 36)

(Ann Putnam Jr. v. Mary Bradbury)

[The d] eposition of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that I being at [A]ndevour on the 26 day of July 1692 I saw there Mis Mary [Brad]bery the wife of Capt Tho: Bradbery of Salisbury or hir [App]erance most grevious afflecting and tormenting of Timothy Swan of Andevor allmost Redy to kill him also severall times before and sence that time I have seen mist. Bradbery or hir Apperance most greviously afflecting Timothy Swan and I beleve that Mis Brad- bery is a most dreadfull wicth for sence she has been in prison she

[page 122]

or hir Apperance has com to me and most greviously afflected me ann putnam ownid before the grand Inquest this har evidens to be the truth one the oath that she hath taken: this: 8 day of September 1692

(Reverse) Anna putnam

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 37)

(Samuel Endicott v. Mary Bradbury)

Sam'll Endecott aged thirty one years or thereabout Testifies Thatt about eleven years since being bound upon a vioage to sea w'th Capt Sam'll Smith Late of Boston Diceas'd, just before we sayl'd mrs Bradbery of Salisbury the prisoner now att the barr came to Boston w'th some firkins of butter of w'ch Capt Smith bought two, one of them proved halfe way butter and after wee had been att sea three weekes our men. were nott able to eat itt, itt stanck soe and runn w'th magotts, w'ch made the men very much disturb'd about itt and would often say thatt they heard mrs Bradbury was a witch and thatt they verily beleived she was soe or else she would nott have served the Capt soe as to sell him such butter. And further this deponent Testifieth that in four dayes after they sett sayle they mett w'th such a violent storm that we lost our main mast and rig- gin & Lost fifeteen horses and thatt about a fortnight after we sett our jury mast and thatt very night there came up a Shipp by our side and Carried away two of the mizon shrouds and one of the Leaches of the mainsaile: and this deponent further sayth thatt after they arived att Barbados and went to Saltitudos & had Laden their vessell the next morning she sprang a leake in the hold w'ch wasted sevrall tunns of salt in soe much thatt we were forct to unlade our ves- sell again wholy to stopp our leake there was then four foot of water in the hold after we had taken in our lading again we had a good passage home butt when we came near the Land the Capt sent this deponent forward to looke out for land in a bright moone shining night and as he was sitting upon the windless he heard a Rumbling noise under him w'th thatt he the s'd deponent Testi- fieth Thatt he looked one the side of the windless and saw the leggs of some &pbar;son being no wayes frighted & Thatt presently he was

[page 123]

shook and looked over his shoulder, & saw the appearance of a wom- an from her middle upwards, haveing a white Capp and white neck- cloth on her, w'ch then affrighted him very much, and as he was turning of the windless he saw the aforsaid two leggs.

Jurat in Curia Sep'r 9'th 1692

(Reverse) Sam. Endecott

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 37)

(Mary Warren v. Mary Bradbury)

The Deposition of mary warren who testifieth and saith that I have been along time afflected by a woman which tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and that she came from Salisbury but on the 2'th day of July 1692 : being the day of the examinat[ion of] mis mary Bradbery I then saw that she was the very [same] woman which tould me hir name was mis Bradbery and [she did] most [gre] vious- ly Afflect and torment me dureing [the time of hir] examination for if she did but #[strick] look upon [me she would] strick me down or allmost Choak me also on the da[y of her exa]mination I saw mis Bradbery or hir Apperance mo[st greviously] afflect and tor- ment mary wallcott Sarah vibber E[liz Hubbard] and Ann putnam and I beleve in my heart that mi[s] Bradbery is [a witch] & that she has very often afflected an[d tormented me] and several others by hir acts of wicthcraft

mary warrin ownid this har testimony one the oath whic[h] she hath taken before the grand Inquest this. 9th of September 92

(Reverse) Mary Warren Dep&obar;ition

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 38)

(Richard Carr and Zerubable Endicott v. Mary Bradbury)

The deposistion of Richard: Carr who testifieth and saith. that about 13 years ago presently after sume Diferance that hap-

[page 124]

pened to be between my Hon'rd father mr George Carr: and Mis Bradbery the prisoner at the barr upon a Sabboth at noon as we ware riding hom by the house of Capt Tho: Bradbery I saw mis Bradbery goe into hir gate turne the corner of and Immediately there derted out of hir gate a blue boar and darted at my fathers horses ledgs which made him stumble but I saw it no more and my father said boys what doe you se: we both answed a blue bore:

Zorobabell Endicott testifieth and saith that I lived att mr George Carr: now deceased att the time above mentioned and was present with mr George Carr and mr Richard Carr and I also saw a blue bore dart out of mr Brdbery gate to Mr Gorge Carrs horses ledges which mad him stumble affter a strange manr and I also saw the blue bore dart from mr carrs horses ledgs in att mis Bradberys window: and mr carr immediately said boys what did you see and we both said a blue bore then said he from whence came it and we said out of mr Bradberys gate. then said he I am glad you see itt as well [a]s wel[l] as I. Jurat in Curia Sep'r 9'th 92

& they both further say on their Oathes that mr Carr discoursed w'th them as they went home about what had happened and they all con- cluded that it was mrs Bradbury that so app'rd as a blue boar.

(Reverse) Richard Carr Zorobable Endecott

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 38)

(James Carr v. Mary Bradbury)

The Deposistion of James carr. who testifieth and saith that about 20 years agoe one day as I was accidently att the house of mr whele- right and his daughter the widdow maverick then lived there: and she then did most curtuously invite me to com oftener to the house and wondered I was grown such a stranger and with in a few days affter one evening I went thether againe: and when I came thether againe: william Bradbery was there who was then a suter to the said wid- dow but I did not know it tell affterwards; after I came in the widdow did so corsely treat the s'd william Bradbery that he went away semeing to be angury: presently after this I was taken affter a strange maner as if #[every] liveing creature did run about every part of my body redy to tare me to peaces and so I continued for

[page 125]

about 3 quarters of a year by times & I applyed myself to doctor crosbe who gave me a grate deal of visek but could make non work tho he steept tobacco in [bofit] drink he could make non to work where upon he tould me that he beleved I was behaged: and I tould him I had thought so a good while: and he asked me by hom I tould him I did not care for spaking for one was counted an honest wom- an . but he uging I tould him and he said he did beleve that mis Brad- bery was a grat deall worse then goody mertin: then presently affter this one night I being a bed and brod awake there came sumthing to me which I thought was a catt and went to strick it ofe the bed and was [seud] fast that I could not stir hedd nor foot but by and by coming to my strength I hard sumting a coming to me againe and I prepared myself to strick it: and it coming upon the bed I did strick at it and I beleve I hit it: and affter that visek would work on me and I beleve in my hart that mis Bradbery the prison'r att the bar has often afflected me by acts of wicthcraft

Jurat in Curia Septm 9: 92.

(Reverse) James Carr Dep&obar;ition

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 38)

(Mary Walcott v. Mary Bradbury)

[The depo]sistion of mary walcott who testifieth and saith that I being at Andevor on the later end of July 1692: and on the 26 day of the same [mo]nth I saw there Mis mary Bradbery the wife of Capt Tho: Bradbery of salisbury or hir Apperance most greviously afflet- ing and tormenting of Timothy Swan of Andevor allmost Redy to kill him: also before and sence that time I have seen mis Bradbery or hir Apperance most greviously affleting and tormenting Timothy Swan and I doe beleve in my heart that Mist. Bradbery is a most dreadffull wicth sence she has been in prison she or hir Apperance has come to me and most greviously tormented me

mary Walcot: affirmed: the truth of the above written evidence before the Jury of Inquest upon oath Sept'r 9: 1692

(Reverse) Mar[y Walcot]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 39)

[page 126]

(William Carr for Mary Bradbury)

The testamony of william Carr Aged 41 or ther abouts is That my brother John Carr when he was yong was a man of as good capa- sity as most men of his age but faling in Love with Jane Tru (now wif of Capt John march) and my father being pswaded by [some] of the family (w'ch I shall not name) not to Let him mary so yong: my father woold not give him a porsion w'r'upon the mach broke of w'ch my brother layd so much to hart that he grew melencoly & by degrees much crazed not being the man that he was before to his dying day

I do farther testify that my s'd brother was sick about a fort- night or three weeks & then dyed & I was present with him w'n he dyed & I do aferm that he dyed peacibly and quietly never manifest- ing the Lest troubl in the world about any body nor did not say any thing mrs Bradbury nor any body else doing him hurt & yet I was with him till the breath & Lif was out of his body

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) William Cars testamony

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 39)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Mary Bradbury)

The [deposi]tion of Eliz: Hubberd who testifieth and saith that I have along [torn] ben afflected by a woman which tould me hir name was Mist. Bradbery of salisbury but on the: 2 day of July 1692 being the day of the Examination of Mist. Mary Bradbery I then saw that it was the very same woman that tould me hir name was Mist' Bradbery: and she did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or allmost choake me also on the day of hir Examination I saw Mist. Bradbery or hir Apperance most greviously afflect & tor- ment mary wolcott Sarah Vibber and Ann [Putnam] and I beleve

[page 127]

in my hart that Mist. Bradbery is a wicth and that she has very often afflected and tormented me and the afforrmentioned persons by hir acts of wicthcraf for sense she has ben in prison she or hir Apperance has com to me and most greviously tormented me which if she were not a wicth she cold not doe

elizabeth huberd on hear owned this har testimony to be the truth before the grand Inquest this 9 dy of September 92

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Mary Bradbury)

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that ever sence the begining of May 1692 I have ben afflected by a woman which tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and that she came from Salisbury, but on the 2'th day of July 1692 being the. day of the Ex- amination of Mis Mary Bradbery I then saw that she was the very same woman that tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and she most greviously afflect and [and] torment me dureing the time of hir Examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choak me also on the day of hir Examination I saw mis. Bradbery most greviously afflet and torment mary walcott. Sarah Vibber and Eliz. Hubburd and I beleve in my hart that Mis Bradbery is a wicth & that she has often affleted me and severall others by hir acts of wicthcraft: also there Appered to me my uncle Jno Carr in a winding sheet: whom I very well knew in his life time: and he tould me that mis Bradbery had murthered him and that his blood did Crie for venjance against her: also mis Bradbery or hir Apperance tould me that it was she that made my fathers sheep to run a

[torn] they were all lost: and that she had killed my fathers

[torn] and also kiled that horse he took such delight in An: Put- nam affirmed to the Jury of inquest: to the truth of the above writ- ten evidence on oath Sept'r 9: 1692

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 128]

(Sarah Bibber v. Mary Bradbury)

[Torn] Deposistion of sarah vibber who testifieth and saith [torn] have along time ben afflected by a woman which tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and that she came from Salisbury but on the 2 day of July 1692 being the day of the Ex&abar;&mbar;&ibar;&nbar; of Mis Mary Bradbery I was most greviously tormented by hir dureing the time of hir Exami- nation : tho for a good while she would not let me se hir parsonally but at last I saw hir and then I saw that it was the very same wom- an that tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and she has most grev- iously affleted me sence that time allso I have seen Mis Bradbury or Hir [Torn] perance severall times afflecting the bodyes of mary walcott and [Torn] tnam and I beleve in my heart that mis Bradbery is a [Torn] nd that she has often afflected and tormented me and the

[Torn] med persons by hir acts of wicthcraft

[Torn] bber ownd to Jury of Inquest that the above written evidence is the truth upon her oath

[Torn] 1692

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Mary Walcott v. Mary Bradbury)

[Torn] posistion of mary walcott who testifieth and saith that I [Torn] een along time afflected with a woman which tould me hir [Torn] was Mis: Bradbery: and that hir husband was Capt of Salis- bury

[Torn] the 2 day of July 1692 : being the day of the Examination [Torn] Bradbery of Salisbury I then saw that she was the very [Torn] woman that tould me hir name was Mist. Bradbery and then [Torn] most greviously afflect and torment me dureing the time [Torn] xamination for if she did but look upon me she would strick [Torn] wn or all most choak me: also on the day of hir Examination [Torn] mist mary Bradbery or hir Apperance most griviously afflect [Torn] torment #[mercy lewes] Eliz. Hubberd mary warren #[Sarah vibber]

[Torn] Ann putnam and I verily beleve that mistris mary Bradbery is a

[page 129]

[Torn] most dread wicth and that she hath very often afflected me and the

[Torn] e named parsons by acts of wicthcraf for sence she has been in --

[Torn] son she or hir apperanc has come to me and has most grev- iously tormented

[Torn] me: also their appeared to me a yong man in a winding sheet [Torn] tould me his name was Jno Carr and that Mis Bradbery had murth

[Torn] that his blood did cry for venjance against hir

[Torn] Walcot affirmd: to the truth of the above written evidence before

[Torn] the Jury of Inquest: upon her oath

[Torn] 1692

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 131" id="p927-130]

Mary Bridges, Sr.

(Warrant for Arrest of Mary Bridges, Sr.)

To The Sherriff of the County of Essex or dep'y or Constable in Andover

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend & forthwith, or as soone as May be, bring before us, Mary Bridges the wife of John Bridges of Andover who stands Charged in behalfe of theire Majest's w'th haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft Lately on the Body of Timothy Swan of Andover [and then] to theire great hurt, And [that] in order to her Examination Relating to the abovesaid Premises and hereof You are not to faile Dated Salem July the 28'th 1692

*Bartho Gedney *John: Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin *John Higginson Just'es Peacein obedience to this writ I have Seased the Body of Marie Bridges wife of John Bridges and have brought her to answer at Sa[i]lom what shall be aledged against her this 28 of July 1692

By mee *John Ballard constable of andover

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 132]

(Rev. Increase Mather's Report of his Conversation in Prison with Mary Bridges, Sr.)

Goodwife Bridges said that she had confessed against herself things which were all utterly false; and that she was brought to her confession by being told that she certainly was a witch, and so made to believe it, -- though she had no other grounds so to believe.

( Charles W. Upham, Salem Witchcraft [ Boston, 1867] II, 406.)

(Recognizance for Mary Bridges, Sr.)


That on the Twelfth Day of January 1692 In the fourth year of the Reigne of o'r Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England &c King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c Personally appeared before William Stoughton Esq'r Chief Justice of their Maj'ties Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Jno Bridges of Andover in the County of Essex Blacksmith and Jno Osgood of the same Towne Husbandman and acknowledged them- selves to be joyntly and Severally Indebted unto o'r said Soveraigne Lord and Lady and the Survivor of them Their Heires and Successors in the Su&mbar;e of One hundred pounds to be levied on their or Either of their Lands and Tenem'ts Goods and Chatles for the use of our said Soverainge Lord and Lady the King and Queen or Survivor of them On Condition that Mary Bridges haveing Stood Comitted for Suspition of Witchcraft shall make her personall apperance Before the Justices of o'r s'd Lord and Lady the King and Queen at the next Court of Assizes and Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held for the County of Essex Then & There to answer to all such matters and things as shall in their Maj'ties Behalfe be aledged against her and to doe and receive that w'ch by the said Court shall be then and there enjoyned her and thence not to depart without lycence

Attest. *Jon Elatson Cle&rbar;(Reverse) Recognizance of John Bridges & John Osgood for Mary Bridges May 10th Apears

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135)

[page 133" id="p927-132]

Mary Bridges, Jr.

(Indictment v. Mary Bridges, Jr., No. 1)

1st Paper

Province of the Massathusets Bay in New England Essex

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi &Mariae Angliae & Quinto Annoq'e Do&mbar; 1693

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen &pbar;sents That Mary Bridges of Andover Junior On or about the Twenty fifth Day of August last in the Yeare 1692 [aforesaid] -- and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries wickedly Mallishiously and fello- niously hath used Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid Upon and against one Rose foster of Andov'r aforesaid Single Woman by which wicked Arts the said Rose foster -- The Day and year aforesaid and Diverse other Dayes and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured af- flicted Tormented Consumed Pined and wasted against the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and ag't the Lawes in that case made & Provided

Wittness his Confession Martha Sprague Alle Tyler & Rose foster hir selfe(Reverse) Billa Verra Abraham Haseltine foreman of the Grand Jury not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2729 Page 72)

[page 134]

(Indictment v. Mary Bridges, Jr., No. 2)

2nd Paper

Province of the Massachusetts Bay In New England Essex Ss

Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quinto Annoq'e Dom 1693\s-\

The Jurors for O'r Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent That Mary Bridges Junior of Andiver In the County of Essex afors'd In or about the month of July last in the Yeare 1692 afors'd in the Towne of Andiver in the County of Essex aforesaid -- Wickedly Mallisi- tiously & Felloniously A Covenant with the Devill did make & Signed A [pap'r] to the Devill & by him was [] Baptized by the Dev- ill By which Wicked Diabollicall Covenant with the Devill made by the Said Mary Bridges Junior shee become A detestable Witch Con- trary to the Peace of o'r Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity & the Laws in that Case made & Provided

Witness hir owne Confession

(Reverse) Billa Verra Abraham Heseltine foreman of the granjury not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2729 Page 72)

(Examination of Mary Bridges, Jr.)

Mary Bridges: An Andover Maid was examined before Jno Hawthorn Esq'rs & other Their Majest'ies in Salem: August 25 1692

Mary Bridges you are acused here for acting witchcraft upon Martha Sprage & Rose foster how long have you bin in this Snare: she Answered about a month but after ward s'd was since the spring: She

[page 135]

s'd a yellow bird appeared to her: out of dores: & bid her serve him: he promised me mony s'd she and fine Cloathes & I promised to serve him: & I was to afflict: Martha Spreag but: he gave me neither money nor fine Clothes: she s'd she thought when he appeared: it was the Devil & she was to serve him two years: then was: to be his body & soul: she owned she had bin babtized by him. Then she was bid to goe take the two afflicted persons by the hand & she did & they were not hurt. --

She s'd the next time she saw any such shape: it was a black bird & he would have her serve him & would have her to touch a paper: which she did with her fingers & it made a red mark: she s'd she did not dip her finger in any thing when she made the mark then she saw next a black man she owned she was at the witch meeting at Chand- lers at Andover last week & she thought there were near a hundred at it she s'd her shape was there: she s'd she knew not that her mother was a witch but she knew her sister suzanna Post & Sarah were so: the way of her afflicting was by sticking pins into things and Clothes & think of hurting them: & she s'd the Dead tought her this way of afflicting on the black man: she s'd she had afflicted only these 2: that complayned: only: she afflicted one the other night she knew not but that it might be Mary Warin: she thought it might be she: the Devil told her she should never be brought out: she s'd they Drank Sack at the witch meeting at Andover: it stood there in potts & they drawed it out of a barrill: she knew but few there but s'd Good wife foster & Carrier was there: she also s'd she rod to Salem village meeting upon a pole & the black man Carried the pole over the tops of the trees: & there they promised on another to afflict persons

I und'r written being appointed by Authority to take the above ex- amination doe testify upon oath taken in Court: that this is a true copy of the substance of it to the best of my knowledge Jan'y 10'th 1692

*Simon WillardMary Bridges was Examined before their Majesties Justices of the peace in Salem attest

*John Higginson Just'e peace

[page 136]

Simon Willard owned the above: written: to be the truth: to the best of his knowledge before: the grand Inquest Jan'y 10'th 1692

*Robert Payne Foreman

( Suffolk Court Files Case No. 2729 Page No. 73)

(Recognizance for Mary Bridges, Jr.)

Know All Men By these presents That I John Bridges of Andover in the Cownty of Essex in New England Blacksmith And John Osgood Sen'r of the Same Towne & Cownty afforesaid Husbandman, Are Holden And firmely Bownd Joyntly & Sevirally to there Maj'es King William And Queen Mary of England Scottland France And Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith in the full & Juste Sum of five hundrid Pownds Sterling, for the True & Juste payments of w'ch Said Sum of five hundrid pownds to there Maj'es King William And Queen Mary Wee do Bind our Selves Our heires Executtors Adminis- trators & Assignes firmely by these presents, Dated in Salem the fife- teenth day of October in the year of Our Lord One thowsand Six hundrid Ninety and Two And in the fourth Year of theire Maj'es Reigne of King William & Queen Mary King & Queen of England Scottland France & Ireland Defenders of the faith --

The Condition of this Obligation is Such that Whereas the above named Jno Osgood Sen'r & John Bridges Both of the Towne of And- ever in the County of Essex in New England have Taken into theire Care & Custodye the Bodye of Mary Bridges Aged about Twelve yeares who was Comited to theire Maj'es Goale in Salem in the Cownty of Essex in New England for havinge used practised & Com- itted Divers Acts of Witchcrafte Upon the Bodyes of Sundry persons who her Selfe hath also Conffessed the same, is that the Abovesaid John Bridges Blacksmith & John Osgood Sen'r, Aforesaid husband- man Shall Well & Truely keep the Aforesaid Mary Bridges & Them Secure Untill they Shall Receive Order from George Corwin Sherriff of the Cownty of Essex to deliver the Aforesaid Mary Bridges Unto William Dowton Now Keeper of theire Maj'es Goale in Salem Or to Any Other Whome the Aforesaid George Corwin Shall Appointe,

[page 137]

that then they Shall forthwith deliver the Same Mary Bridges Accord- ing to his Order -- And if the Above Bownd do perform the Above mentioned Articles, And shall pay Unto George Corwin the Sheriff Afforesaid, the forfieture of Said Bond for there Maj'es Use in Case of Default then this Obligation shall be Void & of None Effect Or Otherwise To Stand in full force & Virtue, In Wittness hereof we have Sett to Our hands & Seals this fifetenth day of October One thowsand Six hundrid Ninety & Two And in the fourth year of theire Maj'es Reigne --

Wittness *Jno Turner *Thomas Gardner Jun'r *John Bridge Seal *John Osgood [L. S.] [L. S.]( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 60)

[page 139" id="p927-137]

Sarah Bridges

(Examination of Sarah Bridges)

August 25'th 1692.

Sarah Bridges of Andivor Examined before the Justices of Salem -- She was told She was Charged for Hurting Martha Sprage by witch- craft but denyed it & hoped God would Clear her Inocencey the afflicted persons were Struck Dwone into a fitt & helped up by the touch of her hand Rich'd Carrier S'd it was She that was Upon the afflicted in there fitt She disowned witchcraft Saying She had never Sett her hand to the Divels book nor been baptized by him though She was told that her Sister Hannah Post had Confesed that She was one of the Company that had been baptized w'th her at 5 Mile pond yett denyed that She had any thing to doe w'th the Divel or that She had Seen or heard anything that was [tending] She was throwne of her horse once Indeed Coming from Ipswich & frighted by it but She thought it was by her aunt How, know nothing of Witchcraft She was Sensible the afflicted were Strang- ly Struck Dwone but She knew not the Mening of it -- Yett after She owned She had been in the Divels [Snare] Ever Since the last winters & that the Divel Came to her like a man would have her Signe to his book & told His name Was Jesus & that She must Serve & worship him She did Sign the book & the Mark was Red he told me I must goe and afflict Some body & the Divel prickt her finger & She made a Red Mark in the book the Divel told her She must Re- nounce god & Christ & promis to Serve him & I did S'd She & She S'd the Divel Came Sometimes like a bird Som times like abare Som- times like aman but most frequently like aman he told me Since I Came here he would kill me if I Conffesed She S'd her Compa. was Mary Post her Sister hanah & Mary Bridges that She used to afflict persons by Squezing her hands & Sticking pins in her Cloths She owned She had been baptized by the Divel w'th her Sister Susana

[page 140]

post Mary Bridges & that She was to Serve the Divel 4 year [Brought from over leafe]

& he was to have body & Soul She owned She had been to the witch Meeting at Chandlers Garrison at Andivor & that She thought there ware @ 200 Witches their & that they Eat bred & Drank wine & that Some of the prisoners were there She S'd She had heard of but one Inocent man Imprisoned yet for witchcraft & that was abbott of Ips- wich being asked w't She thought of the afflicted whether they Ware witches She S'd no they were Honest persons that helped to bring out the witches She owned She had Some times Rid upon a pole & being bid to goe and ask foregiveness of the afflicted She did & owned She had afflicted them but would Doe it no more but would Renounce the Divel & his Works & the afflicted persons forgave her & She could talk w'th them & not hurt them -- These two persons Hanah Post & Sarah Bridges have Conffesed the Circumstances of what the afflicted S'd of them & not Saying falswhood to them or any one of their Charging of them as that they have afflicted the time when the way how they afflicted them the place where all agree- ing w'th the afflicted have Charged them as thus the afflicted would Say did not you afflict me Such atime in Such a place in Such amaner they did answer Yes I did I am Sorry for it pray forgive me & for- givenes they asked w'th plenty of tears whereas they Could not Shed on tear before as was well observed Hannah Post owned her being Struck at her unkle Tilers by the Constab'e as the afflicted had Said and as to the number of witches the afflicted S'd their Saw @ 200 at Chandlers Metting Soe S'd those two they thought their was @ 200, Soe also Susana Post in her Confession Sayth She Saw @ 200, at a witch Metting at the Village Mary Bridges Said in her Con- ffesion Sayd She Saw @ 100 at a witch Metting that She was at --

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem No. 7)

(Indictment v. Sarah Bridges, No. 1)

Province of the Mattathusets Bay in New Engl. Essex ss.

Anno R. R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Nunc Ang liae &c quarto Annoq'e Domini. 1692

[page 141]

The Jurors for Our Soveraign Lord & Lady the King & Queen doe &pbar;r'sent That Sarah Bridges of Andover Singlewoman Some- time in the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Ninety One at Andover afores'd in the County aforesaid Wickedly felon- iously and Malitiously a Covenant with the Evil Spirit the Devill did Make & Signed to his Booke by Making a Red Marke Renounc- ing God and Christ & Gave her Soul & Body to the Devil and was Baptized by him by which Diabolicall Covenant the Said Sarah Bridges is become a detestable Witch Contrary to the peace of Our Soveraign Lord & Lady the King & Queen & the Laws in that Case Made & provided

Witness her Owne Confession acknowledged before Authority

(Reverse) Sarah Bridges Indictm't Cont -- w'th the Devill Vide con- fession .

Billa Vera Robert Payne foreman. Ponet Se. Not Guilty

( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 40)

(Indictment v. Sarah Bridges, No. 2)

Province of the Mattachusetts bay in New England Essex ss.

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Nunc Angliae &c. quarto Annoq'e Domini One Thousand Six hundred Ninety Two

The Jurors for Our Soveraign Lord & Lady the King & Queen &pbar;r'sent That Sarah Bridges of Andover in the County of Essex Single- woman On the 25'th day of August in the yeare afores'd in the County afores'd and divers other Days and Times as well before as after Certain detestable arts Caled Witchcrafts Wickedly Malitiously & feloniously hath used practiced & Exercised at & in the Towne of Salem in the County afores'd upon & Against One Martha Sprague alias Tyler of Boxford in the County afores'd which Said Wicked Acts the Said Martha Sprague alias Tyler the day afores'd & yeare

[page 142]

afores'd & Divers other Dayes & Times as well before as after was & is Tortured aflicted pined Consumed & Tormented against the peace of Our Soveraign Lord & Lady the King & Queen thier Crowne & dignity & the Lawes in that Case Made & provided --

Witness her owne Confession

Rose Foster(Reverse) Sarah Bridges Aflec't Martha Sprague Bella Vera Robert Payne foreman Not Guilty

( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 36)

[page 143" id="p927-141]

Hannah Bromage

(Examination of Hannah Bromage)

30 July 92

The Examination of Hannah Broomage [before] Major Gedney Esq'r & other their Majesties justices.

Severall persons present who had not acused her being privatly de- sired to look on her & take her by the hand, They did the same with- out receiving any harm. But Mary Walcot & ann Putnam who had acused her being called, and s'd Broomage being required to look on them, She Essayeing so to Doe they wer Struck into fitts. & she re- covered them again by her touch. s'd Mary Walcot & ann Putnams testimonys wer read. Ann Putnam being afected, in a fitt. the rest of the afflicted s'd they saw Broomage upon her.

Goody Bridges said that Broomage was in her society at Ballards house telling to her face she was there in her spirit & urged her to confess, that being the way to eternal life. S'd Bridges said further that broomage hurt ballards wife by sitting on her breast. And Ann Putnam being in a violent fitt, said Bridges & lacey S'd they saw Broomage upon her and walcot s'd she saw broomage Stabb Put- nam w'h a Spear. Said Bridges told Broomage that the devil would not Leave her untill she did confess and therefore urged her so to doe.

S'd Broomage said she had been under some dead nes w'h re- spect to the ordnances for the matter of 6 weeks, And a sudden sug- getion come into her heed sayeing I can help thee with strenth., To which she answered avoid satan.

she being asked what shap the devil appeared to her answered she believed the devil was in her heart And being asked severall other questions, she returned negative answers./

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2674 Page 5)

[page 144]

(Indictment v. Hannah Bromage)

Province of the Massathuteth Bay in New England Essex

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do&mbar; : 1692

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queen Pre- sents That Hannah Bromage of Haverill wife of [] Bromage of Haverill in the Court of Essex afo&rbar;s'd Upon the Thirtieth Day of July last in the yeare 1692 aforesaid -- and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witch- craft & Sorceries: Wickedly Mallishously & felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at & in the Towne of Salem -- in the County of Essex aforesaid upon and against one Mary Walcott of Salem afore- said Single Woman By which Wicked Arts the said Hannah Bro- mage -- The Day and year afore s'd and Divers [other] Days and Times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Tor- mented Consumed Pined & wasted ag't the Peace of our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Lawes in that case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Ignoramus Robert Payne foreman:

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2674 Page 5)

[page 145" id="p927-143]

Sarah Buckley

(See also: George Jacobs Jr. -- Complaint; Rebecca Jacobs -- Warrant.)

(Examination of Sarah Buckley 18. May. 1692)

Abig: Williams said this is the Woman that hath bit me with her scragged teeth a great many times

Mary Walcot, Ann Putman, & Susan: Sheldon unable to speak

Mercy Lewis said she see her upon her feet last night. Mary Walcotts testimony read

Eliz: Hubbard said I see her last sab: day hurt Mary Walcot in the meeting house but I do not know that she hurt me

Ann Putmans testimony read

Mary Warren said that she saw this Woman & a great company & that this Woman would have her the said Warren go to their Sacrament up to Mr Parris

#[Eliz: Hubbard] Suzan: Sheldon said this Woman hath tore her to peices & tempted her with the book

Ann Putman carried to this Examinant in a fit was made well upon the Examinants grasping her Arm

Suzan Sheldon the like.

Mary Warren the like.

When the examinant was pressed to confess she said she did not hurt them: she was Innocent --

Suzan: Sheldon said there is the Black man whispering in her ear

This is a true copy of the #[Original] [of the] substance of the Original Examination of the aboves'd Sarah Buckley. Witness my hand upon my Oath taken this day in Court. 15 Sept'r 1692

*Sam Parris( Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 135 No. 22)

[page 146]

(Indictment v. Sarah Buckley)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss//

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present That \[name\]Sarah Buckley\[/name\] Wife of William Buckley of Salem\s-\In the

County of Essex Shoomaker --

In & upon the Eighteenth day of May -- In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft or Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloni- ously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex -- Aforesaid in upon & against one Ann: Puttman of Salem Aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said An Puttnam the Day & yeare Aforesaid and di- vers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted & Tormented, and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said -- Sarah Buckley -- Comitted and done before and since that time against Our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen theire Crowne & Dignity and the forme in the Stattute In that case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Sarah Buckley An Putnam Billa Vera

The jury finds this person on this indittement not gilty non Cull

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 23)

(William Hubbard for Sarah Buckley)

These may Certifye whom it may

These are to Certyfye whom it may or shall concerne that I have known Sarah the wife of William Buckly of Salem village more or less: ever since she was #[borut] brought out of England w'ch is above fifty years agoe and during all the time I never knew nor heard

[page 147]

of any evill in her carriage or conversation unbecomming a christian: likewise she was bred up by christian parents all the time she lived here att Ipswich I further Tasiffye that the said Sarah was admitted as a member into the church of Ipswich above forty years since: and that I never heard from others or observed by my selfe any thing of her that was inconsistent with her profession or unsuitable to chris- tianity either in word deed or conversation and am straingly surprized that any person should speake or thinke of her as one worthy to be susspicted of any such crime that she is now charged with in testi- mony hereof I have here sett my hand this 20'th of June 1692

*William: Hubbard( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 29)

(Revs. John Higginson and Samuel Cheever for Sarah Buckley)

Being desired by goodman Buckly to give my testimony to his wives conversation before this great Calamity befell her, I cannot refuse to bear witnes to the truth, viz that during the time of her living in Salem for many years in Communion with this Church hav- ing occasionally frequent converse & discourse with her, I have never observed my selfe nor heard from any other any thing that was unsuitable to a Conversation becoming the Gospel; & have all- wayes looked upon her as a serious Godly woman

*John HigginsonMarble=head: Jan: 2: 1692/3:

Upon the same request, having had the like opportunity by her resi- dence many years att Marble = head, I can do no less then give the alike testimony for her pious conversation, during her abode in this place and co&mbar;&ubar;&nbar;ion with us

*Samuel Cheever.

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 99)

[page 148]

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Sarah Buckley)

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and [saith] that I have a long time seen gooddy Buckly amongsts the wicthes but she did not doe me much hurt tell the 23'th of Aprill 1692 and then she fell upon me most greviously #[to writ in hir book] almost redy to kill me urging me vehemently to writ in hir book: also on the 18'th may 1692 Sarah Buckly or hir Apperan [c]e did most greviously to[r]ment me dureing the time of her Examina&tbar;&ibar; for if she did but look upon she would strick me down or allmost choak me: also on the day of hir Examination I saw Sarah Buckly or her Apperan[c]e most greviously afflect and torment mary walcott mercy lewes Abi- gail williams and Mary warren: and I beleve in my heart that Sarah Buckly is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and the affore- said parsons by acts of wicthcraft.

The above s'd Deponant Ann Putnam acknowledged before the Grand inquest the truth of the above Evedence Upon her Oath this 15 of septe&mbar; . 1692

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 44-45)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Sarah Buckley)

The Deposistion of Eliz. Hubberd who testifieth and saith that I cannot say that ever goody Buckly hurt me but on the 18'th may 1692 being the day of the Exami&nbar; of Sarah Buckly the wife of wil- liam Buckly I saw hir or Apperan[c]e torment and afflete mary walcott and Ann putnam #[& also severall times sence] & I do be- leve : that the s'd Buckly is a witch: & afflicted the above named persons by witchcraft:

Eliz Hubbert: owned to the grand Inquest that: the above written evidence is the truth: Sept'r 14 1692

Eliz: Hubbard Jur in Cur( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 44-45)

[page 149]

(Mary Walcott v. Sarah Buckley)

Mary Walcott Aged Sixteen yeares Testifieth and Saith that on the 12'th of may 1692 in the Evening I saw the Apparition of goody Buckly come to me and hurt me and tortord me most dreadfully by pinching and choaking of me and twesting of my nick several times and she brought me a book and would have me write my name in it or elce give my consent that she might write it for me. I told her that I would not touch her book nor write in it, nor give consent to her tho she killd me then she choaked me and many times she said that she would kill me that night if she had power for to do it I tould her that I did not fear hur I told her that god is above the devil: and I hope that he would deliver me out of her hands and the devils to and several times she has bet me and several other times sence she has tormented me also I being caried up to wills hill on the [16]'th of may to see the affle&tbar;d persons there: I saw there the apperish- tion of gooddy Buckly afflecting daniell willknes: also on the day of the Examination of [of] Sarah Buckly being the 18'th may 1692 sarah Buckly or hir Apperanc did most greviously torment me dure- ing the time of hir Exa&mbar; : for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or allmost choak me also on the day of hir Examina- tion I saw Sarah Buckly or hir Apperanc most greviously torment the bodyes of Abigail williams #[mercy lewes] and Ann putnam and I veryly beleve in my heart that Sarah Buckly is a wicth and that she has often affleted me and the aforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft. Mary Wolcot owned the truth of the above written evidence: to: the grand Inquest

Sept'r 14. 1692 upon oath

( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 43)

(Benjamin Hutchinson v. Sarah Buckley and Mary Witheridge)

The deposistion of benjamine Hutchinson who testifieth and saith that my wife was much affleted presently affter the last exeicution w'h violent paines in hir head and teeth and al parts of hir body but

[page 150]

on sabath day was #[three] fortnight in the morning she being in such excescive mesiry that she said she beleved that that she had an evell hand upon hir whereupon I went: to mary walcott one of our next neighbors to come and look to se if she could se any body upon hir and as soon as she came into the house she said that our Two neighbors sarah Buckly and mary witheridge were upon my wife: and Immediatly my wife had ease and mary walcott was tomented: where upon I went down to the shrieff and desired him to take sume course with thos women that they might not have souch power to torment: and presently he ordored them to be fettered and ever sence that my wife has ben tolorable well and I beleve in my hart that sarah Buckly and mary witheridge has hurt my wife and severall others by acts of wicthcraft

Benjamin Huchenson owned the above written Evidence to be the truth upon Oath before the grand inquest 15-7 1692

( Massachusetts Archives. Vol. 135 No. 35

[page 151" id="p927-149]

George Burroughs Executed, August 19, 1692

(Complaint v. George Burroughs, Lydia Dustin, Susannah Martin, Dorcas Hoar, Sarah Morey, and Phillip English)

Salem Aprill the 30'th 1692

There Being Complaint this day made (Before us) by Capt Jona- than Walcot and Serj't Thomas putnam of Salem Village, in behalfe of theire Majesties, for themselfes, and also for Severall of theire Neighbours Against George Burroughs Minester in Wells in the pro- vince of Maine Lydia Dasting in Reading Widow Susanah Martin of Amesbury Widow Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Widdow, and Sarah Mur- rell of Beverly And phillip English of Salem Merchant for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft done or Committed by them Upon the Bodys of Mary Walcot. Marcy Lewis Abigail Williams Ann putnam and Eliz Hubert and Susanah Sheldon (Viz) Upon Som: or all of them, of Salem Village or farm[es] whereby great hurt and dammage benne donn[e] to the Bodys of s'd persons above named therefore Craved Justice

Signed by Both the Complainers aboves'd { *Jonathan Walcott *Thomas PutnamThe abovs'd Complaint was Exhibited before us this 30'th aprill 1692

*John Hathorne *Jonathan Corwin { Assis'ts

( Essex Institute Fowler Papers Vol. 16 Page 11)

[page 152]

(Statement of Elisha Hutchinson)

Portsmouth, May 2. 1692 Gentlemen

I Recd an order from the Gov'r & Council to aprehend mr George Buroughs at present preacher at Wells, to be Sent to Salem their to be Examened, being Suspected to have Confedracy with the devil in opressing Sundry persons about yo'r Towne of Salem, accord- ingly I have sent him by John Partredg Marshal of this provence, Except he meet with any other Authority that will co&mbar;it him to Some other officer to be Convayed as above, he pleading it will be to his da&mbar;age to go So far, I am

yo'r humble Servant *Elisha Hutchinson( Bowditch Mss -- Mass. Hist. Society)

(Warrant for Arrest of George Burroughs)

To Jno Partredg field Marshal

You are Required in their Maj'sts names to aprehend the body of mr George Buroughs at present preacher at Wells in the provence of Maine, & Convay him with all Speed to Salem before the Mages- trates there, to be Examened, he being Suspected for a Confederacy with the devil in opressing of Sundry about Salem as they relate. I having Receved perticuler Order from the Govern'r & Council of their Maj'sts Colony of the Masathusets, for the Same, you may not faile herein,

Dated in portsmouth in the provenc of Hamshire. Aprel.30'th 1692

*Elisha Hutchinson Maj'rBy Virtue of this warrant I Apprehended s'd George Burroughs and have Brought him to Salem and Delievered him to the Authority there this fourth day of May 1692

*John Partridge feild marshall of the Provence of newhansher and maine

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 153]

(Examination of George Burroughs and Summary of Evidence)

The Examination of Geo: Burrough 9. May. 1692

By Honourd

W'm Stoughton John Hathorne Sam: Sewall, Jonath. Corwin


Being askt w'n he partook of the Lords supper, he being (as he said) in full comunion at Roxbury.

He answered it was so long since he could not tell: yet he owned he was at meeting one Sab: at Boston part of the day, & the oth- er at Charlestown part of a Sab: when that sacrament happened to be at both, yet did not partake of either. He denyed that his house at Casko was haunted, yet he owned there were Toads. He de- nyed that he made his wife swear, that she should not write to her Father Ruck without his approbation of her letter to her Father. He owned that none of his children, but the eldest was Baptized The aboves'd was in private none of the Bewitched being present. At his entry into the Room, many (if not all of the Bewitched) were greviously tortured.

[page 154]

Capt Putnam testifyed about the Gun.

Capt Wormwood testifyed about the Gun & the Mallassoes He denyed that about the malassoes About the Gun he said he took it before the lock and rested it upon his breast.

John Brown testifyed about a bbl Cyder

He denyed that his family was affrighted by a white calf in his house.

Capt Putman testifyed that he made his wife enter into a cove- nant 11.May. 1692

Abig Hobbs in prison affirmed that Geo. Burroughs in his shape appeared to her, & urged her to set her hand to the Book, which she did, & after-wards in his own person he acknowledged to her, that he had made her set her hand to the Book.

The original minutes (of which the above is a true copy) is in the possession of I. F. Andrews Esq. & was found among Judge Hathornes papers. -- Aug. 8. 1843.

*I B Curwen( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 9)

(Indictment v. George Burroughs, No. 1)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto

Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of Falmouth w'thin

[page 155]

the province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Clerke -- The Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sover- eigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of Eng- land Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c Diver other Days and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called wicthcraft & Sorceries -- wickedly and felon- iously hath used Practiced & Exercised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex & aforesaid, in Upon & ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem in the County of Essex Singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year aboves'd and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after.was.and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented.also for Sundrey other Acts of witchcrafts by Said George Burroughs.Committed and done ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made & Provided:

Witnesses. Elizabeth Hubbard Mary Wolcott Ann Putman( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Indictment v. George Burroughs, No. 2)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc: Angliae &c Quarto

Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth in the pro- vince of the Massachusets Bay in New England -- Clarke -- The ninth Day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith

[page 156]

&c and Divers other Dayes and times, as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries. Wickedly and felloniously, hath used -- Practised and Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in, upon.and ag't one Mercy Lewis of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex in New England -- by which wicked Arts the said Mercy Lewis -- the Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year afores'd and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured afflicted Pine Consumed Wasted and Tormented: ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King.and Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided/.

Witnesses. Mercy Lewis Mary Walcott. El. Hubbard Ann Putnam( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Indictment v. George Burroughs, No. 3)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae &ndot;unc: Anglia &c Quarto

Essex ss: The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth within the Province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Clarke the Ninth Day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Soverigne Lord & Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c Diver other Dayes and times as well before as After certaine De- testable Artes called Witchcrafts & Sorceries: Wickedly and feloni- ously hath used Practised & Exercised at and within the Towne of Salem in the County afores'd in upon and ag't one: Ann Putman of Salem Village SingleWoman -- by which said wicked arts the Said

[page 157]

Ann Putman the Ninth Day of May in the fourth year abovesaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed Wasted and Tormented also for sundry other Acts of Witchcrafts by said George Burroughs Com- mitted and Done ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne & Dignity and ag't the form of the Statute in tha[t] case made and Provided:

Witnesses Ann Putnam Mary Wolcott Elizabeth Hubbard Mary Warren(On reverse side of paper) Geo. Burroughs

( Essex Institute Mss. Collection)

(Indictment v. George Burroughs, No. 4)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto

Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth in the province of the Massach'ts Bay in New England, Clerk -- the Ninth Day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of Our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scott- land France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Days and times, as well before, as after, Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts, and Sorceries, Wickedly, and felloniously, hath used Practised.&.Exercised at and within.the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Mary Walcott of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex Singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts the said Mary Walcott the Ninth Day of May in the forth Year aboves'd and Divers other Days and times as well before as after was and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented.ag't the Peace of our Sover-

[page 158]

eigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided:

Witnesses Mary Walcott Sarah Vibber Jurat Mercy Lewis Ann Putnam Eliz. Hubbard( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Summons for John Ruck et al.)

William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &ca

mr Jno Ruck mrs Eliz: Ruck mr Thomas Ruck & Samuel Ruck


Capt William Worwood Greeting.

Wee Comand you all Excuses set apart to be and personaly ap- pear at the present Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem there to Testify the truth to the best of your knowledge on certain Indict- m'ts Exhibited against mr George Burrough: hereof fail not dated in Salem.Aug't 5'th 1692. & in the fourth yeare of Our Reign

*Stephen Sewall Cler

August 5'th The persons above Named where all every of them sumoned to appeare as above [by me]

by me *Joseph Neale Const'b in [in] Salem.(On reverse side of paper) G. Burroughs. Sumons Ruck etal

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 14)

[page 159]

(Summons for James Greenslit)

Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King defend'r of the faith &ca

To James Greenslit Greeting. --

[L. S.] Wee comand you all Excuses set apart to be & personaly app'r at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem on the first Tuesday in August Next There to Testify the Truth on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against George Burroughs & not depart the Court without lycense or leave of s'd Court hereof fail not On penalty of One hundred pounds money to be levied on your Goods Chattels &ca

Dated in Salem July 26'th 1692. *Step. Sewall, CleTo the Sheriffe of Essex

(Reverse) July 26'th 1692 I have Sumoned the within named James Greinslett according to this Within Sub pena to Give in his Evidence att the time and place within mentioned by me

*Geo. Herrick Dep't Sheriff

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 10)

(Physical Examinations of George Burroughs and George Jacobs, Jr.)

Wee whoes names are under written having r'ceived an order from the sreife for to search the bodyes of George Burroughs and George Jacobs. wee find nothing upon the body of the above sayd burroughs but w't is naturall:but upon the body of George Jacobs wee find 3. tetts w'ch according to the best of our Judgements wee think is not naturall for wee run a pinn through 2 of them and he was not sinceible of it: one of them being within his mouth upon the Inside of his right shoulder balde an a 3'rd upon his right hipp

Ed. Weld swone Will Gill sworne Tom flint Jurat Tom West sworne

[page 160]

Zeb Hill Jurat Sam Morgan sworne John Bare Jurat.(Reverse) Jury men Return about Jacobs & Burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 10)

(Samuel Webber v. George Burroughs)

Samuel Webber aged about 36 years Testifieth and sayth that aboute seaven or eight Yeares agoe I Lived at Casco Bay and George Burroughs was then Minester there, and haveing heard much of the great strength of him s'd Burroughs; he Coming to our house wee ware in discourse about the same and he then told mee that he had put his fingers into the Bung of a Barrell of Malasses and lifted it up, and carryed it Round him and sett it downe againe.

Salem August 2'd 1692. *Samuell Webber Jurat in Curia(Reverse) Sam Webber Cont: Burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 10)

(Thomas Greenslit v. George Burroughs)

Province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England

The deposition of \[name\]Thomas Greinslitt\[/name\] aged about forty years Testfieth

Essex Ss.

That about the breaking Out of this last Indian Warr being at the house of Capt Scottow's at black point he Saw Mr George Bur- roughs lift and hold Out a gunn of Six foot barrell or thereabouts putting the forefinger of his right hand into the Muzle of s'd gunn and So held it Out at Armes End Only with that finger and further this deponent Testifieth that at the Same time he Saw the Said Burroughs take up a full barrell of Malasses w'th but two fingers

[page 161]

of one of his hands in the bung & Carry it from the Stage head to the Door at the End of the Stage Without letting it downe & that Liut Richard Hunniwell & John Greinslitt & Some other persons that are Since dead Were then present.

Salem Sep'r 15'th 1692 Thomas Greinslitt appeared before their Maj'ties Justices of Oyer & Terminer in Open Court & Made Oath that the above mentioned perticulars & Every part of them were True

attest *Step. Sewall Clr( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Simon Willard and William Wormall v. George Burroughs)

The: Deposition of Simon Willard aged:about forty two years sayth: I being att the house of Mr Robt Lawrance: at falmoth in Casco Bay: in Septemb'r 1689 s'd Mr Lawrance was commending Mr George Borroughs his strength: saying that we none of us could doe what he could doe: for s'd he Mr Borroughs can hold out this gun with one hand Mr. Borroughs being there: sayd I held my hand here behind the lock: and took it up: and held it out. I s'd deponant saw Mr Borroughs:put his hand on the gun: to show us: how he held it and where he held his hand:and saying there he held his hand when he held s'd gun out: but:I saw him not hold it out then:

s'd gun was about or near seven foot barrill:and very hevie: I then tryed to hold out s'd gun with both hands: but could not do it long enough to take sight

*Simon Willard Jurat in CuriaSimon willard owned:to the Jury of inquest:that the above written evidence: is the truth Aug'st 3: 1692

(Wm Wormall v. Geo. Burroughs.) Capt Wm Wormall Sworne to the above & that he Saw him Raise it from the ground, himselfe

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 13)

[page 162]

(Simon Willard v. George Burroughs)

The Deposition of Simon Willard [aged about 42] years saith I being at Saco in the year [1689] some: in Capt Ed Sarjants garison was speaking of mr George Borroughs his great strength saying he Could take:a barrill of mallasses out of a Cannoe or boat alone: and that he Could. take it in his hands or arms out of the Cannoo or boat and carry it and set it on the shore: and mr Borroughs being: there sayd that he had carryed one barrill of molasses.or sider: out of a cannoo that had like to have done him a displeasure: s'd mr Bor- roughs intimated: as if he did not want strength to do it but the dis- advantage of the shore was such: that his foot slipping in the sand: he had like to have strained his legg

*Simon WillardSimon Willard ownd: to the Jury of Inquest, that the above written evidence is the truth

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Simon Willard ag'st Burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem, Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 13)

(Mary Webber v. George Burroughs)

Mary Webber wid aged aboute 53 years Testifieth and sayth that she liveing at Casco Bay aboute six or seaven years agoe, when George Burroughs was Minester at s'd place, and liveing anner -- Neighbour to s'd Burroughs, was well acquainted with his wife w'ch was dauter to mr John Ruck of Salem she hath heard her tell much of her husband unkindness to her and that she dare not wright to her father to acquaint [him] how it was with her, and soe desired mee to wright to her father that he would be pleased to send for her and told mee she had beene much affrighted, and that something in the night made anoise in the chamber where she lay as if one Went aboute the Chamber, and she calling up the negro. to come to her the negro not Comeing sayd that she could not Come some thing stopt her, then her husband being called he came up. some thing

[page 163]

Jumped down from between the Chimney & the side of the house and Run down the stairs and s'd Burroughs followed it down, and the negro then s'd it was something like a white calfe: another tyme lyeing with her husband some thing came into the house and stood by her bed side and breathed on her, and she being much affrighted at it, would have awakened her husband but could not for a con- siderable tyme, but as soone as he did awake it went away., but this I heard her say. and know nothing of it myselfe otherwise Except by common report of others also concerning such things

Salem August 2'd 1692 *mary webber( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Hannah Harris v. George Burroughs)

The depotion of Hannah Harres Aiged twenty seven yeares or thareabouts Testifieth and saith that she Lived at the hous of Georg Burros at falmouth & the above said hannah harres many times hath taken notic that when she hath had anny Discorse with the above said burross wife-when the above said burros was from hom that apone has Returne he hath often scolded wife and told her that he knew what they said when he was abroad and further saith that upone a time when his wife had Laine In Not above one weak that he fell out with his wife and kept her by Discorce at the Dore till she fell sicke In the place and grew wors at night so that the above said hannah harres was afraid she would dye and thay called In thare Naibours and the above said burroses Daughter told One of the women that was thare the cause of her mothers Ellness and the a bove said burros chid his Daughter for telling and the a bove said burros Came to the a bove said hannah harres and told her If that his wif Did otherwise than well she should not tell of It & the abovsaid hannah harres told him that she would not be con- fined to anny such thing

Jurat in Curia Hannah Harris ag't Burroughs(On reverse side of paper)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 15)

[page 164]

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. George Burroughs)

The Deposition of Ann putnam : who testifieth and saith that on 20'th of April 1692 :at evening she saw the Apperishtion of a Minister at which she was greviously affrighted and cried out oh dreadfull: dreadfull here is a minister com:what are Ministers wicthes to: whence com you and What is your name for I will complaine of:you tho you be A minister: if you be a wizzard; and Immediatly I was tortored by him being Racked and all most choaked by him: and he tempted me to write in his book which I Refused with loud out cries and said I would not writ in his book tho he tore me al to peaces but tould him that it was a dreadfull thing: that he which was a Minister that should teach children to feare God should com to perswad poor creatures to give their souls to the divill: oh. dreadfull tell me your name that I may know who you are: then againe he tortored me & urged me to writ in his book: which I Refused: and then presently he tould me that his name was George Burroughs and that he had had three wives: and that he had bewitched the Two first of them to death: and that he kiled Mist. Lawson because she was so unwilling to goe from the village and also killed Mr Lawsons child because he went to the eastward with Sir Edmon and preached soe; to the souldiers and that he had bewicthed a grate many souldiers to death at the eastword, when Sir Edmon was their. and that he had made Abigail Hobbs a wicth and: severall wicthes more: and he has con- tinewed ever sence; by times tempting me to write in his book and greviously tortoring me by beating pinching and almost choaking me severall times a day and he also tould me that he was above wicth for he was a cunjurer

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Ann putnam ag'st Burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 10)

(Thomas Putnam, Peter Prescott, Robert Morrell & Ezekiel Cheever v. George Burroughs)

wee whose names are under writen being present with Ann putnam att the time above mentioned hard hir declare what is above

[page 165]

writen what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroughs: and allso beheld hir tortors:and perceived her hellish temtations by hir loud out cries I will not I will not writ tho you torment al days of my life:and being conversant with hir ever sence have seen hir tortored and complaining that Mr. Burroughs hirt hir.and tempts hir to writ in his Book

Thomas putnam peter prescott Robert MorrellAnn Puttnam declared har above written evidence to be the truth:before the Jury of Inquest: Aug'st 3: 92: upon her oath

Ezekiel Chever made Oath to the latter part.of this paper

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 11)

(Letter of Thomas Putnam to John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin)

Salem Village , this 21'st of April, 1692 Much honored:

After most humble and hearty thanks presented to your Honors for the great care and pains you have already taken for us, for which we are never able to make you recompense (and we believe you do not expect it of us; therefore a full reward will be given you of the Lord God of Israel, whose cause and interest you have espoused, and we trust this shall add to your crown of glory in the day of the Lord Jesus); and we, beholding continually the tremendous works of divine providence -- not only every day but every hour -- thought it our duty to inform your Honors of what we conceive you have not heard, which are high and dreadful: of a wheel within a wheel, at which our ears do tingle.

Humbly craving continually your prayers and help in this dis- tressed case, so praying almighty God continually to prepare you,

[page 166]

that you may be a terror to evil-doers and a praise to them that do well, we remain yours to serve in what we are able.

Thomas Putnam( Charles W. Upham, Salem Witchcraft [ Boston, 1867] II, 139-140.)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. George Burroughs)

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 5'th of may 1692 at evening I saw the apperishtion of Mr George Burroughs who greviously tortored me and urged me to writ in his book which I refused then he tould me that his Two first wives would appeare to me presently and tell me a grat many lyes but I should not beleve them:then immediatly appeared to me the forme of Two women in winding sheats and napkins about their heads: att which I was gratly affrighted: and they turned their faces towards Mr. Burroughs and looked very red and angury and tould him that he had been a cruell man to them.and that their blood did crie for ven- gance against him: and also tould him that they should be cloathed with white Robes in heaven, when he should be cast into hell: and immediatly he vanished away: and as soon as he was gon the Two women turned their faces towards me and looked as pail as a white wall: and tould me that they ware mr Burroughs Two first wives and that he had murthered them: and one tould me that she was his first wife and he stabed hir under the left Arme and put a peace of sealing wax on the wound and she pulled aside the winding sheat and shewed me the place and also tould me that she was in the house Mr parish now lives w'n it was don, and the other tould me that Mr Burrough and that wife which he hath now kiled hir in the vessell as she was coming to se hir friends because they would have one another: and they both charged me that I should tell these things to the Magestraits before Mr Burroughs face and if he did not own them they did not know but that they should appere their: thes morning also Mis Lawson and hir daughter Ann appeared to me whom I knew: and tould me that Mr Burroughs murthered them: this morning also appeared to me another woman in a winding sheat

[page 167]

and tould me that she was goodman fullers first wife and Mr Bur- roughs kiled hir because there was sum differance between hir hus- band and him: also on the 9'th may dureing the time of his ex- amination he did most greviously torment and afflect mary Walcott mercy lewes Eliz Hubburd and Abigail williams by pinching prick'g and choaking them Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Ann putnam Cont Geo Burroughs Death of his wife & Lawson's Childe

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 12)

(Edward Putnam and Thomas Putnam v. George Burroughs)

we whose names are under written being present with ann put- nam at the times above mentioned: saw hir tortured and hard hir refuse to writ in the book also hard hir declare what is above writen: what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroghs and from thos which acc[used him] for murthering of them

Edward putnam Thomas putnamAnn putnam ownid this har testimomy to be the truth uppon har oath.before the Juriars of Inquest this: 3. dy of agust 92

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 12)

(Sarah Bibber v. George Burroughs)

The deposistion of Sarah viber who testifieth and saith that on the 9'th day of may 1692 . as I was agoeing to Salem village I saw the apperishtion of a little man like a minister with a black coat on and he pinched me by the arme and bid me goe along with him but I tould him I would not but when I cam to the village I

[page 168]

saw theire Mr. George Burroughs which I never saw before and then I knew that it was his apperishtion which I had seen in the morning and he tortured me several times while he was in examination also dureing the time of his examination I saw Mr. George Burroughs or his Apparanec most greviously torment and afflect mary Walcott mercy Luis Elizabeth Hubbert Ann putnam and abigaill williams by pinching twisting & almost choaking them to death also severall times sence mr george Burroughs or his Apperance has most grevious- ly tormented me with variety of tortors and I beleve in my heart that mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has most greviously tormented me and the above mentioned parson by his acts of wicthcraft

Sarah Viber declared to the Jury of inquest:that the above written evidence is the truth:Aug'st 3: 1692 the which she owned on her oath

Jurat in Curia Sarah Viber ag't Burroughs(On reverse side of paper)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 13)

(Mercy Lewis v. George Burroughs)

the deposistion of Mircy Lewes who testifieth and saith that one the 7'th of may 1692 att evening I saw the apperishtion of Mr. George Burroughs whom i very well knew which did greviously tortor me and urged me to writ in his Book and then he brought to me a new fashon book which he did not use to bring and tould me I might writ in that book: for that was a book that was in his studdy when I lived with them: but I tould him I did not beleve him for I had been often in his studdy but I never saw that book their: but he tould me that he had severall books in his studdy which I never saw in his studdy and he could raise the divell: and now had be- wicthed Mr. Sheppards daughter and I asked him how he could goe to be wicth hir now he was keept at Salem: and he tould me that the divell was his sarvant and he sent him in his shapp to doe it then he againe tortored me most dreadfully and threatened to kill me for

[page 169]

he said I should not witnes against him also he tould me that he had made Abigaill Hoobs: a wicth and severall more then againe he did most dreadfully tortor me as if he would have racked me all to peaces and urged me to writ in his book or elce he would kill me but I tould him I hoped my life was not in the power of his hand and that I would not writ tho he did kill me: the next night he tould me I should not see his Two wifes if he could help it because I should not witnes agast him this 9'th may mr Burroughs caried me up to an exceeding high mountain and shewed me all the kingdoms of the earth and tould me that he would give them all to me if I would writ in his book and if I would not he would thro me down and brake my neck: but I tould him they ware non of his to give and I would not writ if he throde me down on 100 pichforks: also on the 9'th may being the time of his examination mr. George Bur- roughs did most dreadfully torment me: and also several times sence

marce luis uppon har oath did owne this har testimony to be the truth be fore the Juriors for In quest:agust:3: 92.

(Reverse) Mercy Lewis ag'st Burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 12)

(Thomas Putnam and Edward Putnam v. George Burroughs)

we whose names are under writen being present hard mircy lewes declare what is above writen what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr George Burroughs and also beheld hir tortors which we cannot express for sume times we ware redy to fear that every joynt of hir body was redy to be displaced: also we perceived hir hellish temtations by hir loud out cries mr.Burroughs. I will not writ in your book tho you doe kil me

*Thomas putnam [*Edward] PutnamJurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 12)

[page 170]

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. George Burroughs)

May the 9. 1692 .

Elizabeth hubord aged about 17 yers saith that the last second day at night: There apeared a little black beard man to me in blackish aparill I asked him his name. & he told me his name was borrous, Then he tooke a booke out of his pocket: & opened it.& bid me set my hand to it I tould him I would not: the lines in this book was read as blod; then he pinched me twise & went away: The next morn- ing .he apeared to me againe.and tould me he was above a wizard; for he was a conjurar and so went away but sins that he hath apeared to me every day & night very often and urged me very much to set my hand to his book: and to run a way telling me if I would do so I should be well & that I should need feare no body: & withall tor- mented me severall ways every time he Came exept that time he told me he was a conjuror: This night he asked me very much to set my hand to his book or else he sayed he would kill me; withall tortor- ing me very much by biting and pinching squesing my body and runing pins into me also on the: 9'th may 1692 being the time of his examination mr George Burroughs or his Apperance did most greviously afflect and torment the bodyes of mary walcott mercy lewes Ann putnam and Abigail williams for if he did but look upon them he would strick them down or almost choak them to death also severall times sence he has most dreadfully afflected and tormented me with variety of torments and I beleve in my heart that mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has often tormented me and also the above named parsons by his acts of wicthcraft

Jurat in Curia

Eliz Hubbard.declared:the above written evedence:to be the truth: upon her oath:that she had taken.this she owned before the Jury of inquest: Aug'st 3 1692

(Reverse) Eliz: Hubbert ag't burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. Page 14)

[page 171]

(Susannah Sheldon v. George Burroughs)

The Complaint of Susannah Shelden against mr burroos which brought a book to-mee and told mee if i would not set my hand too if hee would tear mee to peesses i told him i would not then hee told mee hee would starve me to death then the next morning he told mee hee could not starve mee. to death, but hee would choake me that my vittals should doe me but litl good then he told mee his name was borros which had preached at the vliage the last night hee Came to mee and asked mee whether i would goe to the village to morrow to witnes against him i asked him if hee was exsamened then hee told hee was then i told him i would goe then hee told mee hee would kil mee beefoar morning then hee apeared to mee at the hous of nathanniel ingolson and told mee hee had been the death of three children at the eastward and had kiled two of his wifes the first hee smouthered and the second he choaked and killed tow of his own children

(Reverse) Susannah Shelden against G. Burroughs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 16)

(Benjamin Hutchinson v. George Burroughs)

Benjemin huchension s'd that one the 21'st aprell 92 abegeral wiluams s'd that there.was a lettell black menester that Lived at Casko bay he told me so and s'd that he had kild 3 wifes two for himself and one for mr Losen and that he had made nine Weches in this plase and s'd that he Could hold out the hevest gun that Is in Casko bay w'th one hand w'c no man Can Case hold out w't both. hands this Is about a ll a clock and I ask her Where about this lettel man stood s'd she Just where the Cart wheell went along I had a 3 graned irne fork in my hnad and I thru it wher she said he stud and she presently feell in a letel feet and when it twas over Said She you have toren his coot for I hard it tare wher abouts said I one won side said she

then we come into the house of left Ingersoll and I went into the great Roome and abigle come in and said ther he stands I said wher

[page 172]

wher and presently draed my rapyer but he emmedetly was gon as she said then said she ther is a gray catt then i said wher abouts doth she stand ther s'd she ther than I struck # [with] with my rapyer then she fell in afitt and when it was over she said you kild hur and immedetly Sary good come and carrid hur away this was about 12 a clock The same day after lecttor in the said: Ingersolls chamber abigaill williams mary walcot said that goody hobs of topfell bitt mary walcot by the foot then both falling into a fit as soone as it was over the said william hobs and his wife goe both of them a long the table; the said hucheson tooke his rapier stabed goody hobs one the side as abigaill williams & mary walcot saide: the said abigaill & mar said the roome was full of them then the said hucheson & Ely putnam stabed with their raperres at a ventor then said mary & abigell you have killed a greet black woman of Ston- intown . and an Indian that comes with her for the flore is all covered with blod.then the said mary and abigaill looked out of dores & said they saw a greet company of them one a hill & there was three of them lay dead the black woman & the indian & one more that they knew not

This being about.4.a clock in the after noon

(On reverse side of paper) Ben Huchison

( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 16)

(Abigail Hobbs and Mary Warren v. George Burroughs et al.)

1st June 1692

Abigaile Hobbs then confessed before John Hathorn & Jonathan cor- win Esq'rs That at the generall meeting of the Witches in the feild near Mr Parrisse's house she saw Mr George Burroughs, Sarah Good Sarah Osborne Bridgett Bishop a&lbar;s. Olliver & Giles Cory, two or three nights agone, Mr Burrough came & sat at the window & told her he would terribly afflict her for saying so much ag't him & then pinched her, deliverance Hobbs then saw s'd Burroughs & he would have tempted her to sett her hand to the book & almost shooke her to pieces because she would not doe it,

Mary Warren Testifyeth that when she was in prison in Salem about a fortnight agone Mr George Burroughs, Goody Nurse Goody procter,

[page 173]

Goody parker, Goody pudeator, Abigail Soames, Goodman procter, Goody Darling [Dowing?] & others unknowne came to this depon't & Mr Burroughs had a trumpett & sounded it, & they would have had this depon't to have gone up with them to a feast at Mr parris- ses & Goody Nurse & Goody procter told her this depon't they were Deacons & would have had her eat some of their sweet bread & wine & she asking them what wine that was one of them said it was blood & better then our wine but this depon't refused to eat or drink with them & they then dreadfully afflicted her at that tyme.

Sworne the first of June 1692 *John Hathorne *Jonathan Corwin { Assis'tsM'd. that at the time of the taking of this deposicon Goody Nurse appeared in the roome & afflicted the Depon't Mary & Deliverance Hobbs as they attested & alsoe almost Choaked abigaile Hobbs as alsoe testified, & Mr English then run a pin into Maryes hand as she attested

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Mary Warren v. George Burroughs, John Alden, Martha Corey, and Ann Pudeator)

The Testimone of Mary Warren aged twenty yeares or thereaboutes Testifeyeth and saith that Sometime in July last mr Burrougs pinched mee very much and choaked me almost to death: and I saw and hard him sound a Trumpett and Immediatly I saw severall com to him as namely Capt Allding Mis Cory and goody pudeater and sev- erall others and they urged me to goe along with them to their sacremental meeting and mr Burroughs brought to me bread to eat and wine to drink which I refuseing he did most greviously torment me urging me vehemently to writ in his book: also I have seen mr George Burroughs or his Apperance most greviously tormenting mary walcott and Ann putnam and I verily beleve in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has severall times tormented mee and the affore said persones by his acts of wicthcraft

[page 174]

Mary Warrin declared: upon: her oath; to the Jury of Inquest that the above written evidence: is the truth. Aug'st 3: 1692

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Mary Walcott v. George Burroughs)

The Deposition of mary Walcott agged about 17 years who testi- fieth and saith that on the later end of April 1692: mr. George Burroughs or his Apperance came to me whom I formerly well knew: and he did Immediatly most greviously torment me by biting pinching and almost choacking me urging me to writ in his book: which I refusing he did -- againe most greviously torment me and tould me if I would but touch his book I should be well but I tould him I would not for all the world and then he threated to kil me and said I should never witnes against him: but he continewed tortering and tempting me tell the 8 may: and then he tould me he would have kiled his first wife and child: when his wife was in travil but he keept hir in the kithin tell he gave hir hir deaths wound.but he charged me in the name of his God I should not tell of it:but Im- mediatly there appeared to me mr.Burroughs two first wives in their winding sheets whom I formerly well knew and tould me that mr. Burroughs had murthered them and that their blood did crie for vengance againt him: also on the 9'th may being the day of his ex- amination he did most greviously torment me dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look on me he would strick me down or allmost Choake me: also dureing his examination I saw mr. George Burroughs or his Apperane most greviously torment mercy lewes Eliz Hubb [e] rt Abigail william and Ann putnam and I beleve in my heart that mr. George Burroughs is a dreadful wizzard and That he had often afflected and tormented me and the afore mentioned parsons by his acts of wicthcraft

Mary Walcot declared this writing to be a true evidence: to the Jury of Inquest Aug'st 3 1692 upon the oath she has taken

Jurat in Curia

( Bowditch Mss. Mass. Hist. Society)

[page 175]

(Summons for John Pierce and John Lane)

Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland france & Ireland King & queen defend'rs of the faith &ca --

Wee Comand you to Warn & give Notice unto John Pierce and John lane that they & Every of them be & personaly app'r forthwith at the pr'sent Court of Oyer & Termin'r holden at Salem to Testify the truth to the best of thier knowledge on certain Indicm'ts Ex- hibited against mr George Burrough hereof Make return fail Not dated in Salem Aug't 4'th 1692 in the fourth yeare of Our Reign

*Stephen Sewall, Cler.To the Constable of Manchester

August 4'th I have Sumoned the above named that thay and Each of them att time and place above written by me

*John Ley

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Thomas Putnam and Edward Putnam v. George Burroughs)

The deposistion of Tho. putnam aged 40: years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifieth and saith. that we haveing ben conver- sant with severall of the afflected persons as maryWolcott mercy lewes Eliz: Hubburt and we have seen them most dreadfully tomen- ted and we have seen dreadfull marks in their fleesh which they said Mr. Burroughs did make by hurting them: but on 9'th may 1692 : the day of the Examination of Mr. George Burroughs the af- foresaid parsons were most dreadfully tormented dureing the time of his Examination as if they would have been torne al to peaces or all their bones putt out of joynt and with such tortors as no tounge can express also severall times sence we have seen the affore- said afflected parsons most dreadfully tormented and greviously complaining of Mr. Burroughs for hurting them and we beleve that

[page 176]

Mr. George Burroughs the prisoner att the bar has severall times af- flected and tormented the afforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft

*Thomas putnamJurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(John Putnam, Sr. and Rebecca Putnam v. George Burroughs)

the Deposition of John putnam & Rebecah his wife testifieth and saith that in the yeare:80: Mr Burros lived in our house nine month, there being a great differanc betwixt Sd Barros & his wife, the differanc was so great that they did Desier us the deponants to com into their room to hear their difference, the contrivercy that was betwixt them was that the afor s'd Burros did rquier his wife to give him a written covenant under her hand and Seall that shee would never reveall his secrits, our anser was that they had once made a covenant before god and men which covenant we did conseive did bind each other to keep their lawfull secrits, and further saith that all the time that s'd Burros did live att our house he was a very sharp man to his wife, notwithstanding to our observation shee was a very good and dutifully wife to him

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper) Jno Put&nbar; & Reb. his wife.

( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

(Elizar Keyser v. George Burroughs)

Elizer Keysar aged aboute fourty five yeares Sayth that on Thursday last past being the fift day of this Instant moneth of May I was at the house of Thomas Beadles in salem, and Capt Daniell King being there also, at the same tyme, and in the Same Roome. s'd Capt Daniell King Asked mee Whether I would not goe up, and see mr Burrows and discourse with him. he being then in one of the Cham- bers in s'd House. I told him itt did not belong to mee, and I was

[page 177]

not willing to medle or make with itt, then s'd King sayd are you not a Christian if you are a Christian goe [&] see him and discourse with him, but I told him I did beleive it did not belong to such as I was to discourse him he being a Learned man. then s'd King sayd I beleive he is a Child of god, a Choice Child of god, and that God would Clear up his Inocency; soe I told him my Opinion or feare was, that he was, the Cheife of all the persons accused for witchcraft or the Ring Leader of them -- all, and told him also that I beleived if he was such an one his Master meening the divell had told him before now, what I said of him, And s'd King seemeing to mee to be in a passion. I did afterwards forbeare #[The same Evening after these words being alone in one Roome of my house and noe candle or light being in the s'd Roome] the same afternoone I haveing Occa- tion to be at the s'd Beadles house and [being] in the Chamber where mr George Burroughs Keept I observed that s'd Burroughs did steadfastly fix [his] eys upon mee, the same Evening being in my own house, in a Roome without any Light I did see very strange things appeare in the Chimney. I suppose a dozen of them. w'ch seemed to mee to be something like Jelly that used to be in the water and quaver with a strainge Motion, and then quickly diappeared soone after which I did see a light up in the chimney aboute the bigness of my hand some thing above the bar w'ch quivered & shaked. and seemed to have a Motion upward upon Which I called the Mayd, and she looking up into the Chimney saw the same, and my wife looking up could not see any thing, soe I did and doe #[very Certainly] [Concider] it was some diabolicall apperition

(On side of paper)

Mr. Elizer. Keyzer: declared: to the Jury of Inquest that the evi- dence : in this paper is the truth upon oath: Aug'st 3 1692 Mercy Lewis. also: s'd that: he made lights: in Mr Keyzers: Chimny

Jurat in Curia by Mr KeysorSworne also by Eliz: Wardwell as to the last night

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 178]

(Memorandum in Case of George Burroughs)

Memorand'm in mr George Burroughs Tryall besides the written Evidences that was Sworne sev'll who gave theirs by word of mouth & Major Browne holding Out a heavy Gun w'th One hand

Thomas Ruck of his sudden coming in after them & that he could tell his thoughts.

Thomas Evans that he Carried Out Barrels Molossus & Meats &c out of a Canoo whilst his mate.went to the fort for hands to help out with them

Sarah Wilson Confess't that the night before mr Burroughs was Executed that there was a great Meeting of the witches Nigh Sarj't Chandlers that mr Burr. was there & they had the Sac't & after they had done he tooke leave & bid them Stand to their faith, & not own any thing

Martha Tyler saith the same w'th Sarah Wilson & Severall others (on side) These Since the Execu&ibar;&obar;&nbar; of Mr. Burro

(On reverse side of paper) Mr. Bu&rbar;&rbar;

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 17)

[page 179" id="p927-177]


(See also: Margaret Hawkes -- Complaint.)

(Examination of Candy)

SALEM, Monday, July 4, 1692 . The examination of Candy , a negro woman, before Bartholomew Gedney and John Hawthorne Esqrs. Mr. Nicholas Noyes also present.

Q. Candy! are you a witch? A. Candy no witch in her country. Candy's mother no witch. Candy no witch, Barbados. This country, mistress give Candy witch. Q. Did your mistress make you a witch in this country? A. Yes, in this country mistress give Candy witch. Q. What did your mistress do to make you a witch? A. Mistress bring book and pen and ink, make Candy write in it. Q. What did you write in it? -- She took a pen and ink and upon a book or paper made a mark. Q. How did you afflict or hurt these folks, where are the pup- pets you did it with? -- She asked to go out of the room and she would shew or tell; upon which she had liberty, one going with her, and she presently brought in two clouts, one with two knots tied in it, the other one; which being seen by Mary Warren, Deliverance Hobbs and Abigail Hobbs, they were greatly affrighted and fell into violent fits, and all of them said that the black man and Mrs. Hawkes and the negro stood by the puppets or rags and pinched them, and then they were afflicted, and when the knots were untied yet they continued as aforesaid. A bit of one of the rags being set on fire, the afflicted all said they were burned, and cried out dreadfully. The rags being put into water, two of the aforenamed persons were in dreadful fits almost choaked, and the other was violently running down to the river, but was stopped.

Attest. John Hawthorne, Just. Peace.( Thomas Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay, II, 26.)

[page 180]

(Indictment v. Candy, No. 1)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusett Bay in New England\s-\Ss

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae &c quarto Anoq'e \ Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r: lord & lady the King & Queen doe present That Candy . A Negro Woman Servant #[Servant] of Margarett Hawkes of Salem in & Upon the Second day of July last in the Yeare 1692 and divers other days & times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath Used practised & Exercised in the Towne of Salem afo&rbar;&sbar;'d Upon and Against One Mary Wallcot of Salem Single Woman by which Wicked Arts The Said Mary wallcot the day & Yeare aforesaid & Divers other times as well before as after was & is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Wasted pined & Tormented Con- trary to the peace of our Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignity & The laws in that Case made & provided

(Reverse) Candy Negro: for bewitching Mary Wallcott Billa Vera, *Robert Payne foreman. Ponet Se. The juery find the person here inditted not gilty of this indittement.

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 31 A)

(Indictment v. Candy, No. 2)

Essex In the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England\s-\Ss

Anno R R's Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen present That Candy A Negro Woman Servant to Margarett Hawkes of Salem in the County of Essex afo&rbar;&sbar;d , In & Upon the Second day of July last in the Yeare 1692 And divers other days & times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries, wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath Used practised & exercised in the Towne of Salem aforesaid Upon & Against One An Putnam of Salem Single Woman: By which wicked Arts The Said Ann Putnam

[page 181]

the day & Yeare aforsd & divers other days & times both before & after Was & is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Wasted pined & Tor- mented Contrary to the peace of our Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen Their Crowne & dignity and the laws in that Case made & provided

(Reverse) Candy Negro: for bewitching Ann Putnum Billa Vera, *Robert Payne foreman Ponet Se. The juery find the person here inditted not gilty of this indittement

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 31)

[page 183" id="p927-180]

Martha Carrier Executed, August 19, 1692

(Complaint v. Martha Carrier, Elizabeth Fosdick, Wilmott Reed, Sarah Rice, Elizabeth How, John Alden, William Proctor, John Flood, Mary Toothaker and daughter, and Arthur Abbott)

Salem May the 28'th 1692

Joseph Houlton and John Walcot both of Salem village Yeomen made Complaint in behalfe of theire Majes'ts against [] Carrier of Andover the wife of Thomas Carrier of s'd Towne husbandman [] fosdick of Maulden or charlstown [] Reed of Marble- head the wife of Samull Reed of s'd place [] Rice of Reding the wife of Nicholas Rice of s'd Towne [] How the wife of James How of Topsfeild Capt John Alden of Boston Mariner, William procter of Salem farmes, Capt John flood of Rowley marsh on boston Mary Toothaker, the wife of Roger toothaker of Belrica, and [] Toothaker the daughter of s'd Roger Toothaker [] Abott that lives between Ips. Topsfeild & wenham for sundry acts of Witchcraft by them and Every one of them Committed on the Bodys of Mary Walcot, Abigail Williams Marcy Lewis Ann putnam and Others belonging to Salem Village or farmes Lately, to the hurt and Injury of theire bodys therefore Craves Justice.

*Joseph houlton *John WalcuttCarrier of Andover---Marshall Essex

Reed of Marblehead--Const--

Rice of Reding--Const---

[page 184]

How of Topsfeild---Const

Wm procter---Const--

( Essex County Archives, Salem)

(Warrant for Arrest of Martha Carrier)

To the Marshall of Essex or his dept or to the Constables of Andover

You are in theire Majests names hereby required [to] apprehend and forthwith secure, and bring before [us] martha Carrier the wife of Thomas Currier of An[dover] on Tuesday next being the 31't day of this Instant mo[nth] of May about ten of the clock in the forenoon or as soon as may be afterwards at [the] house of L't Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village who stands charged with have- ing Committed Sundry [acts] of Witchcraft on the Bodys of Mary Walcot and abi[gail] williams of Salem Village to theire great hurt & [injury] in order to her Examination Relateing to the prem[ises] abovesaid faile not

Dated Salem May 28'th 1692. &pbar; us *John Hathorne *Jonathan.Corwin Assis'ts(Reverse) I have apprehend the w'tin named parson and brought her to the place appinted --

by me *John Ballard. const andover

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 135)

(Examination of Martha Carrier)

The Examination of Martha Carrier . 31. May. 1692

Abigail Williams w'o hurts you?

Goody Carrier of Andover.

Eliz: Hubbard who hurts you?

Goody Carrier

[page 185]

Susan:Sheldon, who hurts you?

Goody Carrier, she bites me, pinches me, & tells me she would cut my throat, if I did not signe her book

Mary Walcot said she afflicted her & brought the book to her.

What do you say to this you are charged with?

I have not done it.

Sus:Sheldon cried she looks upon the black man.

Ann Putman complained of a pin stuck in her.

What black man is that?

I know none

Ann Putman testifyed there was.

Mary Warrin cryed out she was prickt.

What black man did you see?

I saw no black man but your own presence.

Can you look upon these & not knock them down?

They will dissemble if I look upon them.

You see you look upon them & they fall down

It is false the Devil is a liar.

I lookt upon none since I came into the room but you

Susan:Sheldon cryed out in a Trance I wonder what could you murder. 13. persons?

Mary Walcot testifyed the same that there lay.13. Ghosts.

All the afflicted fell into most intollerable out-cries & agonies.

Eliz: Hubbard & Ann Putman testifyed the same that she had killed 13. at Andover.

It is a shamefull thing that you should mind these folks that are out of their wits.

Do not you see them?

If I do speak you will not believe me?

You do see them, said the accusers.

You lye, I am wronged.

There is the black man wispering in her ear said many of the afflicted.

Mercy Lewes in a violent fit, was well upon the examinants grasping her arm.

The Tortures of the afflicted was so great that there was no enduring of it, so that she was ordered away & to be bound hand & foot with all expedition the afflicted in the mean while almost killed to the great trouble of all spectators Magistrates & others.

[page 186]

Note. As soon as she was well bound they all had strange & sodain ease.

Mary Walcot told the Magistrates that this woman told her she had been a witch this. 40. yeares.

