UIUC-GSLIS ALA Accreditation site -- Standard 4

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Standard IV.


Standard IV.1

The school formulates recruitment, admission, financial aid, placement, and other academic and administrative policies for students that are consistent with the school's mission and program goals and objectives; the policies reflect the needs and values of the constituencies served by a program. The school has policies to recruit and retain a multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual student body from a variety of backgrounds. The composition of the student body is such that it fosters a learning environment consistent with the school's mission and program goals and objectives.

Standard IV.2

Current, accurate, and easily accessible information on the school and its program is available to students and the general public. This information includes announcements of program goals and objectives, descriptions of curricula, information on faculty, admission requirements, availability of financial aid, criteria for evaluating student performance, assistance with placement, and other policies and procedures. The school demonstrates that it has procedures to support these policies.

Standard IV.3

Standards for admission are applied consistently. Students admitted to a program have earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution; the policies and procedures for waiving any admission standard or academic prerequisite are stated clearly and applied consistently. Assessment of an application is based on a combined evaluation of academic, intellectual, and other qualifications as they relate to the constituencies served by a program, a program's goals and objectives, and the career objectives of the individual. Within the framework of institutional policy and programs, the admission policy for a program ensures that applicants possess sufficient interest, aptitude, and qualifications to enable (successful) completion of a program and subsequent contribution to the field.

Standard IV.4

Students construct coherent programs of study that allow individual needs, goals, and aspirations to be met within the context of program requirements established by the school. Students receive systematic, multifaceted evaluation of their achievements. Students have access to continuing opportunities for guidance, counseling, and placement assistance.

Standard IV.5

The school provides an environment that fosters student participation in the definition and determination of the total learning experience. Students are provided with opportunities to form student organizations and to participate in the formulation, modification, and implementation of policies affecting academic and student affairs.

M.S. students are encouraged to take leadership roles within the School. The School has three active student chapters of professional organizations: American Library Association, American Society for Information Science and Technology, Special Libraries Association. M.S. students are generally the officers and most active members of these organizations. Each has a faculty advisor who offers guidance and support, but the planning and implementation of activities are largely carried out by the students themselves. The student body at large benefits from the activities of these organizations, since most events are open to anyone who wishes to participate. The organizations sponsor lectures, workshops, field trips, and social events. Each organization maintains its own electronic bulletin board and web site. The student organizations have made a special effort to involve Fridays Only and LEEP students in activities, welcoming their participation in field trips, scheduling events during the LEEP on-campus sessions, and recording events for inclusion in the online guest lectures archive.

M.S. students have the opportunity each year to elect a representative to attend faculty meetings and a representative on the Curriculum Committee. The availability of a student electronic bulletin board allows representatives to stay in close touch with the student body and to keep students informed of issues being discussed by School committees or the faculty as a whole. The Library School Alumni Association has at least one M.S. student representative to their board meetings, opening an avenue of communication between alumni and the current student body.

Standard IV.6

The school applies the results of evaluation of student achievement to program development. Procedures are established for systematic evaluation of the degree to which a program's academic and administrative policies and activities regarding students are accomplishing its objectives. Within applicable institutional policies, faculty, students, staff, and others are involved in the evaluation process.

Document URL: http://leep.lis.uiuc.edu//~unsworth/Standard4.htm | Last Modified: Monday, 11-Nov-2013 16:52:44 EST