You did not fill out one of the form fields. Please go back and complete your submission.
query("SELECT id FROM $dbtable[archives] WHERE oai='$vars[archive_oai]'");
if($db->num_rows($result) != 0) {
This archive has already been indexed.
The URL you entered does not appear to be a valid OAI 1.1 or 2.0 archive. Please go back and verify that you entered the correct URL.
query("INSERT INTO $dbtable[archives] (name, repositoryname, email, url, oai, protocol, description, rst, index_method, datestamp) VALUES ('$vars[archive_name]', '$vars[repositoryname]', '$vars[admin_email]', '$vars[archive_url]', '$vars[archive_oai]', '$vars[protocol_version]', '$vars[archive_description]', '$vars[archive_rst]', '$vars[index_method]', NOW())");
// get archive's id
$result = $db->query("SELECT id FROM $dbtable[archives] WHERE oai='$vars[archive_oai]'");
$items = $db->assoc_array($result);
The archive has been successfully added.
query("SELECT name FROM $dbtable[archives] WHERE id='$archive'");
if($db->num_rows($result) == 0) {
Invalid archive selected.
if(!empty($confirm)) {
// delete the archive
$db->query("DELETE FROM $dbtable[archives] WHERE id='$archive'");
// delete any indexed items from this archive
$db->query("DELETE FROM $dbtable[metadata] WHERE archive='$archive'");
The archive has been successfully deleted.
Back to Archives
Are you sure you want to delete the archive from the harvester database? This will also delete any items indexed from this archive.
query("SELECT * FROM $dbtable[archives] WHERE id='$archive'");
if($db->num_rows($result) == 0) {
Invalid archive selected.
$index_method[$items[index_method]] = " checked=\"checked\"";
Edit an Archive
You did not fill out one of the required form fields. Please go back and complete your submission.
query("UPDATE $dbtable[archives] SET name='$vars[archive_name]', repositoryname='$vars[repositoryname]', email='$vars[archive_email]', url='$vars[archive_url]', oai='$vars[archive_oai]', protocol='$vars[archive_protocol]', description='$vars[archive_description]', rst='$vars[archive_rst]', index_method='$vars[index_method]' WHERE id='$vars[archive_id]'");
The archive has been successfully updated.
Back to Archives
query("SELECT id, name FROM $dbtable[archives] ORDER BY LOWER(name)");
$num_archives = $db->num_rows($result);
Update Metadata Index
Click here to update the metadata index for all archives (may take up to several minutes or hours, depending on the number and size of the archives to be indexed).
List of Archives Indexed
No archives indexed.
Perform function on the selected archive.
Add Archive
Click here to add a new archive to your index.
query("SELECT id, title FROM $dbtable[links] ORDER BY title");
$num_links = $db->num_rows($result);
Related Links
No archives indexed.
Perform function on the selected link.
Related Links
query("INSERT INTO $dbtable[links] (title, url, annotation) VALUES ('$vars[title]', '$vars[url]', '$vars[annotation]')");
Link added successfully.
query("SELECT title FROM $dbtable[links] WHERE id='$link'");
if($db->num_rows($result) == 0) {
Invalid link selected.
if(!empty($confirm)) {
// delete the link
$db->query("DELETE FROM $dbtable[links] WHERE id='$link'");
The link has been successfully deleted.
Back to Links
Are you sure you want to delete the link ?
query("UPDATE $dbtable[harvester_config] SET admin_username='$vars[admin_username]', long_title='$vars[long_title]', short_title='$vars[short_title]', contact_email='$vars[contact_email]', description='$vars[description]', intro='$vars[intro]', allow_add='$vars[allow_add]', add_instructions='$vars[add_instructions]', add_notify='$vars[add_notify]', html_header='$vars[html_header]', html_footer='$vars[html_footer]'" . (empty($vars[admin_password]) ? "" : ", admin_password='" . md5($vars[admin_password]) . "'"));
The harvester configuration settings have been successfully updated.
OAI Indexing Information
This software is a free metadata indexing system that allows you to create a searchable index of the metadata from Open Archives Initiative-compliant archives.