(Reverse) Martha Carriers Carrier Examina&cbar;ion

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 136)

(Indictment v. Martha Carrier, No. 1)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae Nunc Angliae &c Quarto./

Essex ss The Jurors: for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen pr'sents that #[Bridgett] Martha Carrier wife of #[Richard] Thomas Carrier of Andover in the County of Essex husbandman the thirty first Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland france and Ireland King, and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and divers other Dayes and times as well before, as after, certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries, Wickedly and feloniously hath Used. Practised. and Exercised, at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afore- s'd in, Upon, and against, one Mary Walcott of Salem Village Single- woman in the County of Essex afores'd by which said wicked Arts the said Mary Walcott the thirty first Day of May -- in the fourth year above said and divers other Dayes and times, as well before, as after, was and is Tortured, Afflicted, Pined, Consumed wasted & Tromented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and against the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided./

Witnesses J't Mary Walcott Ju't Elizabeth Hubbard Ann Putman( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 187]

(Indictment v. Martha Carier, No. 2)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto:

Essex ss The Jurors of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: &pbar;r'sents That Martha Carrier wife of #[Richard] Thomas Carier of Andover in the county of Essex husbandman the 31 Day of May in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland france and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith: &c And Divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts: and Sorceries, Wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Excercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in and upon and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd by which said Wicked Arts. the said Elizabeth Hubbard the thirty first Day of May in the forth Year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes, and times, as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed Wasted and Tormented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: and ag't the forme of the Stat- ute in that case made and Provided

Witnesses Elizabeth Hubbard Jurat. Mary Walcutt Jurat. Ann Putnam Mary Warren Jurat.(Reverse) bila vera No 2 Martha Carier

( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 137)

(Summons for Witnesses)

Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland

[page 188]

King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &ca

To the Constable or Constables of Andover Greeting Wee Comand you to Warn & give Notice unto Allen Toothaker Ralph farnum Jun'r John farnum son of Ralph farnum sen'r Benjamin Abbot & his wife Andrew foster Phebe Chandler daughter of Wm Chandler: Sam'l Holt Sen'r Samuel Preston Jun'r that they & Every of them be and personaly appear at the Court of Oyer & Ter- miner to be held by adjournment on Tuesday Next at Ten of the Clock in the Morning there to testifye the truth to the best of their knowledge on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against Marth Car- rier of Andover hereof fail not at your utmost perill & make return of your doings herein

Dated in Salem July 30'th 1692 *Stephen Sewall Cle&rbar;.(Reverse) In obedenc to this writ I have timely warned the persons hose names are herein writen and every one of them this I day of august 1692

By mee *John Ballard constable of Andover

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 138)

(Summons for Witnesses)

William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &ca

To the Constable of Billrica Greeting. --

Wee Comand you to Warn & give Notice unto Capt Danforth -- John Rogers & that they & Every of them be and personaly appear at the Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held by Adjurnment Att Salem on Tuesday Next at Ten of the Clock in the Morning there to testify the truth to the best of their knowledge on Certaine Indict- ments to be Exhibited against Martha Carrier of Andover and hereof they Nor you are to fail at your utmost perill making return hereof under your hand. --

[page 189]

Dated in Salem July 30'th 1692 & in the fourth year of Our Reign *Stephen Sewall Cle&rbar;.( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Benjamin Abbott v. Martha Carrier)

The teastymony of Benjamin Abbutt aged about 31 years Saith: last march was twelfe months: then haveing Some land granted to me by the Touwne of Andover Near to good man Carriers his land, & when this land Came to be laied out goodwiffe Carrier was verÿ

Angerÿ , & said that she would stick as Closs to Benjamin Abbut as the bark stooke to the Tree & that I should Repent of it afore Seven years Came to an Eand & that doctor prescott Could Never Cure me: These words were heard bÿ Allin Toothaker She also Said to Ralph farnam Jun'r that she would hold my noss so Closs to the grindstone as Ever it was held since mÿ Name was Benjamin Abbut: presently after I was taken with a swelling in mÿ foott & then was taken with a paÿne in mÿ side Ecksidienglÿ Tormented, wich bred to a sore: which was lancit bÿ docter prescott & severall gallons of Corruption did Run out as was Judged & so Continued about six weeks Verÿ bad, & then one other sore did breed in mÿ grine wich was lancit bÿ doct.prescott also: & Continued verÿ bad a while & then on other sore breedin mÿ grine which was also Cutt: & putt me to verÿ great misserÿ , so that it brough me almost to Deaths doore, & Continued, untill goodwiffe Carrier was Taken & Carried a waÿe

by the Constable & that verÿ daÿ I begun to grow better, mÿ soers grew well & I grew better Everÿ daÿ: & so have been well Ever since: & have great cause to think that the s'd Carrier had a great hand in my sickness & misery

*benjamen AbbutJurat in Curia Aug't 3'd. 1692. Attest *Step. Sewall Cle&rbar;.( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 138)

[page 190]

(Sarah Abbott v. Martha Carrier)

The deposition of Sarah Abbott aged about 32 years testifieth that since my husband had a parcell of land granted by the Towne, lying near the land of Thomas Carrier, (Which as I have heard) his wife Martha Carrier was greatly troubled att & gave out Threatening words) that my husband Benjamin Abbott has not been only afflic- ted in his body, as he testifies, but alsoe that strange & unusuall things has happened to his Cattle, for some have died suddenly & strangely, which we could not tell any naturall reason for, & one Cowe Cleaned a fourthnight before she Calved, but the Cowe died afterwards strangely though she calved well soe far as we Could &pbar;rceive , & some of the Cattle would Come out of the woods w'th their tounges hanging out of their mouths in a strange & affright- ing manner, & many such things, which we can give noe account of the reason of, unless it should be the effects, of martha Carriers threatnings

Juriat: in Curia Aug't 3'd 1692 attest her mark. Sarah

Abbott *Steph:Sewall Cle&rbar;.(Reverse) Ben Abbott & wife

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 138)

(John Roger v. Martha Carrier)

The deposition of John Rogger of Billreca aged 50 yeares or Thereabouts Saith

That about Seven yeares since Martha Carrier being a Nigh Neig- bour unto this depon't and there hapening some difference betwixt us she gave forth severall threatning words as she often used to doe and in a short time after this deponent had two large lusty Sowes w'ch frequented home daily that were lost & this deponent: found one of them dead Nigh the s'd Carriers house w'th both Eares cut of & the other sow I Never heard of to this day; & the same summer to the best of my rembrance I had a Cow w'ch used to give a good Mess of milke twice a day & of a sudden she would give little or None Every Morning though a Nights she gave as formerly and

[page 191]

this Continued above the space of a month in w'ch time I had three Meals milke on three severall Mornings not successively: and no more though One Night three of us Watched the Cow all night #[one night] yet I could have no milke in the morning of her & about the monthes End she gave milke as formerly she used, by all w'ch. I did in my Conscience beleive then in the day of it & have so done Ever since & doe yet beleive that Martha Carrier was the occa- sion of those Ill accidents. by Meanes of Witchcraft she being a very Malicous Woman & further Saith Not

marke of John

RoggerInq'd Sam Holt Andover about M.C. Capt Danforth Billerica

(Reverse) Jno Rogger of Billrica Ver: Marth: Carrier Court O. & Ter. by Adjt Aug't 2.92 Carrier

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 139)

(Phoebe Chandler v. Martha Carrier)

The deposition of Phoebe Chandl'r aged about 12 years:

Testifieth That about a fourthnight before Martha Carrier, was sent for to Salem to be examined, upon the Sabbath day when the psalm was singing, s'd Martha Carrier took me s'd deponent by the shoulder & shaked me, in the meeting house & asked me where I lived: but I made her no answere, (not doubting but that she knew me, having lived some time the next door to my fathers house, on one side of the way) & that day that s'd Martha Carrier was ceased, my mother sent me to Carry some bear to the folks that were att work in the lott, & when I came within the fence there was a voice in the bushes(which I thought was Martha Carriers voice, which I knowe well) but saw noe body, & the voice asked me, what I did there & whether I was going: which greatly frighted me, soe that I run as fast as I could to those att work, & told them what I had heard, about an hour & half, or two hours after, my mother sent me again upon the same occasion, to the workmen aboves'd Coming home, near the place aboves'd where I heard that voice before, I

[page 192]

heard the same voice, as I judged, over my head, saying I should be poysoned within two or three days, which accordingly happened, as I Conceive, for I went to my sister Allens farm the same day, and on friday following, about one half of my right hand was greatly swolen & exceeding painfull, & allsoe part of my face, which I can give noe ac- count how it Came & Continued very bad some days, & severall times since I have been troubled with a great weight upon my breast, & upon my leggs, when I have been going about, soe that I could hardly goe, which I have told my mother of: And the last sabbath day was seaven night, I went to meeting very well in the morning, & went to my place where I used to sitt (the ministers not being Come) & Richard Carrier son of aboves'd Martha looked very earnestly upon me, & imediately my hand which had formerly been poy- soned as aboves'd, began to pain me greatly, & I had a strange burn- ing att my stomake, & then was struck deaf that I could not hear any of the prayer, nor singing, tell the two or three last words of the singing:

Jurat in Curia her mark Phoebe Chandler( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 140)

(Bridget Chandler v. Martha Carrier)

Bridget Chandler aged 40 years Mother to the s'd Phoebe Testi- fieth that in the day of it her daughter Complained as above is Ex- pressed .

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Phebe Chandler

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 140)

(Allen Toothaker v. Martha Carrier)

The deposition of Allin Toothaker aged about 22 years Saith I heard Martha Carrier Saÿ that Benjamin Abbutt would wish he

[page 193]

had not medled with that land so Near our houwse for she would stick as Cols to him as the barck to the tree, afore seaven years Com a bout, & that doctor prescott should Never Cure him, & a bout last march Richard Carrier & mÿ selfe had som difference, & said Rich- ard pulled me downe by the haer of mÿ head to the ground for to beat me: I desired him to lett me Risse, when I was up I went to strick at him, but I fell downe flate upon my back to the ground & had not power to ster hand Nor foote, then I toold sayd Richard I would yeald to him & owne him the best man & then I saw Martha Carrier goe of from mÿ brest, butt when I was Rissen up I saw non of her, I was Wounded in the Warre, Martha Carrier tould me I Would Never be Cured, afore she was Aprehended I Could thrust in mÿ

Wound a knitting Nedle four Inches deep but, since she have been Taken I am thorowlÿ healed: and have had more Ease then I have had in halfe a year before Sometimes when Martha Carrier & I had some difference she would Clap her hand at me & saÿ I should gett. Nothing by it: & #[still] with i&numl; a daÿ, or two: I lost a three year old heffer: Next a yealin: & then a Couw; & then had som litle dif- ference a gaine & lost a yearlin, #[ -- -- these aboves'd Creatures which died, I could not Learn of any reason for their -- -- ] And I knowe not of any naturall Causes of the death of the abovs'd Crea- tures , but have always feared it hath been the effect of my Aunt Martha Carrier her malice:

Jurat in Curia his mark Allen

Toothaker(Reverse) Allen Toothaker

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 141)

(Samuel Preston v. Martha Carrier)

Samuel Preston aged about 41: years Saith that about 2 yeares since I had some difference w'th Martha Carrier w'ch also had hapened sever'll times before and soon after I lost a Cow in a strange manner being Cast upon her back w'th her heels up in firm ground when she was very Lusty it being in June & within abo't month after

[page 194]

this the s'd Martha & I had some difference again at which Time she told me I had lost a Cow lately & it Would not or should not be long before I should loose Another w'ch accordingly came to pass. for I had a Cow that was well kept w'th English Hay & I could not &pbar;ceive that she aild any thing & yet she pined & quickley lay downe as if she was asleep & dyed

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Sam. Preston ag't Martha Carrier

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 141)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Martha Carrier)

The deposistion of Eliz: Hubburd agged about 17 years who testi- fieth and saith that I have been along time afflected by a woman that tould me hir name was Carrier and that she came from Andevore but on the 31:may 1692 martha Carrier did most greviously tortor. me dureing the time of hir Examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choak me and also I saw martha Carrier most greviously torment mary walcott, mercy lewes, Abigail williams and ann putnam jun'r with such dreadfull tortor as no tongue can express: that had not the Honr'd Majestrats Commanded hir to be fast bound I beleve she would have quickly kiled sume of us: and I verily beleve in my hart that martha Carrier is a most dreadful wicth for severall times sence martha Carrier #[or hir Apperance] has been in prison she hath or hir Apperance com to me and most greviously tortored me by pinching pricking and [and] almost choak- ing me to death: which I beleve she could not doe if she ware not a witch/

Elizabeth Hubburd: owned: the above written evidence: to be the truth: to the Jury of Inquest: upon: the oath: she hath taken: July: 1: 1692

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 195]

(Mary Walcott v. Martha Carrier)

The deposistion of mary walcott agged about 18 years who testifi- eth and saith that I have ben a long time afflected by a woman which tould me hir name was Carrier and that she came from Ande- vor but on the 31'th may 1692 : martha Carrier of Andever did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination by biting pricking pinching and all most Choaking me to death for if she did but look upon me she would strik me down or allmost Choak me to death also on the day of hir Examination I saw martha Carrier most greviously torment and afflect mercy lewes Elizabeth Hubburd abigail williams and ann putnam jun'r by most dreadfully pricking and claping hir hand on their throats and allmost choaking them to death and with such cruell tortors as no toung can Express: that had not the Hon'rd Majestrats Command hir to be bound fast #[heart I beleve] she would have quickly kild sum of us: and I beleve in my heart that Martha carrier is a most dreadfull wicth and that she hath tormented me and the parsons affore named by hir acts of wicthcraf

Mary Walcot: owned: to: the Jury of inquest that the above written evidence: is the truth. upon the oath she hath taken: July 1: 1692

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Thomas Putnam and John Putnam, Jr. v. Martha Carrier)

The Deposistion of Thomas putnam agged 40 years and Jno putnam aged 36 years -- who testifie and saith that we haveing ben conversant with divers of the afflected parsons as namely mary walcott mercy lewes Abigail williams Eliz. Hubburt and Ann putnam and we have seen tham often most greviously tormented by biting pinching and being almost Choak to death often Complaining of one goody Carrier for hirting them: but on the 31: may 1692 being the day of the Examination of martha Carrier the afforementioned parsons ware most dreadfully tormented dureing the time of hir exami-

[page 196]

nation that had not the Hon'd Majestrats commanded hir to be bound we ware redy to think she would quickly have kiled sum of them: also severall times sence we have seen the affore mentioned most dreadfully affleted and tormented as if all their bones would have been disjoyned or [their] bodyes twisted all to peces com- plaining most dreadfully of Martha Carrier for hurting them and we beleve in our hearts that Martha Carrier the prizsoner att the barr has most dreadfully tormented and most greviously afflected the affore mentioned parsons by acts of wicthcraft

*Thomas putnam *Jno putnamJurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Andrew Foster v. Martha Carrier, Mary Toothaker, and -- Toothaker)

The tistimony of Andrew foster aged about 55 who saith that some time Last may I being at the hous of Thomas Carrier I was saieing that I hard that when Timothy oosgood and his Brother Samuell want to Salam the other day thay goeing to Let Engerson one of the afflicted maides lucked out and asked what thay brought them three woman behind them fore thay asked what woman the maid sayd Goodwife Carrier goodwife Touthacor and hir dughter and thay goe- ing into Engerson hous thay askeed the maide where goodwife car- rier was shee Answared thar shee sits by you upon the table upon which the maide had a fitt: which #[almost] twisted her nick almost round of. then goodwife carrier Answared no it is no matter if hir nicke had ben quite of if shee sayd I was thiere

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 197" id="p927-194]

Richard Carrier

(See also: Mary Lacey, Jr. -- Examination.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Richard Carrier and Andrew Carrier)

To the Sherriffe of the County of Essex or Deputy or Constable of Andover You are in their Majesties names hereby required to Apprehend and forthwith bring before us Richard Carrier and Andrew Carrier Son of Thomas Carier of Andivor Husband- man who Stands charged on behalfe of their Majesties with have- ing Comitted Sundry acts of wichcraft on the body of Mary Warren of Salem &c & that in order to his Examination relating to the abovesaid premisses and hereof Faile not & you are like- wise to inquire after & make Serch for any paper or popetts. that may relate to witchcraft.

*Bartho' Gedney *John Hathorn *Jonathan. Corwin *John Higginson Jus's PeaceDated in Salem 21 July 1692 in obedience to this warrant I have sessed the body of richard carier and andrew carier and have brought them to the house of Mr Thomas [Beadle]:

By me *John Ballard Constable in Andover

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Examination of Richard Carrier)

Richard Carriers: Confession July 22: 1692

Q. have you bin in the devils snare A: yes. Q. is yo'r bro: Andrew ensnared by the devils snare: A Yes how long has yo'r brother bin

[page 198]

a witch: A: not long: Q. have you joined in aflicting the aflicted persons: A: Yes: Q. you help't to hurt: Timo: Swan: did you A yes. Q. how long: have you bin a wich: A abo't five weeks: who was in Company when you Covnanted with the devill: A Mrs Bradbery did she help you afflict: yes: what was the ocasion: mrs Bradbery: would have to afflict Timo. Swan: A becaus: her husband & Timo Swan fell out about a scyth: I think: Q. did they not fall out about thaching of a barn: to A no not as I know of Q. who was att the Villadge meeting when you was there. A goodwife How: goodwife Nurs g wildes, Procter: & his wife mrs Bradbery: & Gorys wife: Q: was any of Boston there A no: Q how many was there in all: A: a duzzen I think: was Jno Willard there A I think he was: Q. what kind of man is Jno willard: a young man or an old man A he is not an old man: he had black hair Q what meeting was this meeting: was this: that: that was near: Ingersals: A Yes I think Q. what did they do then. A. the: eat & they drank wine: was there: a minister. there A. no: not as I know of: whence had you your wine: A. from Salem I think was from Q. goodwife Olliver there: yes I knew her

( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 53)

(Indictment v. Richard Carrier)

Province of the Massatutchetts Bay in New England Essex

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e \ D&mbar; : 1692

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen Presents That Richard Carier of Andvor in the County of Essex Son of Andrew Carier of Andivor aforesaid Husbandman Sometime in the month of June in the Yeare 1692 aforesaid -- And Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries Wickedly Mallishiously & felloniously hath Used Practised and Excercised at & in the Towne of Andivor in the County of Essex afores'd upon & against one Timothy Swann -- the Day and year afores'd and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined and wasted against the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady

[page 199]

the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Lawes in that Case made and Provided

(Reverse) Richard Carryer for Afflicting Timothy Swan

Billa vera *Richard Payne foreman

( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 163)

[page 201" id="p927-197]

Sarah Carrier

(See also: Stephen Johnson -- Recognizance.)

(Examination of Sarah Carrier)

The Examination of Sarah Carrier Taken before Dudly Broad- steat Sarah Carrier being accused of witchcraft Confeseth as fol- loweth that she hath been a witch Ever Since She was Six years Old that her Moth'r brought a red book to her and She touched it that her Moth'r Baptiz'd her in Andrew fostters pauster the day before She went to prison & that her Moth'r promised her she should not be hanged that her Mother taught her how to afflicte persons by pinching them or Setting on them that She began to afflict Sarah Phelps last Satterdy & that Betty Johnson was w'th her that her Moth'r gave her a Spear last Night & that She pricked Sarah Phelps & Ann Puttnam w'th it.

(On side of paper) Sarah Carrier

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem No. 5)

(Examination of Sarah Carrier.)

Aug. the 11th, 1696. [1692]</RIGHTJUSTIFYER>

It was asked Sarah Carrier by the Magistrates or Justices John Hawthorne Esq; and others: How long hast thou been a witch? A. Ever since I was six years old. Q. How old are you now? A. Near eight years old, brother Richard says, I shall be eight years old in November next. Q. Who made you a witch? A. My mother, she made me set my hand to a book. Q. How did you set your hand to it? A. I touched it with my fingers and the book was red, the paper

[page 202]

of it was white. She said she never had seen the black man; the place where she did it was in Andrew Foster's pasture and Elizabeth John- son junr. was there. Being asked who was there beside, she answered her Aunt Toothaker and her cousin. Being asked when it was, she said, when she was baptized. Q. What did they promise to give you? A. A black dog. Q. Did the dog ever come to you? A. No. Q. But you said you saw a cat once. What did that say to you? A. It said it would tear me in pieces if I would not set my hand to the book. She said her mother baptized her, and the devil or black man was not there, as she saw, and her mother said when she baptized her, thou are mine for ever and ever and amen. Q. How did you afflict folks? A. I pinched them, and she said she had no puppets, but she went to them that she afflicted. Being asked whether she went in her body or her spirit, she said in her spirit. She said her mother carried her thither to afflict. Q. How did your mother carry you when she was in prison? A. She came like a black cat. Q. How did you know that it was your mother? A. The cat told me so that she was my mother. She said she afflicted Phelp's child last saturday, and Elizabeth Johnson joined with her to do it. She had a wooden spear, about as long as her finger, of Elizabeth Johnson, and she had it of the devil. She would not own that she had ever been at the witch meeting at the village. This is the substance.

Attest. Simon Willard.( Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts -- Bay, II, 34.)

[page 203" id="p927-199]

Thomas Carrier Jr.

(Examination of Thomas Carrier, Jr.)

The Examination of Th&obar;.. Carrier Taken before Dudly Broad- stret Esq'r on of their Majesties Justices of the Peace --

Th&obar;. Carr'r being acused of witchcraft Conffeseth that he was guilty of witchcraft &amp; that he had been a witch a week &amp; that his Mother taught him witchcraft --

That a Yellow bird apeared to him &amp; Spoke to him w'ch She being affrighted his Mother apeared to him &amp; brought him a book &amp; bid him Sett his hand to it telling him it would doe him good if he did Soe &amp; that She would tear him in peices if he would not --

That his Mother baptized him in ShawShin River pulled of his Cloths &amp; put him into the River &amp; that his Mother then told him he was hers for Ever. That his Moth'r bid him afflict Mary Walkutt Ann Puttman &amp; Sarah Phelps -- And that he went the 9'th Instant at night to Jno Chandlers, that their were 10 in Company w'th him who rid upon 2 Poles that there were 3 men in the Company &amp; 2 of the woeman belonged to Ispwich whose names ware Mary &amp; Sarah &amp; that he Saw Betty Johnson in the Company &amp; Conffesed that he did the 9'th Instant at night afflict Sarah Phelps &amp; Ann Puttnam by pinching them. --

(In left margin) Thos Carrier

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem No. 4)

[page 205" id="p927-200]

Bethia Carter, Sr.

(See also: Ann Sears -- Warrant.)

(Recognizance for Bethia Carter, Sr.)

(Case of Bethya Carter -- Witchcraft -- 8 Dec. 1692 )


That on the 8'th. Day of Decemb'r 1692 in the fowert Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;c King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith personally Appeared before us James Russell &amp; Sam'll Heman Esq'r of their Majests Councill &amp; province of the Massachusets Bay in New England &amp; Justices of Peace within the Same John Pierson &amp; George Lylly of Lin in the County of Essex husbandman, And acknowledged themselves &amp; Each of them to be indebted unto our Said Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen &amp; the Survivor of them their Heires &amp; Suc- cessors in the Some of (two hundred pounds to be leavied on their or Either of their goods or Chattels Lands or Tennements for the use of our Said Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or Survivor of them if Default be made in the &pbar;formance of the Condition under- written --

The Condition of the Above Recognizance is Such that where as Bethya Carter of Wooburn Widdow in the County of Middlesex Stands Charged with Suspition of the horrible Sin of witchcraft &amp; was Committed to Goale for the same; If therefore the Aforesaid Bethya Carter who is Suspected as Abovs'd, Shall make her personall Appearance before the Justices of our Said Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the Next Court of Assize Oyer &amp; Terminer &amp; Generall Goall delivery to be holden for &amp; within the County of Middle- sex . Afores'd to Answere what Shall be objected against her in their Majests behalf refering to Witchcraft &amp; to do &amp; receive that w'ch by

[page 206]

Said Court shall be then &amp; there injoned her &amp; not depart without licence then the Above Recognizance to be void or elce to remain in full force &amp; virtue Capt &amp; Recognit Die prediet Cor.

*Ja: Russell JP: *Samuell Hayman(Reverse) Bethya Carter, Recognizance appear at Middlesex Ct.

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2697 Page 22)

[page 207" id="p927-202]

Elizabeth Cary

(Complaint v. Elizabeth Cary)

Salem, Ma&yuml; 28'th 1692.

Mr. Thomas. puttnam &amp; Benjamin Hutchinson both of Salem Vilage Yeomen Complaine of Elizabeth Ca[rey] the wife of Capt Nathaniell Car&yuml; of Charls=Towne Ma[ri]ner, on behalfe of theyr Majestyes, for Sundry Acts of Witch craft by hir Comitted upon the Bodys of M[ary] Walcott, Abigall. Willyams &amp; Mercy Lewis all of Sa[lem] Vil- lage , whereby great hurt &amp; da&mbar;age is done them and therefore Crave Justice

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 52)

(Nathaniel Cary's Account of his Wife's Examination)

I having heard some days, that my Wife was accused of Witch- craft , being much disturbed at it, by advice, we went to Salem- Village , to see if the afflicted did know her; we arrived there, 24 May, it happened to be a day appointed for Examination; accord- ingly soon after our arrival, Mr. Hathorn and Mr. Curwin, etc., went to the Meeting-house, which was the place appointed for that Work, the Minister began with Prayer, and having taken care to get a convenient place, I observed, that the afflicted were two Girls of about Ten Years old, and about two or three other, of about eight- een , one of the Girls talked most, and could discern more than the rest. The Prisoners were called in one by one, and as they came in were cried out of, etc. The Prisoner was placed about 7 or 8 foot from the Justices, and the Accusers between the Justices and them; the Prisoner was ordered to stand right before the Justices, with an

[page 208]

Officer appointed to hold each hand, least they should therewith afflict them, and the Prisoners Eyes must be constantly on the Jus- tices ; for if they look'd on the afflicted, they would either fall into their Fits, or cry out of being hurt by them; after Examination of the Prisoners, who it was afflicted these Girls, etc., they were put upon saying the Lords Prayer, as a tryal of their guilt; after the afflicted seem'd to be out of their Fits, they would look steadfastly on some one person, and frequently not speak; and then the Justices said they were struck dumb, and after a little time would speak again; then the Justices said to the Accusers, &ldquo;which of you will go and touch the Prisoner at the Bar?&rdquo; then the most couragious would ad- venture , but before they had made three steps would ordinarily fall down as in a Fit; the Justices ordered that they should be taken up and carried to the Prisoner, that she might touch them; and as soon as they were touched by the accused, the Justices would say, they are well, before I could discern any alteration; by which I observed that the Justices understood the manner of it. Thus far I was only as a Spectator, my Wife also was there part of the time, but no notice taken of her by the afflicted, except once or twice they came to her and asked her name.

But I having an opportunity to Discourse Mr. Hale (with whom I had formerly acquaintance) I took his advice, what I had best to do, and desired of him that I might have an opportunity to speak with her that accused my Wife; which he promised should be, I acquainting him that I reposed my trust in him.

Accordingly he came to me after the Examination was over, and told me I had now an opportunity to speak with the said Accuser, viz. Abigail Williams, a Girl of 11 or 12 Years old; but that we could not be in private at Mr. Parris's House, as he had promised me; we went therefore into the Alehouse, where an Indian Man attended us, who it seems was one of the afflicted: to him we gave some Cyder, he shewed several Scars, that seemed as if they had been long there, and shewed them as done by Witchcraft, and acquainted us that his Wife, who also was a Slave, was imprison'd for Witchcraft. And now instead of one Accuser, they all came in, who began to tumble down like Swine, and then three Women were called in to attend them. We in the Room were all at a stand, to see who they would cry out of; but in a short time they cried out, Cary; and immediately

[page 209]

after a Warrant was sent from the Justices to bring my Wife before them, who were sitting in a Chamber near by, waiting for this.

Being brought before the Justices, her chief accusers were two Girls; my Wife declared to the Justices, that she never had any knowl- edge of them before that day; she was forced to stand with her Arms stretched out. I did request that I might hold one of her hands, but it was denied me; then she desired me to wipe the Tears from her Eyes, and the Sweat from her Face, which I did; then she desired she might lean her self on me, saying, she should faint.

Justice Hathorn replied, she had strength enough to torment those persons, and she should have strength enough to stand. I speaking something against their cruel proceedings, they commanded me to be silent, or else I should be turned out of the Room. The Indian before mentioned, was also brought in, to be one of her Accusers: being come in, he now (when before the Justices) fell down and tumbled about like a Hog, but said nothing. The Justices asked the Girls, who afflicted the Indian? they answered she ( mean- ing my Wife) and now lay upon him; the Justices ordered her to touch him, in order to his cure, but her head must be turned another way, least instead of curing, she should make him worse, by her looking on him, her hand being guided to take hold of his; but the Indian took hold on her hand, and pulled her down on the Floor, in a barbarous manner; then his hand was taken off, and her hand put on his, and the cure was quickly wrought. I being extreamly troubled at their Inhumane dealings, uttered a hasty Speech (That God would take vengeance on them, and desired that God would deliver us out of the hands of unmerciful men.) Then her Mittimus was writ. I did with difficulty and charge obtain the liberty of a Room, but no Beds in it; if there had, could have taken but little rest that Night. She was committed to Boston Prison; but I obtained a Habeas Corpus to remove her to Cambridge Prison, which is in our County of Middle- sex . Having been there one Night, next Morning the Jaylor put Irons on her legs (having received such a command) the weight of them was about eight pounds; these Irons and her other Afflictions, soon brought her into Convulsion Fits, so that I thought she would have died that Night. I sent to intreat that the Irons might be taken off, but all intreaties were in vain, if it would have saved her Life, so that in this condition she must continue. The Tryals at Salem

[page 210]

coming on, I went thither, to see how things were there managed; and finding that the Spectre-Evidence was there received, together with Idle, if not malicious Stories, against Peoples Lives, I did easily perceive which way the rest would go; for the same Evidence that served for one, would serve for all the rest. I acquainted her with her danger; and that if she were carried to Salem to be tried, I feared she would never return. I did my utmost that she might have her Tryal in our own County, I with several others Petitioning the Judge for it, and were put in hopes of it; but I soon saw so much, that I under- stood thereby it was not intended, which put me upon consulting the means of her escape; which thro the goodness of God was ef- fected , and she got to Road Island, but soon found her self not safe when there, by reason of the pursuit after her; from thence she went to New-York, along with some others that had escaped their cruel hands; where we found his Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, Esq; Governour, who was very courteous to us. After this some of my Goods were seized in a Friends hands, with whom I had left them, and my self imprisoned by the Sheriff, and kept in Custody half a day, and then dismist; but to speak of their usage of the Prisoners, and their Inhumanity shewn to them, at the time of their Execution, no sober Christian could bear; they had also tryals of cruel mockings; which is the more, considering what a People for Religion, I mean the profession of it, we have been; those that suffered being many of them Church-Members, and most of them unspotted in their Con- versation , till their Adversary the Devil took up this Method for accusing them.

Per Nathaniel Cary.( Robert Calef, More Wonders of the Invisible World [London 1700] as excerpted in Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 350-352.)

[page 211" id="p927-206]

Sarah Churchill

(Confession of Sarah Churchill)

Sarah Churchwell confesseth that Goody pudeator brought the book to this Examin't and she signed it, but did not know her at that tyme but when she saw her she knew her to be the same and that Goody Bishop a&lbar;&sbar; Olliver appeared to this Examinant &amp; told her she had killed John Trask's Child, (whose Child dyed about that tyme) &amp; said Bishop a&lbar;&sbar; Olliver afflicted her as alsoe did old George Jacobs, and before that time this Examin't being afflicted could not doe her service as formerly and her s'd Master Jacobs called her bitch witch &amp; ill names &amp; then afflicted her as #[before] above and that pudEater brought 3: Images like Mercy Lewis, Ann putnam, Eliza' Hubbard &amp; they brought her thornes &amp; she stuck them in the Images &amp; told her the persons whose likeness they were, would be afflicted &amp; the other day saw Goody Olliver [sitt] sate upon her knee,

Jurat in Curia by Sarah ChurchillThis Confession was taken before John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs l'o Jun&yuml; 1692, as attests

*Tho Newton

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 110)

(Sarah Ingersoll for Sarah Churchill)

The diposition of Sarah Ingelson Aged about 30 yers: saith that seing Sarah Church after hur exsamination She came to me Crieng and wringing hur hands seming to be mutch trobeled in Sparet I asked hur what she ailed she answered she had undon hur self I asked hur in what she saied in belieng hur salfe and others in saieing she

[page 212]

had seat hur hand to the divells Book whairas she saied she naver did I told her I beleved she had saet hur hand to the Book she answered Crieng and said no no no: I naver, I naver did I asked then what had maed hur say she did she answered because they thratened hur: and told hur thay would put her in to the dongin and put hur along with mr Borows and thus saverall times she folowed one up and downe tealing me that she had undon hursalfe in be lieng hur salf and others I asked hur why she did writ it she tould me be Cause she had stood out so long in it that now she darst not she saied allso that If she told mr Noys but ons she had sat hur hand to the Book he would be leve her but If she told the truth and saied she had not seat her hand to the Book a hundred times he would not beleve hur:

Sarah Ingrsol *AnnA. AndRuSle( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 54)

[page 213" id="p927-208]

Mary Clarke

(Complaint of Robert Swan and John Swan v. Mary Clarke)

The Complaint of Roburt swane and John swane of Andevor against Mary Clarke the wife of Edward Clarke of Haverhill: In behalf of Their Majesties: for themselves and severall of their neighbors: for High suspition of sundry acts of witchcraft by hir oftly commited on the bodys of Timothy [swwane] of Andevor and Mary Walcott and Ann Putnam of Salem village wherby much hurt hath ben don the afore said afflicted persons and theirfore they crave justis

*Robert SwanThis Complaint was brought to me (by Robert Swan of Andov'r) the 3'd day of August Anno Domini 1692 &amp; bond given for the prossecution thereof before, the Worship'l justices of Peace att salem: upon which I gave, a writt of Apprehension:

*Dudley Bradstreet Just's Peace

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Examination of Mary Clark)

4't Agust 1692.

The Examination of Mary Clark . of. Haverhill Taken before. Jno Hauthorn Esq'r and other their majesties justices of the peace. The accused mary Clark being called, it was enquyred of Mary walcot if ever Clark had afflicted her, she answered yes, that is the very wom- an , and upon mary Clarks #[afflicting Of] Lookeing upon walcott and others of the afflicted they wer. str[u]ck into fitts. -- The Jus- tices haveing used severall arg&ubar;ments (for the good of her so&ubar;l ) to

[page 214]

confess if she knew her self, g&ubar;ilty . she absolutely denyed And then the constable of #[Andover] Haverhill was called, and being asked of what fame &amp; reputation mary Clark was off; He answered they had [had] heard #[guilty] she was or had been guilty of such things, but as to anything in particular he could not say. The justices. asked mary walcot if she wer not mistaken in this woman/.

Walcot answered this is the very woman I saw afflict Timothy swan, and she has aflicted me severall tymes and after a fitt she was then Imediatly in, she said she saw the above mary Clark afflict Betty hubbard &amp; Ann putnam The said mary Clark Lookeing upon Wal- cott , hubbard putnam, warrin, they wer in fitts.

Mary walcott haveing a pinn r&ubar;n into her arme suddenly: said that mary Clark did it, At the same tyme mary warrin had a pinn run into her throat under her chin which Mr Noice took out, Susanna Shelden upon s'd examination had 4 pinns taken out, of her hand sayeing that s'd Clark p&ubar;t in two of them &amp; Mr usher the other two.

Richard Carryer a former confessor said he beleeved he saw the s'd mary Clark with some others and himself baptised at Newburry falls. Betty hubbard was struck down by her lookeing upon her It was asked if she could say the lords prayer perfectly she erred much. Ann putnam said that s'd Clark had afflicted her by pincheing choak- eing &amp; stricking her in the face, &amp; told her, that her name was Mistriss Mary Clark, but that people used to call her goody Clark. Ann putnam said further that She saw the s'd Clark stabb Timothy Swan with a square ragged Speare as long as her hand

(Reverse) and being asked why she called it a Ragged speare, she said #[it] because it was ragged like a file.

Mary post said she saw this mary Clarke Spirit at the village witch meeting &amp; that she did eat &amp; drink There as the rest did And fur- ther she has seen the s'd Mary Clark afflict Timothy Swan/ I under- written being appoynted by authority to take the within examin- tion in wryting Doe testify upon oath taken in court, that this is a true copy of the substance of it, to the best of my knowledge.

(Vertically in right margin) Mary Clarks Examinan</RIGHTJUSTIFYER>

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 215" id="p927-210]

Rachel Clenton

(Warrant for Arrest of Rachel Clenton)

To the Constable of Ipswich --

Whereas There is Complaint Exhibbitted to the Honored Court now holden at Ipswich

In Behalfe of their majesties. against Rachell -- Formerly the Wife of Lawrence Clenton of Ipswich on grounded Suspision of witchcraft, &amp; whereas Recognizance is Enterd, for prosecution --

You are hereby Required in their Majesties names forthwith or as soon as may be to apprehend seize &amp; bringe before the Honored Court to be holden at Ipswich the sayd Rachell Clenton on the next morrow morning at Eight a Clock In order to an orderly Examina- tion , &amp; Conviction &amp; hereof fail not at Your perrill &amp; for so doing this shall be your warrant of which you are to make a true returne as the Law derects:

Ipswich March 29'th 1692) P Curiam *Tho's Wade Cler( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2660 Page 140)

(Summons of Witnesses v. Rachel Clenton)

To the Constable of Ipswich

You are hereby required In their Majesties names to Su&mbar;ons warne &amp; Require to appeare at the Court to be holden at Ipswich on the morrow morning Viz't Mary Fuller sen'r &amp; Mary fuller Junior &amp; Allexsander Thomson jur &amp; Richard fitts &amp; Doct: John Bridgham &amp; Thomas Maning &amp; Nathaniel Burnam all of Ipswich &amp; Thomas

[page 216]

Knowlton jur &amp; Mary Thorne To Give in their severall Evidences be- fore the Court to Cleare up the Grounds of Suspition of Rachell Clenton Being a Witch &amp; hereof faile not at Your perrill but make a true returne under Your hand as the Law Directs --

P. Curiam *Thos Wade Cler.I have served this warrant and read it to Rechell Clinton: this morn- ing : and sezed hur Body: and Left hur in the hands of Samuell Ordeway: [to] have in the Court house Against your honoures shall Call for hur and I have Red the severeall warrants one the other sid written this morning save only Richard fitts and Mary Thorne and Richard fitts I could not find and Mary Thorne is not well: as witness my hand

*Joseph Fuller, Constable of Ipswich:

Dated this 29'th March 1692

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2660 Page No. 140)

(Mary Fuller, Sr., v. Rachel Clenton)

The Deposition of Mary fuller sen'or Aged About 41 years Saieth About the 23 or fouorth of Last March: 1691/2 About Tenn of the Clock Rachell Clenton cam to our house and Charged me with Raisen Lies of hur About my Daughter and Mary Thorne and whille she S'd Rachell was drawing: my Brother Joseph Fuller's boy Com in and said their Betty was fall Downe Ded and this was as shee S'd Rechell pased by: hur: A comming to our house and further Run up to my Brothers Joseph Fullers house for the space of Three hours with out any [motission] of Life. spoke I Get hur hold up hur hand If S'd Rachell was the caus of it and shee ded: and when shee could Speke shee S'd The womman with A white cape pased by and struck hur: on the forehead:

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2660 Page No. 141)

[page 217]

(Thomas Boarman v. Rachel Clenton)

This Deposition of Thomas Boarman sen'or aged 47 This Deponent testifieth and saith that som wimen of worth and quality: Desired me To Aquaint the seven men that Rachell Clinton was a great Diss- turber unto them in the house in hunching them with hur Elboo: as they went by hur s'd Clinton, and then the same Day ther I the s'd Boarman: Desired the seven men to take som Cear the Rachell Clenton: might be for warned: not to com in to Thoes wimens house, no more to Dissturbe them, and as I the s'd Boarman was Riding whom: that night after I had bin, Before me Like a Cat as I Apper- prehended : and then I looked wistfully upon it; and it Semed to be sumething Like a Littell Doge: and then I pursued it: and it Kept the same Distance in the parth before me: all though I Road heard after it I could not over take it, then I looked once [to] my right hand: and I saw a Grat Turkle that moved as fast as I Roud a Long: and Then I thought of Rachell Clinton then the Littell Creature and the Turkle vanished away: and further saith not.

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2660 Page 140)

(William Baker v. Rachel Clenton)

The Deposion of William Baker Aged 36 years Saith: About 10 years Agoo: I living with my Master Rust: There was a Barrill of strong beer brewed &amp; the Day it was Brewed Rachell Clinton came there, &amp; was with sum small Thing: But what it was I can not tell: &amp; the Day morning the Bere was put in to the Berrill: &amp; that day said Rachell went bakwords and forrowords, 6 or 7 times: up &amp; Dow the lane that Leds to our house &amp; Did not com in to the house that Day: &amp; that night following: hannah Rust: went Downe to see whether the Bere worked or no: &amp; Puld out the tape &amp; could find no Bere in the Barrel: neither was there any appearance of wet upon the flouer: and presently after we fild the Barril with worter and it was in a night and Day and Did not Leke any of it out as we could see And after that we our folke Brued another Barrel of Bere and put it in the sam Barrill &amp; it Did not Leke tall after that And further Saieth not:

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2660 Page No. 141)

[page 218]

(Mary Edwards v. Rachel Clenton)

Ipswich April the 4'th 1692

The testimony of Mary Edwards ageed about 52 yeres testifieth &amp; Saith that abought the 27'th day: of: this Last Dissember 1691 that Rachell CLenton came to our houes &amp; was very importinat with me the s'd Mary: to have Rome in our house to kepe share but I tould: har the s'd Rachell that there were no wages: provided to acommedat har tharfore she -- must Rest har seat contented:)&amp; at: this time: I the s'd Mary was mackeing of BLood pudens: and she the above s'd Rachell siting by the fier) by: her discorse had a great dissire to have sum of that pudens: saying that it was very good foode: &amp; that she loved it very: well: so I the s'd mary gave: her: the s'd Rachell one of the pudens: the which she Reseaved vary: sCornfully: &amp; quickly after rose up: out of her seate &amp; went a way: muttering but what she said I coulld not tell: but about the Latter end of Jin- nywary : the s'd Edwards: had nine pigges: that ware a bout eight weckes oulld that ware: tacken suddenly: five of them: &amp;: died &amp; a bout a fortnight after that the s'd Edwards: had thre: yerelings tacken sudently that semed to be very harty: &amp; was: in good: Case: but sudenly was tacken with unusuall fittes: Jumping &amp; Roreing till thay tumbled downe with in a Littell tim after one a nother) as: to: the Latter part of this testymony Releating to the death of my pigges: &amp; yearings I can attest two

John s edwards, sen'r his

mark::&amp; furthermore mary: edwards: heard sum of her Children aske the s'd Reachell how har hands ceame so: be Scracht: &amp; swelled so &amp; she: made: This answar &amp; said that she: had two or thre: Roges: catts: that when she put downe her hand would scratch it:

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 219]

(James Fuller, Jr., v. Rachel Clenton)

The deposition of Jeams Fuller Junier aged about eighteen years saith that on the 15'th Day of march Last: 1692 or there a bouts: as to the Day: A bout 9 or 10: of the Clock: I was talking with Good- man Perry &amp; telling him how the s'd mary Fuller my sister &amp; Mary Thorn wer taken last night: &amp; in the mene while, whilst he and I was talking Rachell Clinton Cam in to our house &amp; sat Downe by the fier I asked hur what shee came bother for at this time of night, &amp; shee said shee Came to see what Lies them were that we raisd of hur &amp; I tould hur I Ded not know as I had Raisd Eny of hur: Presently my onkles Boy Cam in &amp; told me that ther Betty was Ded, and as soon as Ever she s'd Rachall Herd them words: she run out of Dors: and I followed hur as herd as I could &amp; when I Came to the Dore I could see nothing of hur: &amp; it was a very Cler mone light night &amp; I Run up to my onkles: Joseph fullers House: to see what the matter was: &amp; ther I found the Gerle Dede as the boys told me; &amp; s'd onkl fuller &amp; I took hur up &amp; Carried hur in the house &amp; so shee conti- nued for the space of 3 or 4 hours: before ther was any Apperance of Life in hur; &amp; the next Day I asked hur whoe mad hur so Last night &amp; she told me: She See Sumthing stare up at the Corner of the [Stope] &amp; Shee went a little way towards it &amp; it Loced So Basly she turned A bout to Run a way from it &amp; it followed her &amp; Knocked hur Down

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 221" id="p927-215]

Sarah Cloyce

(See also: Elizabeth Proctor -- Complaint, Warrant, Examination, Mittimus; Martha Corey -- Mittimus; Mary Easty -- Petition of Mary Easty and Sarah Cloyce.)

(Indictment v. Sarah Cloyce, No. 1)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England

Anno RR's & Reginae & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692.

The Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen doe present That Sarah Cloyce Wife of Peter Cloyce of Salem -- in the County of Essex Husbandman upon or about the n'th Day of April -- In the yeare aforesaid and divers other Days and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the Country of Essex -- aforesaid in upon and against one Abigail Williams of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said Abi- gaill Williams the Day &amp; Yeare -- aforesaid and Divers other Days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Con- sumed Wasted Pined and Tormented against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and The Law In that case made and Provided

(Reverse) Ignoramus Robert Payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2677 Page 7)

[page 222]

(Indictment v. Sarah Cloyce, No. 2)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692//

The Juniors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present that Sarah Cloyce wife of Peter Cloyce of Salem -- In the County of Essex In or upon the Eleventh Day of Aprill -- In the yeare aforesaid and Divers other Days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Withcrafts and Sorceries Wicked- ly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem -- aforesaid in the County of Essex -- aforesaid in and upon &amp; against one Mary Walcott of Salem -- afore- said Single Woman -- by which said Wicked acts the said Mary Wal- cott -- the Day &amp; yeare -- aforesaid and divors other Days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented, and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Sarah Cloyce -- Comitted and done before and since that time against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme in the Stattute In that case made and Provided

(Reverse) Ignoramus. *Robert Payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2677 Page No. 7)

(Indictment v. Sarah Cloyce, No. 3)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss//

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692

The Jurors for our Sover' Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen doe present that Sarah Cloyce Wife of Peter Cloyce of Salem -- In the

[page 223]

County of Essex Husbandman -- In &amp; upon the Ninth Day of the Inst September -- In the yeare aforesaid and Divers other Days and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable arts called Witch- craft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex -- aforesaid in upon and against one Rebeckah Towne of Topsfeild in the County of Essex aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said Rebeckah Towne the Day &amp; yeare -- afore- said and divers other Days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Sarah Cloyce -- Comitted and done be fore and Since that time against the Peace of our Sov'rn Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute In that case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Ignoramus *Robert Payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2677 Page 8)

[page 225" id="p927-218]

Sarah Cole (of Lynn)

(See also: Lydia Dustin -- Mittimus)

(Complaint of Mary Brown v. Sarah Cole)

The Complaint Mary Browne of Reding Evidence against Sarah Cole wife of John Cole of Lyn: Cooper // Complaineth folowth -- That the aboves'd Sarah Colle bodyly Appeared to mee and that In her full shapp and person: both night and day: and hath threatened me. sorely what Shee would do to me: hath come to my bedd Sid [] &amp; feel much Disturbing of me &amp; puting me to grat paine both strang and Unwonted Such pains as In all my Illness past have not met w'th such pains: // and I must say I do think the s'd Sarah Colle (Is by gods purmition) Is the Cauess of this my Illness and that By acts of witchcraftes done &amp; acted on my body &amp; mind: This hath been all maner and Custome for the most part of the later part of september past: but I got some frinds to goe to speek to hur about a week past: &amp; since that time I have not seen her but Remaine under the lik Illness as before and beleive that she Is acting her part to the [the] rouning of my family: as farr as god doth give Sow// my self and children have often heard lik the throwing of stone against the house and creatures crying like catts upon the Roffe of the house but where running there, was like dogs or bigger creatures for the [end of] the Ross Creke.

Reding The 1st of October 1692 *Mary BrowneThese mey Certify that I Mary Browne with In named hev Desiered Good man Benjemien Larrobe to Carey this my Compliant to Au- thority // hoo will act according to their wisdom for my Relief:// My son being Ille At this time// and my selfe apoor and afflicted person be

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

[page 226]

(Warrant for Arrest of Sarah Cole)

Essex: To the Constable of Lin

Complaint haveing ben made to us Bartho' Gidny and John Hig- ginson Esq'rs. their majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem, by Benja. Larobe of Lin in behalfe of Mary Browne of Reding widow against Sarah Coale wife of John Coale of Lin. Cooper for that the Said Sarah Coale hath Greatly &amp; feloniously hurt the Said Mary Browne by witchcraft to her great paine &amp; damage &amp; the Said Larobe hath given in bond to procecut the Said Complaint to Effect. These are therfore in their Majesties name to require you forthwith to Aprehend &amp; Seize the Body of Sarah Coale the wife of John Coale of Lin Cooper &amp; bring her before their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem ther to be Examined &amp; proced with according to Law dated in Salem: 3 october 1692

*Bartho' Gedney *John Higginson(Reverse) In obedience to this warrant [torn] Seized the person w'thin [torn] brought her before their [torn] Justices of the Peace herein [torn] Octob'r 3: 1692 The Mark of [torn] Consta [torn]

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Complaint and Recognizance of Benjamin Larobe)

Reeding 1st of october 1692


Benja Larobe Enters the within Complaint w'th their Majesties Justices of Salem in behalfe of the said Mary Browne of Reding widow

[page 227]

The Mark of Benja' Larobe:

3: October 1692

Benja' Larobe. of Lin in the County of Essex obligeth him selfe to our Soveraines Wm &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of Engld &amp; in the full &amp; whole Sum of one hundred pounds Currant mony of New England. The Condition is that wheras the Said Larobe hath Entred a Com- plaint w'th their Maj's Justices of the Peace at Salem in Behalf of Mary Browne of Reding widow against Sarah Coale wife of John Coale of Lin for that she hath Sorly hurt the said Mary Browne by witch craft, &amp;c: that he the Said Larobe will &amp; Shall procecut the Said Complaint to Effect as the law directs

The Marke of Benja' Larobe

3 October 1692

This recognizance was taken before me

*John Higginson Justye( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

(Examination of Sarah Cole)

The Examination of Sarah Cole of Lynne Octob'r -- 3 -- 1692

She saith that the same night Capt Osgoods wife was examined She saw Eliz: Colston &amp; Abraham Coles wife come into her house person- ally to her apprehension and Jno Wilkinsons wife of Malden &amp; one of her sisters &amp; a little Girle she did not know; about 10 years old one of them had a piece of board w'th. nails in it thro the board at the end about a foot long as broad as her hand, That one of her children was sorely afflected at that time, and s'd one of them did strike her on the head w'th s'd board. They seemed to turn side ways and so were gone w'ch was about midnight -- The child was afflicted till Abr. Coles wife was take up. The beginning of the af- fliction in our family was upon a fast Day about a month agoe Abrah. Coles wife was at my house She Commended my children much for

[page 228]

pretty children &amp; they w'r both taken sick my boy &amp; girle, the Girle s'd she saw A. Coles wife afflict her severall times, had pins thrust into her, was bit &amp; scratched had a blow on her nose w'ch caused her [to] nose to run Down w'th blood the last fit my child had and Complained of her Aunt Cole was when s'd A. Coles wife was brought to Salem

One night being in bed I was sorely afflicted and saw a ball of fire I arose to see w't was the matter before I got a light it went away -- the last thing I saw was a Dog w'ch I went to strike w'th a spade and was beat down my self this was about a week ago The Dog went out at a crack: in the side of the house --

Mary Warren being afflicted was brought to Goody Coale &amp; w'th her touch was recovered. &amp; looked on her twice &amp; struck her downe &amp; recovered her w'th her hand Mary Warren said that she had sen this Coale many times with Goody Hart &amp; another wo. &amp; that she had not afflicted her till this night; &amp; said that a woman that said her name was baites &amp; a Child both stoad up before her &amp; beged for Vengance, Coale owned that she &amp; some others toyed w'th a Venus glase &amp; an Egg. what trade their sweet harts should be of

3[rd] Oct'r 1692 before *John Higginson Just. Peace( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

(Summons for Witnesses)

To the Constable of Lin

you are required in their Majesties name to Sumon Maj'r Swain Mary Browne Elizabeth Welman John Coale Benja' Larobe &amp; the wife of Dan'el Eaton that they &amp; Every of them doe forthwith apeare before their majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem their to give in their testimony of what they know against Sarah Coale wife of John Coale who is complained of for comitting Severall acts of witchcraft upon the body of Mary Browne of Reding widow &amp;c: &amp; hereof make returne faile not

dated in Salem 3. oct'r 1692

[page 229]

*Bartho Gedney *John Higginson Justices Peace( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Indictment v. Sarah Cole)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss //

At a Superior Court of Judicature held at Charlston for the County of Midlesex the 31 of January 1692/3 Annoq'e RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;ca Quarto

The Jurors for our Sovereigne lord and lady the King and Queen Present That

Sarah Cole Wife of John Cole of Lynn in the County of Essex Coop[er] On or about the twenty-sixt day of Sept'r In the yeare 1692 aforesaid and Divers other Days and times as well before as after, Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously hath Used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Reding -- In the County of Midlesex --

Upon and against One Mary Browne of Redin In the County of Midlesex afores'd By which Wicked arts the said Mary Browne The day and Yeare aforesaid, and Divers other Days and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Tormented aflected Con- sumed Pined Wasted against the Peace of Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Laws In that case made and Provided,

Witness Mary Browne Jno Browne Jun. Eliza Wellman -- Billa Vera Jno Cole -- Mary Eaton -- Ben. Larobe -- Atest *Simon Stone Foreman(Reverse) Pon't Se -- Not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 48)

[page 230]

(Mary Eaton, Sr., v. Sarah Cole)

The Deposistion of Mary Eaton Sen'r Lyn: Saith that upon a Time Sarah Cole wife of Jno Cole of Lyn and myself had some Difference and with in averry Litle time I had a Cow taken in a Strange maner and at that same time the afores'd Goodw. Cole came to my house and Stood at my window and Said that she saw Something on the Cow. in the Barn and Desired that my daughter would goe w'th her to the Barn &amp; they boath went but when they came to the Barn they Saw nothing on the Cow but they both heard agreat Noyes on the Scaffald in the Barn and Sarah Cole Said that She Believed the Cow was bewitched --

3 -- Oct'r 1692 Sworne in Court Atest *Jno Higginson. Just'e peace(Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 48)

(Elizabeth Wellman v. Sarah Cole)

The deposision of eelizzebeth Wellman aged forty five testifieth and saith that she saw Sarah Cole the wif of John Cole the Cooper liveing in the [house] of him goin [on a] in a plaine wood in august past and she had cast the scirt of her garment over her neck, and she saw a black thing of a considerable bigness goe by her sid and as soon as Sarah Cole came against a tree that lay upon the ground This black thing was gon and be sene no more and Sarah Cole going a little further turnd hir, face out to me she Claspt hir hands together and swong them twice overe hir head was gon and I coold se hir no more and when I came to the place whare she toock hir Flite I lookt for hir but coold not se hir. further saith not 1692

Elizzebeth Wellman(Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 48)

[page 231]

(John Brown v. Sarah Cole)

The Deposition of Jno Browne aged about twenty five years: This Deponant Testifieth &amp; saith that about the latter end of August Last 1692 being at the house of Jno Dole: coming out of s'd house Sarah Cole leaving her husband talking with mee, she Broke out into these expressions, that all Church members were Devills &amp; that her husband was going to be a Devill too hee was then going to Joine with the Church; whereupon I s'd Browne Replyed to her she had often expressed her selfe very Badly &amp; that if she didnot suddenly amend &amp; leave of such expressions against Church members, their was them that would take notice of it &amp; she must answer for such speeches wherupon she was silent &amp; looked stedfastly upon mee &amp; I was taken Ile #[in about a week] presently as my evidence doth De- clare . Owned before the Grand jury by Jno Browne Jany'y 11'th 1692 upon the oath hee had taken. Jno Testified to the above s'd upon the oath hee had taken January 11'th 1693 Attests

*Robert Payne foreman(Reverse) The s'd Jno Browne further saith

That upon the said John Brownes being desired to adjust sum Dam- ages Don by said Sarah Coles hogs had don to Abraham Welman that is as he believed about a fortnight aft'r he having been as afores'd he Desired an Indian puding to be made w'ch was don and the flower and suet white and good when put into the pott but when Came out was red like a blud puding w'ch he believes was done by Sarah Cole who had thretened him for medling w'th the &pbar;ding the Damages saying he had better not to have done.

(Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

(Abraham Wellman v. Sarah Cole)

The Deposition of Abraham Welman Aged about 49 years: This De- ponant Testifieth &amp; saith, that I had a Cow which some told mee Sarah Cole Wife of Jno Cole had a great Desire to have &amp; the s'd Cow was taken with fitts though before she was as Gentle a Cow

[page 232]

as I would Desire to set Paill under after this time when she see any person coming to milk her she would run &amp; let none come near her for about a week, when s'd Cole was brought upon her examina- tion that night &amp; next morning, wee sent on of our Children to milk s'd Cow, but she was wild as before, but after s'd Sarah Cole was sent from her own house to Cambridge when she was gone as wee thought to Redding or there about I sent one of my Children to milk her the Cow stood still &amp; gave down her milk &amp; did from that day till this time Abraham Welman owned the abovs'd before the Grand Jury upon the oath hee had taken. Jan'r 11'th 1692/3

January 11'th 1693 Attests *Robert Payne foreman(Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

(John Cole v. Sarah Cole)

Jno Cole Saith that Coming home to his house on saturday night after his wife had seen strange sights -- That from that time his house hath been troubled w'th Cats &amp; Dogs w'ch he saw often running up &amp; down &amp; one night he thinks he saw a ball of fire, &amp; last Munday night being a week ago he saith as he was at prayer in his family I heard something like a great thing flung against the house &amp; on a sudden it was at him &amp; struck him on the head &amp; on one of his sides, and almost beat the breath out of his body -- so that I was forced to break of prayer for about half a quarter of an hour w'n he revived again he proceeded in his prayer his wife being asked affirms she knew nothing of his being hindered in his prayer -- W'th in a week or 8 Days after S'd Cole saw a great Cat of an un- usuall bignes at my door, staring me in the face I pursued it w'ch went into the stalks near the house and tho it was very calm all the stalks did wave as if there had been a strong wind -- and he thinks since this some of his children have been afflicted by witch- craft and s'd Cole saith that for this 3 nights he had not lodged in his own house being so affrighted that he was afraid to stay or lodge in it being sorely molested always about the dead of the

[page 233]

night &amp; was sorely handled last Saturday in his head &amp; belly as if a string had been twisted about his head

3 Oct'r 1692 Sworne &ibar;&nbar; Court atest. *John Higginson Justice peace( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

(Isaac Wellman v. Sarah Cole)

The Deposition of Isaac Welman Aged forty five years, this De- ponant Testifieth &amp; saith, that I have often heard the Wife of Jno Cole of Linn, wish harm to her Husband, &amp; one time being both at my house having some words, s'd Sarah Cole wished her Husband might Dye if ever he came within Daniell Eattons Doore any more

Isaac Welman owned the abovs'd before the Grand jury Jan'y. 11'th 1692/3 upon the oath hee had taken

*Robert Payne Foreman:( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2712 Page 49)

[page 235" id="p927-227]

Sarah Cole (of Salem)

(Warrant for Arrest of Hannah Carroll and Sarah Cole)

To the Sheriffe of the County of Essex or his Deputy Complaint haveing ben made to us their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem by Henery Brage of Salem labourer against Hannah Carrell wife of Nathaniell Carell whele right. &amp; Sarah Coale, wife of Abraham Coale of Salem Taylor. for that the Said Hannah Carrell Did Sometimes one of them &amp; Sometimes Both. together Severall Times feloniously afflict Torture &amp; Torment William Brage Son of Henr' Brage by that Diabollicall art of witchcraft, &amp; the Said Henr' Brage hath given in bond to procecut his said Complaint to Effect./ These are therefore in their Majesties names to. -- require you forthwith to Apprehend &amp; Seize the Bodyes of the Said Hanah Carrell &amp; Sarah Coale &amp; Bringe them before their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem in order to their Examination for w'ch this shall be your sufficient warrant

Dated in Salem: 10'th Sep'r 1692. *Bartho Gedney *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin *John Higginson(Reverse)

Sep 15'th 1692

By virture hereof I have apprehended the body of Sarah Cole within named and left her under Guard in the [torn] of salem in order to her Examination

by me *Geo. Herrick Dep'y sheriff

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 236]

(Recognizance for Sarah Cole)


That on the fourteenth day of January 1692 in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of [of] England &amp;c King and Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c Personally appeared before Jno Ha[] Esq'r one of their Maj'ties Justices for the County of Essex #[There] Abraham Cole of Salem Taylor and acknowledged himselfe to be oweing and Indebted unto our said Soveraigne Lord and Lady and the survivor of them their Heires and Successors in the su&mbar;e of fifty pounds money to be Levied on his Lands and Tenements goods and Chattles for the use of our s'd Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen or the Survivor them on Condition That -- Sarah Cole his wife [shall] per- sonally appear before the Justices of our s'd Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen at the next Court of Assizes &amp; Gen'll Goall Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex and in the mean time to be of Good behaveour and then and there to answer to all Such matters and things as shall in their Maj'ties behaffe be alledged against her and to do and receive that w'ch by the said Court shall be then and there Injoyned her and thence not to depart without Lycence

Attest *Joha. Elatson Cl&ebar;r(Reverse)

Recognizance Abraham Coal of Salem for Sarah Coal his wife -- appeared &amp; clear'd by proclamation

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 129)

[page 237" id="p927-229]

Elizabeth Colson

(See also: George Jacobs Jr. -- Complaint; Lydia Dustin -- Mittimus)

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Colson, No. 1)

You are in the&yuml;r Majestyes Names hereb&yuml; Required to Apprehend &amp; bring before us (upon Tuesday next being the Seavententh day of this Instant May by Tenne of the Clock aforenoone att the house of Lef't Nathaniell Ingersolls in Salem Village) the body of Elizabeth Colson of Redding Single woeman, whoe standeth charged in behalfe of theyr Majestys w'th high Suspition of Sundry Acts of Witchcraft done or Co&mbar;itted upon the Bodyes of Mary. Walcott, Mercy Lewis &amp; others in Salem Village, whereby great hurt hath bin done them: And hereof you are nott to faile

Salem dat'd Ma&yuml; 14'th 1692 &Pbar; us *John Hathorne *Jonathan.Corwin &lcub; Assis'tsMay 16'th 1692

I have made Diligent Search for the above named Elizabeth Collson and find shee is fled and by the best Information shee is att Boston in order to bee shipt ofe and by way of Escape to be transported to some other Countery whereof I make my Returne

&pbar;'r me *John Parker Constable of Redding

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 50)

[page 238]

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Colson, No. 2)

You are likewise required to apprehend [] Coloson of Reding single woman who we are Informed is gone from Reding to Boston or Charlstowne, And who Also stands Charged w'th Sundry acts of witchcraft by her Committed on the Bodys of Susannah Sheldon and Others of Salem Village. and send her also to Salem in order to her Examination there Relateing to the Premises afores'd --

Salem. 17'th 3 mo 1692 *John Hathorne -- *Jonathan. Corwin -- &Pbar; ord'r of the Govern'r &amp; Councill( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Colson in Suffolk County, No. 3)

Complaynt beinge made to me underwritten by William Arnold of Readinge that the above intended and mentioned Elizabeth Cole- ston is fled from the hands of Justice for which The warr't above is directed to aprehend her, and that she is now concealed in Bostine, These are in Their Majesties name to require you to aprehend the said Elizabeth Colstone &amp; carry Before Lawfull Authority to be secured till she can be carried to Salem in order to her tryall these dated in Bostine the 10'th of Sept 1692

To the sherif of the Countie of Suffolk or his Deputie

*John Joyliffe Assist( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [1939 acquisition])

[page 239" id="p927-231]

Giles Corey Pressed to Death, September 16, 1692

(Warrant for Arrest of Giles Corey, Mary Warren, Abigail Hobbs, and Bridget Bishop)

Salem. April the 18'th 1692

There being Complaint this day made (Before us) by Ezekiell Chevers and John putnam Jun'r both of Salem Village Yeomen: in Behalfe of theire Majesties, for themselfes and also for theire Neigh- bours Against Giles Cory, and Mary Waren both of Salem farmes And Abigaile Hobbs the daughter of Wm Hobs of the Towne of Tops- feild and Bridgett Bushop the wife of Edw'd Bishop of Salem Sawyer for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by them, upon the Bodys of: Ann putnam.Marcy Lewis, and Abig'l Williams and Mary Walcot and Eliz. Hubert -- of Salem village -- whereby great hurt and damage hath benne donne to the Bodys of Said persons above named.therefore craved Justice --

You are therefore in their Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Giles Cory &amp; Mary Waren of Salem farmes, and Abigail Hobs the daugter of Wm Hobs of the Towne of Topsfeild and Bridget Bushop the wife of Edward Bushop of Salem To Morrow about Eight of the Clock in the forenoone, at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village in order to theire Ex- amination Relateing to the premises aboves'd and here of you are not to faile Dated Salem April 18'th 1692

To George Herrick Marshall of the County of Essex -- *John Hathorne *Jonathan.Corwin &lcub; Assis'ts( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 29)

[page 240]

(Officer's Return)

Salem April 18'th 1692

April 18'th 1692 I have taken the within named persons and brought them [to the] house of leu't Nath: Ingersoll according to the tenner of this warrant

P'r me *Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 29)

(Summons for Witnesses v. Giles Corey et al.)

You are likewise required to summons Ma&rbar;&gbar;&rbar;&ebar;t Knight Lidya Nichols Elizabeth Nichols and Elizabeth Hubert Jonathan putnam and Hephzibah Rea &amp; John Howe all &amp; every one of them to appeare before us at the aboves'd time &amp; place to give in w't evedence thay know Relateing to the aboves'd or like cases depending.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 29)

(Officer's Return)

April 18'th 1692 I have sumoned the within named persons to apeare att the time and place within mentioned to Give in whatt Evidence thay know Relateing the premises

P'r me *Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex(Reverse) Complaint Corey Hobbs Warren &amp;ca

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 29)

(Summons for Witnesses)

Wm &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France &amp; Ireland King and Queen defend'rs of the faith &amp;c

[page 241]

To the Constable of Salem Greeting

Wee Comand you to Warn &amp; give notice unto Jno Derick the wife of Stephen Small the Widow Adams &amp; Goody Golthite that they &amp; Every of them be and personaly Appear at the pr'sent Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer holden at Salem forthwith there to Testify the Truth to the best of thier knowledge On Certain Indictments Exhibited against Giles Cory hereof make return fail not

Salem Sep'r 7'th 1692: *Stephen Sewall Cl(Reverse)

Sept 7'th 1692: I Deput&ebar; mr John Tomkins to serve this within Sumons and Make Returne thereof:

by mee *Peter Osgood Constable in Salem

(Reverse) I have warned the w'thin persons to appear att the time and place within written by

*Jno Tomkins Deputed

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 41)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Giles Corey)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on 13'th of April 1692, I saw the Apperishtion of Gilles Cory com and afflect me urging me to writ in his book and so he continewed hurt- ing me by times tell the 19'th April being the day of his examina- tion : and dureing the time of his examination Giles Cory did tortor me a grat many times.and allso severall times sence Giles Cory or his Apperance has most greviously afflected me by beating pinching and almost Choaking me to death urging me to writ in his book also on the day of his examination I saw Giles Cory or his Apperance most greviously afflect and torment mary walcott mercy lewes and sarah vibber and I veryly beleveue that Giles Cory is [is] a dreadfull wizzard for sence he has ben in prison he or his Apperance has come to me a grat many tims and afflected me.

[page 242]

An Putnam owned upon her oath that the above written evidence is the truth to the Jury of inquest Sept 9: 92

(Reverse) Ann puttnam agst Giles Cory

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 41)

(Mercy Lewis v. Giles Corey)

The Deposistion of Mercy lewes agged about 19 years who testi- fieth and saith that on the 14'th April 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Giles Cory com and afflect me urging me to writ in his book and so he contineued most dreadfully to hurt me by times beating me &amp; almost braking my back tell the day of his examination being the 19th April and then allso dureing the time of his examination he did afflect and tortor me most greviously: and also several times sence urging me vehemently to writ in his book and I veryly beleve in my heart that Giles Cory is a dreadfull wizzard for sence he had ben in prison he or his Apperance has com and most greviously tormented me.

Mercy Lewis: affirmd to the Jury of Inquest. that the above written evidence: is the truth upon the oath: she has formerly taken in the Court of Oyer &amp; terminer: Sept'r 9: 1692

(Reverse) Mercy Lewis again't Geoyles Cory

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 41)

(Sarah Bibber v. Giles Corey)

The deposistion of Sarah vibber who testifieth and saith that I have ben most greviously affleted by giles Cory or his Appearance and allso I have seen Giles Cory or his Apperance most greviously (affleted by giles Cory or his Appearance and allso I have seen Giles Cory or his Apperance most greviously) affleting and tormenting the bodyes of mary walcott mercy lewes and ann putnam and I beleve in my heart that Giles Cory is a wizzard and that he has very often afflected and tor[mented me] and the persons above men-

[page 243]

tioned by his actts of wicthcraft I testifie that on the fourteenth of August &amp; ever since: at times s'd Cory [has] afflicted me by whip- ping me &amp; beating me: &amp; urgeing me Vehemently.to read[&amp;] writ in his book: and cote me with his knife

Sarah Vibber:affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: that the above written evidence: is the truth upon oath: Sep'r 9: 1692

(Reverse) Sarah Vibber vs Giles Corey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 42)

(Mary Warren v. Giles Corey)

Mary Warin affirmed: to the Jury of Inquest:that: she hath been afflicted by Giles Cory or his appearition and that by beating of me with his staffe: &amp; by: biting me &amp; pinching &amp; choaking me greatly torturing me &amp; cutting me with a knife. &amp; perticulerly at the time of his examination he did greviously torment me: also: at the time of his examination I saw: s'd Cory or his appearition most: dred- fully afflect: Mary Walcot An putnam.Mercy lewes &amp; Sarah Vibber Sept'r 9. 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 42)

(Elizabeth Woodwell and Mary Walcott v. Giles Corey)

Eliz Woodwell upon the oath she formerly has taken in this Court: did affirm to the Jury of Inquest: that: she saw Giles Cory at meeting at Salem on a lecture day.since he has ben at prison he or his apearition came in &amp; sat in the middlemost seat: of the mens seats: by the post this was the lecture day before. Bridget Bishop was hanged and I saw him come out: with the rest of the people mary Walcot: affirmed: that she saw s'd Cory: as above. sit in the same place at the same time he or his appearance &amp; that she did se him goe out with the rest of the people: this she affirmed to the Jury of Inquest. Sept 9: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 42)

[page 244]

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Giles Corey)

Eliz Hubbard. to the Jury of Inquest. that Giles Cory hath sev- eral times afflected [me] with several sorts of torments. I veryly think he is a wizard &amp; afflicted me by wichcraft sept 9: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 42)

(Benjamin Gould v. Giles Corey)

The deposistion of benjamin gould aged about 25 yeares ho testifieth and saith one the 6 day of april 1692 giles Cory and his wife Came to my bead side and looked upon me sum time and then went away and emediately I had two penches upon my side: all so another time I saw giles Cory and John proctir and I had then shuch a paine in one of my feet that I Cold not ware my shue for 2: or 3.days

&amp; I doe beleive in my: -- &amp;Ben: gould Jurat( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 42)

(Susannah Sheldon v. Giles Corey, Elizabeth Proctor, Sarah Buckley, and John Willard)

Susanna.Shelden saith that the Spectre of Giles Corey Murdered his first wife &amp; would have murdered this to if she had not been a Witch that his first wife gave him nothing but Skim Milke.and I for one he did it &amp; that Goody Procters Spectre told her she Murdered her owne child &amp; that it was sick &amp; she did it because she would not be troubled w'th it &amp; that she allso saies that Goody Buckley &amp; Jno Willard app'd w'th Hen. Wilkins app'en

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 43)

[page 245]

(John DeRich v. Giles Corey and Sarah Pease)

the testomeny of John derech Eaged about sixten years testefieth and sayeth that gils Cory also Came to me and aflicted me this 5 of September as wel be fore as after he al so Came a bout the 20 of oges and told me that he wanted som platers for he was gowen to afeast he told me that he had a good mind to ask my dame but he sayd that she wouled not let him have them so he took the platers and cared them a way being gown a bout half a oure with them then he brot them a gaine gowen a way and sayd no thing

also Sary pese afliceth me at several times she Came to me af the fast day last at Salam She pinched me then and i have not sene har sencs --

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 43)

(Hannah Small and Martha Adams v. Giles Corey)

these howes nams are under riton were there and saw the platers were gown as John derich sayed

hanah small martha Adams( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 43)

(Elizabeth Booth and Alice Booth v. Giles Corey)

The deposistion of Eliz: booth the wife of George booth &amp; Allies Booth who testifie and say that on the 12'th of this Isant Sept'r at the widow Shaflin's house in Salem their appeared to us a grate num- ber of wicthes as neare as we could tell about fifty thirteen of which we knew:who did Receive the sacriment in our right amongst whicth we saw Giles Cory who brought to us bread and wine urging us to pertake thereof: but because we Refused he did most greviously afflect and torment us: and we beleve in our hearts that Giles Cory is a wizzard and that he has often affleted us and sevroll others by acts of wicthcraft

[page 246]


Booth's mark Allice

Booth's mark,(Reverse) Boothese Giles Cory

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 43)

(Letter from Thomas Putnam to Judge Samuel Sewall -- Extract)

The Last Night my Daughter Ann was grievously Tormented by Witches, Threatning that she should be Pressed to Death, before Giles Cory. But thro' the Goodness of a Gracious God, she had at last a little Respite. Whereupon there appeared unto her (she said) a man in a Winding Sheet; who told her that Giles Cory had Murdered him, by Pressing him to Death with his Feet; but that the Devil there appeared unto him, and Covenented with him, and promised him, He should not be Hanged. The Apparition said, God Hardened his Heart, that he should not hearken to the Advice of the Court, and so Dy an easy Death; because as it said, &ldquo;It must be done to him as he has done to me.&rdquo; The Apparition also said, That Giles Cory was Carry'd to the Court for this, and that the Jury had found the Murder, and that her Father knew the man, and the thing was done before she was born. Now Sir, This is not a little strange to us; that no body should Remember these things, all the while that Giles Cory was in Prison, and so often before the Court. For all people now Remember very well, (and the Records of the Court also men- tion it,) That about Seventeen Years ago, Giles Cory kept a man in his House, that was almost a Natural Fool: which Man Dy'd suddenly. A Jury was Impannel'd upon him, among whom was Dr. Zorobbabel Endicot; who found the man bruised to Death, and having clodders of Blood about his Heart. The Jury, whereof sev- eral are yet alive, brought in the man Murdered; but as if some Enchantment had hindred the Prosecution of the Matter, the Court Proceeded not against Giles Cory, tho' it cost him a great deal of Mony to get off.

( Cotton Mather, Wonders of the Invisible World [ Boston, 1693], excerpted in George Lincoln Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 [ N.Y., 1914; reissued, 1968], p. 250.)

[page 247" id="p927-239]

Martha Corey Executed, September 22, 1692

(Warrant for Arrest of Martha Corey)

Salem, March the 19'th 1691/2

There being Complaint this day made before us, By Edward put- nam and Henery Keney Yeoman both of Salem Village, Against Martha Cory the wife of Giles Cory of Salem farmes for suspition of haveing Comitted sundry acts of Witchcraft and thereby donne much hurt and injury unto the Bodys of Ann Putnam the wife of Thomas Putnam of Salem Village Yeoman And Anna Puttnam the daugtter of s'd Thomas putnam and Marcy Lewis Single woman Live- ing in s'd Putnams famyly; also abigail Williams one of mr parris his family and Elizabeth Hubert Doctor Grigs his maid.

You are therefore in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and bring; before us. Martha Cory the wife of Giles Cory abovesaid on Munday next being the 21't day of this Instant month, at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersalls of Salem Village aboute twelve of the Clock in the day in order to her Examination Relateing to the premises and hereof you are not to faile

Dated Salem. March. the 19'th. 1691/2 p us *Jonathan. Corwin *John:Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; AssistsTo Geo Herrick Marshall of the County of Essex -- or any Constable in Salem

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 12)

[page 248]

(Officer's Return)

March 21'st I have taken Martha Cory and brought to the house of Leut Nath: Engersoll where she is in the Costody of some persons by mee Required and is forth Comeing att demand

per: mee. *Joseph Herrick Constable for Salem(Reverse) Good. Wild Goody Oliver

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 12)

(Examination of Martha Corey)

21 March 1691/2

Mr Hathorne.

You are now in the hands of Authority tell me now why you hurt these persons

Martha Kory.

I do not.

who doth?

Pray give me leave to goe to prayer

This request was made sundry times

We do not send for you to go to prayer But tell me why you hurt these?

I am an innocent person: I never had to do with

Witchcraft since I was born. I am a Gospel Woman

Do not you see these complain of you

The Lord open the eyes of the Magistrates &amp; Ministers: the Lord show his power to discover the guilty.

Tell us who hurts these children.

I do not know.

If you be guilty of this fact do you think you can hide it.

The Lord knows --

Well tell us w't you know of this matter

Why I am a Gosple-woman, &amp; do you think I can have to do with witchcraft too

How could you tell then that the Child was bid to observe what cloths you wore when some came to speak w'th you.

[page 249]


Interrupted her &amp; bid her not begin with a lye &amp; so Edw'd Putman declared the matter

Mr Hath:

Who told you that


He said the child said


you speak falsly

Then Edw: Putman read again

Mr H.

Why did you ask if the child told w't cloths you wore

My husband told me the others told

Who told you about the cloaths? Why did you ask that question.

Because I heard the children told w't cloaths the other wore

Goodm: Kory did you tell her

The old man denyed that he told her so.

Did you not say your husband told you so




Who hurtes these children now look upon them.


I cannot help it


Did you not say you would tell the truth why you askt that question: how come you to the knowledge --

I did but ask

You dare thus to lye in all this assembly You are now before Authority. I expect the truth, you promised it, Speak now &amp; tell#[what cloths] who told you what cloths


No body


How came you to know that the children would be examined what cloth you wore

Because I thought the child was wiser, than any body if she knew

Give an answer you said your husband told you

He told me the children said I afflicted them

How do you know w't they came for, answer me this truly,


will you say how you came to know what they came for

I had heard speech that the children said I #[afflicted them] troubled them &amp; I thought that they might come to examine

[page 250]

But how did you know it

I thought they did

Did not you say you would tell the truth, who told you w't they came for

No body

How did you know

I did think so

But you said you knew so

Child: H Q

There is a man whispering in her ear,

What did he say to you.

We must not beleive all that these distracted children say

Cannot #[he tell] you tell what that man whispered

I saw no body

But did not you hear

No, here was Extream agony of all the afflicted

If you expect mercy of God, you must look for it in Gods way by confession

Do you think to find mercy by aggravating your sins

A true thing

Look for it then in Gods way


So I do

Give glory to God &amp; confess then

But I cannot confess

Do not you see how these afflicted do charge you

We must not beleive distracted persons

Who do you improve to hurt them

I improved none

Did not you say our eyes were blinded you would open them

Yes to accuse the innocent

Then Crossly gave in evidence

Why cannot the girl stand before you

I do not know.

What did you mean by that

I saw them fall down

It seems to be an insulting speech as if they could not stand before you.

[page 251]

They cannot stand before others.

But you said they cannot stand before you

Tell me what was that turning upon the Spit by you

You beleive the Children that are distracted I saw no spit

Here are more than two that accuse you for witchcraft

What do you say

I am innocent

Then mr Hathorn read farther of Croslys evidence

What did you mean by that the Devil could not stand before you

She denyed it

3. or 4. Sober witnesses confirm'd it.

What can I do many rise up against me

Why confess.

So I would if I were guilty

Here are sober persons what do you say to them

You are a Gosple woman, will you lye

Abigail cryed out next Sab: is sacrament day, but she shall not come there


I do not care

You charge these children with distraction: it is a note of distraction when persons vary in a minute, but these fix upon you, this is not the manner of dis- traction --

When all are against me w't can I help it

Now tell me the truth will you, why did you say that the Magistrates &amp; Ministers eyes are blinded you would open them

She laught &amp; denyed it.

Now tell us how we shall know

Who doth hurt these if you do not

Can an innocent person be guilty

Do you deny these words


Tell us who hurts these: We came to be a Terror to evil doers

You say you would open our eyes we are blind

If you say I am a Witch

[page 252]

You said you would show us

She denyed it.

Why do you not now show us

I cannot tell: I do not know

What did you strike the maid at Mr Tho: Putmans with

I never struck her in my life

Here are two that see you strike her with an iron rod.

I had no hand in it

Who had

Do you beleive these children are bewitcht

They may for ought I know I have no hand in it.

You say you are no Witch, may be you mean you never Covenanted with the Devil. Did you never deal w'th any familiar

No never

What bird was that the children spoke of

Then Witnesses, spoke

What bird was it.

I know no bird.

It may be: you have engaged you will not confess. but God knows.

So he doth

Do you beleive you shall go unpunished

I have nothing to do w'th withcraft

Why was you not willing your husband should come to the former Session here

But he came for all

Did not you take the Saddle off

I did not know what it was for

Did you not know w't it was for

I did not know that it would be to any benefit [illegible]

Some body said that she would not have them help to find out witches.

Did you not say you would open our eyes why do you not

I never thought of a Witch

Is it a laughing matter to see these afflicted persons

She denyed it

[page 253]

Severall prove it

Ye are all against me &amp; I cannot help it

Do not you beleive there are Witches in the Countrey

I do not know that there is any

Do not you know that Tituba Confessed it

I did not hear her speak

I find you will own nothing without severall witnesses &amp; yet you will deny for all

It was noted w'n she bit her lip severall of the afflic- ted were bitten

When she was urged upon it that she bit her lip saith she what harm is there in it.

Mr. Noyes.

I beleive it is apparent she practiseth Witchcraft in the congregation there is no need of images

What do you say to all these thing that are apparent

If you will all go hang me how can I help it.

Were you to serve the Devil ten years tell how many

She laught

The Children cryed there was a yellow bird with her

When Mr Hathorn askt her about it she laught

When her hands were at liberty the afflicted persons were pincht

Why do not you tell how the Devil comes in your shape &amp; hurts these; you said you would

How can I know how

Why did you say you would show us

She laught again

What book is that you would have these children write in

What book: were should I have a book I showed them none, nor have none nor brought none.

The afflicted cryed out there was a man whispering in her ears.

What book did you carry to Mary Walcott

I carryed none: if the Devil appears in my shape

Then Needham Said that Parker some time agoe thought this woman was a Witch

Who is your God

The God that made me

[page 254]

Who is that God

The God that made me

What is his name


Do you know any other name

God Almighty

Doth he tell you that you pray to that he is God


Who do I worship but the God that made [me]

How many Gods are there


How many persons


Cannot you say so there is one God in three blessed persons

** (then she was troubled)

Do not you see these children &amp; women are rational &amp; sober as their neighbours when your hands are fastened Immediately they were seized with fitts &amp; the standers by

** [Partially illegible on account of fold in paper.] said she was squeezing her fingers her hands being eased by them that held them on purpose for triall Quickly after the Marshall said she hath bit her lip &amp; immediately the afflicted were in an uproar

[torn] you hurt these, or who doth

She denyeth any hand in it

Why did you say if you were a Witch you should have no pardon.

Because I am a [] Woman

Salem Village March the 21't 1691/2

The Rever't mr Sam'll parris being desired to take in wrighting the Examination of Martha Cory, hath returned it as afores'd Upon hear- ing the afores'd and seing what wee did then see, togather with the charges of the persons then present Wee Committed Martha Cory the wife of Giles Cory of Salem farmes, unto the Goale in Salem as p mittimus then Given out

[page 255]

*John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assis'ts(Reverse) Martha Kory Exam

( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

(Mittimus for Martha Corey, Giles Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Dorothy Good [sic], Sarah Cloyce, John Proctor, and Elizabeth Proctor)

To the Keeper of their Majest's Goale in Boston

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to take into your care and safe Custody the Bodys of Martha Cory the wife of Giles Cory of Salem farmes husbandman Rebecka Nurse the wife of francs Nurce of Salem Village husbandman. Dorothy Good the daugter of Wm Good afores'd husbandman. Sarah Cloyce the wife of peter Cloyce of Salem Village husbandman. John procter of Salem farmes husbandman and Elizabeth the wife of s d John Procter of Salem farmes Husbandman who all and every one of them stand charged in behalfe of theire Majest's for feloniously Committeing Sundry Acts of Witchcraft Lately, at Salem Village, on the bodys of Ann putnam the daugter of Thomas putnam Abigail Williams Eliz. Hubbert &amp; others of Salem Village afores'd whereby great hurt hath beene donne to theire bodys Contrary to the peace of our Sov'r L'd &amp; Lady Wm &amp; Mary of England &amp;c King &amp; Queen, whome you are all well to secure untill thay shall be delivered by due order of Law And hereof you are not to faile

Dated Boston, May 25't 1692. *John Hathorne p vs *Jonathan. Corwin Assis'ts(Reverse) Sarah Good Rebecca Nurss Jno Willard John Proctor Eliza Proctor SuSanah Martin Bridget Bishop &abar;&lbar;&lbar; Oliver Alice Parker Tittuba Indian

( Essex County Archives Vol. 1 Page 12)

[page 256]

(Indictment v. Martha Corey, No. 1)

Province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Essex ss

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc: Angliae &.c Quarto

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That Martha Corey Wife of Gyles Corey of Salem hus- bandman the 21: Day of March in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen De- fend'rs of the faith &amp;c and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as After Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts &amp; sorceries, wickedly and felloniously hath Used, Practised &amp; Exercised. at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem singlewoman by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the 21. Day of March in the year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after was and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed and Tormented and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by said Martha Corey-Committed and Done before and since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and ag't the form of the statute in that case made and Provided/

Witnesses El: Hubbard &amp; Jury of womens return Marcy Lewis Ann Putnam Edward Putman Ezek. Cheever(Reverse) No 17 Martha Corey Bila Vera Martha Corey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 12)

[page 257]

(Indictment v. Martha Corey, No. 2)

Province of the Massacusetts Bay in New England\s-\ Essex ss

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc. Angliae &amp;c Quarto

The Jurors of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen pr'sents That Martha Corey wife of Giles Corey of Salem -- hus- bandman -- the 21 day of March in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King &amp; Queen defend'rs of the faith &amp;c and divers other dayes &amp; times, as well before as after. certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries. Wickedly and felloniously hath Used Pratised &amp; Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon &amp; agt one Marcy Lewis of Salem village Singlewoman -- by which said Wicked Arts the said Marcy Lewis the 21 -- day of March in the fourth year above said &amp; divers other days &amp; times as well before as after, was and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted &amp; Tormented and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcrafts by said Martha Corey -- Committed &amp; done before &amp; since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereign Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't the form of the Statute in that case made and Provided

Mary Lewis Eliz. Hubbard Ann Putman Edward Putman Ezek. Cheever( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Summons for Witnesses)

Wm &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen defenders of the faith &amp;c.

To the Sheriffe of Essex or deputy or Constable or Constables of Salem, Topsfield &amp; Boxford Greeting

[page 258]

Wee Comand you &amp; Either of you to warn and give Notice unto Jonathan Putman James Darlin Samuel Abbey of Salem Daniel Clarke of Topsfield &amp; Samuel Smith of Boxford Edward Putman Ez: Cheever Jno Parker Sen'r Sam'll Braybrooke Mary Wolcot Ann Putman Sarah Vibber Marcey lewis Eli: Hubbard that they &amp; Every of them be at the Next Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer holden at Salem on Tuesday Next at Twelve of the Clock, or as soon after as may be there to testify the truth to the best of their knowledge on Sev- erall Indictments Exhibited against Mary Easty &amp; Sarah Cloyce Giles Corey &amp; Martha Corey his wife hereof Make Return fail not

dated in Salem : Sep'r 5'th 1692. &amp; in the fourth year of Our Reign Stephin Sewall Cler (Officer's Return.)(Reverse) To the Clark of Salem I have a cordenely to warent Som- mand danile clake of topsfield And Samuel Smith of Boxfrd

*Joseph Andrews Constebele of Boxferd

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 13)

(Abigail Williams v. Martha Corey)

The testimony of Abigail Williams Witnesseth &amp; saith that divers times in the monthe of March last past particularly 14.20.21. &amp; 23 dayes of that month, &amp; also in the month of April last past at several times, particularly on the. 12. 13. &amp;.14 dayes of that month she the said Abigail was much disquieted by the apparition of Martha Kory, by which apparition she was sometimes haled to &amp; fro. &amp; somtimes pinched, &amp; somtimes tempted to put her hand to the Devils book, &amp; that she hath several times seen her at the Devils sacrament

May 31'st 1692 attested before

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 259]

(Ephraim Sheldon v. Martha Corey)

The deposition of Ephraim Shelden aged April 10'th 92 20 years who testefieth. and sayth I this deponent being at the house of Lew- tent Ingersol when Mercy Lewes was in one of her fits I heard her cry out of Goodwife Cloyce and when she came to herselfe she was asked who she saw. she answered she saw no body they demanded of her whether or noe she did not see. Goodwife Nurse or Goodwife Cloyce or Goodwife Gory. she answered she saw no body./

(Reverse) Eph: Shelden

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 13)

(Samuel Parris, Nathaniel Ingersoll and Thomas Putnam v. Martha Corey)

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about. 39. years, &amp; Nathan- ael Ingersol aged about fifty &amp; eight yeares &amp; Thomas Putman aged about fourty yeares all of Salem -- testifyeth &amp; saith that severall of the bewitched persons were much afflicted at the examination of Martha Kory, wife to Giles Kory of Salem, #[&amp; particu] before the honoured Magistrates. 21. March. 1961/2 &amp; particularly that #[when] before her hands were held severall of the afflicted were pincht, &amp; when said Martha bit her lip severall of them were bitten: &amp; that some of the afflicted said there was a black man whispering in her ear, namely Mary Walcot and Abigail Williams both of which also were bit &amp; pincht by her as they said

(Reverse) The D&ebar;&pbar;&obar;&obar;&nbar; of Sam: Parris &amp;c ag'st Martha Kory

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 13)

(Giles Corey v. Martha Corey)

The evidence of Giles Choree testifieth &amp; saith that Last sattur- day in the Evening. sitting by the fire my wife asked me to go to bed. I told I would go to prayr. &amp; when I went to prayer I could

[page 260]

nott utter my desires w'th any sense, not open my mouth to speake My wife did perceive itt &amp; came towards. me &amp; said she was com- ing to me. After this in alittle space I did according to my measure attend the duty.

Sometime last weake I fetcht an ox well out the woods. about noone, &amp; he laying down in the yard I went to raise him to yoake him butt he could not rise butt dragd his hinder parts as if he had been hiptshott. butt after did rise.

I had a Catt somtimes last weeke strangly taken on the suddain &amp; did make me think she would have died presently. #[butt] my wife bid me knock her in the head. butt I did not. &amp; since she is well.

Another time going to duties I was interrupted for aspace. butt affterward I was helpt according to my poore measure

My wife hath ben wont to sitt up after I went to bed, &amp; I have per- ceived her to kneel down to the harth. as if she were at prayr, but heard nothing

March: 24'th 1691/2

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 13)

(Edward Putnam and Ezekiel Cheever v. Martha Corey)

The deposition of Edward Putnum aged about 36 years and Eze- kiel Cheever aged about 37 years testifieth and sayeth that wee being often complained unto by An Putnum that goode Corie did often appear to her and tortor her by pinching and other wayes thought it our duty to goe to her and see what shee would say to this com- plaint shee being in church covenant with us.

and accordingly upon the 12'th day of march about ten of the clock we appointed to goe about the midle afternoon, and wee de- sired An Putnam to take good notice of what cloathes goode Corie came in that so we might see whither shee was not mistaken in the person, and accordingly wee went to the house of Thomas Putnum

[page 261]

before we went to goode Corie to see what An could say about her cloathes. and shee told us that presently after we had #[spoken] told her that we would goe and talke with goode Corie shee came and blinded her but told her that her name was Corie and that shee should see her no more before it was night because she should not tell us what cloathes shee had on and then shee would come again and pay her off.

then wee went both of us away from the house of Thomas Put- num to the house of Giles Corie where we found go the abovesaid Corie all alone in her house and as soone as we came in. in a smil- ing manner shee sayeth I know what you are come for you are come to talke with me about being a witch but I am none I cannot helpe peoples talking of me Edward Putnum answered her that it was the afflicted person that did complain of her that was the occasion of our coming to her. she presently replied but does shee tell you what cloathes I have on we made her no answer to this at her first asking where upon shee asked us again with very great eagernes but does she tell you what cloathes I have on at which questions with that eagernes of mind. with which shee did aske made us to thinke of what An Putnum had told us before wee went to her. #[to which] and wee told her no shee did not for shee told us that you came and blinded her and told her that shee should see you no more before it was night that so shee might not tell us what cloathes you had on. shee made but litle answer to this but seemed to smile at it as if shee had showed us a pretty trick

we had a great deal of talke with her about the complaint that was of her and how greatly the name of God and religion and thee church was dishonured by this meanes but shee seemed to be no way conserned for any thing about it but only to stop the mouthes of people that they might not say thus of her shee told us that shee did not thinke that they were accused for shee said if they were wee could not blame the devill for making witches of them for they were idle sloathfull persons and minded nothing that was good. but we had no reason to thinke so of her for shee had made a profession of christ and rejoyced to go and hear the word of god and the like. but we told her it was not her making an out ward profession that would clear her from being a witch for it had often been so in the wourld that witches had crept into the churches: much more dis- course we had with her but shee made her profession a cloake to

[page 262]

cover all she furder told us that the devill was come down amongst us in great rage and that God had forsaken the earth. and after much discourse with her being to much here to be related we returned to the house of the above said Thomas Putnum and we found that shee had done as shee said shee would for shee came not to hurt the above said Putnum as #[shee] Ann Putnam told us all this time but after we were gone we understand that shee came again as shee did use to doe before greatly afflicting of her

we doe furder testifie that upon her examination shee accordeng to what was said of her that shee would open thee eyes of the magis- trates and ministers. so shee did for shee made a most clear discovery witchcraft for by biting her lip it was observed that the afflicted # [children] persons were bit when that was discovered then we ob- served that shee would #[pinch] pinch them by niping her fingers togeather and when that was discovered and her hands held then shee afflict them by working with her foot and when that was dis- covered then shee pressed upon the seate with her breast and mistress Pope was greatly afflicted by great pressure upon her stomack

Jurat in Curia Sept. 8. 92

(Reverse) Mr Ezekell Cheevers: affimd: to the Jury of inquest: that he saw: Martha wife of Giles Cory examined before the majestrates: at which time he observed that the s'd Cory: some times did: bite her lip: and when she bit her lip: Mercy Lewis and Eliza'th Hubbard and others of the afflicted persons: were bitten: also when s'd Cory: pinched her fingers to gether: then mercy lewis &amp; elizabeth Hubbard and others were pinched: and #[when] according to: the motions of s'd martha Coryes body: so was the afflicted persons: afflicted: this he affirmd to be true according to the best of his observation: Mr Edward Putnam affirmd the same: to the Jury of inquest that: Mr Cheevers doth. Mr Thomas Putnam affirmed the same: all upon oathe all of them

Ed Putman Eliz. Cheever(Reverse) Edw'd Putnam &amp; [Eliza.] Cheever Deposition

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 13)

[page 263]

(Elizabeth Booth v. Martha Corey)

The testimony of Elesebeth Booth Aged 18 yers or their a bout testifieth that one the 8 of June Geiorg nedom A peired unto me &amp; saide that mattha Goerie Kiled him Because he wold not mend her Lening wheal

*Elesebeth Booth.The testimony of Elesebeth Booth Aged 18 yers or their a bout testifieth that on the 8 day of June Thomas Goold Senyer Apered unto me &amp; told me that #[she] mattha Corie kiled him because he told her she did not doe weel by Goodman parkers Child- ringe

*Elesebeth Booth upon Oath

Elizabeth Booth owned all that is above written before &amp; unto the Gran inquest on the 30'th Day of June 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 53)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Martha Corey)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that about the 15'th march 1691/2 I saw the Apperishtion of Martha Cory who did Immediatly hurt me and urged me to writ in hir book and so she continewed hurting of me by times tell the 21 march being the day of hir Examination: and then in the time of hir Examination she did torment me most dreadfully by bit- ing pinching and almost choaking me the marks of which I shewed to severall and at the same time aso I saw the Apperishtion of Martha Cory greviously afflect mircy lewes: and also severall times sence the Apperishtion of martha Cory has most greviously afflected me and urged me vehemently to writ in hir book also on the day of hir Examination I saw martha Cory or hir Apperan[ce most greviously tormet mary wolcott mercy lewes Abigail williams] and ann putnam and I beleve in my heart that martha Cory is a dreadfull wicth and that she hath very often affle[c] ted and tormented me and the affor- mentioned parsons by acts of wicthcraft

[page 264]

Jurat in Curia

Eliz: Hubbard: declared the above written Evidence: to be the truth: before the Jury of inquest upon oath: Aug'st 4: 1692 Aug'st 4: 1692

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Edward Putnam v. Martha Corey)

The diposistion of Edward Putnam aged about 38 yeares ho testi- fieth and saith one the 14 day of march 1692 martha Cory the wife of giles Cory Came to the house of Thomas Putnum: she being de- sired to Come and see his dauter ann Putnam: ho had Charged martha Cory to her face that she had hurt her by witchcraft but no sonner did martha Cory Come in to the hous of thomas putnam but ann putnam fell in to grevious feets of Choking blinding feat and hands twisted in a most grevious maner and told martha Cory to her face that she did it, and emediately hur tonge was dran out of her: mouth and her teeth fasned upon it in a most grevious maner after ann putnam had libberty to spake she said to martha Cory ther is a yellow burd a sucking betwen your fore finger and midel finger I see it said ann putnam I will Come and see it said she: so you may said martha Cory: but before an Came to her I saw martha Cory put one of her fingers in the place whear ann had said she saw the burd and semed to give a hard rub ann putnam Came and said she see nothing but emediately she was blinded after this ann putnam tryed to go to her and when she Came allmost to her shee fell down blindad and Cold not Come at her any more: ann putnam allso told her she put her hands upon the face of Joseph poopes wife one the Sabath day at meeting and shuing. her how she did it emediately her hands ware fasned to her eyes that they Cold not be pulled from them except they should have ben broaken. off, after this ann put- nam said hear is a speet at the fier with a man apon it and Goodey Cory you be a turnning of it then marcy lues toock a stick and struck at it and then it went away but emediately it apered again and marcy lues ofred to strike it again but ann putnam said do not if you love your self but presently marcy lues Cryed out with a grevious pane in her arme as if one had struck her with a stick upon her arme

[page 265]

and ann putnam told goodey Cory she see her strike marcy lues with a Iron rood upon her arme: and marcy lues and ann putnam gru so bad with panes we desired goodey Cory to be gone and marcy lues said she saw shadows like women but Cold not disarn ho they were but presently Cryed out in a very loud maner I onte I onte and being asked what they wold have her do she said they wold have me to right and emediately she was Choked and blinded her neck twicted her teeth and mouth #[shet] shut and gru to such feets as wold put two or three men to it to hold her and was this evening drawn toward the fier by unseen hands as she sat in a Chare and two men hold of it yet she and Chare moveed toward the fier tho they labored to the Contrary her feat going formost and I seeing it steped to her feat and lifted with my stringht together with the other two and all littel enuf to prevent her from going in to the fier with her feat formost and this destres held tell about a leven of the Cloack in the night/ I have allso seen maney bitees before and sence apon ouer aflicted parsons that have told me martha Cory did it the prisner now at the bar --

*Edward PutnamJurat in Curia S Sewall Cle

(In left margin, vertically) Edward Putman

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Mercy Lewis v. Martha Corey)

The Deposistion of Mircy lewes agged about 19 years who testifieth and saith that I veryly beleve I was bewiched by gooddy Cory on the: 14'th of March 1691/92 for she then came to the house of Thomas putnam to se ann putnam whom I was atending and I was Immediatly taken whill gooddy Cory was their: and Ann putnam said shee se gooddy Cory bewich me: but I could not se parfitly who they ware that hurt me tell the 26'th of march and sence that I have often seen the Aperishtion of goody Cory Come and afflect me by biting pinching and almost choaking me urging me vehe-

[page 266]

mently to writ in hir book allso I was most dreadfully tortored whill martha Cory was in Examination being the 21 march and Mary Wal- cott and Elizabeth Hubburd said they saw the Apperishtion of Martha Cory tortor me: and I beleve in my heart that martha Cory is a most dreadfull wicth and that she hath very often affleted me a[nd] severall others by hir acts of wicthcraft.

( Bowditch MSS. Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 267" id="p927-259]

Deliverance Dane

(See also: Mary Osgood -- Petition.)

(Account of Deliverance Dane)

An Account of the Expences of Nathaniel Dane of Andover for his wife Deliverance who was accused of witchcraft and Suffered Im- prisonment 13 weeks in the year 1692 And for his man Servant who was Imprisoned eight weeks upon the same account.


For prison fees and money and provision necessarily Expended while they were in prison &lcub; 3 - 13 - 0

it money to the sheriffe &amp; the Clerk and the keeper when my wife was discharged upon Bail &lcub; 1 - 0 - 0

I desire mr Barnard to give in this Acct to the Hon'rable comittee

Pr *Nathaniel DaneN.D.

(Reverse) Nathan'll Danes Account Deliverance Dane Imprisond Not Condemnd

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 147)

[page 269" id="p927-260]

Mary De Rich

(See also: Benjamin Proctor -- Complaint,Warrant.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Mary De Rich)

To the Marshall of the County of Essex or his Lawfull Deputy or Constable in Salem

You are in theyr Majests Names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us, Mary de Rich the Wife of Michaell de Rich of Salem farmes Husbandman, whoe stands Charged w'th Sundry Acts of Witchcraft by hir Comitted lately on the Bodys of Abigall Williames &amp; Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Village &amp;c. whereby great hurt &amp; Injury hath bin donne them in order to hir Exemination re- lateing to the same &amp; hereof you are nott to fayle. Salem. Dat. May. 23. 1692 .

*John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin P ord'r of the Govern'r &amp; CouncillI have apprehended the above named person and brought her as above P'r *Jos'h Neal Constable

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. Page 51)

[page 271" id="p927-261]

Ann Dolliver

(Warrant for Arrest of Ann Dolliver)

Essex ss. To the Sheriffe of the County of Essex or his deputie or Constable in Salem or Beverley

You are in theire Majest's names, hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us Ann Dalibar the wife of Wm Dalibar of Glocester who stands Charged this day with haveing Committed sundry acts of Witchcraft on the Bodys of Mary Warren &amp; susannah Shelden to the hurt of theire Bodys in order to her Examination Re- lateing to the premises faile not Dated Salem June the 6'th 1692

P us *Bartho Gedney *John. Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin Just'es of the peace(Reverse) In obediance to this warant I have aprehended the person with in Named and brought her to the plase apoynted in order to her examination as atest my hand

*Peter Osgood constabell for the town of Salem

(Reverse) Dalibar

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 53)

(Elizabeth Nicholson v. Ann Dolliver)

Elizabeth the wife of Edmond Nicolasson will testify; that coming to the house of Samuell Dallabar; Peter Pitford and the wife of the said Dallabar. were in discourse before the dore in the yard; and in theire discourse she heard Peter Pitford say: I mervaile how

[page 272]

that old witch knowes every thing that is done in my house; Re- becca the wife of Samuell Dallabar replied oh Peter doe not say soe; for I believe she is no Witch; soe she came a way and left Peter Pitford and the wife of Samuell Dallabar in discourse

Elizabeth Nicolasson(Reverse) Elizabeth Nicholson evidence.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 54)

[page 273" id="p927-263]

Lydia Dustin Died in Prison, March 10, 1693

(See also: George Burroughs -- Complaint; Susannah Martin -- Mittimus.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Lydia Dustin)

To the Constable of reading

You are in theyr Majestyes Names Required to Apprehend and bring before us Lydah Dasting of Reading Widdow in the County of Middlesex on Munday Next being the Second day of the Month of May Next Ensueing the date hereof, about Eleven of the Clock in the forenoone, att the house of Lev't Nath'll Ingersolls in Salem Village, in Order to hir Examination, relateing to high suspition of severall acts of Witchcraft done or Comitted by hir upon the Bodys of Mar&yuml; Walcott, Ann. putnam, Merc&yuml; Lewis &amp; Abigall. Williames all of Salem Village: whereby great hurt [&amp;] da&mbar;age hath bin done to the Bodys of Said persons according to Complaint of Capt Jonathan. Walcott &amp; serg't Thomas putnam in behalfe of theyr Majestys for them selves &amp; severall of theyr Neighbours, and hereof you are nott to fayle att your perrill. date Salem Aprill. 30'th 1692

P us *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assis'ts(Reverse)

Pursewence to a warant from yrs honrs baring date the 30 of aprill last for the aprihending and bringing of the person of Lidea Dasting in obediance ther to I have brought the said Lidea

[page 274]

Dasting of Redding to the hous of Lu't Ingersons in Salem viledg dated in #[May: the:2d] Salem viledg the 2'd day of may 1692

Atest. *John Parker of Redding

(Reverse) L. Dasting

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 47)

(Mittimus for Lydia Dustin, Sarah Dustin, Mary Colson, Elizabeth Colson, and Sarah Cole)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England

Mid'x Ss: William and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of England, Scottland, france and Ireland Defend'rs of the faith &amp;c. to the Sheriffe of the County of Middlesex Greeting Wee Com- mand you that you have the Body of Lidia Dastin of Reading widow Sarah Dastin single-woman Mary Coulson widow Elizabeth Colson single w&obar;: all of Reading and Sarah Cole.

in the prison of Cambridge under yo'r Custody as tis said &amp; De- tained , and under safe and sure Conduct together w'th the Cause of their Caption under what name or names so ever the said Lidia Dastin, Sarah Dastin, Mary Coulson, Elizabeth Coulson and Sarah Cole be conveyed in the same before o'r Justices of o'r Court of Assize and Goal Delivery at Salem in o'r County of Essex in o'r Provice of the Massachusetts Bay in New England upon Tuesday the 3'd Day of Jan'a next in the fourth year o'r Reigne. To Do and receive all and every of those things w'ch the justices of o'r Court shall Consider of in that behalfe. And then and there you have this Writt Witness William Stoughton Esq'e in Boston the 31'st of De- cember in the fourth year of o'r Reigne Annoq'e Dom. 1692

*Jon'a Elatson, Cler.( Suffolk County Court Records, Vol. 32, Case No. 2700)

[page 275]

(Officer's Return)

By Vertue of this Writt I have hear Brought the Bodyes of those Persons within spesefy'd and Delivered hear att Salem to the under Sheriffe

[illegible] Phillips Sheriffe for Mid.(on back) The Return of Habes Corpus from the Sheriffe of Middlesex

( Suffolk County Court Records, Vol. 32, Case No. 2700)

[page 277" id="p927-266]

Sarah Dustin

(See also: Lydia Dustin -- Writ of Habeas Corpus <!--ask BR -->.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Sarah Dustin)

Whereas Complaint hath bin exhibited before us by mr Thomas Putnam &amp; mr Jno putnam Jun'r of Salem Village In the behalfe of theyr Majestys against Sarah Dastin of Redding Single Woeman for high suspition of severall Acts of Witchcraft done or comitted by hir upon the Bodyes of Mercy Lewis, Mary Walcott, Anna putnam &amp; Abigall Williams all of Salem Village &amp; craved Justice Therefore you are in theyer Majestyes Names Required forthwith to Appre- hend the afores'd Sarah Dastin of Redding Single Woeman &amp; hir Safely convey unto the house of leu't Nathaniell Ingersolls of Salem Village upon the Ninth day of this Instant May by Twelve of the Clock in the foreNoone in order to hir examination #[&amp; hereof faile n] upon the premises &amp; hereof faille nott att y'or perill Salem. May 8'th 1692 .

To the Constable of Redding P us *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assis'ts(Reverse)

In obediance to this warant I have brought the body of Sarah Dastin of Redding singal woman to the house of Leu't Nathanall Ingerson of Salem. Villeg the nint of this Instant Maye: 1692

*John Parker Constable of Redding

( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 47)

[page 279" id="p927-267]

Rebecca Eames

(Mary Walcott, Mary Warren, and Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Rebecca Eames)

Mary Walcott affirmed to the grand Inquest: that Rebecca Eames: hath afflicted her at the time of her examination

this she ownd: Sept 15: 1692

Mary Warren: &amp; Ann Putnam: affirmed that Rebecca: Eames: did afflict Mary Walcott at the time of her examination: this they owned Sept 15. 1692.

(On Reverse)

Sept 15 1692 Affirmation agt. Rebecca Eames of &rcub; Mary Walcott Mary Warren Ann Putnam &lcub;

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [1939 acquisition])

(Examination of Rebecca Eames and Mary Lacey Sr.)

Rebecca: Eames: examined. before Salem Majestrats: Aug'st 19: 1692 She owned she had bin in the snare a monthe: or 2: and had bin perswaded to it: 3 monthes: &amp; that the devil: apeared to her like a colt. very ugly: the first: time: but she would not own: that she had bin baptized by him. she did not know but that the devil did perswade her: to renounce god &amp; christ &amp; folow his wicked wayes &amp; that she did take his Counsell: and that she did afflict Timo: Swan: she did not know but that the devil might ask: her body &amp; soul: &amp; she knows not but that she did give him soul &amp; body: after ward she s'd she did do itt &amp; that she would for sake god &amp; his works: and the devil promised her: to give her powr: to avenge her selfe

[page 280]

on them that offended her afterward she s'd the devil apeared to her 7 year agoe: &amp; that he had tempted her to ly and had made her to afflict persons but she could not tell their names that she first afflicted: Q who came w'th the devil when he made you a witch A: a ragged girl: they came to gether and they perswaded me to afflict: &amp; I afflicte mary warin &amp; an other fayr face: it is abo't a quarter of a year agoe: I did it by sticking of pins. but did you afflict Swan: yes but I am sorry for it: Q where had you your spear A I had nothing but an all but was it with yo'r body or spirit you came to hurt these mayds: A with my spirit: Q but can you ask them forgivnes: A: I wil fall down on my knees: to ask it: of them: She would not own: that she signd the devils book when he askd her body &amp; soul: but he would have had her done it nor. to a burch Rign: nor nothing: she s'd the devil was in the Shape of a hors when: he caried her to afflict: but would not own any body went with her to afflict but the afflicted s'd her son Dan'll went with her: to afflict:

Q did you not say: the Devil babtized yo'r son Daniell. A he told me so: but: did you not touch the book nor lay yo'r hand on book nor paper: A I layd my hand on nothing without it was a peice of board: and did you lay yo'r hand on the board when he bid you. A yes: mary Lascy: s'd she had given her son Dan'll to the devil; at 2 years old: &amp; that her aperition told her so: but: she could not remember it: she was bid to take warin &amp; lasy by the hand &amp; beg forgivnes &amp; did so: &amp; they forgave her. she s'd if she had given her son Dan'll to the devil it was in an Angry fitt she did not know but she might do it nor I do not know he is a wich but I am afrayd he is: mary lascy saw her son Dan'll stand before her &amp; s'd Dan'll bid his mother not confess he was a Wich: his mother: did not know she s'd but: she might se him for she saw a burlling: thing before her: Mary lascy s'd she had babtized her: son Dan'll &amp; that she had bin babtized in five mile Pond: she s'd the reason she feared Dan'll was a witch: was because he used dredfull bad words when he was Angry: and bad wishes being asked: the #[s'd her] age of Dan'll: s'd he was 28 years old: she was told she had bin long a witch: then if she gave her son to the devil at 2 years old she owned she had bin discontented since she had bin in league: with the devil: she knew not but the devil might come once a day: lik a mous: or ratt: she s'd she knew Sarah parker but did not know her to be a wich:

[page 281]

but she heard she had bin crosd in love &amp; the devil had come to her &amp; kisd her who was with you when you afflicted Swan: A. no body but my son Dan'll he was there when I came: theether: she would have Dan'll perswaded to confes: but was told she were: best to per- wade him becaus she knew him to be a wich: she was askt if she was at the execution: she was at the hous below: the hill: she saw a few folk: the woman of the hous had a pin stuck into her foot: but: she s'd she did not doe it: but how do you afflict: A I Consent to it: but have you bin a wich 26 years: A no I can remember but 7: years &amp; have afflicted: about a quarter of a year: but: if you have bin a wich so long: why did you not afflict before seing you pro- mised to serv the devil A: others: did not Afflict before: and the devil: did not require it: but: doth not the devil threaten: #[to tare] you #[in peices:] if you not do what he ses: A yes he thretens to tere me in peices but did you use: to goe to meeting on sabath dayes: yes: but not so often as I should have done: what shape did the devil Com in when you layd yo'r hand on the board: A. I can- not tell except it was a mous #[or rat]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 25)

(Second Examination of Rebecca Eames)

August 31't: 1692 Present Jn'o Hathorne Jona't Corwin Esq'r

Rebeca Eames further acknowledgeth &amp; declareth that she was baptized aboute three years agoe in five Mile pond and that her son Daniell was also then baptized by the Divell, and that her son Daniell hath benne a Wizard aboute thurteene Yeares and that [] Toothaker Widow, and Abigail faulkner are both Witches and that her son and both them have benne in Company with her in Ando- ver afflicteing of Timothy Swan and further Confirmes what she formerly acknowledged (viz) that she hath benne a wicth this 26 years and that the Divell then appeared to her in the likeness of a black man and she then gave herselfe she sayth soul and body to the Divell and promised to sarve &amp; obey him and Keepe his ways and further declares that she did Then at that tyme signe to a paper the Divell then had that she would soe doe and sayth she made a

[page 282]

Mark upon said paper with her finger, and the spott or Mark she made was black, and that she was then in such horror of Conscienc that she tooke a Rope to hang herselfe and a Razer to cutt her throate by Reason of her great sin in Committing adultery &amp; by that the Divell Gained her he promiseing she should not be brought out or ever discovered.

the abovesaid Confession is the truth as wittnese my hand Rebecka EmesThe mark of Rebecka Emes

Exa 31 August 92 Salem,

Rebecka. Emes. signed &amp; owned the abovesaid Conffesion to be the truth before me *John Higginson Justice of peace. 15 Sep't 1692

( Essex Institute -- Fowler Papers)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Eames, No. 1)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss/

Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe Domini. 1692.

The Juriors for our Sov'r. Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe. present.That. Rebeckah Eames Wife of Robert Eames of Box- ford in the County of Essex. aforesaid In the Yeare afores'd. and divers other dayes and times as well before as After Certaine detest- able Arts Called witchcraft &amp; Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and. in the Towne of Andivor in the County of Essex afores'd. in upon and against one. Timoth&yuml; Swan afores'd. by which said wicked acts the Said Timoth&yuml;

Swan the day and yeare -- afores'd. and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and Is Tortured aflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented and also for Sundry Acts of Witch- craft by the said Rebeckah Eames Comitted and done. before and

[page 283]

Since that time against the peace of our Sov'r. Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the forme in the Stattute In that Case made and provided.


(Reverse) She acknowledged that she aflicted Timo. Swann. Indictm't agst Rebecka Eames for bewitching Timo Swan Billa Vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 25)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Eames, No. 2)

Essex in the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss

Ano: R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c quarto Ano'qe \ Do&mbar; 1692

The Juriors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lad&yuml; the King &amp; Queen doe present That Rebeckah Eames Wife of Robert Eames of Boxford in the County afores'd About Twent&yuml; six years past in the Towne of Boxford in the County aforesaid Wickedl&yuml; &amp; felloniously A Cove- nant with the evill Speritt the Devill did make in &amp; by which Wicked Covenant Shee the said Rebeckah Eames hir Soule &amp; body to the Devill did give &amp; promised to serve &amp; obe&yuml; him &amp; Keep his Wa&yuml;es,

Contrary to the Stattute Of the first yeare of the Reigne of King James the First in that Case made &amp; provided And Against the peace of o'r Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; dignity Cogn.

(Reverse) Indictm't ag'st Rebecka Eames for Covenanting with the Devil Billa vera Cogn.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. Page 26)

[page 284]

(Petition of Rebecca Eames)

The humble Petition of Rebecka Eames unto his Excellencye S'r: W'm: Phipps knight &amp; Govern'r of their Majestyes Dominions in America humbly sheweth

That wheras your Poor and humble petitioner having been here closely confined in Salem prison neare four monthes and likewise Condemned to die for the crime of witchcraft w'ch the Lord above he knowes I am altogether innocent and ignorant off as will appeare att the great day of Judgment having had no Evidences against me but the Spectre Evidences and my owne confession w'ch the Lord above knowes was altogether false and untrue I being hurried out of my Senses by the Afflicted persons. Abigaill Hobbs and Mary Lacye who both of them cryed out against me charging me with witchcraft the space of four dayes mocking of me and spitting in my face saying they knew me to be an old witch and If I would not confesse it I should very Spedily be hanged for there was some such as my selfe gone before and it would not be long before I should fol- low them w'ch was the Occasion with my owne wicked heart of my saying what I did say: and the reason of my standing to my confession att my tryall was: That I know not one word w't I said when I was upon my Tryall att what the honourd Majes- tr'ts said to me but only the Name of Queen Mary: But may it please yo'r Excellencye: when mr Matther and mr Brattle were here in Salem they disowned w't they before had said against me and doe still owne and say w't they had sayd against me was Nothing but the Divells delusions and they knew nothing in the least measure of any witchcraft by me: your poor and humble petition'r doe begg and Implore of yo'r Excellencye to Take it into yo'r Pious and Judicious consideration To Graunt me A Pardon of my life Not deserving death by man for wich- craft or any other Sin That my Innocent blood may not be shed and your poor and humble petitioner shall for ever pray as she is

[page 285]

bound in duty for yo'r health &amp; happinesse in this life and eternall felicity in the world to come So prayes

Your poor and humble petition'r *Rebecka: Eamesfrom Salem prison Decem the 5th: 1692

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 287" id="p927-274]

Mary Easty Executed, September 22, 1692

(See also: Sarah Wilds -- Warrant; William Hobbs -- Mittimus.)

(Complaint of John Putnam, Jr. and Benjamin Hutchinson)

Salem May the 20th 1692</RIGHTJUSTIFYER>

There being Complaint this day made before mee by John put- nam Jun'r. and Benjamin Hutcheson both of Salem Village, for them- selfes and also for theire Neighbours, in behalfe of theire Majesties against Marah Easty the wife of Isaac Easty of Topsfield for sundry acts of witchcrafts by her Committed yesterday and this present day of the date hereof upon the bodys of Ann putnam Marcy Lewis Mary Walcot and Abigail Williams of Salem village to the wrong and Injury of theire bodys therefore crave Justice.

*John putnam Jun *Benjamin Huchinson( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117)

(Warrant for Arrest of Mary Easty)

To the Marshall of the County of Essex or dept or Constables of

Salem You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to appre- hend and forthwith bring before mee at the house of mr. Thomas Beadles in Salem the Body of Mary Easty the wife Isaac Easty of Topsfeild to be Examined Relateing to sundry acts of witchcraft by her Committed yesterday and this present day according to Com-

[page 288]

plaint aboves'd and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May 20th 1692

May 20th: 1692 *John: Hathorne. Assist p order of the Councill.I have taken the body of the above named Mary Estiee and brought her att the time and place above named

Pe me *Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117)

(Examination of Mary Easty)

The Examination of Mary Eastie .

At a Court held at Salem village 22. Apr. 1692

By the Hon. John Hathorne &amp; Jonathan Corwin.

At the bringing in of the the accused severall fell into fits.

Doth this woman hurt you?

Many mouths were stopt, &amp; several other fits seized them

Abig: Williams said it was Goody Eastie, &amp; she had hurt her, the like said Mary Walcot, &amp; Ann Putman, John indian said her saw her with Goody Hobbs.

What do you say, are you guilty?

I can say before Christ Jesus, I am free.

You see these accuse you.

There is a God --

Hath she brought the book to you?

Their mouths were stopt.

What have you done to these children?

I know nothing.

How can you say you know nothing, when you see these tor- mented , &amp; accuse you that you know nothing?

Would you have me accuse my self?

Yes if you be guilty.

How far have you complyed w'th Satan whereby he takes this advantage ag't you?

[page 289]

Sir, I never complyed but prayed against him all my dayes, I have no complyance with Satan, in this. What would you have me do?

Confess if you be guilty.

I will say it, if it was my last time, I am clear of this sin.

Of what sin?

Of witchcraft.

Are you certain this is the woman?

Never a one could speak for fits.

By and by Ann Putman said that was the woman, it was like her, &amp; she told me her name;

It is marvailous to me that #[she] you should sometimes think they are bewitcht, &amp; sometimes not, when severall confess that they have been guilty of bewitching them.

Well Sir would you have me confess that that I never knew?

Her hands were clincht together, &amp; then the hands of Mercy Lewis was clincht

Look now you hands are open, her hands are open.

Is this the woman?

They made signes but could not speak, but Ann Putman after- wards Betty Hubbard cryed out Oh. Goody Easty, Goody Easty you are the woman, you are the woman

Put up her head, for while her head is bowed the necks of these are broken.

What do you say to this?

Why God will know.

Nay God knows now.

I know he dos.

What did you think of the actions of others before your sisters came out, did you think it was Witchcraft?

I cannot tell.

Why do you not think it is Witchcraft?

It is an evil spirit, but wither it be witchcraft I do not know, Severall said she brought them the Book &amp; then they fell into fits.

Salem Village March 24'th. 1691/2.

Mr Sam'l parris being desired to take in wrighting the Examina- tion of Mary Eastie hath delivered itt as aforesaid

[page 290]

Upon heareing the aforesaid, and seeing what wee then did see, togeather with the Charge: of the persons then present Wee Committed s'd. Mary Easte to theire Majest's Goale

*John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assists(Reverse) The Examination of Mary Eastie 22. Apr. 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 120)

(Indictment v. Mary Easty, No. 1)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex ss

Anno Regni Regis & Reginae Gullielmi et Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c: Quarto: Anno'qe Dom 1692

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen pr'sents That Mary Easty wife of Isaack Easty of Topsfield husband- man on the twenty third day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King &amp; Queen De- fenders of the faith &amp;c. and divers other Dayes and times as well before as After, certaine Detestable arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries Wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised and Exer- cised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage Singlewoman by which said wicked Arts the said Marcy Lewis the Twenty third day of May in the year abovesaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted &amp; Tormented ag't: the Peace of our Sover- eigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and ag't. the form of the Statute in that case made and Provided --

Witnesses Marcy Lewis Jurat Ann Putman Jurat

[page 291]

Eliz. Hubbard Jurat Mary Wolcott Jurat(Reverse) Indictm't Mary Easty for bewitching Marsy Lewis No. ( I) Billa No. I Ponet Se

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 118)

(Indictment v. Mary Easty, No. 2)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex ss

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Gullielmi & Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c: Quarto Ano'qe Dom 1692

The Juro's for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That: Mary Easty wife of Isaack Easty of Topsfeild husbandman the twenty third day of May -- in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady -- William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Exer- cised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd: in upon and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Single- women by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the twenty third Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd: and Divers other Dayes and times as well before, as after was, and is, Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented ag't. the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and agt. the form of the Statute in that case made and Provided

Witnesses Eliz: Hubbard Jurat Marcy Lewis Jurat Ann Putman Jurat(Reverse) Mary Easty Indictm't for bewitching Eliz Hobard No. (2) Billa: Vera Ponet Se

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 118)

[page 292]

(Summons for Witnesses)

W'm &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen defend'r of the faith &amp;c'a.

To the Constable of Topsfield Greeting Wee Command you to Warn &amp; Give Notice unto the Wife of Abraham Reddington. Mary Towne Widow William Towne &amp; Samuel Towne Sons of s'd Mary Towne Rebecka &amp; Elizabeth Towne dauthters of s'd Widow Towne that they &amp; Every of them all Excuses set apart be and per- sonaly appear at the Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer holden at Salem to Morrow by Twelve of the Clock hereof make return fail not dated in Salem Sep'r. 6.th 1692 &amp; in the fourth yeare of Our Reign

*Stephen Sewall Cler( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Excuse of Mary Towne)

To the Honered Court now Seting in Salem

Right honered: the Constabll of Topsfild hath sarved a warent one me and too of my sons and too of my dafters: to Apere this day at Salem I humbly baig that your honers will not Impuet any thing concarning our not coming as Contempt of athority for ware I my selfe or any of my famely sent for in any capasete of Coming we would Com but we are in a Straing condicion and most of us can scars git of of our beads we are so wake and not abell to Reid at all: as for my dafter Rebaka she hath Straing fits somtimes she is knoked downe of a sodin:

*Mary TowneDat the 7th of September 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1 Page 123)

[page 293]

(Summons for Mary Towne and Rebecca Towne)

W'm &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland france &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen defend'rs of the faith

To Mary Towne widow &amp; Rebecka Towne her Daughter Greeting.

Wee Comand you all Excuses Set apart to be &amp; appear at the Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer holden at Salem to morrow morning at Eight of the Clock precisely there to Testify the truth to the best of your knowledge on Sever'll Indictments Exhibited against Mary Easty hereof fail not at your utmost perill

Dated in Salem Sep'r. 8th. 1692 &amp; in the fourth yeare of Our Reign *Stephen Sewall ClerTo the Constable of Topsfield hereof Make return fail not

(Reverse) I have Warned the Widow town and hare dauter to apere at the corte.acording to time spoken of in the warant as atested.

by me *Ephraim Wildes contabl of Topsfeld

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 123)

(Thomas Fosse and Elizabeth Fosse for Mary Easty)

thes may Sartifie home it may cun[cern] that wee hows names are undor Ritt[en] Being dasired by some of the Realeations of mary estweke to give our obsarvation how she behaved hur self while she Roumain[ed] in Ipswech prison we dow afarme th[at] wee sawe noe ell carreg or behav[iour in]

[page 294]

hure but that hure daportment wosi [torn] Sobor and civell as wittnes our h[ands this]

5 Saptem 92 thomos

[Fosse] his mark elesabeth [Fosse](Reverse) thomos Fosse tastimoney about marey Astey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 123)

(John and Mary Arnold for Mary Easty and Sarah Cloyce)

These may Cartify home it may Consarne that wee hous names are underritten being dasired by sum of the Realeations of Mary [estwek] and sarah Cloise to give our obsarvation how they behaved tham sales while thay Remained in Bostorn prison we dow affirme [th] at wee [torn] saw noe ill Carreg or Behavor in tham But that thare daport- ment wase verey sobere and Civell as wittnes our hands

this is truee copie

John Arnold Marey Arnold( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 128)

(George Herrick and John Putnam, Jr., v. Mary Easty)

May 20th 1692 . The testimone of Geo: Herrick aged thirty four or thereaboutes and John Puttnam Jun'r of Salem Village aged thirty five yeares or there aboutes and saith that beeing att the house of the above s'd John Puttnams both saw Mercy Lewis in a very Dreadfull and Solemn Condition: So that to our aprehention shee could not continue long in this world without A mittigation of thoes Torments wee saw her # [in] which Caused us to Expediate A hasty dispacth to apprehend Mary Estick in hopes if possable it might save her Life and Returneing the same night to s'd John Puttnams house aboute middnight wee found the s'd Mercy Lewis in A Dreadfull fitt but her Reason was then Returned Againe she

[page 295]

said what have you brought me the winding Sheet Goodwife Estice, well I had rather goe into the winding Sheet then Sett my hand to the Book but affter that her fitts was weaker and weaker but still Complaining that Shee was very Sick of her Stomake aboute break of Day She fell a sleep but still Continues Extream sick and was taken with A Dread fitt Just as wee left her so that wee perceaved life in her and that was all

Jurat in Curia Sep'r. 9th. 92: #[Benj Huchinson testifieth the same as] Atest *Geo: Herrick *John.putnam.Jun(Reverse) George Herrick against mary Estick

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 119)

(Jonathan Putnam, James Darling, Benjamin Hutchinson and Samuel Braybrook v. Mary Easty)

The deposition of Jonathan Putman, James Darling, Benja. Hutchinson &amp; Sam: Braybrook w'o testify &amp; say that we together with divers others the 20. May. 1692 between eight &amp; eleven aclock at night being with Mercy Lewes whom we found in a dase as if death would have quickly followed, &amp; to whom Eliz: Hubbard was brought (said Mercy being unable to speak most of the day) to dis- cover what she could see did afflict said Mercy, heard &amp; observed that these two fell into fits by turns, the one being well whilst the other was ill, &amp; that each of them complained much of Mary Eastie, who brought the book to said Mercy severall times as we heard her say in her trances, &amp; vexed &amp; tortured them both by choking &amp; seemingly breathless fits &amp; other fits, threatning said Mercy with a winding sheet &amp; afterwards with a Coffin if said Mercy would not signe to her book, with abundance more of vexations they both received from her.

(Reverse) Jonath: Putman James Darlin &amp;c against Mary Esty

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 119)

[page 296]

(Mary Walcott v. Mary Easty)

The Depoestion of Mary Walcott: who Testifieth and saith on the 20th of may 1692: about twelve of the clock: I saw the Appari- tion of goody: Eastteck come and pinch. &amp; choake me: and terri- fied me much and she told me that she had blinded al our eyes that ware afflicted only mersy Lueies for she said that she had not power to.doe itt on that day she was cleared: on this 20th Instante of may: 92 about an hour by sun I went to mr John Putnams to see mersey Lueis: and their I saw the apparition of the above said goody Easteck: a choaking of mersey Lueis and pressing upon hur breast with her; hands and I saw hur put a chane aboute her nick and choaked her: and all the while I was their I saw her hurting of her griveiously: and she told me that she would kill her this night if she could

Sworne Salem Village May 23rd. 1692 before us *John Hathorne *Jonathan Corwin &lcub; Assists(Reverse) mary Walcott further testifieth that on 23 may 1692. mary Estick did most greviously torment me during the time of hir examination also the day I saw hir or hir Apperanc most greviously torment mercy lewes Eliz Hubbrt and ann putnam and I veryly be- leve in my hart that mary Estick is a most dreadfull wicth and that she hath very often most dreadfully tormented me and parsons above named by hir acts of wicthcraft.

Mary walcot declared: before the Jury of Inquest that the above written evidence and that on the other side of this paper: is the truth: upon oath:

Aug'st 4: 1692

(Reverse) Mary Walcott ver Mary Eastey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 121)

(Sarah Bibber v. Mary Easty)

Sarah: Viber: afirmed upon her oath: that she saw Mary: the wife of Isaac Esty: upon Jno Nortons:bed: when s'd Norton: was:ill:

[page 297]

and s'd goody Esty flew out upon her: &amp; afflicted her: s'd Vibber: and s'd Vibber affirmed: that since the time of the last examination of s'd Esty: s'd Esty: has hurt &amp; afflicted mercy Lewis: and mary walcot &amp; Ann:Putman: she or her Apperition: &amp; she s'd Esty has some times hurt &amp; afflicted her: s'd Vibber also since s'd:Esty her last examination: also: s'd Vibber: s'd: that: s'd Esty or her apperition has Afflicted: Eliz: Hubbard: this s'd Vibber owned: to be: the truth: before the Jury of inquest

Aug'st: 3: 1692

(Reverse) Sarah wiber Mary Eastey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 121)

(Mary Warren v. Mary Easty)

Mary: Warin: affirmd: before: the Jury: of Inquest: that: Good- wife Esty of Topsfeild: has: afflicted her: she or: her Apperition: And that s'd Esty: hath afflicted Marcy Lewis: Elizabeth: Hubbard: &amp; Mary Walcot and Ann Putnam: upon: the oath: that she has taken: Aug'st: 3: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 121)

(Abigail Williams and Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Mary Easty, John Willard, and Mary Witheridge)

The Deposistion of Abigaill williams and Ann putnam who testi- fieth and saith that we both goeing along with goodman Abby and Sarah Trask the 20th of may 1692 to the house of Constable Jno: putnam to se mercy lewes. as we ware in the way we both saw the Apperishtion of Gooddy Estick the very same woman that was sent whom the other day: and also the Apperishtion of Goody Estick tould us both that now she was afflecting of Mircy lewes because she would not clear hir as others did and w'n came to who laye speachless and in a sad condition we saw there the Apperishtions of gooddy Estick and Jno. willard and mary witheridge afflecting and

[page 298]

choaking mircy lewes in a most dreadfull maner.which did most greviously affright us and immediatly gooddy Estick did fall upon us and tortor us allso Redy to choake us to death

Abigail Williams and An putnam Testified to the truth of the abous'd Evedence

Salem Village May the 23d. 1692 Before us *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assists( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 122)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Mary Easty)

Ann putnam further testifieth that on 23 may 1692: being the last day of the examination of mary Estick she did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir examination also on the same day I saw mary Estick or hir Apperane most greviously torment and afflect mary walcott mercy lewes Eliz Hubburd and abigail william and I veryly beleve in my hart that mary Estick is a most dreadfull wicth and that she hath very often afflected me and the persons af- fore named by hir acts of wictchraft.

Ann Putnam: declared: to the Jury of Inquest: that her above writ- ten evidence: is the truth upon her oath: Aug'st 4: 1692

(Reverse) Ann Putman &amp;c ver. Eastick

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 122)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Mary Easty, John Willard, and Mary Witheridge)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburt who testifieth and saith I being caryed up to Constable Jno. putnams house on the 20th of may 1692: to se Mircy lewes who laid speachless and in a sad

[page 299]

condition: I saw there the apperishtions of gooddy estick the very same woman that was sent whom the other day: and Jno. willard and mary witherridge Afflecting and tortoring of Mircy lewes in a most dreadfull maner.which did affright me most greviously: and immediatly gooddy Estick did sett upon me most dreadfully and tortored me almost Ready to choak me to death and urged me vehemently to writ in hir book

Sworne Salem Village May the 23d: 1692. Before us *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assists.we whose names are under writen heaving been along with Eli- zabeth . Huburd this time above mentioned herd hir declare what is above writen and we read it to hir when we came away and she said it was all true this 21 may 1692

Thomas putnam John.putnam Jun Jurat in Curia Sept'r. 9th. 1692

Eliz Hubburd further testifieth that on the 23 may 1692 being the last day of the examination of mary Estick she did most grevious- ly afflect and torment me dureing the time of hir Examination allso dureing the time of her examination I saw mary Estick most grev- iously aflect and torment mary walcott mercy lewes Abigail williams and ann putnam by twisting and all most choaking them to death and I verily beleve in my heart that mary estick is a most dreadfull wicth and that she hath very often afflected and tormented me and parsons above named by hir acts of wicthcraft

Eliz. Hubbard declared the two above written evidences: in this paper before the Jury of Inquest: to be the truth:upon oath:

August 4:1692

(Reverse) El. Hubbard Contr. Easty

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 122)

[page 300]

(Samuel Abby v. Mary Easty, John Willard, and Mary Witheridge)

The Deposistion of Samuell Abby aged about 45 years who testifieth and saith that on the 20th of may 1692 I went to the house. of constable Jno. putnam:about 9 a clock in the moring and when I came there: Mircy lewes lay on the bed in a sad condition and continewing speachless for about an hour: the man not being at whom: the woman desired me to goe to Tho: putnams to bring Ann putnam to se if she could se who it was that hurt mircy lewes: ac- cordingly I went: and found Abigail williams along with ann putnam: and brought them both to se mircy lewes: and as they ware a goeing along the way both of them said that they saw the Apperishtion of Goody Estick and said it was the same woman that was sent whom the other day: and said also that they saw the Apperishtion of the other woman that appered with goody estick the other day.and both of them allso said that the Apperishtion of goody Estick tould them that now she was afflecting of mircy lewes: and when they came to Mircy lewes both of them said that they saw the Apperishtion of goody Estick and Jno. willard and mary witheridge afflecting the body of mircy lewes: and I continewing along with mircy who con- tinewed in a sad condition the greatest part of the day being in such tortors as no toungue can express: but not able to spake: but at last said Deare lord Receive my soule and againe said Lord let them not kill me quitt, but att last she came to hir self for a little whille and was very sensable and [and] then she said that goody estick said she would kill hir before midnight because she did not cleare hir so as the Rest did. then againe presently she fell very bad and cried out pray for the salvation of my soule for they will kil me

Jurat in Curia Sep'r. 9th. 92

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 124)

(Sarah Trask v. Mary Easty, John Willard, and Mary Witheridge)

Sarah Trask ageed about 19 years testifieth that she went along with Abigaill williams and Ann putnam and also hard them say what

[page 301]

is above writen they said: and also hard mircy lewes declare what is above writen she said.

(Reverse) Sam Abbey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1 Page 124)

(Edward Putnam v. Mary Easty)

the deposistion of Edward Putnam aged abought 38 years ho testifieth and saith abought 18 day of may 1692 mary easty the prisner now at the bar being then seat at liberty but one the 20 and 21 days of may marcy lues was so greviously aflicted and tortred by her (as she her self and mary walcott: an putnam Elizabeth hubbart abigel williams) said) I my self being ther present with several others with marcy lues looked for nothing else: but present death with marcy lues for all most the space of two days and a night she was choked allmost to death in so much we thought sumtimes she had banded her mouth and teath shut and all this very often untell shuch time as we under stood mary easty was laid in Irons, allso apon the second day of mary estys examination at the vilag marcy lues mary walcott elizabeth hubbart ann putnam mary warrin and abigell williams when mary easty came to the [mar'] haile to go to paryer and in prayer time and sumtime after it they remaned in this sad condition of being all most choked to death and when they ware abul again to speak they all with one Consent charged her that she did them that mischef. I all so have hard sum of them Complain very often of hur hurting them with the spindall of a wheel.

Jurat in Curia *Edward putnam(Reverse) Ed'd. Putm'n

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1 Page 125)

(Samuel Smith v. Mary Easty)

The deposistion of Samuell Smith of Boxford about 25 yers who testifieth and saith that about five years sence I was one night att

[page 302]

the house of Isaac Estick sen'r. of Topsfeild and I was as farr as I know to Rude in discorse and the above said Esticks wife said to me I would not have you be so rude in discorse for I might Rue it hereafter and as I was agoeing whom that night about a quarter of a mille from the said Esticks house by a stone wall I Received a little blow on my shoulder with I know not what and the stone wall rattleed very much which affrighted me my horse also was affrighted very much but I cannot give the reson of it.

(Reverse) Sam'll Smith ag'st. G. Easty

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 125)

(Margaret Reddington v. Mary Easty)

the depesiasian of margret Redengton eged about seventiy yers testifieth and saith that a bout three yers a gow I was at good mon Esties and talking with his wife a bout an In fermety I hade and presantly after I fell Into a most sollom condision and the thres- day before the thanksgiving that wee hade last. In the afternone I was exseding elle and that night godey Estiey apered to mee and profered me a pece of fresh mete and I tolld hare twas not fete for the doges and I would have non of ite and then she vanished a waye

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 125)

(Petition of Mary Easty and Sarah Cloyce)

The humble Request of Mary Esty and Sarah Cloys to the Honoured Court.

Humbly sheweth, that whereas we two Sisters Mary Esty &amp; Sarah Cloys stand now before the Honoured court charged with the suspition of Witchcraft, our humble request is first that seing we are neither able to plead our owne cause, nor is councell alowed to those in our condicion; that you who are our Judges, would please to be of councell to us, to direct us wherein we may stand in neede.

[page 303]

Secondly that whereas we are not conscious to ourselves of any guilt in the least degree of that crime, wherof we are now accused (in the presence of the Living God we speake it, before whose aw- full Tribunall we know we shall ere Long appeare) nor of any other scandalouse evill, or miscaryage inconsistant with Christianity, Those who have had the Longest and best knowledge of us, being persons of good report, may be suffered to Testifie upon oath what they know concerning each of us, viz Mr. Capen the pastour and those of the Towne &amp; Church of Topsfield, who are ready to say somthing which we hope may be looked upon, as very considerable in this matter; with the seven children of one of us, viz Mary Esty, and it may be produced of Like nature in reference to the wife of Peter Cloys, her sister. Thirdly that the Testimony of witches, or such as are afflicted, as is supposed, by witches may not be improved to con- demn us, without other Legal evidence concurring, we hope the Honoured Court &amp; Jury will be soe tender of the lives of such, as we are who have for many years Lived under the unblemished reputation of Christianity, as not to condemne them without a fayre and equall hearing of what may be sayd for us, as well as against us. And your poore supplyants shall be bound always to pray &amp;c.

(Reverse) Easty &amp; Cloyce petic&obar;&nbar;

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 127)

(Petition of Mary Easty)

The humbl petition of mary Eastick unto his Excellencyes S'r W'm Phipps to the honour'd Judge and Bench now Sitting In Judi- cature in Salem and the Reverend ministers humbly sheweth

That whereas your poor and humble Petiti&obar;&nbar; being condemned to die Doe humbly begg of you to take it into your Judicious and pious considerations that your Poor and humble petitioner knowing my own Innocencye Blised be the Lord for it and seeing plainly the wiles and subtility of my accusers by my Selfe can not but Judg charitably of others that are going the same way of my selfe if the Lord stepps not mightily in i was confined a whole month

[page 304]

upon the same account that I am condemed now for and then cleared by the afflicted persons as some of your honours know and in two dayes time I was cryed out upon by them and have been con- fined and now am condemned to die the Lord above knows my Innocencye then and Likewise does now as att the great day will be known to men and Angells -- I Petition to your honours not for my own life for I know I must die and my appointed time is sett but the Lord he knowes it is that if it be possible no more Innocentt blood may be shed which undoubtidly cannot be Avoydd In the way and course you goe in I question not but your honours does to the uttmost of your Powers in the discovery and detecting of witchcraft and witches and would not be gulty of Innocent blood for the world but by my own Innocencye I know you are in the wrong way the Lord in his infinite mercye direct you in this great work if it be his blessed will that no more Innocent blood be shed I would humbly begg of you that your honors would be plesed to examine theis Aflicted Persons strictly and keepe them apart some time and Like- wise to try some of these confesing wichis I being confident there is severall of them has belyed themselves and others as will appeare if not in this wor[l]d I am sure in the world to come whither I am now agoing and I Question not but youle see an alteration of thes things they say my selfe and others having made a League with the Divel we cannot confesse I know and the Lord knowes as will shortly appeare they belye me and so I Question not but they doe others the Lord above who is the Searcher of all hearts knowes that as I shall answer it att the Tribunall seat that I know not the least thinge of witchcraft therfore I cannot I dare not belye my own soule I beg your honers not to deny this my humble petition from a poor dy ing Innocent person and I Question not but the Lord will give a blesing to yor endevers

(Reverse) To his Excellencye S'r W'm Phipps: Govern'r and to the honoured Judge and Magistrates now setting in Judicature in Salem.

(Reverse) Mary Easty Petition

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 127)

[page 305" id="p927-292]

Esther Elwell

(Warrant for Arrest of Esther Elwell, Abigail Roe, and Rebecca Dike)

To the Sheriffe of Our County of Essex, his under Sheriffe or De- puty . or Constable of Glocester, or Constable. Whereas Complaint Is made by Leut. James Stevens &amp; William Stevens &amp; Nathaniel Coyt all of Glocester, In the County of Essex In behalfe of their Majes- ties , unto -- thair Majesties Justices. of the peace. against Esther Ellwell the wife of Samuel Elwell, &amp; Abigail Roe daughter of Hugh Roe: &amp; Rebecka Dike, the wife of Richard Dike. all of Gloster, af- foresaid , for that they have Grounded suspicion that the Said Elwell Dike &amp; Roe have wickedly &amp; felloniously Comitted Sundry acts of witchcraft upon the body of Mrs. Mary fitch the wife of Mr. John fitch of Gloaster afforesaid, unto the Wasteing pineing &amp; Consume- ing of her body Contrary to the peace of our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen &amp; Contrary to the forme of the statutes in that Case made &amp; Provided. &amp; have Craved Justice &amp; have Entered into Recognisance, to prosecute the Said Complaint to Effect. the which is therefore In their Majesties Names. William &amp; Mary of England &amp;c King &amp; Queen to Require you by vertue hereof forwith or as soon as may be, to Apprehend Seize &amp; Secure the Said Esther Ellwell Re- becka Dike &amp; Abigall Roe &amp; them haveing So Secured You are the first Convenient time to bring before their Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Essex that thay may be Examined &amp; Pro- vided with as the Law Directs of which You are not to faile at your Perrill &amp; for So Doeing this shall be Your sufficient Warrant, &amp; make a true Returne under Your hand according to Law --

Ipswich Novemb'r. 5th 1692 Given under my hand *Tho's. Wade. J: P.( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2689 No. 17)

[page 306]

(Testimony of James Stevens)

James Stevens testifieth and saith that Mary Fitch did say that she felt A woman upon the bed, and put forth hir hand, and felt the hair and felt the hair of hir head and A peg in it, also testifieth that she said she was squesed to pieces, whereas I saw no body hurt hur.

Ipswich Nov'br: the 8th 1692 sworne before us, *Daniell Epps, J: P: Tho's. Wade: J: P:( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2689 Page 17)

[page 307" id="p927-294]

Martha Emerson

(Warrant for Arrest of Martha Emerson)

To the Sherriff of the County of Essex or his Dept or Constable of Haverhill

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required forthwith or as soon as may be to Bring before us Martha Emerson /the wife of Joseph Emerson of Haverhill, who was Daughter of Roger toothak[e]r of Belrica late Deceased; who stands accused of haveing committed sundry acts of [] Witchcraft Lately on the Bodys of Mary Warren Mary Lacy &amp; others to theire graete hurtes [&amp; injury] in Order to her Examination Relateing to the abovesaid Premisses and hereof faile not Dated Salem July the 22th 1692 , You are like- wise required to make diligent search for any Images or Popetts &amp;c in s'd house or aboute itt --

Salem: *Bartho. Gedney *John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin *John Higginson &lcub; Justices Peaceby virtue [of the] of this warant I have Seased Martha Emerson of haverhill and have brought her here to answer to what shall be Charged Against her

Dat this 22 of July 1692

[P me] *William Starling Constable

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 308]

(Examination of Martha Emerson)

Martha Emerson was examined before Maj'r Gedney &amp; other their Majest'es Justices in Salem July 23, 1692 .

Martha Emerson you are here accused for afflicting of Mary Warin &amp; Mary Lasey: by witchcraft: what say you: Answer: I never saw them. Richard Carrier: s'd he see her hurt them both yester day, but he had never seen her at the witch meeting: but Mary lasey sen'r s'd that she had seen both Martha Emerson &amp; her mother at the witch meeting. Mary Warin &amp; Mary Lacy fell down when s'd Martha Emerson looked on them: &amp; Mary Lasy was presently well when s'd Emerson took her by the wrist: two more also fell down with her looking on them: but: she denyed that she knew anything of witchcraft.

Mary Warin s'd: that s'd Emersons spectre told her: that: she had rid a man with an inchanted bridle: &amp; Matthew Herriman: was called: to say whether he had bin ridden: so or no: who answered. that last Monday night: he was in a strange condision: and heard it rain &amp; blow: as I thought: but in the morning there had bin no rain: but in the morning my tongue was sore &amp; I could not speak till son two hours high: &amp; Martha Emerson came to our house that morning: as soon as it was light for fire: Mary: Warin being in a long Dumb fitt; signified by holding up her hand that this Harriman was the man that she s'd Emerson s'd she had ridden: but Emerson s'd she knew nothing of it Emerson was told: that her father: had s'd: he had tought his Daughter Martha so that she had killed a witch: and: that was to take the afflicted persons water &amp; put in in a glass or bottle: &amp; sett it into an oven: Emerson owned she had [kept] a womans urin: in a glass. Emerson was asked: who hindred her from confessing she answered that her Aunt Carrier &amp; good wife Green of Haverill: were before her: good wife Green: was angry with her: because she would not be lie her selfe for Green had Inticed her a fortnight: to afflict &amp; she would not: she s'd Greens wife would have her be of: that number: she was asked what Num- ber : she s'd the number of Devils: she complaynd: that: Greens wife &amp; her Aunt Carrier: took her by the throat: &amp; that they would not lett her Confess. she s'd Greens wife had a pigg that use to follo her: but after ward she Denyed all. &amp; s'd: what she had s'd was in

[page 309]

hopes to have favour: &amp; now she could not Deny god: that had keept her from that sin: &amp; after s'd though he slay me I will trust in him.

(Reverse) Mary Warran Owned before the Grand jury Jan'y 10th 1692 that Martha Emerson had afflicted her severall times before &amp; at this time when she was presant with us

Attests *Robert Payne foreman:( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2708 Page 31)

(Indictment v. Martha Emerson)

(Case of Martha Emerson -- Witchcraft -- Jan. 1692.)

Province of the Massathusetts Bay in New England Essex

Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c. Quarto Anno'q \ Do&mbar; 1692

The Juro's. for our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the: King &amp; Queen Presents That Martha Emerson of Haverhill in the County of Essex Married Woman on the 23d of July 1692 -- And Diverse other Dayes and Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft &amp; Sorceries Wicked[ly] Mallishiously &amp; Felloniously hath Used -- Practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; in the Towne of Salem in the County afores'd upon and against one Mary Warren Single- woman By which Wicked Arts the said Mary Warren the Day &amp; year afores'd and Divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after was &amp; is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Pined &amp; Wasted against the Peace of our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Lawes in that case made &amp; Provided

Mary Warren Ignoramus *Robert Payne Foreman( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2708 Page 32)

[page 311" id="p927-297]

Joseph Emons

(Recognizance and Complaint against Joseph Emons)

Simo: Willard &amp; Eliz: Kesor Complaineth. to their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem Against Joseph Emens of Manchester. for that the Said Emins hath Sorely afflicted Mary Warren by witchcraft to her great hurt &amp; prays that awrit of Aprehention may be given out against him &amp; the Said Simon Wilard &amp; Eliz'r Kesor doe by these pre- sents oblige themselves to our Soveraines William &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of England The Condition is that the Said Willard &amp; Kesor shall procecut the Said Complaint to Effect

5 Sept 1692 *Simon Willard *Elizur KeysarThis Recognizance taken before me *John Higginson Just'e Peace 5 Sept 1692

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 313" id="p927-298]

Phillip English

(See also: George Burroughs -- Complaint)

(Warrant for Arrest of Phillip English, Sarah Morey, and Dorcas Hoar)

To the Marshall of the County of Essex or his Lawfull Deputy

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to Apprehend and bring before us phillip English of Salem Merchant, Sarah Murrell of Beverly and Darcas Hoare of Beverly Widdow all in the County of Essex on Munday next being the second day of the Moneth of May next Ensueing the date hereof, aboute Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of L't Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village in order to theire Examination Relateing to high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by them upon the Bodys of Mary Walcott Marcy Lewis Abigail Williams Ann putnam and Eli- zabeth Hubbert and Susanah Sheldon (viz) upon some or all of them, belonging to Salem village or farmes whereby great hurt &amp; dammage hath benne donne to the Bodys, of s'd persons according to Complaint of Capt Jonathan Walcot and Serjent Thomas putnam, in behalfe of theire Majesties, for themselfes and also for severall of theire Neighbours And hereof you are not to faile at your perill

Dated Salem Aprill 30th. 1692 &Pbar; us *John. Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &lcub; Assist's( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 56)

[page 314]

(Officer's Return)

May 2d: 1692 I have taken the bodys of the above named Sarah Murrell and Darcas Hoare and brought them unto the house of leut Nathaneill Ingersoll att the time aboves'd

&Pbar;'r mee *George Herrick Marshall of EssexMr Phillip English not beeing to bee found

&Pbar;'r G H

(Reverse) P. English S. Murrell Dorcas Hoar

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1 Page 56)

(Warrant for Arrest of Phillip English, No. 2)

To the Marshall Generall or his Lawfull Deputie

Whereas Complaint hath bi&nbar; made by Capt Jonathan Walcott and Thomas putnam of Salem Village upon the 30th of April Last past in behalfe of theire Majesties against phillip English of Salem Merchant for high Suspition of Divers acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by him upon the Bodys of Ann putnam Marcy Lewis Susannah Sheldon &amp;c of Salem village or farmes and whereas War- rant hath benne for some tyme since granted out for the apprehend- ing of the said phillip English to bring him upon Examination and he not appeareing or found since in the County of Essex

You are therefore in theire Majest's. names hereby required to apprehend the s'd phillip English of Salem Merc't. and him Convey unto Salem in the County of Essex and deliver him into the Custody of the Marshall of s'd County of Essex or some Lawfull Authority there, that he may be Examined Relateing to the aboves'd premises Either by such as shall be appointed thereunto or to the Magestrates in s'd place and hereof you are not to faile Dated Boston May 6t. 1692

&Pbar; us *John:Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin Assist's[page 315]

(Reverse) In obedience to the within written warr't. the within menconed phillip English was arrested &amp; committed by the Marshall Generall to the Marshall of Essex on the 30th. of May instant and in pursuance of the s'd. warrant the s'd phillipp English was brought before the within men&cbar;&obar;ned Johnathan Corwin Esq'rs the 31st. May 1692 to answer the within accusation by me

p me * Jacob Manning marsell depay

(Reverse) Warrant P. English

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 56)

(Indictment v. Phillip English, No. 1)

1692, May 31 Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss.

Anno RRs. & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c. Quarto: Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present that Phillip English of Salem -- In the County of Essex M'rchant upon the Thirty first day of May -- In the year afore- said said and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Cer- taine Detestable, arts Called Witchcraft and sorceries Wickedly Mallistiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex -- aforesaid in upon and against one Mary Wallcott of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman -- by Said Wicked Acts the Said Mary Wallcott the Day &amp; Year aforesaid and divers other dayes and Times both before and after was and is Tortured afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted &amp; Tormented #[and also for Sundry other Acts of witchcraft by the Said Phillip English Comitted and done before and Since that Time,] against the Peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the laws #[forme of the Stattute] in that Case made and Provided

(Reverse) Indictm't agst Phillip English for bewitching Mary Wallcott

Ignoramus Robert: Payne foreman:( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 316]

(Indictment v. Phillip English, No. 2)

1692 31 May. Essex in the Province of the Massachusett Bay in New England

nno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe \ Do&mbar; 1692


The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe &pbar;'sent That Phillip English of Salem -- In the County of Essex Merchant, upon the Thirty first day of May

In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certain detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Ex- ercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex Aforesaid in upon and against one Elizabeth Booth of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman... by which said Wicked Acts the said Eliza: Booth the day &amp; Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented #[and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Phillip English -- Comitted and done before and Since that time] Against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the #[forme of the Stattute] law In that case made and Provided.


Indict: ag'st Phillip English for bewitching

Eliza: Booth Ignoramus Robert:Payne foreman

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 317]

(William Beale v. Phillip English)

William Beale of Marbllee Head aged upward of Sixty yeares testifieth &amp; sayeth that last March past was twelve moenth towards the latter end of the moenth then my self beeinge in the house of George Bonfeilds of Marbllee Head whither I repaired that I mighte have helpe to nurse or loake after mee because of A very greate &amp; wracking paine had seized uppon my body &amp; the distemper of the small pox then beeing in my house &amp; my son James at the same time then in my house lying sick then towards the latter end of that moenth Aforesayed in that house as [as] I lay in my bed in the morneinge presently after it was faiere lighte abroade in the roome Where I lay in my bed which was layed low &amp; neire unto the fire to- wards the norward parte of the roome I beeing broade Awake I then saw up on the south jaame of that Chimny A darke shade w'ch covered the jaam of that chimney aforesayed from the under floore to the upper floore &amp; alsoe a dar[k] ness more then it was beefore in the southerne part of the house &amp; alsoe in the middlee of the dark- ness in the shade uppon the jaame of the chimny aforesayed I bee- held somethinge of the forme or shape of A man I tooke most notice of his legs because they weere of a very greate stature or bigness I wondred at the sighte &amp; therefore I turned my head as I lay in my bed &amp; cast my eyes towards the south side of the house to see if the sun weer risen or whether there weere any person or anythinge in the house w'ch by the help of the sun mi[ght] cause such A shade or shape but I saw non nor any lighte of the sun in that roome then &amp; then turned my head uppon the pillow where it was before I saw in the darkness aforesayed the plaine shape or els the person of phillip English of Salem the w'ch reports say maried with william hollingworths daughter of Salem ackcordinge to my best judgment knoledg &amp; understandeinge of him as I had formerly knoledg &amp; ackquaintance with him. my conjecktures of him &amp; these passages aforesayed were as followeth what is this mans business heere now I remember not that ever I bought or should with him either more or less or w'ch way came hee hither so soone this morneinge by land or by water or hath hee been at marbllee Head all nighte &amp; then laboring to correct my [torn] not to thinke that hee was a wich; &amp; flyinge to Our omnipotent Jehovah for his blessing &amp; protecktion by secret ejaculations instantly the roome aforesayed became clear

[page 318]

&amp; the shape shade or person vanished &amp; this was about the time that newes was brought to mee in the morneinge that my son James was very like to recover of the small pox w'ch I left at home sick: &amp; the same day in the after noone came news that hee was sud- denly strooke with A paine on his sidde &amp; did not expeck to live three houres &amp; ackCording to my judgment before three houres weere ended newes came that hee was departed this life at w'ch docktor Jackson w'ch was his docktor &amp; william dagget w'ch was his narse both of marbllH'd told mee that they admired &amp; wondred, &amp; it was not many moenths before that my son George Beale de- parted this life in the same house &amp; complained of A stoping in his throate after he was Recovered of the small pox hee deceased janu- ary the 23 before my son James Beale aforesayede

Marbllee head August the 2Cond

Attetsed to this truth by mee *William Beale

far this deponent testifieth that in the springe of the yeare be- fore the new england forces went for cannady; phillip english afore- sayed came into A neighbors house where this deponent then was present &amp; then in A fauneing &amp; flattering manner sayed to mee: you are him w'ch can give mee A good evidence in shewing mee the bounds of my lande; this deponant replyed &amp; sayed I know not of any you have; phillip english replyed yes you doe &amp; if you will Ile pay you well I have a peice of eighte in my pocket for you &amp; named A peice of land by A certaine distance from my house w'ch I think Mr. Richard Reede of marblle[head] was then &amp; is now in posses- sion of it; this deponent replyed, doe not tell mee of your peice of eight for if I bee called I must give evidence against you &amp; told him what I must say at w'ch hee seemed to bee moved &amp; told mee that I lyed.with more discourse aboute I so then wee departed; then the next fa[ll] ensuing w'ch was about the time that the forces be- gan to com from Cannady I then haveinge heard that phillip english aforesayed had arrested Mr Reade aforesayed aboute the land afore- sayed I then as I thought it my duty in concience adkquinted Mr Reeds son with what I could say concerninge the titllee of the lande aforesayed &amp; withall told him of another witness as namely Thomas farar sen'r of linn; then afterward upon their request I rode to lin &amp; at Lyn Mill there I found Thomas farar Aforesayed &amp; as wee rode alonge lin Commons; then beetwixt the reverende Mr Sheap- ards house &amp; Mr Leytons then beeinge in discours aboute the titllee

[page 319]

of the lande aforesayed my nose gushed out bleedeinge in A most extraordinary manner so that I bllodyed A hankershiff of an Con- siderablle biggnes &amp; allsoe ran downe uppon my cloaths &amp; uppon my horse mane. I lighted of my hors thinking the jodinge of horse mighte cause it but it kept on Allthough not alltoger so bad till I came to Mr Reades at marbllee head &amp; it hath blead not as I can Remember never since I was a boy; exept about that time nor since that time exept by ackcident that it was hurt

thiese things that are set down last were before the former evidence:

*William Bealeowned the Above written before the Grand jury up- on the Oath hee had taken in Court Jen'y 12th 1692

(Endorsed) Beale ag't. Phillip English *Robert: Payne

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

(Mercy Lewis v. Phillip English, Mary English, Lydia Dustin, Elizabeth Johnson, and Thomas Farrer)

(Endorsed) 1692/3

Jan. 12. The Deposition of Mercy Lewis Aged [illegible] this De- ponant Testifieth &amp; saith that Last night Philip English &amp; his Wife came to mee also Goodwife Dassten Eliz Johnson &amp; old pharoh of Linn: s'd Mrs English urged mee to set my hand to a Booke &amp; told mee she would Afflict mee Dreadfully &amp; kill mee if I did not, s'd also if I would but touch the Booke I should bee well, or else I should never, s'd Mrs English s'd she might bring the Book now she thought ever one of them would bee Cleared, &amp; now at this present time be- fore the Grandjury s'd Philip English, his Wife, &amp; old pharoh, come into the Roome or their shape &amp; Stroke mee on the Brest: &amp; almost Choaked mee &amp; s'd they would Strangle mee if they Could

owned before the Granjury upon the oath she had taken Jen'y 12th 1692/3 Attests *Robert.Payne foreman:( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 320]

(Susannah Sheldon v. Phillip English, Sarah Buckley, and Mary Witheridge)

The complaint of Susanna Shelden against phillip english the s'd Susanah Shelden being at meetting on the Sabboth day being the 24 of aprill shee beeing aflicted in a very sad manner she saw phillip english step over his pew and pinshed her and a womand which came from boston wich saith her name is [goodwy] when shee were com- ing home against william Shaws house their met her phillip english and a black man with a hy c&rbar;ouned hatt on his head and a book in hish hand houlding the book to her and phillip english told her that black man were her god and if shee would touch that boock hee would not pinsh her no more nor no bodie els should

on the next day phillip english.came againe and pinshed her and told her that if shee would not toutch the book hee would kill her --

on the second day at night apered to her two women and a man and brought their books and bid her touct them shee told them shee would not shee did not know wher they lived on of them told her they lived at the villadge and held the book to her again and bid her touch it shee told her shee did not know their nams on of them told her shee was old good man buck lyes wife and the other woman was her daughter mary and bid her touch the book shee told no shee had not told her hou long shee had beene a witch then shee told her shee had been a witch ten years and then shee opened her brest and the black man gav her two litle things like yong cats and she pit them to her brest and suckled them they had no hair on them and had ears like a man

then they ofered her their books and shee refused the[m] then they pinsh her and the man struck her on the head and went away --

on the third day their apeared a woman with out the dore sat lafeing at her and came into the house and hopted upan-doun and profered her the book and told her if shee would touch it shee would not pinsh her shee told her wud.not she did not know her lived told her she lived at Boston shee held her book [to] to her again shee told her shee did not know her name shee told her her name was good wife whits

the same day came goody buckly and her daughter and brought books with them and told her if shee would touch their books they would not pinsh her but shee refused then they pinshed her and went away

[page 321]

then i was siting on the inside of the dore sill and goody buckly came and stoped my mouth and Caried mee awai i know not how an near a mile and told mee that now shee had mee at her Command if i would not set my hand to her booke shee would kil mee then william Shaw beeing plowing in his fathers feild heard a fearfull Cry in a thicket of yong wod went to it and found her in a terribel maner screaming and breacking of sticks and fighting in a violent manner

(Reverse) Susanah Shelden goody bucklie and her daughter Phillip English

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 56)

[page 323" id="p927-307]

Thomas Farrer

(See also: George Jacobs Jr. -- Complaint; Elizabeth Hart -- Warrant; Roger Toothaker -- Mittimus.)

(Ann Putnam, Jr., Thomas Putnam and Robert Morrill v. Thomas Farrer)

the deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the: 8.th of may 1692 : there appeard to me the Apperishtion of an old gray-head man with a great nose which tortored me and almost Choaked me and urged me to writ in his book: and I asked him what was his name and from whence he came for I would complaine of him: and he told me he came from linne and people used to call him old father pharoah and he said he was my grandfather: for my father used to call him father: but I tould I would not call him: grandfather: for he was a wizzard and I would complaine of him: and ever sence he hath afflected me by times beating me and pinch- ing me and all most Choaking me and urging me continewally to writ in his book

we whose names are under writen haveing been conversant with Ann putnam have hard hir declare what is above writen what she said she saw &amp; heard from the apperishtion of old pharoah and also have seen hir tortors: and perceived hir hellish temtations by hir loud out cries I will not writ old pharaoh I will not writ in your book

*Thomas putnam *Roburt Morrell(Reverse) Ann. putnam ag. Tho. Farrer

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 54)

[page 324]

(Indictment v. Thomas Farrer)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England

Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe Domini: 1692

The Juriors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen doe present that Thomas Pharoh -- of Linn In the County of Essex husbandman -- the 10th of May In the yeare aforesaid and Divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly malitiously &amp; felon- iously hath used practised and Exersised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in and upon and against one Ann Putnam of Salem. Singlewoman by which said wicked acts the Said Ann Putnam The day and year aforesaid and Divers other Dayes and Times both before and after was and is tortured afflicted Con- sumed wasted Pined and Tormented against the peace of our Sover- aigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; Dignity and the law in that Case made &amp; Provided

Witnesses Ann Putnam Elizabeth Hubbard Sarah Vibber(Reverse)

Ignoramus *Robert Payne foreman cleared by proclamation paying fees

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2667 Page 149)

[page 325" id="p927-309]

Edward Farrington

(Indictment v. Edward Farrington, No. 1)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex ss//

Anno'qe RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe \ Do&mbar; . 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord &amp; lady the King &amp; Queen Present That Edward Farington of Andivor in the County of Essex afors'd Above fouer or five years Since, In the Towne of Anduor aforesaid Wickedly Mallitiously &amp; felloniously A Covenant with the Devill did Make &amp; was Baptised by the Devill &amp; unto him Renounced his first Baptizme &amp; promised to be the Devills both Soul &amp; body for ever, And to Serve the devill &amp; Signed the Devills Booke; By which Diabol- licall Covenant by him with the Devill Made In Maner &amp; forme aforesaid -- The Said Edward Farington is become a detestable Witch Against the peace of o'r Soveraigne lord &amp; lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; dignity &amp; the Laws in that Case made &amp; provided

Wittness his owne Confesion --

(Reverse) Edward Farington for Covenanting w'th the Devill Billa Vera Robert Payne foreman f[i]led

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 51)

(Indictment v. Edward Farrington, No. 2)

Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England Essex

Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe \ Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King &amp; Queen Present That Edward Farrington of Andivor in the County of Essex afore-

[page 326]

said -- And Divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after Cer- taine Detestable arts called witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries Wickedly and Mallishiously &amp; felloniously hath Used Practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; in the Towne of Salem, in the County of Essex afor&sbar;ed Upon and against one Mary Warren of Salem Single Woman By which wicked Arts the said Mary Warren the Day and year afore&sbar;d and Divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted #[Pined] Tormented Consumed Pined &amp; wasted against the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Lawes in that case made and Provided

Wittness Martha Sprague Ann Puttnam(Reverse) Edward Farington Aflicting Mary Warren Billa vera Robert Payne foreman

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 52)

[page 327" id="p927-311]

Abigail Faulkner, Sr.

(Examination of Abigail Faulkner, Sr.)

Abig'l Folkner examined August. 11: 1692 .

Mr Hauthorn; Mr Corwin: &amp; Cap: Higginson pressent when she was brought into the room: the afflicted persons fell down Mr Ha: You are:heare: aprehended:for:witchcraft: but Answ'd: I know nothing of it with: the cast of her eye: mary:walcot: &amp; the rest afflicted: mary waren and others fell down: it was s'd to her do you not see: she s'd yes but it is the devill dos it in my shape: mary Walcot s'd she had seen her 2 monthes a good while agoe but was not hurt by her till last night: An Putnam sayd she had seen s'd falkn'r but was not hurt by her till last night &amp; then she pulld me off my hors: mary warin s'd she had seen her in company with other witches: but was not hurt by her till lately

Mary Warin &amp; others of the afflicted: were struck down into: fitts &amp; Helped up out of their fitts by a touch of Abig'l folkn'rs hand: she was urged to confes the truth:for the creddit of hir Town: her Cou&zbar; Eliz Jonson urged her: with that: but: she refused to do it saying god would not: require her to confess that: that she was not gilty of Phelpses daughter complayned her afflicting her: but: she denyed: that she had any thing to doe with witchcraft she s'd falkn'r had a cloth in her hand: that when she squeezed in her hand the afflicted; fell into greevous fits: as was observed: the afflicted sayd Dan'll Eames &amp; Capt floyd was upon that cloth when it was upon the table

She sayd she was sorry they were afflicted: but she was told &amp; it was observd she did not shed a tear: mary waren was pulld und'r the table &amp; was helpd out of her fitt by a touch of s'd faulkn'r she s'd she had looked on some of these afflicted: when they came to Andov'r &amp; hurt them not: but she was told it was before she had began to afflict them: she was told that it was reported she used

[page 328]

to Conjure with a seiv: but she s'd it was not so that story:was cleared up:

August 30: 92: Abig'l Fokner: before: their Majestt's Justices at first denyed witchcraft as she had done before: but afterward: she owned: that: she was Angry at what folk s:d when her Cou&zbar;

Eliz. Jonson was taken up: &amp; folk laught &amp; s'd her sister Jonson would come out next: &amp; she did look with an evil eye on the af- flicted persons &amp; did consent that they should be afflicted: becaus they were the caus of bringing her kindred out: and she did wish them ill &amp; her spirit being raised she did:pinch her hands together: &amp; she knew not but that the devil might take that advantage but it was the devil not she that afflicted them: this she s'd she did at Capt Chandlers garison: the Night after: Eliz Jonson had bin ex- amined before Capt Bradstreet in the day

This is the substance of what s'd Abig'l folkners examination was: taken out of my Charackters:

Attest *Simon WillardThe aboves'd Examination was before John Hathorne Just peace Abigaiel Falknors Examination

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 19)

(Indictment v. Abigail Faulkner, Sr., No. 1)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss

Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Jurers for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady King &amp; Queen do present that. Abigaill Falkner Wife of francis falkner of Andivor -- In the county of Essex afors'd Husbandm On or about the begining of August -- In the year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallistiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Boxford in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against One Martha Sprague of Boxford aforesaid Single Woman by which Said wicked Acts the said Martha Sprague the day &amp; year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times

[page 329]

both before and after was and is Tortur'd Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the Said Abigaill Falkner Comitted and done before and Since that time -- against the Peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the forme of the Stattute in that Case made and Provided

Indictm't ags't Abagaill Falkner for bewitching Martha Sprague Billa Vera: --

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 18)

(Indictment v. Abigail Faulkner, Sr., No. 2)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss

Anno R Rs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &amp;c'a Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen doe &pbar;sent That Abigaill Falkner Wife of frances falkner of Andivor In the County of Essex Husbandman in and About the beginning of August In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Ex- ercised at and in the Towne of Andivor in the County of essex afore- said in upon and against one Sarah Phelps daughter of Samuel Phellps of Andivor aforesaid Husbandman by which said Wicked Acts the s'd Sarah Phellps the day &amp; yeare aforesaid &amp; divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Abigaill falkner Comitted and done before and since that time against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne &amp; Dignity &amp; the forme of the Stattute in that case made &amp; Provided

(On reverse side of paper) Abagaiell Falkner Indictm't for bewitching Sarah Phelps Billa Vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 18)

[page 330]

(Rose Foster v. Abigail Faulkner)

The deposistion of Rose Foster who testifieth &amp; saith I have ben most greviously afflected and tormented by Abigail Falkner of Andeveour also I have seen Abigail Falkner or hir Apperance most greviously afflect and torment Martha sprague s sara phelps and Hannah Bigsbe sence the begining Augst and I veryly beleve that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and the afforesaid person by acts of wicthcraft:

The above written evidence is truth uppon her Oath sept: 17: 1691

(Reverse) Rose foster Depo agst: abigail Falknor Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 19)

(Mary Walcott v. Abigail Faulkner)

The deposistion of mary walcott who testifieth and saith that about the 9.th August 1692 I was most dreadfully afflected by a woman that tould me hir name was abigail Falkner.but on the 11th. of August being the day of the examination of Abigail falkner she did most dreadfully afflect me during the time of hir examination I saw Abigail falkner or hir Apperance most greviously afflet and torment sarah phelps and Ann putnam: and I veryly beleve in my heart that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has often affleted me and the afforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft

The above name mary Walcutt affirmed before the Grand inquest that the above written Evidence is truth upon her Oath 17: Sept.: 1692

(Reverse) Mary Walcott Depo Agst: Aba: Falkner Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 19)

(Martha Sprague v. Abigail Faulkner)

The deposistion of Martha Spreague who testifieth and saith that I have ben most greviously affleted and tormented by Abigail

[page 331]

Falkner of Andevor senc the [begining] of August 1692: Also I saw Abigail Falkner of hir Apperance most greviously torment and afflet Hannah Bigsbe and Rose Foster and sarah phelps and I verily beleve in my heart that Abigaill Falkner is a wicth &amp; that she has often affleted me and severall others by acts of wicthcraft

The above named Martha sprague affirmed before the Grand inquest that the above written Evidence is truth upon her Oath 17: sept: 1692

(Reverse) Martha Sprague Depo agt Abigill Falkner Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 19)

(Mary Warren v. Abigail Faulkner)

The deposistion of marry warren who testifieth and saith that Abigail Falkner of Andevor did most greviously afflet and torment me on 11th August 1692 dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choak me also on the day of hir examination I saw Abigail Falkner or hir Apperance most greviously afflect and torment mary walcott Ann putnam and sarah phelps and I veryly beleve that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and severall other by acts of wicthcraft

Mary Waren:own'dupon her oath::to the grand Inquest that the above written evidence is the truth: Sep'r 17: 1692

(Reverse) Mary Warren Depo agst Abigail Falkner Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 20)

(Sarah Phelps v. Abigail Faulkner)

The depossistion of Sarah phelps who testifieth and saith that about the begining of August 1692 I was most greviously afflected and tormented by Abigail Falkner or hir Apperance: but most dread- full she did torment on the 11 August being the day of hir examina- tion for if she did but loock upon me she would strick me down or almost choake me: also sence the begining of August I have seen

[page 332]

Abigaill Falkner or hir appearance most greviously afflet and torment mary walcott Ann putnam and Martha sprague and I veryly beleve in my heart that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has very often affleted me and the afforesaid parsons by acts of wicth craft

The above named sarah Phelps affirmed before the Grand in- quest that the above written evidence is truth upon her Oath the 17 Sept: 1692


(Reverse) Sarah Phelps Depo Ag't: Abagail Falkner Jurat

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 20)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Abigail Faulkner)

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that about the 9th of August 1692 I was affleted by a woman which tould me hir name was Falkner: but on the 11th of August being the day of the Examination of Abigail Falkner she did most dread- fully torment me during the time of hir examination also on the day of hir examination I saw Abigaill Falkner or hir Apperance most grev- iously afflect and torment mary walcot sarah phelps. and I beleve that Abigal Falkner is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and severall others by acts of wicthcraft

The above named Ann Putnam affirmed before the Grand in- quest that the above written Evidence is the truth upon her Oath.

sworne before the grand Jury Sept: 17. 1692

(Reverse) An Puttnam vs Abig'l Falkner Jurat Coram Grand Jury --

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 20)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Abigail Faulkner)

The deposition of ann putman

who testefieth &amp; saith that about the 9th of agust.1692: I was Afflic- ted by a woman which tould me hir name was faulkner but on the

[page 333]

11th day of agust being the day of the Examenation of abigell faulk- ner shee did most dredfuly torment me and during the time of hir Examenation, allso on the day of hir Examenation I saw abagell faulkner or hir aperance most gr[e] vousily afflickt &amp; torment mary walcot &amp; sara phelips, and I beleve that abigell faulkner is a witch &amp; that shee hath often afflicted me &amp; severall others by acts of witchcraft

the above named ann putman afermed before the grand Inquest that the above writen Evedence Is the truth upon #[hir oath] hir oath sworn before the grand Jury sptmbr 17th.

( Mass. Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 135 No. 119)

(Verdict and Death Sentence v. Abigail Faulkner)

Att a Court of Oyer and Terminer holden att Salem by adjournment Septem'r: 1692 --

Abigall Faulkner of Andover Indeated and arraigned for the Crime of fellony by Witchcraft Comited on the bodyes of Martha Sprague Evidences being Called and sworne in open Court Matter of fact Comitted the Jury

The Jury find Abigall Faulkner wife of Francis Faulkner of Andover guilty of the fellony by Witchcraft Comited on the body of Marthah Sprague allsoe on the body of Sarrah Phelps --

Sentence of Death pased on Abigall Faulkner Copia Vera

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 49)

(Petition of Abigail Faulkner)

The humblee Petition of Abigall: Falkner unto his Excellencye S'r W'm Phipps knight and Govern'r of their Majestyes Dominions in America: humbly sheweth

That your poor and humble Petitioner having been this four monthes in Salem Prison and condemned to die having had no other evidences

[page 334]

against me but the Spectre Evidences and the Confessors w'ch Con- fessors have lately since I was condemned owned to my selfe and others and doe still own that they wronged me and what they had said against me was false: and that they would not that I should have been put to death for a thousand worldes for they never should have enjoyed themselves againe in this world; w'ch undoubtedly I shouled have been put to death had it not pleased the Lord I had been with child. Thankes be to the Lord I know my selfe altogether Innocent &amp; Ignorant of the crime of witchcraft w'ch is layd to my charge: as will appeare at the great day of Judgment (May it please yo'r Ex- cellencye ) my husband about five yeares a goe was taken w'th fitts w'ch did very much impaire his memory and understanding but w'th the blessing of the Lord upon my Endeavors did recover of them againe but now through greife and sorrow they are returned to him againe as bad as Ever they were: I having six children and having little or nothing to subsist on being in a manner without a head to doe any thinge for my selfe or them and being closely con- fined can see no otherwayes but we shall all perish Therfore may it please your Excellencye your poor and humble petition'r doe hum- bly begge and Implore of yo'r Excellencye to take it into yo'r pious and Judicious consideration that some speedy Course may be taken w'th me for my releasement that I and my children perish not through meanes of my close confinement here w'ch undoubtedly we shall if the Lord does not mightily prevent and yo'r poor petitioner shall for ever pray for your health and happinesse in this life and eternall felicity in the world to come so prayes

Your poor afflicted humble sevants Petition'r *Abigall: Falknerfrom Salem Prison Dece&mbar; the 3d: 1692

(Reverse) Thes&ebar;: To his Excellencye S'r W'm Phipps knight and Govern'r of their Majestyes Dominions in America p-sent

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

<!DOCTYPE TEI.2 system "teilite.dtd"[ %ISOlat1 %ISOlat2 %ISOnum %ISOpub %ISOtech ]> The Salem witchcraft papers, Volume 2 : verbatim transcipts of the legal documents of the Salem witchcraft outbreak of 1692 / edited and with an introduction and index by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum [electronic resource] Boyer, Paul and Stephen Nissenbaum Compiler Works Progress Administration Creation of machine-readable version: Apex Data Services Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Apex Data Services and the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center. ca. 685 kilobytes

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copyright 1998, by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia


The Salem witchcraft papers : verbatim transcipts of the legal documents of the Salem witchcraft outbreak of 1692 / compiled and transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration, under the supervision of Archie N. Frost ; edited and with an introduction and index by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum Volume 2 Boyer, Paul and Stephen Nissenbaum Works Progress Administration

vii, 699 p.

Da Capo Press

New York

1977 <idno type="callNo">Source copy consulted: UVa Library KFM 2478.8 .W5 S24 v.2

Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center.

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Library of Congress Subject Headings 1692 English nonfiction prose masculine LCSH 1998 corrector Stephen Ramsay, Electronic Text Center



THE SALEM WITCHCRAFT PAPERS Verbatim Transcripts of the Legal Documents of the Salem Witchcraft Outbreak of 1692 IN THREE VOLUMES Compiled and Transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration Under the Supervision of Archie N. Frost Clerk of Courts, Essex County, Massachusetts Edited and with an Introduction and Index by PAUL BOYER and STEPHEN NISSENBAUM VOLUME II





Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Main entry under title:

The Salem witchcraft papers.

Bibliography: v. 1, p.

Includes index.

1. Trials (Witchcraft) -- Massachusetts. 2. Massachusetts -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. I. Boyer, Paul. II. Nissenbaum, Stephen. III. United States. Work Projects Administration.

KFM2478.8.W5S24 345'.744'0288 77-7530

ISBN 0-306-70755-5 (v. 2)

Grateful acknowledgment is made to Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, for permission to reprint documents from Volume II of Thomas Hutchinson: The History of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts-Bay, Lawrence Shaw Mayo, Ed. (London, 1768; reprint edition Cambridge, Mass., 1936), pp. 24-25, 26, 30-31, 31-32, 32-33, 34, 35, and 40 (Copyright 1936 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College).

Grateful acknowledgment is made to Barnes and Noble Import Division, Harper &amp; Row, Publishers, Inc., for permission to reprint documents from Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706, George L. Burr, Ed. (New York, 1914; reprint edition New York, 1968), pp. 196-202, 250, 347-48, 350-52, 353-55, 359, 362-64, 365-66, and 419-20 (Copyright 1914 by Charles Scribner's Sons; All Rights Assigned to Barnes &amp; Noble, Inc., 1946; Reprinted 1968).

The Salem Witchcraft Papers is the first edition ever published of all the legal documents concerning the 1692 outbreak of witchcraft in Salem, as compiled and transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration under the supervision of Archie N. Frost, Clerk of Courts, Essex County, Massachusetts. The work contains all of the WPA transcripts, rearranged in a few instances to facilitate their use, and augmented by copies of several documents that are no longer extant in the Essex County Archives in Salem.

Copyright &copy; 1977 by Da Capo Press, Inc.

Introduction Copyright &copy; 1977 by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum

Published by Da Capo Press, Inc.

A Subsidiary of Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011

All Rights Reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America






[page vii]


Contents of Volume II

CASES (Continued) Page

Dorothy Faulkner (Andover) 335

John Flood (Rowley). See Martha Carrier -- Complaint; &ldquo;Additional Documents&rdquo; Section: List of Eleven Accused Persons (pp. 871-872)

Elizabeth Fosdick (Malden) 339

Ann Foster (Andover) 341

Nicholas Frost (Manchester) 345

Eunice Fry (Andover) 347

Dorcas Good (Salem Village) 351

Sarah Good (Salem Village) 355

Mary Green (Haverhill) 379

Thomas Hardy (Piscataqua, Maine). See Case of Susannah Martin -- Testimony of Joseph Ring v. Susannah Martin and Thomas Hardy

Elizabeth Hart (Lynn) 381

Rachel Hatfield. See &ldquo;Additional Documents&rdquo; section: Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich (pp. 880-881)

Margaret Hawkes (Salem Town) 385

Sarah Hawkes (Andover) 387

Dorcas Hoar (Beverly) 389

Abigail Hobbs (Topsfield) 405

Deliverance Hobbs (Topsfield) 419

William Hobbs (Topsfield) 425

Elizabeth How (Topsfield) 433

[page viii]

John Howard (Rowley). See John Jackson Sr. -- Warrant, Recognizance of Complaint; &ldquo;Additional Documents&rdquo; section: Abraham Perkin's Account (p. 947), Thomas Manning's Account (p. 950), Account of Isaac Little and John Harris (p. 951), Thomas Fossey's Account (p. 954), William Baker's Account (p. 956).

Elizabeth Hubbard (Salem Village) 457

Francis Hutchins (Haverhill) 459

Mary Ireson (Lynn) 463

John Jackson, Sr. (Rowley) 465

John Jackson, Jr. (Rowley) 469

George Jacobs, Sr. (Salem Town) 473

George Jacobs, Jr. (Salem Village) 487

Margaret Jacobs (Salem Town) 489

Rebecca Jacobs (Salem Village) 493

Abigail Johnson (Andover). See Elizabeth Johnson, Sr. -- Warrant; Stephen Johnson -- Recognizance

Elizabeth Johnson, Sr. 499

Elizabeth Johnson, Jr. 503

Rebecca Johnson (Andover) 507

Stephen Johnson (Andover) 509

Mary Lacey, Sr. (Andover) 513

Mary Lacey, Jr. (Andover) 519

John Lee 535

Mercy Lewis (Salem Village) 537

Jane Lilly (Malden) 539

Mary Marston (Andover) 545

Susannah Martin (Amesbury) 549

Sarah Morey (Beverly) 581

Rebecca Nurse (Salem Village) 583

Sarah Osborne (Salem Village) 609

Mary Osgood (Andover) 615

Elizabeth Faine (Charlestown). See Elizabeth Fosdick -- Complaint, Warrant

Alice Parker (Salem Town) 623

Mary Parker (Andover) 629

Sarah Parker (Andover). See &ldquo;Additional Documents&rdquo; section: Account of Sarah Parker (p. 1021)

[page ix]

Sarah Pease (Salem Town) 639

Joan Peney (Gloucester) 641

Hannah Post (Rowley) 643

Mary Post (Rowley) 645

Susannah Post (Andover) 647

Margaret Prince (Gloucester) 651

Benjamin Proctor (Salem Town) 655

Elizabeth Proctor (Salem Town) 657

John Proctor (Salem Town) 677

Sarah Proctor (Salem Town) 691

William Proctor (Salem Town) 695

[page 335" id="p928-012]

Dorothy Faulkner

(Confessions of Dorothy Faulkner, Abigail Faulkner, Jr., Martha Tyler, Johannah Tyler, Sarah Wilson, Jr., and Joseph Draper)

dorritye Forknor and Abigale Forknor children: to [Abigall Forknor of Andover now in prison confarsed before the honoured majastrats upon thire exsaminations heare in Salam the 16 day of this enstant subtember: 1692 that thire mother apared and mayd them witches and also marth [a] Tyler Johanah Tyler: and Sarih Willson and Joseph draper all acknowlidge that they ware lead into that dradfull sin of witchcrift by hir meanse: the fores'd Abigale forknor

The above named persons Each &amp; Every one of them Did affirm before the Grand inquest that the above written Evidences are truth:

17 sept: 1692

(Reverse) Dorety Falkner vs Abigail Falkner

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 20)

(Recognizance for Dorothy Faulkner and Abigail Faulkner Jr.)

Know all Men by these presents That I John Osgood sen'r. of Andover in the Cownty of Essex in New England And Nathan'll: Dean Sen'r of the Same Town &amp; Cownty afforesaid Husbandmen Are holden &amp; firmely Bownd Joyntly &amp; Sevirally to theire Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary of England &amp; Scottland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith in the full &amp; Juste Sum of five hundrid pounds Sterling for the True &amp; Just payment of which s'd Sum of five hundrid Pownds to theire Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary Wee do bind Our Heires Executtors Adminstrators &amp; Assignes firmely &amp; By these presents Dated in Salem

[page 336]

the Sixth day of october in the Year of Our Lord One thousand six hundrid &amp; Ninety &amp; to and in the fourth Year of the Reign of Our Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary King &amp; Queen of England Scottland france &amp; Ireland Deffenders of the faith --

The Condition of this Obligation is Such that whereas the Abovenamed John Osgood Sen'r, &amp; Nathan'll: Dean Sen'r, Husbandmen Both of The Towne of Andover in the Cownty of Essex in New England have Taken into Theire Care and Custody the Bodyes of Dorothy Faukner Aged about Ten Yeares And Abigail Faukner Aged about Eight Yeares who was both Committed to theire Majesties Goale in Salem in the Cownty of Essex in New England for Having Used practised &amp; Committed Divers Acts of witchcraft Upon the Bodyes of Sundrye persons who themselves also have Confessed the Same If that the Aforesaid John Osgood Sen'r, &amp; Nathan'll Dean Sen'r. Aforesaid Husbandmen shall well &amp; Truely keep the Aforesaid Dorothy faukner &amp; Abigail faukner &amp; Them Secure Untill they shall Receive Order from George Corwin Sherriff of the County of Essex to deliver the Aforesaid Dorothy faukner &amp; Abigail faukner Unto William Downton Now keeper of theire Majesties Goale in Salem or to Any Other Whome the Afforesaid George Corwin shall Appoint, that then they shall forthwith delliver the Same Dorothy faukner &amp; Abigail faukner According to his Order -- And if the Above bownd do performe the Above Mentioned Articles &amp; shall pay Unto George Corwin the Sherrif aforesaid the forfieture of S'd Bond for there Maj'ties Use in Case of Defaulte then this Obligation shall be void &amp; of Nowe Efect Or Otherwise to stand in full force &amp; Virtue -- In Wittness hereof we have sett Our hands &amp; Seals this Six Day of October in the Year of Our Lord One thowsand Six hundrid Ninety &amp; two and in the fourth year of their Majesties Reigne

*John Osgood*Nathaniel DaneWitnis

*Joshua Conant

*Elizur Keysar

*Joseph Phippen Jun'r.

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 56)

[page 337]

(Recognizance for Dorothy Faulkner and Abigail Faulkner, Jr.)


That on the Thirteenth day of Jan'ry 1692 in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary the Grace of God of England &amp;c: King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: Personally appeared before William Stoughton Esq'r cheife Justice of their Maj' ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New England Francis Falkner Husbandman &amp; Joseph Marble Mason both of Andiver in the County of Essex and acknowledged themselves to be joyntly &amp; severally Indebted unto our s'd: sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady &amp; the survivor of them their Heires &amp; Successors in the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their Lands and Tenniments, goods &amp; Chattles for the use of our s'd: sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or survivor of them on Condition that Dorathy Forkner and Abigaile Forkner haveing stood committed for Suspition of Witchcraft shall make their p'sonall appearance before the Justices of our s'd: Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the next Court of Assizes and Generall Goal Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then &amp; there to answer to all such matters &amp; things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alleadged against them and to do and receive that which by the s'd: Court shall be then &amp; there injoyned them &amp; thence not to depart without licence


*Jona Elatson Cler.


Recog'e; Francis Falkner Joseph Marble for Dorathy Falkner &amp; abigaill Faulkner 10 May Apear'd Cleared by proclamation paying fees.

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 104)

[page 339" id="p928-016]

Elizabeth Fosdick

(See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint.)

(Complaint v. Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine)

Salem May the. 30th 1692

L't Nathaniell putnam and Joseph Whipple of Salem Village made Complaint in behalfe of their Majest's against Elizabeth fosdick of #[Charlstown] Maulden the wife of John Fosdick. afore'd Carpenter And Elizabeth paine of #[Maulden] Charlstown the wife of Stephen paine of s'd place husbandman for sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed Lately on the Bodys of Marcy Lewis and Mary Warren of Salem Village or farmes to theire great hurt therefore Craves Justice.

*Nathanell Putnam

*Joseph whipple

The abovesayd Complaint was Exhibited before us Salem May the. 30th 1692

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assist's

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assist's

peter Tufts of Charlstowne also appeared before us Salem June 2d 1692. and also #[made a] Complained against both the aboves'd. for acts of Witchcraft by them Committed on his negro Woman

The Mark of peter


Elizabeth fosdick

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 7)

[page 340]

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Fosdick and Elizabeth Paine)

To the Marshall or Sheriff of the County of Middlesex or dep't:

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us at Salem. forthwith or as soon as may be: Elizabeth Fosdick the wife of John Fosdick of #[Charlstown] Maulden Carpenter. and Elizabeth paine the wife of #[William] Stephen paine of Charlstowne husbandman, for sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Comitted Lately on the Bodys of Marcy Lewis Mary Warren &amp;c of Salem Village or Farmes. to theire great hurt and Injury accord'g to Complaint Exhibited before us appears. faile not Dated Salem June the 2d 1692

P us

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assist's

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assist's

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 7)

(Officer's Return)

I doe Appoint Sam'll Gibson of Cambridge To Serve this Warrant To effect June 2d 1692

*Sam'll Gookin Marsh'll for Mddx.

June 2d 1692 I have apprehended the above named Elizabeth Paine and Delivered her unto the sheriff of the County of Essex att Salem in the County afores'd in order to her Examination and waite in Expectation of the above s'd Elizabeth Fosdick by mee

June 3 92

I have all so apprehended the body of Elizabeth Fosdick of mauldin &amp; delivered har to the above said sheriff of Essex.

*Small: Gibson the marsh dep. [Sh Dep]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 7)

[page 341" id="p928-018]

Ann Foster Died in Prison

(See also: Mary Lacey, Jr. -- Examination.)

(Mary Walcott v. Ann Foster)

Mary Walcot affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: that Ann Foster : of Andover: has afflicted her: both: before her examination: and at her examination &amp; since: that time by biting pinching &amp; choaking of her s'd Walcot also sayth she has:seen her s'd Foster afflict: Eliz Hubbert : at the time of her examination: by choaking &amp; pinching of her: &amp; #[that] she beleeved Foster is a witch: &amp; that: she hath afflicted me &amp; Eliz Hubbard by witchcraft #[Sept'r 13: 16] upon her oath

Sept'r 13: 1692

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition])

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Ann Foster)

Eliz Hubbert. Affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: th't Ann Foster : both before: and at her examination &amp; after hath afflicted her: she also affirmed: that she saw s'd Ann Foster or her apperition afflict Mary Walcot &amp; Ann putnum : &amp; she ses she verily beleeves: An Foster is a witch &amp; that she s'd Foster: did afflict her &amp; the above named persons by witchcraft upon her oath: Sept't 13 1692

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition])

[page 342]

(Mary Warren v. Ann Foster)

Mary Warin affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: that she saw Ann Foster or her Apperition: afflict: Mary Wallcot &amp; Eliz Hubbert : &amp; she also: afflicted me s'd Warin: before the Jury of Inquest: &amp; I veryly believe s'd Foster is a witch &amp; th't she --

Afflicted me &amp; the persons mentioned: by Witchcraft upon her out Sept'r

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition])

(Examinations of Ann Foster)

The Examination and Confession of Ann Foster at Salem Vilage 15 July 1692 after a while Ann foster confessed that the divill apered to her in the shape of abird at several Times, such abird as she never saw the like before, &amp; that she had had this gift (viz of striking the aflicted downe w'th her eye ever) since, &amp; being ask't why she thought that bird was the divill she answred because he came white and vanished away black &amp; that the divill told her that she should have this gift &amp; that she must beleive him &amp; told her she should have prosperity &amp; #[that] she said that he had apeared to her three times &amp; was always as a bird &amp; the last time was about halfe a year since, &amp; sat upon atable had two legs &amp; great eyes &amp; that it was the second time of his apearance that he promised her prosperity &amp; that it was Cariers wife about three weeks agoe that came &amp; perswaded her to hurt these people.

16. July. 1692. Ann Foster Examined conffesed that it was Goody Carier that made her a witch that she came to her in person about Six yeares agoe &amp; told her if she would not be awitch the divill should tare her in peices and Cary her away at w'ch. time she promised to Serve the divill, that she had bewitched a hog of John Lovjoyes to Death &amp; that she had hurt Some persons in Salem Vilage that goody Carier came to her &amp; would have her bewitch two children of Andrew Allins &amp; that she had then two popets made and stuck pins in them to bewitch the said Children by which one of them dyed

[page 343]

the other very sick, that she was at the meeting of the witches at Salem Villiage, that Goody Carier came &amp; told her of the meeting &amp; would have her goe, so they gat upon Sticks &amp; went said Jorny &amp; being ther did see mr Burroughs the minister who spake to them all, &amp; this was about two months agoe that ther was then twenty five persons meet together, that she tyed a knot in a Rage &amp; thre it into the fire to hurt #[a woeman at Salem Village &amp; that she was hurt by her &amp; that her name is Goody Vibber] Timo. Swan &amp; that she did hurt the rest that complayned of her by squesing popets like them &amp; so almost choaked them. --

18 July 1692. Ann Foster Examined confesed that the devill in shape of a #[black] man apeared to her w'th Goody carier about six yeare since when they made her awitch &amp; that she promised to serve the divill two yeares: upon w'ch the Divill promised her prosperity &amp; many things but never performed it, that she &amp; martha Carier did both ride on a stick or pole when they went to the witch meeting at Salem Village &amp; that the stick broak: as they ware caried in the aire above the tops of the trees &amp; they fell but she did hang fast about the neck of Goody Carier &amp; ware presently at the vilage, that she was then much hurt of her Leg, she further saith that she hard some of the witches say that their was three hundred &amp; five in the whole Country, &amp; that they would ruin that place the Vilige, also saith ther was present at that metting two men besides mr Buroughs the minister &amp; one of them had gray haire, she saith that she formerly frequented the publique metting to worship god. but the divill had such power over her that she could not profit there &amp; that was her undoeing: she saith that above three or foure yeares agoe Martha Carier told her she would bewitch James Hobbs child to death &amp; the child dyed in twenty four howers

21. July: 92. Ann. Foster Examined Owned her former conffesion being Read to her and further conffesed that the discourse amongst the witches at the meeting at Salem village was that they would afflict there to set up the Divills Kingdome This conffesion is true as wittnese my hand:


marke of Ann: Foster[page 344]

Ann Foster Signed &amp; Owned the above Examination &amp; conffesion before me

*John Higginson Just'e peace

Salem 10th September 1692

(Reverse) Ann Fosters Examination And Conffession

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 22)

(Indictment v. Ann Foster)

Essex in the Province of the Massachuetts Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno R Rs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;ca Quarto.Anno'qe Domini 1692


The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen doe present that. Ann foster of Andivor In the County of Essex Widdow In &amp; Upon the fifteenth Day of July In the year afores'd. and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries wickedly and Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised &amp; Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex-aforesaid in upon &amp; against one Eliza Hobert of Salem in the County of Essex-aforesaid Single Woman by which Said wicked arts the Said Elizabeth Hobert the day &amp; Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined wasted and Tormented and also for sundry other acts of withcraft by the said Ann foster -- Comitted and done before and Since that time against the peace of o'r Sov'r. Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute in that Case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Indictm't Agst An foster for bewitching Eliza: Hobert Billa Vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 21)

[page 345" id="p928-022]

Nicholas Frost

(Complaint v. Nicholas Frost)

Thomas Dod of marble head complaineth to their Majesties Justices of the peace in Salem against Nicholas frost of pascataque for that the Said Nicholas Frost hath Sorely afflicted Johana Dod daughter of the Said Thomas Dod by witchcraft. to her great hurt: &amp; pray that awrit of Aprehention may be Granted against him &amp; the Said Thomas Dod doth herby oblige him selfe to our Sover's William &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of England &amp;c in the full &amp; whole Sume of one hundred pound Curant mony of New Engld the Condition is that the Said Dod shall procecut the abovesaid complaint against Nicho. Frost to Effect

Dated. 5th. Sept. 1692: The marke of Thomas. Dod.This Recognizance taken before me 5 Sept 1692

*John Higginson Just Peace

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 347" id="p928-024]

Eunice Fry

(See also: Mary Osgood -- Petition.)

(Recognizance for Eunice Fry)


That on the Twentieth Day of December Annoq D&mbar; one thousand six hundred Ninty &amp; two in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;c: King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: Personally came &amp; Appeared before me George Corwin High Sheriffe for the County of Essex of the Province of the Massathuttets Bay in New England -- Deacon John Fry and John Osgood both of Andaver. Yeomen and Acknowledged themselves &amp; Each of them Indebted Unto our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or the Survivors of them their Heires &amp; Successors: in the summe of two hundred pounds to be leaved on their goods &amp; Chattles, Lands &amp; Tenements for the Use of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or the Surviour of them If default be made in the Performance of the Condition Underwritten./.


The Condition of the above written Recognizance is such That whereas Unis Fry Wife to the aboves'd Decon John Fry of Andaver afores'd is suspected &amp; Accused of Committing Diverse Acts of Witchcrafts if therfore the: s'd: Unis fry afores'd: shall &amp; do make her Personall Appearance before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the Next Court of Assize of Oyer &amp; Terminer next Generall Goal Delivery to be held for or within the County of Essex afores'd: to answer w't: shall be objected ag't: her on their Maj'ties behalfe Refering to the: witchcrafts and to do &amp; Receive that: by which said Court shall be then &amp; there Injoyned &amp;

[page 348]

not to depart without Lycence Then the above Recognizan[c] e to be void or Else to abide &amp; Remaine in full force &amp; virtue In Wittness whereof the above Named Persons: John Fry &amp; John Ossgood have herunto sett their hand &amp; seals this Twentieth Day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Ninty &amp; two &amp; in the forth year of their Maj'ties Reigne./.


*Joshua Conant

*Robert Gray

*Jn: Gyles

*John Frie [Seal]

*John Osgood [Seal]( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 73)

(Recognizance for Eunice Fry)


That on the: Twelfth day of Jan'ry 1692 in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady -- William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;c: King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: Personally appeared before William Stoughton Esq'r. cheife Justice of their Maj'ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New England John Osgood of Andiver in the County of Essex Husbandman and #[Jahms] james Fry of the same Towne and acknowledged themselves to be joyntly &amp; Severally indebted unto our sd: Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady &amp; the surviver of them their Heires &amp; Successors in the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their lands and Tennem'ts goods &amp; Chattles for the use of our s'd: Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or Surviver of them on Condition that Eunice Fry the wife of Jno: Fry of Andivor haveing stood committed for suspition of Witchcraft shall make her personall appearance before the Justices of our s'd: Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the next Court of Assizes &amp; General Goal Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then and there to answer to all such matters and things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alledged against her and to doe &amp; receive that which by the s'd: Court shall

[page 349]

be then &amp; there injoyned her &amp; thence not to departe without licence


*Jona Elatson Cle&rbar;

(Reverse) John Osgood &amp; James Fry for Eunice Fry the wife of John Fry of Andover. Apeared May 10th 1692


( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135. No. 102)

[page 351" id="p928-028]

Dorcas Good

(See also: Martha Corey -- Mittimus.)

(Warrant v. Dorcas Good)

To The Marshall of Essex or his Dep't.

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to bring before us Dorcas Good the Daugter of W'm Good of Salem Village tomorrow morneing upon suspition of acts of Witchcraft by her committed according to Complaints made against her by Edw'd Putnam &amp; Jonat putnam of Salem Village.and hereof faile not

Dated Salem. March 23d 1681/2

P us

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists.

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists.

March 23d. 1791/2. I doe apoint mr Sam'll Bradbrook to bee my lawffull Deputy, to serve this summons and to make A true Returne

p'r *George Herrick Marshall of Essex.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 18)

(Officer's Return)


March 24. 1691/2 I have taken the body of Dorcas Good and brought her to the house of leut Nath: Ingersol and is in Costody #[/there]

*Sammuall brabrook

Marshall's Deputy.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 18)

[page 352]

(Mercy Lewis v. Dorcas Good)

The Deposistion of Mercy lewes aged about 19 years who testifieth and saith that on the 3d April 1692 the Apperishtion of Dorrithy good Sarah goods daughter came to me and did afflect me urging me to writ in hir book.

(Reverse) Mercy Lewis against Dorothy. Good.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 17)

(Mary Walcott v. Dorcas Good)

The deposition of mary walcott agged about 17 years who testifieth that about the 21: march 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Dorothy good . sarah goods daughter com to me and bit me and pinch me and so she contineued afflecting me by times tell 24 march being the day of hir examination and then she did torment and afflect me most greviously dureing the time of hir examination and also severall times sence the Apperishtion of Dorothy good has afflected me by biting pinching and almost choaking me urging me to writ in hir book.

(Reverse) Mary Walcott agst Dorothy. Good -- Dorothy good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 17)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Dorcas Good)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 3th March 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Dorythy good Sarah good's daughter who did immediatly almost choak me and tortored me most greviously: and so she hath severall times sence tortored me by biting and pinching and almost choaking me tempting me also to writ in hir book and also on the day of hir examination being the 24 March 1691/92 the Apperishtion of Dorithy good

[page 353]

ly totor me dureing the time of hir Examination and severall times sence.

(Reverse) Ann puttnam ag't Dorothy Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 17)

(Recognizance for Dorcas Good)


That on the Tenth day of December 1692 Samuel Ray of Salem. appeared before me Underwritten One of the Councill for their Maj:tis Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England and acknowledged himselfe Indebted unto Our Soveraign Lord &amp; Lady the king &amp; Queen the Sume of fifty pounds Currant Money of New: England on the Condi&cbar;&obar;&nbar; hereafter Named --

Vid't: That #[] Good Daughter of #[] Good of Salem Labourer being Imprisoned on Suspi&cbar;&obar;&nbar; of her being Guilty of the Crime of Witchcraft &amp; being Now Let to Bail. that if the Said #[] Good Shall appear at the Next assize &amp; Gener'll Goal Delivery to be holden at Salem &amp; abide the Courts Judgment then the above Recognisance to be void Else to remain in force &amp; vertue

(Reverse) Recog'ce not copied

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 87)

[page 355" id="p928-032]

Sarah Good Executed July 19, 1692

(See also: Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination.)

(Warrant v. Sarah Good)

Salem feb'y the 29th 1691/2

Whereas Mrs Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam Edward putnam and Thomas preston Yeomen of Salem Village in the County of Essex personally appeared before us, and made Complaint on Behalfe of theire Majests against Sarah Good the wife of William Good of Salem Village aboves'd for suspition of Witchcraft by her Committed, and thereby much Injury donne to Eliz parris, Abigail Williams Anna putnam and Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afores'd Sundry times within this two moneths and Lately also don, at Salem Village Contrary to the peace of our Sover'n L'd and Lady W'm &amp; mary King &amp; Queen of Engld &amp;c -- You are therefore in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehe'd &amp; bring before us the said Sarah Good, to morrow aboute ten of the clock in the forenoon at the house of L't Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village.or as soon as may be then &amp; there to be Examined Relateing to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to faile at your perile Dated Salem, febr 29th 1691/2

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists.

*Jonathan.Corwin &rsqb; Assists.

To Constable George Locker

(O. R.)

[page 356]

(Officer's Return)

I brought the person of Saragh Good the wife of william Good according to the tenor of the within warrant as is Attest by me 1.March. 1691/2

*George Locker Constable

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 2)

(Examination of Sarah Good)

The examination of Sarah Good before the worshipfull Assts John Harthorn Jonathan Curren

(H.) Sarah Good what evil spirit have you familiarity with

(S G) none

(H) have you made no contract with the devil,

(g) good answered no

(H) why doe you hurt these children

(g) I doe not hurt them. I scorn it.

(H) who doe you imploy then to doe it

(g) I imploy no body,

(H) what creature do you imploy then,

(g) no creature but I am falsely accused

(H) why did you go away muttering from mr Parris his house

(g) I did not mutter but I thanked him for what he gave my child

(H) have you made no contract with the devil

(g) no

(H) desired the children all of them to look upon her, and see, if this were the person that had hurt them and so they all did looke upon her and said this was one of the persons that did torment them -- presently they were all tormented.

(H) Sarah good doe you not see now what you have done why doe you not tell us the truth, why doe you thus torment these poor children

(g) I doe not torment them,

H who do you imploy then

[page 357]

(g) I imploy nobody I scorn it

(H) how came they thus tormented,

(g) what doe I know you bring others here and now you charge me with it

(H) why who was it.

(g) I doe not know but it was some you brought into the meeting house with you

(H) wee brought you into the meeting house

(g) but you brought in two more

(H) Who was it then that tormented the children

(g) it was osburn

(H) what is it that you say when you goe muttering away from persons houses

(g) if I must tell I will tell

(H) doe tell us then

(g) if I must tell I will tell, it is the commandments I may say my commandments I hope

(H) what commandment is it

(g) if I must tell you I will tell, it is a psalm

(H) what psalm

(g) after a long time shee muttered over some part of a psalm

(H) who doe you serve

(g) I serve god

(H) what god doe you serve

(g) the god that made heaven and earth though shee was not willing to mention the word God her answers were in a very wicked, spitfull manner reflecting and retorting aganst the authority with base and abusive words and many lies shee was taken in.it was here said that her housband had said that he was afraid that shee either was a witch or would be one very quickly the worsh mr Harthon asked him his reason why he said so of her whether he had ever seen any thing by her he answered no not in this nature but it was her bad carriage to him and indeed said he I may say with tears that shee is an enimy to all good.

(Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2

Written by Ezekiell Chevers<name type="place">Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 6)

[page 358]

(Examination of Sarah Good)

Salem Village March the 1t. 1691/2

Sarah Good the wife of Wm Good of Salem Village Labourer Brought before us:by George Locker Constable in Salem, to Answer Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam &amp;c of Salem Village yeomen (Complainants on behalfe of theire Majesties) against s'd Sarah Good for suspition of Witchcraft by her Committed and thereby much Injury don to the Bodys of Elizabeth parris Abigaile Williams Anna putnam &amp; Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afore'd according to theire Complaints as p'r warrants.

Dated Salem March 29th, 1691/2

Sarah Good upon Examination denyed the matter of fact (viz) that she ever used any witchcraft; or hurt the abovesaid Children or any of them,

The above named Children being all present positively accused her of hurting of them Sundry times within this two moneths and also that morneing

Sarah Good denyed that she had been:at theire houses in s'd tyme, neere them, or had don them any hurt all the abovesaid children then presente accused her face to face, upon which they ware all dredfully tortred &amp; tormented for a short space of tyme, and the affliction and torters being over they charged s'd Sarah Good againe that she had then soe tortered them, and came to them and.did itt. althow she was personally then keept at a Considerable distance from them

Sarah Good being Asked if that she did not then hurt them; who did it, And the children being againe tortered, she looked upon them, And said that it was one of them Wee brought into the house with us, Wee Asked her who it was, shee then Answered and Said it was Sarah Osburne, and Sarah Osburne was then under Custody &amp; not in the house; -- And the children being quickley after recovered out of there fitt sayd. that itt was Sarah Osburne that then did hurt &amp; torment or aflict them -- althow both of them at the same time at adistance or Remote from them personally; -- their ware also sundry

[page 359]

other Questions put to her &amp; Answers given thereunto by her. according as is also given in.

&pbar us

John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists.

Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 7)

(Mittimus for Sarah Good and Tituba; List of Witnesses)

To the Keeper of theire Majests Goale in Boston

You are in theire Majests names hereby required, to take into your care and safe Custody the Bodys of Sarah Good the wife of W'm Good of Salem farmes husbandman and Titiba an Indian Woman, belonging unto mr. Samuell parris of Salem Village Minester, who stand Charged on behalfe of theire Majests. for theire feloniously Committing Sundry acts of Witchcraft at Salem Village on the Bodys of Elizabeth parris Eliz Hubbert Abigail Williams And Ann putnam of Salem Village. whereby great hurt hath beene donne to theire Body contrary to the peace of our Sov'r L'd and Lady W'm &amp; Mary of England &amp;c King &amp; Queen

Whome you are well to secure untill thay shall thence be delivered by due order of Law and hereof you are not to faile

Dated Boston May the 24t 1692

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists.

*Jonathan Corwin &rsqb; Assists

(O. R.) Mittimus

#[Above] Witnesses against Sarah Good

William Allen

John Hughes

[page 360]

Samuell Brabrooke

Mary walkut

mercy Lewis

Sarah Vibber

Abig'll Williams

Elizabeth Hubberd

Ann Putman

Tittube indian

Richard Patch

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 3)

(Examinations of Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba)

What Sarah Good saith

1 with non 2 shee saith that shee did doe them noe harme 3 shee implyd noe budey to doe the children 4 shee saith that shee hath made no contract nor covenant 5 shee saith that shee never did hurt the children 6 shee saith that she never had familyarity att the Devell 7 shee saith that shee never saw the children in such a condition shee saith that shee came nott to meting for want of cloase who is itt shee usially discorceseth with nobodey: but itt is a psalme or a comandement: her God is the god that made heaven and earth she hops: she saith that shee never did noe harme to mr parr

she saith itt was nott she itt is gamer osborne that doth pinch and aflicht the children

william good saith thatt shee is anenemy to all good shee saith shee is cleare of being a wich

What gamer osborn saith --

1 shee saith she had noe hand in hurting the children nether by hur self by in strements

she saith that shee saith that #[shee] was more lickley beewicht then a wich

shee said shee would never beeleave the devell, the devell did propound to hur that shee should never goe to meting noe more and att that time nothing was suggested to hur elces

Why did she pinch the young woaman shee never did nor dont know who did

[page 361]

What the Indyen woman saith

they have don noe harme to hur shee saith she doth nott know how the dveill works -- Who it it that hurts them the devell frot I know there is fowre that hurts the children 2 of the women are gamer Osburn and gamer Good and they say itt is shee one of the women is atall and short women and they would have hur goe with them to boston and shee oned that shee did itt att first butt [butt] she was sorry for itt: itt was the apearance of a man that came to hur and told hur that she must hurt the Children and she said that 4 times shaps or a hodg or adodge and bid her sarve him she said that shee could nott then she said he would hurt hur shee all soe said that Shee seed a yalow burd that said unto hur sarve me and shee seed 2 catts and they said sarve me she murst more pinch the children

she saith she sends the catt to bid hur pinch them: and the man brings the maid and bids her pinch hir: and they doe pull hur and make hur goe with them to mr putman to perplex them: and they make hur ride upone apoall and they hould the poll and osband and good all soe rids upon poalls and they the 2 women would have hur cill thomas putmans child The 2 women and the man told hur that if she told to hur master they would cutt of hur heed and yester day tetaby abigall sayd that she say athing with wings and 2 leedgs and vanished into the chape of osborn and the indgen oneth the same: and all soe atends osborn a short and hary thing with 2 ledgs and to Whings all soe tetaby oneth that sary good sent a wolfe to scare the dr maid

Written by Jos putnam<name type="place">Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2

(O. R. Sheet 1) Ag't Sarah Good

(Note on top O. R. Sheet 1) This paper was found among Files of the Sessions Court of the year 1715 -- and is now entered here --

March 28'th 1871 --

(O. R. Sheet 2) The papers Relateing to Sarah Good Sarah Osburne and Titiba Indian

Salem March 1691/2

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 4)

[page 362]

(Summary of Evidence v. Sarah Good)

Titabes Confession &amp; Examinacon ag't. her selfe &amp; Sarah Good abstracted

Charges Sarah Good to hurt the Children &amp; would have had her done it 5. were with her last night &amp; would have.had her hurt the Children w'ch she refused &amp; that Good was one of them

Good with others are very strong &amp; pull her with them to Mr. putnams &amp; made her hurt the Child. Good [ther] rode with her upon Apoole behind her, takeing hold of one another doth not know how they goe for she never sees trees nor path but are presently th --

Good [ther] tell her she must kill some body with a knife &amp; would have had her killed Tho: putnams Child last night the Child at the same time afirmed she would have had her cutt of her own head if not Titabe would doe it &amp; complained of a knife cutting her

Good came to her last night when her Mr. was at prayer &amp; would not let her hear hath one yellow bird &amp; stopped her Eares in prayer time, the yellow bird hath been seen by the Children &amp; Titabee saw it suck Good between the forefinger &amp; long finger upon the right hand

Saw Good [ther] practice witchcraft.

Saw Good have a Catt besides the bird &amp; a thing all over hair [ther]

Sarah Good appeared like a wolfe to Hubbard going to proctors &amp; saw it sent by Good to Hubbard

Good [ther] hurt the Children again &amp; the Children affirme the same Hubbard knew th[em] not being blinded by them &amp; was once or twice taken dumb herslefe i:e: Titabe

Good caused her to pinch the Children all in their own persons

Saw Goods name in the booke, &amp; the devell told her they made these marks &amp; said to her she made ther marke &amp; it was the same day she went to prison

Good [ther] came to ride abroad with her &amp; the man shewed her Goods mark in the book

Good [ther] pinched her on the leggs &amp; being searched found it soe after confession

Nota S. G. mumbled when she went away from Mr Parriss &amp; the children after hurt.

[page 363]

Dorothy Goods Charge ag't. her mother Sarah Good. That she had three birds one black, one yellow &amp; that these birds hurt the Children &amp; afflicted persons.

her own Confession

Nota None here sees the witches but the afflicted &amp; themselves Charges Sarah Osburne with hurting the Children -- looking upon them at the same time &amp; not being afflicted must consequently be a Witch

Deliverance Hobs Confession

being at a meeting of the witches in Mr: parisses feild when Mr. Burroughs preached &amp; administred the sacram't to them saw Good amongst the rest &amp; this fully agrees with what the afflicted persons relate. 22th. Apr (92)

Abigaile Hobbs' Confession

was in Company with Sarah Good &amp; knowes her to be a witch &amp; afterwards was taken deafe &amp; Mary walcott [ther] saw Good &amp; osburn run their fingers into this d&pbar;oits ears a little after she spoke &amp; s'd Good told her she sh'd not speake

Mary Warren's Confession

That Sarah Good is a Witch &amp; brought her the booke to signe to.

Elizabeth Hubbard

Mary Walcott

Ann puttnam

Mercy Lewis

Sarah Vibber

Abigail Williams aflicted by S. Good &amp; saw her shape.

Richard Patch

W'm Allen that she app'rd to him when abed

W'm Good. that she hath a strange Tett or wort

John Hughes that he saw strange sights.

Sam; Braybrooke that she said she would not confess unless proved ag't her &amp; that ther was but One Evidence &amp; that an Indian &amp; ther for did not fear

[page 364]

(Reverse) Evidences ag't. Sarah Good Extract of them No. 1 Ind't.

(Reverse) V. Sarah Good Witnesses to the Indictm'ts No. 1


Sarah vibber

Abigall Williams

Eliz. Hubbard

Ann Putman

No. 2

Eliz: Hubbard

A nn Putman

Mary Wolcott

Abigaill Williams


Ann Putman

El. Hubbard

Abigall Williams

Sarah Davis of Wenham widow of Jno. Davis


Sarah vibber

Abigall Williams

Elizabeth Hubbard

Ann Putman

No. 2. versas Good

Marcy Lewis

Ann Putman

Sarah Bibber

Mary Wolcott

abigall Williams

No. 3

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 7)

(Witnesses v. Sarah Good)

against Sarah Wilds

John Andrews

William Perkins

Joseph Andrews

(Note: the following is written vertically across paper which appears to be a memo of some kind rather than a bona fide record)

&amp; also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by S'd Good Comitted &amp; done before &amp; Since that time

(Reverse) Complaints Warrants &amp;c

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 55)

[page 365]

(Indictment v. Sarah Good, No. 1)

Anno: Regis et Reginae Willm. et Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c: Quarto

Essex ss.

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: presents That Sarah Good wife of William Good of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex Husbandman the Second Day of May in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries, Wickedly &amp; felloniously, hath used Practised, &amp; Exersised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Sarah Vibber wife of John Vibber of Salem aforesaid Husband man, by which said wicked Arts: she the said Sarah Vibber, the said Second Day of May in the fourth year abovsaid and divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented, -- and also for Sundry other Acts of witchcraft by said Sarah Good committed and done before and since that time ag't: the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen, their Crowne and Dignity and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided:


Sarah Vibber Jurat

Abigall Williams Jurat

Elizabeth Hubbard Jurat

Ann Putman Jurat

Jno. Vibber -- Sworne

(O.R.) bill a vera No. 1. Ind't. of sarah Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 2)

[page 366]

(Indictment v. Sarah Good, No. 2)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae : nunc: Angliae &amp;: Quarto

Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: &pbar;'esents That Sarah Good Wife of William Good: of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex husbandman the first Day of March in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland Defenders of the faith &amp;c and divers other Days, and times, as well before as after certaine Detestable artes called witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries: wickedly and fellioniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised:at and within the Towne Ship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid. in upon and ag't: one Elizabeth Hubbard: of Salem aforesaid Single woman: by w'ch: said wicked arts the said Elizabeth Hubbart, the said first Day of March in the fourth year aforesaid: and at Divers other Days and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted: Pined, wasted and Tormented as also for Sundry other acts of witchcraft by s'd: Sarah Good Committed and done before and since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King &amp; Queen of England, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made &amp; Provided

Witnessed Elizabeth Hubbard Anne Puttman Jurat Mary Wallcott Jurat in Curia June 28th. 1692. Abigaill Williams Jurat (O.R.) No. 2: Ag't Sarah Good bil a vera Sarah Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 3)

(Indictment v. Sarah Good, No. 3)

The Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady, King William &amp; Mary, Doe present; That Sarah Good the Wife of william Good, of Salem, Village In the County of Essex husband man, upon the. first day of March In the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Soveragine, Lord &amp; Lady W'm. &amp; Mary, by the Grace of god of England, Scotland France &amp; Ireland, King &amp; Queen, defend'rs of the faith &amp;c &amp; Divers other dayes, &amp; Times as well before as after, Certaine Detestable

[page 367]

Arts, Caleditchcrafts &amp; Sorceries, wickedly &amp; feloniously, hath used, practiced &amp; Exersised at &amp; within the Township of Salem aforesaid In upon &amp; against A&nbar;. Puttman, Singlewoman of Salem Village, by which said Wicked arts, the said. A&nbar; Puttnam the said first day of March in the fourth, year, abovesaid &amp; divers other dayes &amp; times, as well before as after, was &amp; is hurt, Tortured, afflicted, Pined Consumed, wasted &amp; Tormented, &amp; also for Sundry acts, of Witchcraft by said Good, Comitted &amp; done before &amp; since that time, against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen, Thair Crowne &amp; dignity and against the forme of, the Statutes, In that Case made &amp; provided.

Witnesses. Ann Putman Jurat Eliz: Hubbard Abigall Williams. Jurat

(O. R.) No. 3 bil a vera Sarah Goods

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 3)

(Summons for Witnesses)

W'm &amp; Mary By the grace of God of England Scotland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen def'rs of the faith &amp;ca.

To Samuel Abbey &amp; his Wife Joseph Herrick &amp; his Wife goodwife Bibber Abigall Williams Elizabeth Hubbard. Mary Wolcott Ann Putman Mercey Lewis. Samuel Braybrook

Wee comand: you and Every of you all Excuses set apart to appear at the Special Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on the 28th. of this Instant month at Nine of the Clock in the Morning there to testify the truth to the best of your knowledge on Severall Indictments then &amp; there to be Exhibited against Sarah Good for Sundry acts of Witchcrafts by her Comitted &amp; done. hereof make return fail not

dated in Salem June.27.1692

*Step: Sewall Clerc.

To the Constables of Salem or any of them


( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 5)

[page 368]

(Officer's Return)

Dat: 28 Jun 1692 -- I have warned the parsens.above.named accorden to tener of this summonce by me.

*John putnam. Const of salem

(O. R.) Subpena versus. Sa: Good.

( Essex county Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 5)

(Samuel Abbey and Mary Abbey v. Sarah Good)

Samuel Abbey of Salem Villiage Aged 45. Years or thereabouts and Mary Abbey his wife aged 38 years or thereabouts, Deposeth and Saith:

That about this Time three Years past W'm: Good and his wife Sarah Good being destitute of an house to dwell in these Deponents out of Charity, they being Poor. lett them live in theirs some time, untill that the said Sarah Good was #[of] so Turbulant a Spirritt, [Spirritt,] Spitefull and so Mallitiously bent, that these Deponents could not suffer her to Live in their howse any Longer; and was forced for Quiettness sake to turne she the said Sarah, with her husband, out of their howse, ever since, which is about two years 1/2 agone; the said Sarah Good, hath carried it very Spitefully &amp; Mallitiously, towards them, the winter following after the said Sarah was gone from our house, we began to Loose Cattle, and Lost severall after an unusall Manner, in drupeing Condition and yett they would Eate: and your Deponents have Lost after that manner 17 head of Cattle within two years, besides Sheep, and Hoggs: and both doe beleive they Dyed by witchcraft, the said William good on the last of may, was twelve months, went home to his wife the s'd Sarah Good, and told her, what a sad-Accident had fallen out, she asked what, he answered that his neighbour Abbey had lost two Cowes, both dyeing within halfe an hour of one another; the s'd Sarah good said she did not care if he the said Abbey had Lost all the Cattle he had, as the said Jno. Good told us. Just that very Day, that said Sarah good was taken up, we yor Deponents had a Cow that could not rise alone, but since presently after she was taken up, the said Cow was well and could rise so well, as if she had ailed nothing: she the said Sarah Good: ever since these Deponants turned her out of their howse she

[page 369]

hath behaveed her selfe very crossely &amp; Mallitiously, to them &amp; their Children calling their Children vile Names and hath-threetened them often

Jurat in Curia.

(Reverse) Sam.Abbey &amp; wife


Sarah Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 8)

(Sarah Gadge v. Sarah Good)

The deposition of Sarah Gadge the wife of Thomas Gadge aged about 40 years this deponent testifieth and saith that about two years &amp; an halfe agone; Sarah Good Came to her house &amp; would have come into the house, but s'd. Sarah Gadge told her she should not come in for she was afraid she had been with them that had the Smallpox: &amp; with that she fell to mutring &amp; scolding extreamly &amp; soe: told s'd Gadge if she would not let her in she should give her something; &amp; she answered she would not have any thing to doe with her &amp; the next morning after to s'd Deponents best remembrance one of s'd Gadges Cowes Died in A Sudden, terible &amp; Strange, unusuall maner soe that some of the neighbors &amp; said Deponent did think it to be done by witchcraft &amp; farther saith not

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 1 Page 8)

(Thomas Gadge v. Sarah Good)

And Thomas Gadge husband of s'd Sarah: testifieth that he had a Cow soe Died about the time abovementioned &amp; though he &amp; some neighbors opened the Cow yet they Could find no naturall Cause of s'd Cowes Death &amp; farther saith not

Thomas gadge and sarah gadge owned this to be the truth on theire oath. before us; the Juriars for Inquest this 28. of June: 92

(Reverse) Thomas Gauge &amp; his wife ver. Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 8)

[page 370]

(Joseph Herrick, Sr., and Mary Herrick v. Sarah Good)

The Deposistion of Joseph Herrick senr. who testifieth and saith that on the first day of March 1691/2: I being then Constable for Salem: there was delivered to me by warrant from the worshipfull Jno. Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esqrs. Sarah good for me to cary to their majesties Gaol at Ipswich and that night I sett a gard to watch her at my own house namely Samu'l: Braybrook michaell dunell Jonathan Baker .. and the affore named parsons Informed me in the morning that that night Sarah good was gon for some time from them both bare foot and bare legde: and I was also Informed that: that night Elizabeth Hubburd one of the Afflected parsons Complaned that Sarah Good came and afflected hir:being bare foot and bare ledged and Samuell Sibley that was one that was attending of Eliza Hubburd strock good on the Arme as Elizabeth Hubburd said and Mary Herrick and wife of the abovesaid Joseph Herick testifieth that on: the 2th: March 1691/2 in the morning I took notis of Sarah Good in the morning and one of hir Armes was Blooddy from a little below the Elbow to the wrist: and I also took notis of her armes on the night before and then there was no signe of blood on them

Joseph herrik senr and mary herrik appearid before us the Jury for Inquest: and did on the oath which the had taken owne this their evidense to be the truth; the 28: of June 1692

Sworne in Court

(Reverse) Memento. Sam. Sibley to be Served Mich'll. Dunwill Jona. Bacar ver. Sa. Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 8)

(William Batten and William Shaw v. Sarah Good and Lydia Dustin)

The testimony of William Batten aged 76 years or their abouts and william shaw aged about 50 years and Deborah his wife aged about 40 years, these all testifie and say that this day was a weeke agoe. Susannah shelding being at the house of william shaw shee was

[page 371]

tied her hands a cross in such a manner we were forced to cut the string before we could git her hand loose and when shee was out of her fit she told us it [was] Goode dastin that did tye her hands after that manner, and 4 times shee hath been tyed in this manner in towe weeks time the 2 first times shee sayth it was goode dastin and the 2 last times it was Sarah Goode that did tye her, we furder testifie that when ever shee doeth but touch this string shee is presently bit.

We furder testifie that in this time there was a broome carried a way out of the house in visibble to us and put in a apple tree two times and a shirt once and a milke tube once was carried out of the house three poles from the house into the woods and she sayeth that it

thes parsons a bove named upon their oath ownid this their tistimony to be the truth before us the Juriars for Inqwest this. 28. of June: 1692

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) W'm. Batten Con. Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 8)

(William Allen, John Hughes, William Good, and Samuel Braybrook v. Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba)

March 5'th 1691/2

Wm Allin saith that on the 1'st of March att night he heard a strange noyse not useually heard, and so continued for many times so that hee was afrighted and coming nearer to it he there saw a strange and unuseall beast lyeing on the Grownd so that goeing up to it the s'd Beast vanished away and in the s'd place strate up 2 or 3 weemen and flew from mee not after the manner of other weemen but swiftly vanished away out of our sight which weemen wee took to bee Sarah Good Sarah Osburne and Tittabe the time was a bout an hour within night and I John Hughes saith the same beeing in Company then w'th s'd allin. as wittness our hands

*william Allen

*john hughes

[page 372]

William Allen further saith that on the 2'd day of march the s'd Sarah Good vissabley appeared to him in his chamber s'd allen beeing in bed and brought an unuseuall light in w'th her the s'd Sarah came and sate upon his foot the s'd allen went to kick att her upon which shee vanished and the light with her

william Good saith that the night before his s'd wife was Examined he saw a wart or tett a little belowe her Right shoulder which he never saw before and asked Goodwife Engersol whether she did not see it when shee searched her

John Hughes. further saith that on the 2'd day of march that comeing from Goodman Sibleys a boute Eight of the clock in the night hee saw a Great white dogg whome he came up to but he would not stire but when He was past hee the s'd dogg followed him about 4 or 5 pole and so disapeared the same night the s'd John Hughes beeing in Bed in a clossd Roome and the dore being fast so that no catt nor dogg could come in the said John saw a Great light appeare in the s'd Chamber and Risseing up in his bed he saw a large Grey Catt att his beds foot

March the 2'd Sam'l Brabrook saith that Carrieng Sarah Good to ippswich the said Sarah leapt of her horse 3 times which was Between 12 and 3 of the clock of the same day w'ch the daughter of Thomas Puttman declared the same att her fathers house the s'd Brabrook further saith that s'd Sarah Good tould him that shee would not owne her selfe to bee a wicth unless she is provd one shee saith that there is but one Evidence and thats and Indian and therefore she fears not and so Continued Rayling against the Majestrates and she Endevered to kill herselfe

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 10)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Sarah Good)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubbard agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 28 february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Sarah good who did most greviously afflect me by pinching and pricking me and so she continewed hurting of me tell the first day of March being the day of her examination and then she did also most greviously afflect and tortor me also dureing the time of

[page 373]

her examynation and also severall times sence she hath afflected me and urged me to writ in her book: also on the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Sarah good goe and hurt and afflect the bodyes of Elizabeth parish Abigail williams and Ann putnam jun'r and also I have seen the the Apperishtion of Sarah Good afflecting:the body of Sarah vibber

mark Eliz:

Hubbardalso in the Night after Sarah goods Examination: Sarah Good came to me barefoot and bareledged and did most greviously torment me by pricking and pinching me and I veryly beleve that Sarah good hath bewicked me also that night Samuell Sibly that was then attending me strok Sarah good on hir Arme


Elizabeth Hubbard

ag't Sarah Good.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Sarah Good)

The Deposition of Ann putnam Ju'r who testifieth and saith, that on the 25th of february 1691/92 I saw the apperishtion of Sarah good which did tortor me most greviously but I did not know hir name tell the 27th of february and then she tould me hir name was Sarah good and then she did prick me and pinch me most greviously: and also sense severall times urging me vehemently to writ in hir book and also on the first day of march being the day of hir Examination Sarah good did most greviously tortor me and also severall times sence: and also on the first day of march 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of sarah good goe and afflect and tortor the bodys of Elizabeth parish Abigail williams and Elizabeth Hubburd also I have seen the Apperishtion of Sarah good afflecting the body:of Sarah vibber.

mark Ann

putnam[page 374]

ann putnam owned this har testimony to be the truth one har oath. before the Juriars of Inqwest this 28: of June 1692

And further says that shee verily beleives that Sarah Good doth bewitch &amp; afflicte her

Sworn before the Court


Ann puttnam ag't. Sarah Good

Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

(Susannah Sheldon v. Sarah Good)

The Deposition of Susannah Shelden agged about 18 years who testifieth and saith that sence I have ben afflected I have very often ben most greviously tortored by Apperishtion of Sarah Good who has most dredfully afflected me by bitting pricking and pinching me and almost choaking me to death but on the 26. June 1692 Sarah good most violently pulled down my head behind a Cheast and tyed my hands together with a whele band &amp; allmost Choaked me to death and also severall times sence the Apperishtion of Sarah good has most greviously tortored me by biting pinching and almost Choaking me to death: also william Battin and Thomas Buffington Juner ware forced to cutt the whele band from ofe my hands for they could not unty it

And farther s'd Sheldon upon giving in this testimony to the grand jury was seized with sundry fits w'ch. when she came to her self she told the s'd jury being aske that it was s'd. Good that afflicted her &amp; a little after Mary Warren falling into a fit s'd. Sheldon affirmed to the Grand jury that she saw s'd Good upon her, &amp; also a sauser being by invisible hands taken of from a Table &amp; carried out of doors s'd. Sheldon affirmed she saw said Sarah Good carry it away &amp; put it where it was found abroad.

Susanah Shelden: oned this har testimony to be the truth before the Juriars of Inquest on the oath which she had taken this. 28. of June 1692.

(Reverse) Susannah Sheldon Ag't Sarah Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

[page 375]

(Johanna Childin v. Sarah Good)

The deposition of Johanna Childun testifieth and saieth that upon 2d: of June: 1692: that the aparition of Sarah good and her least Child did apear to her: and the Child did tell its mother that she did murrder it: to which Sarah good replyed that she did it becaus that she Could not atend it and the Child tould its mother that she was A witch: and then Sarah good said she did give it to the divell

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

(Henry Herrick and Jonathan Batchelor v. Sarah Good)

The deposition of Henery Herrick aged About 21 one years, this deponent testifieth &amp; saith that in Last march was two yeare; Sarah Good came to his fathers house &amp; desired to lodge there; &amp; his father forbid it; &amp; she went away Grumbling &amp; my father bid us follow her &amp; see that shee went away clear, lest she should lie in the barn: &amp; by smoking of her pipe should fire the barn; &amp; s'd deponent with Jonathan Batchelor seing her make a stop near the barne, bid her be gone; or he would set her father of; to which she replied that then it should cost his father Zachariah Herick one; or two of the best Cowes which he had; --

And Jonathan Batchelor aged 14 year testifieth the same abovewritten; and doth farther testifie that about a weeke after two of his grandfathers: Master Catle were removed from their places: &amp; other younger Catle put in their rooms &amp; since that severall of their Catle have bene set Loose in a strange maner --

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) H. Herrick Sarah Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

(Sarah Bibber v. Sarah Good)

The Deposistion of Sarah viber aged about 36 years who testifieth and saith that sence I have been afflected I have often seen the

[page 376]

Apperishtion of Sarah Good but she did not hurt me tell the 2 day of May 1692 tho I saw hir Apperishtion most greviously tortor mercy lewes &amp; Jno. Indian att Salem. on the 11th April 1692: but on the 2: may 1692 the Apperishtion of Sarah good did most greviously torment me by presing my breath almost out of my body and also she did immediately afflect my child by pinceing of it that I could hardly hold it and my husband seing of it took hold of the Child but it cried out and twisted so dreadfully by reson of the torture that the Apperishtion of Sarah Good did afflect it with all that it gott out of its fathers Armes to:also several[ly] times sence the Apperishtion of Sarah Good has most greviously tormented me by beating and pinching me and almost Choaking me to death and pricking me with pinnes after a most dreadfull maner

Sarah viber ownid this har tistimony to be the truth one the oath she had taken: be fore us the Juriars for Inquest: this: 28 dy of June 1692

Sworne. in Court June 29th. 1692.

And further Adds. that shee very beleives uppon her Oath that Sarah Good had bewicthed her --

(Reverse) Sarah viber against Sarah good June 29, 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

(Sarah Bibber v. Sarah Good)

The deposition of Sarah Biber aged 36 years testifieth and sayeth that the saterday night before goode Dustin of Reding was examined I saw the apparition of Sarah goode standing by my bedside, and shee pulled aside the curtain and turned down the sheet and Looked upon my child 4 years old and presently upon it the child was stracke into a great fit that my husband and I could hardly hold it

Sara biber one her oath did owne this har testimony before the Jurriars for Inqwest: this. 28: of June 1692

Jurat Sarah Viber(Note: This appears to be written on the back of an itemized bill)

(In margin) G. Vibber ag'st Goody Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

[page 377]

(Mary Walcott v. Sarah Good)

The Deposistion of Mary wolcott agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that sence I have been afflected I have often seen the Aperishtion of sarah good amongst the wicthes who has also afflected me and urged me writ in hir book

The Mark of Mary WalcotMary welcott ownid this har testimony to be the truth one har oath:before the Jurrars for Inqwest this 28. of June 1692

also mary walcott testifieth that I have seen sarah good afflicting mercy lewes and Elizabeth Hubberd and Abigail williams and I verily beleve she bewicthed me

(Reverse) Mary Wallcott ag't Sarah Good

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 9)

(Samuel Sibley v. Sarah Good)

Samuell Sibly aged about:34: years Testefieth and saith that I being at the house of doctter grides that night after: that Sary good was examened and Elizebeth Hubbard Said that ther sands Sary good #[stands] apon the tabel by you with all hear naked brast and bar footed bar lagded and said o nast Slout if.I. had sum thing.I. wood kill hear then.I.Struck with my Staf wher She Said Sary good Stud and Elizabath hubbard cried out you have heet har right acors the back you have a most killd hear if any body was there they may see it

Jurat in Curia

( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

(Death Warrant for Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth How, and Sarah Wilds)

To Georg: Corwine Gent'n High Sheriff of the County of Essex Greeting

[page 378]

Whereas Sarah Good Wife of William Good of Salem Village Rebecka Nurse wife of Francis Nurse of Salem Villiage Susanna Martin of Amesbury Widow Elizabeth How wife of James How of Ipswich Sarah Wild Wife of John Wild of Topsfield all of the County of Essex in their Maj'ts Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Att A Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer held by Adjournment for Our Soveraign Lord &amp; Lady King William &amp; Queen Mary for the said County of Essex at Salem in the s'd County on the 29th day of June [torn] were Severaly arraigned on Several Indictments for the horrible Crime of Witchcraft by them practised &amp; Committed On Severall persons and pleading not guilty did for their Tryall put themselves on God &amp; Thier Countrey whereupon they were Each of them found &amp; brought in Guilty by the Jury that passed On them according to their respective Indictments and Sentence of death did then pass upon them as the Law directs Execution whereof yet remains to be done:

Those are Therefore in thier Maj'ties name William &amp; Mary now King &amp; Queen over England &amp;ca: to will &amp; Comand you that upon Tuesday next being the 19th day of [torn] Instant July between the houres of Eight &amp; [torn] in [torn] forenoon the same day you Elizabeth How &amp; Sarah Wild From their Maj'ties Goal in Salem afores'd to the place of Execution &amp; there Cause them &amp; Every of them to be hanged by the Neck untill they be dead and of the doings herein make return to the Clerke of the said Court &amp; this precept and hereof you are not to fail at your perill and this Shall be your Sufficient Warrant Given under my hand &amp; seale at Boston the 12'th day of July in the fourth year of the Reign of our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady Wm &amp; Mary King and Queen &amp;ca:

*Wm Stoughton

Annoq Dom. 1692 --


Salem July 19th 1692

I caused the within mentioned persons to be Executed according to the Tenour of the with [in] warrant

*George Corwin Sherif

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition])

[page 379" id="p928-056]

Mary Green

(Recognizance for Mary Green)


That on this Sixteenth Day of December Anno D&mbar; one thousands Six hundred Ninety &amp; two In the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland &amp;c: King &amp; Queen Defend'rs of the faith &amp;c: Personally came and Appeared before me George Corwin High Sherriffe of the County of Essex of the Province of Massetuthetts Bay in New England Peter Green of Haverell in the County afores'd. Weavor and James Sanders of the said Towne Husbandman And Acknowledged themselves &amp; Each of them to be indebted unto our s'd. Sovereigne Lord the King and Lady the Queen or the Surviver of them their Heires and Successo'rs: in the Summe of two hundred pounds to be Leaved on their goods and Chattles Lands &amp; Tenements for the Use of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen or the Survivor of them if Default be made in the Performance of the Condition Underwritten Videllisett

The Condition of the Above written Recognizance is Such That whereas Mary Green Wife of the above bounden Peter Greene of Haverell is Suspected and accused of Committing acts of Witchcrafts If therefore the said Mary Green aforesaid Shall &amp; do make her Personall Appearance before the Justices of our Said Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the Next Court of Assize Oyer &amp; Terminer Next Generall Goal Delivery to be held for or within the County of Essex afores'd: to answer w't: shall be objected ag't: her on their Maj'tes: behalfe Refering to the Witchcrafts &amp; to do and Receive That by which said Court Shall be then &amp; there Injoyned and not Depart without Licence then the above Recognizance to be void or Else to abide and Remane in full force and Virtue In Wittness whereof the abovenamed Persons Peter Green &amp; James

[page 380]

Sanders have hereunto sett their hand &amp; seales this sixteenth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Ninty &amp; two and in the fourth year of their Maj'tes: Reigne:/


*Thomas beadle

*Daniel Lunt

*Jno: Gyles


*Peter Green


Sanders his Marke( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 72)

[page 381" id="p928-058]

Elizabeth Hart

(See also: George Jacobs, Jr. -- Complaint;Roger Toothaker -- Mittimus.)

(Warrant v. Elizabeth Hart)

To the Marshall of the County Essex or his Deputy

You are in theyr Majest&yuml;s Names hereby required to Apprehend &amp; bring before us upon Tuesda&yuml; Next, being being the Seavententh day of this Instant Ma&yuml; by [torn] of the clock in the forenoone att the house of Leut Nath'll: Ingersoll in Salem Village, the bodys of Thomas f [] rer sen'r of Lin Husbandman, and Elizebeth Hart the wife of Isaac Hart of Lin Husbandman, whoe Stand charged in behalf of theyr Majestys, with high Suspition of Sundry Acts of Witchcraft done or Comitted upon [the] Bodys of Ann putnam, Mercy Lewis &amp; others in Salem Village, whereby great hurt hath bin done them, And hereof you are nott to faile,

Salem. dat'd. May. 14th 1692

&Pbar; us *John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 75)

(Officer's Return)

May 15th -- 1692 I have apprehended the above named persons and brought them att [att] the time and place abovewritten to answer as above

&Pbar; *George Herrick Marshall of Essex

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 75)

[page 382]

(Susannah Sheldon v. Elizabeth Hart, Sarah Buckley, and Mary Witheridge

more ov'r one the 19th day above written 92

Suzana Shelden saith that wife buckle Did Aflicke me &amp; her Dater Mary &amp; Misteres hart

(On reverse side of paper) S shelden ag't G Buckly &amp; daugter &amp; G Hart

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 75)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Elizabeth Hart)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that I have often seen the apperishtion of gooddy heart among the witches butt I did not know who she was: nor she did me no hurt tell the 13th of may 1692: that she came to my father house parsonally and tould me who she was and asked me if she had ever hurt me: but ever sence that day she has hurt me most greviously severall times and urgeth me greviously to writ in hir book

(On reverse side of paper) Ann putnam ag't G. Hart

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 75)

(Indictment v. Elizabeth Hart)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay In New England Essex &rsqb; Anno RR's &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae quarto Anno'qe Dom'i 1692

The Jurors for our Sov'r lord and lady the King &amp; Queen pr'sent That Elizabeth Hart Upon or about the 28th Day of May In this prest Yeare 1692 -- And Divers other Days &amp; times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcraft &amp; Sorceries wickedly mallitiously &amp; felloniously hath practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid Upon &amp;

[page 383]

Against One Mary Warren Single Woman -- By which wicked Arts the Said Mary Warren The Day &amp; yeare aforesaid &amp; Divers other Days &amp; times as well before as after was &amp; is Tortured aflicted Tormented Consumed Wasted &amp; Pined Contrary to the peace of o'r Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; Dignity &amp; the laws in that Case made &amp; provided.


Ann Putnam

Mercy Lewis

(On reverse side of paper)


Robert Payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2668 Page 149)

(Petition of Thomas Hart)

To the honoured Generall Court now Sitting in Boston

The humble Petition of Thomas Hart Inhabitant at Linn Sheweth that whereas Elizabeth Hart Mother to the petition'r. was taken into Custody in the Latter end of May Last, and ever Since comitted a prison'r in Boston Goal -- for witchcraft, Tho in all w'ch time nothing has Appeared against her whereby to render her deserving of Christian duty as becomes a child to parents, to make application for the Inlargment of his said Mother, being ancient and not able to undergo: the hardship that is Inflicted from lying in Miserie, and death rather to be Chosen then a life in her Circumstances, the father of the petition'r being ancient and decriped was wholly unable to -- attend in this Matter and the petition'r having lived from his childhood under the Same roofe w'th his said Mother he dare presume to affirme that he never saw nor knew any Evill nor Sinfull practice wherein there was any Show of Impiety nor witchcraft by her, and were it otherwise he would not for the world and all the Enjoyments thereof

[page 384]

Nurrish or support any creature that. he knew ingaged in the Drugery of Satan it is well knoune to all the neighbourhood that the petition'rs Mother has Lived asober and Godly life alwise ready to discharge the part of A good Christian and never deserving of Afflictions from the hands of men for any thing of this nature May it humbly therefore please yo'r hon'rs. to take this Matter into yo'r Consideration in order to the Speedy Inlargment of this person So. much abused and the petition'r as in duty bound shall Ever pray

dated the 19th octob'r. 1692 *Thomas Hart(On reverse of paper) The humble petition of Thomas Hart of Linn 1692

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 Nov. 62)

[page 385" id="p928-062]

Margaret Hawkes

(Complaint v. Margaret Hawkes and Candy)

Essex John Putnam Ju: &amp; Thomas Putnam of Salem Complaines o [torn] Margret Hawkes Late of Barbados now of Salem and her Negro Woman upon suspistion that they doe Afflict Torment by Witchcraft the bodeys of Mary Walcott &amp; Mary Warren, Ann Putnam, All of Salem Spinstrs And Pray that the said Margret Hawkes &amp; her Negro Woman may be apprehended &amp; Comitted according to Law.to Answer the Complaint of the above sait Putnam

salem: I: July 1692 *Thomas Putnam *John Putnam Jun( Boston Public Library - Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 387" id="p928-064]

Sarah Hawkes

(Examination of Sarah Hawkes)

1 Se&pbar;.. 1692/ Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hathorne Mr Corwin Jno Higginson Esq'r The Examination &amp; Confession of Sarah Hawks Daughter in law to Sam'll Wardwell of Andivor

After the afflicted p'rsons had accused her &amp; the Rest of Her Comp'a w'th aflicting of them and.&pbar;'rticularly making them daunce &amp; Sing Several houres at Mr Tylers House And after her Stricking them dwone w'th the Glance of her Eyes in the Court &amp; Recovering them again She Confesses as followes Viz That this last Spring after she had turned the Sive &amp; [Sissers] the Divel Came to her and gott a promise of her but She Never had any thing of him She Saith She went to Salem Village Metting of Witches w'th Good Carryer. She promised to Serve the Divel 3 or 4 Years &amp; to give him her Soul &amp; body &amp; that She signed a paper He offered to her by Making a black Scraule or Mark w'th a Stick as a Confermation of the Covenant &amp; he promised She Should have w't She Wanted but never had any thing of him She Saith She Never afflicted till last night, when She afflicted Martha Sprauge &amp; Rose fostter -- She Saith She knoweth that when She pulled of her Glove In Court She afflicted them -- Noate that Sarah Hawks in Recov'g Sprauge out of her fitt gript her wrist Soe hard that &pbar;rsently it Swelled &amp; Sprauge Could not Stir it but upon Hawks laying her hand Gently upon it it was &pbar;rsently wel again -- She Saith the paper She signed Seemed to her to hang Upon Nothing at the 1rst &amp; 2nd aperance of the Divel he was like a man but the 3rd aperance was like a Shadow She Saith the Divel doth Carry Things out of her mind Strangly for when She Came Up Stairs She had amind to Confese but now Cannot -- She Saith further that W&mbar; Barker was one of her Company when they Daunced at Mr Tylers house &amp; that they Caused Ephraim fostter Wife to Daunce at home &amp; Martha Sprauge Sung at Mr

[page 388]

Tylers almost all day till She was almost killed. She Conffesses that Stephen Johnson Her father &amp; Mother &amp; her Sister Mercy ware of her Company She was baptized a little above a month a goe in five Mile pond &amp; Renounced her former baptisime the Divel dipt her face in the Watt'r &amp; he was then in the Shape of a black Man &amp; has Seen him Several times Since - as to the Witch Metting at the Village She Saw there a doz'n of Strangers riding upon poles but knew them not, ther was aman or 2 the Rest ware Woemen one of the Men ware talle the other short &amp; fatt Noate here that when She had Conffessed all as above, Except the Renounceing of her former baptizme She Could not Come Near any of the afflicted &pbar;rsons without Tormenting them w'th her Eyes but when She did Remember &amp; Conffesed that She had Renounced her former baptiz'e then they ware are Reconciled &amp; Could all take one another by the hand frely -

Sarah Hawks Signed &amp; owned the above S'd Examination &amp; Confession before - me *John Higginson 17 Sep'r 1692

The Mark

Sarah Hawks( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

[page 389" id="p928-066]

Dorcas Hoar

(See also: George Burroughs -- Complaint; Phillip English -- Warrant; Susannah Martin - Mittimus.)

(Examination of Dorcas Hoar)

The Examination of Dorcas Hoar. 2. May. 1692.

Severall of the afflicted fell into fits as soon as she was brought in

El iz: Hubbard said this woman hath afflicted me ever since last Sab: was seven night, &amp; hurt me ever since, &amp; she choakt her own husband.

Mar y Walcot said she told me the same

Abi g: Williams saith this is the woman that she saw first before Tituba Indian or any else.

An n Putman said this is the woman that hurts her &amp; the first time she was hurt by her was the Sab: was seven night.

Susa n: Sheldon accused her of hurting her last moonday night.

Abi g: Williams &amp; An n Putman said she told them that she had choakt a woman lately at Boston

Eliz: Hubbard cryed why do you pinch me the mark was visible to the standers by. The Marshall said she pincht her fingers at that time.

Dorcas Hoar why do you hurt these?

I never hurt any child in my life.

It is you, or your appearance

How can I help it?

What is it from you that hurts these?

I never saw worse than my self

You need not see worse. They charge you with killing your huband

I never did, nor never saw you before

You sent for Goody Gale to cut your head off What do you say to that?

[page 390]

I never sent for her upon that account.

What do you say about killing your husband.

Susan: Sheldon also charged her that she came in with two cats, &amp; brought me the book, &amp; fell into a fit &amp; told me your name was Goody Bukly.

No, I never did, I never saw thee before.

What black cats were those you had?

I had none.

Mary Walcot, Susan: Sheldon, &amp; Abigail Williams said they saw a black man whispering in her ears.

Oh! you are liars, &amp; God will stop the mouth of liars

You are not to speak after this manner in the Court

I will speak the Truth as long as I live.

Mary Walcot &amp; Susan: Sheldon &amp; Eliz: Hubbard said again there was a man whispering in her ear, &amp; said she should never confess.

Good y Bibber free from fits hitherto said there was a black man with her &amp; fell into a fit.

What do you say to those cats that suckt your breast, what are they?

I had no cats.

You do not call them cats, what are they that suck you?

I never suckt none, but my child.

What do you say, you never saw Goody Bukly?

I never knew her.

Goodm: Bukly testifyed that she had been at the house often.

I know you but not the woman

You said you did not know the Name.

Many by-standers testifyed she disowned that she knew the name

I did not know the name so as to goe to the woman

Susan: Sheldon &amp; Abig: Williams cryed there was a blew bird bird gone into her back.

The Marshall struck, &amp; several of the by-standers testifyed that they saw a fly like a Millar.

What did you see goddy Bibber. who was looking up Goody Bibber was taken dumb.

What can you have no heart to confess.

I have nothing to do with witchcraft

They say the Devil is whispering in your ear.

[page 391]

I cannot help it if they do se it.

cannot you confess what you think of these things?

Why should I confess that I do not know.

Susan: Sheldon cryed O Goody Hoar do not kill me, &amp; fell into a fit, &amp; when she came to her self she said, she saw a black man whispering in her ear, &amp; she brought me the book.

I have no book, but the Lords book.

What Lords book.

The Lords book

Oh said some of the afflicted there is one whispering in her ears. There is some body will rub your ears shortly, said the examinant Immediately they were afflicted, and among others Mercy Lewes. Why do you threaten they should be Rubb'd?

I did not speak a word of Rubbing.

Many testifyed she did.

My meaning was God would bring things to light.

Your meaning for God to bring the thing to light would be to deliver these poor afflicted ones, that would not Rubb them.

This is unusual impudence to threaten before Authority. who hurts them now.

I know not.

They were rubbed after you had threatened them.

Mary Walcot, Abigail Williams &amp; Eliz: Hubbard were carried towards her, but they could not come near her

What is the reason these cannot come near you

I can not help it, I do them no wrong, they may come if they will Why you see, they cannot come near you

I do them no wrong

Note. The afflicted were much distressed during her examination. This is true account of the Examination of Dorcas Hoar without wrong to any party according to my original from characters at the moments thereof Witness my hand

*Sam Paris

(On reverse side of Paper)

Dorcas Hoar Examination

( Essex County Archives, Vol. 1 Page 77)

[page 392]

(Indictment v. Dorcas Hoar, No. 1)

Province of the Massashusetts Bay in New England

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae Nunc Angliae &amp;c. Quarto

Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen p'esents That Dorcas Hoar of Beverly in the County of Essex Widow the Second Day of May in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries Wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised: and Exercised, at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid, in and upon and ag't: one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Singlewoman - by which said Wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the Second Day of May in the forth year abovesed.. and Divers other Days and times as well before.as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted &amp; Tormented ag't. the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, and ag't: the forme of the Statute, in that case made and provided


Elizabeth Hubbard Mary Wolcott Ann Putman

(On reverse side of paper)

No (1) Dorcas Hoar bill a vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem - Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 76)

(Indictment v. Dorcas Hoar, No. 2)

Province of the Massashts Bay in New England Essex ss

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c. Quarto

[page 393]

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen: &pbar;'sents That Dorcas Hoar of Beverly in the County of Essex Widow -- the Second Day of May in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: And Divers other Dayes and times as well before as affter, certaine Detestable Arts called witchcraft and Sorceries: wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised, and Exercised, at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in and upon and ag't: one Mary Wolcott of Salem Village Singlewoman - by which said wicked arts the said Mary Wolcott the Second Day of May in the fourth year as aboves'd: and Divers other Dayes and times, as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided:


Mary Walcott

Elizabeth Hubbard

Ann Putman

(On Reverse side of paper) bill a vera Hoar No (2) Dorcas Hoar

( Essex County Archives, Salem - Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 76)

(Rachel Tuck and Hannah Cox v. Dorcas Hoar)

14: 3mo: 1692

The deposition of Rachell Tuck aged about 45 years and Hannah Cox. aged about 30 years these deponants testifie and saith about three years before the date above:named: that Darkis Hoar the wife of William Hoar se'r now deceased., being very sick in hir bed and severall being at that time to watch with hir: namely Christipher Read son in law and his wife and hir daughter Jone Hoar I with severall others: these severall persons being there with said Darkes Hoar to look after hir: and after some time went to the bede side to look after theyr mother and they found hir gon out of the head they knew not how and being affrighted they run out of dor and the last person that went out goodde Hoar seat upon the stayrs or lador

[page 394]

and held her fast and the person that was held fast Cried out-farther Hannah Cox one of the deponants before mentioned saith that the persons: that rune out of the hous in afright weare affraid for some time to goe into the hows but after a while did go in and made lite to se who it was that held the person that said shee was held fast and they found it to be goodde Hoar sitting pon the stayers or lador dressed with hir clothes and hat &amp; cloke on

note: this above written was decleard to the two above said deponants at the hows of Thomas Cox by Jone Hoar doughter to dorkes: and farther saith not --

Jurat in Curia.

(Reverse) Rachele Tuck and Hannah Cox Contra G. Hoare

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchraft Vol. 1 Page 78)

(John Richards v. Dorcas Hoar)

The deposition of John Richards aged about 46 yeares saith that some time this last winter past I being required by the constabell of Beverly as one of the Jorores to understand the Reason of the untimely death of William Hoar beeing at the house of william hoar the rest of the Jury beeing their I the said Richards said to the Rest of the Jury that it was nesesary that the naked body of the deceaced should bee veiued and darcus hoar the wife of the decaced brake out in a very greate pashtion wringing of her hands and stamping on the floore with her feete and said you wiked wretch or wiked wretches what doe you think I have murdered my husband: and the Rest of the Jury blaming her for beeing in such a pashon and then shee was something pasified

Joseph Morgan

Sworn by the same

Sworne-Salem Village May 23: 1692

before us. *John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists

*Jonathan Corwin &rsqb; Assists

(On reverse side of paper) Jno. Richard Con. Hoar &amp; Jos. Morgan

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 78)

[page 395]

(Sarah Bibber v. Dorcas Hoar)

The Deposistion of Sarah Viber agged about 36 years who testifieth and saith that darcas Hoar of Bevrly has most greviously tormented me a great many times with variety of tortors: also on the 2 May 1692 being the day of hir examination I saw Dorcas Hoar or hir Appearanc most greviously torment mary walcot Elizabeth hubbrd Abigaill williams ann putnam jur and Susannah shelden by biting pinching and almost choaking them: and I verily beleve in my heart that Darcas Hoar is wicth for sence she went to prison she has most dreadfully tortred me with variety of tortors: which I beleve if she want a wicth she could not doe

Jurat in Curia

Sarah Vibber: owned to the Jury of inquest that the above written evidene is truth: upon the oath she hath taken: July 2: 92

Mary Warin: testifieth before the Jury of inquest: that; she saw. Dorcas Hoare: of Beverly hurt and afflict: Susanah: Sheldon: then in the presence of the s'd Jury July: 2: 1692

(On reverse side of paper) Sara. Viber ag: Dorcas hoar

Sarah Viber

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 79)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Dorcas Hoar)

The deposistion of Eliz: Hubburd agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith I have been along time afflected by a woman that tould me hir name was Hoar but one the: 2: May 1692 Darcas Hoar of Beverly did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir examination and then I saw that it was the very same woman that tould me hir name was Hoar and if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or allmost choak me allso on the day of hir examination I saw Darcas Hoar or hir Apperance most greviously torment and Afflect the bodys of mary walcott Abigaill williams Ann putnam by biting pinching and al most choaking them to death also severall times sence Darcas Hoar or hir Apperance has most greviously tormented me with variety of tortors and I verily

[page 396]

beleve that Darcas hoar the prisoner att the barr is a wicth for sence she has been in prison she or hir Appearance has com to me and most dreadfully tormented with veriety or tortors: which I beleve she could not doe with out she ware a wicth

Eliz: Hubbard: owned to the Jury of inquest: that the above evidence: is the truth July:2: 1692

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper) Elizabeth Hubart ag: hoar

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 79)

(Mary Walcott v. Dorcas Hoar)

The deposistion of mary walcott agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith I have been a long time afflected by a woman that tould me hir name was Hoar: but on the: 2 May 1692 . Darcas Hoar of Beverly did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination for if she did but look parsonally upon me she would strick me down or allmost choak me to death: allso on the day of the examination of darcas Hoar . I saw hir: or hir Apperanc most greviously torment and afflect the bodyes of Eliz: Hubburd Abigaill williams Ann putnam and Susannah shelding also severall times senc the afforesaid darcas hoar or hir Apperance has most greviously tormented me by biting pineching and allmost choaking me to death and I verily beleve in my heart that Darcas Hoar is a most dreadfull wicth, for she or hir Appearance has come and most dreadfully tormented me sence she was put in prison which I beleve she could not doe if she ware not a wicth. Mary Walcot: owned: to the Jury of inquest: the above written evidence: to be the truth: upon: oath: July: 2: 92

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper) Mary Walcot ag: hoar

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 80)

[page 397]

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Dorcas Hoar)

The deposistion of Ann putnam Jun'r who testifieth and saith that on the latter end of April 1692 ther came an old woman and did most greviously torment me and tould me hir name was Hoar: but on the 2 May 1692 Darcas Hoar did most dreadfully torment me during the time of hir Examination and then I saw that it was the very same woman that tould me her name was Hoar: allso on the day of hir Examination I saw Darcas Hoar or hir Apperance most greviously torment and afflect mary wallcott Eliz: Hubbred Sarah vibber Abigail williams and I verily beleve in my heart that Darcas Hoar is a wicth for sence she went to prison she or hir Apperanc has com to me and most greviously tormented me by biting pinching and almost choaking me to death

ann putman ownid this har tistimony to be the truth one har oath before the Juriars of Inques: this 2. day of July: 1692

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper) ann putman ag hoar

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 80)

(The Rev. John Hale v. Dorcas Hoar)

John Hale aged 56 yeares Testifieth 6. 7. 1692 That for severall yeares agoe formerly were storys told concerning Dorcas Hoar her beeing a fortune teller. And that she had told her owne fortune, viz that she should live poorely so long as her husband willm Hoar did live, but the said will should dye before her, &amp; after that shee should live better. Allso the fortune of Ens: Corning &amp; his wife who should dye.first &amp; that shee had had a book of fortune telling. About twenty two yeares agoe the s'd Dorcas manifested to me great repentance for the sins of her former life &amp; that she had borrowed a book of Palmstry, &amp; their were rules to know what should come to pass. But I telling her that it was an evill book &amp; evill art shee seemed to me to renounce, or reject all such practices: whereupon I had great charity for her severall yeares. But 14 yeares agoe last spring I discovered

[page 398]

an evillractice had been between a servant of mine &amp; some of s'd Hoars children in conveying goods out of my house to the s'd Hoars. and I had a daughter Rebecca then between 11 &amp; 12 years old, whome I asked if she knew of the Hoars stealing: she told me yea, But durst not reveale it to me, &amp; one reason was, she was threatened that Goody Hoar was a witch &amp; had a book by w'ch shee could tell what s'd Rebecca did tell me in my house &amp; if the s'd Rebecca told me of the stealing, the said Hoar would raise the devill to kill her, or bewitch her, or words to that effect. (but whether she said that Dorcas her selfe or her chilldren told Rebecca those words I remember not) I asked Rebecca if she saw the book she said yea, she was shewed that book &amp; their were many streaks &amp; pictures in it by w'ch (as she was told) the said Hoar could reveale secretes &amp; work witchcrafts. I asked her how big the book was, she said it was like a gramer, that lay on the table. And said shee now I have told you of the stealing Goody Hoar will bewitch me. I perswaded my daughter not to think so hardly of Goody Hoar. But she replyed I know Goody Hoar is a witch (or to the effect) &amp; then told storys of strange things that had been acted in or about my house, when I &amp; my wife were abroad to fright s'd Rebecca into silence about the theft, w'ch s'd Rebecca judged to be acts of s'd Hoars witchcraft the particulars I have now forgotten. I called to minde that the s'd Hoar had told me of a book of palmstry she had, but not the bigness of it; therefore that I might be better satisfyed I asked Thomas Tuck if he knew Goody Hoar to have a book of fortune telling &amp; he said yea shee had, such a kind of book w'ch he had seen w'th streaks &amp; pictures in it and that it was about the bigness of such a book poynting to a gramer, or book of like magnitude. this confirmed me in the opinion that my daughter had seen such a book. And after my daughters death a freind told me that my daughter said to her shee went in fear of her life by the hoars till quieted by the script'r. Fear not them w'ch can kill the boady &amp;c.

About those times other things were spoken of the s'd Hoares suspicians of her witchcraft whereupon a frend of mine did as I was informed acquaint Maj'r Denison w'th them, for his consideration &amp; as I was informed Maj'r Denison took an opportunity to examine s'd W'm Hoare about a fortune book his wife had &amp; W'm Hoar answered the book was John Samsons &amp; his wife had returned the

[page 399]

book long agoe &amp; so the matter was left for that time. When discourses revived of Goody Hoars fortune telling of later times, &amp; she beeing comited to Boston I did last may speak w'th her of may things that I had known &amp; heard of her. Shee told me that he owne fortune that she spake of, she was told by a shipmaster when she was first marryed. &amp; Ens: Corning fortune viz that his first wife should dye before him (w'ch is since come to pass) she sapke it from observing a certain streak under the eye of s'd Corning or his wife: But as I take it it was his wife had the streak. And for seeing the devill, or any spirit but ones, &amp; that was soon after old Thomas Tuck dyed (w'ch I take to be about ten yeare since) &amp; that shee took it to be the Ghost of Thom: tuck coming to speak w'th her about some land s'd Tuck had told her of before his death. But that shee fled from the Ghost &amp; got away.

The fortune book she said was about the bigness of a childs Psalter (w'ch agrees w'th that of a gramer) But owned no other but that of John Samsons w'ch he had from her as she said above 20 years agoe &amp; that shee had not told fortunes since the time I had layed before her the evill of it. w'ch is about 20 or 22 years since. I lately spake w'th John Samson &amp; he told me that he had a book of Palmstry when he lived at Goody Hoars w'ch shee had seen: but that it was a book in quarto. &amp; he sold it at Casco-Bay about 30 yeares since &amp; had not seen it since

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper)

Mr. Jno. Hale

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 80)

(Edward Hooper v. Dorcas Hoar)

The depersistion of Edward hooper aged about. 15. years being with John neal at Dorkus hore's house when the s'd. neal brought a hin of the s'd whors which he had kiled doing damagee in his master

[page 400]

whitredg's Corn the s'd whore did say then to the s'd. John: Neall that he should be never the beter for it be fore the weak was out

Jurat in Curai

(Reverse) Edward Hooper

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 81)

(Joseph Morgan v. Dorcas Hoar)

The depotion of Joseph morgin aged abought 46 years or their aboughts Testifyeth and saith that gooday hoer being at my hous did pretend sum thing of forting telling and thair said that I shuld dy before my wife and that my oldest dauter shuld not Live to be a woman and further saith that oldest dauter shuld not live to be a woman. and further sayth that my self being caled to sit on the Jurey to sarch the body of goodman hore he dying very sudingly: that then on desiering to have his body stript thee; said Goody hoar did fly out in a great pation and said what do you think that I have kild my husband you retches you and

( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 81)

(Deborah Morgan v. Dorcas Hoar)

The depotion of Debrough morgin aged 43: years, or their aboughts testifyeth and sayth that goody hoer being at ouer hous said that my oldst dauter shuld never live to be a woman; and I asking her how shee knew: she told me that shee observed sum veins abought her eys by which shee knew; and further saith not

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Joseph &amp; Deborah Morgan

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 81)

[page 401]

(Mary Gage v. Dorcas Hoar)

The deposition of Marie Gadge aged about 48 years this deponent testifieth &amp; saith that about nine years agon s'd Deponent &amp; her son Josiah Wood being at the house of John Giles in Beverly &amp; Dorcas hoare being there alsoe; the s'd Hoare told her that her Child was not Long lived &amp; s'd Deponent asked her how she knew: the Child being well then, s'd Hoare replied it would not live Long &amp; bade her marke the end of it; &amp; about a month after that time her s'd Child was taken sick &amp; died sudenly and about halfe a year after s'd Deponent asked s'd Hoare how she could fortell the death of the Child her answer was she had acquaintance with a doctor that taught her to know &amp; had a doctors booke by her And s'd Deponent saith farther that about 2 year agon s'd Deponent being often Concerned at the house of Benjamin Balch sen'r w'th his son David being then sick: she heard s'd David Balch often Complaine that he was tormented by witches: s'd Deponent asked him whether he knew who they were &amp; s'd David balch answered it was Goody wiles &amp; her Daughter &amp; Goody Hoare. &amp; one of marblehead he knew not by name; saying alsoe there was a Confederacy of them &amp; they were then whispering together at his beds feet, and desired Gabriell Hood to strike them: &amp; when he did strike at the place where s'd. Balch said they sate: s'd Balch said that he had struck Goody wiles &amp; she was Gone presently: and at severall other times s'd Balch Cried out of Good Hoares tormenting him &amp; prayed earnestly to the Lord to bring them out &amp; discover them &amp; farther saith not

Jurat in Curia


Mary Gage

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 82)

(John Lovet v. Dorcas Hoar)

The depersision of John Lovet aged about 25 years this deponant tetifieth &amp; say that he the s'd deponant sume time in June

[page 402]

last past went into the prisan to see my gran mother then goodee hore asked me the s'd. deponant whether I knew of any witnesses that would Come in or be brought in against hear.&amp;.I the s'd deponant told her I did not know of any and then the s'd. hore asked me whether goodman witreg would not Come in against her about his Cow I the s'd debonant tould the s'd whore I did believe he Would the s'd whore replyed she did not know that he had ara Cow, furder saith not

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Jno. Lovett

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 82)

(Thomas Putnam and Edward Putnam v. Dorcas Hoar)

The deposistion of Thos: putnam aged 40 years and Edward putnam aged 36 year who testifie and saith. that we haveing been conversant with Divers of the afflected parsons as mary Walcott Eliza Hubbrd Ann putnam and others: and we have seen them most greviously tortored by biting and pinching and their bones almost put out of joynt greviously complaineing of one gooddy Hore of beverly for hurting them but on the: 2: day of may 1692 being the day of the examination of Dorcas Hoar. of Beverly the above said afflected parsons ware most greviously tormented dureing the time of hir examination for upon the glance of hir eies thay ware strucken down or allmost choke also severall times sence we have seen the above named parsons most greviously tormented and the markes of plaine bits on there flesh and complaining of gooddy Hoar for hurting them: and we beleve that Dorcas Hoare the prisoner att the barr has often hurt the affore name parsons by acts of wicthcraft

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Tho: Putman &amp; Edward Putman

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 82)

[page 403]

(John Tuck v. Dorcas Hoar)

The depersision of John tuck aged about 18 years this deponant doth testif and say that I the s'd. deponant being at the hous of Dorkas hore about.3 year agone with John neal which was then thomas whitredges servant then the. s'd. neal brought a hin of the said whors which he the. s'd. neal had kiled doing damage in. his. s'd. masters Corn. &amp; I the s'd deponant being thare when the. s'd. neal presented the hen to hear: the s'd hore did then break out in grreat pashan and told the. s'd. John neal that it should be the worst weaks work that Ever he did farder saith not

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 82)

(Joseph Tuck v. Dorcas Hoar)

Joseph tuck aged about.15.years doth say that he being with his brother John tuck doth say that he Can witness to the very same above writen.

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Jno Tuck Joseph Tuck

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 82)

(Petition of John Hale, Nicholas Noyes, Daniel Epes, and John Emerson, Jr.)

To his Excellency S'r William Phips Governour of the Province of the Massachussetts Colony in New England or in his absence to the Honourable William Stoughton Esq'r. Leiftenant Govern'r

The Petition of the subsscribers humbly sheweth That it hath pleased the Lord we hope in mercy to the soule of Dorcas Hoar of Beverly to open her he [torn] out of distress of conscience, as shee

[page 404]

profesceth, to confess her selfe guilty of the heynous crime of witchcraft for w'ch shee is condemned, &amp; how &amp; when shee was taken in the snare of the Devill, &amp; that she signed his book with the forefinger of her right hand &amp;c.

Allso she gives account of some other persons that shee hath: known to be guilty of the same crime.

And beeing in grat distress of Conscience earnestly craves a little longer time of life to realize &amp; perfect her repentance for the salvation of her soule.

These are therefore humbly to petition in her behalfe that their may be granted her one months time or more to prepare for death &amp; eternity unless by her relapse, or afflicting others she shall give grounds to hasten her execution. And this wee conceive if the Lord sanctify it may tend to save a soule, &amp; to give opportunity for her making some discovery of these mysterys of iniquity, &amp; be profidentiall to the encouraging others to confess &amp; give glory to God.

&amp; the petitioners shall pray &amp;c. the Humble servants

Salem. September 21: 1692.

*John Hale

*Nicholas Noyes

*Daniel Epes --

*John Emerson jun'r

Haveing Heard &amp; taken the Conffession of dorcas Hoar doe ConSent that her Execution be Respited untill further ord'r

21. 7th 92

*Bartho Gedney

(Reverse) These for His Excellency S'r W'm Phips Govern'r &amp;c at Boston or to the Honourable W'm Stoughton Esq'r Leif&tbar; Gov'r at Dorchest'r

Petition of John Hale

Nicho. Noyes &amp;c


( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division)

[page 405" id="p928-082]

Abigail Hobbs

(See also: Giles Corey -- Warrant.)

(Examination of Abigail Hobbs, April 19, 1692)

The Examination of Abigail Hobbs , at Salem Village, 19 April, 1692, by John Hawthorn and Jonath. Corwin, Esqs., and Assistants.

Abig. Hobbs. you are brought before Authority to answere to sundry acts of witchcraft, committed by you against and upon the bodies of many, of which severall persons now accuse you. What say you? Are you guilty, or not? Speak the truth.

I will speak the truth. I have seen sights and been scared. I have been very wicked. I hope I shall be better, if God will help me.

What sights did you see?

I have seen dogs and many creatures.

What dogs do you mean, ordinary dogs?

I mean the Devil.

How often, many times?

But once.

Tell the truth.

I do tell no lye.

What appearance was he in then?

Like a man.

Where was it?

It was at the Eastward at Casko-bay.

Where, in the house, or in the woods?

In the woods.

In the night or in the day?

In the day.

How long agoe?

About 3 or 4 years agoe.

What did he say to you?

[page 406]

He said he would give me fine things, if I did what he would have me.

What would he have you do?

Why, he would have me be a witch.

Would he have you make a covenant w'th him?


And did you make a covenant with him?

Yes, I did, but I hope God will forgive me.

The Lord give you Repentance.

You say you saw dogs, and many sorts of creatures.

I saw them at that time.

But have you not seen them at other times too?



At our house.

What were they like?

Like a cat.

What would the cat have you do?

She had a book and would have me put my hand to it.

And did you?

No, I did not.

Well, tell the truth, did you at any other time?

Yes, I did, that time at the Eastward.

What other creatures did you see?

I saw things like men.

What did they say to you?

Why they said I had better put my hand to the Book.

You did put your hand to the book you say?

Yes, one time.

What, would they have you put your hand to their book too?


And what would they have you do then, would they have you worship them?

They would have me make a bargain for so long, and do what they would have me do.

For how long?

Not for above 2 or 3 years.

How long did they agree with you for?

But for (2) two years.

[page 407]

And what would they then do for you?

They would give me fine clothes.

And did they?


When you set your hand the last time to book, how long was that for?

It was for (4) years.

How long is that agoe?

It is almost 4 years. The book was brought to me to get my hand to it for 4 years, but I never put my hand but that once at Eastward.

Are you not bid to hurt folks?


Who are you bid to hurt?

Mercy Lewes and Ann Putman.

What did you do to them when you hurt them?

I pinch't them.

How did you pinch them, do you goe in your own person to them?


Doth the Devil go for you?


And what doth he take, your spirit with him?

No. I am as well as at other times: but the Devil has my consent, and goes and hurts them.

Who hurt your mother last Lord's day, was it not you?


Who was it?

I heard her say it was Goody Wilds at Topsfield.

Have you been in company with Goody Wilds at any time?

No, I never saw her.

Well, who are your companions?

Why I have seen Sarah Good once.

How many did you see?

I saw but two.

Did you know Sarah Good was a witch, when you saw her?


How did you know it?

The Devil told me.

Who was the other you saw?

[page 408]

I do not remember her name.

Did you go and do hurt with Sarah Good?

No, she would have me set my hand to her book also.

What mark did you make in the Devil's book when you set your hand to it?

I made a mark.

What mark?

Have you not been at other great meetings?


Did you not hear of great hurt done here in the village?


And were you never with them?

No, I was never with them.

But you know your shape appeared and hurt the people here.


How did you know?

The Devil told me, if I gave consent, he would do it in my shape.

How long agoe?

About a fortnight agoe.

What shape did the Devil appear in then?

Like a black man with an hat.

Do not some creatures suck your body?


Where do they come, to what parts, when they come to your body?

They do not come to my body, they come only in sight.

Do they speak to you?


How do they speak to you?

As other folks.

What do they speak to you, as other folks?

Yes, almost.

Then other questions were propounded to her, but she was taken D E A F: and Mary Walcot, Mercy Lewes, Betty Hubbard, Abig. Williams and Ann Putman jun'r, said they saw Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn run their fingers into the examinant's ears; by and by, she this examinant was blind, with her eyes quite open.

A little after, she spake and said, Sarah Good saith I shall not speak; And so the Court ordered her, being seized with dumbness, to be taken away.

[page 409]

Note. The afflicted, i.e., the bewitched persons, were none of them tormented during the whole examination of this accused and confessing person, Abigail Hobbs.

Note. -- After this examination, Mercy Lewes, Abigail Williams, and Ann Putman, three of the sufferers, said openly in Court, they were sorry for the condition this poor Abig. Hobbs was in, which compassion they expressed over and over again.

SALEM VILLAGE, April the 19th, 1692.

Mr. Samuell Parris being desired to take in wrighting the examination of Abigail hobs, hath delivered it as aforesaid.

Upon heareing the afores'd and seing what wee then did see, together with the charge of the persons then present, wee comitted said Abigail Hobs to theire Majestie's Gaole

*John Hathorne, &rsqb; Assis'tts.

*Jonathan Corwin, &rsqb; Assis'tts.

This confession and examination is the Truth as witness my hand 9th Sept. 1692 &rsqb; The Marke of ABIGAIL HOBS.

Abigail Hobs signed and owned this confession and examination before me 9th Sept. 1692.

*JOHN HIGGINSON, Justice Peace.

(The Diaries of Benjamin Lynde and of Benjamin Lynde, Jr. with an Appendix [ Boston, 1880], pp. 211-216.)

(Examination of Abigail Hobbs, April 20, 1692)

Abigail Hobb's Examination 20. Apr. 1692 in Salem Prison

This Examinant declares that Judah White, a Jersey maid that lived with Joseph Ing'rson at Cascoe, but now lives at Boston, with whome this Examinant was very well formerly acquainted, came to her yesterday in apparition, together with Sarah Good, as this Examinant was going to Examination, and advised her to fly, and not

[page 410]

goe to be Examined, shee told them that She would goe; They Charged her if she did go to Examination not to Confess anything. She Said she would Confes all that She knew; They told her also Goody Osburn was a witch This Judah White came to her in fine Cloaths in a Sad coloured Silk Mantel, with a Top knot and an hood She Confesseth further that the Devil in the Shape of a Man came to her and would have her to afflict Ann Putnam, Mercy Lewis, and Abigail Williams, and brought their images with him in wood like them, and gave thorns, and bid her prick them into those images, which She did accordingly into Each of them one.and then the Devil told her they were afflicted which accordingly they were and Cryed out they were hurt by Abigail Hobbs. She Confesseth, She was at the great Meeting in Mr Parris's Pasture when they administered the Sacram'tt, and did Eat of the Red Bread and drink of the Red wine att the same Time.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 50)

(Examination of Abigail Hobbs, May 12, 1692)

Abigail Hobbs Examination att Salem Prison May. 12. 1692 --

Q. Did Mr Burroughs bring you any of the poppets of his wives to stick pinns into?

An: I do not Remember that he did.

Q. Did he of any of his Children, or of the Eastward Souldres.

A. No.

Q. Have you known of any that have been killed by witchcraft.

A. No. No -- Body.

Q. How came you to speak of mr Burrougs's Wifes yesterday?

A. I dont know.

Q. Is that true about Davis's Son of Cascoe, and of those of the Village?

A. yes it is true

Q. What Service did he put you upon? and who are they you afflicted?

A. I cannot tel who, neither do I know whether they dyed.

Q. were they Strangers to you, that Burrougs would have you afflict?

[page 411]

A. Yes

Q. and were they afflicted accordingly?

A. Yes.

Q. cant you name Some of them?

A. No I cannot Remember them

Q. where did they Live?

A. att the Eastward

Q. Have any vessells been cast away by you?

A. I do not know.

Q. Have you Consented to the Afflicting any Other besides those of the village?

A. Yes.

Q. Who were they?

A. I cannot tell, But it was of such who lived att the fort side of the River about half a mile from the fort, toward Capt. Bracketts.

Q. What was the hurt you did to them by Consent?

A. I dont know.

Q. was their any thing brought to you like them?

An. yes.

Q. what did you stick into them?

A. Thorns.

Q. did some of them dy?

A. Yes. one of them was Mary Laurence [that dyed.]

[Q. Wher]

[Q. where] did you stick the thorns?

A. I do not know

Q. was is about the middle of her body?

A. Yes and I stuck it right in.

Q. what provoked you, had she displeased you?

A. Yes by some words she spoke of mee.

Q. who brought the image to you?

A. It was Mr Burroughs.

Q. How did he bring itt to you?

A. In his own person Bodily.

Q. where did he bring it to you?

A. Abroad a little way of from o'r house.

Q. and what did he say to you then?

A. He told me He was angry with that family.

Q. How may years Since was it?

A. Before this Indian Warr.

[page 412]

Q. How did you know mr. Burroughs was a Witch?

A. I dont know. She owned againe She had made two Covenants with the Devil, first for two years, and after that for four years, and She Confesseth herslef to have been a Witch these Six years.

Q. did the Maid Complain of pain about the place you stuck the thorn in.

A. yes But how long she Lived I dont know.

Q. How do you know burroughs was Angry w'th Lawrences family?

A. Because he told me so:

Q. where did any other live that you afflicted?

A. Just by the Other toward James Andrews's, and they dyed also.

Q. How many were they more than one?

A. Yes.

Q. And who brought those Poppets to you?

A. Mr Burroughs.

Q. what did you stick into them?

A. Pinns, and he gave them to mee.

Q. Did you keep those Poppets?

A. No, he carryed them away with him.

Q. was he there himselfe with you in Bodily person?

A. yes, and So he was, when he appeared to tempt mee to set my hand to the Book, he then appeared in person, and I felt his hand att the Same time

Q. were they men, Women or Children you killed?

A. They were both Boys and Girls.

Q. Was you angry with them yourself?

A. Yes, tho I dont know why now.

Q. Did you know mr Burroughs's Wife?

A. Yes.

Q. Did you know of any poppits prickd to kill her?

A. No I dont

Q. Have you seen several Witches at the Eastward

A. Yes, But I dont know who they were.

(Reverse) Abigail Hobs Examinations.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 50)

[page 413]

(Examination of Abigail Hobbs, June 29, 1692)

Examinacon of Abigall Hobbs [before theire] Maj'ties Justices June 29 1692.

Saith that on Friday last John Procter Sen'r being in a room w'th her alone told her that She had better to aflict then be aflicted &amp; that She Should not be hanged but Enjoyned her to aflict Ann Putman &amp; perswaded her to Set her hand to the Booke &amp; Guided her hand personaly to do it &amp; after this his appearance brought me a poppet &amp; a Thorne w'ch I Stuck into the poppet to aflict s'd Ann Putman a friday

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 51)

(Lydia Nichols v. Abigail Hobbs)

lidea Nickals aged about 17 years testifieth &amp; saith that a boute a yeare &amp; halfe agoe I asked abigaill hobs how She darst lie out a nights in the wods alone She told me she was not a fraid of any thing for She told me She had Sold her selfe boddy &amp; Soull to the old boy and sins this about a fortnight agoe the said abigaill hobs &amp; her mother came to our hous my father &amp; mother being not at home she begane to be rude &amp; to behave her selfe unseemly I told her I wondred she was not ashamed She bide me hold my tonge or else she would rays all the folks thereabouts &amp; bid me look there was old nick or else old cratten sate over the bedsted then her mother told her shee little thought to a bin the mother of such a dauter

Elisabeth Nickals aged about 12 years testifieth the same she said at our hous about a fortnight agoe

(On reverse side of paper)

Lydia &amp; Elizabeth Nickolls ag'st Abig'll. Hobbs

These may certify whome it may concerne

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 51)

[page 414]

(Indictment v. Abigail Hobbs, No. 1)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692


The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe &pbar;sent that Abigaill Hobbs of Topsfeild -- In the County of Essex Single Wom&amacr; At Salem aforesaid in the County of Essex aforsaid the Ninteenth da&yuml; of Aprill In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and Felloniously hath used practized and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem. Aforesaid in upon and against one Merc&yuml; Lewiss of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid Single Woman -- by which Said Wicked Acts the Said Mercy Lewis the day &amp; years -- Aforesaid &amp; divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the Said Abigail Hobbs -- Comitted and done before and Since that time against our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the forme in the Stattute in that case made and Provided.


mercy lewes

mary walcott

Eliz Hubbrd

Ann putnam

(On reverse side of paper)

indictm't. ags't. Abigail Hobbs for

bewitching Mercy Lewis. bil a Vera


( Essex Institute, MSS. Collection)

(Indictment v. Abigail Hobbs, No. 2)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Ss

Anno RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq 3 Domini 1692

The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present that Abagaile Hobbs of Topsfeild in the County aforesaid

[page 415]

Single Wooman In the yeare of our Lord 1688. In Cascoe Bay in the Province of Mayne in New England. Wickedly and Felloniously a Covenant with the Evill Spirritt the Devill did make Contrary to the peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen theire Crowne and Dignity, and the forme of the Stattute In that case made and Provided.

( Essex Institute, MSS. Collection)

(Priscilla Chub v. Abigail Hobbs)

The deposistion of prisceller chub aged about 31: years, this deponent testifieth and saith that sum time the last winter I was a discorsing with Abigaill Hobbs about her wicked cariges and disobedience to hir father and Mother and she tould me she did not care what any body said to hir for she had seen the divell and had made a covenant or bargin with him.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 51)

(Margaret Knight v. Abigail Hobbs)

The deposition of margaritt knight aged about 18 years who testifeith and saith that about ayear agoe Abigail Hoobs. and hir mother ware att my fathers house: and Abigail Hoobs said to me Margaritt are you baptized: and I said yes; then said she my mother is not baptized. but said I will baptize hir and immediatly took watter and sprinckeled in hir mothers face and said she did baptized hir in the name of the father son and Holy Ghost

(Reverse) Ma. Knight

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 51)

(Mercy Lewis v. Abigail Hobbs)

The deposistion of mircy lewes agged about 19 years who testifieth that about the 17th of April 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of

[page 416]

Abigail Hoobs the daughter of william Hoobs com and afflect me by pinching and almost choaking me urging me to writ in hir book and so she continewed hurting of me by times tell the 19th of April: being the day of hir examination but as soon as she began to confess she left ofe hurting me.

(Reverse) Merc&yuml;.Lewis against Abigall.Hobbs.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 52)

(Mary Walcott v. Abigail Hobbs)

The deposistion of Mary Walcott aged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that about the 14 April 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Abigail Hoobs the daughter of William Hoobs com and afflect me by pinching and all most choaking me urging me to writ in hir book and so she continewed to afflect me by times tell the day of hir examination being the 19th April but as soon as she began to confess she left ofe afflecting me

(Reverse) Mary Walcott ag'st. Abigail Hobbs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 52)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Abigail Hobbs)

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that about the 13th of April 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Abigail Hoobs the daughter of william Hoobs com and afflect me by biting pinching and almost choaking me urging me to writ in hir book and so she continewed by times hurting me twll the 19th of April being the day of hir Examination but as soon as she began to confess she left ofe hurting me.

(Reverse) Ann puttnam. Ag'st Abigall. Hobbs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 52)

[page 417]

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Abigail Hobbs)

The deposistion of Eliz: Hubburd who testifieth and saith that I was afflected and tormented by Abigail Hoobs: several times before hir examination allso on the day of hir examination she did most greviously torment me also I saw Abigail Hoobs or hir Aperance most greviously afflet and torment Mercy lewes mary walcott and Ann putnam: on the: 19th April 1692 being the day of hir examination but as soon as she began to confess she left ofe afflecting of us: and I beleve in my heart that Abigail Hoobs was a wicth and that she has often affleted both me and the above said parsons by acts of wicthcraft

Eliz Hubbard owned the truth of the above-written evidence: To the Jury of Inquest upon oath Sep'r. 10: 1692.

(Reverse) Eliza: hubard

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 52)

[page 419" id="p928-096]

Deliverance Hobbs

(See also: Sarah Wilds -- Warrant; William Hobbs -- Mittimus.)

(Examination of Deliverance Hobbs)

(1) The Examination of Deliverance Hobbs. 22. Apr. 1692 At a Court held at Salem village by

John Hauthorn &rsqb; Esq'rs

Jonath: Corwin &rsqb; Esq'rs

Mercy Lewes do you know her that stands at the Bar (for the Magistrates had privately ordered who should be brought in, &amp; not suffered her name to be mentioned) Do you know her? speaking to another; but both were struck dumb.

Ann Putman jun'r. said it was Goody Hobbs, &amp; she hath hurt her much

John Indian said he had seen her, &amp; she choake him

Mary Walcot said, yesterday was the first time that she saw her i.e. as a Tormenter

Why do you hurt these persons?

It is unknown to me.

How come you to commit acts of Witchcraft?

I know nothing of it.

It is you, or your appearance, how comes this about? Tell us the truth.

I cannot tell.

Tell us what you know in this case. Who hurts them if you do not?

There are a great many persons hurts us all.

But it is your appearance.

I do not know it.

Have not you consented to it, that they should be hurt?

[page 420]

No in the sight of God, &amp; man, as I shall answere another day.

It is said you were afflicted, how came that about?

I have seen sundry sights.

What sights

Last Lords day in this meeting house &amp; out of the door, I saw a great many birds cats &amp; dogs, &amp; heard a voice say come away.

What have you seen since?

The shapes of severall persons.

What did they say?


What neither the birds, nor persons?


What persons did you see?

Goody Wilds and the shape of Mercy Lewes..

What is that? Did either of them hurt you?

None but Goody Wilds, who tore me almost to peices.

Where was you then?

In bed.

Was not the book brought to you to signe?


Were not you threatened by any body, if you did not signe the book?

No, by no body.

What were you tempted to under your affliction?

I was not tempted at all.

Is it not a solemn thing, that last Lords day you were tormented, &amp; now you are become a tormentor, so that you have changed sides, how comes this to pass?

Abig: Williams [cry out there] &amp; Ann Putman jun'r cry out there is Goody Hobbs upon the Beam, she is not at the Bar, they cannot see her there: tho there she stood.

What do you say to this, that tho you are at the bar in person, yet they see your appearance upon the beam, &amp; whereas a few dayes past you were tormented, now you are become a Tormentor? Tell us how this change comes. Tell true.

I have done nothing.

What have you resolved you will not confess? Hath any body threatened you if you do confess? You can tell how this change comes.

She lookt upon John Indian, &amp; then another, &amp; then they fell into fits.

[page 421]

Tell us the reason of this change: Tell us the truth what have you done?

I cannot speak.

What do you say? What have you done?

I cannot tell.

Have you signed to any book?

It is very lately then.

When was it?

The night before the last.

Well the Lord open your heart to confesse the truth. Who brought the book to you?

It was Goody Wilds.

What did you make your mark with in the book?

Pen and ink.

Who brought the Pen and Ink?

They that brought the book, Goody Wilds.

Did they threaten you if you did not signe?

Yes, to tear me in peices.

Was there any else in company?

No, Sir.

What did you afflict others by? Did they bring images?


Who brought the images?

Goody Wild &amp; Goody Osburn.

What did you put into those images.

Pins, Sir.

#[What do you] Well tell us who have you seen of this company?

None but those two.

Have you not seen many?

No. I heard last night a kind of Thundring.

How many images did you use?

#[But two. three] But two.

Nay here is more afflicted by you, You said more. Well tell us the truth. recollect yourself.

I am amazed.

can you remember how many were brought?

Not well, but severall were brought.

Did not they bring the image of John Nichols his child?


Did not you hurt that child?


[page 422]

Where be those images, at your house?

No they carryed them away again.


They carried some then &amp; some since.

Was it Goody Wild in body, or appearance?

In appearance.

Was there any man with them?

Yes a tall black man, with an high-croun'd hat.

Do you know no more of them?

No Sir.

Note All the sufferers free from affliction during her examination after once she began to confesse, tho at sundry times they were much afflicted till then.

Note Whereas yesterday at Deacon Ingersols Mary Walcot &amp; Abigail Williams cryed there stands Goody Hobbs, showing also where Benja. Hutchinson struck at her with a Rapier, &amp; the afflicted that is the said Mary &amp; Abigail said, oh you have struck her on the ride side: Whereupon the Magistrates asking her after the publick examination whither she had received any hurt yesterday, she said yes in her right side like a Prick &amp; that it was very sore, &amp; done when she was in a Trance, telling us also in what house and room it was done. Whereupon the Magistrates required some women to search it, who found it so as she had confessed. Also a little after the said prick in her side, she had som what in her left eye like dust, w'ch agrees with what the afflicted farther said that Benja. Hutchinson after wards toucht her eye w'th the same Rapier, &amp; said pointing to the place there was a mark which the Marshall being by said so there was.

Salem Village Aprile the 22th 1692 Mr Sam'l parris being desired to take in wrighting the Examinaticon of Deliverance hobs hath delivered itt as aforesaid

And upon heareing the same and seeing what wee did see togather with the Charg of the afflicted persons against them, Wee Committed her.

*John Hathorne(Reverse) The Exami&obar;&nbar; of (1) Deliverance Hobbs 22.Apr. 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 49)

[page 423]

(Examination of Deliverance Hobbs in Prison)

The first Examination of Deliverance Hobbs in prison.

She continued in the free acknowledging herself to be a Covenant Witch, and further Confesseth she was warned to a meeting yesterday morning, and that there was present Proctor and his Wife, Goody Nurse, Giles Cory, and his Wife, Goody Bishop alias Oliver, and Mr Burroughs was the Preacher, and prest them to bewitch all in the Village, telling them they should do it gradually and not all att once, assureing them they should prevail; He administred the sacrament unto them att the same time with Red Bread, and Red Wine Like Blood, she affirms she saw Osburn, Sarah Good, Goody Wilds; Goody nurse, and Goody Wilds distributed the bread and Wine, and a Man in a long crowned white Hat, next the Minister, and they sat seemingly att a Table, and They filled out the wine in Tankards, The Notice of this meeting was given her by Goody wilds. She her self affirms did not nor would not Eat nor drink, but All the Rest did who were there present, therefore they Threatened to Torment her. The meeting was in the Pasture by Mr Parris's House. and she saw when Abigail Williams ran out to speak with them: But by that Time Abigail was come a little distance from the House This Examinant was strucke blind, so that she saw not with whome Abigail spake She further saith, that Goody Wilds to prevail with her to sign, told her that If she would put her hand to the book she w'ld give her some Cloaths, and would not afflict her any more -- Hir Daughter Abigail Hobbs being brought in att the same time while her Mother was present was immediately taken with a dreadful fitt, and Answered it was Goodman Cory, and she saw him, and the Gentlewoman of Boston striving to break her Daughters Neck

(Reverse) Deliverance Hobs Mary Waren

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 49) ( Cont.)

[page 425" id="p928-102]

William Hobbs

(See also: Sarah Wilds -- Warrant; George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus.)

(Examination of William Hobbs)

The Examination of William Hobbs At the Same Court

[H]ath this man hurt you?

[S]everal answered yes.

[Goo]dy Bibber said no.

[W]hat say you, are you guilty or not?

[I] can speak in the presence of God safely, as

[I] must look to give account another day, that I am as clear as a new born babe.

Clear: of what?

Of Witchcraft

Have you never hurt these?


Have you not consented that they should be hurt?

Abigail Williams said, he was going to Mercy Lewes, &amp; quickly after said Lewes was seized with a fit.

Then said Abigail cryed, he is coming to Mary Walcot, &amp; said Mary presently fell into a fit also.

[How] can you be clear when the Children

[saw] somthing come from you &amp; afflict

[th]ese persons?

Then they fell into fits &amp; halloo'd [and]

[suffe]red greatly.

[torn] [ur] wife before you God wa [torn]

[torn] open her mouth, &amp; she ha [torn]

[torn] session: And you seen to [torn]

[torn] before us.

[page 426]

[I a]m clear of any Witch.

[Wh]at do you call it, and over-look[ing of]

[the]m? you look upon them &amp; they are [hurt]

[I h]urt none of them

[T]hen they all fell into great fits again

When were you at any publick Religious meeting

Not a pretty while

Why so?

Because I was not well: I had a distemper that none knows.

Can you act Witchcraft here, &amp; by casting your eyes turn folks into fits?

You may judge your pleasure, my soul is clear.

Do you not see you hurt these by your look

No. I do not know it.

You did not answere to that question, dont you over-look them?

No I don't over-look them.

What do you call that way of looking upon persons, &amp; striking them downe?

You may judge your pleasure.

Well but what do you call it?

It was none of I.

Who was it then?

I cannot tell who they are.

Why they say, they see you going to hurt persons &amp; immediatly hurt persons.

Abig: Williams said he is going to hurt Mercy Lewes [torn] &amp; imediately s'd Mercy fell into a fit, &amp; divers others

Can you now deny it?

I can deny it to my dying day.

What is the reason you go away when [there] is any reading of the Scripture in your [family]

He denyed it.

Nathanael Ingersol &amp; Tho: Haynes tes[tifyed] that this Hobb's daughter had told them [so] As soon as your daughter Abigail, &amp; aft [torn] to day your wife confessed they left torturing &amp; so would you, if you would confess: can you still deny that you are guilty?

I am not guilty.

[page 427]

If you put away Gods ordinances, no wonder that the Devil prevails with you. to keep his counsell. Have you never had any apparition.

No Sir.

Did you never pray to the Devill that your daughter might confess no more?

No Sir.

Who do you[r] wo[r] ship?

I hope I worship God only.


In my heart.

But God requires outward worship [torn]

not worship him in publick, ne [torn]

[torn] I worship him in my heart [torn]

[torn] worship him in your family [torn]

[torn] amily, speak the truth,

[torn] not given the Devil advant [torn]

[torn] gainst you thereby? [torn]

He was silent a considerable spa[ce] then said yes.

Have you not known a good while [how] that your daughter was a witc[h]

No Sir.

Do you think she is a witch now

I do not know.

Well if you desire mercy from God, own the truth.

I do not know anything of that nature.

What do you think these people aile?

More than ordinary?

But what more than ordinary

-- silent

Why do you not answer what do they aile?

I do not know what they aile I am sorry

It is none of I.

What do you think they aile?

There is more than ordinary

What is that?

I cannot tell.

Do you think they are bewitcht.

[page 428]

I cannot tell

Not tell when your wife &amp; daughter o [torn]

Did not you give consent that these should be [hurt]

Never in my dayes.

What do you think curd your wife she was

[torn] these the other day [torn]

[torn] nal God in Heaven knows. [torn]

[torn] know that. We do not ask that [but]

[whet] her you do not know what curd

[torn] t tell. I know nothing

[torn] man said he told me that if his wife

[torn] not write in the book he would kill her,

[torn] was the same time that she did signe

[torn] ppears by the time of her appearing as a

[torm] enter to Mr. Parris family &amp; others

Did not you say so?

I never said so.

Salem Village Aprill 22th 1692

Mr. Sam'l parris being desired to take

[in] wrighting the Examination of

[Sar]ah Wilds and W'm Hobs delivered it as afores'd

[and up] on heareing the same and seeing

[what] wee did see at the tyme of her

[examin] ation togather with the Char[ge of]

[the af] flicted persons against he[r we]

[co] mmitted her to their M[aj'ts Goale]

*John Hathor[ne]

(Reverse) Examination of Sarah Wilds &amp; William Hobbs 22. Apr. 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 54)

[page 429]

(Mittimus for William Hobbs, Deliverance Hobbs, Mary Easty, Sarah Wilds, Edward Bishop, Sarah Bishop, Mary Black, and Mary English)

<name type="recipient" rend="italics">To their Majesties Goal-keeper in Salem.

You are in Their Majesties Names hereby required to take into your care, and safe custody, the Bodies of William Hobs, and Deborah his Wife, Mary Easty, the Wife of Isaac Easty, and Sarah Wild, the Wife of John Wild, all of Topsfield; and Edward Bishop of SalemVillage, Husbandman, and Sarah his Wife, and Mary Black, a Negro of Lieutenant Nathaniel Putmans of Salem-Village; also Mary English the Wife of Philip English, Merchant in Salem; who stand charged with High Suspicion of Sundry Acts of Witchcraft, done or committed by them lately upon the Bodies of Ann Putman, Mercy Lewis and Abigail Williams, of Salem-Village, whereby great Hurt and Damage hath been done to the Bodies of the said Persons, [as] according to the complaint of Thomas Putman and John Buxton of Salem-Village, Exhibited Salem, Apr 21, 1692, appears, whom you are to secure in order to their further Examination. Fail not.

JOHN HATHORN, &rsqb; Assistants.

JONA. CURWIN, &rsqb; Assistants.

Dated SALEM, April 22, 1692

<name type="recipient" rend="italics">To Marshal George Herrick of Salem Essex.

You are in their Majesties Names hereby required to convey the above-named to the Goal at Salem. Fail not.

JOHN HATHORN, &rsqb; Assistants.

JONA. CURWIN, &rsqb; Assistants

Dated SALEM, Apr 22, 1692.

( Robert Calef, More Wonders of the Invisible World [ London, 1700] as excerpted in Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 347-348.)

[page 430]

(Deposition of Hannah Welch)

the depotion of hannah welch the wife of Phelup welch hannah walch eaged forty foer yers thus deponian testifieth and saith that I was with # [with] mr Salinston and capten eapes neer this land now in contreevarce and they both of them agreed that the fance shud stand as it was and that we #[sud] shud not transgrace of one side nor Jonathan hobs one the other side tel the line was run and the agreement that thay agreed tow was that if eather hade transgresed shud make satesfaction to the other: and the reason of thes agreement was becaus hobs and we was all ways contanding


Att an Inferiour Court

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 58)

(Recognizance for William Hobbs)


That on the fourteenth day of Decemb'r 1692 in the fowerth year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;c. King &amp; Queen defenders of the faith personally Appeared before us James Russell &amp; Sam'll: Heyman Esq'r. of their Majests Councill &amp; Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England &amp; Justices of peace within the Same John Niccolls &amp; Joseph Town of Topsfield in the County of Essex Husbandmen Acknowledged them Selves Each of Them to be indebted unto our Said Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen &amp; the Survivor of Them their Heires &amp; Successors in the Some of Two hundred pounds to be leavied on their or Either of their goods or Chattells Lands or Tennements for the use of our Said Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or Survivor of them if default be made in the performance of the Condition und'rwritten viz

The Condition of the Above Recognizance is Such that whereas William Hobs of Topsfield in the County of Essex Aforesaid was committed to Boston Goal on suspition of witchcraft, If therefore the Said William Hobbs shal make his personall Appearance #[Appearance] before the Justices of our Said Lord &amp; Lady the

[page 431]

King &amp; Queen at the next Court of Assize Oyer &amp; Terminer &amp; Generall Goal delivery to be holden for or within the County of Essex Afors'd to Answere what Shall be objected against [her] in their Majests. behalf refering to Witchcraft, and to do &amp; receive that. w'ch. by said Court shall be then &amp; there injoined [her] in their Majests behalf refering to Witchcraft, And to do &amp; receive that. which by Said Court shall be then &amp; there injoined [her] &amp; not depart without licence, then the Above Recognizance to be void or Elce to remain &amp; abide in full force &amp; virtue

Capt. &amp; Recognit die &pbar;dict Coram

*Ja: Russell

*Samuell hayman

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 70)

[page 433" id="p928-110]

Elizabeth How Executed July 19, 1692

(See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint;Sarah Good -- Death Warrant.)

(Warrant v. Elizabeth How)

To the Constable <name type="place">of Topsfield

Your are in theyre Majestyes Names hereby Required to Elizabeth How the wife of James How of Topsfeild Husbandman on Tuesday next being the thirt&yuml; first day of ma&yuml; about Ten of the Clock in the forenoone att the house: of Leut Nathaniell Ingersolls of Salem Village, Whoe stande Charged w'th Sundry Acts of Witch-craft done or Comitted on the Bodyes of Mary Walcott, Abigaill Williams &amp; others of Salem Village, to theyr great hurt, in order to hir examination, Relateing to the above s'd premises. &amp; hereof you are nott to fayle.

Dat'd. Salem. May. 28th. 1792

&pbar; us.

*John Hathorne &rsqb Assists

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb Assists


In obedence to this warant I have appreend[r] ed Elizabeth How the wife of Jems how on the 29th of may 1692 and have brought har unto the house of leftenant nathaniell englesons according too to warant as atested by me

*Ephraim Wildes constabell for the town of Topsfelld.

dated may 31 th 1692

Eliz: How

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 143)

[page 434]

(Examination of Elizabeth How)

The examination of Eliz: 31. May. 1692

Mercy Lewis &amp; Mary Walcot fell in a fit quickly after the examinant came in

Mary Walcot said that this woman the examinant had pincht her &amp; choakt this month. Ann Putman said she had hurt her three times.

What say you to this charge? Here are them that charge you with witchcraft

It it was the last moment I was to live, God knows I am innocent of any thing in this nature

Did not you take notice that now when you lookt upon Mercy Lewis she was struck [down?]

I cannot help it.

You are charged here; what doe you say?

I am innocent of any thing of this nature.

Is this the first time that ever you were accused?

Yes S'r.

Do not you know that one at Ipswitch hath accused you?

This is the first time that ever I heard of it

You say that you never heard of these folks before

Mercy Lewis at length spake &amp; charged this woman with hurting &amp; pinching her: And then Abigail Williams cryed she hath hurt me a great many times, a great while &amp; she hath brought me the book.

Ann Putman had a pin stuck in her hand

What do you say to this?

I cannot help it.

What consent have you given?

Mary Warren cryed out she was prickt

Abig: Williams cryed out that she was pincht, &amp; great printes were seen in her arm.

Have not you seen some apparition --

No, never in all my life

Those that have confessed, they tell us they used images &amp; pins, now tell us what you have used.

You would not have me confess that which I know not

She lookt upon Mary Warren, &amp; said Warren violently fell down.

Look upon this maid viz: Mary Walcot, her back being towards the examinant Mary Warren &amp; Ann Putman said they saw this woman upon her. Susan: Sheldon saith this was the woman that carryed

[page 435]

her yesterday to the Pond Sus: Sheldon carried to the Examinant in a fit &amp; was well upon grasping her arm.

You said you never heard before of these people

Not before the warrant was served upon me last Sabbath day

John Indian cryed out O she bites, &amp; fell into a grevious fit, &amp; so carried to her in his fit &amp; was well upon her grasping him.

What do you say to these things, they cannot come to you?

S'r. I am not able to give account of it

Cannot you tell what keeps them off from your body?

I cannot tell, I know not what it is?

That is strange that you should do these things &amp; not be able to tell how.

This is a true account of the examination of Eliz: How taken from my characters written at the time thereof. Witness my hand

*Sam. Parris.

(Reverse) Eliza. How Exa&mbar;. Adjour't. June 30 92 How

(Witnesses v. Elizabeth How)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 144)

(List of Witnesses)

Witnesses against goody How

Samuel Pearly &amp; his wife

Timothy Pearly

deborah Pearly

Sarah Andrews

deacon Cummins his wife

Thomas Heasons wife

of boxford

Joseph Andrews &amp; his wife


John Sherring of Ipswich

Joseph Safford Ipswich

Abram Howe #[&amp;] wife

#[John Andrews Boxford]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 145)

[page 436]

(Indictment v. Elizabeth How)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae:

nunc Angliae &amp;c: Quarto

Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen &pbar;rsents that Elizabeth How Wife of James How of Ipswich -- the 29th day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God [of God] of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen defend'rs of the faith &amp;c: and divers other dayes and times as well before as after certaine detestable Arts called witchcraft &amp; Sorceries wickedly &amp; felloniously hath Used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towne ship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one:Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage Single woman -- by which said wicked Acts the said Marcy Lewis -- the 29th day of May in the forth Year aboves'd: and divers other dayes &amp; times as well before as after was and is Tortured. Afflicted: Pined Consumed &amp; Tormented and also for sundrey other Acts of witchcraft by the Said Elizabeth How Committed &amp; done before and since that Time ag't. the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided


Mercy Lewis. Jurat

Mary Wolcott Jurat

Abigall Williams

Ann Putman Jurat

Sam'll. Pearly &amp; wife Jurat

Sam'll. Pearly &amp; wife Ruth Jurat

Joseph Andrews &amp; wife Sarah Jurat

Jno. Sherrin Jurat

Jos. Safford Jurat

francis Leane Jurat

Abraham fosters wife Lydia J[urat]

Isack Cumins Jun'r

( Essex Institute, MSS. Collection)

(Indictment v. Elizabeth How)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae

nunc Angliae &amp;c: Quarto:

Essex ss. The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen &pbar;rsents That: Elizabeth How wife. of James How. of Ipswich

[page 437]

the thirty first day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland. France, and Ireland King and Queen defenders of the faith &amp;c: and divers other dayes and times. as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called witchcraft, and Sorceries wickedly and felloniously. hath used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd: in upon and against one Mary Wolcott of Salem Villiage Singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Mary Walcott the 31st day of May in the forth Year as abovesaid, and divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted &amp; Tormented and also for sundrey other Acts of witchcraft by said Elizabeth How Committed and Done before and since that time, ag't. the Peace. of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen, and against the forme of the Statute in that Case made &amp; Provided.

Mary Wolcott Jurat

Ann Putnam Jurat

Abigall Williams.

Sam'll. Pearly &amp; wife

Ruth Jurat

Joseph Andrews &amp; wife.

Sarah Jurat

Jno. Sherrin Jurat

Jos: Safford. Jurat.

francis Leane. Jurat

Abraham fosters wife Lydia Jurat

Isack Cumins Jun'r. Jurat

(Reverse) [torn] No. 1 Ind -- El. How

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 145)

(Timothy Perley and Deborah Perley v. Elizabeth How.)

the first of june 1692.

the deposition of timothi Perley and deborah Perley his wife timothi Perley aged about 38 and his wife about 33 there being som diferance betwene goode how that is now seised namely elizebeth: How:

[page 438]

Wife to James How: Jun'r and timothi Perli above said about some bords the night folowing three of our cous lay out and finding of them the next morning we went to milk them and one of them did not give but two or thre spoone fuls of milk and one of the other cous did not give above halfe a Pinte and the other gave about a quart and these cous used to give three or four quarts at a meale two of thes cous continued to give litle or nothing four or five meals and yet thai went in a good inglesh Pasture and within four dais the cous gave ther ful ProPortion of milk that thai used to give

furder deborah Perley testifieth and as conserning hanah Perley Samuel Perleys daughter that was so sore: aflicted her mother and she coming to our house hanah Perley being sudainli scared #[leaPed over a Chest] and said thers that woman she goes into the oven and out again and then fel in to a dredful fit and when I have asked her when she said that woman what woman she ment she tould me jeams hows wife sometime hanah Perley went along with me to jeams hows an sone fell in to a fit goode how was veri loving to her and when the garl and I came away i asked her whi she talked so of goode how being she was so loving to her she tould me that if i were aflicted as she was that i would talk as bad of her as she did at another time i saw goode how and hanah Perley together and thai were veri loving together and after goode how was gone i asked her whi she was so loving to goode how when thai were together she tould me that she was afraide to doe other wise for then goode how would kil her

*deborah PerleyTimothy Pearly: And Deborah his wife declared to the Jury of inquest to all of the above written evidence: on this side of this paper: that it is the truth upon oath: June 30th

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 145)

(Samuel Perley et ux v. Elizabeth How)

the first of june 1692

the dePosition of Samuel Perley and his wife aged about 52 an his wife about 46 years of age

[page 439]

We having a dauter about ten years of age being in a sorowful condition this #[faling ought] being sone after a faling out that had bene betwen jeams how and his wife and #[and] miself our daughter tould us that it was jeams hows wife that afflicted her both night and day som times comPlaini[n]g of being Pricked with Pins and sometimes faling doun into dredful fits and often sai i could never aflict a dog as goode how aflicts me mi wife and i did often chide her for naming goode how being loth her name should be defamed but our daughter would tell us that though we would not beleve her now yet you will know it one day we went to several doctors and thai: tould us that she was under an evil hand: our daughter tould us that when she came nere the fire or water this witch Puls me: in and was often soreli burnt and she would tel us what cloaths she wore and would sai there she goes and there she goes and now she is gone into the oven and at these sights faling doun into dreadful fits and thus our daughter continuing about two or three years constantli afirming to the last that this goode how that is now seised was the cause of her sorows and so Pine d a wai to skin and bone and ended her sorowful life, and this we can atest uPon oath ruth Perleys mark

Sam'll Pearly and his wife declared the above written to be the truth upon oath after this the above said goode how had a mind to joyn to iPswich Church thai being unsatisfied sent to us to bring in what we had against her and when we had decleared to them what we knew thai se cause to Put a stoP to her coming into the Church within a few dais after I had a cow wel in the morning as far as we knew this cow was taken strangli runing about like a mad thing a litle while and then run into a great Pon -- and drouned herself and #[when she] as sone as she was dead mi sons and miself towed her to the shore and she stunk so that we had much a doe to flea her.

Sam'll Pearly: declared to: the Jury of inquest that all the above written: is the truth: upon oath: June: 30th: 92

(Left hand margin) As for the time of our daughters being taken ill it was in the yere of our lord 1682

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 146)

[page 440]

(List of Evidence v. Elizabeth How)

other Evidences. ag't. Goody How Deacon Cummins wife of Topsfield. Tho. HeaSins wife Box'd Jos: Andrews &amp; wife Box'd Jno. Sherrin Ispwich Jos. Safford of Ispw'ch Abr. How's wife Tops'd. Ab. Fosters wife Ispwich Francis Leane memorandum Widow Dutch &amp; Sam [Perley] &amp; wife Against Goody Parker

(Left hand corner) Evidences ag't How

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 146)

(Deborah Hadley for Elizabeth How)

The Deposision of Debory Hadley aged about 70 yeares: this Deponant testifieth &amp; s'h: that I have lived near to Elizabeth How (the wife of James How Junior of Ipswich) 24 year &amp; have found her a Neighbourly woman Conssiencious in her dealing faithfull to her &pbar;mises &amp; Christian-like in her Conversation so far as I have observed &amp; further saith n't.

June 24. 1692. *Deborah Hadley( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 147)

(Daniel Warner, John Warner, and Sarah Warner for Elizabeth How)

from Ipswich Ju the 25: 1692 this may sertify hom it may conserne we being desierd to wright some thing in the behalfe of the wife of Jeams how Junior of Ipswich hoe is aprehended: upon susspition of being gilty of the sin of witchcraft &amp; now in Salem prissoon upon the same acount for ouer oun partes we have bin well aquainted w'h hur for above twenty yeers we never see but that she cared it very wel &amp; that both hur wordes &amp; actions wer always such as well become a good cristian: we ofte spake to hur of some things that wer reported of hur that gave som susspition of that she is now

[page 441]

charged w't: &amp; she always profesing hur Iinosency ther in offen desiring our prayers to god for hur that god would keep hur in his fe[ar] &amp; that god would support her under hur [bu]rdin we have offen herd hur speaking of thos persons that raisd thos reportes of hur and we never heerd hur speake badly of them for the same: but in ouer hering hath offen said that she desired god that he would santtify that affliction as wel as others for hur spirituel good:

*Daniel Warner: sen'r *John Warner. sen'r *Sarah Warner( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 147)

(Simon Chapman and Mary Chapman for Elizabeth How)

Ispswich June: th: 25th: 1692

The testimony of Simon Chapman agid About 48 yers testifieth and sayth that he heth bin Aquayntid with the Wives of James howe junr as a naybar for this 9 or 10 yers and he nevar saw eny harm by hur but that That hath bin good for I found hur Joust In hur delling faythfooll too hur prommisis I have had acation to be in the compiny of good wief how by the fortnight to gathar at Thayar hous: and at other Tims and I found at all Tims by hur discors shee was a woman of a fliktion and morning for sin in hur selves And othars And when shee met with eny Afliktion she semid to jostifi god and say that Itt was all better then she dessufid that it war by falls acqusations from men: and she yust To bles god that she got good by afliktions for it med hur exsamin hur oun hart I never herd hur refil eny parson that heth a kusid hur with wichcraft but pittied them and sayid ipray god for give them for thay harm them selves mor then me Thoh i am a gret sinar yit i am cler of that sayid she. and such Kind of afliktions doth but set me a exsamining my oun hart and I find god wondarfolly seportining me and Comfarting me by his word and promisis She semid to be a woman throu in that gret work of conviktion and convertion which I pray god mak us all

*Simon Chapman

[page 442]

My wiuef Mary Chapman cane Testifi to the most of this abov ritan as witnes my hand

*Mary Chapman( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 147)

(Samuel Phillips for Elizabeth How)

The testimony of Samuel Phillips aged about 67, minister of the word of God in Rowly, who sayth, that mr payson (minister of gods word alsoe in Rowley) and my self went, being desired, to Samuel pearly of ipswich to se their young daughter who was viseted with strang fitts &amp; in her fitts (as her father &amp; mother affirmed) did mention good wife How the wife of James How Junior of Ipswich, as if she was in the house &amp; did afflict her: when we were in the house the child had one of her fitts but made noe mention of goodwife how; &amp; when the fitt was over &amp; she come to herself, goodwife How, went to the child and took her by the hand &amp; askt her whether she had ever done her any hurt And she answered no never and if I did complain of you in my fitts I know not that I did soe: I further can affirm upon oath that young Samuel Pearly, Brother to the afflicted girle looking out of a chamber window (I and the afflicted child being without dores together) and say to his sister say goodwife How is a witch, say she is a witch &amp; the child spake not a word that way, but I lookt up to the window where the youth stood &amp; rebuked him for his boldness to stirr up his sister to accuse the said goodw: How where as she had cleared her from doing any hurt to his sister in both our hearing, &amp; I added noo wonder that the child in har fitts did mention Goodwife How, when her nearest relations were soe frequent in expressing theire suspitions in the childs hearing when she was out of her fitts, that the sayd Goodwif How, was an Instrument of mischeif to the child:

Rowley 3 June 1692 *Samuel phillips( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 146)

[page 443]

(Edward Payson for Elizabeth How)

I Edward Paison of the Town aboves'd tho' present at the place &amp; time afores'd, yet cannot evidence in all the particulars mentioned: Thus much is yet in my remembrance viz't being in the aboves'd Pearley's house some considerable time before the s'd Goodw. How came in; their afflicted Daughter, upon something that her Mother spake to her with trtness, presently fell into one of her usuall strange fitts, during which, she made no mention (as I observed) of the above s'd How her name, or any thing relating to her some time after, the s'd How came in, when s'd Girl had recovered her capacity, her fitt being over, s'd How took s'd Girl by the hand, asked her whether she had ever done her any hurt,? the child answerd no never; with several expressions to that purpose which I am not able particularly to recount, &amp;c.

Rowley, June 3 -- 1692. *Edward Paison(Reverse) Mr. Philips &amp; mr Paison in behalfe of Eliz: How

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 146)

(Joseph Knowlton and Mary Knowlton for Elizabeth How)

from Ipswich June 27: 1692 Joseph knoulton being acquainte with the wife of James How Jun'r as a neighbour &amp; somtims bording in the house: and at my first coming to live in those parts which was about ten years ago I hard a bad Report of her about Samuell perleys garle which caused me to take speshall noates of her life &amp; conversation ever sence and I have asked her if she could freely forgive them that Raised such Reports of her she tould me yes with all her heart desiering that god would give her a heart to be more humble under such a providences and further she sayd she was willing to doe any good she could to them as had don unneighbourly by her also this I have taken notes of that she would deny her self to doe a neighbour a good turn and also I have known her to be faithfull in her word and honest in her dealeings as fare as ever I saw

*Joseph knoulton aged forty tu

*mary knowlton aged thur[ty] tu

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 149)

[page 444]

(James How, Sr. for Elizabeth How)

information for Elizabeth How the wife of Jams How Jun'r: James How Sen'r: aged a bout 94 sayth that he liveing by her for about thirty years hath taken notes that she hath caried it well becoming her place as a daughter as a wife in all Relation setting a side humain infurmitys as becometh a Christion with Respact to my self as a father very dutyfully &amp; a wifife to my son very Carfull loveing obediant and kind Considering his want of eye sight tenderly leading him about by the hand now desiering god may guide your honours to se a differance between predigous and Consentes I rest yours to Sarve

*James How sen'r of Ipswich

dated this 28 day of June 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 153)

(Isaac Cummings, Sr. v. Elizabeth How)

Jun 27. 1692

The disposition of Isaac commins iyner aged about sixty yers or thare abouts who testyfyeth and saith that about aight yers agon James how jun'r of ipswech. came to my hous to borow a hors I not being at home my son isaac told him as my son told me whan i cam home i hade no hors to ride on but my son isaac did tell the said how that his father hade no hors to ride on but he hade a mare the which he thought his father would not be wiling to lend this being upon a thursday the next day being Fryday I took the mare and my self and my wif did ride on this maer abute half a mile to an naighbours hous and home again and when we came home I turned the maer out the maer being as well to my thinking as ever she was next morning it being saterday about sun rising this said maer stood neer my doore and the said maer as i did aperehand did show as if she head bin much abused by riding and here flesh as I thoug much wasted and her mouth #[much] read semenly to my aperehantion much abused

[page 445]

and hurt with the bridel bits I seing the maer in such a sad condition I toke up the said maer and put her into my barn and she wold eate no maner of things as for provender or any thing w'c i gave her then i sent for my brother thomas andros which was living in boxford the said anderos came to my hous. I not being at home when I came home a litil afore night my brother anderos told me he head giving the said mear somthing for the bots but as he could purseve it did do her no good but said he I can not tell but she may have the baly ach and said he i wil try one thing more my brother anderos said he wold take a pipe of tobaco and lite it and put itt in to the fundement of the maer I told him that I thought it was not lawfull he said it was lawfull for man or beast then I toke a clen pipe and filled it with tobaco and did lite it and went with the pipe lite to the barn then the said anderos used the pipe as he said before he wold and the pip of tobaco did blaze and burn blew then I said to my brother anderos you shall try no more it is not lawful he said I will try again once mor which he did and then thar arose a blaze from the pipe of tobaco which seemed to me to cover the butocks of the said mear the blaz went up ward towards the roof of the barn and in the roof of the barn thar was a grate crackling as if the barn wOld have falen or bin burnt which semed so to us which ware with in and some that ware with out and we hade no other fier in the barn [b]ut only a candil and a pipe of tobaco and then I said I thought my bar n or my mear most goe the next day being Lords day I spoke to my brother anderos at noone to come to see the said mear and said anderos came and what h[e] did I say not the same Lords day at night my naighbour John hunkins came to my hous and he and I went in to my barn to see this mear said hunkins said and if I ware as you i wolud cute of a pece of this mear and burn it I said no not to day but if she lived til tomorow morning he might cut of a pece off of her and burn [if] he would presentely as we hade spoken these words we stept out of the barn and emedeiatly this said mear fell downe dade and never stured as we coold purseve after she fell down but lay #[stone] dead

Isac Commings sen'r declared: to the Jury of inquest: that the above written evidence: is the truth: upon oath June: 30th 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 148)

[page 446]

(Isaac Cummings, Jr. v. Elizabeth How)

June 28th 1692.

The testimony of Isack Comings Juner aged about 27 years Testifieth &amp; Saith that James Hough Juner came to my fathers house when he was not att home he asked me if my father had Ever a hors &amp; I told him no he asked me if he had Ever a maer &amp; I told him yesh he asked me if I Thought my father would Lend him his maer &amp; I told him I did not Think he would upon w'ch in a short Tyme after my father &amp; mother Ridd their maer to Their Neighbours house the same maer w'ch s'd hough would have Borowed w'ch semingly was well when my fath'r &amp; moth'r came home I seeing the same s'd maer the nex morning could Judge noe other butt. that she had bin Rid the other part of that night or oth'r wayes horibly abused upon w'ch my fath'r seeing what a Condition his maer was in sent for his Broth'r Thomas Andros w'ch when he came he giv her severall Things w'ch he Thought to be good for her butt did her not any good upon w'ch he said he would try one Thing moer w'ch was a pipe &amp; some tobacou w'ch he aplid to her Thinking itt might doe her good againt the Belly ake -- Thinking that might be her diszease w'ch when they used the pipe w'th Tobacco in itt abought the s'd maer the pipe being Litt itt Blazed so much that itt was as much as Two persons Could putt itt ought with both of Their hands upon w'ch my father said wee will Trye no more brother my Uncle s'd he would trye once more w'ch he did the pipe being Litt the fyer Blazed out of the same s'd pipe more vehemently then before upon w'ch my father answerd he had Rather Loose his maer than his barn the very nex night folloing the s'd maer folloing my father in his barn from one side to the other side fell down emediatly Dead against the sell of the barn befor my fath'r had well Cleerd him selfe from her. furth'r saith not

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1. Page 149)

(Mary Cummings v. Elizabeth How)

Jun 27 1692 The disposition of mary commings the wif of isaac commins sen'r aged about sixty yers or thare abouts who teseifieth and saith my hus band not being at home I was sent to by som parsons

[page 447]

of ipswegent to me for to have me to write what I cold say of James how jun'r his wife elesbeth conscarning her life or conversation and that I would say what I cold say for or against her when the said hows wife sought to ajoyn with [the] the church at ipsweg and I spoke to my son Isaac to write that we hade used no brimston nor oyl nor no combustabls to give to our maer becaus thare was a report that the said hows wife hade said [thay] we hade givin the mear brimston and oyl and the like and a short time after I hade writen my testemony con sarning this hows wife my son Isaac his maer was mising that he could not find her in to or thre days. and in a short time after my son isaacs maer came in sight not fare from the hous and my son isaac praid me to go out and look on his maer when I came to her he asked me what I thought on her and I said if he wold have my thoughts i could not compair it to nothing elec but that she was riden with a hot bridil #[I said also to isaac that I hered that the said] for she hade divirses bruses as if she had bin over rocks an much wronged and where the bridel went was as if it hade bin burnt with a #[rade] hot bridel then I bide isaac take the mare and have her up amongst the nagbours that people might see her for I hered that James how jun'r or his wife or both hade said that we kept up our maer that popel might not see her and isaac did show his maer to saveril and then the said how as i hered did report that isac had riden to Lin spring and caryed his gairl and so surfited the maer the which was not so

Mary Comins owned this har testimony to be truth before the Juryars for Inquest: this. 29 of June: 1692

Jurat in Curia

(On the side) Mary Commings

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 148)

(Testimony of Mary Cummings)

Jun 27 1692

I mary comins ageed abut sixty yers or that abouts the wife of isaac comins syne'r I being at my naigbours sam parlys hous samuel parlys daugter hannah being in a straing condition asked me if i did

[page 448]

not see goodee how in the hous going round upon the wall as the gur[l] dricted her finger along round in won place and another of the hous #[and the girl] asked me if i did not[t] I teled her no I loked as dilegently as i cold and i could see nothing of her the gurls mother then did chek her and told her she was alwas full of such Kind of notions and bid her hold her toung then she told her mother she would belive it one day and somthing mor which shold have bin mantioned as the gaur[l] poynted to show me whare goode how was she asked me if I did not se her go out at that crak which she poynted at

Mary Comins owned this har testimony one har oath to be the truth before the Juriars of Inquest: this 29. of June: 92 Jurat in Curia

Jun 27 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 148)

(Mary Cummings v. Elizabeth How)

The disposition of mary commins aged about sixty. yers or there abouts ho testefieth and saieth that abovE too yeres agon I went to viset my naigbour sherins wife and she told me that James how jun'r had bin thare to give her a viset and he did sharply talk to her asking her what hopes she hade of her salveation her answer was to him that she did bild her hopes upon suer rock Jesus christ this the said serins wife did tell me and she told me also that she had never talked of the said how or his wife but she was the wors for it after wards. and she said also when she lay sick of the same sikness whareof she dyed that the said how would come som times in to the roome to see her but she could not tell how to bare to se him nor that he should be in the hous.

Mary Comins. ownid. that this har testimony on har oath before the Juryars for Inques: this 29. of June 1692

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 148)

[page 449]

(Francis Lane v. Elizabeth How)

Francis Lane aged 27 yeares testifyeth &amp; saith that about seaven yeares agoe James How the Husband of Elizabeth How of Ipswich farmes hired s'd Lane to get him a parcell of posts &amp; railes &amp; s'd Lane hired John Pearly the son of Samuell Pearly of Ipswich to help him in getting of them And after they had got said Posts &amp; railes. the said Lane went to the said James How that he might goe with him &amp; take delivery of said posts &amp; railes. &amp; Elizabeth How the wife of s'd James how told said Lane that she did not beleive that s'd Posts &amp; railes would doe because that s'd John Pearly helped him &amp; she said that if he had got them alone &amp; had not got John Pearly to help him she beleived #[beleived] that they would have done but seing that said Pearly had helped about them she beleived that they would not doe. so s'd James How went with said Lane for to take delivery of s'd Posts &amp; railes &amp; the s'd James How toke severall of the said railes as they lay in heaps up by the end &amp; they broke of, so many of them broke that said Lane was forced to get thirty or forty more &amp; when said How came home he told his wife thereof &amp; she said to him that she had told him before that they would not doe because said Pearly helped about them which railes said Lane testifyeth that in his Aprehention were good sound railes

francis Lane: declared: to the Jury of inques: to the truth of the above written: evidence upon oath: June: 30th 1692

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) francis Lane

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1 Page 150)

(John How v. Elizabeth How)

The Testimony of John How aged about 50 yers [torn] saieth that one that day that my brother James his Wif [torn] was Caried to Salem farmes upon examination she was at my [house] and would a have me to go with hur to Salem farmes I tould hur: that If she had ben sant for upon allmost any a Count but witch craft I would

[page 450]

a have gone with hur but one that a Count I would not for ten pounds: but said I If you are a witch tell me how long you have ben a witch and what mischeve you have done and then I will go with you for said I to hur you have ben acusied by Samuell pearlys Child and suspacted by Daken Cumins for witch craft; she semed to be aingry with me: stell she asked me to Come one the morow I told hur I did not know but I might Com to morow but my oCashons Caled me to go to Ipswich one the morow and Came Whome a bout sun saet: and standing Nere my door talking with one of my Naibours: I had a Sow with six small pigs in the yard the sow was as wall sofare as I know as ever: one a suding she leaped up about thre o fouer foot hie and turned a bout and gave one squeake and fell downe daed. I told my naibour that was with me I thought my sow was bewitched: for saied I I think she is daed he lafed at me. but It proved true for she fell downe daed: he bed me Cut of hur eare the which I did and my hand I had my knif in was so nume and full of paine that night and saverall days after that I Could not doe any work and is not wholy wall now and I sospacted no other person but my s'd sister elizabeth How

Cap t Jno How: declared: the above written evidence: to be the truth: before: the Jury of inquest: June: 30th: 1692 upon his oath: in Court

(Reverse) Jon How

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 151)

(Jacob Foster v. Elizabeth How)

The deposion of Jacob foster aged about 29 years this deponant saith that some years agoe good wife How the wife of Jeames how was a bout to Joyne with the church of Ipswich My father was an instrumentall means of her being denyed admision quickly after my mare was turned out to grass on the tusday: and on thursday I went to seek my mare to go to lecture I sought my mare and could not find her I sought all friday and found her not on saturday I sought till noon &amp; I found my mare standing leaning with her butocks against a tree I hit her with a small whip she gave a heave from a tree and fell back to the tree again then I took of her fetters and

[page 451]

struck her again she did the same again then I set my shoulder to her side and thrust her of from the tree and moved her feet then she went home and leapt into the pausture and my mare lookt as if she had been miserably beaten and a bused

Jacob Foster: declared: the evidence: to be the truth before the Jury of inquest: on oath June 30: 92

(Reverse) Jacob Foster

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 151)

(Joseph Safford v. Elizabeth How and Bridget Bishop)

The deposishtion of Joseph Safford aeged about 60 he testefyeth and saith [that] my wife was much afraid of Elisabeth how the wife of [James how] upon the Reports that were of her about Samuell perlleys Child but upon a tim after thes Reportes Jams how and his wife Comming to my house nether myselfe nor my wife were at home and goodwife how asked my Children wher ther mother was and thay said at the next naybouers hous she disired to Coll ther mother which they did: when my wife cam whom my wife told me that she was much startled to se goode how but she took her by the hand and said goode Safford, I belive that you are not ignorant of the grete scandall: that I Ly under upon the evil Report that is Raised upon me about Samuell perlleys child and other things Joseph Safford saith that after this his wife was teken beyond Rason and all parswasion to tek the part of this woman after this the wife of this Jams how propounded herselfe to com into the church of Ipswich whereupon sum objection aRose by sum unsatisfied bretheren wherupon ther was a meeting apinted by our elders of the church to Consider of things brought in against her my wife was more than ordenery ernist to goe to L[ectur] the church meeting being on that day notwithstanding the meny arguments I used to perswed her to the Contrerey yet I obtained apromis of her that shee would not goe to the church meeting but meeting with som of the naybourhood they persweded her to go with them to the church meeting at eldar pains and told her that shee need say nothing ther, but goodwife how then being Rether Rendred guilty then cleered

[page 452]

my wife took here by the hand after meeting and told her though shee wer condemned before men shee was Justefyed befor god: the next sabath after this my son that caried my wife to Lectur was taken after astrang manar: the Satarday aftar that my wife was taken after a Raving frenzy manar expresing in a Raging manar that goode how must Com into the church and that shee was a precious saint and though shee wer Condemned befor men shee was Justefyed befor god and continued in this fram for the space of thre or four hours aftar that my wife fell into a kind of a tranc for the spac of two or thre minits

shee then Coming to herselfe opened har eye and said tha[t] I was misteken no answer was med by the standars by: and again shee said ha I was misteken majar appletons wife standing by said wherein art mistaken I was mistaken said she for I thought goode how had bene a precious saint of god but now I see she is a witch for shee hath bewitched mee and my child and we shall never be well till ther is testemoney for her that she may be taken into the church: after this ther was a meeting of the eldars at my hous and thay desird that goode how might be at the meeting insign wallis went with myselfe to invite goode how to this meeting: she coming in discours at that time shee said two or thre times shee was sory to se my wife at the church meeting at eldar pains aftar this shee said she was aflicted by the aparishtion of goode how: a few days after she was taken shee said the caus of her changing her opinion consarning goode how was becaus shee apeard to her throug a crevie of the clambouerds which she knew no good person could do and at thre severall tims after was aflicted by the aperishtion of goode how and goode ollever and furder this depoint saith that Rising erlly in the maring and kindling a fir in the other Room mi wife shricked out I presently Ran into the Room wher my wife was and as soon as ever I opened the dore my [wife] said ther be the evill one take tham wherupon I Replyed whar are thay I will take them if I can shee said you will not tek them and then sprang out of the bed herselfe and went to the window and said thar they went out thay wer both biger than she and thay went out ther but she could not then I Replyed who be thay she said goode how and goode ollever. goode ollever said I you never saw the woman in your Life no said she I never saw her in my Life but so she is Represented to me goode ollever of Sallam that hurt william stace of Sallam the millr

[page 453]

Joseph Safford declared to the Jury of inquest: that the evidence above written &amp; on the other side of this paper is the truth upon oath

June: 30th 1692 -- Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Joseph Safford

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 152)

(Thomas Andrews v. Elizabeth How)

July 1.st 1692.

The Testimony of Thomas Andrews of Boxford aged about 50. yeers This deponant Testifieth and saith that Isack Comings senior of Topsfield sent for me To healp a mare that was not well &amp; when I came there the mare was. in such a Condition that I Could not tell what she ailed for I never saw the Like her Lips ware Exeedingly swelled that the Insides of Them Turned outward &amp; Looked Black &amp; blew &amp; gelled her Tung was in the same Condition I told the said Comings I Could not tell what to doe for her I perceived she had not the Botts w'ch I did att first think she had butt I said she might have some great heat in her Body &amp; I would applie a pipe of Tobacco to her &amp; that was Concented to and I litt a pipe of Tobaco and putt itt under her fundiment &amp; there came a Blew flame out of the Bowle &amp; Run along the stem of s'd pipe &amp; took hold of the haer of s'd maer &amp; Burnt itt &amp; we tryed itt 2 or 3 times together &amp; itt did the same itt semed to burn Blew butt Run Like fyer that is sett on the gras to Burn itt in the spring Tyme &amp; we struck itt outt w'th our hands &amp; the s'd Comings s'd that he would trye no more for s'd he I had Rather Loose my mare than my barn &amp; I this deponant doe testify that to the Best of my understanding was the same mare that James Hough Junior Belonging to Ipswich farmes husband To Elizabeth Hough. would have [have] Borowed of the s'd Comings

*Tho Andrews(Reverse) Thomas Andrew Deposition

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 152)

[page 454]

(Sarah Andrews v. Elizabeth How)

The deposi&ibar;&obar;&nbar; of Sarah Andrew of Boston aged 27. years about seven yeares since going to see my sister Hanah Pearly of Ipswich farmes. who was in a Strange Condicon sick of fitts &amp; the Like She told me when she came Out of her fitts that it was Eliz. How wife to James How Jun'r. of Ipswich farmes that Hurtt. her &amp; that she would feign throw her into the fire &amp; into the water. &amp; that though her father had Corrected her for charging so pious a woman yet she was sure twas true &amp; should stand to it to her death

Sworn in Court

June. 2.d 1692

attest * St: Sewell Cle&rbar;

Jno. Cooke,s Evidence (written upside down)

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Sarah Bibber v. Elizabeth How)

the depozition of sarah biber aged 36 year testifieths and saith the day that elizabeth how was exam&nbar;d I saw her hurt elizabeth hubbort and ann putnam and abegel williams. and emediately. she fell apon me and Choked me and thru me down and hurt one of my leags very much. and elizabeth how did aflicte mary wolcott severall tims. and one the day of har examination --

Sarah Vibber: owned to the Jury of inquest: the above written to be a true evidence of hers:: upon oath: June: 30th 1692

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Nehemiah Abbott v. Elizabeth How)

The testimony of Nehamiah Abot Aged about 60 yers: saith that after any difrencis with James Hows wif elizabeth how ofen Evill a curents did falow som straing loses I met withall amongst our Catill:

[page 455]

I had one ox gat into thair fild and James Hows wife was very aingry and wished he was choked and some short time after his falow was choked with a turnop: and goodwif hows dauter came to borow my hors but I could not spare him: and the day after my hors was Cast in the barne with his head under him as my Sarvants tould me and I want and saw the plac whair he lay and I had a kow was so wake and lame that she could not go with out the halp of thre or fouer men to hold hur up and I put hur in my barne and put the Raills to kep hur from other Catill and about one ouer after the kow was gone the Raills being up and was in the mier a bout forty Rods of and I was forst to gat the same halpe to get hur thathir againe

Nehamiah Abbot: declared: to: the Jury of inquest: the above written to:

be the truth: upon oath: June: 30: 1692

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Nathan Abot.

( Essex Institute MSS Collection)

[page 457" id="p928-134]

Elizabeth Hubbard

(Clement Coldum v. Elizabeth Hubbard)

The deposition of Clement Coldum aged 60 years or ther about: saith; that on the 29th: of May; 1692; being at Salem Village carrying home Elizabeth Hubbard from the Meeting behind me; she desired me to ride faster, I asked her why; she said the woods were full of Devils, &amp; said ther &amp; there they be, but I could se none; then I put on my horse, &amp; after I had rid a while, she told me I might ride softer, for we had out rid them. I asked her if she was not afraid of the Devil, she answered me no, she could discourse with the Devil as well as with me, &amp; further saith not; this I am ready to testifie on Oath if called thereto, as witness my hand;

#[Clement Coldum]. *Clement ColddomAgainst Eliz: Hubbard

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 57)

(James Kettle v. Elizabeth Hubbard)

the testimony of James Cetel being of age who testifie and saith i being at docter grigses one a sabath day about the last of may in 1692 having some discource with Elizabeth hubberd and I found her to speack severall untruthes in deny ing the sabath day and saying she had not ben to me ting that day but had onely bean up to James houltons this I can testifie to if called: as witnes my hand

*James Ketle(Reverse) James Cetel

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 58)

[page 459" id="p928-136]

Frances Hutchins

(Warrant for Arrest of Frances Hutchins and Ruth Wilford)

Essex/ To the Constable of Haverhill

Complaint being made to me this day, by Timothy Swan of Andover: &amp; Mary Wallcott &amp; Anna Putnam of Salem Village, Against Mrs: frances Hutchins &amp; Ruth Willford, of Haverhill that the s'd frances Hutchins &amp; Ruth Willford, hath sorely afflicted them, the s'd Timothy Swan Mary Walcott &amp; Anna Putnam in their bodies, by witchcraft Severall times Contrary to the Peace of o'r: Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady King William &amp; Queen Mary, of England &amp;c: &amp; to their Majests Law in that Case provided: &amp; s'd Timothy Swan having according to Law, given sufficient bond, to Prosecute s'd Complaint, before Their Majests: justices of Peace att Salem the 19th: or 20th Instant. These therefore require you in their Majests. names to Apprehend &amp; sease the bodies of the afores'd frances Hutchins &amp; Ruth Willford, upon sight hereof, &amp; them safely Convey to [to] Salem afores'd, to their Majests: justices of the Peace there, to be examined &amp; proceeded with according to law: for which this shall be yo'r warrant: Given under my hand &amp; seal this eighteenth day of August Anno Domini 1692: In the 4th year of their Majests. Reigne. &amp;c

*Dudley Bradstreet

Justice of Peace

(Reverse) according to this warrant I have seesed and brought don mrs frances huchins: but sought with Diligenc for Ruth Wilford and she cannot be found

August 19: 1692

by Me Wilum Strlin Constbl for haverihill

[page 460]

haverhill August the 20 1692

I seased the body of Ruth Wilf [] of haverhill to answer the Complaint within mensioned

&Pbar; me William Strlin of haverhill Constable..

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Recognizance for Francis Hutchins)

Memorandum --

That on the Twenty one Day of Decemb'r: Anno'qe D&mbar; : one Thousand Six hundred Ninty &amp; two in the: fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;c. King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: Personally came and Appeared before me George Corwin High Shirriffe for the County of Essex of the Province of the Massathutets Bay in New England -- Samuel Hutchens of Haverell and Jospeh Kingsbury of Haverell afores'd Husbandman and Acknowledged themselves Indebted Unto our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or the Survivors of them their Heires &amp; Successors: in the Summe of two hundred pounds to beleaved one their Goods &amp; Chattles Lands &amp; Tenements for the Use of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or the Successors of them if Default be made in the Performance of the Condition Underwritten

Videllisitt --

The condition of the above written Recognizance is Such That Whereas francess Hutchens Widdow of Haverell afores'd is Suspected of and Accused of Committing Divers Acts of Witchcrafts If therefore the Said frances Hutchens afores'd: Shall &amp; do make her Personall Appearance before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the Next Court of Assize of Oyer &amp; Terminer Next Generall Goal Delivery to be held for &amp; within the County of Essex afores'd; to answar what shall be objected ag't: her on their Maj'tes: behalfe Refering to the Witchcrafts &amp; to do &amp; Receive that

[page 461]

by w'ch said Court shall be then and there Injoyned &amp; not Darpart without Licence Then the said Recognizance to be Void: or Else to abide in full force &amp; Vertue In Wittness wherof the: above Named Persons #[have] Sam'll: Hutchings &amp; Joseph Kingsberry have hereunto sett our hands &amp; seales this Twenty first Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred Ninty &amp; two, and in the fourth year of their Maj'ties Reigne


*Thomas Beadle

*Joshua Conant

*Jno Gyles 1692

*Samuel huchins

*Joseph Kingsberry( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 75)

[page 463" id="p928-140]

Mary Ireson

(Complaint v. Mary Ireson)

Deacon Edward putnam and Thomas Rayment both of Salem Village Complained on behalfe of theire Majesties against Mary Ireson the Wife of Benjamen Ireson of Lyn husbandman for Sundry acts of Witchcraft by her Committed Lately on the bodys of Mary Waren Susana Shelden &amp; Mary Walcot &amp; others of Salem Village whereby great hurt hath beane donne to theire bodys. therefore Craves Justice

*Edward Putnam

Salem June 4th. 1692 The Mark of Thomas

Rayment(In margin) also Eliz both Abi Williams Ann Putnam also

(Reverse) Ireson

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 8)

(Warrant for Arrest of Mary Ireson)

To the Sheriffe of the County of Essex or his deputie or Constable in Lyn

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Mary Ierson the wife of Benjamin Ireson of Lyn husbandman on Munday next about ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Thomas Beadles in Salem who stands Charged on behalfe of theire Majests with haveing committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft on the Bodys of Mary Waren, Susannah Shelden Mary Walcot and Others whereby great hurt is donne to theire bodys.) in order to her Examination Relateing to the abovesayd premises faile not

[page 464]

Dated Salem June 4t 1692

&Pbar; us &lsqb; *John Hathorne *Bartho Gedney *Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; J:peace

(Reverse) According to this warrant I have Aprehended the person of mary Ierson #[and] wife of Benjemen Ierson of Lyn and brought her to the plase apoynted in order to her exemination

as atest my hand *Henery Collings Constabll for the town of Lyn

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 9)

[page 465" id="p928-142]

John Jackson, Sr.

(Warrant for Arrest of John Jackson, Sr.; John Jackson, Jr.; and John Howard)

Essex/ To the Sheriff of the County of Essex or his Deputy/ Complaint being made this day to us by Ephraim foster of Andivor &amp; Joseph Tyler of Boxford against John Jackson sen'r &amp; his son John Jackson Jun'r &amp; John Howard all of Rowley Labourers that they the Said John Jackson Sen'r John Jackson Jun'r. &amp; John Howard have Sorely, afflicted Martha Sprage of Boxford &amp; Rose foster of Andivor Singlewomen by witchcraft contrary to the Peace of our Soverain Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of England &amp;c &amp; to their Majesties Laws in that case provided, &amp; Said Ephriam Foster &amp; Joseph Tyler haveing given Sufficient bond to procecut their Complaint to Effect These are therfore to require you in their Majesties names forthwith to aprehend &amp; seize the Bodys of the Said John Jackson Sen'r. John Jackson Jun'r. &amp; John Howard of Rowley &amp; them Safely convey to Salem before us their Majesties Justices of the Peace to be examined &amp; proceeded w'th. according to Law. for w'ch this shall be yo'r warrant dated In Salem:

25th. August 1692

*Bartho Gedney

*John Hathorne

*Jonathan. Corwin

*John Higginson

Just'es Peace

(Reverse) August 26 -- 1692 I have apprehended the three within named John Jackson Sen'r John Jackson Jun'r and John Howard: and have brought them before ther honors to Answer as [torn]

by me *Geo. Herrick Dep'y Sheriff

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 466]

(Recognizance of Complaint against John Jackson, Sr.; John Jackson, Jr.; and John Howard)

Ephriam foster, of Andivor. &amp; Joseph Tyler of Boxford Complaine to their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem against John Jackson Sen'r: &amp; his Son John Jackson Jun'r &amp; John Howard. all of the Towne of Rowley. Labourers for that they &amp; Every of them have Comited Severall acts of witchcraft upon the bodys Martha Sprag of Boxford &amp; Rose foster of Andivor Singlewomen to their Great hurt, &amp; the Said Eph'm. foster &amp; Joseph Tyler doe by these presents oblige themselves Joyntly &amp; Severaly to our Sover'n Lord &amp; Lady King William &amp; Queen Mary in the full &amp; whole Sume of one hundred pounds Bond Currant mony of New England The Condition is that they will prosecut the abov said Complaint to Effect as the law directs -- 25 Aug'st. 1692

This Recognizance taken before me

*Ephraim Foster

*John Higginson Just'e Peace *Joseph Tiler

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Examination of John Jackson, Sr.)

Jno Jaxon sen'r examined Before their Majest's Justices In salem August 27th 1692 Jno. Hawthorne Esq'rs &amp; others

The afflicted persons fell into a bad fitt: before s'd Jaxon came into the room &amp; s'd he is coming

Ques. Jno Jaxon why do you afflict these persons A I desire to Cry to God to keep both me &amp; mine from this sin: I never did it since the Day I was born.

Jno Jaxon you are here accused for hurting Martha Spreag &amp; Rose foster by witchcraft A. I am inocent.

Mary Warren was asked if ever s'd Jaxon had afflicted: her: she s'd yes.

Martha Spreag: is this: the man that afflicted you: A. Yes he hurt my throat last night He hath afflicted me: ever since I came Downe with the three: that Confessed one night it was s'd to s'd Jaxon if you be

[page 467]

Inocent: You can look upon them that are afflicted but: Martha Spreag was struck Down: when he looked: &amp; was Recovered out of her fitt with s'd Jaxons touch of his hand: the like was done by Mary Warin it was sayd to him: look how you afflict them: but he s'd no indeed I never Did it but: here is witnes against you: &amp; Hannah Post was Called: but s'd Jaxon s'd he never: knew nothing of it: but Hannah Post: sayd she had seen him at the witch meeting at Andover[r] &amp; that he Drank there: she sayd: that he &amp; his son was in hast to be gone: and away: they went: s'd Post was a little afflicted when s'd Jaxon looked on her: for he was to look right on her: when he was bid: but looked downward: Mary Walcot: sayd. she Saw s'd Jaxon at: the witch meeting at Chandlers of Andover: but he never had hurt her: but was at that meeting where: Mr Borroughs: had exorted them: and puld off his hat &amp; took his leave of them &amp; s'd. Jaxon took his leav of Mr Borroughs: Ann Putnam: s'd: &amp; hoped he should see him. again: but Mr Borroughs thout not: but Mary Walcot &amp; Ann Putnam both fell into a fitt: sarah Bridges was brought in: &amp; fell into a fitt and s'd Jaxon took her by: the hand &amp; she was well presently: but s'd she knew not the man: Mary Lasey was asked: Doe you know this man: s'd Yes I saw him last night: &amp; fell into a fitt: Richard Carrier s'd he saw s'd Jaxon last night: but Jaxon s'd he was at work at Cap. Wicoms of Rowley last night he s'd these persons was not in their Right mind: Mary Warin was struck Down [&amp; s'd she was struck down] &amp; s'd she was struck on the head: a Cloud was seen to Come: through her head cloathes Jaxon was charged with acting wich craf before them but he s'd he did it not nor would not own that ever the Devil had babtized him but when s'd Jaxon was Carried out the afflicted was much hurt: &amp; Rich'd Carrier was halled almost und'r the bed.

I underwritten being appoynted by authority to testify in wryting the above examination Doe testify upon oath taken in court that this is true coppy of the substance of it to the best of my Knowledge. 7th July 1692 -- 3

*Simon Willard

owned before the Grand Jury 7. Jan'y: 1692 *Robert Payne foreman:

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2704 Page 26)

[page 468]

(Indictment v. John Jackson, Sr.)

Province of Massathuchetts Bay in New England Essex &rsqb; Anno RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe. Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors [for] our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen Presents That John Jaxon Sen'r. of Rowley in the County of Essex on the Twenty Seventh Day of August 1692 -- And Divers other Dayes and Times as well Before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries wickedly Mallishiously &amp; felloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd upon and against one Mary Warren of Salem Singlewoman By which Wicked Arts the said Mary Warren the Day &amp; year afores'd and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after was &amp; is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined &amp; wasted against the Peace of our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Lawes in that Case made and Provided.


Rose Foster

Martha Sprague



*Robert payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2704, Page 26)

[page 469" id="p928-146]

John Jackson, Jr.

(See also: John Jackson, Sr. -- Warrant, Recognizance.)

(Examination of John Jackson, Jr.)

Jno Jaxon was brought into the room the Afflicted persons fell down: &amp; he was asked: Can you tell why: these fall down: he s'd he was bewitched by his Ant How: about four year agoe: &amp; did the Devill appear to you then he Answered yes: in the shape of a black man &amp; would disturb him &amp; not let him sleep a night: but he would not own: that ever he brought him a book he could say nothing about a book: being asked: where he was babtized: Answerd in Mr Phillips his meeting hous: but would not own that ever: the Devill babtized him nor: that ever: he had signed: to the Devils book: he s'd when asked that the Devil next appeared to him in the shape of a woman: he was asked what woman: he s'd his Aunt How: he s'd she asked: whether he would not set his hand to the Devils book but he sayd he did not see the Devils book: Ques: what other shapes did the Devil appear to you in: Answered: in the shape of Catts: he owned that the black man had bid him serve him the afflicted: s'd his father stood by him &amp; bid him not Confess: which he owned &amp; Cryed Quest. was your Aunt How a witch: A: yes she Afflicted me: when I was at work in the feild she Come &amp; looked on me &amp; tore down the fence &amp; my head fell of aking when: she looked on me there was a black spott on my Hatt as if it was burnt but you say yo'r Aunt How &amp; [yo'r] father bewitched you, when did yo'r father bewitch you: but answered not: it was s'd to him if you will not Confess witnes Should be called Mary Warin: was asked if this was one of them: men she saw: the other night: &amp; s'd yes but was struck down into a fit: &amp; s'd Jaxon touched her &amp; she was well: she s'd s'd Jaxon afflicted her: then: &amp; she had seen him afflict others: Mary Lacey s'd she knew s'd Jaxon: at Tilers: &amp; she had seen him afflict others of the afflicted Mary Warin: Mary Lasey Martha Spreag: &amp; Rose

[page 470]

foster fell into a fitt: &amp; Jaxon cryed out: much like a fooll when: he was mad to touch the afflicted: but: they were all well: when he touched them: hannah Post s'd Jaxon was at the witch meeting att Andover she saw him there: Sarah Bridges: &amp; Susana Post s'd Jaxon did let His presenc hurt them

I underwritten appointed by authority to take in wryting the above examinat'&nbar; Doe testify upon oath taken in court That this is a true coppy of the substance of it to the best of my knowledge

Janu'y 7th 1692 owned before the Grand Jury 7 Jan'y. 1692

*Simon Willard

*Robert Payne Foreman

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Indictment v. John Jackson, Jr.)

Province of the Massatuthetts Bay in New England Essex &rsqb Anno RR &amp;: Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto: Anno'qe Do&mbar;: 1692

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen Present

That John Jaxon Jun'r. of Rowley on the 27th. day of August 1692 And divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries Wickedly Mallishiously and felloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd. upon and against one Mary Warren of Salem Singlewoman by which Wicked arts the said Mary Warren the Day and year afores'd: and Divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after was &amp; is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed &amp; wasted against the Peace of our sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the the King &amp; Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Lawes in that case made &amp; Provided.

[page 471]


Martha Sprague

Rose Foster



*Robert Payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case 2704, Page 26)

[page 473" id="p928-150]

George Jacobs, Sr. Executed, August 19, 1692

(Warrant for Arrest of George Jacobs, Sr. and Margaret Jacobs)

To: The Constables <name type="place">in Salem.

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us. George Jacobs Senr of Salem, And Margaret Jacobs the daugter of George Jacobs Junr of Salem Single-woman Who stands accused, of high suspition of sundry acts of witchcraft by them both Committed on Sundry persons in Salem to theire great wrong and Injury and hereof faile not. Dated Salem May 10th 1692

&pbar;us. *John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists.

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists

To constable Joseph Neale

May the 10th: 1692 Then I apprehended the Bodyes of George Jacobs Sen'r and Margret Jacobs daughter of George Jacobs Jun'r Both of Salem According to the Tenor of the Above warrant

&Pbar; me *Joseph Neale Constable in Salem.

(Reverse) Warrant George Jacobs &amp; Margaret Jacobs.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 83)

[page 474]

(Mittimus for George Jacobs, Sr., William Hobbs, Edward Bishop, Bridget Bishop, Sarah Wilds, Mary Black, Mary English, Alice Parker, and Ann Pudeator.)

To the Keeper of theire (TORN)

You are in theire majests names her -- (Torn)

to take into your care and safe Custody (Torn)

of George Jacobs Sen'r of Salem husbandman (Torn)

of Salem farmes husbandman William Hobs of (Torn)

husbandman, Edward Bushop of Salem Village Husband. (Torn) Bushop Alias Olliver the wife of Edward Bushop of Salem Sawyer Sarah Wild: the wife of John Wild: of Topsfeild, Mary a Negro Woman of L't Nathaniell putnams of Salem Village Mary English the wife of phillip English of Salem Merchant; Allice parker the wiffe of John parker of Salem Seaman, and Ann pudeattor of Salem Widdow, who all and Everyone of them: Stand Charged in behalfe of theire Majests: With sundry acts of Witchcraft, Latly donne or Committed by them on the Bodys of Mary Walcot Abigail Williams Marcy Lewis Ann Putnam Eliz Hubberd Susannah Sheldon and Others of Salem Village and farmes, whereby great hurt hath bene donne them, Whome you are well to secure in sayd Goale untill they shall be thence delivered by and order of Law, and here of you are not to faile Dated Salem May the 12th 1692

&Pbar;&ybar;s *John Hathorne Assists.

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists.

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Examination of George Jacobs, Sr.)

The Examination of Geo: Jacobs Sen'r 10 May. 1692

Here are them that accuse you of acts of witchcraft

Well, let us hear who are they, and what are they.

Abigail Williams - Jacobs laught.

[page 475]

Because I am falsely accused. -- Your worships all of you do you think this is true?

Nay, what do you think?

I never did it.

who did it?

Dont ask me.

Why should we not ask you? Sarah Churchwell accuseth you, there she is.

I am as innocent as the Child born to night, I have lived. 33. years here in Salem.

What then?

If you can prove that I am guilty, I will lye under it, Sarah

Churchwell said last night I was afflicted at Deacon Ingersolls, and Mary Walcot said it was a man with 2 staves, it was my master.

Pray do not accuse me, I am as clear as your worships; you must do right judgments.

What book did he bring you Sarah?

The same that the other woman brought.

The Devill can go in any shape.

Did he not [be] appear on the other side of the river and hurt you, did not you see him.

Yes he did.

Look there, she accuseth you to your face, she chargeth you that you hurt her twise. Is it not true?

What would you have me say? I never wronged no man in word nor deed.

Here are 3 evidences.

You tax me for a wizard, you may as well tax me for a buzard I have done no harm.

Is it no harm to afflict these?

I never did it.

But how comes it to be in your appearance?

The Devil can taken any likeness.

Not without their consent.

Please your worship it is untrue, I never showed the book, I am as silly about these things as the child born last night.

That is your Saying, you argue you have lived so long, but what then Cain might live long before he killed Abel, and you might live long before the Devill had so prevailed on you.

[page 476]

Christ hath suffered 3 times for me.

What three times.

He suffered the Crosse &amp; gall --

You had as good confesse (said Sarah Churchwell) if you are guilty.

Have you heard that I have any witchcraft?

I know you lived a wicked life.

Let her make it out.

Doth he ever pray in his family?

Not unless by himself.

Why do you not pray in your family?

I cannot read.

Well but you may pray for all that. Can you say the Lords prayer?

Let us hear you?

He mist in severall parts of it, and could not repeat it right after Many Trialls

Sarah Churchwell, when you wrote in the book you was showed your masters name you said.

Yes Sir.

If she say so, if you do not know it, what will you say?

But she saw you, or your likeness tempt her to write.

one in my likeness, the Devil may present my likeness.

Were you not frighted Sarah Churchwell, when the representation of your master came to you?


Well: burn me, or hang me, I will stand in the truth of Christ, I know nothing of it.

Do you know nothing of getting your son George and his daughter Margaret to signe?

No nothing at all.

The 2d Examination of said George Jacobs 11. May, 1692.

The bewitched fell into most grevious fits and screhings when he came in.

Is this the man that hurts you?

Abig Williams cryed out this is the man and fell into a violent fit.

Ann Putman said this is the man, and he hurts her, and brings the book to her, and would have her write in the book, and she should be as well as his Grand daughter.

Mercy Lewis is this the man?

[page 477]

This is the man (after much interruption by fits) he almost kills me.

Eliz: Hubbard said the man never hurt her till to day he came upon the Table.

Mary Walcot is this the man?

After much interruption by fits she said this is the man, he used to come with two staves and beat her with one of them.

What do you say, are you not a witch?

No I know it not, if I were to dye presently.

Mercy Lewes went to come near him but fell into great fits.

Mercy Lewes testimony read. What do you say to this?

Why it is false, I know not of it, any more than the child that was born to night.

Ann Putman said yes, you told me so, that you had been so this: 40 years.

Ann Putman and Abigail Williams had each of them a pin stuck in their hands, and they said it was this old Jacobs.

Abigail Williams Testimony read.

Are not you the man that made disturbance at a Lecture in Salem.

No great disturbance. Do you think I use witchcraft?

Yes indeed

No I use none of them.

(Reverse) The Examination of Geo: Jacobs, Sen'r.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 86)

(Indictment v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c Quarto: Essex: ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen prsents. That George Jacobs Sen'r of Salem in the County of Essex the 11th day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defend'rs of the faith &amp;c. and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as

[page 478]

after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and sorceries Wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the county of Essex, aforesaid in, upon, and ag't: one Marcy Lewis, of Salem village Singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Marcy Lewis the 11th day of May in the fourth year abovesaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined consumed wasted and Tormented and also for sundry other acts of witchcraft by said George Jacobs Committed and Done before and since that time ag't: the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and ag't the forme of the Statutes in that Case made and provided:

Witnesses Marcy Lewis

Mary Walcott.

Eliz. Hubbard

Sarah Churchill.

(Reverse) George Jacobs No (2) Indictment Ignoramus

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 85)

(Indictment v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et

Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c Quarto

Essex ss The Jurors for our Soverigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen prsents that George Jacob sen'r of Salem

husbandman --

the 11th day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen def&nbar;ed'rs of the faith &amp;c and divers other days and Times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries -- Wickedly and felloniously hath Used. Practised and Exercised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex afore s'd: in upon and ag't: one Mary Walcott of Salem villiage Singlewomen -- by which said wicked arts the said Mary Walcot the 11th day of May in the fourth year above said and divers other days and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted. Pined Consumed wasted &amp; Tormented and also for Sundrey other acts of witchcraft, by said George Jacobs. Committed and done before and Since that time agt:

[page 479]

the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't: the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided./

Witnesses -- Marcy Lewis

Mary Walcott

Eliz. Hubbard

Ann Putman

Sarah Churchill

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Summons for Witnesses v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

W'm and Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;c King and Queen &amp;c.

To the Sheriff of Essex or deputy or Constables of Salem Greeting.

Wee comand you to Warn and give notice unto Joseph Flintt John Waters sen'r John Doritch Corpo'll John foster Capt Puttnam and [his] Rebecca his wife that they and Every of them be and appear forthwith att the Court of Oyer and Terminer holden at Salem there to Testifie the truth to the best of your knowledge on certain Indictments Exhibited against George Jacobs Sen'r hereof make return faile not.

Dated in Salem Aug't 4th 1692, and in the fourth yeare of our Reigne

*Stephen Sewall Cler.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 85)

(Abigail Williams v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

The Testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth and saith that she hath severall times seen, and been very much afflicted by the Apparition of Geo Jacobs Sen'r of Salem at and before the 11. May, 1692.

(Reverse) Abig: Williams ag'st Geo: Jacobs Sen'r

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 86)

[page 480]

(Physical Examination of George Jacobs, Sr.)

The Testimony of George Herrick aged thirty fouer yeares or theirabouts Testyfeyeth and Saith that Some time in May Last by order of their Majesties Justices I went to the prison in Salem to Search George Jacobs Sen'r and likewise William Dounton the Goale keeper and Joseph Neale constable was in presence and concerned with mee in the search where under the s'd Jacobs his Right Sholder wee found A tett aboute A quarter of an Inch longue or better with A Sharpe point Drupeing downwards so that I tooke A pinn from s'd Dounton and Run it through the s'd tett but their was nither watter blood nor curruption nor any other matter and so wee make Returne:

William Dounton testifeyeth the above written and we farther Testefy and say that the s'd Jacobs was not in the least Senceable in what wee had done for after I had made Returne to the majestrates and Returned I tould the s'd Jacob And hee knew nothing before

Sworne in Court Aug't. 4. 92

(Reverse) Herik



( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 88)

(Sarah Churchill v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Sarah Churchwell :Affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: that George Jacobs Sen'r or his Apperition:has afflicted: her s'd. Churchell: by choaking of her and she veryly thinks that s'd Jacobs: did it by witch craft.

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 87)

[page 481]

(Sarah Bibber v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Sarah Vibber made Oath that she Saw him this George Jacobs at the Gallows when Goody Olliver was executed &amp; the black man help him up. &amp; that she saw him aflict Mary Walcot &amp; beat hir with his Staffe.

Jurat in Curia.

Mercy Lewis

Mary Walcot

Eliz. Hubbard

Ann: Putnam

(Reverse) Severall Evidences Contra. Georg: Jacobs.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 87)

(Mary Warren v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Mary Warin afirmd: before the Jury of Inquest: that George Jacobs sen'r has: afflicted her: s'd Warin and beat her with his staffe he or his Apperition: s'd Warin ses she had seen s'd Jacobs or Apperition afflict Mary Walcot and beat her with his staffe: she sayd also that s'd Jacobs has: afflicte Ann Putman s'd warin verily thinks: s'd George Jacobs is a wizard

Aug't: 4: 1692. upon her oath

Jurat in Curia.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 88)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Elizabeth Hubbard Affirmed to the Jury of Inquest: that she hath seen: George Jacob sen'r: afflict: Mary Walcot Ann Putnam and Abigail Williams: and s'd Jacobs: or his Appearition has sorely afflicted her said Eliz Hubbard: Aug: 4. 1692. upon her oath.

Jurat in Curia.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 88)

[page 482]

(Mary Walcott v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Mary Walcot Affirmed before the Jury of Inquest that she hath seen George: Jacobs Sen'r afflict Mary Warin and Ann Putnam and Elizabeth Hubbard: and s'd Jacobs or his Apperition hath hurt her s'd Mary Walcot and beat her with his staffe: Aug't 4: 92 upon her oath s'd Walcot s'd she verily beleeve s'd Jacobs is a wizerd: and: that on the day and time of s'd Jacobs his examination; he afflicted: her and Ann Putman and Elizabeth Hubbard

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 88)

(John DeRich v. George Jacobs, Sr. et al.)


John Doritch aged 16 years or thereabouts Testifieth and Saith.

That John Small and his wife Anne both deceased and formerly of the Towne of Salem doth both appear to this Deponent and told him that they would tare him to peices if he did not goe and Declare to Mr. Harthorne that George Jacobs senior: Did kill them: and likewise that Mary Warrens mother did appeare to this Deponent this day with a white man and told him that goodwife Parker and Oliver did kill her: and Likewise Core Procter and his wife: Sarah Procter Joseph Procter and John Procter did all afflict this deponent and do continually every day sense he hath began to be afflicted: and would have him this deponent to sett his hand to a Booke but this deponent told them he would not: Likewise Phillip English and his wife Mary doth appear to this deponent and afflict him and all the aboves'd persons Thretten to tare this Deponent in peices if he doth not Signe to a Booke: Likewise Goodwife Pease and Hobs and her daughter Abigail doth Afflict him and thretten the same: and Likewise a woman appeares to this Deponent who lives at Boston at the Uper end of the Towne whose name is Mary: she goes in black clothes hath: but one Eye: with a Crooked Neck and she saith there is none in Boston

[page 483]

like her, she did afflict this deponent but saith she will not any more, nor tell him her name.

Jurat all relating to the prisoner at the Barr.

(Reverse) John Derick against George Jacobs Copyed

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 88)

(Mercy Lewis v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

The deposistion of Mercy Lewes who testifieth and saith that on 20th: April 1692: att or about midnight there appeared to me the apperishtion of an old; very gray headed man and tould me that his name was George Jacobs and that he had had two wives and he did tortor me and beate me with a stick which he had in his hand: and urged me to writ in his book which I refused to doe: and so he hath continewed ever sence by times coming sumtimes with two sticks in his hands to afflect me still tempting me to writ in his book: but most dredfull he fell upon me and did tortor me on the 9th of May at eveing after I came whom from the Examination of his maid: threating to kill me that night if I would not writ in his book; because I did witnes against his maid and perswaded her to confess but because I would not yeald to his hellish temtations he did tortor me most cruelly by bating me with the two sticks which he had in his hands: and allmost redy to pull all my bones out of joynt tell my strenth and, hartt was Redy to fail but being up held by an Allmighty hand and incouraged by them that stood by I indured his tortors that night. the 10th May he againe sett upon me and afflected me most greviously a great many times in the day: still urging me to writ in his book: but att evening he againe tortored me most greviously by pinching me and beating me black and blue and threating to kill me if I would not writ in his book but I tould him I would not writ in his book tho he did kill me and tare me all to peaces: then he profered me to give me gold and many figne things if I would writ in his book: but I tould him I would not writ in his book if he would give me all the world then againe he did tortor me most greviously but at last went away from me: also on the 15th May 1692.

[page 484]

being the day of the Examination of George Jacobs then I saw that it was that very man that tould me his name was George Jacobs and he did also most dreadfully torment me allmost redy to kill me and I verily beleve in my hart that George Jacobs is a most dreadfull wizzard and that he hath very often afflected and tormented me by his acts of witchcraft.

Mercy Lewis declared to the Jury of Inquest that: the above written evidence [is the] truth.

(Reverse) Marcy Lewis ag't Geo. Jacobs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 89)

(Joseph Flint v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

The deposicon of Joseph Flintt aged 30 yeares Saith that being at the house of Mr Thomas Beadles on the 11th of May 1692, when the Magistrates were Examining George Jacobs his Grandaughter and understanding that she had confessed I this deponent went into the other room where George Jacobs was and Told him that his Grandaughter had confessed he asked me what she had confessed I told him that she had confest she was a witch or that she had Set her hand to the Devil's booke

Whereupon s'd Jacobs said that She was charged not to confess and then I asked him who charged her not to confess, he then made &amp; stop and at last said that if she were Innocent and yet Confest she would be accessary to her owne death

marke Joseph

FlintJurat in Curia

(Reverse) Joseph Flint ags't Geo. Jacobs Sen'r.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 90)

(Abigail Williams v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

Abigail Williams Testifyeth &amp; saith that an old man that goes with two sticks hath appeared to &amp; hurt her many times by pinching

[page 485]

&amp; bringing the book for hir to set her hands unto, &amp; the man told her his name was Jacobs the father of Geo: Jacobs &amp; the Grandfather of Margaret Jacobs &amp; he had made said Margaret set her hand to the book &amp; Sarah Churchwell &amp; his son Geo. Jacobs &amp; his wife &amp; another woman &amp; her husband viz. Mr. English &amp; his wife: also that she said Margaret had hurt her pretty much to day &amp; at other times &amp; brought her the book severall times to night but not before.

We whose names are underwritten testifye that we heard the above s'd Abigail relate the charge afore s'd this 10 day May 1692

*Nathaniel Ingersoll

*Jonathan Walcott

*John louder

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Thomas Putnam and John Putnam, Jr. v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

The Deposistion of Thomas putnam agged 40 years and Jno putnam aged 36 years who testifie and saith that we haveing been converssant with divers of the afflected parsons as mary walcott mercy lewes Eliz. Hubburd Abigail williams and Ann putnam and others have seen them most dreadfully tormented and complaining of old Jacobs for hurting them but on 11:th May 1692 being the day of the examination of George Jacobs sen'r the afforesaid parsons ware most dreadfully tormented dureing the time of his examination as if indeed their bones would have ben disjoynted: being in such misery as we could hardly hold them and wee beleve that George Jacobs the prizsoner att the barr as very often afflicted and tormented the afforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft

*Thomas putnam *John putnam<name type="place">Jurat in Curia

( Bowditch Mss. Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 486]

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that I had ben most greviously afflected by George Jacobs sen'r but most Dreadfully tormented by him on 11th of May 1692 dureing the time of his examination also on the day of his examination I saw George Jacobs or his Apperance most greviously torment mary walcott Eliz. Hubburd and I beleve in my hart that George Jacobs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he hath very often afflected me and the affore mentioned pasons by his acts of witchcraft

ann putnam ownid this har testimony bifore the Juriars of Inquest: one her oath this 4 day of agust: 1692

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(John DeRich v. George Jacobs, Sr.)

The testimoney of John derich Agged bout 16 yeares testifieth and saith that somtim in May last paste: Gorge Jacobs sin'r Cam to me and bid me goe to my wife and tell her that she muste send me some money: and he bid me that I should not Eate any of his Cheires: and divers times sence he hath bine in prissone he hath afflicted me several ways by pinching and by &sbar;&rbar;&abar;&cbar;hing and bitting and told me that if I would not Sett mi hand to his boocke he would destroye me and lead me in to the water and would have drowned me and natheinnil Wattere tooke me out of the water and the prisoner Knockt me downe with his stafe: the 3 day of this instant Augst: and while I was writting mi testimoney he told me that he did not Care for that writting and told me that he had bin a wizard this fortie yeares

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 487" id="p928-164]

George Jacobs, Jr.

(See also: George Burroughs -- Report of Physical Examination; `Rebecca Jacobs -- Warrant.)

(Complaint v. George Jacobs, Jr., Daniel Andrew, Rebecca Jacobs, Sarah Buckley, Mary Witheridge, Elizabeth Hart, Thomas Farrer, Elizabeth Colson, and Bethia Carter, Jr.)

Salem. May the 14th. 1692.

Lt Nathaniell Ingersall and Serjt Thomas putnam , yeomen both of Salem Village personally appeared before us and made Complaint in behalfe of theire Majests against Daniell Andrew of Salem Village Bricklayer. George Jacobs jun'r of Salem Village husbandman, and [] Jacobs the wife of Said George Jacobs, [] Buckley the wife of W'm Buckley of Salem Village Cordwayner. and Mary Withridge of Salem Village daugter of Said Buckley [] Hart the wife of Isaac Hart of Lyn husbandman Thomas farrer sen'r of Lyn.hubandman. Elizabeth Colson of Reding single Woman, And Bethya Carter of Ouburne daugter of Widdow Carter of s'd Towne. for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed or donne lately on the body of Ann puttnam Marcy Lewis Mary Walcot And Abigail Williams &amp; others of Salem Village, whereby much hurt is donne to their bodyes, therefore Craves Justice.

*Nathaniel Ingersoll.

*Thomas putnam

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 84)

[page 488]

(Warrant for Arrest of Daniel Andrew and George Jacobs, Jr.)

To the Marshall Generall or Lawfull dept of Constables in Boston or eles where.

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to apprehend forthwith; or as soon as may be, Daniell Andrew And George Jacobs both of Salem Village, who Stand charged with high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft by them donne or Committed on the bodys of Mary Walot Abigail Williams Mary Lewis and Others of Salem Village Lately: where by great hurt &amp; dammage hath been donn them. Contrary to the Laws of theire Majests who being found you are to convey unto Salem &amp; Deliver them unto Authority in order to theire Examination Relating to the Premises and hereof are not to faile

Dated Salem May. 17th 1692

*John Hathorne &rsqb; By order of the Governour

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; By order of the Governour

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 489" id="p928-166]

Margaret Jacobs

(See also: George Jacobs, Sr. -- Warrant.)

(Indictment v. Margaret Jacobs)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss// &rsqb; Anno RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c'a Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Juriors for our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen doe present That Margarett Jacobs of Salem Single Woman -- In the County of Essex -- aforesaid -- Att or upon the Eleventh day of Ma&yuml; -- In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem -- in the County of Essex -- Aforesaid in upon &amp; against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem -- Aforesaid -- Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said Elizabeth Hobert the day &amp; yeare -- aforesaid &amp; divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented, and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the Said Margarett Jacobs Comitted and done before and Since that time against our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King &amp; Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme in the Stattute in that Case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Indictment Margaret Jacobs bewiching Elizabeth Hobet Billa

Vera Ponet Sc.

Not guilty 2 Salem Court 3d Janu. 1692/3

Entered on record

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 100)

[page 490]

(John DeRich v. Margaret Jacobs)

The testomeny of John derech Eaged about sixten years testifieth and Sayeth that Margat Jacobs Came and aflicted me this 5 of September as she hath many tims before She al so teleth me that she will kill me if #[she] I woul not yeld to hur she al so bringeth the book to me tempen me to set my hand to it she teleth me that i shall be wel if i will set my hand to the book she teleth me that She will run a scuer thoraw me and threteneth me to Cut me with a knife beger than an ordnery knife is as #[he] she hath don worse before.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 55)

(Margaret Jacobs to her father, George Jacobs, Jr.)

From the Dungeon<name type="place" rend="italics">in Salem-Prison, August 20, 92. <salute rend="italics">Honoured Father,

After my Humble Duty Remmbered to you, hoping in the Lord of your good Health, as Blessed be God I enjoy, tho in abundance of Affliction, being close Confined here in a loathsome Dungeon, the Lord look down in mercy upon me, not knowing how soon I shall be put to Death, by means of the Afflicted Persons; my Grand-Father having Suffered already, and all his Estate Seized for the King. The reason of my Confinement is this, I having, through the Magistrates Threatnings, and my own Vile and Wretched Heart, confessed several things contrary to my Conscience and Knowledg, tho to the Wounding of my own Soul, the Lord pardon me for it; but Oh! the terrors of a wounded Conscience who can bear. But blessed be the Lord, he would not let me go on in my Sins, but in mercy I hope so my Soul would not suffer me to keep it in any longer, but I was forced to confess the truth of all before the Magistrates, who would not believe me, but tis their pleasure to put me in here, and God knows how soon I shall be put to death. Dear Father, let me beg your Prayers to the Lord on my behalf, and send us a Joyful and Happy meeting in Heaven. My Mother poor Woman is very Crazey, and

[page 491]

remembers her kind Love to you, and to Uncle, viz. D. A. So leaving you to the protection of the Lord, I rest your Dutiful Daughter,

MARGARET JACOBS.( Robert Calef, More Wonders of The Invisible World [ London, 1700], excerpted in Burr, ed., Narratives of The Witchcraft Cases, pp. 365-366.)

(Recantation of Margaret Jacobs)

The humble declaration of Margaret Jacobs unto the honoured court now sitting at Salem, sheweth

That whereas your poor and humble declarant being closely confined here in Salem goal for the crime of witchcraft, which crime thanks be to the Lord I am altogether ignorant of, as will appear at the great day of judgment: May it please the honoured court, I was cried out upon by some of the possessed persons, as afflicting them; whereupon I was brought to my examination, which persons at the sight of me fell down, which did very much startle and affright me. The Lord above knows I knew nothing, in the least measure, how or who afflicted them; they told me, without doubt I did, or else they would not fall down at me; they told me, if I would not confess, I should be put down into the dungeon and would be hanged, but if I would confess I should have my life; the which did so affright me, with my own vile wicked heart, to save my life; made me make the like confession I did, which confession, may it please the honoured court, is altogether false and untrue. The very first night after I had made confession, I was in such horror of conscience that I could not sleep for fear the devil should carry me away for telling such horrid lies. I was, may it please the honoured court, sworn to my confession, as I understand since, but then, at that time, was ignorant of it, not knowing what an oath did mean. The Lord, I hope, in whom I trust, out of the abundance of his mercy, will forgive me my false forswearing myself. What I said, was altogether false against my grandfather, and Mr. Burroughs, which I did to save my life and to have my liberty; but the Lord, charging it to my conscience, made me in so much horror, that I could not contain myself before I had denied my confession, which I did though I saw nothing but death before

[page 492]

me, chusing rather death with a quiet conscience, than to live in such horror, which I could not suffer. Where, upon my denying my confession, I was committed to close prison, where I have enjoyed more felicity in spirit, a thousand times, than I did before in my enlargement.

And now, may it please your honours, your declarant, having, in part, given your honours a description of my condition, do leave it to your honours pious and judicious discretions, to take pity and compassion on my young and tender years, to act and do with me, as the Lord above and your honours shall see good, having no friend, but the Lord, to plead my cause for me; not being guilty in the least measure of the crime of witchcraft, nor any other sin that deserves death from man; and your poor and humble declarant shall for ever pray, as she is bound in duty, for your honours happiness in this life and eternal felicity in the world to come. So prays your honours declarant.

Margaret Jacobs.( Thomas Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay, II, 30-31)

[page 493" id="p928-170]

Rebecca Jacobs

(See also: George Jacobs, Jr. -- Complaint.)

(Warrant for the Arrest of Rebecca Jacobs, Daniel Andrew, George Jacobs, Jr., Sarah Buckley, Mary Witheridge)

To the Constables <name type="place">in Salem

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to Apprehend and bring before us on Tuesday next being the seaventeenth day of this Instant moneth of May aboute ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of L't Natha&nbar; ll Ingersons of Salem Village, Daniell Andrew of Salem Village Bricklayer. George Jacobs Jun'r of Salem Village husbandman And Rebecka Jacobs the wife of said George Jacobs and Sarah Buckley the wife of W'm Buckley of Salem Village Cord wayner, And Mary withridge the daugter of sayd Buckley. who all stand Charged in behalfe of theire Majesties with high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcrafts by them donne or Committed on the Bodys of Ann putnam Marcy Lewis Mary Walcot and Abigail Williams and Others of Salem Village (Lately) whereby hurt hath been donn them. And hereof you are not to faile

Dated Salem May the 14th. 1692

&pbar; us

*John. Hathorne &rsqb; Assists

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists


In prosecution of this warant I have apprehended and brought the bodyes of Sarah Buckley and Marye Withredg and Rebekah Jacobs all of Salem velage according to the tener of the within written warrant: and have Likewise made delegant sarch at the house of

[page 494]

Daniell Andrew and at the house of Georg Jacobs for them Likewise but cannot find them

p me *Jonathan Putnam Constable in Salem

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 114)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Jacobs)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno R. Rs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c'a Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe &Pbar;sent That Rebeccah Jacobs of Salem Villadge in the County of Essex afors'd husbandman In the Yeare aforesaid in Salem Villadge in the County of Essex, afores'd. Wickedly and felloniously a Covenant with the Evill Spiritt the Devill did make Contrary to the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity, And the forme in the Stattute In that Case made and Provided

(Reverse) Indictm't: Agst Rebeckah Jacobs for Covenanting with the Devil Igno Rama

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 115)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Jacobs)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusett Bay in New England ss// &rsqb; Anno R Rs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c'a Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen doe present That Rebechah Jacobs Wife of Georg[e] Jacobs of Salem Village -- In the County of Essex aforesaid Husbandman upon the

[page 495]

Eighteenth day of May -- In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries [Wicke]dly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practi[ced an]d Exercised At and in Salem Village -- Aforesaid in upon and against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the Said Eliz Hobart the day &amp; yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented #[and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by [torn] said Rebeckah Jacobs -- Comitted and done before and Since that time] and against the peace of our Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme in the [Stattute] In that case made and Provided

Witnes [torn]

Eliz: Jo [torn]

Mary [torn]

Ann [torn]

Jurat in Curia

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 98)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Rebecca Jacobs)

The deposistion of Eliz Hubbred who testifieth and saith that one the begining of may 1692 I was afflected by Rebecah Jacobs the wife of George jacobs but on the 18.th may 1692 being the day of hir examination I saw Rebekah Jacobs or hir Apperanc most greviously afflet mary walcott Abigail williams and Ann putnam: tho when she began to confes she left ofe hirting of us but severall times sence that she has most greviously affleted me and I beleve in my heart that Rebecka Jacobs is a wicth and that she has often affleted me and the afforesaid parsons by acts of wicthcraf.

Eliz Hubbard ownd: the truth of the above written evdence: before the Jury of Inques. Sept 10: 1692

(Reverse) Eliz: hubard vs Rebecca Jacobs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 115)

[page 496]

(Petition of Rebecca Fox)

To his Excellency S'r William Phips Kn't Govern'r &amp; the Honourable Council now setting at Boston, the Humble Petition of Rebeccah Fox of Cambridge

Showeth that whereas Rebecah Jacobs (daughter of your Humble Petitioner ) has a long time, even many Months now lyen in Prison for Witchcraft, &amp; is well known to be a Person Craz'd Distracted &amp; Broken in mind, Your Humble Petitioner does most humbly &amp; earnestly seek unto Your Excellency &amp; to Your Hon'rs for releif in this case:

Your Petitioner who knows well the Condition of her poor Daughter, together with severall others of good repute and creditt are ready to offer their Oaths, that the s'd Jacobs is a Woman Craz'd, Distracted &amp; Broken in her mind, &amp; that She has been so these twelve Years &amp; upwards;

However for (I think) about this half Year the s'd Jacobs has lyen in Pris&obar; &amp; yet remaines there attended with many sore Difficulties:

Christianity &amp; Nature do each of them oblige Your Petitioner to be very Solicitous in this matter, and altho many weighty cases do exercise Your thoughts, Yet Your Petitioner can have no rest in her mind, till such time as she has offer'd this her addresse on behalf of her daughter:

Some have dyed already in Prison, and others have been dangerously sick, &amp; how soon Others, &amp; among them my Poor Child, by the Difficulties of this Confinem't may be sick &amp; dye, G'd only knows:

She is uncapable of making that shift for her self that others can do, &amp; such are her circumstances on other accounts that Your Petitioner who is her tender Mother has many great Sorrows &amp; almost overco&mbar;ing burthens on her mind upon her account, but in the midst of all her &pbar;plexities and troubles (next to supplicating to a Good &amp; Mercifull God) Your Petitioner has no way for help but to make this her afflicted conditi&obar; known unto You, So not doubting but Your Excellency &amp; Your Honours will readily hear the cries &amp; Groans of a Poor Distressed Woman and grant what help and enlargem't You may Your Petitioner heartily beggs God's gracious presence with You and Subscribes her self in all humble manner

Your Sorrowfull and Distressed Petitioner Rebeccah Fox[page 497]

(On reverse side of paper)

Rebecca Fox her Pet'con

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 76)

(Petition of Rebecca Fox)

To the Hon'ble: William Stoughton Esq'r Cheif Judge of Their Maj'ties Special Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer Holden at Salem &amp;c The Humble Petition of Rebecca Fox Sheweth

That Whereas Rebeccah Jacobs (daughter to the Humble Petitioner ) has long lyen in Prison for Witchcraft, &amp; she at some times has uttered hard words of her self as tho she had killed her Child, which words are much accounted of as is famed

These may acquaint your Hon'r that the s'd Rebeccah Jacobs is a Woman broken &amp; distracted in her mind, &amp; that she has been so at times above these 12 Years, &amp; this I am ready to take my oath to, &amp; I can bring several Others that will do the same &amp; therefore

Your Humble Petitioner thought her self bound in Conscience for your Hon'r's informatio to declare the same to Your Hon'r &amp; Prays that due regard may be had thereto, that so there may not be stresse laid on the Confession of a Distracted Woman to the Prejudice of her life; So not doubting of your Hon'r's Integrity in this Matter Your Petitioner prays to God Almighty, that Wisedome may not be witholden from your Hon'r. who is Wise, &amp; subscribes her Self

Hon'ble S'r Your Hon'r's Dutiful Servat and Humbl Petition'r Rebecca Fox( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 499" id="p928-176]

Elizabeth Johnson, Sr.

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Johnson, Sr. and Abigail Johnson)

Essex:/ To the Constable of Andivor

Complaint being made this day to us by Sam'll. Martin of Andivor &amp; Moses Tyler of Boxford, against Elizabeth Johnson widow and Abigall Johnson Singleweoman of Andivor that they the Said Elizabeth Johnson &amp; Abigall Johnson hath greviously, afflicted and abused Martha. Sprage of boxford &amp; Abigall Martin of Andivor Singleweomen by witchcraft contrary to the Peace of our Sover'ne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of England &amp;c &amp; to their Majesties Lawes in that case provided, and Said Sam'll Martin &amp; Moses Tyler haveing given Sufficient bond to prosecut their Said Complaint to Effect These are therefore to require you in their Majesties name forthwith to apprehend &amp; seize the Bodys of the Said Elizabeth Johnson widow &amp; Abigall Johnson her dauter Singlewoeman of Andivor &amp; them Safely, convey to Salem before us their Majesties Justices of the Peace to be examined &amp; proceded with according to law, forw'th. this shall be your warrant.

Dated in Salem 29: August 1692.

*Bartho Gedney

*John Hathorne

*John Higginson

Just'es. Peace


in obedenc to this writ I have seased the bodies of Elizabeth jonson widow and abigall jonson hur [torn] Both of andover this 30 day of agust 1692

By me *John Ballard constable of andover

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 500]

(Examination of Elizabeth Johnson)

1692 Eliz'th Johnson Examined Before the Justices of Salem August 30th 1692 --

Eliz'th Johnson you are hence Charged for acting Witchcraft Come tell how long you have ben a witch A I cannot tell butt Since my Daught'r Came heither &amp; Stopt -- Q. w't the Divel Come to You did he not A yes -- Q. was it in the Day A no in the night when I was asleep &amp; awaked me &amp; S'd he would goe &amp; afflict in my Shape but I never Sett my hand to his book -- Come be thorow in all lickly hood -- you have been long in this Snare the Sundry years She S'd &amp; Pray for me for it is true I have bin long in this Snare but yett would owne but 3 Year or not above 4 -- w't Shape did the Divel appear to you at first A a white bird wel what would he have you to doe A Serve &amp; worship him well that time Then you Signed to his book how did you doe it A w'th my finger Q w't Spott did itt Make a black &amp; what bignes was the book A pretty big -- Q. did you promise to Serve &amp; worship him A yes -- Q. when &amp; where did the bird appear to You -- A In the day time in my owne house -- Q. has he not apeared to you like a black man A Yes he mostly apears to me like a black man Was you alone when he appeared to you A yes I have been to much alone. how long has the Child that Is here been a witch a 5 yeares I suppose [for] lived at Goody Carriers A that time who came w'th the Divel when he came to you first did W'm. Bark'r No he has not been oh Soe long it was my Sister Abigail Falkner -- who stands before you now is it not the Sister falkner A Yes She Threattens to Tear me in peices if I confses Q. how long hath She ben one A no longer then I Where did the Divel baptize you A at 5 mile pond who ware baptized when you was A My Sister falkner &amp; a great many more -- Jeames How was one how many times have you been at the witch metting at the Village A butt once Unlese I was Their in my Spirit. Q how did you goe thither one Horse back as far as I know but after wards S'd She was Carried thither upon a pole &amp; that her sister falkner was there &amp; William Barker others She new not for She did not know folk Q but did you give the Children to the Divel A No I do not know that this Girle is a witch w't number of witches be there in all. A it may be I doe not know w't did they agre to doe at the metting at the Village A to afflict people &amp; make as many witches as they Could [as they Could] how many

[page 501]

have you made witches A none Q. was they to Sett up the divels Kingdome A yes but why doe they afflict now they [doe] they are daly brought out A the Divel makes them doe it Q. how many was their at that Metting at Chandlers A 20 or 30 I dont know how many what did you doe their A drink wine, where did you gett Your wine A from Boston I think butt I doe not know how brought it Mr Busse was Their did you drink A yes how did it tast A it has been bitt'r to me I am Sure butt who were the Company A I do not know any but them that are brought out Q. was Martha Emerson there A I know not Was Dan'll Eames of the Comp'y A yes he was She S'd also Hannah Mary &amp; Susana Posts were baptized when She was &amp; that the Divel dipt there heads in the watt'r &amp; s'd thou art now Soul &amp; body Come you that have been a witch Soe long you doe not Thouroly Conffess you know who you have afflicted She owned She had afflicted Sarah Phelps &amp; 3 of Martins Children &amp; that her Sister &amp; Sarah parker Joyned w'th her in afflicting them Q then doe you know Sarah parker to be witch A I know She afflicted those or Else I afflicted none She owned She had afflicted Rose Fostter but I know not that I have afflicted Martha Sprauge I know not what my Spirit did Q how are you when your Spirit is Gone out of you A in A Cold Dampish Mallancolly Condition she would not own she had afflicted Swan She was askt how she knew She Should be Sent for A my Son Told me I should be Sent for yesterday She owned he had afflicted Martin &amp; Martha Sprauge Yesterd'y &amp; that the actions of -- body that she Used to afflict was the pinching her hands &amp; that the Divel had Made her promis to renounce god &amp; Christ &amp; she did Soe &amp; being ask how long she had ben a witch she said She knew nott, butt She was 30 Years old when She was Married &amp; now She was 51 &amp; when She had had 3 Children the Divel came to her &amp; it might be a 25 years &amp; that the Divel Appeared to her like a bird a black bird &amp; then She did not signe butt @ a year after She Signed &amp; that the Divel came alone when She Signed She S'd her Sister Abig'l had been a witch as long as She, She would not own that She was baptized before the time fornamed nor that she had been baptized by him above ever nor that she had set her Seal to the book but She had Set her hand to the book at Salem Village when the Combination was she owned [she] had Eat &amp; drink at the Mett'g at Chand's butt no where Else She s'd Burroughs &amp; Buss ware at the Village Metting &amp; Buss was at the Mett'g at Chand's &amp; bid them Stand to the faith &amp; truth She s'd the Divel propounded 30 Years

[page 502]

to her to Serve him &amp; he had promised her al glory &amp; happines &amp; Joy But as yett performed nothing -- She S'd her familliar was like a Browne puppee &amp; that he also Sucks her breast She also Confess'd She was afrayd her Son Stephen was a witch butt She did not Ceartainly know it but Conffesed his apperance was then before her &amp; that was the young man the afflicted Saw before Her &amp; before She had Conffesed of her Son She could not Shake w'th afflicted but after ward She could.

This is the Substance of Eliz'th Johnsons Sen'rs Conffession &amp; Examination out of my Carrecter

Attest Simon[d] Willard

( Essex Institute Salem, Miscellaneous Collection)

[page 503" id="p928-180]

Elizabeth Johnson, Jr.

(Examination of Elizabeth Johnson, Jr.)

The Examination of Elizabeth Jonson Jun'r Taken Before Dudley Broads [torn] the 10 August 1692. She confesseth as followeth That Goody Carrier brought a book to her &amp; she set her hand to it -- That Goody Carrier baptized her when she Baptized her Daughter Sarah &amp; that Goody Carr'r told her she Should be Saved if she would be a witch -- That She had bin at Salem Village w'th Goody Carr'r &amp; that She had been at the Mock Sacrement theire &amp; Saw Mr Burroughs their She Conffesed She had afflicted Severall persons that the first She afflicted was lawrence Lacey &amp; that She &amp; Tho Carrier aflected Sarah phelps &amp; Mary Walcutt &amp; Ann Puttman, the 9th Instant &amp; that She afflicted them this day as She Came to Twone and that She hath afflicted a Child of Ephrahm Davis the 9 Instant &amp; this day by pinching it and that she afflicted ann Puttnam w'th a Spear That She and goody Carrier afflicted Benja' Abbott -- That Goody Toothaker &amp; 2 of her Children ware w'th her the last night when She afflicted the children -- She also confsesed that one Dan'll Ems of Boxford was w'th. her one the 8th &amp; 9th Instant at night &amp; he afflicted Sarah Phelps, &amp; told her he had been a witch Ever Since he ran away -- and that she had a hand in Afflicting Timo' Swan --

( Miscellaneous Papers -- Essex Institute, Salem)

(Examination of Elizabeth Johnson, Jr.)

Eliz Jonsons: Jun'r Confession: August: the 11th 1692 before: Jno' Hauthorne Esq'r &amp; others their majests Justices the Majestrates s'd: to her you have alredy confessed: you are a wich how long have you bin soe A: four year: she s'd the devill like a blak man &amp; good wife Carrier perswaded: her to be a witch: &amp; that she was att goodwife

[page 504]

Carriers hous when they perswaded her: and they promised her: she should be safe and should not be found: out: they also promised her: a shilling in money: but she s'd she never had it she s'd she did not presently afflict persons #[but] not till she had bin babtized: by the devill which was about 3 years agoe: in goodwife Carriers well: she s'd she scratcht the devills book with her finger when she signed it she s'd the devill never apeared to her from the time she signed till she was babtized: after she was babtized he appeared like two black Catts: she forgott: what the devils s'd to her when she was babtized by him: but he dipt: her head over in water: she owned she had bin at the witcheses meeting: &amp; that she saw Cap't floyd there: and she said goodwife Carrier: &amp; goodwife toothaker &amp; two of Toothakers Children: one of them was Martha Emorson she s'd she saw Capt floyd in the room: when she was examined &amp; that goodwife Toothaker: and daghter: &amp; goodwife Carrier: were there &amp; intended kill her for they threatned to tere her to peices: being asked how old she was: she s'd 22 years: she s'd there were: about six score att the witch meeting att the Villadge that she saw: she s'd the ocasion of her first signing the devils book was: the devill &amp; good wife Carrier threatned to tere in peices if she did not doe it, she s'd she wrought then att s'd Carriers hous: she s'd they had bread &amp; wine at the witch Sacrement att the Villadge &amp; they filled the wine out into Cups to drink she s'd there was a minister att that meeting &amp; he was a short man &amp; she thought his name was Borroughs: she s'd they agreed that time to afflict folk: &amp; to pull downe the kingdom of Christ &amp; to sett up the devils kingdom: &amp; that the first she afflicted was Benja Abbit or Lawrence Lascy: she s'd she had also afflicted phelpses daughter: she s'd she knew also: that Rich'd Carrier: &amp; mary Lascy had afflicted by witchcraft: but she knew it not till a little before they were taken up she s'd: she had aflicted Lawr Lascy by setting on his stumack: &amp; that goodwife Carier &amp; goodwife Lascy Joined w't[h] her in afflicting Lawr Lascy &amp; that Dan'll Emes: &amp; Sarah Carrier Joined w't[h] her to afflict Sarah phelps also toothakers wife Joynd with her: to afflict s'd phelps. she s'd she afflicted s'd phelps: by poppetts she brought out 3 poppits: made of rags or stripes of clothe too of them: the other was made of a birch Rhine: one poppet: had: four peices or stripes of cloth rapt one upon another which she s'd was to afflict four persons with there was thread in the middle und'r the rags Lawr Lascy &amp; ephraim Davises child were told that: she afflicted

[page 505]

by pinchinghat popet: a second popet had two such peices of rags rolld up together &amp; 3 pins stuck into it: &amp; she afflicted ben Abitt &amp; James fryes two childred &amp; Abra: fosters childred with that poppet &amp; th[e] other. she afflicted An putnam with a spear: &amp; was asked whether the spear was Iron or woud: she s'd either of them would doe: she was asked: where her fammilier Suckt: her: She showd one of her knuckles of her finger &amp; s'd there was one place &amp; it looked red she s'd she had two places more where they suckt her: &amp; women were ordered to search them out &amp; they found two little red specks that s'd Jonson s'd were all that: there was to be seen: they were playn to be seen when they were newly sucked: one of s'd places was behind her arm R'd Carrier &amp; mary lascy Ju'r. s'd they saw goody Carier lascy &amp; toothaker an the poppits

This is the substance of what I took in Characters from her mouth

(In left margin) Attest *Simon Willard

She owned that she did renounce god &amp; Christ: &amp; her former babtisme: when the devill babtized her she s'd that Martha Toothaker goodwife Carrier goodwife lascy Capt floyd &amp; she had Joyned: together: to hurt Jos Ballards wife

I underwrytten being appointed by aut&ibar;'e to tak in wryteing the within examina'o&nbar; Doe testify upon oath taken in court that this is a true coppy of the substance of itt to the best of my knowledge.

5 Jan'ry 1692/3 *Simon Willard

Owned before the Grand Jury

5 January 1692/3 *Robert Payne foreman:

Eliz Johnson was Examined before theire Majes

Justices att Salem --

attests *John Hathorne Just &pbar;'e

(In right margin)

Eliz. Johnson Jun'r.( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 34)

[page 507" id="p928-184]

Rebecca Johnson

(Examination of Rebecca Johnson)

The Examination of Rebecka Johnson , widow, Taken before Jno Hauthorn Esq'd &amp; other their Majesties Justices.

she denyed what she was acused of, But she acknowledged the turneing of the sieve, in her house by hir daughter, whom she Desyred to no if her brother Moses Haggat was alive or dead. And that if the sieve turned he was dead, and so the sieve did turn, And my Daughter said that Mr Bernards [mind] told her the way The words used were, By Saint Peter &amp; Saint Paul, if Haggat be dead Let this sieve turn round; &amp; so it did.

Elizabeth the wife of George Booth was struck down by the said widow Johnsons lookeing upon her and Martha Sprague s'd she saw the s'd Widow Johnson afflict her. and Rose foster saw the same And further that said Johnsons apparition told them she Intended to spoyle George Booths wifes child.

The s'd widow Johnson upon her examination as was Judged afflicted Sprague &amp; Foster into fitts and by her touch recovered them again. Martha Sprague and Rose foster said they saw the s'd Rebecka Johnson afflict Abigail Martin &amp; Alice Booth Alice Booth saw the same s'd Johnson afflict her sister booth and that she saw her at our house partake of the sacrement.

Rose foster: Alice booth &amp; Martha Sprague said they saw the Devill stand before her and also before her Daughter.

I underwritten being appoynted by authority to take the above examination in writing Doe testify upon oath taken in court That this is a true coppy of the substance of it to the best of my knowledge

7t Jan'ry 1692/3 *Wm. Murray

[page 508]

The above Reb'a. Johnson was Examined before their Majes'es: Justies of peace in salem

atest *John Higginson Just Peace

Owned before the Grand Jury

7 Jan'y 1692

*Robert: Payne Foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2707 Page 30)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Johnson)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno RRs. Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Juriors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen doe present that Rebecka Johnson widow, of Andivor In the County of Essex upon the Seaventh day of September In the yeare aforsaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Malisiously and feloniously hath Used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex in upon and against one Alice Booth of Salem aforesaid Singlewoman by which Said wicked Acts the Said Alice Booth the day and yeare abovesaid and Divers other Dayes &amp; Times both before &amp; after was &amp; is tortured afflicted Consumed Pined wasted and Tormented Against the peace of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; Dignity and the Laws in that Case made &amp; Provided.


Martha Sprage alias Tyler

Rose Foster



*Robert Payne


( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2707 Page 30)

[page 509" id="p928-186]

Stephen Johnson

(Examination of Stephen Johnson)

1st Se&pbar;: 92 Before Maj'r: Gidney Mr: Hathorne Mr: Corwin &amp; Jno Higginson Esq'r:

The Examination &amp; Confession of Steph'n: Johnson aged 14 Yeares --

In the time of his Examinat'n he afflicted Martha: Sprauge Mary lacy &amp; Rose fostt'r: by looking on them &amp; Recovered them again by laying his hand Upon there Rist or arme &amp; at last Conffesed thus -- that @ hilling time this Su&mbar; being alone he Saw a Speckled bird not soe big as a pigeon which Spake to him &amp; the Next day he Saw a black Catt &amp; after that Came a black man who told him he must Set his hand to a book &amp; Soe &pbar;rsented him a Single paper to which he Sett his hand being asked after w't maner he did it he Said he prickt his fing'r: &amp; blood Came out &amp; he Stampt his fing'r: Upon the paper &amp; made a red Mark He S'd that he was also to Serve the Black man one Year &amp; his Servis was to afflict prsons &amp; further that the Divel asked him to give up him Self Soul &amp; body to him &amp; Soe he did &amp; thinks also that the Divel was to Have him at the Years End being asked w't he was to have of the Divel for his Service s'd a pair of french fall Shouses w'ch he never yett had He Saith also that he was baptized at Shaw Shim River alittle after he Saw the Divel the first time. The Ma&nbar;er was thus having ben at work at Benja: abbotts he went alone in the Evening to Swim In the Watt'r: &amp; there mett w'th: the black Man who told him he must be his Servant &amp; must be also baptized &amp; Soe the black man took him Up &amp; flung in his Whole body over the bank into the Watt'r: being Ready Stript before to goe in him Self, &amp; [then] then this black man told him he must be his &amp; must Renounce his first baptizime &amp; Soe he did he Saith their was also a couple of Mades &amp; 2 Men he Conffess that Yersterday he afflicted Martha Sprauge &amp; that he did it by Squeezing his hands together he Conffesses also that he and the Rest of his Comp'y:

[page 510]

did Daunce at Moses Tylers House &amp; Made Martha Sprauge Sing he Says he is Sorry for w't he has done Renounces the Divel &amp; all his Works &amp; then Could Take the afflicted by the Hand w'th out hurting of them --

Stephen Johnson Signed &amp; owned the above S'd Examination &amp; Conffesion

The Marke of Stephen Johnson15 Sept: 92.

Before Me *Jno Higginson Just'e peace

( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

(Indictment v. Stephen Johnson)

Province of the Massachusets Bay In New England Essex ss &rsqb; An&nbar;&obar; RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto -- Ano'qe Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord &amp; lady the King &amp; Queen Present that Stephen Johnson

On or about the first Day of September last in the Yeare aforesaid &amp; divers other days &amp; times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously &amp; felloniously hath Used practised &amp; Exersised, at &amp; In the Towne of Salem In the County of Essex aforesaid Upon &amp; Against Martha Sprague Mary Lacey &amp; Rose foster, By which Wicked Arts the said Martha Sprague Mary Lacey &amp; Rose Foster, The Day &amp; Yeare aforesaid And divers other days and times as well before as after was &amp; is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Wasted Pined &amp; Tormented, Against the peace of o'r Sov'r lord &amp; lady the King &amp; Queen Their Crowne &amp; dignity &amp; the laws in that Case Made &amp; provided --

(Reverse) Steph Johnson bewitching Martha Sprague Mary Lasey and Rose foster Billa vera: Robert Payne foreman

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 42)

[page 511]

(Indictment v. Stephen Johnson)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex ss &rsqb; Anno RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Ano'qe Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord &amp; lady the King &amp; Queen present That Stephen Johnson

Sometime In this Present Yeare 1692 Wickedly Mallitiously &amp; fellonious[ly] with the Devill A Covenant did Make, Wherby he gave himselfe both Soule &amp; Body to the Divel, And Signed the Devills Booke with his Blood And By the Devill was Baptized &amp; Unto the Devill Renounced his Christian Baptizme By Which Wicked &amp; Diabolicall Covenant with the Devill Made The Said Stephen Johnson is become A detestable Witch Contrary to the peace of our Sov'r lord &amp; lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; Dignity &amp; the Laws in that Case Made &amp; provided --

(Reverse) Stephen Johnson Covenanting with the Devill

Billa vera Robert Payne foreman.

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 42)

(Recognizance for Stephen Johnson, Abigail Johnson and Sarah Carrier)

Know all Men by these presents that Wee Walter Wright Weaver Francis Johnson Husbandman &amp; Thomas Carrier Sen'r Husbandman All of the Town of Andover in the Cownty of Essex in New England, are holden &amp; firmely Bownd Joyntly &amp; Sevirally to theire Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary of England and Scottland france &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith in the full &amp; Just Sum of five hundrid pownds Sterling for the True And Juste payments of which Said Sum of five hundrid pownds to theire Majesties King William And Queen Mary, Wee do bind Our Selves Our heires Executtors Administrators And Assignes firmely by these presents Dated in

[page 512]

Salem the Sixth day of Octo'r In the Year of Our Lord One thowsand Six hundrid Ninety &amp; Two &amp; in the fourth Year of the Reigne of Our Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary King &amp; Queen of England Scottland france &amp; Ireland Defenders of the faith --

The Condition of this Obligation is Such that Whereas the Above named Walter Wright weaver &amp; francis Johnson &amp; Thomas Carrier Husbandmen All of the Town of Andover in the Cownty of Essex in New England, having &amp; taken Into there Care &amp; Custody the Bodyes of Stephen Johnson Aged About thirteen Years &amp; Abigail Johnson Aged about Eleven Yeares &amp; Sarah Carrier aged About Eight Yeares who weare all Committed to there Majesties Goale in Salem in the Cownty of Essex in New England for havinge Used practised and Committed Divers Acts of Witchcraft Upon the Bodyes of Syndry persons who Also themselves have all of them Confessed the Same, If that the Aforesaid Walter Wright weaver &amp; Francis Johnson &amp; Thomas Carrier husbandmen Shall well &amp; Truly keep the Aforesaid Stephen Johnson &amp; Abigail Johnson &amp; Sarah Carrier And them Secure Untill they shall Receive Order from George Corwin Sherrif of the Cownty of Essex to deliver the. Aforesaid Stephen Johnson Abigail Johnson &amp; Sarah Carrier Unto William Downton Now Keeper of theire Majes'es Goale in Salem Or to Any Other Whome the Afforesaid George Corwin shall Appoint; that then they shall forthwith deliver the Same Stephen Johnson Abigail Johnson &amp; Sarah Carrier according to his Order And if the above bownd do performe the above mentioned Articles &amp; Shall pay Unto George Corwin the Sherrif aforesaid the forfieture of s'd Bond for theire Maj'ies Use in Case of Default then This Obligation shall be Void &amp; of None Effect Or Otherwise to Stand in full force &amp; Virtue in Wittness hereof we the above bownd have set Our hands &amp; Seles this Sixth of October in the year of Our Lord One thowsand Six hundrid ninety two In the fourth year of ther Majesties Reigne --

Wittness *Joshua Conant

*Elizur Keysar

*Joseph Phippen Juner

Walter Wright his mark [seal]

*Francis Johnson [seal]

Thomas Carrier his mark [seal]

( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 58)

[page 513" id="p928-190]

Mary Lacey, Sr.

(See also: Mary Lacey, Jr. -- Examination.)

(Complaint v. Mary Lacey Sr., and Mary Lacey, Jr.)

Joseph Ballard of Andover husbandman Complaineth of Mary Lacy wife of Lawrence Lacy of Andover and of Mary Lacy daughter of s'd Lawrence Lacy of Andover afores'd Singlewoman: as followeth that whereas this Complainers Wife Elizabeth Ballard hath been this Severall monthes Sorely aflicted &amp; visited w'th Strange pains and pressures &amp; remains so to this day which I verily beleive is Occasioned by Witchcraft and have cause to Suspect the above Mencioned Mary Lacy &amp; her daughter Mary to be the Actors of it &amp; accordingly Enter this my Complaint against them &amp; acknowledge my Selfe Indebted to Our Soveraign Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen One hundred poundes Currant money of New England On Condition to prosecute this my Complaint to Effect as the law directs: in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand this 19th day July: 1692.

[Joseph Ballard]

This Comlt was Exhibited Salem July the 19th. 1692 by Jos'h. Ballard abovesaid before Barth. Gedney Jona'h Corwin Jno Hathorne Jno Higginson &rsqb;

Jus Peace

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 514]

(Examination of Mary Lacey, Sr.)

21 July 1692. A part of Goody Laceyes 2d Examination and confession to be added to the first. Before Mag'r Gedney Mr Hauthorn &amp; Mr Corwin.

When Goody foster was upon examination the second tyme, Goody Lacey was brought in also, who said to her mother foster, we have forsaken Jesus christ, and the devil hath got hold of us, how shall we get cleare of this evil one:

she confesses that her mother foster, Goody Carryer &amp; herself rid upon a pole to Salem Village meeting, and that the pole broke alittle way off from the village she sayth further that about 3 or 4 years agoe she saw Mistress Bradburry Goody How and Goody Nurse Baptised by the old Serpent at newburry falls And that he dipped theire heads in the water and then said thay wer his and he had power over them, she sayes there were six baptised at that tyme who were some of the chieff or heigher powers, and that there might be neare about a hundred in company at that tyme. It being asked her, after what maner she went to Newberry falls answered the devil carryed her in his armes, And sayth further that if she doe take a ragg, clout or any such thing and Roll it up together And Imagine it to represent such and such a persone; Then whatsoever she doth to that Ragg or clout so rouled up, The persone represented thereby will be in lyke manner afflicted. It being again asked her if what she had said was all true, she answered affirmatively, confessing also that Andrew Carryer was witch

She confesses that she afflicted Timothy Swan in Compa with Mistress Bradbury Goody Carryer Richard Carryer and her own daughter mary lacey, They afflicted him with an Iron spindle and she thinks they did once with a tobacko pipe

She said she was in Swans chamber and it being ask'd which way she got in answered the devil helpt her in at the window, she also remembers the afflicting of Ballards wife, and that Rich'd Carryer was ther also

She said further the devil take away her memory and will not let her remember.

(Reverse) Mary Lacey further confession

part of the Examination of Mary Lacey --

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 24)

[page 515]

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Mary Lacey, Sr.)

Eliz: Hubert affirmd to the grand Inquest: that she hath: seen Mary lascy sen'r afflict: Joseph Ballards wife of Andover: she sayth also: that: s'd Mary Lascy did at the time of her examination: afflict her s'd Eliz Hubbert: &amp; mercy Lewis: &amp; she dos beleev: s'd mary lascy was a witch: &amp; afflicted me &amp; the above s'd persons: by witchcraft: but: she never afflicted her: s'd Hubberd since she confessed:

upon oath: Sept'r: 14: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 24)

(Mercy Lewis v. Mary Lacey, Sr.)

Mercy lewis : affirm[e]d to the grand Inquest: that s[h]e saw: Mary Lascy sen'r : afflict Joseph Ballards: wife of Andover: she saith also: that mary Lascy sen'r afflicted her s'd Lewis &amp; Eliz Hubbert: at the time of her examination but since she has not hurt her: she sayth: she beleeves s'd Lacy was a witch: &amp; afflicted: her: &amp; the above named persons: by witchcraft Sept'r. the. 14: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 24)

(Mary Warren v. Mary Lacey, Sr.)

Mary Warin affirmd to the gran Inquest: that she saw Mary Lascy sen'r Afflict: Eliz Hubbert: &amp; mercy Lewis: at the time of her examination: she own[e]d it: upon her former oath Sept'r: 14: 1692.

(Reverse) Witness agt Mary Lacey

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 24)

[page 516]

(Indictment v. Mary Lacey, Sr.)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno R Rs Reginae &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp; Quarto. Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe Present that Mary lace&yuml; Wife of lawrence lace&yuml; of Andivor in the County of Essex Husbandman upon the Twentieth day of July In the year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem aforesaid Single Woman by which said wicked Acts the said Eliza Hobert the day &amp; Year aforesaid and divers other dayes and Times Both Before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consum'd Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry other Acts of witchcraft by the said Mary lace&yuml; Comitted and done Before and since that Time against the Peace of o'r. Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of Stattute in that Case made and Provided,

(Reverse) Indictm't ags't Mary lace&yuml; for bewitching Eliza Hobert Billa Vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 23)

(Indictment v. Mary Lacey, Sr.)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno RRs &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;ca Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692//

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe &Pbar;rsent That Mary Lacey Wife of Lawrence Lace&yuml; of Andiver In the County of Essex Husbandman The Twentieth day of July In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft &amp; Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex Aforesaid in upon

[page 517]

and against one Mercy Lewis of Salem aforesaid Single Woman. by which said Wicked Acts the said Mercy Lewis the day &amp; Year Aforesaid and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary lacey Comitted and done before and Since that time against the Peace of Our Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute In that case made and provided.


(Reverse) Indict't ags't Mary Lacey for bewitching Mercy Lewis Billa Vera Co&gbar;&nbar;

( Essex Institute, Salem -- Fowler Papers)

[page 519" id="p928-196]

Mary Lacey, Jr.

(See also: Mary Lacey, Sr. -- Complaint.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Mary Lacey, Jr.)

To: The Sherriffe of the County of Essex or dep'ts of Constable in Andover

You are in theire Majests. names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us, Mary Lacey daugter of Lawrence Lacy of Andover single womun, who Stands Charged on behalfe of theire Maj'es with haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft on. Eliz ballerd the wife of Jos Ballerd of Andover. to her great hurt and that in order to her Examination Relateing to the abovesayed premises faile not

Dated Salem July 20th. 1692

You are likewise required to search deligently in the house &amp; aboute it for popetts &amp;c

*Bartho. Gedney

*John Hathorne

*Jonathan. Corwin

*John Higginson

Justs Peace

In obedience unto this warant I have Seased the body of the above Riton person: and brought her to the place apoynted: &amp; delivered her: and allso made &sbar;&rbar;ch for popetts or the like: with Two men and Two wimin: and found a persal of Rags [yean] tape and a persell of quils tied up that none of the family knew what it was for and brought them to you honers:: this 21: of July 1692

&Pbar; *Ephriam Foster

Constable of Andovr

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 520]

(Examination of Mary Lacey, Jr., Mary Lacey, Sr., Ann Foster, Richard Carrier, and Andrew Carrier)

Severall Examinations Before Bartho Gidny. John Hathorne Jonat Corwin &amp; John Higginson Esq'rs

21: July 1692:

Mary Lacy Jun'r Exa. She was brought in &amp; Mary Warren in a violent fit; Q. how dare you come in here &amp; bring the divill w'th you to aflict these pore creatures. A. I know nothing of it, but upon lacys laying her hand on warrins arme she was then recovered from her fit.

q. You are here accused for practising witchcraft upon Goody Ballard w'ch way doe you doe it. A. I canot tell; where is my mother that made me a witch and I knew it not. Q. can you look on Mary Wa&rbar;&rbar;. &amp; not hurt her look upon her now in a friendly way, she tryed so to doe struck her downe.

q. doe you acckn'l. now you are awitch A. yes.

q. how long have you bin a witc[h] A. not above a week. Q. did the divill apeare to you. A: yes:

Q. in what shape. A. in the shape of a horse

Q. where. A. in the House. Q. what did he say to you. A. he bid me to be afraid of nothing. &amp; he would not bring me out. but he has proved a lyer from the begining. Q. what did he order you to doe.

A. he set me to kill a tinker in the Towne. and I would not. then he said he would kill me if I did not. I said I hoped God would help me. Q. what other shape did he apeare in A. in the shape of around Gray thing &amp; bid me set my hand to his book &amp; I would not, Q. did he bid you worship him A. yes. and bid me also afflict persons. --

Q. how many times did the divill apeare to you. A -- twice &amp; both times in the night I was in my bead &amp; he awaked me by making a strange noyse. Q. what did he say to you. A. he bid me obey him &amp; he would never bring me out

q. did you not worship him. A. yes I doe not question it sometimes

Q. you may yet be deliverd if god give you repentance. A. I hope he will

Q. have you never ben molested. till about a week agoe A. no. but my mother has wished severall times the divill would [torn] all away.

Q. but how did you aflict the persons. A. I squesed [torn]

[page 521]

Q. was it something in the likeness of them [torn]

that you squesed A. yes [torn]

thing that came to hand. Mary lacy being [torn]

desired now to [torn]

she struck her downe w'th her looks. [torn]

Q. Mary War [torn]

but pointed at Mary Lacy Q. Mary Lac [torn]

A. A yeare &amp; I have ben adisobedi [torn]

good, the divill apeared to me [torn]

&amp; mother &amp; never doe as the [torn]

she then asked d[torn]

every night [torn]

and Rich'd Carrier did one time draw cider ther

Q. how many of you ware there at a time. A. Rich'd. Carrier &amp; his moth'r. &amp; my grandmother &amp; mouther, Noat &amp; upon reading over the confession so farr goody lacy the mother owned the last perticuler.

Q. how many more witches are in Andiver A. I know no more but Rich'd Carier

Q. w't time was it you drunk the cider A. Sometime this spring. Q. had you any feasting there A. we eate nothing but drunk. Q. tell all the truth. A. I canot yet. Q. had you no victualls. A. no. Q. w't. other persons have you hurt A. none else Q. did not you hurt the maid their Mary Warren w'ch way did you doe it was it her liknes.

A. the divill doth it &amp; I know it not Q did not you squese somthing to hurt her.

A. I lay on a forme yesterday &amp; squesed that Q. how maney year is it since you had familliarty w'th the divel

A. a year and quarter agoe Q. Were you never at Salem Village. A. No. Q. How many have you afflicted A. Non but Timo. Swan #[and this] Ballard &amp; Mary Warren. Q. did you nott afflict Jeames frys Child

A. yes and R'd. Carrier was w'th. me -- and told me that Jeames fry. had beat his brother &amp; he would fitt him for it &amp; soe he afflicted s'd fry's Child &amp; gott me to assist him. Q. did you use at any Time to ride upon a Satik or poll. A. Yes. Q. how high. A Somtimes above the trees Q. doe not ye Anoynt ye selves before ye flye A. No but the divell carried us upon hand poles Q. the Mother Strick dwon these afflicted &pbar;rsons sorely and she confessed soe far till at last she could shake hands w'th them frely &amp; doe them noe harm Now ther

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fore be you also free and tell us all the truth what kind of Worship did you doe the Divell A he bid me pray to him &amp; serve him &amp; said he was a god &amp; Lord to me q. what did he promise to give you A he said I should want nothing in this world &amp; that I should obtain glory w'th him Q. Why would they hurt the Village people A the Divill would sett up his Kingdome their &amp; we should have happy days &amp; it would then be bett'r times for me if I would obay him Q. What Mettings have you bin at, at the Village A. I was once there, and

[torn] there was R'd Carrier who rod w'th me upon a poll

[torn] carried us and ther was also my grammoth'r

[torn] my moth'r &amp; goody

[torn] two poles or one A. two Q. how many were

[torn] there at that

[torn] A. I beleve there was a hundred &amp; they

[torn] were in

[torn] Q were you not in two Companys A we

[torn] came first but we were in two

[torn] there A. I know nott that I did

[torn] bout afflicting. &pbar;rsons. Q. w't time

Noate that Mary Warren then Saw on the Table a young man &amp; was Just then herself afflicted And this Mary Lacy said she saw Young Carrier Sitt upon Warrens Stomack the s'd Lacy Said -- further there is a little Boy at Deacon frys that is an Unhappy Boy &amp; I think he Joynes in this Witchcraft his name Is Andrew Carrier &amp; he hurts frys child because fry beat him --

Q -- Doth the Divell require any thing of you besides hurting persons

A. Yes to serve him and make more witches if we can &amp; says if we will not make other persons sett there hand to the Book he will tear us in peaces q'n. have you this Book A. no the Divel Keeps it &amp; he goes along with us. &amp; we perswade persons, &amp; their he setts downe ther names in Blood, q'n. w't doe you write w'th all A. w'th penns &amp; granmeths &amp; all of us Sett our Hands to the Book q'n did you see this Andrew Carrier afflictt frey's. Child A he went w'th us when R'd and I went -- she s'd. further that R'd Carrier had athing of his Mother's. w'ch she Charged him never to show to any person q'n. w't thing is it A. a writting Q. what writting is this. A it is a writting that the Divel gave to goody Carrier and she has bin a witch Ever Since She Lived at Bilrica. A w't Murthers has she done A two Broth'r. of her own and a Broth'r In law Andrew Allin Jno Allin &amp;

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Jeames Holt -- here this Mary Lacey spake at Larg of a difference between Goody Carrier &amp; Jeams Holt -- A a days work &amp; that Goody Carrier said she would Fitt him for itt Q w't Children has she Killed A Goody Fry's Child &amp; Christoph'r Osgood's. wife &amp; that this Osgood &amp; Carrier had a falling out before, She also killed Jeames Holts Child &amp; a a Child of and'r Allins A. w'ch way did she kill them A she Stabbed them to the hart w'th pinns needles &amp; knitting needles

Q. was this in ther bodyes or Somthing in there liknes A it was on there bodye And oth'r things also Q. did they use to doe itt by poppetts A. Yes. Q did you Ever hear what was in that paper that. Goody. Carrier Gave to Rich'd. A no but Goody Carrier told her that she had given him a paper that would make him as good as herself. Q did you Ever ask him where he putt this paper A. No but I know he Is a Wicked wretch. Q. was you not at Mr Ballards house on thanksgiving day at night A this Goody Carrier Came to us in her Spirit &amp; to granmoth'r and would not lett her alone till she went w'th her and afflict persons Q. how doth she come when she comes In her Spiritt A Somtimes in the Liknes of a Catt Somtimes In the Liknes of a bird &amp; tells us it is she. Q. w't Coulor are these Catts

A. Blak Q. where or in w't pl doe those Catts or Shapes Suck A I cannott tell but beleuve they doe Suck her body. Q. did you hear the 77 witches names called over A yes the Divel Called them Q. w't Speech did he use to them A he bid them obey him and doe his Commands &amp; it would be Bett'r for them &amp; they Should obtain Crownes In hell. &amp; Goody Carrier told me the Divell Said to her she should be a Queen In hell, Q. how was to be King A the Minist'r Q. w't kind of Man Is Mr. Burroughs A a pretty little man and he has Come to Us Somtimes In his Spiritt in the Shape of a Catt &amp; I think somtimes In his prop'r Shape Q. doe you hear the Divel hurts in the Shap of any person without there consents A No Q did the Divel then bid them hurt the people at the Village -- A yes --

Q. were you Ever baptized A yes -- Q. did not the Divel desire you to Renounce the Baptize -- &amp; to Renounce God A. he bid me never to keep Gods word but to serve him &amp; said that he was god &amp; also made me deny my baptize Q. w't words did he say A he would have me baptized again &amp; I would not Q. did you never see him baptize any A no. Q. did you never se that Sacrement at the Village; to ans truly A Yes. Q. w't Coulor was the Bread A. the bread was brownish &amp; the wine Red they had also a table and Erthen Cups &amp; there

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was so many that there was not bread Enough for them all. Some of them Stole bread and some brought bread w'th them and some of the bred look't of a Reddish Color. Q. how Drew the Sider when you were at Jos'ph Ballards A. Goody Carriers spiritt Q. did you drink of that Sider bodyly. A. Yes -- Q. in what posture was her body in when her Spirit was gone A. It was dead. Q. are they sensible when they goe for the Sider A Yes Q. did you goe bodely to the [torn] A Yes Q. were you ever out in the Spirit [torn] A. Yes and Goody Carrier fetches me away w'th her Imps. Q. doe you then Understand w't you doe in the Spirit A Yes and can tell in moring when when I come home what I have don and can tell the persons I have Conversed wth. Q what time of the day was that metting at the village A about twelve a Clock in the day Q. if you ware there In the persons how came it to pase that other persons did not see you A Somtimes we leave our bodyes at home but at other times we goe in our bodyes &amp; the divel puts a Mist before there Eyes &amp; will not lett them see us. Q. when any person Striks w'th a Sword or Staf at a Spirit or Spector will that hurt the body A Yes -- Q. did any ever Strik at you A No -- Q. did you Ever here of any that were they hurt A. Yes My Granmother was hurt in here arme Q. how long agoe A arely this Spring Q. where was she then A. at the village Q. did you here of any other A. Yes my own mother was hurt in the hip by a blow Q. and where was she Struck A. At the Village Q. you say ye Mother was hurt this Spring at e Village A. Yes Q. how came you to know ye Mother was hurt A. She told me soe that she was hurt Q. and why will they Venture again after they are hurt A. the Divell Makes them goe again and tells them [them] that if they will not he will afflict them worse. After this confession Mary Warrin Came and took her by the hand &amp; was no way hurt &amp; she viz. Mary Lacy did Ernestly ask Mary Warren Forgiveness for afflicting of her and both fell a weeping Together etc -- goody Lacey the Mother brought into the Chamber, To whome the Court s'd thus, Here is a Poor Miserable Child a Wretched Mother &amp; Granmother; Upon which Mary Lacey the Daughter Broak forth into these Expressions, O Mother, why did you give me to the Divell twice or thrice over -- The Mother s'd She was Sorry at the hart for it it was through that wicked one, The Daughter Ernestly bid her repent and Cal upon God, O Mother your wishes are Now Come to pass for Have often wished that the Divel Would Fetch me away alive O my hart will break within me. O

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that Mother should have Ever given me to the Divel thus she weept Bitterly Crying out bitterly O Lord Comfort Me and bring out all that are witches -- Then was Goody Fostter the Granmother Brought in To whom the Granddaugh -- s'd. thus -- O Granmother why did you give me to the Divel why did you perswade me and o Granmother doe not you deny it you have bin a verry bad Woeman in your time I must Needs Say Court here Is an Argument of hope for this poor Creature that she Will be Snatched out of the Snare of the Divel becaue there Semes to be Somthing of repentance. But as for you Old Woeman though you have Shown Somthing of Relenting. Yet you retain a lye in the mouth -- We desire You there fore to be free in the p&rbar;&ebar;nce of god and tell us the truth in this Matter Will you play w'th. Devowring Fire &amp; wil not you Shun Everlasting Flames &amp; the Society of this Devowring Lyon that has Soe Ensnared ye, the Grandaughter prayed her to tell all The old Woeman then s'd that Jeames Fryes Child was Killed by Goody Carrier but she her self had no hand In it &amp; Chr. OSgoods Child was Killed by s'd. Carrier &amp; Jeames holts Child also &amp; heard that Toothakers wife came hither but doe Not Remember she did any mischif, and s'd further that toothak'r wife &amp; Daughter was at the Village Meetting of Witches Q. did not know Rich'd. Carrier. A. he is Naught I Doubt Q. did he goe to the Village metting at that time A. I doe not Remember but Mary Lacey affermed he did &amp; Ernestly Desired he might be taken hold of Goody Lacey did you know Rich'e Carrier to be a witch A Yes he came to Stephen Osgoods Feild also where was a teem of Oxen and S'd if he pleased he could make all these cattle Drop Dwon Dead presently. Q. Marey Lacey what tricks doe you know hee has Done A he had done worser then any for he and his mother was a Means of killing Christoph'r. Osgoods Child wife Old woeman what time was it that you Entred upon this work.

A. not A Six Years agoe Q. why did not you tell the truth at the first A the Divel would not lett me Noate that Upon the Reading over Mary Laceys Confession the Mother &amp; Granmoth'r owned their Signing the Divels book at the Village Metting which Mary Lacey Spake of Q. was it Red you wrote withal A Yes like blood &amp; Mary Lacy s'd they Used a penn Mary Warren then had a fitt and Cried out Upon Rich'd Carrier &amp; Mary Lacey prayed he might be sent for &amp; goody Lacey owned that Carrier told her also that She Shold be Queen of hel The old woeman owned &amp; Conffesed that she was hurt at the Village

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Metting andoody Lacey also Conffesed that she was struck there at that time &amp; she Conffesed further that the Divel forced them to goe again &amp; afflict though they Have been hurt before, &amp; the old woeman s'd the same Mary Lacey s'd her granmother had been a witch these seaven Years And the old women s'd she did not know but it might be soe Goody Lacey w'ch. way did you goe to the fals River to the baptizing of Bradbery A the Divel Carried me in his armes She also s'd that Andrew Carrier was a Witch Q. w't. did you w'th those Images or Liknesses A the Divel fetched them all away She s'd further that when She ralled a Rage or any such thing &amp; so Imagine it to Represent such such persons &amp; what Ever she did to that thing In the Same Manner the person Represented by the Liknes Is afflicted --

22th July 1692 Richard Carrier aged 28 years &amp; His Brother Andrew a'bt 16 years Rich'd Carrier &amp; his brother brought into Court who unto many Questions propounded returend Negative Answers to all &amp; the afflicted persons s'd they Saw the black man &amp; there Mother w'th others stand before them on the Table to Hinder there Conffession --

Q.M.L. did not Rich'd Joynee w'th. you In severall things A Yes &amp; he burned Timo Swan w'th his Tobacco pipe Q Where was Rich'd when he did it A In Swans Chamber In Spirit Q Who Else Joyned In it A Goody Carrier My Ganmother &amp; Mother &amp; Rich'd Q. Was Rich'd there bodyly A his body Came to the house &amp; his Spirit went In &amp; did it -- Q were ye all bodyly in the Chamber A Somtimes we ware in Shapes &amp; Somtimes in body but they did not See us She s'd further that they rod upon hand poles &amp; the Divel also was there in the Shape of a black Man &amp; high Crowned hatt &amp; bid us Kill Swan by Stabing him to Death &amp; we also Stick pinns Into his Liknes Q. and what Else had you any hott Irons or knitting Knedles A Yes we had an Iron Spindle &amp; Rich'd Carrier ran it through or Into Swans Knee Q wher had you that Spindle A the Divel Brought it to us Q had you any quarrell w'th. him A we all Came in Upon Mrs. Bradberys Acco' or quarrel She had w'th. him Q Goody Lacey did not you hurt Swan. A No The daughter S'd. Yes Mother doe not deny it Q Goody Lacy who was in the Company A Goody Carrier &amp; her Son Mrs. Bradbery &amp; wee Q were not the Mother there viz foster A I know not but She Might be there Q. did You hurt him A the Divel made his Imps doe it Q w'ch way did you hurt him A there was hott Irons &amp; the Divel

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held them Q. the Daughter s'd it was an Iron Spindle A yes yes it was a Spindle Q. did you practise w'th. a Tobaco. pipe A I think once Q who was it that you hurt A Timo. Swan Q who held the pipe A the Divel &amp; his Imps Q. had You any thing for his Sicknes A ther was athing before as it were -- Goody Lacey were You in the Chamb'r w'th him A Yes [Q] w'ch way did you gett in A the Divel helped us in at the window And Mary Lacey s'd She sent in at the door Mary Lacey how maney was there A granmoth'r Goody Carrier Rich'd Carriers Mother &amp; G. &amp; Mrs. Bradbery &amp; we went upon the Divel &amp; Mrs. Bradb'y. acc't. who Came to us &amp; brought us from our own home.

And we consented to Kill him if we were not brought out before, &amp; here Marey Lacey Related Somthing of the Quarrell between Bradb'y. &amp; Swan a'bt Thatching of a house -- Now Rich'd Carrier w't say you to these two Evidences that saw You w'th Timo. Swan, but Still he Denyed all -- Questions -- Mary Lacey when you went to afflict Ballard was not this man w'th You Viz Rich'd. Carrier A Yes &amp; it was a'bt afortnight Since we went upon poles in the night we got into the house &amp; this Rich'd. afflicted Ballard by pinching &amp; choaking her &amp; I was ther also when the Sider was Drawn Goody Lacey doe you Remember anything of afflicting this Ballard A Yes. and this Rich'd was there and afflicted by pinching choaking &amp; Laying his hand on her Stomak Mary Lacey Urged Rich'd very much to Confes &amp; S'd further that he bid her help to kill Swan &amp; that they used to discourse togeth'r on ther Jorneys &amp; used to tell her he would goe and afflict persons, telling him he had ahart as hard as a Rock to Deny it, she s'd further that this Rich'd told her he would Kill Goody ballard also Mary was it Richard pipe that burnt Swan A. Yes and it he did him Self &amp; Run the Spindle into Swans knee he told me also that he would make his Broth'r one &amp; afflict person Mary Warrin in abad fitt &amp; blood Runing out of her Mouth. Mary Lacy S'd. that this Andrew did it. The afflicted persons were Grevously tormented that Richa'd and Andrew were Carried out to another Cambbre and there feet &amp; hands bound a Little while after Rich'd was brought In again Q Rich'd though you have been Verry Obstinate Yett tel us how long agoe it is Since you ware taken in this Snare

A ayear Last May and Noe More Unto Many Questions Propounded he answered affermativly as followeth viz he Saw the Shape of a man In the night, he had been in twone &amp; was Goeing home the man was Black &amp; had a high Crowned hat he told me I was afrayd to goe home

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&amp; asked me what I Should be afraid of &amp; proffered to goe a little way w'th me, he bid me Serve him &amp; he would Gett me New Cloaths &amp; give me a horse, he told me also that he was Christ, &amp; I must beleve him, &amp; I think I did Soe, I Sett my hand to his book it was a little Red book I wrought w'th a Stick &amp; mad a red Colour w'h it &amp; I promised to Serve him &amp; at parting. hee bid bid me goodnight -- the 2nd time he Apeared to me was in the Shape of a Yellow Bird And told me. he had not performed his promise but would &amp; that Shortly -- I was to doe Service a'bt the Children &amp; afflicted persons he told me also of Timo. Swan &amp; I must Give him leave to afflict him he asked my Consent also to afflict Ballards wife -- I also hurt the Images of persons or the liknes of them by Sqezing anything I had amind to, betwene my hands -- The 2nd Aperance was last January, It is not above amoth Since that I began to afflict Swan, I can not tell how long it is Since that I rod to Salem Village, I was ther twice &amp; Rod w'th Mary Lacey the Divel Carried us Somtimes in the Shape of a horse somtimes In the Shape of a Man the 1rst time he was ahorse the 2nd. time a Man, when he was a horse our pol lay a Crose the horse, when he was a man our pol was on his Sholder -- when We went to ballard he was a man we ware at ballards house and went in Somtimes at the Window &amp; Somtimes at the Door, I goot the Sider out of the Sell'r. &amp; Drew it in a pot belonging to the house &amp; Drank it in the Orchard I fetcht the Sider my Self &amp; went in my Spirit for it here Mary Lacey S'd he went in his Spirit &amp; his body lay dead the while &amp; out of doors he s'd it was true --

I hurt Swan in my Spirit &amp; Struck him in the knee w'th a Spindle the Divel brought it &amp; was then in the Shape of a black man &amp; high Crowned hatt I afflicted frys Child by Squezing of it &amp; I did it upon anything I had amind should represent the Child, my Mother was w'th me Somtimes but not often, -- Mother was bodyly w'th me -- I have Seen her once in her Spirit Since her Imprissonment &amp; in the Shape of a Catt I was present when brother Signed the book &amp; I think Mother was there also &amp; the Divel -- I rod the 1st time on a horse &amp; the 2nd time on a man to Salem Village &amp; think there might be a Seventy there at Each Mettings, we mett in a Green w'ch was the Ministers paster -- And we were in two Companys at the Last I think there was a few Men w'th them I heard Sarah Good talk of a minister or two -- one of them was he that had ben at the Estward

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&amp; preached once at the Village, his name Is Burroughs and he Is a little man -- I remember not the other Ministers Name I saw the Divel Open a Grate Booke &amp; we all Sett or hands &amp; Seales to it, the Ingagement was to afflict persons &amp; over Come the Kingdome of Christ, &amp; set up the Divels Kingdome &amp; we ware to have hapy Days -- Marey Lacey S'd she heard them talk of throwing Dwone the Kingdome of Christ &amp; Setting up the Divel on his throwne -- they ware to doe Soe throughout all the whole Country &amp; were Enjoyned by the Divel to make as many Witches as we Could -- I know Marthra Toothaker &amp; her Mother to be witches &amp; they ware in Company both times -- In Goeing to the Village Metting -- Goody Lacey s'd all this was true Rich'd S'd that Toothak'r. that Dyed in prison was one too, Mary lacey then in a bad fitt afflicted, this Rich'd Could then See Toothak'r Upon her --

(Examination of Richard Carrier)

Q. Rich'd can you name any that ware at the mettings A. Jno. Willard Jno. Procter &amp; his Wife Goody Nurse. Good&mbar; Gory &amp; his wife. Goody . how Mrs Bradbery &amp; Goody Oliver &amp;c. -- Jno. Willard Is a black hared Man of a Midle Statture &amp; he told me his Name -- we heard a drum &amp; Mary Lacey heard the Same -- Mary Lacey In a bad fitt Rich'd Sayd an kurse upon her &amp; S'd. further that that man was at Salem Village Metting -- I was w'th ballards wife I Think I have afflicted 3 at the Village -- 2 in the Ministers house one of them a grown person the other a Child the growne person was the Mrs of the house, the Younger person was one Abigail Williams also Mary Walkutt on Wednesday last, I doe it by Roling up a handcherchif &amp; Soe Imagining to be a representation of a person -- the Divel Doth it Some times the Divell Sturred Me Up to hurt the Ministers Wife -- I was Baptized at the falls at Newberry in the River he dipt my head into the Watt'r. but doe not Remember w't he S'd there were not above 7 Baptiz'd Viz Mrs Brad'y Goody Nurse Goody How -- When they Signed the book the Divel told them they Should over Come &amp; Prevail the witches are all afaird they Shall al Come out &amp; the Divel threatens if I come not Unto this Quarrell he will tear me in peaces --

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After this Rich'd would take the afflicted persons by the hand w'th out hurting of them &amp; asked forgiveness --

(Testimony of Andrew Carrier)

Andrew Carrier brought In &amp; his brother told him that he had acknowledged all:

Court -- tell us plainly &amp;c -- Unto many questions asked he Returned these following answers it Is above [above] a month agoe Since he Signed the Divels Booke -- the Divel is a black Man -- his Mother &amp; brother Came w'th the Divel when he Signed -- he was to Serve the Divel five Years and the Divel was to give him house and land in Andeavor the Divel did not tell him who he was but he Set his hand to his book w'th a pen -- the ink was Red but cannot tell the list -- he Saw a pretty many Names in it -- he put to a Seal &amp; the Stamp was a little thing he knows not what it was in the night Time &amp; up at Deacon frys in the Oarchard which Richard Owned The Divel told him he must Serve, him, keep his Councel &amp; afflict persons Sometimes -- Memorandum this Andrew in his first Examination Stammered &amp; Stuttered Excedinly in Speaking which Some of his Neighbours present s'd he was not want to doe but now in his confession [torn] He further Sayes that the Divel perswaded him to hurt frys Child a little -- The way Thus, the man came &amp; asked me what he Should doe for me And I S'd he Should afflict that Child, &amp; Rich'd s'd Andrew had assisted a little in afflictting Swan Andrew S'd he had not afflicted any Since the Child but Mary Warrin he Says the Divel baptized him w'th in this month at Shawshin River, the Divel put his head into the Watt'r Rich'd Saw baptized &amp; the Div'l S'd that Andrew was his &amp; he had Command over him w'ch Andrew Owned ther were two at that Metting besides his brother baptized but he has forgot there Names -- Rich'd was at the Sacrement at the Village, did Drink of the wine but not Eate of the Bread he Remembers not the words Used at the administration but Goody Nurse handed the bread about the wine &amp; bread were both Red -- Noate that Rich'd. Conffesses nothing of the paper or writting w'ch the Divel gave his mother &amp; as Mary Lacey S'd his Mother gave to him

( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

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(Examination of Ann Foster, Mary Lacey, Sr., and Mary Lacey, Jr., Second Version)

21st July, 1692. Before Major Gidney, Mr. Hawthorne, Mr. Corwin and Capt. Higginson.

Q. Goody Foster! you remember we have three times spoken with you, and do you now remember what you then confessed to us? -- You have been engaged in very great wickedness, and some have been left to hardness of heart to deny; but it seems that God will give you more favour than others, inasmuch as you relent. But your daughter here hath confessed some things that you did not tell us of. Your daughter was with you and Goody Carrier, when you did ride upon the stick. A. I did not know it. Q. How long have you known your daughter to be engaged? A. I cannot tell, nor have I any knowledge of it at all. Q. Did you see your daughter at the meeting? A. No. Q. Your daughter said she was at the witches meeting, and that you yourself stood at a distance off and did not partake at that meeting; and you said so also; give us a relation from the beginning until now. A. I know none of their names that were there, but only Goody Carrier. Q. Would you know their faces if you saw them? A. I cannot tell. Q. Where there not two companies in the field at the same time? A. I remember no more. -- Mary Warren, one of the afflicted, said that Goody Carrier's shape told her, that Goody Foster had made her daughter a witch. -- Q. Do not you acknowledge that you did so about 13 years ago? A. No, and I know no more of my daughter's being a witch than what day I shall die upon. Q. Are you willing your daughter should make a full and free confession? A. Yes. Q. Are you willing to do so too? A. Yes. Q. You cannot expect peace of conscience without a free confession. A. If I knew any thing more, I would speak it to the utmost. -- Goody Lacey, the daughter, called in, began thus; Oh! mother! how do you do? We have left Christ, and the devil hath gat hold of us. How shall I get rid of this evil one? I desire God to break my rocky heart that I may get the victory this time. Q. Goody Foster! you cannot get rid of this snare, your heart and mouth is not open. A. I did not see the devil, I was praying to the Lord. Q. What Lord? A. To God. Q. What God do witches pray to? A. I cannot tell, the Lord help me. Q. Goody Lacey! had you no discourse with your mother when riding? A. No, I think I had not a word. Q. Who rid foremost on that stick to the village? A. I suppose

[page 532]

my mother. -- Goody Foster said, that Goody Carrier was foremost -- Q. Goody Lacey! how many years ago since they were baptized? A. Three or four years ago, I suppose. Q. Who baptized them? A. The old serpent. Q. How did he do it? A. He dipped their heads in the water, saying, they were his and that he had power over them. Q. Where was this? A. At Fall's river. Q. How many were baptized that day? A. Some of the chief; I think they were six baptized. Q. Name them. A. I think they were of the higher powers. -- Mary Lacey, the grand-daughter, was brought in, and Mary Warren fell into a violent fit. Q. How dare you come in here, and bring the devil with you to afflict these poor creatures? -- Lacey laid her hand on Warren's arm, and she recovered from her fit. -- Q. You are here accused of practising witchcraft upon Goody Ballard; which way do you do it? A. I cannot tell. Where is my mother that made me a witch, and I knew it not? Q. Can you look upon that maid Mary Warren, and not hurt her? Look upon her in a friendly way. -- She, trying so to do, struck her down with her eyes. Q. Do you acknowledge now you are a witch? A. Yes. Q. How long have you been a witch? A. Not above a week. Q. Did the devil appear to you? A. Yes. Q. In what shape? A. In the shape of a horse. Q. What did he say to you? A. He bid me not to be afraid of any thing, and he would not bring me out, but he has proved a liar from the beginning. Q. When was this? A. I know not; above a week. Q. Did you set your hand to the book? A. No. Q. Did he bid you worship him? A. Yes, he bid me also afflict persons. -- You are now in the way to obtain mercy if you will confess and repent. She said, the Lord help me. Q. Do not you desire to be saved by Christ? A. Yes. -- Then you must confess freely what you know in this matter. She then proceeded. -- I was in bed and the devil came to me and bid me obey him and I should want for nothing, and he would not bring me out. Q. But how long ago? A. A Little more than a year. Q. Was that the first time? A. Yes. Q. How long was you gone from your father, when you ran away? A. Two days. Q. Where had you your food? A. At John Stone's. Q. Did the Devil appear to you then, when you was abroad? A. No, but he put such thoughts in my mind as not to obey my parents. Q. Who did the devil bid you afflict? A. Timothy Swan. Richard Carrier comes often a nights and has me to afflict persons. Q. Where do ye go? A. To Goody Ballard's sometimes. Q. How many of you were there at a time? A. Richard Carrier and his mother, and my mother and grandmother.

[page 533]

-- Uponeading over the confession so far, Goody Lacey, the mother, owned this last particular. Q. How many more witches are there in Andover? A. I know no more, but Richard Carrier.

( Thomas Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay, II, 27-28.)

(Recognizance for Mary Lacey, Jr.)

Know all men by these presents that I Francis Faulkoner of andover in the County of Essex in newengland husbandman &amp; I [Francis] John Barker of the same towne and County afores'd husbandman: are holden &amp; firmely bound Jointly &amp; Severally to their Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen defenders of the faith: in the full &amp; Just Sum of five hundred pounds Sterling for the true &amp; Just payment of [of] w'ch: s'd sum of five hundred pounds to their Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary wee doe bind our selves our heirs Executors Administrators &amp; Assignes firmely by thees presents Dated in Salem the sixth day of october in the yeare of our lord one thousand six hundred ninety &amp; two &amp; in the fourth year of our lord one thousand six hundred ninety &amp; two &amp; in the fourth year of the Reigne of their Majesties King William &amp; Queen Mary of Engla'd Scottland France &amp; Ireland Deffenders of the faith

The Condition of this obligation is such that whereas the above named Francis Faulkoner of Andover in the County of Essex in newengland husbandman and John Barker of the towne &amp; County afores'd husbandman: have taken into their Care &amp; Custody the body of Mary Laycy Jun'r aged about fiveteen yeares who: was Committed to their Majesties Goale in Salem in the County of Essex in newengland for haveing used Practised &amp; Committed divers acts of witchcraft upon the bodys of sundry persons who hath Confessed the same: if that the afores'd Francis Faulkoner &amp; John Barker Sen'r of the towne &amp; County afores'd shall well &amp; truely Keep the afores'd Mary Lacy and her secure until they shall Receive order from George Corwin Sheriff of the County of Essex then to deliver the afores'd Mary Laycy unto William Dounton now Keeper of their Majesties Goale in Salem or to any other who the afores'd George Corwin shall apoint that then they shall according to his order forthwith Deliver the afores'd Mary

[page 534]

Lacy and if the above bound doe performe the above mentioned articles &amp; shall pay unto George Corwin Sheriff afores'd the forfitture of s'd Bond for their Majesties use in Case of default Then this obligation to be voide of non effect or otherwise to Remain in full force and virtue In Wittness hereof wee the above bound have sett our hands &amp; seales the sixth day of october &amp; in the yeare of our lord one thousand ninety &amp; one &amp; in the fourth year of their Majesties Reigne

Signed Sealed &amp; Delivered

In presence of us

*Francis faulkner eal *John Barker Sen'r ealWitnises

*Joshua Conant

*Elizur Keysar

*Joseph Phippen Juner

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 57)

[page 535" id="p928-212]

John Lee

(Elizabeth Fuller v. John Lee)

[Aprill 11 -- 1692]

The deposition of Elizabeth fuller abought. 34 yeres testifieth that I herd John Lee say in my herain in my house in a bosting way that hee had laid one of Mr Clairke hogs fast aslepe and this was when Mr. Clarke lived here.

( Essex Institute -- Fowler Papers)

[page 537" id="p928-214]

Mercy Lewis

(Testimony of William Bradford, Rachel Bradford, and William Rayment, Jr.)

(TORN) william Bradford &amp; Rachell his wife

(TORN) hat a bout two years and half since Mercy

(TORN) listed persons did Live with us about

(TORN) quartes of ayear: &amp; we did then Judg that

(TORN) atter of consione of speaking the truth

(TORN) and untruth she would stand stifly to

(TORN) William Rayment Junior testifieth

(TORN) the above s'd Marcy Leuis I Knew her when

(TORN) of my neighbours and I all wayes took her to

(TORN) as the above writen evidences hath decribed

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 539" id="p928-216]

Jane Lilly

(Examination of Jane Lilly and Mary Colson)

Jane Lilly examined before their Majests Justices: att salem sept'r. 5th 1692 Jno. Hawthorn Esq'r: &amp; others

When s'd Lilly was brought into: the Court of Justices: Mary Warin Eliz Boothe and others of the afflicted were struck Down into a Dredful fitt: &amp; recovered again by a touch of s'd Lillyes hand: Mary Warin Allice Booth. &amp; susanna Post &amp; Mrs. Mary Marshall was asked who struck them down. They answered that it was s'd Lilly It: was s'd to her: Jane Lilly you are acused for afflicting Mrs. Mary Marshall by witchcraft: &amp; now you have hurt many others: now you have an opportunity to: tell the truth: in this matter: but she answered: the truth was she knew nothing of it nor was she Sencible if she was in the Devills snare Mary Warin s'd she had sometimes Come to Procters hous but: she Denyed that ever she had: had: any Conference with Procter or his wife: she would not own: that she had any hand in killing of W'm Hooper: or in firing the hous: while he lay dead in it: or if she knew of his being killed with a Spear she: was bid to speak the truth: &amp; she s'd she would for god was a god of truth: &amp; she presently Spoke very hoars: Mary Warin coming out of a fitt &amp; other of the afflicted sayd that the black man Choaked her: when she say god was a god of truth: Sam'll Wardwell: also s'd there was sever'l Gallans of wine that day prepared for W'm Hoopers buriall: that was Drunk up: and there was five shouts made in triumph at what they had done: Jno Brown sen'r s'd he heard a shouting about that time: that Hoopers hous was fired: the hous was on fire in the roofe first: both Maj'r Swayne Jno. Brown sen'r Declared: it was told s'd Lilly that she s'd: when goodwife Rice was taken up now we shall be Deprived of Drinking of sider: sarah Churchill s'd she had seen s'd Lilly att prison w'th Procters wife but she Denyed it: Lilly looked on the afflicted persons again &amp;: severall of

[page 540]

them fell down: being struck down with her look &amp; by touch of her hand were helped up again &amp; was well:

Wardwell also s'd that s'd Lilly: did triumph: when she went away from the firing of Hoopers hous but she s'd she was in her own hous all that time &amp; that she never went: in body nor spirit nor had ever had any [inclynason] to witchcraft: Maj'r Sway told her she had bin a frequenter of DuStins hous: but she s'd if she confessed any thing of this she should Deny the truth &amp; wrong her own soul: this is the Substance of Jane Lillyes: examination:

Attest *Simon Willard.

Mary Coulston examined before said Justices for the Maj'ties Sept. 5. 1692 Jno. Hathorn Esq're Mary Coultson: you are here acused for afflicting Mrs Mary Marshall by witchcraft Mrs Marshall with others fell Down at her Coming into the Court. s'd Coultson helped Mrs Marshall up by a touch of her hand: but s'd Coultson s'd she never hurt s'd Marshall in her life: Mrs Marshall was asked how long Coultson had afflicted her: she s'd: at times: she had afflicted her ever since her Mother Dastin had been in Prison and that she did it in vindication of her mother: These 3: Tayler: Lilly &amp; Coultson came to me &amp; s'd [through] Mr. Pearpoint song that Psalm: god will be a husband to the widdow: but he would be none to me they sayd: they told me also if I had served their god my husband had bin alive yet: but s'd Coulston was bid to look on the afflicted persons: and s'd some of the afflicted was bid to look on her: and Eliz Booth: &amp; George Booths wife &amp; Allice Booth with others: was struck Down with her look &amp; afflicted &amp; helpted up &amp; was well by a touch of Coultsons hand: they were asked when they were well agayn who hurt: them &amp; s'd it was Coultson it was told Coultson it was evident that she acted witchcraft now before them: &amp; it was like to apear that she had a hand in W'm Hoopers Death &amp; in Ed Marshals Death: And she s'd if she should Confes she should be by her selfe: examined before Jno. Hawthorn Esq're: &amp; others their Majests: Justice.

this is the substance of what Mary Coultson s'd at her examination,


*Simon Willard


I und'r written: being appointed by Authority: to take the within examination: Doe testifie upon oath taken in Court that this is a

[page 541]

true Coppy of the Substance of it to: the best of my knowledge Janu'ry 5: 1692/3

*Simon Willard

the within Jane Lilie was exami&nbar;ed before their majesties Justices of the peace in Salem

atest *John Higginson Just'e peace

Owned before the Grand Jury

5 January 1692/3

*Robert Payne: Foreman:

I und'r written: being appinted by Authority to take the within examination doe testifie upon oath taken in Court: that this is a true Coppy of the Substance of it: to the best of my knowledge.

Jan'y 5 1692/3: *Simon Willard.

the within Mary Colson was Examined before their [M] ajesties Justi[c]es of the peace in salem

atest *John Higginson Just'e peace

owned before the Grand Jury

5 January 1692/3

*Robert Payne Foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2714 Page 52)

(Recognizance for Jane Lilly)


That on the Eighth Day of December 1692 in the fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England: &amp;c King &amp; Queen Defenders of the faith personally Appeared before us James Russell &amp; Samu'll Heman Esq'rs. of their Majestes Councill: &amp; Province of the Massachusets bay in New Engld &amp; Justices of peace within the same; John; Pierson; George Lilly &amp; Ruben Lilly all of Linn: husbandmen in the County of Essex And Acknowledged themselves and Each of them to be Indebted Unto our S'd Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen &amp; the Survivor of them their heires &amp; Successors in the some of Two hundred Pounds to be Leavied on their or Either of there Goods or Chattells Lands or Tenements for the use

[page 542]

of O'r sd Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or Survivor of them if Default be made in performance of the Condition und'r written Viz -- The Condition of the Above Recognizance is Such that whereas Jane Lilly of Reading in the County of Middlesex wass commited to Goall on Suspition of Witchcraft; If therefore the above S'd Jane Lilly Shall make her personall Appearance before the Justices of Our S'd Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the next Court of Assizes Oyer &amp; Terminer And Generall Goall Delivery to be holden for &amp; within the County of Middls'x: to Answer what Shall be Objected Against her in their Majests: behalf Refering to Witchcraft And to do &amp; Receive that w'ch by S'd. Court Shall be then and there Injoned her not to Depart with out Licence then the Above Recognizance to be void or elce to Remain in full force And Virtue

*Ja: Russell JP

&Pbar;'r *Samuell Hayman

( Suffolk Court Files Case No. 2714 Page 52)

(Indictment v. Jane Lilly)

(Case of Jane Lilly -- Witchcraft -- Feb. 1692-3)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss// &rsqb; Att A Superior Court of Judicature held at Charlston for the County of Midlesex the 31th January 1692/3 Anno'qe R.R. &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto.

The Jurors for Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen &pbar;sent that Jane Lilly --

On or about the [] Day of [] In the Yeare [] and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts, Called Witchcrafts and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and In the Towne of Malden In the County of Midlesex -- Upon and against one Mary Marshall Wife of Edward Marshall of Malden afors'd By which Wicked Arts The Said Mary Marshall The Day and Yeare aforesaid &amp; Divers other Days and times as well before as after was Aflicted Tortured Tormented

[page 543]

Consumed Pinedasted, Against the Peace of Our Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen their crowne and Dignity &amp; the Laws in that case made and Provided,



Atest *Simon Stone foreman

Cleared by poclama&cbar;&obar;&nbar;

3 Feb. 1692/3

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2714 Page 51)

[page 545" id="p928-222]

Mary Marston

(See also: William Barker, Sr. -- Warrant.)

(Examination of Mary Marston)

Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hauthorn &amp; Cap'n Higginson

29 Agust 1692 The Examination &amp; confession of mary marston wife of Jno marston Jun'r of Andover:

Being asked how long she had practised witchcraft, Answered a week agoe since she gave consent or Leave to afflict, she said she heard a voice in the night tyme which desyred leave of her to afflict &amp; she answered yes, and being asked if she had not afflicted Abigail martin she said the devil did it for her

Said Abigail martin being in a choakeing fitt, Mary Lacey saw William Barker and this mary marston afflicting of her. S'd lacey saw them also afflict martha Sprague -- The said mary Marston being again asked how long it is since she was first seduced, she said sometyme in the last winter, And that being at home in her onw house, &amp; her husband absent, she saw the appearance of a black man in the evening a litle after it was dark. The said black man bid her serve him, and beleeve in him, He also offered a paper book without covers to signe, which she did with a pen dipt in Ink and therewith made a stroake, He told her she [should] not be discovered, he also told her he was the devil and that she should live happily she again said it is not above a week agoe since the devil asked her consent to afflict and that yesterday being sabath day and the 28th of the month she afflicted Abigail martin, And martha Sprague on the Saturnday before, she again said that on the munday before that she only heard a voice and that if it was any body it was the devil that taught her this witchcraft. Being asked what she was to doe when the persones should be afflicted Answered to pinch and Squeeze her hands together and so to think upon the persones to be afflicted

[page 546]

She saith that W'm Barker &amp; she afflicted in company together the last saturnday And it was by their spirits they conversed and agreed so to doe And they mett at Mr Tylers house for that end, And further they began their affliction first upon martha Sprague, next upon Rose foster and then upon Abigail martin --

Martha Sprague said that she was afflicted upon Saturday at Salem by s'd mary marston &amp; others The said marston being asked how long she was comeing from Andover to Salem upon saturnday in her spirit, Ansred not long. Q: how brought you A. the black man. and said also ther came along with her William Barker &amp; mary Barker And that she Viz marston for. her part Squeezed Spragues neck

Being asked what moved her to afflict any persone she said the devil made her doe it And when she refused he looked angry and threatned her very much

Noate That hitherto she still struck down the afflicted persones w'th her eyes and recovered them again by Layeing her hand upon their wrist or arme

Being again asked how long since the devil seduced her answered about three years agoe (noate, Lacey &amp; sprague saw the apparitions of the black man and Wm. Barker standing before said mary marston #[She now saith that about the tyme when her mother dyed and she was over come with melancholly] about three year since the black man appeared to her in the great Roome and told her she must serve and worship him And so she did And that was the first tyme she signed the devils book, she saith Wm &amp; Mary Barkers were her companiones, She acknowledges the hurting of the aflicted persones, &amp; was sorry for it But yet could not Look upon them without strykeing of them down. --

A litle after she confessed she was at the witchmeet[i]ng at Salem Village and that she did ryde upon a pole and the meeting was upon a green Martha sprague said the apparitions told marston she #[should not] had confessed too much already and therefore would not Let her speak any more.

Mary Marston signed &amp; owned the abovesaid Examination &amp; Conffession


marke of mary marstonbefore me: *John Higginson Just'ce peace

15 Sept. 1692:

[page 547]

(Reverse) Mary Marston wife of John Marston Jun'r of Andover.

Accused W'm Barker

Mary Barker

Billa vera

Aflicted Martha Sprage

Rose foster

Abigaill Martin

*Robert Payne foreman.

( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 47)

[page 549" id="p928-226]

Susannah Martin Executed July 19, 1692

(See also: George Burroughs -- Complaint;Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination; Sarah Good -- Death Warrant.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Susannah Martin)

To The Marshall of the County of Essex or his Lawfull deputie or to the Constable of Amesburry.

You are in their Majests names hereby required forthwith or as soon as may be to apprehend and bring (before us) Susanna Martin of Amesbury in the County of Essex Widdow at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village, in order to her Examination Relateing to high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by her upon the Bodys of Mary Walcot Abigail Williams Ann putnam and Marcy Lewis of Salem Village or farmes

Where by great hurt and dammage hath benne donne to the bodys of Said persons according to Compl't of Capt Jonathan Walcot &amp; Serg't Thomas putnam in behalfe of their Majests this day Exhibited before us for themselfes and also for Severall of theire Neighbours and here of You are not to faile at your perills. Dated Salem Aprile 30th 1692

*John. Hathorne &rsqb; Assists

*Jonathan Corwin &rsqb; Assists

(Reverse) according this warrant I have apprehended susanna Martin widdow of Amsbery and have brought or caused hir to be brought to the place appointed for his examination

&pbar; me *Orlando Bagly: Constable of Amsbery

[page 550]

salem village this 2:th may 1692

(Reverse) Susanna Martin Warrant

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 57)

(Mittimus for Susannah Martin, Lydia Dustin, Dorcas Hoar, and Sarah Morey)

To. the Keeper of theire Majests Goale in Boston

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to take into, your care and safe Custody the Bodys of Susanah Martin of Amesbury Widdow, Lydia Dastin of Reding Wi[ddow], Dorcas Hoare of Beverly widdow and Sarah Murrill also of Beverly who all stand Charged with high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by them upon the Bodys of Mary Walcot Marcy Lewis Abigail Williams Ann putnam Elizabeth Hubbert and Susannah Sheldon and Goody Viber of Salem Village or farmes whereby great hurt and dammage hath beene donne to the bodys [of] said persons according to Complaint of Capt Jonathan Walcot and Serj't Thomas putnam of Salem Village Yeoman Exhibited Salem April the 30th. 1692: Whome you are to secure in order to theire further Examination or Tryall and hereof you are not to faile

Dated Salem Village May 2d. 1692

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assists

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 62)

(Examination of Susannah Martin)

The Examination of Susan: Martin. 2. May 1692

As soon as she came in Many had fits.

Do you know this Woman

Abig: Williams saith it is Goody Martin she hath hurt me often. Others by fits were hindered from speaking. Eliz: Hubbard said she hath not been hurt by her. John Indian said he hath not seen her

[page 551]

Mercy Lewes pointed to her &amp; fell into a little fit. Ann Putman threw her Glove in a fit at her The examinant laught.

What do you laugh at it?

Well I may at such folly.

Is this folly? The hurt of these persons.

I never hurt man woman or child.

Mercy Lewes cryed out she hath hurt me a great many times, &amp; pulls me down

Then Martin laught againe

Mary Walcot saith this woman hath hurt me a great many times. Sus: Sheldon also accused her of afflicting her.

What do you say to this?

I have no hand in Witchcraft.

What did you do? Did not you give your consent?

No, never in my life.

What ails this people?

I do not know.

But w't do you think?

I do not desire to spend my judgm't upon it.

Do not you think they are Bewitcht?

No. I do not think they are

Tell me your thoughts about them.

Why my thoughts are my own, when they are in, but when they are out they are anothers.

You said their Master -- who do you think is their Master?

If they be dealing in the black art, you may know as well as I.

Well what have you done towards this?


Why it is you, or your appearance.

I cannot help it.

That may be your Master.

I desire to lead my self according to the word of God.

Is this according to Gods word?

If I were such. a person I would tell you the truth.

How comes your appearance just now to hurt these.

How do I know?

Are not you willing to tell the Truth?

I cannot tell: He that appeared in sams shape a glorifyed saint can appear in any ones shape.

Do you beleive these do not say true?

They may lye for ought I know

[page 552]

May not you lye?

I dare not tell a lye if it would save my life.

Then you will speak the Truth.

I have spake nothing else, I would do them any good.

I do not think you have such affections for them, whom just now you insinuated had the Devill for their Master.

Eliz: Hubbard was afflicted &amp; then the Marshal w'o was by her said she pincht her hand.

Severall of the afflicted cryed out they [saw] her upon the beam.

Pray God discover you, if you be guilty.

Amen Amen A false tongue will never make a guilty person.

You have been a long time coming to the Court to day, you can come fast enough in the night.said Mercy Lewes.

No, sweet heart, said the examinat, And then Mercy Lewes, &amp; all, or many of the rest, were afflicted

John Indian fell into a violent fit, &amp; said it was that woman, she bites, she bites, and then she was biting her lips

Have you not compassion for these afflicted?

No, I have none

Some cryed out there was the black man with her, &amp; Goody Bibber who had not accused her before confirmed it:

Abig: William upon trial could not come near her -- Nor Goody Bibber. Nor Mary Walcot. John Indian cryed he would Kill her if he came near her, but he was flung down in his approach to her

What is the reason these cannot come near you?

I cannot tell. It may be the Devil bears me more malice than an other

Do not you see how God evidently discovers you?

No, not a bit for that.

All the congregation think so.

Let them think w't. they will.

What is the reason these cannot come near you?

I do not know but they can if they will, or else if you please, I will come to them.

What is the black man whispering to you?

There was none whispered to me

(Reverse) The Examination of Susannah Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 59)

[page 553]

(Examination of Susannah Martin -- Second Version)

The Examination of Susannah Martin. 2. May. 1692

As soon as she came into the meeting-house many fell into fits

Hath this Woman hurt you?

Abig: Williams said it is Goody Martin, she hath hurt me often Others by fits were hindered from speaking.

Eliz: Hubbard said she had not hurt her. John Indian said he never saw her Mercy Lewes pointed at her &amp; fell into a fit. Ann Putman threw her Glove in a fit at her

What do you laught at it?

Well I may at such folly.

Is this folly, to see these so hurt?

I never hurt man, woman or child.

Mercy Lewes cryed out, she hath hurt me a great many times &amp; plucks me down.

Then Martin laught againe

Mary Walcot said this woman hath hurt her a great many times

Susannah Sheldon also accused her of hurting her

What do you say to this?

I have no hand in Witchcraft.

What did you do? Did you consent these should be hurt?

No never in my life.

What ails these people?

I do not know.

But what do you think ails them?

I do not desire to spend my judgment upon it

Do you think they are Bewitcht?

No I do not think they are.

Well tell us your thoughts about them?

My thoughts are mine own when they are in, but when they are out they are an others

You said their Master -- Who do you think is their Master?

If they be dealing in the black art, you may know as well as I.

What have you done towards the hurt of these?

I have done nothing

Why it is you, or your appearance

I cannot help it

That may be your Master that hurt them

I desire to lead my life according to the word of God

[page 554]

Is this according to the word of God?

If I were such a person I would tell you the Truth

How comes your appearance just now to hurt these?

How do I know?

Are you not willing to tell the Truth?

I cannot tell: He that appeared in sams::shape can appear in any ones shape.

Do you beleive these afflicted persons do not say true?

they may lye for ought I know.

May not you lye?

I dare not tell a lye if it would save my life

Then you will not speak the truth will you?

I have spoken nothing else. I would do them any good.

I do not think that you have such affections for these whom just now you insinuated had the Devil for their Master

The marshall said she pincht her hands &amp; Eliz: Hubbard was immediately afflicted.

Severall of the afflicted cryed out they saw her upon the Beam.

Pray God discover you if you be guilty.

Amen, Amen. A false tongue will never make a guilty person.

You have been a long time coming to day said Mercy Lewes, you can come fast enough in the night

No sweet heart --

And then said Mercy, &amp; all the afflicted beside almost were afflicted

John Indian fell into a fit, &amp; cryed it was that woman, she bites, she bites. And then said Martin was biting her lips.

Have not you compassion on these afflicted --

No I have none

They cryed out there was the black man along with her, &amp; Goody Bibber confirmed it

Abig: Williams went towards her, but could not come near her. nor Goody Bibber tho she had not accused her before: also Mary Walcot could not come near her. John Indian said he would kill her, if he came near her, but he fell down before he could touch her

What is the reason these cannot come near you?

I cannot tell it may be the Devil bears me more malice than an other.

Do you not see God evidently discovering you?

No, not a bit for that.

All the congregation besides think so.

[page 555]

Let them think what they will.

What is the reason these cannot come to you?

I do not know but they can if they will or else if you please

I will come to them.

What was that the black man whisperd to you?

There was none whispered to me.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 59)

(Indictment v. Susannah Martin, No. 1)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae . nunc Angliae &amp;c Quarto Essex ss.

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen prsents That Susanna Martin of Amsbury in the County of Essex widdow the Second Day of may in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland: France and Ireland King and Queen: Defenders of the faith &amp;. divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after certaine Detestable arts, called witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised at and within the Townership of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Mary Wallcott of Salem Village Single woman, by which Said wicked arts the s'd. Mary walcott the Second day of May in the forth year afores'd: and at Divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after was, and is Tortored Afflicted Pined wasted and Tormented as also for Sundry other acts of witchcraft by Said Susanah Martin committed and Done before and Since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady william and Mary King and Queen of England theire Crowne and Dignity and ag't: the forme of the Statute in that case made &amp; Provided.

Sarah Vibber Sworn

Mary Wolcutt Sworn

[M]r Sam'll Parris. Sworn

Elizabeth Hubbard

Marcy Lewis

(Reverse) Bil a Vera

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 58)

[page 556]

(Indictment v. Susannah Martin, No. 2.)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae : nunc Angliae &amp;c Quarto Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen: prsents That Susanah Martin of Amsbury in the County of Essex widdow the Second day of may in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady william and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &amp;c: and divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after. certaine Detestable Arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries wickedly: and felloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesd: in and upon and ag't: one Marcy Lewis: of Salem Villiage Singlewoman by which said wicked arts the: Said Marcy Lewis. the said second day of may in the forth year aforesaid and at Divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured: Afflicted Pined wasted and Torminted as also for Sundrey other acts of witchcraft by said Suzanah Martin Committed and done before and since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord. and Lady William &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of England there Crowne and Dignity. and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided.


Marcy Lewis

Mr. Samll: Parris Sworn

Anne Puttman Sworn

Sarah Biber Sworne

Elizabeth Hubbard

Mary Wallcott Sworne in Court June 2d. 92.

(Reverse) S. Martin No. 2 In[d]ictm't

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 58)

[page 557]

(Summons for Witnesses)

William &amp; Mary By the Grace of God of England Scotland France &amp; Ireland King [King] &amp; Queen defend'rs of the faith &amp;ca.

To John Allen Barnard Peache Joseph Ringg William Browne Jarvis Ringg. James Freeze John Kimball John Pressy Ensigne Joseph Knight Mr John Atkison &amp; his wife &amp; Son &amp; mary the wif of nathaniell whitteer the wife John pressy &amp; Jon Kembal Greeting --

We Command you and Every of you all Excuses Set apart to be and appear at the Speciall Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer holden at Salem the 28th of this Instant month then &amp; there to testify the truth to the best of their knowledge On Severall Indictments to be Exhibited against Susanna Martin of Amesberry hereof make Return fail not

dated in Salem June 27th. 1692 &amp; in the fourth year of Our Reign.

L.S. *Step: Sewall Cler.

To the Sheriff of Essex or deputy or Constables of Newbury Salsbury &amp; Amesbury Greeting --

also warn those persons that wth. James freeze or at any other time heard Susanna Martin Threaten relating to John Allens Oxen or any other thing whatsoever &amp; make return as above

*Step: Sewall Cler.

28. June 92 by vertue of this Supeny. then was. warned mr. John. Atkinson. his wife. and his Son. nathaniel to make theire. pars&nbar;&abar;ll. apperance at the Court of oyer and terminer holden at Salem 28:: of this instant.June: ensigne Joseph Knight. was warned before by me

Samuel hills const&abar;ll for newbury

This or these supenys weare observed &amp; served upon the severall persons therein mentioned according to ye tenour thereof namly upon Mr John Allin: &amp; Barnard Peach &amp; Joseph Ring &amp; william Browne &amp; Jarviss Ring &amp; Mary the wife of Nathaniell Whitiher: &amp; the same read to them the twenty ninth of this Instant June Ann&obar;: 1692

p me *Joseph Eaton Constable for sallisbury

[page 558]

This supeny was served according to the tenor theareof upon the persons thearin mentioned belonging to our towne Namly upon John Pressy &amp; his wife &amp; John Kimball &amp; his wife &amp; the same read to them the 29th of this Instant June Anno: 1692:

p me *Joseph Lankister sen'r Constable for Amsbury

(Reverse) Subpena Con Susan Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 62)

(Abigail Williams v. Susannah Martin)

The Testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth &amp; saith that she hath severall times seen, &amp; been afflicted by the apparition of Susannah Martin of Almsbury widow at &amp; before the .2. May. 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 62)

(William Brown v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposion of william Browne of salsbury aged: 70 years or ther about who testifying sayth. That about on or to and thirty years ago Elizabeth his wif being a very rasional woman &amp; sober &amp; on that feard God as was well know to all that knew her &amp; as prudently Carefull in her famly which woman going upon a time from her owne house towords the mille in salsbury did ther meett with susana martin the then wif of Georg martin of Amsbury Just as thay came to gather s'd susana martin vanisht a way out of her sight w'ch put the s'd Elizabeth into a great fright after which time the said martin did many tims afterward appere to her at her house and did much troubl her in any of her occasions and this continued till about feb: following: and then when shee did com it was as birds peking her Legs or priking her with the mosion of thayr wings and then it woold rise up into her stumak with priking payn as nayls &amp; pinns of w'ch shee did bitterly complain and cry out Lik a woman in travil and after that it woold rise up to her throt in a bunch Lik a pulletts egg: and then shee

[page 559]

woold turn back her head &amp; say: wich ye shant chok me In the time of this extremity the church appointed a day of [humilling] to seek God on her behalf &amp; therupon her trouble seased and shee saw goodwif martin no more: for a consideribl time for w'ch the church in stead of the day of humiliasion gave thanks for her deliveranc &amp; shee came to meetting &amp; went about her busnes as before this continued till Aprill following: at w'ch time somenses wear sent to the s'd Elizabeth brown &amp; Good wif Osgood by the Court to give thayr evidences concerning the s'd martin and thay did before the Gran Jury gave a full accompt

After w'ch time the s'd Elizabeth told this deponent that as shee was milking of her cow the s'd susana martin came behind her and told her that shee woold make hir the miserablest creatur for defa[m]ing her name at the Court &amp; wep greevously as shee told it to this deponent.

Aboute 2 month after this deponent came hom from hampton &amp; his s'd wif woold not owne him but s'd thay wear devorst and Asked him whether he did not mett with on mr Bent of Abey in England by whom he was divorst And from that time to this very day have ben under a strang kind of distemper &amp; frensy uncapibl of any rasional action though strong and healthy of body he farther testifyeth that when she came into that condition this deponent porcured Docter fuller &amp; Crosby to com to her for her releas but thay did both say that her distemper was supernatural &amp; no siknes of body but that some evil person had bewiched her Sworne the eleventh day of May Anno Dom: 1692

before me *Robt Pike Asst

W'm Browne made Oath that the above is a true relajon according to his wifes Complaint in the day of it

concerning the truth of w't is sworne by william Browne concerning his wif with respect to her being a Rasional woman before shee was so handled and of her now present condision &amp; her so long continuance all that then knew her and now know her can testafy to the truth of it for shee yet remaines a miserabl creetr of w'ch myself is on as wittnes my hand: 16: 3: 1692

*Robert Pike

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 63)

[page 560]

(John Pressey v. Susannah Martin)

The Testamony of John Pressy of Amsbury aged 53 years or therabouts takn before me at my house at Salsbury the eleventh day of may Ano: Dom. 1692 is as followeth That about twenty fower year ago: he this deponent was at Amsbury ferry upon a saterday in the eving near about the shutting in of the day light (w'ch was about three mile from his house) and as he was going hom alitle beyond the field of Georg martin at a hill caled goodals hill this deponent was be wildered and Lost his way &amp; having wandered a while he cam bake againe to the same place which he knew by stooping trees in that plac

W'ch pceiving he set out agine &amp; steered by the moone w'ch shone brite and was a gaine Lost and came bake againe to the same place

And then sett out the 3d time in Lik manner and was be wildered and came back but not so far as before: but knew whear he was and so sett himself in his way as before: and in Less then half a mile going he saw a Light stand on his Left hand about too rod out of the way: it semd to be about the bignes of a half bushell but this deponent Kept on his way &amp; Left it: and in a matter of seven or eight rod going it appeared againe at the Lik distance from him as before: &amp; so it did againe the 3d time: but the deponet past on his way: and in Less then twenty rod going the same or such another Light Lay in his way: and he having a stik in his hand did with the end of it indevered to stir it out of the plac and to give it som smale blows with it: and the Light seemd to brust up &amp; wave from side to side as a turky cock when he sprads his tayle but went not out of the plac which &pbar;ceiving this deponent Layd it on with his stik with all his might he thinks he gave her at Lest forty blows: and so was going away and Leave it: but as he was going his heals wear struk up &amp; he Layd on his bak on the ground &amp; was sliding into a deep plac (as to him seemd) but taking hold of som brush or bushes &amp; so recoverd himself: &amp; having Lost his coat which he had upon his Arme went bak to the Light saw his coate &amp; took it up &amp; went home without any more disturbanc ther:

he farther say that he do not know any such pitt to be in the place that he was sliding into he also sayth that when he did strik at the Light he did certainly feel a substanc w'th his stik

[page 561]

he farther sayth that after his striking it &amp; his recovering himself and going on his way as afores'd when he had gon about: 5: or:6: rod he saw Susana martine then wif of Georg martin of Amsbury standing on his Left hand as the Lights had don ther shee stood &amp; Lookt upon him &amp; turned her face after him as went along but sayd nothing nor did nothing to this deponent but that he went home as afors'd only he againe over went his owne house but knowing the ground he was upon returned and found his owne house but being then seazed with fear coold not speake till his wif spake to him at the dore &amp; was in such condision that his family was afrayd of him which story being caryd to the Towne the next day: it was upon enquirey understood (that the s'd good wif martin was in such a miseribl case and in such payn that thay swabbed her body (as was reported) This deponant farther sayth that these things being noysed abroad maj'r Pike sent for this deponent and had an accompt of the case: but seemd to be troubled that this deponent had not told him of it in season that shee might have ben vewed to have seen w't her ayle was. John pressy aforsayd made oathe to the truth of what is written in these too sides of the paper the eleventh day of may Anno: Dom: 1692. before me *Robt Pike Asist

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 64)

(John Pressy and Mary Pressy v. Susannah Martin)

The deposion of John pressy aged 53 and marah his wif aged: 46: or ther abouts testifying sayth

That som years after that the s.d John pressy had givn his evidenc against the s'd susana martin shee the s'd martin came and took these deponents to do about it and reviled them with many foule words saying wee had took a fals oathe and sayd that we shoold never prosper [and that we shoold never prosper] for our so doing: &pbar;ticulerly that we should never have but too cows: &amp; that if we wear never so likly to have more yet we shoold never obtaine it

We do farther testify that from that time to this day we have never exeeded that nomber but somthing or other has prevented it

[page 562]

tho never so likly (to obtaine it) tho thay had used all ordinary means for obtaining it by hiring cows of others that were not thayr owne this for twenty yeares space

John pressy made oathe to the truth of all that is above writtn at my house in salsbury the eleventh day of may Ano: Dom 1692 before me

*Robt Pike Asist

Mary Pressy testifieth to all the above Except Susanna her threatning of the not raising above two Cowes.

Jurat in Curia by both

(On reverse side of paper) Jno. Pressy of Salsbury Con. Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 64)

(Bernard Peach v. Susannah Martin)

The deposion of Barnerd peache aged: 43: or thereabouts who testifying sayth That about six or seven year sinc this deponent Living at the house of Jacob morall in Salsbury being in bed on alords day night he heard a [scratching] at the window he this deponent saw susana martin wif of George martin of Amsbury com in at the window &amp; Jumpt downe upon the flower shee was in her whud &amp; scarf and the same dress that shee was in before at metting the same day being com in shee was coming up toward this deponents face but turned back to his feet and took hold of them &amp; drew up his body into a heape &amp; Lay upon him about an hour &amp; half or 2: hours in all w'ch taim this deponent coold not stir nor speake but feelling himself begining to be loosined or Lightned: he begining to strive he put out his hand a mong the clothes and took hold of her hand and brought it up to his mouth and bitt three of the fingers (as he Judg) to the breaking of the bones which don the s'd martin. went out of the Chamber downe the stayrs and out of the dore

And as soon as shee went away this deponent caled to the peopl of the house and told them w't was don and that shee s'd martin was now gon out of the dore this deponent did also follow her, but the peopl did not see her (as they sayd) but without the dore there was abuket on the Left hand side: and there was a drop of blod in the

[page 563]

bucket &amp; too more upon the snow: for there was alitle flight of snow: and ther wear the print of her 2: feett about afoot without the threshall but no more footting did appear

2. he farther deposeth that somtime after this as he suposeth about 3 weeks after the said martin desired this deponent to come and husk corne at her house the next Lords day night say that if I did not com it wear better that I did but this deponent did not go: being then Living with W'm Osgood of the s'd Salsbury: and that night the s'd susana martin and another came out of the shop into the barne and on of them said hear he is and then came towards this deponent he having a quarter staf made a blow at them but the ruff of the barne prevented it: and they went away but this deponent followed them and as thay wear going to ward the window made another blow at them and struk them both down but away they went out at the shop window &amp; this deponent saw no more of them and the Rumer went that the s'd martin had abroken head at that time but the deponent cannot speake to that upon his owne knowlig

Sworne may the eleventh: 1692:

before me *Robt Pike Asist

(Reverse side of paper) Barnard Peache

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 65)

(Jarvis Ring v. Susannah Martin)

Jarvis Ring of Salsbury maketh oath as followeth

That about seven or eight years ago he had ben several times aflicted in the night time by som body or som thing coming up upon him when he was in bed and did sorely afflict him by Lying upon him and he coold neither move nor speake while it was upon him but somtimes made akind of noyse that folks did hear him &amp; com up to him and as soon as any body came it woold be gon this it did for along time before and sinc: but he did never see any body clearly but on time [] but on time in the night it came upon me as at other times and I did then see the pson [of Susa] na martin of Amsbery I this deponent did &pbar;sently see her [and shee] came to this deponent and took him by the hand and bitt him [by the fin] ger by fors and

[page 564]

then came and Lay upon him awhile as [formerly] and after awhile went away the print of the bite is [yet to] be seen on the little finger of his right hand for it was [hard to hea] le (he farther sayth) That several times he was asleep [when it ca] me: But at that time when bitt his finger he was as [sayerly awa] ke as ever he was: and plainly saw her shape and felt [her teeth a] saforsayd

[Sworn] e by Jarvis Ring abovesayd may the 13th: 1692

[before] me *Robt Pike Asist at Salbury

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 64)

(Joseph Ring v. Susannah Martin and Thomas Hardy)

The deposion of Joseph Ring at Salsbury aged:27: years being sworne sayth That about the Latter end of september Last being in the wood with his brother Jarvis Ring hewing of timber his brother went home with his teame and Left this deponent alone to finish the hewing of the peec for him for his brother to carry w'n he came againe: but as soon as his brother was gon ther came to this deponent the appearanc of Thomas Hardy of the great Iland at Puscataway and by som Impuls he was forsed to follow him to the house of benovy tuker w'ch was deserted and was about half a mile from the plac he was at work in) and in that house did appear Susana martin of Amsbery and the aforsayd Hardy and another female &pbar;son w'ch the deponent did not know: ther they had a good fire &amp; drink it seemed to be sid'r ther continud most part of the night s'd martin being then in her natural shape and talking as shee use to do: but toward the morning the s'd martine went from the fire: made a noyse and turned into the shape of a blak hoge &amp; went away and so did the other: to psons go away and this deponent was strangly caryed away also and the first plac he knew was by sam'll woods hous in Amsbury

sworne by Joseph Ring may the 13th: 1692:

before me *Robt Pike Asit

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 64)

[page 565]

(Joseph Ring v. Susannah Martin and Thomas Hardy)

Joseph Ring of Salsbury aged 27 years having been strangly handled for the space of almost to year maketh this Relason upon oath as followeth viz

That in the month of Jun next after Casco bay fort was takn this deponent co&mbar;&ibar;&gbar; between Sandy beach &amp; hampton towne mett with Tho: Hardy of great Iland &amp; a company of several other creaturs with him w'ch said Hardy demanded of this deponent to shillings: and with the dreadfull noyse &amp; hidious shapes of these creaturs and firebale this deponent was almost frited out of his witts: and in about an half an hour (or in deed he coold not judg of the time) they Left him &amp; he came to hampton About ten days after as the deponet came from boston between Rowlye &amp; Ne&wbar;bry this deponent was over taken with a company of peple on horsbak who past by him and after they wear past by him The aforsd Tho: Hardy tarned about his horse &amp; alet &amp; cam bak to this deponent with his hors in hand &amp; desired this deponant to go to mrs whits &amp; drink with him: w'ch being refused he turnd away to the Company &amp; thay all came up to gather such a breth that it seemd imposibl to scape being trod down by them but they went all past and then appeared no more

About oct: following coming from hampton in Salsbury pine plaine a company of horses with men &amp; women upon them overtook this deponent &amp; the aforesd Hardy being on of them came to this deponent as before &amp; demanded his: 2s: of him and thretned to tear him in peeces to whom this depoant made no answer &amp; so he &amp; the rest went awa&yuml; &amp; Left this deponet.

After this this deponent had divers strang appearances w'ch did fors him away with them into unknown places w'r he saw meettings and festings and dancing and many strange sights: and from Agust Last he was dom and coold not speake till this Last Aprill he also relates that ther did use to com to him a man that did present him abook to which he woold have him sett his hand with &pbar; mise of any thing that he woold have &amp; ther wear presented all delectable things psons and places Imaginabl but he refusing it woold usualy end with most dreadfull shapes noyses &amp; screching that almost scared him out of his witts &amp; this was the usaall manner of &pbar;seeding w'th him: and on time the book was brought and a pen offerd him &amp; to his aprehension ther was blod in the Ink horn but he never toucht the pen he farther say that thay never told him w't he shoold writt nor

[page 566]

he coold not speak to Ask them w't he shoold writ he farther say in severall thair mery meetting he seen Susanas martin appearnc among them

And that day that his speach came to him againe w'ch was about [the end of] April Last as he was in bed shee did stand by his beds sid [and pincht] him.

Joseph Ring abovesayd made oathe of the thruth of all that is above writtn this 13th day of may 1692

before me *Robt Pike Asst

Jurat in Curia

the substance of it

viva voce

(Reverse) [It is to] be understood that the Matter about the to shillings demanded of s'd [Ring] was this viz That when Casko was asalted before it was takn, [Capt] Cedrack walt was going from Great Iland in puscataway with [a pa] rty for thayr releef of w'ch party s'd Ring was one &amp; s'd [Hardy comi] ng up into the Roome wher s'd Ring bilited before thay sayled [and pl] ayd at shuffl bord or som such lik game &amp; urged s'd Ring play [s'd] Ring told him he had no mony &amp; s'd hardly Lent him 2s and then [s'd] Ring playd with him s'd hardy who won his mony away from [him] againe and so he coold not then pay him

this accompt was by s'd Ring given to me

*Robt Pike ast.

( Essex County Archives, Vol. 1 Page 66)

(John Kimball v. Susannah Martin)

The deposion of John Kembal of Amsbury aged 45 or upwards testifying sayth That about 23 years ago this deponent being about to remove from newbery to Amsbury having bought a peec of Land of Georg martin of Amsbury for which he was to pay him in catl or goods upon a certaine day in the march next following &amp; when the day of payment was com martin &amp; his wif came for the pay and the s'd Kembal offered them the choyc of three cows and other catl but did reserve two cows w'ch thay wear not free to part with thay being

[page 567]

the first that ever thay had but Martin himself was satisfied with other pay but Susana his wif understanding from this deponent and his wif that thay woold not part with on of these 2 cows the s'd Susana martin sayd (you had ben as good you had) for shee will never do you any more good (and so it came to pass) for the next Aprill following that very Cow Lay in the [fayr] dry yard with her head to her side (But starc dead) and when shee was fleaced no Impedement did appear in her for she was a stout Lusty Cow

and in alitle while After another cow dyed &amp; then an ox and then other catle to the value of 30&pound; that spring

sworne by John Kembal may the 16 1692


Jurat in Curia

*Robt Pike As.st

(On reverse side of paper) John Kimball of Amesbury


John Kembale of Amsbury afor mensiond farther deposeth That the same year after he was com to Live at Amsbery and was dwelling in the house of Edmund Elliat he was needed to get a dog &amp; hearing that the wif of s'd Geor Martin had a bich that had whelps &amp; this deponent went to her to get on of her but shee not Letting him have his choyc: he did not absolutely agree for any but s'd he heard on blezdal had a bich by w'ch he mayst suply but Anser if not ther nor no whear els he woold have hers at her priz

but being upon that accompt at s'd Blezdels and marked the whelp that I agreed for Georg martin coming by Askt me whether I woold not have on of his wifes pupys to w'ch this deponent made answer on the negative

The same day Edmond Eliat sayd that he was at the house of the s'd martins &amp; heard the s'd martin Asked his wif why this depent wear not to have on of her pupys and shee said he was then sayd he have gott on at goodman blezdells &amp; he saw him choose it and mark it (to w'ch his s'd wif sayd) If I Live Ile give him pupeys enough

within a few days after this I this deponent coming from his Intended hous in the woods to Edmond Eliats house whear I dwelt about the [the] sun sett or presently after &amp; ther did arise a litle blak cloud in the: n: w and a few Drops of Raine and the wind blew prity hard in going between the house of John wood &amp; the meetting house the s'd deponent came by several stumps of trees by the way side he by Impuls he can give no reson of that made him

[page 568]

tambl over the stumps on after another though tho he had his ax upon his shoulder w'ch put him in dang'r &amp; made him resolved to avoyd the next but coold not And when he came alitl below the meetting house ther did appear alitle thing lik apupy of a darkish coler it shott betweene my Legs forward &amp; bakward as on that wear [don raking] the hay and this deponent being free from all fear used all posibl indevers to cut it with his ax but coold not hurt it and as he was this Labering with his ax the pupy gave a litl Jump from him &amp; seemed to go into the ground.

In alitl farther going ther did appear a blak pupy somw't biger then the first but as blak as a cole to his apprehension which came against him w'th such violenc as its quik mosions did exceed his motions of his ax do w't he coold &amp; it flew at his belly &amp; away &amp; then at his throt &amp; over his shoulder on way &amp; go off &amp; up att it againe another way and with such quiknes speed &amp; violenc did it asalt him as if it woold tear out his throt or his belly agood while he was without fear but at last I felt my hart to sayle &amp; sink under it that I thought my lif was going out &amp; I recovered my self &amp; gave a start up &amp; ran to the fenc &amp; caling upon god &amp; Naming the name Jesus Christ &amp; then it in visibly away my meaning as it ceased about but this deponent mad it not known to any body for fritting his wif

The next morning Edmond Eliat (as he told abrod and in his owne house) sayd that he going toward the hous of said martin to Look his oxen went in to Light his pipe &amp; the s'd martins wif Asked him whear kembal was (s'd Eliat s'd abed with [with] his wif for ought he knew) (sayd shee) they say he was frited Last night) with w't sayd Eliat she sayd with pupyes Eliat replyed that he heard nothing of it and Asked whear shee heard it and shee sayd about the Towne w'ch story s'd Eliat having told it was all the Towne over when this deponent came home at night for he had been all day alone in the woods at work at his frames

John kembale made oath to the truth of all that is written on both sides of this paper may the 16th 1692

before me *Robt Pike Asist

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 68)

[page 569]

(Bernard Peach v. Susannah Martin)

The deposion of Barnard peache aged 42 or ther abouts testifyeth That about ten years ago this deponant living with w'm Osgood of Salsbury he s'd Osgood had a ox hurt &amp; he with him &amp; Georg martin of Amsbury desired to have som of ther beef but was denyed and went a way discontent And the next day on of the [] best cows my s'd master osgood had was in such a mad fright that too men had much ado to gett her into the house wher shee had usually ben tide up: shee did run and fly about

The next day shee being Let out &amp; went away w'th the other catle (well &amp; Lusty as far as wee coold desern) but came home at evening very ill having [Atter] under her eyes as bigg as wallnutts &amp; dyed the same night

sworne at Salsbury the 20th day of may Ano 1692

before me *Robt Pike Asst

(On reverse side of paper) Barnard Peach

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 68)

(John Allen v. Susannah Martin)

The deposion of Left John Allen of Salsbury aged 45 years testifying sayth That in or about the year [] this deponent was haling timber for mr Georg Car for building a vesell at Amsbery at mr Goodins building place &amp; haveing don &amp; about to go home Susana martin then wif of Georg martin desired this deponent to cart staves for them which this deponent refused to do because of his oxn which wear weake &amp; needed now to gett flesh but shee seemed to be discontent (and as Jams freez and others then present told this Deponent (that shee sayd) I had [had] ben as good I had (for my oxn shoold never do me much more servis) upon w'ch this deponent sayd dost thretn me thou old wich or words to that efect resolving to throw her into a brook that was fast by: which to avoyd she flew over the bridge &amp; so escaped: but as he was going home on of his oxn tired that he was forst to unyok him to get him home And after they

[page 570]

wear com home: put the s'd oxn to Salsbury beach whear several other oxn whear catl usualy are putt whear they had Long rang of meadows to feed on &amp; whear catle did use to gett flesh: but in a few days al the oxn upon the beach we found by thayr tracks wear gon to the mouth of the River merimak but not returned from whenc we thought they wear run into the s'd river: but the next day sending to plum Iland found thayr tracks ther to be com ashore w'ch tracks they followed to the other end of s'd Iland &amp; a consideribl way bak againe &amp; then sate down w'ch being espyed by those that fought them thay did use all Immaginabl gentlenes to them to som acquaintanc w'ch som of them seemed to attend but all on a sudaine away thay all run with such violenc as if thay their mosion had ben dyabolical till thay came neer the mouth of merimak river and then: turned to the right hand &amp; ran right in to the sea all but to old oxn (w'ch had before Left thayr Company) and all the rest went to sea a far as thay coold see them: &amp; then on of them came back againe with such swiftnes as was amazing to the be holders who stood redy to Imbrac him &amp; help his tired carcase up: but Letting him Loose away he runs up into the Iland &amp; from there through the marshes up in to newbery towne &amp; so up into their woods and ther was after a while found about hartechok river over against Amsbery so that of: 14: good oxn only that was saved the rest were all cast up som at Cap and som in on plac and som in other of thay [thay] only had the hids: he farther sayth that the abovesd James freeze did often move the &pbar;secuting of the s'd Susana martin in the case being undoutedly confident that shee was a wich

Left John Allin made oathe to the truth of all that is above written Jun the 7th 1692

before me *Robt Pike Asst

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper)

Jno. Allen

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 69)

[page 571]

(Joseph Knight v. Susannah Martin)

The Depossittion of Joseph knight aged about 40 yers

This Deponant doe testifie &amp; saye that on the 20th Daye of October or thereabouts in the yere of o'r Lord 1686 Nathan'll Clarke Junj'r: of Newbery together with this Deponant going out into the woods together to fetch up horses there met with Susana Martaine of Amsbury with a litle Dog Runing by hir syde &amp; in my sight shee tooke up s'd Dog under her arme but comeing up neere to hir she had a Kegg or a halfe feirkin under the same arme; this Deponant then lookt hir in the face &amp; told hir that that kegg was a litle Dogg but nowe Nath'el. Clarke said soe it was: &amp; then passing from hir we found our horses &amp; brought them to a small Causwaye but Could not git them over but there being a small Knowle of land here: our horsses ran round about it the greatist parte of that daye we oftn bringing them up to the Causwaye but then they turned to that knowle &amp; Ra&nbar; about it the same waye but at length there Came a young man with a yoak of oxen to goe over the Causwaye who with some difficaultie got them over for altho the Causwaye was very good yet one of the oxen hung back as though he were frighted but at length were forct over &amp; then we got over our horses.

Joseph knight ownid this his tistimony to be the truth: on his oath. before the Juryors of Inquest this 29. of June: 1692

(On reverse of paper) Joseph Knight elizabeth clark S. Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 69)

(Elizabeth Clark v. Susannah Martin)

Elizabeth Clark who then was the wife of the aboves'd. Nathaniell Clarke doe testifie that when my s'd husband Nath'll: Clarke Came home he told me this Deponant the matter mentioned in Joseph knights testimony &amp; he related to me the wholl of the Matter &amp; all the Sircumstances related in s'd testimony: excepting that my husband told Joseph knight that the Kegg under Goodwif martins arme was or had bin a dogg This Deponant doe further testie that goodwife martain aboves'd. Came to our house the same daye mentiond

[page 572]

in Joseph knights testimony before my husband Came home &amp; Comeing into the house our dog bit hir by the leg as she said whereupon She being angry said that he was a Churll lik his master

Elizabeth Clark ownid this har testimo to be the truth: on the oath which she had taken be fore: the Jury for Inquest: this 29. of June 1692

(On reverse side of paper) El. Clarke

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 70)

(Robert Downer v. Susannah Martin)

The deposion of Robert Downer of Salsbery aged 52 years who testify and say

That several years ago susanna martin the then wif of Georg martin being brought to Court for a wich the said Downer having som words with her (she at that time attending mrs. Light at Salsbury) This deponent among other things told her be leeved that shee was a wich by w't was s'd or wittnesd against her at w'ch shee seeming not well afected s'd that a or some shee devel woold fech him away shortly at w'ch this deponent was not much moved: but at night as he lay in his bed in his owne house alone ther came at his window the liknes of a catt and by and by com up to his bed took fast hold of his throt and Lay hard upon him a Consderibl while and was lik to throtl him at Length he minded w't susana martin thretned him with the day be fore he strove w't he coold and sayd avoyd thou shee divell in the name of the father &amp; the son &amp; the holy Ghost &amp; then itt Lett him go &amp; slumpt down upon the flower and went out at window againe

he farther sayth that the next morning befor ever he [he] had sayd any thing of it som of that family asked him about it (as from her owne)

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 70)

[page 573]

(Mary Andrews v. Susannah Martin)

mrs. mary Andras aged:40: year testify that shee did hear the s'd Susana martin threatn or tell the s'd Robt Downer that a shee divell woold fech him a way shortly: shee further sayth that from som of her fathers family shee did hear that [that] the s'd Su martin told them how s'd Downer was served the night that he was aflicted as abovsd

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 70)

(Moses Pike v. Susannah Martin)

moses pike aged: 26: years or more testify that he did hear Susana martin tell how Ro downer was handled and as he remembers it was the next day after it was don at night

Sworne by Robt Downer. mrs mary Allin &amp; moses pike June 30 1692

before me *Robt Pike Asst

(On reverse side of paper) Rob't. Downer &amp;c ver. Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem Vol. 1 Page 70)

(Thomas Putnam v. Susannah Martin)

The deposistion of Tho. putnam agged 40 years &amp; #[Ed putnam] agged 38 yers who testifie and say that we have ben conversant with the afflected parsons or the most of them, as namly mary walcott mercy lewes Eliz: Hubbard Abigail Williams sarah vibber and Ann putnam Jun. and have often heard the afforementioned parsons complain of susannah martin of Amsbery tortoring them and we have seen the marks of severall bittes and pinchs which they said susannah martin did hirt them with and also on the 2 day of may 1692 being the day of the examination of susannah martin the affornamed parsons

[page 574]

ware mostreviously tortored dureing the time of hir examination for upon the glance of hir eies they ware strucken down or allmost choak and upon the motion of hir finger we took notes they ware afflected and if she did but clench hir hands or hold hir head aside the afflected parsons affor mentioned ware most greviously tortored in like maner and several times sence we have seen them tortored compl&nbar;&ibar;ng of susannah Martin for hurting them

*Thomas putnam. #[Edward Putnam]( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 71)

(Nathaniel Ingersoll v. Susannah Martin)

Nathaniel Ingrsoll testifieth to all the above &amp; both of them do say on Oath that they beleive it is done by Witchcraft

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper) Nathan'll: Ingersoll &amp; Tho: Putman

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 71)

(Samuel Parris, Nathaniel Ingersoll and Thomas Putnam v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about. 39 years, &amp; Nathanael Ingersoll aged about fifty &amp; eight yeares and also Tho: Putman aged about fourty yeares all of Salem -- testifyeth &amp; saith that Abigail Williams, Mercy Lewes Mary Walcot, Susannah Shelding and John Indian were much afflicted at the examination of Susannah Martin of Almsbury Widdow-before the honoured Magistrates the. 2. May. 1692 &amp; that Goody Bibber (who before had not accused her) &amp; some other of the afflicted then &amp; there testifyed that there was a black man whispering in her ear, &amp; also that the said Bibber Abigail Williams &amp; Mary Walcot &amp; John Indian could not come near said Martin when upon triall they were ordered by the Magistrates to attempt it, &amp; their agonies &amp; tortures they charged said Martin as the

[page 575]

cause of, &amp; also we farther saw that when she said Martin bit her lips they were bitten, &amp; when the afflicted were ordered to go towards her they were knockt down

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse side of paper) The Depotion of Sam: Parris &amp;c ag'st.

Susan: Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 71)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd agged about: 17: years: who testifieth and saith that I have often seen the Apperishtion of susannah Martin amongst the wicthes but she did not hurt me tell the: 2 day of may being the day of hir examination: but then shee did afflect me most greviously dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look parsonally upon me she would strike me down or allmost choak me: and severall times sence the Apperishtion of susannah martin has most greviously afflected me also on the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of susannah martin goe and afflect and allmost choak Mary walcott Mircy Lewes Abigaill williams and Ann putnam jun'r

mark Eliz:

Hubbards(On reverse side of paper) Eliz. Hubburd against Susannah Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 72)

(Mercy Lewis v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposistion of Mircy Lewes aged about 19 years who testifieth and sath that in the latter end of April 1692 there appeared to me the Apperishtion of ashort old woman which tould me hir name was goody martin and that she came from Ambery who did most greviously torment me [by] by biting and pinching me urging me

[page 576]

vehemently to writ in hir book but on the 2 May 1692 being the day of hir examination susannah Martin did torment and afflect me most greviously in the time of hir examination for w'n she looked upon me parsonally she would strike me down or almost choake me and severall times sence the Apperishtion of susannah martin has most greviously afflected me by pinching and almost choaking me to death urging me to writ in hir book: and also on the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of susannah Martin goe and hurt the bodyes of Mary Walcott Elizabeth Hubburd Abigail williams and Ann putnam junr.

*Mercy lewes(On reverse side of paper) Mercy Lewes against Susannah Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 72)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam jun'r who testifieth and saith sume time in April 1692 there appered to me the Apperishtion of an old short woman that toald me hir name was martin and that she came from Amsbery who did Immediatly afflect me urging me to writ in hir book but on the 2: may 1692 being the day of hir examination susana martin did most greviously afflect me dureing the time of her examination for when she did but look personaly upon she would strike me down or almost choak and severall times senc the Apperishtion of susannah martin. has most greviously afflected me by pinching me &amp; on the [the] day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of susanna martin goe and Afflect the bodys of mary wallcott Mircy Lewes Elizabeth Hubbard and Abigail williams

(On Reverse side of paper) Ann putnam Jun'r against Susannah Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 73)

(Mary Walcott v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposistion of Mary Wolcott agged about 17 years who testifieth &amp; saith that in the latter end of April 1692 there Appered to

[page 577]

me the apperishtion of a short old woman which tould me hir name was gooddy martin and that she came from Amsbery who did most greviously afflict &amp; torment and afflect me by pinching and all most choaking me to death urging me to writ in hir book or elce threating to kill me: but on the 2'd may being the day of hir examination She did most greviously torment &amp; afflect me during the time of hir examination for when she did but look parsonally upon me she would strik me down or all most choak me to death: and severall times sence the Apperishtion of Susannah martin has most greviously afflected me by biting pinching and allmost choaking me to death threating to kill me if I would not writ in hir book: also on the:2 day of may 1692 being the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Susannah martin goe and afflect and hurt the bodyes of mircy Lewes Elizabeth Hubburd Abigaile williams and Ann putnam Junr.

hir mark mary

walcott(On reverse) mary walcott against susannah martin

Court Oy &amp; Ter by Adjournment

June 29. 92

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition])

(John Atkinson v. Susannah Martin)

John Attkinson aged fifty six years or thereabout; Testifieth thatt some time bout five years since One of the sons of Susannah Martin Sen' r of Amsbury, Exchanged a cow of his w'th me for a cow w'ch I bought of mr Wells the minister; w'ch cow he tooke from mr. Wells his house; About a weeke after I went to the house of Susanna martin to receive the cow of the young man her son; W'n I came to bring the home nottw'th -- stand hamstringing of her and haltring her, she was so madd thatt we could scarce gett her along butt she broke all the ropes fastened to her, we putt the halter two or three times round a tree w'ch she broke and ran away and w'n we came down to the fery, we were forct to run up to our wastes in water, she was so firce, butt after w'th much adoe we gott her into the boat, She was as tame as any creature w'tsoever &amp; further this deponent

[page 578]

Saith thatusanna Martin Muttered &amp; was Unwilling this deponent should have the Cow

Jurat in Curia John Atkinson( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 73)

(Sarah Atkinson v. Susannah Martin)

Sarah Attkinson aged forty Eight years or thereabouts testifieth thatt Some time in the Spring of the year about Eighteen years Since Susanna Martin came unto our house att Newbury from Amsbury in an Extraordinary dirty Season w'n itt was not fitt for any &pbar;son to travell She then came on foot, w'n She came into our house I asked her whether She came from Amsbury a fot She Sayd She did I asked how She could come in this time a foott and bid my children make way for her to come to the fire to dry her selfe She replyed She was as dry as I was and turn'd her Coats on Side, and I could nott &pbar;ceive thatt the Soule of her Shows were wett I was startled att itt that she should come soe dry and told her thatt I should have been wett up to my knees if I Should have come So farr on foott she replyd thatt She scorn'd to have a drabled tayle

Jurat in Curia Sarah Atkinson( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 74)

(Sarah Bibber v. Susannah Martin)

The Deposistion of Sarah viber agged about 36 years: who testifieth and saith that on the 2: May. 1692 the Apperishtion of susannah martin of Amsbery did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look personally upon me she would strik me down or all most choak me: and also the same day I saw the Apperishtion of susannah martin most greviously afflect the

[page 579]

bodyes of mary walcott mercy lewes and Ann putnam by pinching and almost choaking them: and severall times sence the Apperishtion of susannah martin has most greviously afflected me by beating and pinching me and almost choaking me to death: &amp; that she beleives the s'd Martin is a witch &amp; that she is bewiched by her

Jurat in Curia

(On reverse of paper)

Sarah Viber against Susan: Martin

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 72)

[page 581" id="p928-258]

Sarah Morey

(See also: George Burroughs -- Complaint; Phillip English -- Warrant; Susannah Martin -- Mittimus.)

(Account of Mary Morey -- Case of Sarah Morey)

To the honered Committy Now Setting apinted by The Ginerall Court The Humbell pition of Mary Morey Widdow of Peter Morey of bavrly desert [sours] our Dautor Sarey Morey Whas folsly accused &amp; Imprisened for the Sin of Whichcraft The Month of May one Thousand Six Hundred ninty Tew and remaned In prison, Teill Januarey following our Said dautor Whas Treyed &amp; Cleared by Law Which Imprisonment Whas Much more To our Damage Then I Cann Think of know or Cann Speek but what fowlows Now Is What I have pade out of My pocket for her Charges &amp; our Expenes In [Gurning] to Is Cist her

To 35 Wieks diet in prison att 3s p

05: 05: 0

To Savarall Jorneys to Boston & to Salem,

02: 00: 0

To the Keeper

05: 00: 0

12: 05: 0

her Mary Morey marke(Reverse)

Mary Moreys Acco

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 150)

[page 583" id="p928-260]

Rebecca Nurse Executed July 19, 1692

(See also: Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination; Sarah Good -- Death Warrant.)

(Warrant v. Rebecca Nurse)

To the Marshall of Essex or his deputie

There Being Complaint this day made (before us by Edward putnam and Jonathan putnam Yeomen both of Salem Village, Against Rebeca Nurce the wife of franc's Nurce of Salem Village for vehement Suspition, of haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft and thereby haveing donne Much hurt and Injury to the Bodys of Ann putnam the wife of Thomas putnam of Salem Village Anna puttnam the dauter of Said Thomas putnam and Abigail Williams &amp;c

You are therefore in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Rebeca Nurce the wife of franc's Nurce of Salem Village, to Morrow aboute Eight of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersoll in Salem Village in order to her Examination Relateing to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to faile Salem March the 23'd 1691/2

p us *John. Hathorne &rsqb; Assists

*Jonathan Corwin &rsqb; Assists

March 24'th 1691/2 I have apprehended the body of Rebeca Nurse and brought her to the house of Le't Nath. Ingersal where shee is in Costody

p'r *George Herrick Marshall of Essex

[page 584]

(Reverse) in the meeting house (be) Mary Walkott Marcy Lewis Eliz: Hubberd

all these accused goody Nurce then to her face that she then hurt them &amp;c and they saw besides the others on Contra Side

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 19)

(Examination of Rebecca Nurse)

The examination of Rebekah Nurse at Salem Village

24. mar. 1691/2

Mr. Harthorn. What do you say (speaking to one afflicted) have you seen this Woman hurt you?

Yes, she beat me this morning

Abigial. Have you been hurt by this Woman?


Ann Putman in a grievous fit cryed out that she hurt her.

Goody Nurse, here are two An: Putman the child &amp; Abigail Williams complains of your hurting them What do you say to it

N. I can say before my Eternal father I am innocent, &amp; God will clear my innocency

Here is never a one in the Assembly but desires it, but if you be guilty Pray God discover you.

Then Hen: Kenny rose up to speak

Goodm: Kenny what do you say

Then he entered his complaint &amp; farther said that since this Nurse came into the house he was seizd twise with an amaz'd condition

Here are not only these but, here is the wife of Mr Tho: Putman who accuseth you by credible information &amp; that both of tempting her to iniquity, &amp; of greatly hurting her.

N. I am innocent &amp; clear &amp; have not been able to get out of doors these 8. or 9. dayes.

Mr Putman: give in what you have to say

Then Mr Edward Putman gave in his relate

Is this true Goody Nurse

I never afflicted no child never in my life

[page 585]

You see these accuse you, is it true


Are you an innocent person relating to this Witchcraft.

Here Tho: Putmans wife cryed out, Did you not bring the Black man with you, did you not bid me tempt God &amp; dye How oft have you eat and drunk y'r own damaon What do you say to them

Oh Lord help me, &amp; spread out her hands, &amp; the afflicted were greviously vexed

Do you not see what a solemn condition these are in? when your hands are loose the pesons are afflicted.

Then Mary Walcot (who often heretofore said she had seen her, but never could say or did say that she either bit or pincht her, or hurt her) &amp; also Eliz: Hubbard under the like circumstances both openly accused her of hurting them

Here are these 2 grown persons now accuse you, w't say you? Do not you see these afflicted persons, &amp; hear them accuse you.

The Lord knows I have not hurt them: I am an innocent person

It is very awfull to all to see these agonies &amp; you an old Professor thus charged with contracting with the Devil by the [a] effects of it &amp; yet to see you stand with dry eyes when there are so many whet --

You do not know my heart

You would do well if you are guilty to confess &amp; give Glory to God

I am as clear as the child unborn

What uncertainty there may be in apparitions I know not, yet this with me strikes hard upon you that you are at this very present charged with familiar spirits: this is your bodily person they speak to: they say now they see these familiar spirits com to your bodily #[spirits com to your bodily] person, now what do you say to that

I have none Sir:

If you have confess &amp; give glory to God I pray God clear you if you be innocent, &amp; if you are guilty discover you And therefore give me an upright answer: have you any familiarity with these spirits?

No, I have none but with God alone.

How came you sick for there is an odd discourse of that in the mouths of many --

I am sick at my stumach --

Have you no wounds

[page 586]

I have none but old age

You do Know whither you are guilty, &amp; have familiarity with the Devil, &amp; now when you are here present to see such a thing as these testify a black man whispering in your ear, &amp; birds about you what do you say to it

It is all false I am clear

Possibly you may apprehend you are no witch, but have you not been led aside by temptations that way

I have not

What a sad thing it is that a church member here &amp; now an other of Salem, should be thus accused and charged

Mrs Pope fell into a grevious fit, &amp; cryed out a sad thing sure enough: And then many more fell into lamentable fits.

Tell us have not you had visible appearances more than what is common in nature?

I have noe nor never had in my life

Do you think these suffer voluntary or involuntary

I cannot tell

That is strange every one can judge

I must be silent

They accuse you of hurting them, &amp; if you think it is not unwillingly but by designe, you must look upon them as murderers

I cannot tell what to think of it

Afterwards when this was som what insisted on she said I do not think so: she did not understand aright what was said

Well then give an answer now, do you think these suffer against their wills or not

I do not think these suffer against their wills

Why did you never visit these afflicted persons

Because I was afraid I should have fits too

Note Upon the motion of her body fitts followed upon the complainants abundantly &amp; very frequently

Is it not an unaccountable case that when you are examined these persons are afflicted?

I have got no body to look to but God

Again upon stirring her hands the afflicted persons were seized with violent fits of torture

Do you beleive these afflicted persons are bewitcht

I do think they are

[page 587]

When this Witchcraft came upon the stage there was no suspicion of Tituba (Mr Paris's Indian woman) she profest much love to that child Betty Paris, but it was her apparition did the mischief, &amp; why should not you also be guilty, for your apparition doth hurt also.

Would you have me bely my self --

she held her Neck on one side, &amp; accordingly so were the afflicted taken

Then Authority requiring it Sam: Paris read what he had in characters taken from Mr Tho: Putmans wife in her fitts

What do you think of this

I cannot help it, the Devil may appear in my shape.

This a true account of the sume of her examination but by reason of geat noyses by the afflicted &amp; many speakers, many things are pretermitted


Nurse held her neck on one sid &amp; Eliz: Hubbard (one of the sufferers) had her neck set in that posture whereupon another Patient Abigail Williams cryed out set up Goody Nurses head the maid's neck will be broke &amp; when some set up Nurses head Aaron Wey observed that Betty Hubbards was immediately righted

Salem Village March. 24'th 1691/2

The Rever't Mr Samuell parris being desired to take in wrighting the Examination of Rebekah Nurse hath Returned itt as aforesaid

Upon heareing the afores'd and seeing what wee then did see together with the Charge of the persons then present -- wee Committed Rebekah Nurse the wife of fran's Nurce of Salem village unto theire Majest's Goale in Salem as p a Mittimus then given out, in order to farther Examination

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assis'ts

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assis'ts

( Essex County Archives, Salem --

Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 20)

[page 588]

(Indictment v. Rebecca Nurse, No. 1)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc Anglia &amp;c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen pr'sents that Rebecca Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse sen [torn] of Salem Village in the County of Essex. husb the four &amp; twentieth day of March in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen defend'rs of the faith &amp;c and divers other dayes &amp; times as well before as after certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft &amp; Sorceries: wickedly &amp; felloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised. at &amp; within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Ann puttnam Jun'r of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd single woman-by w'ch said wicked Arts the said Ann Puttnam Jun'r the s'd four &amp; twentieth day of March in the fourth year aboves'd and Divers other dayes &amp; times as well before as after was and is hurt tortured afflicted consumed Pined wasted &amp; tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided.


Ann Puttnam Jun.

Abigail Williams

Mary Walcott

Elizabeth Hubbard.



In this Tryall are Twenty papers besides this Judgment. &amp; there were in this tryall as well as other Tryalls of the Same Nature Severall Evidences viva voce which were not writtn &amp; so I can give no Copies of them Some for &amp; Some against the parties Some of the Confessions did also mention this &amp; other persons in their Severall declarations which being premised. &amp; Considered the s'd 20 papers herewith fild is the whole Tryall

Attest *Steph Sewall Cler

Copy of the above wrote on the Judgment w'ch I gave out to the Nurses

[page 589]

Bill A vara *John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest.

(Reverse) No. 1 Reb. Nurse

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 19)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Nurse, No. 2)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc: Angliae &amp;c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady. the King &amp; Queen &pbar;&ebar;esents that Rebecca Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse sen'r of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the four &amp; twentyeth day of March in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland: King &amp; Queen defend'rs of the faith &amp;c and divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after certaine detestable arts Called Witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries: wickedly &amp; felloniously used Practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; within the towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in and upon and ag't one Mary Walcott of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd husb -- by w'ch wicked Arts the said Mary Walcott the s'd four &amp; twentieth Day of March in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other dayes &amp; times as well before as after was &amp; is hurt tortured afflicted consumed Pined wasted &amp; tormented ag't the Peace of our s'd Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made and Provided.


Mary Walcott.

Abigaile Williams

Ann puttnam Jun'r

Elizabeth Hubbard



Bill Avara *John Rucke forman in [in] the nam of the Rest

(Reverse) No. 2

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 19)

[page 590]

(Indictment v. Rebecca Nurse, No. 3)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc: Angliae &amp;c Quarto: Essex ss

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen pr'sents, that Rebecca Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse Sen'r of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the four &amp; twentyeth day of March -- in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen Defenders of the Faith &amp;c and Divers Dayes &amp; times as well before as after. certaine Detestable Arts of witchcraft &amp; Sorceries. wickedly &amp; felloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; within the towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon &amp; ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman -- the s'd four &amp; twentieth day of March in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after. was and is hurt tortured Afflicted Pined wasted consumed &amp; tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord. and Lady the King &amp; Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided


Elizabeth Hubbard

Mary Walcott

Abigail Williams

Ann Puttnam Jun'r



Bill Avara *John Rucke forman in the name of the Rest

(Reverse) No. 3

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 19)

(Indictment v. Rebecca Nurse, No. 4)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc Angliae &amp;c Quarto: Essex ss

[page 591]

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen pr'sents That Rebeckah Nurse the wife of Francis Nurse sen'r of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the four &amp; twentyeth Day of March in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France &amp; Ireland King &amp; Queen Defend'rs of the faith &amp;c and Divers other Dayes &amp; times as well before as after. certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts &amp; Sorceries wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised &amp; Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and ag't one Abigail Williams of Salem Village afores'd singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts. the said Abigail Williams the s'd four &amp; twentieth Day of March in the fourth year abovs'd and divers other dayes &amp; times as well before as after was &amp; is hurt tortured. Afflicted consumed Pined wasted &amp; tormented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made &amp; Provided


Abigail Williams

Mary Walcott

Elizabeth Hubbard

Ann puttnam Jun'r


(Reverse) Bill Avara *John Ruck foreman in the nam of the Rest No. 4

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 19)

(Summons for Witnesses v. Rebecca Nurse)

William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England &amp;ca

To Abigall Williams Ann Putnam Mercy Lewis Elizabeth Hubbard Mary Walcott Ann Putnam Sen'r Susanna Shelden wee Comand that they &amp; Every of them all Excuses set aside appear befor their Maj'ties Justices. of Court of Oyer &amp; Terminer Holden this present Thursday being 2'd June. at Eight of the Clock in the morning to Testifie the truth of what they know upon certain Endictments Exhibited at our

[page 592]

s'd Court on behalfe of Our Sovereigne agt. Rebecka Nurse hereof fail not at your perill: &amp; make return

*Stephen Sewall Cler

To the Constable of Salem

(Officers return.)


I have summonsd the with in written persons by me *John Putnum of Salem constable

Subpena for Evidences Ag't Reb. Nurse

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 19)

(Petition for Rebecca Nurse)

We whose nams Are heareunto subscribed being desired by goodman Nurse to declare what we knewe concerning his wives conversation for time past: we cane testyfie to all whom it may concerne that we have knowne her for: many years and Acording to our observation her: Life and conversation was Acording to her profession and we never had Any: cause or grounds to suspect her of Any such thing as she is nowe Acused of

*Israel Porter

*Elizibeth porter

*Edward beshep sen

*hana beshep

*Joshua Rea

*Sarah Rea

*Sarah leach

*john putnam sen.

*Rebeckh putnam

*Joseph hucheson sen:

*leda hucheson

*Joseph holten sen

*Sarah holten

*Daniell Andrew

*Sara andrew

*Jonathan Putnam

*lydia putnam

*Walter Phillipps senior

*Nathaniel Felton Sen:

*margaret Philips

*Taitha phillipps

*Joseph houlton Junior

*Sam'll Endecott

*Elizabeth buxtston

*Samuel aborn senr

*Isaack Cooke

[page 593]

*benjaman putnam

*Sarah putnam

*Job Swinerton

*Esther Swinerton

*Joseph herrick sen

*Samuell Sibley

*hephzibah Rea

*Elisabeth Cooke

*William Osborne

*hanah osborne

*Daniell Rea

*Sarah putnam

*Joseph Putman

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Nathaniel Putnam, Sr. for Rebecca Nurse)

Nathaniell putnam Senor being desired [TORN] by francis nurse sen'or to give &amp; informa [TORN] of what i could say concerning his wifeS [TORN] and conversation: if the above Sayd [TORN] known this sayd above sayd woman fou [TORN] years &amp; what i have observed of her human [TORN] frailtye excepted: her life &amp; conversation hath [TORN] been according to her profession: &amp; she hath [TORN] brought up a great family of children &amp; educated [TORN] well soe that there is in some of them apparent s' [TORN] of godliness: i have known her differ with her neig [TORN] but i never knew nor heard of any that did accus [TORN] of what she is now charged with

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Israel Porter, Elizabeth Porter, Daniel Andrew and Peter Cloyce for Rebecca Nurse)

We whos nams Are under writen being desiered to goe to goodman nurs his hous to speeke with his wife and to tell her that several of the Aflicted persons mentioned her: and Acordingly we went and we found her in A weak and Lowe condition in body as shee told us and had been sicke allmost A weak and we asked how it was otherwis

[page 594]

with her and shee said shee blest god for it shee had more of his presents in this sickens then sometime shee have had but not soe much as shee desiered: but shee would with the Apostle pres forward to the mark: and many other places of scriptur to the Like purpos: and then of her owne Acord shee begane to speek of the Affliction that was Amongst them and in perticuler of Mr Parris his family and howe shee was greved for them though shee had not been to see them: by Reason of fits that shee formerly use to have for people said it was Awfull to:behold: but shee pittied them with: all her harte: and went to god for them: but shee said shee heard that there was persons spoke of that wear as Innocent as shee was shee belived and After much to this purpos: we told her we heard that shee was spoken of allsoe: well she said if it be soe the will of the Lord be done: she sate still awhille being as it wear Amazed: and then shee said well as to this thing I am Innocent as the child unborne but seurly shee said what sine hath god found out in me unrepented of that he should Lay such an Affliction upon me In my old Age: and Acording to our best observation we could not decern that shee knewe what we came for before we tould her

*Israel porter

*Elizabeth porter

To the substance of what is Above we if caled there too: are Ready to testifie on: oath

*Daniell Andrew

*Peter Cloys

( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

(John Putnam, Sr. and Rebecca Putnam for Rebecca Nurse)

the testemony of John putnam : sen and rebecke his wife saith that our son in law John Fuller: and our dauter rebecke Shepard did both of them by #[a most] (a most violent death and did acting vere strangly at the time of ther death) farder saith that wee did Judg then that thay both diead of a malignant fever and had no suspiction of wichcraft of aney nether Can wee acues the prisner at the bar of any such thing

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 58)

[page 595]

(Nathaniel Ingersoll and Hannah Ingersoll v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposistion of Nathaniell Ingersoll and Hannah his wife who: testife and say that we ware conversant with Benjamin Holton for above a week before he died and he was acted in a very strange maner with most violent fitts acting much like to our poor bewicthed parsons w'n we thought they would have died tho: then we hade no suspition of wicthcraft. amongst us and he died a most violent death with dreadfull fitts and the Doctor that was with him said he could not tell what his distemper was and he died about Two days before Rebekah Sheepard:

Jurat in Curia

attest *Steph Sewall Cle.

(Reverse) Nath. &amp; Hanah Ing'ell

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 58)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam junr who testifieth and saith that on the 13'th march 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of gooddy Nurs: and she did immediatly afflect me but I did not know what hir name was then: tho I knew whare she used to sitt in our Meeting house: but sence that she hath greviously afflected me by biting pinching and pricking me: urging me to writ in hir book and also on the 24'th of march being the day of hir examination I was greviously tortored by hir dureing the time of hir examination and also severall times sence and also dureing the time of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah nurs goe and hurt the bodys of Mircy lewes mary wolcott Elizabeth Hubbrd and Abigaill Williams.

ann putnam jun'r did one the oath which she hath taken: this har evidens to be the truth. before us the: Juriers for Inquest this 3. d'y of June: 1692

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Ann puttnam Goody Nurs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

[page 596]

(Mary Walcott v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposistion of Mary walcott aged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 20'th march 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs the wife of frances Nurs senr: but she did not hurt me tell the 24 march being the day of hir examination but then the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination: and also severall times sence she hath most greviously afflected me by biting pinching and almost choaking me urging me vehemently to writ in hir book or elce she would kill me: and on the 3'd of may in the evening the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs tould me she had a hand in the deaths of Benjamin Holton John Harrod Rebekah Sheppard and severall others and also att the time of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs goe and hurt the bodys of Ann putnam mircy lewes Elizabeth Hubburd and Abigaill williams

Marcy Wowlcot on the oath which she hath taken did owne this har testimony to be the truth. before us the Juriars of Inquest this 3 dy of June. 1692

(Reverse) 2 Mary Walcott

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that about the 20'th march 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs the wife of frances Nurs. sen'r [sen'r] tho she did not hurt me tell the 24'th march being the day of hir examination and then she did hurt me most greviously dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or allmost choakd me and also severall times sence the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs has most greviously afflected me by pinching pricking and almost choaking me urging me to writ in hir book and also on the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Rebeckah Nurs goe and hurt the bodys of Ann putnam sen'r and Mary Walcott and Abigail williams and Ann putnam Junr.

[page 597]

elizabeth Hubard upon her oath she had taken did owne this testimony before us the Juriars of Inqwest: this 3 dy of June: 1692

(Reverse) 3 Eliz: Hubburd against Rebekah Nurs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Abigail Williams v. Rebecca Nurse)

the testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth &amp; saith That divers times in [in month] of March last past, particularly on the .15.16.19. dayes of that m[onth and] in the month of April following at severall times, particularly on the.13. &amp; I [torn] [of] that month, and also in this present month of May, the.4'th &amp; 29. dayes, she [the] said Abigail has been exceedingly perplexed with the apparition of Rebek[a Nurse of] Salem Village, by which apparition she hath been pulled violently [and] often pinched &amp; almost choked, &amp; tempted sometimes to leap into the [fire and] sometimes to subscribe a book the said apparition brought, &amp; als[o she saith] that she hath seen this apparition at a sacrament sitting next to [torn] [the man?] with an high crowned hat, at the upper end of the Table; &amp; f[arther saith that] said apparition hath sometimes confessed to her the said Abigail its gu[i]lt in committing severall murders together with her Sister Cloyse as upon old Goodm: Harvood, Benja' Porter, &amp; Rebek Shepard &amp; faith Shepard's [torn] May 31'st 1692 attested before

abegall Williams did owne this har testimony [on the] oath which she had taken: to be truth: before us [the] Juriars of Inqwest this 3. dy of June: 92

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Sarah Bibber v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposistion of Sarah viber agged about: 36: years who testifieth and saith: that on the day of may 1692: I saw the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs the wife of frances nurs sen'r most greviously tortor and afflect the bodyes of Mary walcott mercy lewes and Abigaill

[page 598]

williams by pinching them and almost choaking them to death: but I do not know that she hurt me tell the 27'th June 1692: and then the: Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs did most greviously torment me by pinching me and almost choaking me severall times

(Reverse) 5 Sarah viber against Rebekah Nurs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Samuel Parris, Nathaniel Ingersoll, and Thomas Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about 39. years &amp; Nathanael Ingersoll aged about fifty &amp; eight yeares &amp; Thomas Putman aged about fourty yeares all of Salem -- testifyeth &amp; saith that Ann Putman Sen'r &amp; her daughter Ann, &amp; Mary Walcot &amp; Abigail Williams were severall times &amp; greviously tortured at the Examination of Rebekah Nurse wife to Francis Nurse of Salem before the Honoured Magistrates the. 24.March. 1691/2 &amp; particularly that when her hands were at liberty some of the afflicted were pinched, &amp; upon the motion of her head &amp; fingers some of them were tortured; &amp; farther that some of the afflicted then &amp; there affirmed that they saw a black man whispering in her ear, &amp; that they saw birds fluttering about her,

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) 6 The Depotion of Sam: Parris &amp;c. ags't Rebek. Nurse

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Samuel Parris and John Putnam, Sr. v. Rebecca Nurse and Martha Carrier)

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about 39. years and John Putman Sen'r aged about 63. years both of Salem Village testifieth &amp; saith that this 18. instant June being at the house of Jonathan Putman whom we found very ill, after a little while Mercy Lewes sent

[page 599]

for on purpose came into said Jonathan Putmans house &amp; was presently struck dumb, but being bid to hold up her hand if she saw any of the witches afflict said Jonathan, whereupon she presently lift up her hand, &amp; after fell into a Trance, &amp; when said Mercy came to her self, she said she saw Goody Nurse &amp; Goody Carrier holding said Jonathans head &amp; farther saith not

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Sam: Parris &amp; Capt Putman Contra Reb: Nurse

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Johnnah Childin v. Rebecca Nurse)

The deposision of Johannah Childin testieth and saieth that upon the: 2'd of June: 1692 that the aparition of goody nurs and goodman Harrwood did apeare to her and the said Harrwood did look goodey nuss in the face and said to her: that she did murder him by pushing him off the Cart and strock the breath out of his body.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

(Edward Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse)

The deposistion of Edward Putman aged about 30 years ho testifieth and saith apon the 25 Day of march 1692 ann Putnam Juner was bitten by rebakah nurs as she said and about 2 of the clok the same day She was strock with her Chane the mark being in a kind of a round ring and 3 stroaks a Cros the ring she had 6 blos with a Chane in the space of half an ouer and she had one remarkable one with 6 stroaks a Cros her arme I saw the mark boath of bite and Chane.

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Edward Putman

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 21)

[page 600]

(Sarah Holton v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposition of [Sarah Holton] Relique of Benjamine Holton Deceased who testifieth and saith that about this time three years my deare and loveing Husband Benjamine Holton Deceased: was as well as ever I knew him in my life: tell one saterday morning that Rebekah Nurs who now stands charged for wicthcraft. came to our house and fell a railing at him because our piggs gott into hir field: tho our piggs were sufficiently yoaked and their fence was down in severall places: yett all we could say to hir could no ways passifie hir: but she continewed Railing and scolding agrat while together calling to hir son Benj. Nurs to goe and git a gun and kill our piggs and lett non of them goe out of the field: tho my poor Husband gave hir never amiss beholding word: and within ashort time affter this my poor Husband goeing out very early in the morning: as he was a coming. in againe he was taken with a strainge fitt in the entery being struck blind and stricken down two or three times so that when he came to himself he tould me he thought he should never have com into the house any more: and all summer affter he continewed in a languishing condition being much pained at his stomack and often struck blind: but about a fortnight before he dyed he was taken with strange and violent fitts acting much like to our poor bewicthed parsons when we thought they would have dyed and the Doctor. that was with him could not find what his distemper was: and the day before he dyed he was very chearly but about midnight he was againe most violently sezed upon with violent fitts tell the next night about midnight he departed this life by a cruel death

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Sarah Holton

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 22)

(Ann Putnam, Sr., v. Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, Bridget[?] Bishop, and Elizabeth Cary)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam the wife of Thomas putnam who testifieth and saith that on the first day of June 1692. the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs did again fall upon me and almost choak

[page 601]

me and she tould me that now she was come out of prison she had power to afflet me and that now she would afflect me all this day long and would kil me if she could for she tould me she had kiled benjamine Holton and John fuller and Rebekah Shepard: and she also tould me that she and her sister Cloyes and Ed: Bhishop wife of of Salem village had kiled young Jno putnams Child because yong Jno putnam had said that it was no wonder they were witches for their mother was so before them and because they could not aveng themselves on him they did kill his child: and immediatly their did appere to me: six children in winding sheets which caled me aunt: which did most greviously affright me: and they tould me that they ware my sisters Bakers children of Boston and that gooddy Nurs and Mistris Cary of Charlstown and an old deaft woman att Boston had murthered them: and charged me to goe and tell these things to the magestrats or elce they would tare me to peaces for their blood did crie for vengance also their Appeared to me my own sister Bayley and three of hir children in winding sheets and tould me that gooddy Nurs had murthered them

(Reverse) Ann Putnam Sen'r against Rebekah Nurs

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 22)

(John Putnam, Jr. and Hannah Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse, Mary Easty, and Sarah Cloyce)

The Deposistion of John putnam weaver: and Hannah his wife who testifieth and saith that our child which dyed about the middle of April 1692: was as well and as thriveing a child as most was: tell it was about eight weeks old: but awhile affter that I the said Jno: putnam had Reported sum thing which I had hard consarning the mother of Rebekah Nurs: Mary Estick and Sarah Cloyes I myself was taken with strange kind of fitts: but it pleased Allmighty God to Deliver me from them: but quickly affer this our poor young child was taken about midnight with strange and violent fitts: which did most greviously affright us acting much like to the poor bewicthed persons when we thought they would indeed have died: where upon we sent for our Mother putnam in the night immediatly: and as soon as she came and se our child she tould us that she feared there was an

[page 602]

evell hand upon it: and also as fast as posiblely could be we gott a Docktor to it: but all he did give it could doe it no good: but it continewed in strange and violent fitts for about Two days and Two nights and then departed this life by a cruell and violent death being enuf to piers astony hart.for to the best of our understanding it was near five hours a dying

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) John Putman Hannah Putman John putman weaver and his wife

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 22)

(Thomas Putnam and Edward Putnam v. Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposition of Tho: Putman aged about 40. years &amp; Edward Putman aged about. 38. years. witnesseth &amp; saith that having been several times present with Ann Putman jun'r in &amp; after her fits &amp; saw her much afflicted, being bitten, pinched, her limbs distorted, &amp; pins thrust into her flesh, which she charged on Rebekah Nurse that she was the Acter thereof &amp; that she saw her do it

The deponents farther testify that on the 24. March-last past at the publick examination of said Nurse we saw the said Ann Putman Abigail Williams and Eliz: Hubbard often struck down upon the glance of the said Nurse eye-upon said Williams Putman &amp; Hubbard several times &amp; the said Putman Williams &amp; Hubbard was then afflicted according to the various motions of said Nurse her body in time of examination as when said Nurse did clinch her hands, bite her lips, or hold her head aside the said Putman Hubbard &amp; Williams was set in in the same posture to her great torture &amp; affliction.

Jurat in Curia *Thomas putnam *Edward Putnam(Reverse) Thomas Putman Edward Putnam

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 22)

[page 603]

(John Tarbell and Samuel Nurse for Rebecca Nurse)

John tarball being at the house of thomas putnams upon the: 28 day of this instant march being the yeare 1692 upon descource of many things i asked them some questions and among others i asked this question wheter the garle that was afflicted did first speack [of] of goody nurs before others mentioned her to her they said she told them she saw the apperishton of apale fast woman that Sat in her granmothers seat but did not know her name: then i replyed and said but who was it that told her that it was good nurs: mercy lewes said it was goody putnam that said it was goody nurse: goody putnam said it was mercy lewes that told her: thus they turned it upone one an other saying it was you &amp; it was you that told her: this was be fore any was afflicted at thomas putnams beside his daughter that they told his daughter it was goody nurs Samuel nurs doth testifie to all above written

(Reverse) John Tarball

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 22)

(Rebecca Preston and Mary Tarbell for Rebecca Nurse)

We whose nams are under written: can testiefie if cald to it that goodde nurs have bene trobled with an Infirmity of body for many years which the Juree of women seme to be Afraid it should be something elce.

*Rebecah preson *Mary Tarbel( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 22)

(Ann Putnam Sr., v. Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam the wife of Thomas putnam agged about 30 years Who testifieth and saith that on the: 18'th march

[page 604]

1691/92 I being wearied out in helping to tend my poor afflected Child and Maid: about the middle of the affternoon I laye me down on the bed to take a little Rest: and Immediatly I was allmost prest and Choaked to death: that had it not been for the mircy of a gratious God and the help of those that ware with me: I could not have lived many moments: and presently I saw the Apperishtion of Martha Cory who did tortor me so as I cannot Express Redy to tare me all to peaces: and then departed from me alitle while: but before I could recover strenth or well take breath the Apperishtion of Martha Cory fell upon me again with dreadfull tortors and hellish temtations to goe along with hir and she also brought to me a little Red book in hir hand and a black pen urging me vehemently to writ in hir book: and severall times that day she did most greviously tortor me allmost redy to kill me and on the 19'th march: Martha Cory againe appeared to me and also Rebekah nurs the wife of fra[n]ces nurs sen'r and they both did tortor: me agrate many times this day with such tortors as no toungu can Express because I would not yeald to their Hellish temtations that had I not been upheild by an Allmighty Arme I could not have lived while night the 20'th march being sabboth day I had agrat deal of Respitt. between my fitts: 21'th march being the day of the Examinati of martha Cory: I had not many fitts tho I was very weak my strenth being as I thought almost gon: but on the: 22 march 1691/92 the Apperishtion of Rebekah nurs did againe sett upon in a most dreadfull maner very early in the morning as soon as it was well light and now she appeared to me only in hir shift #[and night cap] and brought a litle Red book in hir hand urging me vehemently to writ in hir book and because I would not yeald to hir hellish temtations she threatened to tare my soule out of my body: blasphemously denying the blessed God and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to save my soule and denying severall places of scripture which I tould hir of: to Repell hir hellish temtations and for near Two hours together at this time the Apperishtions of Rebekah Nurs did temp and tortor me before she left me as if indeed she would have kiled me: and allso the grates part of this day with [b]ut very little respitt: 23 march: I am againe affleted by the Apperishtions of Rebekah nurs: and martha Cory: but Cheafly by Rebekah nurs: 24: march being the days of the Examination of Rebekah Nurs: I was severall times afflected in the morning by the Apperishtion of Rebekah Nurs: but most dreadfully tortored by hir in the time of hir examination: in so much that The Honoured

[page 605]

Majestraits gave my Husband leave to cary me out of the meeting house: and as soon as I was caryed out of the meeting house dores it pleased Allmighty God for his free grace and mircy sake to deliver me out of the paws of thos Roaring lions: and jaws of those tareing bears that ever sence that time they have not had power so to afflect me

until this.31. May. 1692 at the same moment that I was hearing my Evidence read by the honoured Magistrates to take my Oath I was again re-assaulted &amp; tortured by my before mentioned Tormentor Rebekah Nurse.

Sworne Salem Village May the 31't 1692

Before us

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assis'ts

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assis'ts

ann putnam senear appearid before us the Juerris of Inquest: and oned this har evidens this. 3'r dy of June: 1692

( Essex Institute MSS. Collection)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, and Sarah Cloyce)

The testimony of Ann Putman jun'r witnesseth &amp; saith that being in the Room when her mother was afflicted she saw Martha Kory Sarah Cloyes &amp; Rebekah Nurse or their apparition upon her mother

Testified to the truth thereof by

Ann putnam Salem May. 31't 1692

Before us

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assis'ts

*Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assis'ts

(On reverse side of paper) Ann putnam ag't Kory &amp; Nurce

( Essex Institute MSS Collection)

[page 606]

(Sarah Stephens and Margery Pasque v. Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, and Mary Black)

The Deposition of Sarah Stephens aged [] &amp; Margery Pasque aged [] testify that the 21 June Last past being improved in the holding of Jemima Rea sodainly seized with strange fitts, they heard the said Jemima in her fitts cry out much upon Goody Nurse, Goody Cloyce &amp; Goody Black, &amp; said, What you cannot do it alone, &amp; you brought this woman [to] help you: Why did you bring her? She was never complained of. Goody Cloyce (as these Deponents suppose) answered that the Devil would not suffer her any longer to be a Witch, she must be brought out: And the said Jemima complained that Goody Cloyce Pricks &amp; Pinches her, and the said Jemima (as they understood by her discourse) was told by the said Cloyce that one Lords day when she run out of the meeting house from the Sacrament in a great rage, had her Master met her at the garrison gate just before the Fore-doer of the meeting house, to which Master she made a Courtesy, &amp; at that time set her hand to his book &amp; when she took her leave of him she made another Courtesy And farther these Deponents say that the said Jemima spake to this purpose in six or seven fits one after another, &amp; that the said Cloyce had done, &amp; bid these two deponents hold her hands that she might not so do; &amp; also the said Jemima when recovered of her fits confirmed what she had spoken in her fits to these Deponents &amp; further saith not.

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

(Rebecca Nurse Petition to the Court)

To the Honour'd Court of Oryr and Terminer now Sitting In Salem, this 28 of June An'o 1692

The humble petission of Rebecca Nurse of Salem Village Humbley Sheweth

That whareas sum Women did sarch your Petissioner At salem, as I did then Conceive for Sum Supernaturall Marke, and then one of the s'd women which is known to be, the Moaste Antient Skillfull prudent person of them all as to Any such Concernd: Did Express hirselfe to be: of A contrary opinion from the Rest And Did then

[page 607]

Declare, that shee saw nothing In or Aboute yo'r Honors poare pettissioner but what Might Arise from A naturall Cause: And I then Rendered the said persons asuficient knowne Reason as to My selfe of the Moveing Cause thereof: which was by Exceeding weaknesses: decending partly from an overture of Nature and difficult Exigences that hath Befallen me In the times of my Travells: And therefore Yo'r pettissioner Humbley prayes That you Honours would be pleased to Admitt of sum other women to Enquire Into this Great: Concerne, those that are Moast Grand wise and Skillfull: Namely Ms: Higginson sen'r Ms Buckstone: Ms: Woodbery two of them being Midwives: Ms: Porter Together with such others, as may be Choasen, on that Account: Before I am Brought to my triall: All which I hoape yo'r Honours: will take Into yo'r prudent Consideration, And find it requisite soe to doe: for my Lyfe Lyes Now In yo'r Hands under God: And Being Conscious of My owne Innocency -- I Humbley Begg that I may have Liberty to Manifest it to the wourld partly by the Meanes Abovesaid. And yo'r Poare pettissioner shall Evermore pray as In duty Bound &amp;c//

Rebecca Nurse

hir marke(Reverse) Rebecca Nurse Peti&cbar;&obar;&nbar;

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 23)

(Declaration by Thomas Fisk, Juryman)

July 4, 1692. I Thomas Fisk , the Subscriber hereof, being one of them that were of the Jury the last week at Salem-Court, upon the Tryal of Rebecka Nurse, etc., being desired by some of the Relations to give a Reason why the Jury brought her in Guilty, after her Verdict not Guilty; I do hereby give my Reasons to be as follows, viz.

When the Verdict not Guilty was, the honoured Court was pleased to object against it, saying to them, that they think they let slip the words, which the Prisoner at the Bar spake against her self, which were spoken in reply to Goodwife Hobbs and her Daughter, who had been faulty in setting their hands to the Devils Book, as they have confessed formerly; the words were &ldquo;What, do these persons give in Evidence against me now, they used to come among us.&rdquo; After the honoured Court had manifested their dissatisfaction of the

[page 608]

Verdict, several of the Jury declared themselves desirous to go out again, and thereupon the honoured Court gave leave; but when we came to consider of the Case, I could not tell how to take her words, as an Evidence against her, till she had a further opportunity to put her Sense upon them, if she would take it; and then going into Court, I mentioned the words aforesaid, which by one of the Court were affirmed to have been spoken by her, she being then at the Bar, but made no reply, nor interpretation of them; whereupon these words were to me a principal Evidence against her.

Thomas Fisk.( Robert Calef, More Wonders of The Invisible World [ London, 1700], excerpted in Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 358-359.)

(Rebecca Nurse Petition to the Court)

These presents do humbly shew, to the honoured Court and Jury, that I being informed, that the Jury brought me in Guilty, upon my saying that Goodwife Hobbs and her Daughter were of our Company; but I intended no otherways, then as they were Prisoners with us, and therefore did then, and yet do judge them not legal Evidence against their fellow Prisoners. And I being something hard of hearing, and full of grief, none informing me how the Court took up my words, and therefore had not opportunity to declare what I intended, when I said they were of our Company.

Rebecka Nurse.( Robert Calef. More Wonders of The Invisible World [ London, 1700], excerpted in Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, p. 359.)

[page 609" id="p928-286]

Sarah Osborne Died in Prison, May 10, 1692

(See also: Tituba -- Warrant; Sarah Good -- Examination.)

(Examination of Sarah Osborne)

Salem Village March the 1'st 1691/2

Sarah Osburne the wife of Alexander Osburne of Salem Village. brought before us by Joseph Herrick Constable in Salem, to Answer Joseph Hutcheson &amp; Thomas putnam &amp;c yeomen in s'd Salem Village Complainants on behalfe of theire Majest's against s'd Sarah Osburne, for Suspition of Witchcraft by her Committed, and thereby much Injury done to the Bodys of Elizabeth parris Abigail Williams Anna putnam and Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village aforesaid, according to theire Complaint, according to a Warrant, Dated Salem febu'y 29'th 1691/2

Sarah Osburne upon Examination denyed the matter of fact (viz) that she ever understood or used any Witchcraft or used any Witchcraft, or hurt any of the aboves'd children.

The children abovenamed being all personally present accused her face to face which being don, they ware all hurt, afflicted and tortured very much: which being over and thay out of theire fitts thay sayd that said Sarah Osburne did then Come to them and hurt them, Sarah Osburn being then keept at a distance personally from them. S. Osburne was asked why she then hurt them, she denyed it: it being Asked of her how she could soe pinch &amp; hurt them and yet she be at that distance personally from them she Answered she did not then hurt them.nor never did.she was Asked who then did it, or who she Imployed to doe it, she Answered she did not know that the divell goes aboute in her likeness to doe any hurt. Sarah Osburn being told that Sarah Good one of her Companions had upon

[page 610]

Examination accused her. she nottwithstanding denyed the same, according to her Examination, w'ch is more at Large given in as therein will appeare

*John Hathorne &rsqb; Assis'ts

*Johnathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assis'ts

Note: Signatures do not appear at this place on original paper, sig. are written at bottom of Mittimus

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Pages 6 &amp; 7)

(Examination of Sarah Osborne)

Sarah Osburn her examination

(H) what evil spirit have you familiarity with

(O) none.

(H) have you made no contract with the devill

(O) no I never saw the devill in my life

(H) why doe you hurt these children

(O) I doe not hurt them

(H) who do you imploy then to hurt them

(O) I imploy no body

(H) what familiarity have you with Sarah Good

(O) none I have not seen her these 2 years.

(H) where did you see her then

(O) one day agoing to Town

(H) what communications had you with her,

(O) I had none, only how doe you doe or so, I did not know her by name

(H) what did you call her then Osburn made a stand at that at last said, shee called her Sarah

(H) Sarah good saith that it was you that hurt the children

(O) I doe not know that the devil goes about in my likeness to doe any hurt

Mr Harthorn desired all the children to stand up and look upon her and see if they did know her which they all did and every one of

[page 611]

them said that this was one of the woman that did afflict them and that they had constantly seen her in the very habit that shee was now in, thiere evidence do stand that shee said this morning that shee was more like to be bewitched than that she was a witch Mr Harthorn asked her what made her say so shee answered that shee was frighted one time in her sleep and either saw or dreamed that shee saw a thing like an indian all black which did pinch her in her neck and pulled her by the back part of her head to the dore of the house

(H) did you never see anything else

(O) no.

it was said by some in the meeting house that shee had said that shee would never be teid to that lying spirit any more.

(H) what lying spirit is this hath the devil ever deceived you and been false to you.

(O) I doe not know the devil I never did see him

(H) what lying spirit was it then.

(O) it was a voice that I thought I heard

(H) what did it porpound to you.

(O) that I should goe no more to meeting but I said I would and did goe the next Sabbath day

(H) were you never tempted furder

(O) no

(H) why did you yeild thus far to the devil as never to goe to meeting since.

(O) alas. I have been sike and not able to goe her housband and others said that shee had not been at Meeting this yeare and two months.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Pages 6-7)

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Sarah Osborne)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd aged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 27'th of february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of sarah osborn who did most greviously tortor me by pricking and pinching me most dreadfully and so she continewed hurting me most greviously tell the first of march 1691/92: being the

[page 612]

day of hir examination and then also sarah osborn did tortor me most greviously by pinching and pricking me most dreadfully and also severall times since sarah osborn has afflected me and urged me to write in hir book

( Essex County Archives; Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 10)

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Sarah Osborne)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 25'th of february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of sarah osborn the wife of Allexandar osborn who did immediatly tortor me most greviously by pinching and pricking me dreadfully and so she continewed most dreadfully to afflect me tell the first day of march being the day of hir examination and then also she did tortor me most dreadfully in the time of hir examination: and also severall times sence sarah osborn has afflected me and urged me to writ in hir book

(Reverse) Ann putnam ag't Sarah Osborne

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 10)

(Abigail Williams v. Sarah Osborne, Tituba, and Sarah Good)

The testimony of Abigail Williams testifyh &amp; saith that severall times last February she hath been much afflicted with pains in her head &amp; other parts &amp; often pinched by the apparition of Sarah Good, Sarah Osburne &amp; Tituba Indian all of Salem Village &amp; also excessively afflicted by the said apparition of said Good, Osburne, &amp; Tituba at their examination before authority the. 1'st March last past 1691/2

Farther the said Abigail Williams testifyeth that she saw the apparition of said Sarah Good at her examination pinch Eliz: Hubbard &amp; set her into fits &amp; also Eliz: Parris, &amp; Ann Putman

The mark of Abigail

Williams.[page 613]

Testified before us by Abigail Williams Salem May: the.23'd 1692

*John Hathorne

*Jonathan Corwin

p ord'r of the Govern'r Councill

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 1. Page 10)

(Mercy Lewis v. Sarah Osborne)

Murcy lewes agged about 19 years who testifieth and [torn] of April 1692 the Apperishtion of Sarah Osborn [torn] flected me urging me to writ in hir book

(Reverse) Sarah Osborn

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 10)

[page 615" id="p928-292]

Mary Osgood

(Examination of Mary Osgood)

The examination and confession (8. Sept. 92.) of Mary Osgood , wife of Captain Osgood of Andover, taken before John Hawthorne and other their Majesties justices.

She confesses, that about 11 years ago, when she was in a melancholy state and condition, she used to walk abroad in her orchard; and upon a certain time, she saw the appearance of a cat, at the end of the house, which yet she thought was a real cat. However, at that time, it diverted her from praying to God, and instead thereof she prayed to the devil; about which time she made a covenant with the devil, who, as a black man, came to her and presented her a book, upon which she laid her finger and that left a red spot: And that upon her signing, the devil told her he was her God, and that she should serve and worship him, and, she believes, she consented to it. She says further, that about two years agone, she was carried through the air, in company with deacon Frye's wife, Ebenezer Baker's wife, and Goody Tyler, to five mile pond, where she was baptized by the devil, who dipped her face in the water and made her renounce her former baptism, and told her she must be his, soul and body, forever, and that she must serve him, which she promised to do. She says, the renouncing her first baptism was after her dipping, and that she was transported back again through the air, in company with the forenamed persons, in the same manner as she went, and believes they were carried upon a pole. Q. How many persons were upon the pole? A. As I said before, viz. four persons and no more but whom she had named above. -- She confesses she has afflicted three persons, John Sawdy, Martha Sprague and Rose Foster, and that she did it by pinching her bed clothes, and giving consent the devil should do it in her shape, and that the devil could not do it without her consent. -- She confesses the afflicting persons in the court, by the glance of her eye. She says, as she was coming down to Salem to be

[page 616]

examined, she and the rest of the company with her, stopped at Mr. Phillips's to refresh themselves, and the afflicted persons, being behind them upon the road, came up just as she was mounting again and were then afflicted, and cried out upon her, so that she was forced to stay until they were all past, and said she only looked that way towards them. Q. Do you know the devil can take the shape of an innocent person and afflict? A. I believe he cannot. Q. Who taught you this way of witchcraft? A. Satan, and that he promised her abundance of satisfaction and quietness in her future state, but never performed any thing; and that she has lived more miserably and more discontented since, than ever before. She confesses further, that she herself, in company with Goody Parker, Goody Tyler, and Goody Dean, had a meeting at Moses Tyler's house, last monday night, to afflict, and that she and Goody Dean carried the shape of Mr. Dean, the minister, between them, to make persons believe that Mr. Dean afflicted. Q. What hindered you from accomplishing what you intended? A. The Lord would not suffer it so to be, that the devil should afflict in an innocent person's shape. Q. Have you been at any other witch meetings? A. I know nothing thereof, as I shall answer in the presence of God and his people; but said, that the black man stood before her, and told her, that what she had confessed was a lie; notwithstanding, she said that what she had confessed was true, and thereto put her hand. Her husband being present was asked, if he judged his wife to be any way discomposed. He answered, that having lived with her so long, he doth not judge her to be any ways discomposed, but has cause to believe what she has said is true. -- When Mistress Osgood was first called, she afflicted Martha Sprague and Rose Foster, by the glance of her eyes, and recovered them out of their fits by the touch of her hand. Mary Lacey and Betty Johnson and Hannah Post saw Mistress Osgood afflicting Sprague and Foster. -- The said Hannah Post and Mary Lacey and Betty Johnson, jun. and Rose Foster and Mary Richardson were afflicted by Mistress Osgood, in the time of their examination, and recovered by her touching of their hands.

I underwritten, being appointed by authority, to take this examination, do testify upon oath, taken in court, that this is a true copy of the substance of it, to the best of my knowledge,

[page 617]

5 Jan1692 -- 3. The within Mary Osgood was examined before their Majesties justices of the peace in Salem.

Attest. John Higginson, Just. Pac.

( Thomas Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay, II, 24-25.)

(Rev. Increase Mather's Report of his Conversation in Prison with Mary Osgood)

Being asked why she prefixed a time, and spake of her being baptized, &amp;c., about twelve years since, she replied and said, that, when she had owned the thing, they asked the time, to which she answered that she knew not the time. But, being told that she did know the time, and must tell the time, and the like, she considered that about twelve years before (when she had her last child) she had a fit of sickness, and was melancholy; and so thought that that time might be as proper a time to mention as any, and accordingly did prefix the said time. Being asked about the cat, in the shape of which she had confessed that the Devil had appeared to her, &amp;c., she replied, that, being told that the Devil had appeared to her, and must needs appear to her, &amp;c. (she being a witch), she at length did own that the Devil had appeared to her; and, being pressed to say in what creature's shape he appeared, she at length did say that it was in the shape of a cat. Remembering that, some time before her being apprehended, as she went out at her door, she saw a cat, &amp;c.; not as though she any whit suspected the said cat to be the Devil, in the day of it, but because some creature she must mention, and this came into her mind at that time.

( Charles W. Upham, Salem Witchcraft [ Boston, 1867] II, 406-407.)

[page 618]

(Petition for Mary Osgood, Eunice Fry, Deliverance Dane, Sarah Wilson, Sr., and Abigail Barker)

To the honoured court of Assize held at Salem, The humble address of several of the inhabitants <name type="place">of Andover. May it please this honoured court,

We being very sensible of the great sufferings our neighbours have been long under in prison, and charitably judging that many of them are clear of that great transgression which hath been laid to their charge, have thought it our duty to endeavour their vindication so far as our testimony for them will avail. The persons in whose behalf we are desired and concerned to speak something at present are Mrs. Mary Osgood, Eunice Frye, Deliverance Dane, Sarah Wilson and Abigail Barker, who are women of whom we can truly give this character and commendation, that they have not only lived among us so inoffensively as not to give the least occasion to any that know them to suspect them of witchcraft, but by their sober godly and exemplary conversation have obtained a good report in the place, where they have been well esteemed and approved in the church of which they are members.

We were surprized to hear that persons of known integrity and piety were accused of so horrid a crime, not considering, then, that the most innocent were liable to be so misrepresented and abused. When these women were accused by some afflicted persons of the neighbourhood, their relations and others, tho' they had so good grounds of charity that they should not have thought any evil of them, yet, through a misrepresentation of the truth of that evidence that was so much credited and improved against people, took great pains to persuade them to own what they were, by the afflicted, charged with, and, indeed, did unreasonably urge them to confess themselves guilty, as some of us who were then present can testify. But these good women did very much assert their innocency, yet some of them said they were not without fear least Satan had some way ensnared them, because there was that evidence against them which then was by many thought to be a certain indication and discovery of witchcraft, yet they seriously professed they knew nothing by themselves of that nature: Nevertheless, by the unwearied sollicitations of those that privately discoursed them both

[page 619]

at home and at Salem, they were at length persuaded publickly to own what they were charged with, and so submit to that guilt which we still hope and believe they are clear of. And, it is probable, the fear of what the event might be, and the encouragement that it is said was suggested to them, that confessing was the only way to obtain favour, might be too powerful a temptation for timorous women to withstand, in the hurry and distraction that we have heard they were then in. Had what they said against themselves proceeded from conviction of the fact, we should have had nothing to have said for them, but we are induced to think that it did not, because they did soon privately retract what they had said, as we are informed, and, while they were in prison, they declared to such as they had confidence to speak freely and plainly to, that they were not guilty of what they had owned, and that what they had said against themselves was the greatest grief and burden they laboured under: Now, though we cannot but judge it a thing very sinful for innocent persons to own a crime they are not guilty of, yet, considering the well ordered conversation of those women while they lived among us, and what they now seriously and constantly affirm in a more composed frame, we cannot but in charity judge them innocent of the great transgression that hath been imputed to them. As for the rest of our neighbours, who are under the like circumstances with these that have been named, we can truly say of them that while they lived among us, we have had no cause to judge them such persons as, of late, they have been represented and reported to be, nor do we know that any of their neighbours had any just grounds to suspect them of that evil that they are now charged with.

Dudley Bradstreet

Francis Dane, sen.

Thomas Barnard

Tho. Chandler, sen.

John Barker

Henry Ingolls, sen.

Wm. Chandler, sen.

Samuel Martin

Stephen Parker

Samuel Ingolls

Ephraim Stevens

John Abbot, sen.

Samuel Blanchard

Wm. Ballard

Thomas Hooper

John Hooper

Wm. Abbot

James Russell

Oliver Holt

John Presson

Francis Dane, jun.

George Abbot

Elizabeth Rite

Wm. Peters

Sam. Peters

Walter Wright

Hooker Osgood

Benj. Stevens

Ann Bradstreet

Joanna Dane

Eliza. Stevens

Eliza. Barnard

Phebe Robinson

[page 620]

Daniel Poore

John Ingolls

Henry Ingolls, jun.

John Frie, sen.

James Frie

John Aslebee

Samuel Holt

Wm. Chandler, jun.

John Chandler

Joseph Robinson

Thomas Johnson

Tho. Johnson, jun.

Andrew Peters

Mary Peters

Hannah Chandler

Hannah Dane

Bridget Chandler

Mary Johnson

Robert Russel

Mary Russel.

( Thomas Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay, II, 32-33.)

(Recognizance for Mary Osgood)


That on the Twentieth Day of Decemb'r anno. D&mbar; one thousand six hundred Ninty &amp; two in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady, William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland &amp; King and Queen Defenders of the Faith &amp;c. Personally came and Appeared before me George Corwin high Shirriffe of the County of Essex of the Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England: John Osgood Yeoman and Deacon John Fry both of Andevor and Acknowledged them selves &amp; Each of them Indebted Unto our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or the Survivor of them their Heires &amp; Successors in the Summe of two hundred pounds to be leaved on their goods &amp; Chattles Lands &amp; tenements for the Use of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen or the survivor of them if Default be made in the Performance of the Condition Under written.


The Condition of the above written Recognizance is such That Whereas Mary Ossgood wife of the aboves'd John Osgood of Andevor afores'd is Suspected &amp; Accused of #[Witchcraft] Committing Divers Acts of Witchcrafts if therefore the said Mary Ossgood afores'd shall and do make her Personall Appearance before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen at the Next Court of Assize of Oyer &amp; Terminer Next Generall Goal Delivery to be held for or within the County of Essex afores'd to answear what shall be

[page 621]

objected ag't her on their Maj'tes behalfe Refering to the Witchcrafts, &amp; to do &amp; Receive that by w'ch said Court shall be then &amp; there Injoined &amp; not to Depart w'out Lycence Then the above Recognizance to be Void or else to abide &amp; Remaine in full force &amp; Virtue In Wittness whereof the above Named Persons John Ossgood &amp; John Fry have hereunto sett their hanes &amp; seals this Twentieth Day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Ninty &amp; two &amp; in the fourt Year of their Maj'tes Reigne/:


*Joshua Conant

*Robert Gray

*Jno Gyles


*John Osgood L. S.

*John Frie L. S.(Reverse)

Mary Osgood Princp


Jno Osgood Jno Frye

( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 74)

[page 623" id="p928-300]

Alice Parker Executed, September 22, 1692

(See also: Ann Pudeator -- Warrant; George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus; Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination.)

(Examination of Alice Parker)

The Examination of Alice Parker 12 May. 1692.

Q Mary Warren Charges you with Several acts off witchcraft; what Say you to it Guilty or not Guilty: A. I am not Guilty. You told her this day you cast away Thomas Westgate -- A. -- I know nothing of it -- You told her John [Lapthons] was [lost] in [] A. I never spoke a word to her in my Life. You told her also you bewitched her Sister, because her father would not mow your grass. I never saw her -- Warren desiring to go to strike her, was permitted, but Could not Come near so much as to touch her, but fel backward immediately into a dreadful fitt. Margaret Jacobs Charged her also to her face with seeing her in the North feild on fryday night last about #[nine oClock] an hour within Night in apparition -- Marshal Herrick also affirmed to her face that she told him this day after he had apprehended her and was bringing her to Examination, that there were threscore Witches of the Company, which he denyed not, But said she did not Remember, how many she said there was. But John Londer being by attested the same the Marshal had before. Mary Warren was grieviously afflicted dureing the whole time of her Examination. But being asked who told her there were threescore Witches, she answered she Could not tell. Mary Warren affirmd that Her Father having promised to mow the grass for her if he had time, which he not doeing she came to the house, and told him he had better he had done it, presently after that Her Sister fell ill and shortly after Her Mother was taken ill, and dyed. Mary Warren

[page 624]

affirms that when Alice Parker brought the Poppet to her, she said if she would not Run the needle in, she would Run itt, into her heart. Mary Warren affirmd it to her face, but upon the Glance of Parkers Ey she immediately struck her down into a fitt. being Examined upon these things, she wished God would open the Earth and Swallow her up presently, if one word of this was true and make her an Example to Others -- Tho att the same times she practised her Witchcrafts before upon the Body of Mary Warren, dreadfully tormenting her. Moreover Warren affirmed that she told her this day that she was att the Bloody Sacrament in Mr Parris's Pasture, and [that] they were about thirty of them. Mary Warren also affirms that She told her this day also that she Ran after John Londer in the Common. Mary Warren affirms that the Spectrum came direct from her Body and afflicted her dureing the whole time off her Examination. Mr Noise in Time of Examination affirmed to her face, that he being with her in a Time of sicknes, discoursing with about her witchcrafts whether she were not Guilty, she answered If she was as free from other sins as from Witchcrafts she would not ask the Lord mercy. Mary. Warren being taken with a dreadful fit at the same time, w'rby her tongue hung out of her mouth until it was black, Parker being present said warrens tongue would be blacker befor she dyed. Parker being asked why she did thus afflict and torm't her, answered If I do, the Lord forgive mee --

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Indictment v. Alice Parker, No. 1)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay New England rsqb; Anno RR's &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae &amp;c Quarto, Annoq'e Domini 1692/


The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present That Alice Parker wife of John Parker of Salem in the County Essex Fisherman #[In the County of Essex] the Sixth day of September #[in the yeare afore s'd]

In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries

[page 625]

Wickedly Mallitiouslynd felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex -- aforesaid in upon and against one Mary Walcot -- of Salem Village in-the-County -- aforesaid Single-Woman -- by which said Wicked acts the said Mary Walcott the day &amp; Yeare aforesaid and divers other days &amp; Times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted &amp; Tormented and also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Allice Parker Committed and done before and since that time against the peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the form of the Stattute in that case made and Provided


Ann Putman

Mary Warren

Eliz: Hubard


Alice Parker Mary Walcott

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Indictment v. Alice Parker, No. 2)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Engl'd ss &rsqb; Anno RR's and Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692.

The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe &Pbar;sent That Allice Parker Wife of John Parker of Salem -- In the County of Essex aforesaid fisherman, the #[twelfth] sixth day of #[May August] September -- In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously &amp; felloniously hath used practised &amp; Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem #[aforesaid] aforesaid in upon &amp; against one Mary Warren of Salem aforesaid Single Woman by which said Wicked acts the said Mary Warren the Day &amp; year aforesaid and divers other days &amp; times both before and after was and is Tortured afflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and

[page 626]

Tormented, and also for Sundry acts of Witchcraft by the said Allice Parker -- Committed and done before and Since that time against the peace of Our Sov'r Lord &amp; lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the forme of the Stattute in that case made and Provided


Alice Parker Mary Warren

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Martha Dutch v. Alice Parker)

The Testimony of Martha Dutch aged about 36 years This Deponent Testifieth and saith that about 2 yeers Last past Jno Jarman of Salem Coming in from sea I This daponant &amp; Alice parker of Salem Both of us standing Together said unto her w't a great mercy itt was for to see Them Come home well and Through mercy I said my husband had gone &amp; Came home well many Times &amp; I This deponant did saye unto the s'd parker that I did hope he would Come whome This voyage well allso &amp; the s'd parker made answer unto me &amp; said no Never more in This world the w'ch Came to pass as she then told me for he died abroad as I sertinly heare Jurat in Curia Sep'r 7. 92.

attest *Step. Sewall Cle

(Reverse) Martha Dutch Depo against Jarman [sic]

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 44)

(Sarah Bibber v. Alice Parker)

Sarah Vibber : upon oath: affirmeth: to the #[grand] Jury of inquest: that she hath seen Alice Parker: afflict: Mary Warin Mary Walcot: &amp; An Putnam: &amp; that s'd Parker did choke s'd Warin the last night &amp;

[page 627]

griped her: abo't the waste: Septem'r 7: 1692 &amp; that she hath afflicted this deponent

Jurat in Curia

( Bowditch Mss. Mass. Hist. Society)

(Mary Walcott v. Alice Parker)

Mary Walcot : upon oath: affirmeth: to the Jury of inquest: that she hath: seen: Alice Parker: afflict: Mary Warin: Eliz Hubbard Mercy Lewis: &amp; An Putnum perticulerly: the last night: by choaking of them &amp; squeezing of them Septem'r 7: 1692 &amp; that she aflicted this deponent

Jurat in Curia

( Bowditch Mss. Mass. Hist. Society)

(Elizabeth Hubbard and Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Alice Parker)

Eliz Hubard : on oath affirmd to the Jury of inquest: that Alice Parker: hath once afflicted her: &amp; that was last night; Sept'r 7: 1692 An Putnum: upon oath: affirmd: to the Jury of Inquest: that she hath seen: Alice Parker afflict: Mary: Warin: Mary Walcot: goodwife Vibber &amp; Sara Churchell by Choking: of them &amp; squeezing. Mary Warin; this they did the last night in the Court: Septem'r 7: 16:92

( Bowditch Mss. Mass. Hist. Society)

(Mary Warren v. Alice Parker)

Mary: Warin : upon oath: affirms to the Jury of Inquest: that: she hath seen Alice Parker afflict: Mary Walcot: Eliz Hubbard An Putnam: &amp; goodwife Vibber the last night: by choking: them &amp; squeezing them: s'd Parker: has afflicted me: has brought me the book: to siign to she brought: me a poppit: &amp; a needle: &amp; thretned: to stab:

[page 628]

me if I would not stick the needle into the Poppit: &amp; she did run: the needle a little way into me: s'd Parker s'd she was a caus: of the death of Tho Wastgate: and crew: that was foundred in the sea: she was also a caus: of the death of goodwife ormes her son: that was drown'd before: there dore: and was a caus of the death of Jno Serles his barbadian boy: she was the caus also of: Michael Chapmans: Death in Boston harbour: she also told me she: bewiched my mother &amp; was a caus of her death: also that: she bewiched my sister: Eliz: that is both deaf &amp; dumb: September: 7. 92

Jurat in Curia

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

(Abigail Hobbs v. Alice Parker)

Abigail: Hobbs : afirms: she has seen: Alice Parker: afflict: Mary: Warin: when s'd Warin was at prison. Also: I have seen her: aflict: An Putman: by Choking: of them: Septem'r 7: 1692: before the Jury of Inquest

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 629" id="p928-306]

Mary Parker Executed, September 22, 1692

(Indictment v. Mary Parker)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss &rsqb; Anno RR's &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;ca Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen &pbar;rsent That Mary Parker

of Andivor -- In the County of Essex Widdow In or about the last day of August -- In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised &amp; Exercised at and in the Towne of Andivor in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Sarah Phelps of Andivor -- Aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said Sarah Phelps the day &amp; Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, &amp; also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary Parker -- Comitted and done before and since that time against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme Of the Stattute in that case made and Provided.

Inquir'd of Capt. Chandler

( Massachusetts Historical Society)

[page 630]

(Indictment v. Mary Parker)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. &rsqb; Anno RR's Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp; Quarto. Annoq'e Domini 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen do present That. Mary Parker of Andiver in the County of Essex Widdow Upon or about the first day of September In the year aforesaid and divers other dayes and Times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly Mallistiously &amp; felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Andivor in the County aforesaid in upon and against one Hannah Bigsbee of Andivor in the County aforesaid Wife of Daniell Bigsby of Andivor afors'd Carpenter by whitch Said wicked acts the said Hannah Bigsby the Day &amp; Yeare aforesaid and divers other dayes and Times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry othe[r] Acts of Witchcraft by the Said Mary Parker Comitted and done Before and Since That time against the peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forome of the Stattute in That Case made and Provided.

Inquir'd of Capt. Chandler

(Reverse) Mary Parker Indictm't for bewitching Hanah Bigsby Billa Vera

( Essex Institute MSS Collection)

(Indictment v. Mary Parker)

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts. Bay in New England ss/ &rsqb; Anno R R's &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;.c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692.

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present that Mary Parker of Andivor In the County of Essex Widdow the first day of Septemb'r In the year aforesaid and divers other

[page 631]

dayes and Times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallistiously and felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex -- aforesaid in upon and against one Martha Sprague of Boxford in #[aforesaid] the County of Essex aforesaid Single Woman By which said wicked Acts the Said Martha Sprague the day &amp; year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary Parker Comitted and done before and since that Time against the peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne &amp; dignity and the forme of the Stattute, in that Case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Indictm't ags't Mary Parker for bewitching Martha Sprague Ignoramus

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 30)

(Examination of Mary Parker)

2 Sep'r 1692. The Examination of mary parker of Andover widow taken before Bartho' Gidny John Hathorne Jonat' Corwin &amp; John Higginson Esq'rs ther majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Essex in the forth yeare of their majesties Reigne

upon mentioneing of her name, severall afflicted persones wer struck down as mary warrin Sarah churchhill. hannah post, Sarah Bridges Mercy wardwell, And when she came before the Justices, she recovered all the afflicted out of their fitts by the touch of their hand

She is accused for acting of witchcraft upon martha Sprague And Sarah Phelps. Q. how long have ye been in the snare of the devil. Ansr. I know nothing of it There is another woman of the same name in Andover But martha Sprague affirmed that that this is the very woman that afflicted her The said mary parker Lookeing upon Sprague struck her down, and recovered her again out of her fitt, Mary Lacey being in a fitt, cryd out upon mary parker, &amp; s'd parker recovered her out of her fitt,

[page 632]

Mercy wardwell was twice afflicted by parker &amp; recovered again by her

William Barker lookeing upon mary parker said to her face That she was one of his company, And that the last night she afflicted martha Sprague in company with him

Mercy wardwell said that this mary parker was also one of her company and that the said parker afflicted Timothy Swan in her company -- Mary Warrin in a violent fitt was brought neare haveing a pin run through her hand and blood runeing out of her mouth she was recovered from her fitt by s'd mary parker The said mary warrin said that this mary parker afflicted &amp; tormented her, And further that she saw the said parker at ane examination up at Salem Village sitting upon one of the Beams. of the house./

I underwritten being appointed by the Justices of the peace in Salem to wryt down the Examination of Mary Parker abovementioned Doe testify this to be a true coppy of the originall examination As to the substance of it,

*W'm Murray

(Reverse) Exam'n of Mary Parker

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 30)

(John Westgate v. Mary Parker)

Jno Wesgate aged about forty years This deponant Testifyeth thatt about Eight years since he being att the house of mr Sam'll Beadle In the company of Jno Parker and severall others, the wife of said Jno Parker came into the company and scolded att and called her husband all to nought whereupon I the said deponent tooke her husbands part telling of her itt was an unbeseeming thing for her to come after him to the taverne and raile after thatt rate w'th thatt she came up to me and called me rogue and bid me mind my owne busines and told me I had better have said nothing Sometimes afterwards I the s'd deponent going from the house of mr Dan'll King, w'n I came over against Jno Robinsons house I heard a great noyce coming from

[page 633]

towards mr Babage his house then there apeared a black hogge running towards me w'th open mouth as though he would have devoured me att thatt Instant time I the said. deponent fell downe upon my hipp and my knife runn into my hipp up to the haft w'n I came home my knife was in my sheath w'n I drew itt out of the sheath then imediatly the sheath fell all to peaces, and further this deponant testifieth thatt after he gott up from his fall his stockin and shue was full of blood and thatt he was forc't to craule along by the fence all the way home and the hogg followed him and never left him tell he came. home, and haveing astout dog then with mee, the dog run then away from him Leapeing over the fence and Cryeing much which at other tymes used to Wory any hog well or Sufficiently, which hog I then apprehended was Either the Divell or some Evill thing not a Reall hog, and did then Really Judge or determine in my mind that it was Either Goody parker or by her meenes, and procureing fearing that she is a Witch,

Sworne Salem June 2'd 1692 Before *John Hathorne Assis't

Jno Wastgate declared the above written &amp; what is written on the other side of this paper to be a true evidence before the Jury of Inquest upon the oath he hath taken: Septem'r 7: 1692

Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 32)

(William Barker, Jr. v. Mary Parker)

Wm Barker Jun'r affirmed to the grand Inquest: that: Mary Parker: did in Company with him s'd Barker : afflict Martha Sprag by: witchcraft. the night before: s'd Barker Confessed: which was: the 1 of Sept'r 1692: this he owned: to the grand Inquest: Sept'r 16: 1692

Owned in Court

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 33)

[page 634]

(Mercy Wardwell v. Mary Parker)

Mercy Wardwell : owned to the grand Inquest that she had seen: the shape of Mary Parker : When she: s'd Wardwell : afflicted: Timo Swan : also: she: s'd she saw: s'd parkers Shape: when the s'd wardwell afflicted Martha Sprage : but I did not certainely know: that s'd parker was a witch: this she owned: to the grand Inquest: Sept'r 16: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 33)

(John Bullock v. Mary Parker)

Jno Bullock aged 36 years testifieth that aboute the middle of January last past one of my neighbors told me that mrs park'r did lay upon the durt &amp; Snow if I did not take care of her that she would perish where upon I did desire Some men that were in mye hous to goe &amp; help her: &amp; when they Came to her that they would not meddle because they thought she was ded there being a neighbor by said she saw her before in such kind of fits: then I perswaded one man bye; to take her upon his Shoulders &amp; Carrye her home but in a little way going he let her fall upon a place of Stones: w'ch did not awake her w'ch Caused me to thinke she was really dead after that wee Carryed her into her hous &amp; Caused her Cloaths to be taken of &amp; while we were taking of her Cloaths to put her into bed She rises up &amp; laughs in o'r faces.

Martha Dutch aged abo't 36 years: testifyeth: to the A bove written and farthar saith that I have sene said parker in such a Condition severall othar tims

Jurat in Curia Sep'r 7: 92.

*S Sewall Cle

(Reverse) John Bullock depo

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 33)

[page 635]

(Samuel Shattuck v. Mary Parker)

Sam'll Shattock aged 41 years testifieth that in the year 1685: Goodwife Parker wife to Jno Parker Mariner Came to my hous: &amp; went into the room where my wife &amp; Children were &amp; fauned upon my wife w'th very Smooth words in a Short tyme after that Child w'ch was Supposed to have bin under an ill hand for Severall years before: was taken in a Strange &amp; unuseall maner as if his vitalls would have broak out his breast boane drawn up to gather to the uper part of his brest his neck &amp; Eys drawne Soe much aside as if they would never Come to right againe he lay in So Strange a maner that the Docter &amp; others did beleive he was bewitched Soom days after Som of the Visiters Cut Som of his hair of to boyle w'ch they saide altho they did w'th great tendernes the Child would Shreek out as if he had bin tormented: they put his hair in a skillet over a fier; w'ch Stood plaine on the hearth and it was throwne down &amp; I came immediatly into the room as soon as they were gon out of the room &amp; Could See no Creature in the room they put it on againe &amp; after it had boyled Som tyme the above said Goodwife Parker Came in &amp; asked if I would buye Soom Chickens I told her no: the women that were above in the Chamber said to me it is pitty you did not ask to See her chickens for they did beleive she had none to Sell: and advised me to send to her hous to buy Som w'ch i did &amp; the messenger brought me word that she told him She had none &amp; that the woman lived in the Same hous told him that the Said Parker had not had any in three weeks before: Soom days after She w'th her husband &amp; two men moor Came to mye hous &amp; to answer their request i went to them: She asked me if i Saide She had bewitched mye Child I told her I did belive She had: She Said to me you are a wicked man: the lord avenge me of you the lord bring vengance upon you for this wrong: one of the men asked her w't made you Com to this hous last Saturday She Saide to Sell Chicken: why did not you let him have them when he Sent for them Said he: She Said because She had Sold them he asked to whome She Said to Such a one: wee Sent presently to the party: &amp; the answer was brought us that he never bought any of her well you see saide they you have told us that w'ch is not true w't did you w'th them She was at a Stand but at last Saide her Son Carryed them to Sea w'th him: her husband told her that was not true for her Son went to Sea last fryday: &amp; if

[page 636]

he had Carryed them to Sea She Could not brough them here the Saturday following She could not give any true account w't She did w'h them: but went into the room where the Child was &amp; told my wife that She was a wicked woman for Saying Soe of her: &amp; told my wife in these words I hope I shall see the downfall of you my wife told me and Soe went away in a great anger: &amp; this is all true &amp; reall to the uttermost of my remembrance &amp; after this threatning or Evill wishing the Child has Continued in a very Sad Condition fowllowed w'th very Solem fits w'ch hath taken away his understanding

Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) Sam'll Shattock ag'st parker

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 31)

(Petition of John Parker and Joseph Parker)

To his Excellency the Governor, and Councill and Representatives; now sitting in Boston

the humble Petition of John Parker, &amp; Joseph Parker of Andover sheweth,

That whereas our mother mary Parker of Andover, was apprehended upon suspition of witchcraft, and being brought to a tryall at Salem Court, was condemned: since her death the sherriff of Essex sent an officer to seise on her estate. The said officer required us in their majestyes name to give him an Account of our mothers estate, pretending it was forfeited to the King; we told him that our mother left no estate; (which we are able to make appear) notwithstanding which, he seised upon our cattell, Corn &amp; hay, to a considerable value; and ordered us to go down to Salem and make an agreement with the sherrife, otherwise the estate would be exposed to sale. We not knowing what advantage the Law might give him against us, and fearing we should sustain greater Damage by the loss of our Estate, went to the sherriff accordingly, who told us he might take away all that was seised. if he pleased, but was willing to do us a kindness by giveing us an oppertunity to redeem it. He at first demanded ten pounds of us, but at length was willing to take Six pounds, which he has

[page 637]

obliged us by Bill to pay him within a moneth. Now if our Mother had left any Estate, we know not of any Law in force in this Province, by which it should be forfeited upon her condemnation; much less can we understand that there is any Justice or reason, for the sherriff to seise upon our Estate And tho it is true our own act has obliged us to pay him a Summ of money, yet we declare that we were drawn to it partly by the officers great pretences of Law for what he did, partly to prevent the loss of our estate which we feard would be immediately sold.

How we humbly pray this Hon'red Court to consider our case, and if it be judged that so much money ought not to have been demanded of us, upon the forementioned account: we pray that we may be discharged from that obligation, which the sherriff, taking advantage of our ignorance hath brough us under And yo'r Petition'rs as in duty bound shall ever pray &amp;c --

Dated at Andov'r 7'th Novemb'r 1692 John Parker Joseph Parker( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 65)

[page 639" id="p928-316]

Sarah Pease

(See also: Benjamin Proctor -- Complaint, Warrant.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Sarah Pease)

To the Marshall of Essex or his dept or Constables of Salem

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us ( Sarah pease the wife of Robert pease of Salem Weaver who stands charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by her Committed Lately on the Body of Mary Warren of Salem Village whereby great Injury was do&nbar; her. &amp;c) in order to her Examination Relateing to the same faile not Dated Salem May 23'd 1692

*John Hathorne

*Jonathan. Corwin

&Pbar;r ord'r of the Govern'r &amp; Councill

I heave aprehended the parson mensioned within this warrant and heave broghte hir

&Pbar;r me. *Peter Osgood Constable in Salem May. the 23: 1692

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 51)

[page 641" id="p928-318]

Joan Peney

(Complaint v. Joan Peney)

Zebulon Hill Complaineth in the behalfe of Our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary King and Queen Unto this Honorable Court now Assembled and Sitting in Salem this 13 day of September 1692./ Against one Goodwife Piney wife of [] Piney of the Towne of Gloster in the County of Essex for that shee the said [] Piney Did on the Tenth and Eleventh Day of this Instant September Afflict, torture, and Torment, your Honours Complain't -- Daughter Mary: by that Diabollical Art of Witchcraft, by which the said Mary is in great Paine, and Torture, -- as well be made appear./

*Zebulon Hill

(Bond to Prosecute Joan Peney)

Zebulon Hill Obliges himselfe to our Soveraine Wm &amp; Mary King &amp; Queen of England &amp;c in the full &amp; whole Sume of one hundred pounds Currant mony of New England The Condition is that the Said Zeb'n Hill shall &amp; will procecut the within mentioned Complaint against [] Peney of Gloster to Effect.

before me * John Higginson

Just'e Peace

20. Sept 1692: --

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 642]

(Warrant for Arrest of Joan Peney)

To the sherife of the County of Essex his Deputy or the Constable of Chebaco

Complaint haveing ben made to us whose names are underwritten Justices of the Peace in the County of Essex by Zebulon Hill of Salem against Joan Peny. widow of Thomas Peney Late of Gloster for that she the Said Joan Peney hath feloniously comitted Severall acts of witchcraft. on the Body of Mary Hill of Salem Singlewoman. to her great hurt &amp; Torment. the Said &Zbar;&bbar; Hill haveing given sufficient bond for the procecution of the Said Complaint to Effect. These are therefore in their Majesties name to require you forthwith to Aprehend &amp; seize. the Body of Joane Peney widow as abovesaid &amp; bring her. before their Majesties Justices of the Peace to be examined &amp; proceded w'th according to law for w'ch this shall be your sufficient warant Dated in Salem this 20: September 1692:

The. 21: of September 1692: I have seased the body of wedowe peni and have brought hur to Salem by me

*John Chote Constable of Ipswich

*Bartho' Gedney

*John Hathorne

*Jonathan. Corwin

*John Higginson

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 643" id="p928-320]

Hannah Post

(Examination of Hannah Post)

August the 25'th 1692.

Hannah Post of Boxford Examinaed before the Justices of Salem when she was a Coming into the Roome the afflicted persons Some of them ware afflicted &amp; s'd She was Coming the Majestrets told her She was acused for hurting of two persons, but She Denyed that She had anything to do w'th the Divel, the Constable told her of Somthing She had owned tending that way the afflicted persons were afflicted by her looking on them. And were well again by her taking them by the hand yet she denyed that she was a Witch &amp; s'd She never Signed the Divels book nor never was baptized by him She S'd She disowned that Ever She had ben at any of their Mettings, She disowned that she had been struck at -- Namely her aperition -- &amp; that She had been almost Cripled by her aperition -- being Struck w'ch She after wards Owned also She afterwards Confessed that the Divel had apeared to her Several times the first time in the Shape of a Pige but She S'd did not Speak to her but She was much harried in her mind with it &amp; next apeared like a Catt afterward like a bird flying at the window of her Master Chamber wher She was at work &amp; the bird Spoke to her promised her new Cloths if She would Serve &amp; worship him &amp; She did bargain to Serve him Soe long as She lived She s'd the Divel has Come to her Somtimes like a black Man &amp; that She was baptized by the Divel at five Mile pond &amp; that her Sister Susanna Post &amp; Sarah &amp; Mary bridges were baptized there when She was, &amp; She owned that She made a Marke w'th her finger in the Divels book &amp; that the Marke was Red She also Showed her finger tep where it had been Cut &amp; S'd She made the Red mark in the Divels book w'th the blood of that She owned She had been at Some of the witch Mettings &amp; that She thought their meight be about 200 at the witch metting at Chandlers Garison at Andivor She also told of [of] the 2 Jaxons &amp; Jno Howard of Rowly

[page 644]

that they ware witches &amp; 13 of Ipswich as She heard them Say of Abigal falkner of Andiver now in prison &amp; that Martha Emerson afflicted her there in the Room, &amp; then She wuld goe Shake hands &amp; beg pardon of the afflicted persons &amp; not afflict them Mary Post at the Same time affirmd that She had Seen Church Clark Goody Hutchins of Haverill &amp; Abigale forkner of andiver &amp; Wilford &amp; Goody Eames &amp; her Son Dan'll at a witch metting at andivor &amp; that She knew them to be witches

( Essex Institute MSS Collection)

[page 645" id="p928-322]

Mary Post

(Warrant for Arrest of Mary Post)

To the Constable <name type="place">of Rowley


Whereas Timothy Swan of Andover, &amp; Mary Walcutt &amp; Ann Puttman of Salem Village have this day appeared before me Dudley Bradstreet of Andover one of their Majesties Justices of the Peace, for the County of Essex; and made complaint in writeing; That Mary Post of Rowley hath Sorely Afflicted them the s'd Swan, Walcut &amp; Putman by witchcraft &amp;c contrary to the peace of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady King William &amp; Queen Mary of England: and to the statutes in that case provided: And also s'd swan haveing given bond, according to Law, of twenty pounds in currant mony of New England for prosecution of s'd complaint to Effect, before the Worshi&pbar;'l Bartholemew Gedney, John Hathorn, J [Torn] n Corwin &amp; John Higginson Esqs their Majesty[es] Justices of the Peace at [Torn] in the County of Essex.

These therefore require you in their Majestyes name to Apprehend and Seise the body of Mary Post afores'd forthwith and her Safely convey to Salem, before the s'd worshipf'll Barthol. Gedney. John Hathorn &amp;c Esq. there to be examined and proceeded with acco&rbar;d to Law: for which this shall be your Justification. Given under my hand and Seal this 2'd day of August 1692 &amp; in the fourth year of the Reighn of our Sovereign Lord &amp; Lady William and Mary King &amp; Queen of England, Scotland &amp;c.

*Dudley Bradstreet justice of the Peace by vertue of the above said warrant I have Seized the Body of Mary Post of Rowley &amp; brought her to Salem beffore the abovesaid Bartho Gidny John Hathorne Jona' Corwin &amp;c Esq'rs

*Joseph jewett

Constable of Rowley.

( Boston Public Library - Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 647" id="p928-324]

Susannah Post

(Examination of Susannah Post)

Susanah Post was examined before Maj'r. Gedney: &amp; other their Majest's Justices August 25 1692

The Justices told her she was acused for afflicting. Martha Spreag &amp; Rose Foster by witchcraft. When Susanah was Brought in before them: the afflicted: was greatly afflicted: Mary Warin &amp; was recovered by her touching withe her hand: her sister Hannah Post s'd she was babtized: with her at five mile pond the afflicted persons. then charged her with afflicting them &amp; that they saw her afflict #[&amp;] but she Denyed it &amp; s'd she knew not of it. Nor that she hade made a Covnant with the Devill.

but after ward: she confessed she had bin in the Devils snare three years: the first time she saw him he was like a Catt: he told her he was a prince: &amp; I was to serve him I promised him to doe it the next shape was a yellow bird: it s'd I must serve him: &amp; he s'd I should live well: the next time he appeared like a black man that time he brought a book &amp; she touched it with a stick that was Dipt in an ink horne &amp; it made a red mark: &amp; Jno Jaxon sen'r was there when she signed: he that was the great eater: she would own but three times that she had seen the Devil: but it was told her it could not but be more in 3 years time: she was unwilling to own if she had afflicted. Martha Sprage Rose foster: but Mary Bridges s'd she use to afflict by sticking Pins into Cloaths: which she then owned: She s'd #[she s'd] she was now willing to renownce the Devil &amp; all his works: &amp; she went: when bid &amp; begged forgivnes of the #[of the] afflicted &amp; and could come to them and not hurt them she owned she had been babtized at 5 mile pond above halfe a year agoe &amp; the Devil Dipt her head in the water &amp; s'd she must serv she s'd there were a great many at the witch meeting at Andover: but knew not exactly how many their might be 200: &amp; they eat white bread &amp; drank: &amp; their was a minister &amp; they [torn] a sacrement: &amp; there was 200 there &amp;

[page 648]

they eat bread that was white &amp; drank some that was red: she s'd she heard there were 500 witches in the Country she s'd she &amp; two of her sisters went to the villadge meeting &amp; rod. upon a stik: the Devil Carried it &amp; she rode before she s'd that Folkner Wilford of Haverell Sarah Parker was at the witch meeting &amp; that she knew the two Jaxons good wife [torn] &amp; Mr Howard of Rowley to be witches:

I und'r written being apponted to take the examination Doe Testifie upon oath taken in Court that this is a true coppy or substance of it, to the best of my knowledge

Janu'y 7'th 1692

*Simon Willard


the within Hanah Post was examined before their Majesties Justises of peace in Salem

atest *John Higginson. J: Peace

owned before the Grand Jury

January 1692

*Robert Payne foreman

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2705 Page 28)

(Indictment v. Susannah Post)

Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England Essex &rsqb; Anno R R's &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurrors for our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen Presents

That Susanneh Postt of Andover in the County of Essex Single-woman on the 25'th day of August in the yeare afores'd And divers other Dayes and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Artes -- called Witch Crafts &amp; sorceries Wickedly Mallishiously &amp; felloniously hath Used Practised &amp; Exercised at &amp; in the Towne of Salem in the County afores'd Upon and against one Rose foster of Andoverr Single Woman -- By which Wicked -- Arts the said Rose foster the Day and year [afors'd] and Divers other Dayes and Times

[page 649]

as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined and Wasted against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Lawes in [that] Case made and Provided:

Witness Martha Sprague alias Tyler &amp; her Owne Confession


Billa Vera

Robert Payne


not Guilty

The Jury finds Susannah Post not gilty.

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2705 Page 28)

(Indictment v. Susannah Post)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Essex ss &rsqb; Anno RR &amp; Reginae Gulielmi &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Do&mbar; 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen pr'sent

That Susanah Post of Andiver In the County of Essex Single Woman about Three Years Since In the Towne of Andiver in the County of Essex aforesaid Wickedly Mallitiously &amp; feloniously A Covenant with the Devill did make &amp; Signed the Devills Booke &amp; was Baptized by the Devill &amp; promised to Serve the Devill By which Diabollicall Covenanting with the Devill (in Maner &amp; forme aforesaid by the said Susannah Post made) Shee the [said] Hannah Post is become a Detestable Witch against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crown &amp; Dignity, &amp; the Laws in that Case [made] &amp; provided.

Wittness hir owne Confession

(Reverse) Billa Vera

Robert Payne


Not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2705 Page 28)

[page 651" id="p928-328]

Margaret Prince

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Dicer and Margaret Prince)

To the Constable <name type="place">of Gloster.

complaint haveing ben made to us their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem by Ebenezer Babson of Gloster against Elizabeth Dicer wife of Wm Dicer and Margaret Prince widow of Gloster for that they have griveously hurt &amp; Tortured. Elenor Babson widow &amp; Mary Sargent wife of Wm Sarjant Just'e of Gloster by witchcraft &amp; has given Bond to their Majesties to procecut Said Complaint to Effect These are therfore in their Majestes name to require you to Aprehend &amp; seize the Bodys of Elizab't Dicer wife of william Dicer of Boston Seaman &amp; Margret Prince widow of Gloster &amp; them bring before their Majesties Justices of the Peace in Salem their to be Examined about the premises for w'ch this shall be your warrant

Salem 3: September 1692.

*Bartho Gedney

*John Hathorn

*Jonathan. Corwin

(Reverse) in obedience to this within warrant I have Seized the bodys of Elizabeth Dicer &amp; Margret Prince widow &amp; brought them to Salem before their Majestes Justices of the Peace

5 Sep'r 1692/ *Thom griggs jun'or

Constbl of Glostr

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts)

[page 652]

(Indictment v. Margaret Prince)

Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England &rsqb; Anno RR's &amp; Reginae &amp; Mariae Angliae &amp;c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692

Essex ss The Juriors for our Soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen doe present that Margreet Prince of Gloster alis Cap Ann in the County of Essex widow upon the fift day of September 1692 and Divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Caled witch Craft and Sorceries wickedly Mallitiously &amp; feloniously hath used practiced and Exersised at &amp; in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex upon &amp; against one Elizabeth Booth of Salem aforsaid Singlewoman By which Said Wicked Acts the Said Elizabeth Booth the Day &amp; yeare above said and Divers other Dayes &amp; times both before &amp; after was &amp; is tortured aflicted Consumed Pined wasted &amp; Tormented Against the peace of our soveraigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen their Crowne &amp; Dignity &amp; the Laws in that case made &amp; Provided.

Witnesses Elizabeth Huberd

Mary Warren

Elenor Babson

Eliz. Booth

( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2676 Page 7)

(Recognizance for Margaret Prince)


That on this fifteenth Day of December anno D&mbar;: one Thousand Six hundred Ninty and two in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady William &amp; Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland &amp;c King &amp; Queen Defend'rs of the faith &amp;c Personally Came and Appeared before me George Corwin High Shirriffe of the County of Essex of the Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England Thomas Prince of Gloster in the County of Essex in New England Husbandman Richard Tarr of said Towne and County Husbandman

[page 653]

and Acknowledged them selves indebted to our said Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King &amp; Queen, and the Surviver of them their Heires and Successers in the summe of two hundred pounds to be Leavied on their Goods &amp; Chattles Lands &amp; Tennements for the Use of our said Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady: King &amp; Queen &amp; the Surviver of them if Default be made in the Performance of the Condition Under written


The Condition of this Above Recognizance is such that Whereas Margarett Prince Widdow Of Gloster aboves'd: is suspected &amp; Accused of Committing Acts of Witchcrafts. if therefore Margerett Prince Widdow afores'd shall &amp; do make her Personall Appearance before the Justices of our s'd Sovereigne Lord &amp; Lady the King and Queen at the Next Court of Assize Oyer &amp; Terminer next: Generall Geoall Delivery to be held for or within the County of Essex afores'd to answer w't shall be Objected ag't her on their Maj'ties behalfe: &amp; Referring to the Witchcrafts. &amp; to do &amp; Receive that by w'ch said Court shall be then &amp; there Injoyned &amp; not depart without Lycence Then the above Recognizance to be void or Else to abide &amp; Remaine in full force and Virtue In Wittness whereof the above Named Persons have here unto sett their hand &amp; seales this fifteenth Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninty &amp; two and in the fourth year of our Maj'ties Reigne


*Benja Gerrish

*Nathaniel Beadle Sr.

*Jno Gyles


Prince his marke L.S.*Richard Tarr L.S.

( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 71)

[page 655" id="p928-332]

Benjamin Proctor

(Complaint v. Benjamin Proctor, Mary De Rich, and Sarah Pease)

Lt Nathaniell Ingersall and Thomas Rayment both of Salem Village yeoman Complained on behalfe of theire Majest's, against Benjamin procter the son of John Procte r of Salem Farmes, and Mary Derich the wife of Michall Derich and daughter of William Basset of Lyn and [] pease the wife of Robert pease of Salem weaver for Sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed on the bodys of mary Warren Abigaile Williams and Eliz Hubbard &amp;c of Salem Village, whereby great hurt is donne them therefore Craves Justice.

Salem May 23'd 1692. p *Nathannil Ingersoll the mark of Thomas c Rayment( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, Page 134)

(Warrant for Arrest of Benjamin Proctor, Mary De Rich, and Sarah Pease)

To the Marshall of Essex or dept or Constables in Salem.

You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us Benjamin procter the son of John Procter of Salem farmes and Mary Derich the wife of mic'l Derich of Salem farmes husbandman, and Sarah pease the wife of Robert Pease of Salem Weaver who all stand charged of haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft on the Bodys of Mary Warren Abigail Williams and Eliz. Hubbert of Salem Village whereby great hurt is donne them In

[page 656]

order to theire examination Relating the abovesaid premises and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May the 23'd. 1692

*John Hathorne,

*Jonathan. Corwin.

p order of the Gov'r &amp; Councill

I doe apoint mr John Puttnam to bee my lawffull Deputy to serve this warrant

pr *Geo Herrick Marshall of Essex

(Reverse) I have sesed the body of Benjemin prokter and have brought him to the place within expresed.

by me *John Putnam marshell Debety.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 134)

[page 657" id="p928-334]

Elizabeth Proctor

(See also Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination;Martha Corey -- Mittimus.)

(Complaint v. Elizabeth Proctor and Sarah Cloyce)

This. 4'th Aprill. 1692. Capt Jonathan Walcott and Leut Nathaniell Ingerson personally Appeared before us &amp; Exhibited there Compl't in behalfe of theyr Majestyes for them selves &amp; Severall of theyr Neighbours against Sarah Cloyes wife of peter Cloyes of Salem Village &amp; [Eliz.] proctur the wife of Jno proctur of Salem for High Suspition of Severall Acts of Wichcraft donne or comitted by them upon the Bodyes of Abigall Williames &amp; John. Indian of the family of mr Sam'll parris, &amp; Mary Walcott daughter of one of the complaynants &amp; Ann. Putnam and Mercy Lewis of the family of Thomas putnam Whereby great hurt &amp; damage hath bin donne to the Bodyes of s'd persons &amp; Therefore Craved Justice

(Reverse) Walcutt &amp; Ingersol comp'ts

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 24)

(Warrant for Arrest of Elizabeth Proctor and Sarah Cloyce)

Salem Aprill. 4'th 1692

There Being Complaint this day made (Before us) by Capt Jonat Walcott, and Lt Nathaniell Ingersull both of Salem Village, in Behalfe of theire Majesties for themselfes and also for severall of their Neighbours Against Sarah Cloyce the wife of peter Cloyce of Salem Village; and Elizabeth Procter the wife of John Procter of Salem farmes for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne or Committed by them upon the bodys of Abigail Williams, and John Indian both of Mr Sam parris his family of Salem Village and Mary Walcott daugter

[page 658]

of one of the abovesaid Complainants, And Ann Putnam and Marcy Lewis of the famyly of Thomas Putnam of Salem Village whereby great hurt and dammage hath beene donne to the Bodys of s'd persons above named therefore Craved Justice.

You are therefore in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Sarah Cloyce the wife of peter Cloyce of Salem Village and Elizabeth procter the wife of John Procter of Salem farmes; on Munday Morneing Next being the Eleventh day of this Instant Aprill aboute Eleven of the Clock, at the publike Meeting house in the Towne, in order to theire Examination Relateing to the premises aboves'd and here of you are. not to faile Dated Salem Aprill 8'th 1692

To George Herick Marshall of the County of essex &rsqb;

*John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin &rsqb; Assists

You are like wise to warne &amp; order Eliz Hubert and Mary Warren not to faile of being present at the aboves'd tyme &amp; place to give in w't evedence thay know therein

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 24)

(Officer's Return)

Aprill. 11'th 1692 I have taken the persons of Sarah Cloycie and Elizabeth Procter and brought them befor this honorable Courte to answer above

I have allso warned the above named Elizabeth Hubbart to answer as above

pr *Geo. Herrick Marshall of Essex

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 24)

(Examination of Sarah Cloyse and Elizabeth Proctor)

At a court held at Salem 11th April 1692, by the honoured Thomas Danforth, Deputy Governor. Q. John; who hurt you? A.

[page 659]

Goody Procter first, and then Goody Cloyse. Q. What did she do to you? A. she brought the book to me. Q. John! tell the truth, who hurts you? have you been hurt? A. The first, was a gentlewoman I saw. Q. Who next? A. Goody Cloyse. Q. But who hurt you next? A. Goody Procter. Q. What did she do to you? A. She choaked me, and brought the book. Q. How oft did she come to torment you? A. A good many times, she and Goody Cloyse. Q. Do they come to you in the night as well as the day? A. They come most in the day. Q. Who? A. Goody Cloyse and Goody Procter. Q. Where did she take hold of you? A. Upon my throat, to stop my breath. Q. Do you know Goody Cloyse and Goody Proctor? A. Yes, here is Goody Cloyse. (Cloyse) when did I hurt thee? A. A great many times. (Cloyse) Oh! you are a grievous liar. Q. What did this Goody Cloyse do to you? A. She pinched and bit me till the blood came. Q. How long since this woman came and hurt you? A. Yesterday at meeting. Q. At any time before? A. Yes a great many times. Q. Mary Walcot! who hurts you? A. Goody Cloyse. Q. What did she do to you? A. She hurt me. Q. Did she bring the book? A. Yes. Q. What was you to do with it? A. To touch it, and be well. -- Then she fell into a fit. Q. Doth she come alone? A. Sometimes alone, and sometimes in company with Goody Nurse and Goody Corey, and a great many I do not know. -- Then she fell into a fit again. -- Q. Abigail Williams! did you see a company at Mr. Parris's house eat and drink? A. Yes Sir, that was their sacrament. Q. How many were there? A. About forty, and Goody Cloyse and Goody Good were their deacons. Q. What was it? A. They said it was our blood, and they had it twice that day. Q. Mary Walcot! have you seen a white man? Yes, Sir, a great many times. Q. What sort of man was he? A. A fine grave man, and when he came, he made all the witches to tremble. -- Abigail Williams confirmed the same, and that they had such a sight at Deacon Ingersoll's. Q. Who was at Deacon Ingersoll's then? A. Goody Cloyse, Goody Nurse, Goody Corey, and Goody Good. -- Then Sarah Cloyse asked for water, and sat down as one seized with a dying fainting fit; and several of the afflicted fell into fits, and some of them cried out, Oh! her spirit is gone to prison to her sister Nurse. -- Q. Elizabeth Procter! you understand whereof you are charged, viz. to be guilty of sundry acts of witchcraft; what say you to it? Speak the truth, and so you that are afflicted, you must speak the truth, as you will answer it before God another day. Mary Walcot! doth this woman hurt